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Discovering Our Articulators

Articulators are vocal organs that help with making speech sounds. We have 3 articulators we naturally use: 1. Mouth (lips) 2. Tongue 3. Teeth Why each articulator is important? 1. Say your name without moving your lips 2. Say your name without moving your tongue 3. Say your name without touching your tongue to your teeth These 3 articulators all work together so that the words we say are understood clearly.

Here are some exercises you can do to help you articulate words more clearly: 1. For lips, you can warmup by doing "motor" lips. (Vibrate lips by blowing air through) 2. For teeth, chatter your teeth. 3. For tongue, use La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Flick the tip of your tongue as you sing. Tongue twisters for exercise: 1. Whether the weather be cold, whether the weather be hot. We'll be together whatever the weather, whether we like it or not. 2. A skunk sat on a stump. The stump said the skunk stunk. 3. One black bug bled blue blood while the other black bug bled blue

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