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1. GOAL OF LESSON AND UNIT: Unit Goal: Desensitize and familiarize students with the new version of the NYSESLAT. Lesson Goal: Review/learn new adjectives that can be used to describe a scene/setting according to the five senses. Familiarize students with the concept of sensory details and how they can be used to be more descriptive in speaking and writing. 2. "KUD" [Know/Understand/Do]: Students will know adjectives that can be used to describe a scene/setting according to the five senses. Students will understand that sensory details can help us to be more descriptive. Students will be able to describe scenes/situations, as experienced hands on and in pictures, using sensory details. 3. ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S): Unit EQ: What does the new NYSESLAT look like? What do we need to be successful on the new NYSESLAT? Lesson EQ: What are sensory details? How can we use the five senses to be more descriptive? 4. ESL STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: Standard 1: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for information and understanding. P.I. 13. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to read, gather, share, discuss, interpret, organize, analyze, and present information. Standard 4: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for classroom and social interaction. P.I. 7. Follow oral and written directions to participate in classroom and social activities, and provide directions to peers in selected interactions. 5. OTHER CONTENT AREA (ELA; MATH; SCIENCE; SOCIAL STUDIES) STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: NYS ELA Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding. Answer questions about informational material and write accurate and complete responses, with assistance 6. COMMON CORE STANDARDS/PERFORMANCE INDICATORS : Writing Standard 2 b. Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. Anchor Standard for Speaking and Listening 1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Speaking and Listening Standard 1 c. Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion. 7. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR FOCUS): Students will review and add to their vocabulary knowledge of adjectives related to the five senses Five senses adjective worksheet. New vocabulary: senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight), sensory details New vocabulary/review: word bank of adjectives (Do Now) Students will work towards using sensory details to be more descriptive and write more detailed and developed paragraphs. 8. DESCRIPTION OF STUDENTS: 20 advanced proficiency students. 15 sixth graders, 3 seventh graders, and 2 eighth graders. L1 Spanish. 6 special education students. 9. LESSON DURATION: Single period 42 minutes. 10. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: eno board beach-related realia (for each of the five senses) Five senses adjective worksheet Sensory details chart (graphic organizer) whole class Sensory details chart individual/group HW worksheet 11.PRE-ASSESSMENT: Students were pre-assessed based on previous descriptive writing assignments. 12. PLANNED DIFFERENTIATION OF INSTRUCTION: Students will be grouped at four tables according to language proficiency and special needs. Lower proficiency and special needs students will be grouped at the same table to facilitate assisting them throughout the lesson. Students who complete the independent class work before the period ends will have an extension assignment on the Sensory details chart individual/group. They will describe their picture for the class, and members of the other group will have the opportunity to guess the situation/setting (HOTS). 13.OPENING OF LESSON/PRESENTATION/MOTIVATION: As a Do Now, students will complete a worksheet listing adjectives used to describe the five senses. Teacher will review worksheet, ensuring students have listed adjectives correctly according to the five senses. [5 minutes] 14.MODELING AND GUIDED PRACTICE: Teacher will play audio of sounds heard at the beach, describing what is heard out loud, then in writing on a graphic organizer that includes all five senses. [3 minutes] 15.GROUP/INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Jigsaw. Students (grouped at 4 tables) will be assigned one of the four remaining senses, and given materials to experience each of the four senses. Students will be

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