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Prostate Health

Presented by: Sandra Finnigan and Fernando Velasquez

Major Points of Emphasis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Anatomy Of Prostate, Location Effects Of Aging On The Prostate Prostate Health Problems Signs & Symptoms Benefits Of Prostate Screening Important Information To Share With Your Doctor

Who has a prostate?

Men Do

This is a Male Health Concern

What is the prostate? & Where is it located?

Close up of prostate gland

Aging & Prostate Changes

What are the signs & symptoms of prostate problems?

Signs & Symptoms of Prostate Problems

Can you name any prostate health problems?

Top Prostate Health Problems

Prostatitis Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Prostate Cancer

Inflammation of the prostate Commonly caused by infection

What are some possible signs & symptoms?

Signs & Symptoms

Treated with antibiotics

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Prostate gland enlargement Cause is unknown

What are some possible signs & symptoms?

Signs & Symptoms

Treatment Available

Prostate Cancer
Cancer of the prostate Cause is unknown Aging is a major risk factor


& Symptoms

Treatment available

Early Signs & Symptoms

No symptoms

Best To Catch Early

Prostate Specific Antigen Testing (PSA) Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)

Yearly Screening
High Risk begin at age 40

Low Risk begin at age 50


Doctor Communication

What information should you share?

When & what tests should be done?

Share Symptoms

Ask for yearly PSA and DRE testing to be done at age 40, for high risk, or at age 50.

Available Resources
Provide preventive health care services at low costs
Heartland Health Center Chicago: Rogers Park Lincoln Square Uptown Clinic Chicago ACCESS Clinic Evanston Chicago: Rogers Park

A Family Issue

When should yearly prostate screening begin?

High Risk?

Low Risk?


November 2010 PowerPoint Presentation by Sandra Finnigan and Fernando Velasquez University of Illinois at Chicago Nursing Students
The collaboration between the UIC College of Nursing and the Heartland Alliance organization was made possible with funding from the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Department of Health and Human Services provided to the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois Department of Human Services.

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