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ARCs Table and Instructor Guide EDTECH 503 Part 3c: ARCS Table

Instructional Goal Through a program website, parents will locate the information necessary to evaluate and access the program and access timely information, digital communications and forms for full participation in the program.

A.1 Perceptual Arousal
Ask parents how they would feel about using a website as a primary means of program communication. Ask parents what kinds of information they found difficult locating in other programs. Ask parents what kinds of topics they would like to see posted on a program website. Create opportunities for ongoing conversations about what parents are looking for on the website. Provide a variety of ways to access information: such as links from a homepage, dropdown menus, embedded videos and introduction of new topics on the homepage before moving them to a topic specific page.

A.2 Inquiry Arousal

A.3 Variability

R.1 Goal Orientation
Provide a survey to discover the needs and abilities of the target audience. Maintain a schedule of informal and formal conversations with families to capture their interests, needs and frustrations. Provide a forum or other tools by which parents can communicate questions, answers and support to peers Provide information for new and inexperienced parents as well as seasoned parents. Provide a regular update of information and new material on the website to maintain interest.

R.2 Motivation Matching

R.3 Familiarity
Connect content to the real-life experiences of families and their specific needs. Mention resources provided by families as well as events and opportunities which families might find helpful.

C.1 Learning Requirements
Parents must have regular access to a computer. Parents must understand that accessing the webpage on a regular basis is essential to participation in the program. Parents will experience success in completing tasks available only on the website. Parents will gain fluency in navigating the website as they successfully register for necessary events and classes. Parents will have opportunities to share their successes with their peers through a parent input blog. On several pages parents will have different methods by which they can access necessary information. For more complicated technical tasks, parents will be able to select from simpler or more complex instructions.

C.2 Success Opportunities

C.3 Personal Control

S.1 Natural Consequences
Parents will find their access to events and preferred classes dependent upon their consistency in accessing the website. Parents will find that accessing the website on a regular basis provides them with new online tools, information, and educationally relevant links and embedded media. Parents will receive positive feedback from staff and other parents for their awareness and participation in events and necessary paperwork. Parents will be afforded opportunities to provide significant feedback and input and the program through the website. Parents will find an opportunity to post samples of their students work as they visit the website on a regular basis.

S.2 Positive Consequences

S.3 Equity
All parents will have the same access information, at the same time and in the same manner. They will not be dependent on informal or formal conversations and meetings which they may or may not have access to.

Part 4: Instructor Guide

Gain Attention: When first introducing parents to the program, direct their attention to the website by providing its address and a summary of the information they will be able to find there. Set a date by which you meet with families to discuss their understanding of the information and any further questions they might have. Inform Learners of Purpose: During the intake interview, informed parents that they are enrolling in a paperless program and walk them carefully through the places on the website where they will find the most important information they need to participate fully. Stimulate Learners Attention/Motivation Inform parents that information on the website is updated on an almost daily basis. Remind them that they may miss out on important or exciting information and opportunities if they fail to check the website on an almost daily basis. Provide examples of occasions in which this is happened in the past. Ask the parents if there's anything in particular they would like to find regularly on the website to encourage their ownership and participation in the project. Preview the Learning Activity Show the parents four main ways they will be providing communication back to the program through the website: parent blog, comment forms, surveys and the contact page. Identify the three main ways they will access information about the program: the homepage, the weekly bulletin, and the main and drop-down menus.

Stimulate Recall and Prior Knowledge Ask parents to provide information about the ways that they both provided and received information from other programs in the past. Explain why many of those methods are unavailable to our program and how those information needs will be met by the website. Ask parents to recall occasions when they were frustrated by their lack of access to appropriate information in previous

programs. Remind them of the different pages on the website which will provide them with that information on a 24/7 basis.

Present Information and Examples Either in person or through an instructional video, guide the parent to access the website and prompt them to find specific information. Provide scaffolding by reminding them of the different ways in which information is organized. After accessing multiple pieces of information, prompt parents to identify where to provide a comment in a blog, where to download a document, and where to upload a file. Focus Attention Remind parents that they need to focus on both the main menu as well as the drop-down menus. Point out how easy it is to see the drop-down menu and presume the main menu is no longer accessible. Direct their attention back to the contact page, reminding them to ask questions directly through e-mail anytime they are confused. Prompt Use of Learning Strategies After providing guidance either in person or through an instructional video ask the parent to provide a single comment in a blog, downloaded document, and upload a file. Provide For and Guide Practice Provide smaller and more specific instruction through online instructional videos on the pages at point of need for the various tasks parents need to complete on the website. Provide a comment near the video on the website reminding parents to visit the computer lab for additional support. Provide Feedback The success or failure of the given task will provide naturally occurring feedback. The task will either be successfully completed thereby providing the parent with positive feedback, or the task will be incomplete providing the parent with the feedback necessary to seek further support.

Summarize and Review Review with parents the information available, the tasks required and the need for regular access of the website. . Transfer Learning After several opportunities to interact successfully with the website, parents should be able to complete highly similar tasks on the website as well as access other websites more effectively.

Re-motivate and Closure Homeschooling parents appreciate when their time is not wasted and the time invested in an activity pays off. Ensure parents that the website will be updated regularly so that they will often find new information from day to day, rewarding their consistency. Assess Learning Assessment will occur during initial instruction through observation and on an ongoing basis through review of blog comments, survey results, observation of rates of parent taskcompletion and through regular informal conversations. Provide Feedback and Remediation Parents will receive feedback and remediation in the form of prompt email responses to questions or comments, phone calls when necessary and appreciation from staff for the completion of necessary tasks.

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