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Between Explanation and Procedure Text

Seeing the social function, both procedure and explanation texts have the
similarity in which both describe how to make or done something. They give the
detail description on something, phenomena, goods, product case or problem.
To see the differences between explanation and procedure, we have to analyze the
dominant language feature and how the texts are used.
Procedure, this text type is commonly called as instruction text. It uses pattern of
commend in building the structure. It use the to infinitive verb which is omitted
the to. It is a kind of instruction text which uses full commend verb. Procedure
is commonly used to describe how to make something which is close to our daily
activity. For example how to make a cup of tea, how to make a good kite, etc is
the best example of the procedure text. It is such word; first boil water, secondly
prepare the cup, and so on.
Explanation, it is commonly used the passive voice in building the text.
Explanation is such a scientific written material. It describes how certain
phenomenon or event happen. How a tornado form, how tsunami works are the
best example of explanation text. It uses passive pattern in describing the topic.

Planting Chilies; a procedure text
Planting is a nice activity in our spare time. The following is guided information
on how to plant a chili-plant easily. Here are the steps.
Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight
Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. It should be in open area
Next, wait it. There will come out the sprout after that let it be bigger.
Finally, put it in another big pot. It will soon grow bigger and bigger and yield us
some fresh chilies soon.

Analyzing the Text
Generic Structure Analysis
Goal; informing on how to plant chillies.
Material; excluded
Steps; showing the steps or method in planting chillies; from drying seed to
putting the sprout in big pot.

language Feature Analysis
Imperative sentences; dry a handful seeding, put it, etc
Action verb; put, dry, etc
Temporal conjunction; next, finally, firstly, secondly
Simple present tense pattern; planting is a nice activity, the following is a guided

Writing For Business; a procedure text
writing something for your business can be pretty intimidating. Well, you don't
have to.
Here's a simple checklist to follow. I'm not saying that following these rules will
make your company the next Google, but it will help.

Firstly, take the topic of benefits, not features. Your customers don't care about
you. They want to know "What's in it for me?"

Secondly, write your benefit like you talk it. Use regular words. Read aloud what
you've written. How does it sound?

Thirdly, lose the weak words. Don't describe how your company may, might or
should help customers but talk about how your company will.

Fourthly, Use a nice rhythm. Some sentences are long and some are short. Mix
them up and keep things interesting.

Fifthly,re-read what you've done before publishing. Edit it necesarily. It's so easy
to make mistakes which you don't notice the first time through.

Simplified from:'connor

Analyzing the Text
Generic Structure Analysis
Goal; informing on how to write for business
Material; excluded
Steps/ method; showing the method in writing for business; choosing the
advantageous topic, writing the topic like the way it is talked, re-reading what
have been written .

Language Feature Analysis
Imperative sentences; write like you talked, re-read what you have done, etc
Action verb; write, read, etc
Temporal conjunction, firstly, secondly, etc
Posted in Procedure by BLUDUS | 0 comments
What is Procedure?
Procedure Text
eflnltlon of ProceJure
rocedure ls a LexL LhaL show a process ln order. lLs soclal funcLlon ls Lo descrlbe how
someLhlng ls compleLely done Lhrough a sequence of serles
0enerlc Structure of ProceJure
1. Coal: showlng Lhe purpose
2. MaLerlal: 1elllng Lhe needed maLerlals
3. SLep 1-end: uescrlblng Lhe sLeps Lo achleve Lhe purpose
Iunguuge Feuture of ProceJure
uslng Lemporal con[uncLlon
uslng acLlon verb
uslng lmperaLlve senLence
uslng Slmple resenL 1ense

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