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1. Chirurgia OMF, specialitate stomatologic. Importana i locul chirurgiei OMF n

rndul celorlalte specialiti stomatologice i de medicin general.
2. Istoricul dezvoltrii chirurgiei OMF n ntregime i la noi n republic.
3. Structura cabinetului de chirurgie oral. Cerinele sanitaro-igienice. nzestrare i
volumul asistenei medicale.
4. Structura seciei de chirurgie OMF cerinele sanitaro-igienice. nzestrarea i volumul
asistenei medicale.
5. Examenul pacientului n secia (cabinet) de chirurgie OMF stabilirea identitii,
anamneza, examenul loco-regional.
6. Explorrile paraclinice: la pacieni cu maladii a regiunii OMF.
7. Asepsia i antisepsia. Dezinfecia n secie (cabinet) de chirurgie OMF. Utilizarea
instrumentariului i materialelor de o singur folosin.
8. Metodele de sterilizare a instrumentariului i materialelor folosite n chirurgia OMF.
9. Pregtirea medicului chirurg ctre intervenia chirurgical. Pregtirea pacientului ctre
intervenie sub anestezie general.
10. Anestezia n chirurgia OMF: serviciul anesteziologic, indicaii i contraindicaii de
anestezie local i general.
11. Clasificarea i caracterizarea metodelor de anestezie folosite n chirurgia OMF.
12. Caracteristica farmaco-clinic a anesteticilor contemporane folosii n chirurgia OMF.
Utilizarea preparatelor vazoconstrictoare n anestezia local.
13. Preanestezia (premedicaia) n interveniile chirurgicale n regiunea OMF. Scheme.
14. Complicaiile locale a anesteziei loco-regionale.
15. Complicaiile generale n timpul anesteziei loco-regionale.
16. Anestezia troncular periferica a n. intraorbital. Calea endo- i exo bucal. Tehnica,
zona de anestezie, complicaiile.
17. Anestezia troncular periferic n. alveolar superior posterior. Tehnica, zona de
anestezie, complicaiile. Calea endo- i exobucal.
18. Anestezia troncular periferic a nervului nasopalatin. Tehnica, zona de anestezie,
complicaiile). Calea endo- i exo-bucal.
19. Anestezia troncular periferic a n.palatinal. Tehnica, zona de anestezie,
20. Anestezia troncular periferica la spina spix. Calea endo i exo- bucal. Tehnica ,
zona de anestezie. Complicaiile.
21. Anestezia troncular periferic a n.mentonier. Calea endo i exo bucal. Tehnica ,
zona de anestezie. Complicaiile.
22. Anestezia nervului maseter. Procedeul Bercher-Dubov. Indicaii. Tehnica.
23. Anestezia local prin infiltraie. Indicaii. Tehnica.
24. Anestezia plexal Indicaii.Tehnica.
25. Anestezia nervului alveolar inferior. Tehnica Veisbrem.Reperele.
26. Anestezia local superficial de contact (anestezia topic). Indicaii, tehnica.
27. Indicaiile i contraindicaiile operaiei extraciei dentare.
28. Instrumentariul pentru extracia dentar, construcia, clasificarea.
29. Tehnica extraciei dentare cu ajutorul cletilor i elevatoarelor.
30. Pregtirile preextracionale.
31. Principiile generale de tehnic a extraciei dentare.
32. Extracia dinilor arcadei superioare.Tehnica.
33. Extracia dinilor arcadei inferioare. Tehnica.
34. Extracia rdcinilor dentare cu ajutorul cletelor.

35. Extracia rdcinilor cu ajutorul elevatoarelor.

36. Extracia prin alveolotomie. (extracie atipic).
37. Extracia dintelui 3.8-4.8 atipic.
38. Extracia alveoloplastic, indicaii tehnic.
39. Evoluia alveolei dup extracie i ngrigirea ei.
40. Complicaiile generale n timpul extraciei dentare.Cauzele, tratamentul i profilaxia.
41. Complicaiile locale n timpul extraciei dentare.Cauzele, tratamentul i profilaxia.
42. Hemoragiile postextracionale: cauzele, tratamentul i profilaxia.
43. Hemoragiile postextracionale: tratamentul local i general.
44. Leziunile esuturilor moi n timpul exrtaciei dentare.
45. Leziunile esuturilor dure n timpul exrtaciei dentare.
46. Perforarea sinusului maxilar n timpul exrtaciei dentare. Cauzele i tratamentul.
47. Indicaiile ctre spitalizare a bolnavilor cu complicaii dup extracii dentare.
48. Alveolita; clinica, tratamentul i profilaxia.
49. Profilaxia complicaiilor la efectuarea anesteziei.
50. Profilaxia complicaiilor la efectuarea extraciei dentare.
51. Clasificarea proceselor inflamatorii regiunii o./m./f.
52. Etiologia proceselor inflamatorii regiunii o./m./f.
53. Patogenia i anatomia patologica a proceselor inflamatorii regiunii o./m./f.
54. Evolua clinic a proceselor inflamatorii regiunii o./m./f.
55. Bolile de erupie a dinilor: etiologia, diagnosticul, tratamentul .
56. Pericoronarita seroas i purulent: diagnosticul, clinica tratamentul .
57. Complicaiile pericoronaritei i profilaxia lor.
58. Periostita odontogen: etiopatogenia, anatomia patologic, clasificarea, clinica.
59. Periostita acut odontogen: diagnosticul,clinica, tratamentul .
60. Periostita odontogen cronic: diagnosticul, clinica tratamentul.
61. Periodontit apical acut, etiologie, simptomatologie, tratament.
62. Osteomielita odontogen a maxilarelor: clasificarea, etiopatgenia, anatomia patologic.
63. Periodontit apical cronic, etiologie, simptomatologie, tratament.
64. Osteomielita odontogen acut a maxilarelor: anatomia patologic, clinica, diagnosticul.
65. Tratamentul general a bolnavilor cu ostiomielita odontogen acut a maxilarelor.
66. Tratamentul local a bolnavilor cu ostiomielita odontogen acut a maxilarelor.
67. Osteomielita odontogen subacut: anatomia patologic, clinica, diagnosticul.
68. Tratamentul local a bolnavilor cu ostiomielita odontogen subacut a maxilarelor.
69. Osteomielita odontogen cronic a maxilarelor: anatomia patologic, clinica, diagnosticul.
70. Tratamentul local a bolnavilor cu ostiomielita odontogen cronic a maxilarelor:
71. Complicaiile locale i generale a ostiomielitei odontogene a maxilarelor:
72. Reabilitarea bolnavilor cu complicaiile locale i generale a ostiomielitei odontogene.
73. Celulita acut i cronic , clinica i tratamentul.
74. Anatomia topografic a spaiilor intermusculore i interfasciale n rspndirea infeciei.
75. Caracteristica general a abceselor i flegmanelor regiunii oro-maxilo- faciale.
76. Semnele clinice locale i generale a bolnavilor cu abcese i flegmoane a regiunii OMF.
77. Abces a anului mandibulo-lingval: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
78. Tratamentul chirurgical a abceselor i flegmoanelor regiunii oro-maxilo-faciale.
79. Tratamentul general a abceselor i flegmoanelor regiunii oro-maxilo-faciale.
80. Terapia intensiv n tratamentul abceselor i flegmoanelor regiunii oro-maxilo-faciale.
81. Abces i flegmon a logei submandibulare: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
82. Abces i flegmon a logei submentoniere: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
83. Abces i flegmon a logei sublingvale: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
84. Abces i flegmon a logei maseteriene: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
85. Abces i flegmon a logei pterigomandibulare: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
86. Abces i flegmon a logei laterofaringiene: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul

87. Abces i flegmon a logei jugale: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul

88. Abces i flegmon a logei parotidomaseterice: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
89. Abces i flegmon a spaiului zigomatic:topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
90. Abcesul palatinal etiologie, clinica tratament.
91. Abces i flegmon a logei infraorbitale: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
92. Abces i flegmon a logei temporale: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
93. Abces i flegmon a logei infratemporale: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
94. Abces i flegmon a fosei pterigopalatine :topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
95. Flegmon a planeului bucal: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
96. Flegmon Ludvig: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
97. Abces i flegmonul orbitei: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
98. Abces i flegmon a logei laterofaringiene: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
99. Abces i flegmon a logei jugale:topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
Abcesul limbii: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul infecie n
esuturile moi a regiunii oro-maxilo-facial.
Flegmon hemifacial: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul
Flegmon retromandibular: topografia, etiopatogenia, clinica i tratamentul.
Cile de rspndire a infeciei n esuturile moi a regiunii o.-m.-f. i gtului
Metodele de anestezie utilizate n infecia a regiunii oro-maxilo-facial.
Particularitile pregtirii bolnavului ctre operaie cu inflamaie a regiunii omf.
Reabilitarea bolnavilor cu complicaii a regiunii omf.
Tactica de tratament a dintelui cauzal n inflamaia regiunii omf
Prelucrarea chirurgical a abcesului i flegmonului.
Complicaiile generale ale afeciunilor inflamatorii ale regiunii oro-maxilo-faciale
, clinica i diagnoctica.
Mediastenita odontogen: etiopatogenia, clinica,diagnoza i tratamentul.
Septicemia : etiologia,clinica,diagnoza i tratamentul.
Meningita, meningoencefalita odontogen:etiologia,clinica,diagnoza i tratament.
Tromboflebita venelor faciale etiologia,clinica,diagnoza i tratamentul.
Tromboza sinusului cavernos: etiologia,clinica,diagnoza i tratamentul .
Complicaiile locale ale afeciunilor inflamatorii ale regiunii oro-maxilo-faciale,
clinica i diagnoctica.
Rezecia apical.
Amputaie radicular i hemisecia (premolarizarea) dentar.
Replantarea dentar.
Clasificarea infeciilor oro-maxilo-faciale.
Limfangita: etiologia, patogenia,clinica, tratamentul.
Limfadenita acut: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Limfadenita cronic: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Adenoflegmonul: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Furuncului: etiopatogenia, clinica, diagnosticul.
Carbuncului: etiopatogenia, clinica, diagnosticul.
Tratamentul conservativ i chirurgical a furuncului i carbunculului.
Clasificarea infeciilor specifice a regiunii omf.
Actinomicoza cervico-facial: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Tuberculoza cervico-facial: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Sifilisul regiunii cervico-faciale: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Sinusita odontogen: clasificarea, frecvena i anatomia patologic.
Anatomia sinusului maxilar i interelaia lui cu rdcinele dentare.
Sinusita odontogen maxilar acut: etiopatogenia, clinica,tratamentul.
Sinusita odontogen maxilar cronic: etiopatogenia, clinica,tratamentul.
Comunicarea buco-sinusal: etiopatogenia, clinica,tratamentul.

Bolile glandelor salivare: cile de infectare.
Parotidita acut epidemic: etiopatogenia,clinica, tratamentul.
Parotidita acut banal: etiopatogenia,clinica,tratamentul.
Parotidita cronic parenchimatoas: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Parotidita cronic interstiial : etiopatogenia, clinica,tratamentul.
Sialodenite acut a glandei submandibulare: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Sialodenite cronic a glandei submandibulare: etiopatogenia, clinica,
Sialodochitele: etiopatogenia, clinica, tratamentul.
Sialolitiaza: definiie, clasificarea.
Sialolitiaza: etiopatogenia,clinica, tratamentul.
Sindromul iogren, maladia Miculici.
Fistulele salivare: etiopatogenia,clinica, tratamentul.
Chiuretajul periapical. Indicaii, tehnica.


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Oro-maxilo-facial surgery exam question for the third year student

1. OMF surgery, stomatological specialties. The importance and space of OMF surgery in the
line of other stomatological specialties and general medicine.
2. The history of OMF surgery development in our republic.
3. The structure of oral surgery room. The sanitaro-hygienical demands. The equipment and
volume of medical assistance.

4. The structure of OMF surgery department, sanitaro-hygienical demands. The equipment and
volume of medical assistance.
5. Patients examination in OMF surgery department, identitys stabilization, anamnesis, the
loco-regional examination.
6. Paraclinical exploration of patients with diseases of OMF region.
7. Asepsis and antisepsis. Disinfecting in the OMF surgery room. The usage of single
instruments and materials.
8. Methods of instruments and material sterilization that are used in OMF surgery.
9. The surgeons preparation to surgical intervention. Patients preparation to the intervention
under general anesthesia.
10. Anesthesia in OMF surgery: anesthetic service, indications and contraindications of local
and general anesthesia.
11. Classification and characterization of anesthesias methods in OMF surgery.
12. Pharmaco-clinical characteristic of modern anesthetics which are used in OMF surgery. The
utilization of vasoconstrictors drugs in local anesthesia.
13. The pre-anesthesia (premedication) in surgical interventions in OMF region.
14. Local complications of loco-regional anesthesia.
15. General complications in the time of loco-regional anesthesia.
16. Conductible peripheral anesthesia at foramen infraorbitalis. Endo- and extra-oral ways
(technique, area of anesthesia, complications).
17. Conductible peripheral anesthesia of superior posterior alveolar nerve (technique, area of
anesthesia, complications). Endo- and extra-oral ways.
18. Conductible peripheral anesthesia of incisive nerve (technique, area of anesthesia,
complications). Endo- and extra-oral ways.
19. Conductible peripheral anesthesia of greater palatine nerve (technique, area of anesthesia,
complications). Endo- and extra-oral ways.
20. Conductible peripheral anesthesia at foramen mandibularis (spina Spix). Endo- and extra-oral
ways (technique, area of anesthesia, complications).
21. Conductible peripheral anesthesia of mental nerve. Endo- and extra-oral ways. The
technique, area of anesthesia. Complications.
22. Conductible peripheral anesthesia of lingual nerve. Reference points. Technique. Area of
anesthesia. Complications.
23. Conductible anesthesia of buccal nerve. Reference points. Technique. Area of anesthesia.
24. Mandibular anesthesia by Gow-Gates (high mandibular block of inferior alveolar, lingual
and buccal nerves together). Reference points. Technique. Area of anesthesia. Complications.
25. Infiltrative local anesthesia. Indications. Technique.
26. Contact (topical) anesthesia. Indications. Anesthetic substances.
27. Indications and contraindications of teeth extraction.
28. Instruments for teeth extraction, construction, and classification.
29. The technique of teeth extraction with elevators and forceps.
30. Pre-extraction preparations.
31. General principles of extraction technique.
32. Teeth extraction from upper jaw. Technique.
33. Teeth extraction from lower jaw. Technique.
34. Dental roots extraction using forceps.
35. Roots extraction using elevators.
36. Extraction through alveolotomy (atypical extraction).
37. Atypical extraction of inferior wisdom teeth.
38. Contraindications to teeth extraction.
39. The alveolis care and evolution after dental extraction.
40. General complications in the time of teeth extraction. Causes, treatment and prophylaxis.

41. Local complications in the time of teeth extraction. Causes, treatment and prophylaxis.
42. Post-extraction bleeding (haemorrhage): classification, causes, clinical picture.
43. Post-extraction bleeding (haemorrhage): local and general treatment, prophylaxis.
44. Injures of soft tissues in the time of the teeth extraction.
45. Injures of hard tissues in the time of teeth extraction.
46. The penetration of maxillary sinus in the time of teeth extraction. Causes and treatment.
47. Indication for hospitalization of the patients with post-extractional complications.
48. Alveolitis, classification, etiology, clinical picture, treatment and prophylaxis.
49. Prevention (prophylaxis) of complications during anesthesias performance.
50. Complications prophylaxis during teeth extraction.
51. The classification of inflammatory processes in the OMF region.
52. Etiology of inflammatory processes in the OMF region.
53. Pathogenesis and path-anatomy of inflammatory processes in the OMF region.
54. The clinical evolution (course) of inflammatory processes of the OMF region.
55. Diseases of teeth eruption. Classification, etiology, diagnosis, treatment.
56. Pericoronitis. Classification, etiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
57. Pericoronitis complications and their prophylaxis.
58. Odontogenic periostitis: etiology, pathogenesis, classification.
59. Acute odontogenic periostitis: diagnosis, clinical picture, treatment.
60. Chronic odontogenic periostitis: diagnosis, clinical picture, treatment.
61. Apical periodontitis. Etiology, pathology, classification.
62. Acute apical periodontitis. Clinical forms, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.
63. Chronic apical periodontitis. Clinical forms, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.
64. Odontogenic osteomyelitis: classification, etiology, pathogenesis (theories), frequency.
65. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws, clinical picture, diagnosis.
66. General treatment of patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.
67. Local treatment of patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.
68. Subacute odontogenic osteomyelitis: clinical picture, diagnosis.
69. Treatment of subacute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.
70. The chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws: clinical picture, diagnosis.
71. Treatment of chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.
72. Local and general complications of odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws.
73. Patients rehabilitation with local and general complications of odontogenic osteomyelitis.
74. The acute and chronic cellulite, the clinical features and treatment.
75. Top-anatomy of intermuscular and interfascial spaces in infection spreading.
76. General characteristic of abscesses and phlegmons of oro-maxillo-facial region.
77. Local and general clinical symptoms at patients with abscesses and phlegmons of oromaxillo-facial region.
78. The abscess of mandibulo-lingual ditch: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features
and treatment.
79. Surgical treatment of abscesses and phlegmons of oro-maxillo-facial region.
80. The intensive therapy in the treatment of abscesses and phlegmons of oro-maxillo-facial
81. The abscess and phlegmon of submandibular space: topography, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.
82. The abscess and phlegmon of submental region: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical
features and treatment.
83. The abscess and phlegmon of the sublingual space: topography, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.
84. The abscess and phlegmon of the masseter region: topography, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.

85. The abscess and phlegmon of the pterygomandibular space: topography, etiology,
pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
86. The abscess and phlegmon of the lateral pharyngeal space: topography, etiology,
pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
87. The abscess and phlegmon of the cheek space: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical
features and treatment.
88. The abscess and phlegmon of the parotid-masseteric space: topography, etiology,
pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
89. The abscess and phlegmon of the zygomatical region: topography, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.
90. Palatine abscess. Etiology, clinical picture and treatment.
91. The phlegmon of the cervical (neck) region: clinical features and treatment.
92. The abscess and phlegmon of the infra-orbital region: topography, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.
93. The abscess and phlegmon of the temporal space: topography, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.
94. The abscess and phlegmon of the infratemporal fossa: topography, etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.
95. The abscess and phlegmon of pterygo-palatine space. Etiology, topography, pathogenesis,
clinical picture and treatment.
96. The phlegmon of the bucal floor: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and
97. The Ludwigs angina: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
98. The abscess and phlegmon in orbital region: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical
features and treatment.
99. The abscess of the tongue: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and
100. The hemifacial phlegmon: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and
101. The retromandibular phlegmon: topography, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and
102. The ways of infection spreading in the facial and cervical soft tissues.
103. Methods of anesthesia used in the infections of the oro-maxillo-facial region.
104. Particularities of the patients preparation to the operation with inflammatory processes.
105. The patients rehabilitation with complications after inflammatory process.
106. The tactic of the casual tooths treatment in the inflammatory process.
107. The surgical treatment of the abscess and phlegmon.
108. General complications of the OMF inflammatory processes, clinical features and
109. The odontogenic mediastinitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and
110. The odontogenic sepsis: etiology, clinical features and treatment.
111. Odontogenic meningo-encephalitis, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.
112. The thrombophlebitis of the facial veins: etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and
113. The thrombosis of the cavernous sinus: etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and
114. Local complications of the OMF inflammatory processes: clinical features and treatment.
115. Apical resection. Indications, technique.
116. Roots amputation and teeth hemissection (premolarization). Indications, technique.
117. The tooth replantation. Indications, technique.
118. Classification of OMF infection.

119. The lymphangitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.

120. The acute lymphadenitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
121. The chronic lymphadenitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
122. The adenophlegmon: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
123. The boil (furuncle): etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
124. The carbuncle: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
125. The conservative and surgical treatment of the boil and carbuncle.
126. The cervico-facial actinomycosis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
127. The cervico-facial tuberculosis: etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment.
128. The Syphilis of the OMF region: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
129. The odontogenic sinusitis: classification, the frequency and path-anatomy.
130. The anatomy of the maxillary sinus and its interrelation with the teeth roots.
131. The acute odontogenic sinusitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
132. The chronic odontogenic sinusitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
133. The perforative odontogenic sinusitis (oroantral communications): etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features and treatment.
134. The diseases of salivary glands: classification, ways of infecting.
135. The acute epidemical parotitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
136. Actinomycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis of salivary glands: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical
features and treatment.
137. The chronic parenchymatous sialoadenitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and
138. The chronic interstitial sialoadenitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and
139. The acute sialoadenitis of the submandibular glands: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical
features and treatment.
140. The acute sialoadenitis of parotid gland: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and
141. Sialodochitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
142. Sialolithiasis: definition, etiology, frequency, pathogenesis.
143. Sialolithiasis: clinical features and treatment.
144. Sialosis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment.
145. The Shogrens syndrome and the Mikulici disease.
146. The salivary fistulas: etiology, pathogenesis, classification.
147. The salivary fistulas: clinical features and treatment.
148. The pre-prosthetical treatment of the oral cavity.

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