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Evadare din cotidian Vrem sau nu vrem,viata noastra se transforma intr-un cerc al rutinei.

Ne dam peste cap pentru tot felul de nimicuri ajungand astfel sa uitam ceea ce este cu adevarat important. Cum putem evada din contidian? Personal, mie imi place sa citesc, deoarece in felul acesta pot evada din cotidian. Viata de zi cu zi este de foarte multe ori monotona si apatica, iar unul dintre principalii mei dusmani este monotonia. Cand simt nevoia sa o alung pun mana pe o carte si lupt impotriva ei. Astfel, dau frau liberi imaginatiei si ajung in alte locuri complet diferite de cele pe care le vad zi de zi. Si, ca orice om al secolului vitezei imi accesez destul de des contul de Facebook. Cand sunt plictisita aleg adesea sa merg la cumparaturi, sau sa ma distrez cu prietenii. Consider ca viata in orasele de provincie este destul de monotona, deci imi declar insatisfactia fata de acestea si ma adaptez vizionand un film bun, ascultand muzica, citind bancuri. Plimbarile in parc fac bine oricui, mai ales cand natura e generoasa si iti ofera imagini dosebite. Imi place sa privesc frunzele cum cad, sa admir copacii, sa stau pe o banca si sa ma incalzesc de la razele soarelui. Iar cand nu am chef de toate aces tea, prefer sa dorm, sa dorm si sa visez, sa visez ca lumea e mult mai frumoasa! Escape from the daily routine Even if we want or do not want, our life turns into a circle of routine. We lean over backwards for all sorts of trinkets and this way to forget about what is really important. How can we escape from routine? Personally, I like reading, because in this way I can escape of daily life. The day-today life is always monotonous and listless, and one of my main enemies is the sameness. When I need to send it away, I take a book, and I fight against it. In this way I give free play to my imagination and all of a sudden I'm in other places, completely different from the ones that I can see day after day. And, as a teenager of the twentieth century speed, I access my Facebook account fairly often. When I am bored, I often choose to go shopping, or to amuse myself with friends. I believe that life in the small towns of the province is quite monotonous, so I also declare my dissatisfaction with them and I try to adapt watching a good movie, listening music or reading jokes. Walks in the park are good to everyone, especially when the nature is generous and offers you gorgeous sights. I like to watch the leaves dancing in the wind, to admire the trees, to sit on a bench and let myself patted by the warm sunshines. And when I am not in the mood for any of these I prefer sleeping, sleeping and dreaming that our world is much more beautiful!

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