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Orice boal se nate din incapacitatea de a ierta pe cineva (pe alii sau pe tine).

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Cartea "Poi s-i vindeci viaa" de Louise L. Hay este disponibil pentru comand online cu pre redus, la doar-28.00- 26.60 lei.

Dac i doreti iubire trebuie s emii iubire. Toate vibraiile pe care le emii mental sau verbal se ntorc napoi la tine ntr-o form similar.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

A opta pentru gnduri i cuvinte negative este ca i cum i -ai alege la restaurant un fel de mncare de pe urma cruia tii c i se face ru ntotdeauna.
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Nu atepta s ajungi n spital, pe mna unui chirurg sau chiar pe patul de moarte pentru a ierta, cnd pe lng aceste resentimente va trebui s faci fa i panicii care te va cuprinde.
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Nu toi sunt ns pregtii s se schimbe n acelai moment sau n acelai ritm cu noi. Este suficient de greu s te schimbi pe tine nsui, darmite s ncerci s schimbi pe cineva care nici mcar nu i dorete aa ceva.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Gndete-te numai la lucruri care te fac fericit.

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Mnnc numai alimente care fac s te simi bine.

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Capacitatea maxim a fiecrui om este momentul prezent.

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Cultiv exclusiv compania oamenilor care te fac fericit.

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Cu toii suntem responsabili pentru experienele noastre.

Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa

i vine s crezi sau nu, noi ne alegem singuri gndurile.

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Cartea "Poi s-i vindeci viaa" de Louise L. Hay este disponibil pentru comand online cu pre redus, la doar-28.00- 26.60 lei.

Pentru a te elibera de trecut e nevoie s nvei s ieri.

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"Ar trebui" poate fi n schimb nlocuit cu "A putea".

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Bolile noastre sunt de fapt create de noi, prin gndurile noastre.

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Viaa este extrem de simpl: noi primim ntotdeauna ceea ce druim.

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Fiecare gnd pe care l emitem contribuie la realizarea viitorului nostru.

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E necesar s nvm s ne iertm i s s ncepem s ne iubim pe noi nine.

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Luciditatea este primul pas n domeniul vindecrii i al transformrii luntrice.

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Ori de cte ori apare o problem nu nseamn c avem ceva de fcut, ci ceva de aflat.
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Viaa nu este niciodat static sau stagnant, ntruct fiecare moment este mereu nou.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa

Lista complet, pagina 3

Iertarea este cea mai direct cale ctre iubire, ntruct ea dizolv toate resentimentele.
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Cartea "Poi s-i vindeci viaa" de Louise L. Hay este disponibil pentru comand online cu pre redus, la doar-28.00- 26.60 lei.

Prin iertarea de sine i a celorlai ne eliberm de trecut, de regrete, de rni i de acuzaii.

Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Suntem responsabili pentru tot ceea ce se petrece n viaa noastr, indiferent c e bun sau ru.
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Cea mai ieftin asigurare RCA din Romnia: Comand polia online i o primeti gratuit acas!

Majoritatea tiparelor mentale duntoare au drept concluzie final "Nu sunt suficient de bun".
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb

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nc din primii ani de via, ncepem s ne comportm prin a imita viaa adulilor din jurul nostru.
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Gndurile pe care le emitem i cuvintele pe care le rostim dau natere experienelor cu care ne confruntm.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Dac ie i-e uor de regul s-i nelegi propria durere, f un efort n a nelege i durerea celui care te-a rnit.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Dac i examinezi retroactiv propria via, vei observa de cte ori ai repetat aceleai experiene precum prinii ti.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb

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Dac eu am putut nseamn c i tu poi. Nu exist boli incurabile, ci numai boli la care nu s-a gsit nc medicamentul.
citat din Louise L. Hay Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Viaa se schimb n permanen. Nu exist nceput i sfrit, ci doar o reciclare constant a substanei i a experienelor.
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Lista complet, pagina 4

nceteaz s te mai critici pe tine i pe ceilali, pentru c indiferent ce ai face, ntotdeauna se poate gsi ceva de criticat.
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Cartea "Poi s-i vindeci viaa" de Louise L. Hay este disponibil pentru comand online cu pre redus, la doar-28.00- 26.60 lei.

Oamenii care se iubesc pe ei nii i propriul lor corp nu comit niciodat abuzuri mpotriva fiinei lor, dar nici mpotriva altora.

Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

nva s gndeti folosind afirmaii pozitive i verbe la modul prezent, de pild "Sunt prosper", "Am o relaie armonioas" etc.
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Majoritatea oamenilor au idei naive legate de ei nii i prea multe reguli rigide despre felul n care "ar trebui" s i triasc viaa.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Aprobarea i acceptarea de sine n momentul prezent sunt principalele dou ci prin care putem declana schimbrile pozitive n fiina noastr.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Din pcate muli oameni se trateaz singuri aa cum au fost tratai la rndul lor de ctre prini i se acuz n interior aa cum fceau prinii cu ei.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Noi ne alegem prinii nainte de a ne nate, am cutat acei prini care s reflecte cel mai bine tiparul mental asupra cruia trebuie s lucrm n acest via.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Resentimentele susinute ndelung duc la cancer, critica i autocritica duc la artrit, vinovia duce la dureri, teama i tensiunea duce la ulcer i dureri de picioare.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Eliminarea complet a resentimentelor poate vindeca pn i cancerul. n aces scop, noi trebuie s ne eliberm de trecut i s i iertm pe toi cei care ne-au fcut vreodat ru.
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ncercarea de a elimina simptomul fr a lucra la eliminarea cauzei care a stat la baza producerii lui este inutil. De ndat ce puterea voinei i va slbi, simptomul va reveni.
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Lista complet, pagina 5

La ce i folosete enervarea? Aceasta este o reacie stupid care nu face dect s-i iroseasc timpul i energia. Ea reprezint refuzul de a percepe viaa dintr-o alt perspectiv.
definiie de Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Cartea "Poi s-i vindeci viaa" de Louise L. Hay este disponibil pentru comand online cu pre redus, la doar-28.00- 26.60 lei.

Iertarea nu are nimic de-a face cu acceptarea unui comportament negativ, ci cu transcenderea unui ataament (inevitabil ne atam cu gndul de persoana sau situaia pe care n-o putem ierta).
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Dac afirmaia urmtoare i se pare cunoscut, nu ezita s ncepi s o nlocuieti: "Ceilali oameni ncearc s mi controleze viaa" cu "Ceilali oameni m ajut ntotdeauna s progresez".
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Nu renuna atunci cnd porneti pe drumul schimbrii;n cazul n care copiii ar renuna s mai ncerce atunci cnd se ridic pentru prima dat n picioare i cad, ei nu ar nva niciodat s mearg.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Chiar dac le doreti binele i vrei s mprteti ce ai descoperit, tu nu-i poi schimba pe prietenii ti i nici nu ar trebui s ncerci, ntruct acest lucru poate duce la distrugerea prieteniei.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

i poi schimba oricnd atitudinea fa de trecut, ntruct e o prostie s te pedepseti singur pentru rana pe care i-a produs-o cineva cu mult timp n urm; dac nu-l poi ierta, tot ie i faci ru n primul rnd.

Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Convingerile noastre nu sunt altceva dect gnduri susinute o vreme foarte ndelungat. Oricare ar fi ele, noi nu avem niciun motiv s rmnem ancorai n durerea noastr. Trecutul nu mai are nicio putere asupra noastr.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

S nu lai mintea s te controleze prin tot felul de gnduri cum ar fi "mi este greu s m schimb", ci s preiei tu controlul asupra ei: "Optez pentru a crede c mi este din ce n ce mai uor s fac aceste schimbri".
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Un gnd nu ajunge s ne domine dect dac noi l-am ales i i-am dat acces. Multe din gnduri le refuzm: "Gndete-te ct de des ai refuzat s emii gnduri pozitive legate de tine nsui!". De ce refuzm gndurile pozitive?
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Alte convingeri precum "Nu te ncrede n nimeni", "Brbaii nu plng niciodat", "Femeile trebuie s gteasc n familie" i multe altele te pot mpiedica s te manifeti n toat splendoarea ta i s crezi n tine i n ceilali.
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Lista complet, pagina 6

Muli au crezut n afirmaia "Ce vor spune vecinii?" dup care se ghideaz i acum cnd fac ceva. Un alt sistem de ghidare extrem de utilizat este cel al reclamelor care te fac s te simi lipsit de valoare dac nu le cumperi produsul.
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Cartea "Poi s-i vindeci viaa" de Louise L. Hay este disponibil pentru comand online cu pre redus, la doar-28.00- 26.60 lei.

Problemele tale sunt scoase n eviden de convingerile limitatoare pe care le-ai dobndit de la alii, faptul c cineva (un printe, un profesor, un vecin, un coleg de coal, etc.) i-a spus n copilrie ceva care te-a afectat i ai crezut n ce a spus.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Dac vrei s faci o schimbare, e nevoie i de rbdare, e ca i cum plantezi o smn din care i vine greu s crezi c va iei o adevrat plant, dar dup ceva timp asta se ntmpl, cu condiia s nu tai primii lstari, doar pentru c nu vezi nc o plant matur.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Atunci cnd ncepi s te eliberezi de un anumit tipar mental, situaia poate prea mai dur o vreme, dar acesta e doar un indiciu c lucrurile se schimb; atunci cnd te apuci de curenie n cas la nceput este un haos total, dar ncet-ncet toate se aaz la locul lor.
Louise L. Hay n Poi s-i vindeci viaa Adugat de Micheleflowerbomb Comenteaz! | Voteaz! | Copiaz! | Rspndete!

Dac ai ajuns n aceast situaie pentru ideile inoculate de prini, nu e cazul s-i acuzi: "Noi suntem victimele unor victime, iar ei nu ar fi putut s ne nvee altceva dect au nvat ei nii de la prinii lor. De fapt, ei au fost nite oameni la fel de speriai ca i tine".
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Resentimentele, (auto)critica excesiv, vinovia i teama genereaz cele mai multe probleme din viaa oamenilor i cele mai multe boli. Acestea sunt cauza majoritii bolilor din viaa oamenilor, ele se nasc din condamnarea celor din jur i din lipsa asumrii responsabilitii pentru propriile fapte.
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Cea mai ieftin asigurare RCA din Romnia: Comand polia online i o primeti gratuit acas!

Muli oameni de pe aceast planet sufer din cauza nemulumirii fa de sine i a vinoviei. Acesta este un simplu gnd, iar gndurile pot fi schimbate.
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din 6



You Get What You Think

Whether you want it or not.
Published: June 2, 2013


Everything you need to know about the Law of Attraction.

THE LAW OF ATTRACTION always yields to you the essence of the balance of your thoughts. No exceptions. You get what you think about whether you want it or not. And in time, with practice, you will come to remember that the Law of Attraction is always consistent. It never tricks you. It never deceives you. It never confuses you, for the Law of Attraction responds precisely to the vibration that you are offering. But the confusion, for many, comes because they are offering vibrations that they do not realize they are offering. They know that they hold a desire in a specific direction, and they know that their desire has not yet come to them, but what they often do not realize is that they are offering the majority of their thoughts in opposition to their own desire. Once you understand your own Emotional Guidance System, you will never again offer your vibrations in ignorance. And in time, you will achieve such keen awareness of your own valuable emotions that you will know, in every moment, if the thought that you are currently focusing on is taking you toward, or away from, something you desire. You will learn to literally feel your way to the things that you desire, on all subjects. The basis of your world is one of Well-Being. You can allow it or not, but the basis is Well-Being. The Law of Attraction says: That which is like unto itself, is drawn. And so, the essence of whatever you give your attention to is unfolding in your experience. Therefore, there is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have. This is Law. It is important that you know these things about the Law of Attraction: You are a physical extension of Source Energy. The physical world you live in provides a perfect environment in which to create. The variety that exists helps you focus your own personal desires or preferences.

When a desire is focused within you, the summoning of Creative Life Force immediately begins to flow toward your desireand the Universe expands. And that is good.

Your conscious realization of the Creative Process is not necessary in order for it to continue. The Leading-Edge environment that you are physically focused in will continue to stimulate new desires in all who participate. Every desire or preference, no matter how large or small it may seem to you, is understood and answered by All-That-Is.

As every desire from every perceiver is answered, the Universe expands. As the Universe expands, the variety expands. As the variety expands, your experience expands. As your experience expands, your desire expands. As your desire expands, the answering of your desire expands. And the Universe expandsand that is good. In fact, it is perfect. You live in an eternally expanding environment, which constantly causes newly focused desires within you, which Source immediately and always answers.

With each receiving of that which you are asking for, you achieve a new vantage point from which you spontaneous ask again. And so, the expansion of the Universe and your personal expansion will always be as follows: You live in an expanding Universe. You live in an expanding physical world. You are an expanding Being. And all of this is, whether you consciously understand it or not. This Universe is eternally expanding, and so are you. And that is good. We eagerly offer our perspective to you for one reason only: so that you may consciously participate in your own delicious expansion. Your expansion is a given; the expansion of your time-space reality is a given, and the expansion of this Universe is a given. It is just ever so much more satisfying for you to consciously and deliberately participate in your own expansion.
Esther Hicks is an inspirational speaker and author. She co-authored eight books with her husband, Jerry Hicks. Together, they have presented Law of Attraction workshops for Abraham-Hicks Publications in up to 60 cities per year since 1987. Visit:

Positive Affirmations
Positive Affirmations work. This page explains how and why positive affirmations can be used to manifest your needs and bring positive and permanent change to your life. You will also learn how to Create and supercharge your own affirmations.

What are Affirmations?

Every thought you think every word you say is an affirmation All of our self-talk or inner dialogue is a stream of affirmations. We are continually affirming subconsciously with our words and thoughts and this flow of affirmations is creating our life experience in every moment. Our beliefs are just learned thought patterns that we have developed since childhood, many of these work well for us, but others may now be working against us, they are dysfunctional and may be sabotaging us from achieving what we believe we want. Every affirmation we think or say is a reflection of our inner truth or beliefs. It is important to realize that many of these "inner truths" may not actually be true for us now or may be based on invalid or inappropriate impressions we constructed as children, which if examined as an adult can be exposed as inappropriate. Our subconscious uses the behaviour patterns we have learned to automatically respond and react to many everyday events in our life. This is essential to our survival, we need to be able to respond quickly to events around us which would be impossible if we had to re-examine every aspect of things every time something simple happens. Our learned responses and thought patterns enable us to automatically respond to circumstances quickly and easily. Problems arise however, if at an early stage some of the foundation beliefs on which many of the others are built were formed from a skewed perspective, maybe the strategy was appropriate for a perceived difficult circumstance, however often such beliefs are totally inappropriate for succeeding in the real world as adults. You can use "Positive Affirmations", which are usually short positive statements targeted at a specific subconscious set of beliefs, to challenge and undermine negative beliefs and to replace them with positive self-nurturing beliefs. It is a kind of "brainwashing" only you get to choose which negative beliefs to wash away. The way these statements are constructed is extremely important. Later I will show you how to construct you own affirmations. It is important to remember of course that everything we say and think is a positive affirmation, using positive affirmation statements forces us to keep focussed on our inner goals and reminds us to think consciously about our words and thoughts and to modify them to reflect our positive affirmation.

Do affirmations work
YES! Affirmations really work. You will be hard pushed to find any self help program anywhere that does not include affirmations, even the ones that appear to pooh-pooh affirmations include them under some slightly different guise. And the reason for this is, they work. The more determined you are to make your changes, the more you are prepared to accept change and let go of the past, the better they will work for you.

Why affirmations work

By choosing to think and say positive affirmations as true, the subconscious is forced into one of two reactions - avoidance or reappraisal. The bigger the issue the bigger the gap between the positive affirmation and the perceived inner truth and the more likely that one is going to experience resistance. This is where the subconscious finds it easier to stay with its perceived inner truth and avoid the challenge using any means at its disposal to avoid examining the issue. You will recognise this reaction by a strong negative feeling inside as you state the positive affirmations. Equally if your experience a sense of joy and well being, your mind is instinctively responding to something it believes to be true. When you get this emotion, you know your affirmations are working! Continually repeating affirmations with conviction and passion will chip away at even the strongest resistance. However there are a number of additional techniques you can use that will super-charge your affirmations and magnify their effectiveness many fold. I will outline these techniques for you later. Once the resistance is broken, your subconscious is able to re-examine the core belief and patterns you have been working on. The effect can be startling and things can change very quickly as the dysfunctional beliefs get identified and replaced by your own new inner truth. Depending on how deep into your consciousness these beliefs lay, every other learned pattern and belief that relied on the original belief as a premise, becomes unfounded. The subconscious has to re-examine them all, this can lead to a period of introspection. If you find yourself experiencing serious resistance or have identified an area of trauma in your life, I strongly urge you to seek professional support, the journey you are embarking on will release you from the past but having proper support around you as you go through the process will make it so much easier. Because affirmations actually reprogram your thought patterns, they change the way you think and feel about things, and because you have replaced dysfunctional beliefs with your own new positive beliefs, positive change comes easily and naturally. This will start to reflect in your external life, you will start to experience seismic changes for the better in many aspects of your life.

How quickly do affirmations work

From day one, there will be affirmations you love and enjoy saying, these affirmations are likely to be very effective for you and you are likely to start experience changes almost immediately. Others will feel very negative, almost like a big lie, this indicates resistance and these areas may take longer to impact. How quickly you can resolve an issue like this is like asking how long is a piece of string. It depends on the issue, how deeply the belief is

held and how determined you are to bring about change in that area of your life, the latter being perhaps the most important of all. If you are truly ready and want to make changes, the quicker those changes will come for you. People have made cognitive changes in their beliefs almost instantaneously, once you are prepared to embrace and accept a change and you believe it to be right for you from your very heart, then that change will happen. So it is not really a question of time, more a question of how accepting of change you can be. Our free affirmation program uses affirmations extensively to target negative thought patterns, it runs for a minimum three months during which time if you have done everything we would definitely expect you to have started experiencing positive changes. However, you should be under no illusion that by embarking on this process you are starting a journey for your lifetime. As you see and experience the techniques working for yourself will be driven to explore your inner-self further and other techniques. As you make your changes in one aspect of your life, other issues will pop up that you may want to deal with. The joy is, you would now have the knowledge and skill to deal with these issues effectively.

Will Affirmations help me?

Yes. No matter what aspect of life you're dealing with or who you are, affirmations will not only make you feel better about yourself and your life. But if used correctly, they can manifest real change in your life. Changing the way you think, reprogramming your mind and removing the old negative beliefs that have been sabotaging you again and again throughout your life. They can enable you to achieve the life you've always wanted for yourself! If you have a specific issue you wish to explore with affirmations, I have listed some example affirmations for some common issues here.

Affirmations for Health Affirmations for Abundance Affirmations for Love Affirmations for Romance Affirmations for Weight Loss Affirmations for Self Esteem Affirmations for Peace and Harmony Affirmations for Joy and Happiness

Why doesn't everyone use Affirmations?

They do! It has been demonstrated that nearly 90% of our thoughts are negative, no wonder we find ourselves struggling. Each negative thought or word is anegative affirmation and these nasty little beasts can be even more powerful than positive affirmations because we often find them easier to accept. It is these negative thoughts that feed and validate our negative internal beliefs. Under this kind of negative bombardment most people simply do not have the strength to break free of their negative thoughts and become hopelessly locked into their own (usually false) negative beliefs. Positive affirmations are designed to challenge those negative beliefs and start to stem the flow of negative thoughts and words that seek to validate them. Affirmations are more than just repeating words. It is a whole process of becoming aware of your thoughts and words in everyday life, choosing to think and project happy positive thoughts. The more you can consciously inject the spirit of you affirmations into your daily thoughts and words, the quicker they will work for you.

How to create your own affirmations

Start by taking some time to think about areas in your life you would like to improve and how you might want your life to be. It is worth taking some time over this process. Write the most important ones down in a list. Now look at each item on the list and write out a few positive statements for each. They must be positive and in the present tense, focus on what you dowant, not on what you don't want. For example if my list of things that were important to me included... "A fulfilling job" My affirmation might look like this I have a wonderful job that fulfils me on many levels Creating your own affirmations is the perfect way to get the right affirmations for you. If have included a few further samples below, as well as links to some affirmation lists (above). These should give you a good idea on how they should look and feel. If you sign up to the AffirmIt! program you will receive very specialised affirmations that are designed to tackle specific issues as you commence and progress through the process. For example, in the early stages, some of the affirmations you will receive will be "releasing" in nature, these are designed to assist you in overcoming any initial resistance to the process. Here is an example of a very simple releasing affirmation. "I am ready and willing to release the past, now" If you would like to see a few affirmation examples and have a bit of fun try out our "affirmation cards", you select your own affirmation from an online pack of affirmation cards!

Supercharging Affirmations
As I have said earlier, there are other techniques you can use that can super-charge the effectiveness of your affirmations. I will outline a few here briefly, if you are interested in really making your affirmations work and want even more details, this area is extensively covered in the the Basic Affirmation eGuide which you can download for free.

Affirmation Mirror work

Perhaps the most powerful way of using affirmations is to state them whilst looking in the mirror. Some of the most important messages you have received have been from people looking you straight in the eye. By looking yourself in the eye as you state your affirmation you magnify the importance of the message to yourself.

Written Affirmations
A great way of keeping your affirmation at the forefront of your mind is to write them down, leave notes or cards around so that you notice them throughout the day. The AffirmIt! program uses mobile technology to text powerful messages to you with the goal of keeping your mind focussed on your intention. Another idea is to write your affirmation down many times (10-20), this helps imprint it on your mind.

Say Affirmations with Passion

Say your affirmations with passion, the higher your emotional state as you say them, the more effective they are.

Sing or Chant Affirmations

One of the most effective ways to use affirmations is to sing them! The mind is much more accepting of affirmation messages when they are sung. If you have ever attended a Louise Hay "Heal your life Workshop", this technique is used extensively. Personally, I love them! If you want to listen to one click here.

Subliminal Affirmations
There are a number of techniques that attempt to by-pass the conscious mind and its resistance by transmitting the affirmations to you subliminally. There are a number of CD's available that include subliminal affirmations, the trouble with this technology is that it often comes unsupported and people expect it to simply work without doing anything for themselves. There is however a very powerful technique known as an "affirmation bath". This is often used in workshops because it requires several people sitting around a person making positive statements about them. An Affirmation bath is a truly amazing experience, the multiple voices, coming from multiple directions, often simultaneously simply overwhelm the minds ability to resist what is being said and the positive affirmations slip straight through to the subconscious. It is normally impossible to experience this unless

you can get a group of like minded people together or you attend a workshop. To enable you to experience this technique, we have included an "affirmation bath" on our affirmation CD, "Heartfelt - Affirmations to Release the Past".

Example Affirmations
Affirmations for Health
Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body and soul My body heals quickly and easily

Affirmations for Abundance

I prosper wherever I turn and I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.

Affirmations for Love

I know that I deserve Love and accept it now I give out Love and it is returned to me multiplied I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday

Affirmations for Romance

I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy and at peace I release any desperation and allow love to find me I attract only healthy relationships

Affirmations for Weight Loss

I am the perfect weight for me I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself I choose to exercise regularly

Affirmations for Self Esteem

When I believe in myself, so do others I express my needs and feelings I am my own unique self - special, creative and wonderful

Affirmations for Peace and Harmony

All my relationships are loving and harmonious I am at peace I trust in the process of life

Affirmations for Joy and Happiness

Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises My life is a joy filled with love, fun and friendship all I need do is stop all criticism, forgive, relax and be open. I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

Exercise - vitalizing your body

Our spiritual, mental, physical and emotional lives are all interrelated. Making improvements in one area can have very positive influences on the others. Much of the work I have outlined is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which uses the power of our own minds to bring about the changes we want in our lives, but it also embraces the spiritual and explores ways of managing our emotions. But the physical side of things is very important, our bodies allow us to take action, to do things in the real world, so as we are learning to love and respect our inner selves, so we must cherish and look after our physical bodies, and this means making healthy choices. And yes, exercise is right at the top of that list. If you look back at the last generation, they were fit, and very rarely overweight. But they didn't have gyms or diets. Compare this with this generation and the youngsters today ( I'm referring to western societies here), they are fatter and less fit, despite massive dieting and exercise industries. Our bodies NEED to exercise, it has been medically proven that we are emotionally more stable, physically more healthy and mentally far more alert if we do. The trouble is the huge advances in technology means that we now have machines to do virtually everything for us. Previous generations had to walk everywhere, many of life's mundane tasks required physical exercise, which is why they were fitter and didn't need gyms of course. This contrasts starkly with today... think about what you do in a day, how often do you break out in a sweat? I bet if you were honest most of you would be hard pushed to think of any time in the last week when this was true. And that is a serious problem for all of us in this modern world and one that we need to take seriously. Gyms are not usually an ideal solution, they are often expensive, require travel time and the ability to set aside time on a regular basis. But if you are able to manage these then it is one way of getting exercise. Many people find working out a boring or unpleasant experience. Others feel not attractive enough to be seen in a gym. There are many reasons why we might want to avoid gyms and for the majority of people I do not believe this is the best solution.

The ideal solution is to review your lifestyle and attitude. Look for ways you can incorporate exercise as part of your everyday life. When I used to work in London, I choose to walk to work in the City and was surprised to discover that it only took a few minutes longer than the usual 30 minutes tube journey. When I arrived, I was alert and feeling good whereas my tube experiences often left me feeling harassed and unsettled. Not only are you getting fit and feeling better when you arrive, the journey is so much richer, each day, each journey brought interesting experiences, it really helped to feel alive. Use the stairs instead of the lift, walk where you can, look for opportunities and interests that involve physical exercise. The important thing is that whatever you do is easily adapted into your life. You are in a process of change, your exercise is an important part of that. Part of the work you are doing is to take some time each day just for yourself, you could exercise during this time if you choose to.

Journaling is simply the process of regularly writing your thoughts down on paper. This can be a very profound experience. The process of journaling can support you in learning about what youre afraid of, what youre passionate about, and what you aspire to. Buy yourself a beautiful notebook, and a pen you enjoy writing with. Find 20 quiet minutes in your day, I recommend it as part of your bedtime routine, but any part of the day is fine. Write in it as if you were talking with yourself. Write about how youre feeling, whats bothering or exciting you, or the day ahead of you. It doesnt need to be tidy or well written, this is your journal, for your eyes only. Research has clearly shown that Journaling has the power to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system as well as these benefits! feeling better about life being more optimistic about the near future feeling more inclined to help others with personal problems more inclined to exercise improved health.

As part of the AffirmIt! Program we use journaling extensively. Writing things down not only acts as a release, reducing stress but also allows for a moment of contemplation that allows a clearer perspective on events to emerge.

Your journal is a bit like a personal diary. But you would typically record the events of the day that were significant for you, you might record your feelings and reactions to the things that happened. You might also write down a list of the good things that happened that day.

Meditation is vital for helping you reconnect with your inner-self, giving you the quiet time you need to experience your journey of self discovery. There are many different meditation techniques but I am going to outline the straightforward classic sitting meditation form for you here. Meditation should last at least 20 minutes, as you become more experienced you may choose to extend your meditations. A great way to start and have some fun, is to join a local meditation group. If you are trying it on your own, start by finding a quiet, safe place where you will not be disturbed, meditation should be done in silence, however if your prefer you can put some gentle quiet music in the background. You can sit cross legged in traditional meditation style on the floor or if you findthis uncomfortable, use a comfortable chair instead. The most important thing is to be comfortable and well supported. If you are sitting on a chair it is best to keep both feet firmly on the ground. Your eyes should be at least partially open, if you want to close your eyes, the room must be brightly lit to allow enough light to pass through your eyelids to keep your brain alert. Meditation means that you are in a relaxed state, but your consciousness is fully alert and awake, if there is insufficient light, the brain is likely to relax and you will fall into a light sleep, which might be pleasant, but will be ineffective as a meditation. Drinking herb tea or hot water before a meditation session can help you relax and facilitates your self-awareness. Avoid overeating or consuming cold drinks before meditating. When you are sitting comfortably, just relax, let go, do nothing. Let your thoughts gradually quieten down. Try to be aware of your breathing, gently let your breathing become deep and regular. Gradually focus your attention on a point just behind and below your naval, this is known as the hara point. Just be conscious of this point, pay passive attention to it. Try to be detached, if a thought comes to you, then just observe it, do not add to it with any active participation. Remain detached and passive, acknowledge the thought but do not dwell on it, do not engage with it, just observe the thought and then let it go. You will experience, relaxation, increased awareness, mental focus, clarity and a sense of peace if meditation is practiced regularly. Meditations is a great stress buster! The following physiological effects of meditation have been documented * Reduced blood pressure

* Lower pulse rate * Decreased metabolic rate * Changes in the concentration of serum levels of various substances.

When you first try meditation it is common to feel a little foolish or self-conscious. Let those feelings go, this is serious vital work for you, this is your time to discover the real you, your authentic self. Above all be relaxed and enjoy your experience.

Principles of

Positive Change
AS HUMANS, like all sentient things in our world, we seek safety and security above almost everything. This is one of our key instincts that forms part of the back-drop of our growth from child to adulthood. We learn from our parents, other people and events we experience as we grow up, how to be loved and how to stay safe. Some of the lessons we may have learned, worked for us as children, but are no longer appropriate as adults. Others are the product of difficult or traumatic experiences in the past, most usually during childhood, which have left a legacy of negative beliefs and thought patterns. Our thoughts and therefore our lives can be changed if you are truly ready to commit to the process of change. I know it works, I've seen it transform peoples lives first hand. If you are seeking to improve or change your life, then to achieve it using spiritual techniques you will have to integrate the following principles into your life. Don't Panic! It is not something that anyone can do all at once. But by slowly finding ways to adopt these principles into your life, you will grow spiritually and as a person. From this inner strength and love all change is possible.

9 Principles for Positive Change

Love & Self-Esteem
Love yourself and others and the world around you without limitations. Accepting yourself and everything around you with love. This is the ultimate focus of all our work, at the very centre of everything, if you can truly love and accept yourself, then your life experience has no limits. More ...


Forgive Everyone and Release the Past - When we hold something unforgiven inside, we are nurturing anger, hatred and resentment or maybe even guilt. These emotions lock us into the moment and drain mental and life energy. Holding such emotions inside longterm will create sickness in the soul and in the body. More ...

Start Living Consciously - Become aware of your actions, your thoughts and words. When you find yourself off principle or taking a negative perspective, stop yourself. Turn it around into something more positive and self nurturing. You will notice the change in the way people react to you because they will have noticed the change in you! More ...

Gratitude, Prosperity and Abundance

Be open to and grateful for our natural abundance - Our world is infinitly abundant. However this natural flow of abundance can be blocked by a belief that we do not deserve things or a failure to recognize or appreciate what we already have. More ...

Be Honest with yourself and others - Without the ability to be honest (often brutally) with oneself and with others you will not be able to make progress with your changes. This means abandoning all those little fibs and pretences that can seem part of every day life. To succeed with change you must be prepared to face your truths and confront the fears that this exposes. More ...

Being positive
Start seeing the Positive side of everything! - A positive attitude not only boosts our natural immune system for better health but also by thinking positively, we boost our performance in nearly everything we do. More ...

Taking Responsibility for Yourself

Take control of your life - by recognising that you alone are responsible for it, no one else. You are where you are today through your choices. By taking responsibility for yourself you are better placed to start leading the life that YOU want and making choices that will lead you to the life you choose. More ...

Being Open & Trusting

Let go of all fear - and trust in the process of life. Be open to all the amazing opportunities around you. Know that YOU have a unique place in the universe and deserve all the good things that life can bring.

Self Care
Start looking after yourself - To be effective in life, you need to be performing at your very best mentally, physically and spiritually. Acts of self care are acts of self-love and are essential to your wellbeing. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with love. More ...

Visualization - imprinting patterns of success

Visualization is a fabulously powerful technique well known to top performing athletes and other professionals at the top of their game. It is the process of visualizing in your mind what ever it is you want to achieve. So for example a sprint runner would visualize himself winning his race, he would view his success in his mind, he would experience in minute detail every aspect of the race, from a perfect start, to a perfectly timed finish. By the time he gets to the real race, hes already won it several times, in his mind he has already successfully executed every aspect of his race

perfectly. The pattern of success is firmly imprinted in his mind. When the start gun fires, everything will run to his internal script automatically. This gives a powerful advantage. I think anyone can see the power of this mental process. Visualization is all about achieving things. The interesting thing for us is that this technique works for anything that we want to do, visualizing yourself achieving success at whatever it is you want to achieve, dramatically improves your chances of achieving it. These benefits have been proven by many experiments. Visualization techniques can be applied to almost every aspect of human endeavour, from goal setting, sports performance, self-healing and memory improvement, to problemsolving and decision-making. You can visualize virtually anywhere but a quiet, safe place where you will not be disturbed is best. Simply focus your mind on what you want to do, keep replaying the internal film of yourself actually doing it. The amazing thing is that it has been proven that the benefit of visualizing the events is actually the same as if you had actually done it! Think of something you might want to try this technique on concentrate and imagine yourself in the situation, be realistic about the experience, keep it true to how you expect it to be, see yourself doing everything right, imagine yourself through others eyes, seeing yourself succeed. If you have problems visualizing a successful outcome, run through your internal picture again, step into the bodies of others observing you, what do they see, what do they think. Visualization can not only super-charge success it can also give you insight into potential issues. Many of these can simply be overcome by repainting your inner picture others may simply highlight a basic reality that may help you realign your immediate goals or expectations. Remember even seemingly impossible goals are achievable, thousands before us have reached for the impossible and achieved it; there is no reason why you cant. When you can visualize the path to what you want, you must of course be prepared to actually walk it in the real world.

A Quick Guide to the 7 Chakras

Posted in Philosophy, Ponderings on January 11, 2013Comments: One comment

Chakras, in some Hinduist traditions and other belief systems, are centers of Pra, or life force, the vital energy of our body. Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body. Here is a quick guide to the 7 Chakras

1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.

Color: Red Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food. 2. Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Color: Orange Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives. Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area. Color: Yellow Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem. 4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love. Location: Center of chest just above heart. Color: Green Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace. 5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate. Location: Throat. Color: Blue Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth. 6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) Color: Indigo Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. 7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected our spiritually. Location: The very top of the head. Color: Violet Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. photo credit: cyberpunk65 photo credit: nessman

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ArticlesFeaturedHealth 22 March 2013

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing. There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks. Here are nine foods you should never eat again if you care about preserving your long-term health:

1) White bread, refined flours. By definition, white bread and refined flours in general are toxic for your body because they have been stripped of virtually all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients. Because of this, the body does not know how to properly digest and assimilate these so-called foods, which can lead to health problems. Refined white flour has also been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to causing thyroid and organ damage. (

2) Conventional frozen meals. Most conventionally-prepared frozen meals are loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have

been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best (especially after getting microwaved again at home). With the exception of a few truly healthy frozen meal brands such as Amys and Organic Bistro, most frozen meals are little more than disease in a box, so avoid them in favor of fresh foods. (

3) White rice. Like white bread, white rice has been stripped of most of its nutrients, and separated from the bran and germ, two natural components that make up rice in its brown form. Even so-called fortified white rice is nutritionally deficient, as the body still processes this refined food much differently than brown rice, which is absorbed more slowly and does not cause the same spike in blood sugar that white rice does. (

4) Microwaveable popcorn. This processed food is a favorite among moviegoers and regular snackers alike, but it is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the genetically-modified (GM) corn kernels to the processed salt and preservative chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting. On top of this, microwaveable popcorn contains a chemical known as diacetyl that can actually destroy your lungs. If you love popcorn, stick with organic kernels that you can pop yourself in a kettle and douse with healthy ingredients like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and Himalayan pink salt. (

5) Cured meat products with nitrates, nitrites. Deli meats, summer sausage, hot dogs, bacon, and many other meats sold at the grocery store are often loaded with sodium nitrite and other chemical preservatives that have been linked to causing heart disease and cancer. If you eat meat, stick with uncured, nitrite and nitrate-free varieties, and preferably those that come from organic, grass-fed animals. (

6) Most conventional protein, energy bars. By the way they are often marketed, it might seem as though protein and energy bars are a strong addition to a healthy diet. But more often than not, these meal replacements contain processed soy protein, refined sugar, hydrogenated fat, and other harmful additives that contribute to chronic illness. Not all protein and energy bars are bad, of course Thunderbird Energetica, Organic Food Bar, Boku Superfood,

Vega Sport, PROBAR, and Zing all make healthy protein and energy bars. Just be sure to read the ingredient labels and know what you are buying.

7) Margarine. Hidden in all sorts of processed foods, margarine, a hydrogenated trans-fat oil, is something you will want to avoid at all costs for your health. Contrary to popular belief, butter and saturated fats in general are not unhealthy, especially when they are derived from pastured animals that feed on grass rather than corn and soy. And if animal-based fats are not for you, stick with extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil rather than margarine. (

8) Soy milk and soy-based meat substitutes. One of the biggest health frauds of modern times, the soy craze is a fad that you will want to skip. Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer. Soy that has not been fermented is also highly estrogenic, which can throw your natural hormone balance out of whack. (

9) Diet anything. Many so-called diet products on the market today contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal) and sucralose (Splenda), both of which are linked to causing neurological damage, gastrointestinal problems, and endocrine disruption. Many diet products also contain added chemical flavoring agents to take the place of fat and other natural components that have been removed to artificially reduce calorie content. Instead, stick with whole foods that are as close to nature as possible, including high-fat foods grown the way nature intended, and your body will respond surprisingly well. (

Sources for this article include:


Natural News

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I am you, and you are me

Science and religion both attempt to answer similar questions innate to the human experience, and both claim to have the correct answer. However, they both have their limitations. Science can only go so far based on what it considers as proof cannot always be measurable or observable. Religion is also limited in the fact that those who chose to subscribe to religious beliefs close off their minds to new and alternative concepts of the world. Since the beginning of time, mankind has always been in search of knowledge and the truth. Nevertheless, there have been those who are so indoctrinated into their belief system that their minds do not possess the capability to grasp new possibilities. On one hand we have science, which enables us to explain and comprehend new concepts of the universe, and on the other hand, we have religion, which uses faith as an external source for information about the truth, without the chance for change and adaptation.

It is my personal belief that all of the great spiritual leaders of the past would not endorse religion. I feel they would have no clue as to what it is. Our concept of religion is

a man made concept used to control the masses, conceal knowledge, and generate massive profits. The spiritual leaders written about in our holy books preached about love, compassion, and spirituality; not centralized religion and going to church every Sunday.

For ages, religious prophets, philosophical thinkers, ancient writings, and psychedelic drugs have been saying that the entire universe is One (One as in one single consciousness) and that our entire concept of reality is just an illusion. In The End of Faith by Sam Harris, the author argues that science will one day be able to answer spiritual questions and explain mystical experiences. On page 43 of his book, Sam Harris states that:

Science will not remain mute on spiritual and ethical questions for long. Even now, we can see the first stirrings among psychologists and neuroscientists of what may one day become a genuinely rational approach to these matters one that will bring even the most rarefied mystical experience within the purview of open, scientific inquiry. It is time we realized that we need not be unreasonable to suffuse our lives with love, compassion, ecstasy, and awe; nor must we renounce all forms of spirituality or mysticism to be on good terms with reason (Harris, 2005).

Recent developments in quantum physics are doing just that. These discoveries are opening the door that connects science and spirituality that once remained closed and guarded by religious leaders and scientists alike.

Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is a particular domain of science that, unlike regular Newtonian physics, studies and attempts to understand how everything in the physical, perceivable world comes into existence (Malin, 2012). It is basically the study of reality starting with the subatomic level of the world. Quantum physics is profoundly complex and take time to comprehend and wrap ones mind around. The famous Danish physicist and philosopher, Niels Bohr, who made some of the foundational discoveries to understanding quantum physics and atomic structure and later received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922 for these discoveries, once said, "If quantum [physics] hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet (Pais, 1991). Scientists havent been able to completely explain everything thats going on in the subatomic world of particles, but they have figure d out where all physical things in the entire universe stem from. Quantum physics attempts to break down physical things into their simplest and untainted for in order to discover the source from which they are made (Anonymous, 2012).

If one takes just a quick look at intellectual nature of what quantum physics is and what quantum physicists do, it seems to be extremely complex and monotonous. However, when the fundamental conclusions of quantum physics are combined with what the ancient sages, mystics, philosophers, and religious prophets have been saying for millennia, not only is it profoundly shocking like Niels Bohrs stated, but it can become at catalyst to change human thinking and their view of reality and the world around them.

We are One

Our culture has programmed people so that individual differences stand out. When someone looks at another person, they immediately make judgments about them. One may see the other person as smarter, dumber, richer, poorer, older, or younger; but the fact of

the matter is that people immediately place others into categories and treat them accordingly based on the category theyve been placed in. Humans innately see others as separate from themselves and focus on the ways in which they are separate. However, a dramatic part of human experience is being with another person, and suddenly realizing the ways in which they are similar to ones self. After having an experience like this, people begin to realize that which is inside of one person is the same as that which is inside of another person. They begin to realize that which is within themselves and that which is within others is indeed One, and that there truly is no other. Quantum physics has done nothing but prove this fact. If one tries to break down their consciousness (in the way a quantum physicist would break down a particle) in order to understand what it is that makes up their consciousness, they will come to the conclusion that it is their thoughts that make up their consciousness. This leads to the question Who is it that is aware that [I] am thinking? One may think that the simple answer to that question is that I am aware that I am thinking, however, it isnt that simple. If it is ourselves that is aware that we are thinking, then that must mean we are separate from ourselves in order to make that observation, which obviously isnt that case. This leaves only one other option, our consciousness must be a part of something greater than itself, or as famous write and speak David Icke would say:

We are droplets in an infinite ocean of consciousness and when you place a droplet back in the ocean where does the ocean start and the droplet end? They don't. They are all One. Everything is One and was always One. I am you, you are me, I am everything and everything is me. We have just forgotten and been manipulated to forget (Icke, 2011).

I believe that Sam Harris would agree that all human conflict stems from the fact that humans see themselves as separate from one another. The only things people ever talk about anymore are our differences. The mainstream media, politicians, and religious institutions seem to only focus on the things that make us different from on another instead of focusing on that which brings us together and reveals our true nature as the loving and compassionate creatures we are. Almost all, if not every great religious or spiritual prophet knew this and perhaps this is where they drew their conclusions about The Golden Rule treat others as you would treat yourself. What would happen to the arms industry if every human being on Earth realized that were all One? How could anyone justify bombing and killing something that they see as themselves instead separate from themselves?

Quantum Physics and Buddhist Philosophy

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyato, explains in his book The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality , that there is a distinct connection between science and spirituality, and that they have a distinct ability to unite the human race. In traditional Buddhist teachings, the Theory of Emptiness states that all things and events are dependent upon one another and are in some way interconnected. Both Buddhism and quantum physics demonstrate that the world we know is not what we perceive it to be with our 5 senses, and that us and everything that exists is connected in some way, somehow. In the book, His Holiness cites one of David Bohms observations:

if we examine the various ideologies that tend to divide humanity such as racism, extremely nationalism, and the Marxist class struggle, one of the key factors of their origin is the tendency to perceive things that inherently divided and disconnected. From this misconception springs the belief that each of these divisions is essentially independent and self-existent.

Bohms statement is an extraordinary one. He is able to understand the relation between quantum physics and science as a whole, and he is also able to expand his analogy to the entire world. Perhaps if humans were not so quick to judge, segregate, and isolate each other, we would be able to come to gather and have a much greater respect for the human race a whole, but conquering the ego is no simple task. This comparison of Buddhism and quantum physics is very interesting because it has the capability to motivate those who find solidarity in faith, and those who find the truth through facts. Both schools of thought recognize the extreme importance of perception.


Most people often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of their own lives to the point that they fail to realize the fact that their entire existence transcends both space and time. The horrors and evil of this world are not independent of ourselves and depend completely upon misunderstandings tracing from the innate human need to separate itself from the world around it. Whether you belong to spirituality or science, both ideologies call for an immediate re-examination of The Self.

The ego is what holds people back from realizing their Oneness with the universe.

Anonymous. (2012, December 8). Quantum Physics. Retrieved from Abundance and Happiness:

Harris, S. (2005). The End of Faith. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Icke, D. (2011, December 31). It's Time To Wake Up. Retrieved from

Malin, S. (2012). Nature Loves to Hide: Quantum Physics and the Nature of Reality, a Western Perspective.World Scientific.

Pais, A. (1991). Neils Bohr's Times, In Physics, Philosophy, and Polity. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

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Marc and Angel Hack Life

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75 Happiness Quotes to Live By


Here are 75 happiness quotes gathered from our sister site, Everyday Life Lessons, to brighten your day and move your mindset in a positive direction. 1. Smile every chance you get. Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things you do have and all the problems you know you dont have. 2. Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. 3. Tell the negativity committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up. (Read Learned Optimism.) 4. A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you cant get very far until you change it. 5. In a world where you can be anything you want, BE YOURSELF. 6. The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them. 7. Its important to make someone happy, and its important to start with yourself. 8. Life is not about making others happy. Life is about sharing your happiness with others. 9. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is somethingyou design into the present. 10. If you settle for just anything, youll never know what youre truly worthy of. 11. Sometimes life gives you two options: losing yourself or losing someone else. Regardless of the situation, dont lose yourself.

12. If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, you do have a pretty big problem. 13. Whatever someone did to you in the past has no power over the present. Only you give it power. 14. Dont worry too much about people who dont worry about you. 15. Know your worth! When you give yourself to someone who doesnt respect you, you surrender pieces of your soul that youll never get back. 16. Sometimes youve got to emotionally let go of the things that once meant a lot to you, so you can move beyond the past and the pains they bring you, and open the next chapter in your life. 17. If you want to get over a problem, stop mulling it over and talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind. Its nearly impossible to move beyond something when youre obsessing over it. 18. If it is detrimental to you emotionally, physically and spiritually, what choice do you have but to let go and flourish with self-respect. 19. Saying goodbye is one of the most painful ways to solve a problem. But sometimes its necessary. 20. Moving on doesnt mean forgetting, it means you choose happiness over hurt. 21. Stop looking at what you have lost, so you can see what you have. 22. Someone else is happy with far less than what you have. 23. Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems. 24. Sometimes people throw away something good for something better, only to find out later that good was actually good enough and better never even came close. 25. In life, you get what you put in. Everything comes back around. 26. You can never change the past nor control the future, but you can change the mood of the day by touching someones heart with your smile. 27. The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give. 28. Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. 29. Its nice to have money and the things that money can buy, but its also important to make sure you havent lost track of the things that money cant buy. 30. You dont need a lot of money to lead a rich life. Good friends and a loving family are worth their weight in gold.

31. You will never fully believe in yourself if you keep comparing yourself to everyone else. Instead, compare yourself to who you were yesterday. (Read Authentic Happiness.) 32. You wont always be punished FOR your anger, but you will always be punished BY your anger. 33. Give yourself permission to immediately walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. Just trust what you feel. 34. One of the greatest freedoms is truly not caring what everyone else thinks of you. 35. As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you own yourself. 36. Dont let anyone walk through your mind with their dirty feet. 37. It hurts the most when you start pretending it doesnt. 38. You are responsible for how you feel no matter what someone does to you. Remember, you are always in control of your thoughts so choose to feel confident and adequate rather than angry and insecure. 39. Being kind to yourself in thoughts, words and actions is as important as being kind to others. 40. Death is not the greatest loss in life; the greatest loss is what dies inside while youre still alive. 41. Only when we begin to be awake do we realize just how asleep we have been. 42. You are always free to do something that makes you smile. 43. You define your own life. Dont let other people write your lifes story for you. 44. Dont be afraid of change. Oftentimes you will lose something good, and then gain something even better. 45. Worry is a massive waste of time and energy. It doesnt change anything. All it does is steal your joy and hinder your ability to make positive changes. 46. If you want to be happy and bright, let go of your need to always be right. 47. In life, you usually get what you ask for and it rarely comes in the package you think its supposed to come in. 48. If you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change the way you think about it. 49. Life does NOT have to be perfect to be wonderful. 50. You look the best when you wear your smile. There is no beauty like the one that comes from inside you.

51. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. 52. The time spent on hating is the time lost for living a peaceful, happy life. It is a habit that controls what you see, what you say, what you do, and ultimately what you become. 53. Sometimes you need to be alone to reflect on life. Take time out to take care of yourself. You deserve it. 54. The good things we build end up building us. 55. You cannot change what you refuse to confront. 56. The difference between who you are and who you want to be, is what you do. 57. If you want your life to change, your choices and actions must change. Every day brings a chance to start over. 58. Good things dont come to those who wait. Good things come to those who pursue the goals and dreams they believe in. 59. Dont make a decision based solely on popularity. Just because other people are doing it doesnt mean its the best choice for you. 60. Following all the rules leaves a completed checklist. Following your heart achieves a completed you. (Read The Happiness Project.) 61. Knowing yourself is one thing, but truly believing and living as yourself is another. With so much social conditioning in our society, we sometimes forget who we are. Dont lose yourself out there. 62. Of all the things that can be stolen from you your possessions, your youth, your health, your words, your rights what no one can ever take from you is your freedom to choose what you will believe in, and who and what your heart will love. 63. When you find yourself cocooned in isolation and despair and cannot find your way out of the darkness, remember that this is similar to the place where caterpillars go to grow their wings. 64. Take all the time you need to heal emotionally. Moving on doesnt take a day; it takes lots of little steps to be able to break free of your broken self. 65. When you can forgive, yourself and others, and stop the imprisonment, youre creating the love of your life. 66. What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become what you believe.

67. Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as theres a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living. 68. When you try to control everything, you enjoy nothing. Sometimes you just need to relax, breathe, let go, and just live in the moment. 69. Even though you cannot control everything that happens, you can control your attitude toward what happens. And in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. 70. Life will never be perfect, no matter how hard you try. Even if you pour your heart and soul into it, you will never have that perfection you seek. There will always be broken hearts, there will always be days where nothing goes right. But you must accept and learn that even the most imperfect things will always be made better with love and laughter. (ReadStumbling on Happiness.) 71. Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain. 72. Satisfaction is not always the fulfillment of what you want; it is the realization of how blessed you are for what you have. 73. Sometimes you just have to look back at your past and smile about how far youve come. 74. Just because it didnt last forever, doesnt mean it wasnt worth your while. 75. Its not that everything will be easy or exactly as you had expected, but you must just choose to be grateful for all that you have, and happy that you got a chance to live this life, no matter how it turns out.

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Marc and Angel Hack Life

Practical Tips for Productive Living


75 Relationship Quotes to Live By



Here are 75 relationship quotes gathered from our sister site, Everyday Life Lessons, to help you keep things in perspective and move your relationships in a positive direction. 1. In life youll realize there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you. But most importantly, some will bring out the best in you. 2. Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, encourage you, enhance you, and make you happy. If you know people who do none of these things, let them go. 3. Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off. Its about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can. 4. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Read The 5 Love Languages. 5. The most beautiful thing is to see a person you love smiling. And even more beautiful is knowing that you are the reason behind it. 6. Choose your relationships wisely. Its better to be alone than to be in bad company.

7. Being alone does not mean you are lonely, and being lonely does not meanyou are alone. 8. Fall in love when youre ready, not when youre lonely. 9. Love means giving someone the chance to hurt you, but trusting them not to. 10. You know youve found true love when you catch yourself falling in love with the same person over and over again. 11. Dont wait for the right person to come into your life. Rather, be the right person to come to someones life. 12. The one who is meant for you encourages you to be your best, but still loves and accepts you at your worst. 13. Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. 14. Some relationships are like glass. Its better to leave it broken, than to hurt yourself more by trying to put it back together. 15. Just because one person doesnt seem to care for you, doesnt mean you should forget about everyone else who does. 16. Someone else doesnt have to be wrong for you to be right. 17. It is okay to be angry. It is never okay to be cruel. 18. Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily upset. 19. Silence is often the loudest cry. Pay attention to those you care about. 20. We dont always need advice. Sometimes all we need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand. 21. Its not so much what you say that counts, it how you make people feel. 22. A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. 23. Dont mess with someones feelings just because youre unsure of yours. 24. True happiness comes from within, not from someone else. Dont make the mistake of waiting on someone or something to come along and make you happy. 25. Dont choose the one who is beautiful to the world, choose the one who makes your world beautiful. 26. If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff thats been weighing it down. Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. 27. Just because it didnt last forever, doesnt mean it wasnt worth your while.

28. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Dont expect others to read your mind, and dont play games with their heads and hearts. Dont tell half-truths and expect people to trust you when the full truth comes out. Half-truths are no better than lies. And dont ignore someone you care about, because lack of concern hurts more than angry words. 29. Lies help no one in the long run. So 1) Dont say I love you if you dont mean it. 2) Dont say I understand if you have no clue. 3) Dont say Im sorry if youre not. 4) Be honest with yourself and your loved ones. 30. Tell the truth, or eventually someone will tell it for you. Read The Four Agreements. 31. Good relationships dont just happen; they take time, patience and two people who truly want to work to be together. 32. Falling in love is not a choice. To stay in love is. 33. Love doesnt hurt. Lying, cheating and screwing with peoples feelings and emotions hurts. 34. When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option but a priority. Loyalty is everything. 35. A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences. 36. Jealousy is the art of counting someone else blessings instead of your own. Dont waste your time on jealousy. The only person youre competing against is yourself. 37. Do not become possessive. The purpose of a relationship is to complement each other, grow together, and achieve your common goals as a couple. At the same time, you must each maintain your individual identity as a human being. 38. Dont ever change just to impress someone. Change because it makes you a better person and leads you to a better future. 39. Give, but dont allow yourself to be used. Listen to others, but dont lose your own voice. 40. Dont look for someone who will solve all your problems; look forsomeone who will face them with you. 41. You dont really need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely. 42. Speak when you are very angry, and youll make the best speech youll ever regret. 43. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Let it go.

44. As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones. 45. Your job wont take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. 46. Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned. 47. Never waste a moment, it may be the last with someone you love. 48. If you love someone, tell them. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is really ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in them. 49. Nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, someone they need, or something they thought was meant to be. But it is these losses that make us stronger and eventually move us toward future opportunities. 50. Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts. 51. The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you. 52. A real person is not perfect, and a perfect person is not real. 53. To the world, you might be just one person. But to one person, you might be the world. 54. Just because you have a past with someone, doesnt mean you should have a future with them. 55. No relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones. 56. The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to move forward is the happiest. 57. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldnt be in it. 58. Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words. 59. When the pain of holding on is worse than the pain of letting go, it is time to let go. 60. If a friend is in trouble, dont bother them by asking if there is anything you can do. Think of something appropriate and do it. 61. Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not always need an intelligent mind that speaks, just a patient heart that listens. 62. Be the friend that you want to have.

63. There are times when family are like strangers, and strangers are like family. Both sets of people are priceless. 64. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Dont bring up the past. 65. Instead of judging people by their past, stand by them and help repair their future. 66. Dont try to be everything to everyone. Be everything to someone. 67. Let us remember that we cant force anyone to love us. We cant beg someone to stay when they want to leave and be with someone else. This is what love is all about. However, the end of love is not the end of life. It should be the beginning of understanding that love leaves for a reason, but never leaves without a lesson. 68. When things fall apart, consider the possibility that life knocked it down on purpose. Not to bully you, or to punish you, but to prompt you to build something that better suits your personality and your purpose. Sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together. Read The Road Less Traveled. 69. Everyone wants a perfect ending. But over the years Ive learned that some of the best poems dont rhyme, and many great stories dont have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, embracing change, and taking a moment and making the best of it without knowing whats going to happen next. 70. In human relationships, distance is not measured in miles but in affection. Two people can be right next to each other, yet miles apart. So stay in touch with those who truly matter to you. Not because its convenient, but because theyre worth the extra effort. 71. Never neglect the people who are most important to you simply because you think they will always be there. Because one morning you might wake up and realize you lost the moon while counting the stars. 72. True love isnt about being inseparable; its about two people being true to each other even when they are separated. 73. True friendship and true love do sustain the tests of distance and time. 74. When someone gives you their time, they are giving you a portion of their life that they will never get back. Its one of the most precious gifts you can receive. Dont waste it. 75. Good relationships are not just about the good times you share; theyre also about the obstacles you go through together, and the fact that you still say I love you in the end.

Photo by: Nattu

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ArticlesHealth 24 May 2013

by S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) Everything you purchase, whether it is to eat, drink, or put on your skin, is a choice you make which either supports life or supports death. What are you buying next? Are you buying aspartame, MSG, GMO, bleached foods and fluoridated water? Are you buying medicine that was made in a lab that makes you sicker, or are you buying organic food, natures food, and herbs and natural remedies? Do you know about Superfoods, or are you not even aware of that choice? Its time to double think every choice, to plan ahead and make informed, educated choices. Are you buying organic seeds? Are you growing your food in organic soil? Are you watering that soil with

non-fluoridated, non-chlorinated, non-medicated water? In fact, are you buying spring water to drink, and I mean real spring water, not bottled tap water? (

Are you buying synthetic gum, formaldehyde candy, and insecticide corn sugar, or are you buying healthy food that fuels life, that fuels sustainable life? Are you sustaining planet Earth? Ask yourself right now, because YOU make the decisions, not the TV or the radio, not the ads in the magazines, or the stores or the politicians. You make the decisions, every moment. Every thing you buy either supports pollution or supports the environment. You choose. You make the choice. Use your brain and forethought to plan, to research, to live organic.

Its all about control and you using forethought to examine what is REALLY out there. Every choice matters. Every dollar matters. Every purchase is a vote. Carefully examine what you do all day to either support health or destroy the environment. You have control. Take for example your skin, which is your largest organ. What are you putting on it daily? Do you know it goes right through to the blood, just like food, just like water? Which shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, lotion, sunblock, suntan, cosmetics, toothpaste, powder, lip balm, lipstick, etc. are you using? Do you know about parabens and phthalates? Do you know the dangers of talc and petroleum? Everything is a choice. (

What water are you drinking? Did you know most bottled water is tap water and contains BPA (bisphenol-A), fluoride, chlorine, and maybe prescription medications? Most flavored water, Gatorade and Powerade contain chemicals. Nearly all sodas, sweet tea, corn syrup loaded juices and other popular beverages are made with tap water, have no doubts. This compounds the problem. This makes the bad health drive exponentially dangerous. This is mixed medication hidden inside sugary drinks and now, bottled water. This is very, very underrated by the general public. Toxic painkillers and artificial growth hormones are found in tap water. (

The Washington areas drinking water contains trace amounts of six commonly used drugs that typically turn up in wastewater and cannot be filtered out by most treatment systems. The pharmaceuticals an anti-seizure medication, two anti-inflammatory drugs, two kinds of antibiotics and a common disinfectant were found in very small concentrations in the water supply that serves more than 1 million people in the District, Arlington County, Falls

Church and parts of Fairfax County. But scientists say the health effects of long-term exposure to such drugs are not known. (

This was published in The New York Times back in 2008: Scientists have known for a decade that low concentrations of antibiotics, heart medications and other drugs regularly find their way into drinking water supplies. In other words, theyve known this for 15 years. So now you have some new choices to consider, daily. (

Please, do not drink weed killer and bug killer water

NaturalNews informs millions of readers weekly about not eating cancer causing foods that support huge corporations and the Biotech Industry of pesticide food, insecticide food, herbicide food and fungicide food. Dont eat bug killer! Dont buy worm killer food! DO NOT drink weed killer and bug killer water. Never choose RoundUp water as a beverage ( Your central nervous system needs nutrients and organic supplements, so dont vote for evil and food poison by buyi ng it not for yourself or your family, or your children.

What are you eating? What will be contained in your next bite? Are you eating cancer? You can choose not to eat it. Knowledge is power: (

Protect your assets, including your money and your health. You have control every moment of every day. Organic is not more expensive anymore. Just look at the rewards for good health. As a human being, every choice you make regarding food, drinks, and skin care products results in a vote either for sustainability and health or the destruction of health and the environment.

Are you spending your money to help evil forces wreck our earth, or are you spending money to help people and promote a healthy way of life? Shop at local farmers markets and make that difference. The choice is always yours.

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ActivismArticlesHealth 28 May 2013

by Summer Tierney

(NaturalNews) You dont have to be a rocket scientist to understand why genetically modified foods are dangerous, but if you look closely, you may just find the name of one listed among the names of more than 800 scientists from around the globe who have joined forces in an open letter to all world governments, outlining their detailed concerns over the alarming potential threat of biotechs unauthorized, worldwide GM foods experiment.

In a country whose government and media appear only too eager to conjure up fear of bioterrorism and biological weapons, its shocking (albeit obviously deliberate) to what extent the GMO issue remains omitted from mainstream discussion. Consider that the message from these scientists seems to be that the whole planet is already under attack by the persistent and largely unchecked, reckless behavior of greedy, unruly U.S. corporations corporations whose activities appear to be sponsored by the federal government. And whether you know it yet or not, your body is the battleground.

The letter, as posted by the Institute of Science in Society (, is a collective call for the immediate suspension of any and all releases of GM crops and products into the environment for at least five years, in order to allow for more thorough testing. The scientists further demand that all patents on life-forms and living processes including seeds, cell lines and genes be revoked and banned for a comprehensive public inquiry into the future of agriculture and food security for all.

Life is a discovery, they say, not an innovation, and patents on life-forms and living processes sanction biopiracy of indigenous knowledge and genetic resources, violate basic human rights and dignity, compromise healthcare, impede medical and scientific research and are against the welfare of animals. Furthermore, they argue that GM crops provide no identifiable benefits either to farmers or consumers; instead, they offer only very significant risks to all living things.

GMOs are just bad news, followed by more bad news

Any consumption of GMO products is basically a smorgasbord of disaster, say these global scientists. In their thorough and fully cited open letter, they take biotechnology to task making clear, undeniable connections between GM food crops and other products (like milk from cows injected with genetically modified Bovine Growth Hormone) and health problems for mammals in general. At the same time the GM crops themselves actually contribute to lower yields, increased use of herbicides/insecticides, unpredictable performance, poor economic returns, and a progressive monopoly on food by big corporations, they also encourage herbicide-tolerant weeds and pesticideresistant superbugs, making their purported goal of feedin g the world appear just as it is clearly out of the reach of biotech industry. Scientists propose, instead, that these large food corporations are actually more the cause of world hunger currently, than they are the solution to it.

It is on account of increasing corporate monopoly operating under the globalised economy that the poor are getting poorer and hungrier, scientists say. Family farmers around the world have been driven to destitution and suicide Mergers and acquisitions are continuing. Seed patent policies currently in place at biotech companies prevent farmers from saving and replanting seeds, an activity the scientists acknowledge, is one enjoyed even by third world farmers.

As promised; however, it only gets worse. Scientists agree that GMOs actually harm the delicate biodiversity necessary to the balance and maintenance of life on this planet. GM products, they say, decimate wild plant species indiscriminately, cause birth defects in mammals, kill insects essential to pollination like bees, lacewings, monarch

butterflies, and pose other very serious threats related to horizontal gene transfer for example, the spread of antibiotic resistance marker genes that would render infections diseases untreatable, the generation of new viruses and bacteria that cause diseases, and harmful mutations which may lead to cancer.

Multiple hazards to both animal and human health have already been identified by sources around the world, resulting either in bans on GM products or the adoption of strict labeling laws by many countries. Here in the U.S.; however, secret memoranda from inside the FDA have revealed its history of disregarding the warnings of its own scientists. Still, with a separate but similar mass appeal to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 2009 failing to make a rippled, lasting impact, one can only hope that eventually the science on GMOs and the growing number of people who know about it will simply be too loud to ignore.

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Last Updated: 5/29/2013 08:20 PST

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Why Shampoos Are a Waste of Money

Its the dirty little secret many shampoo companies dont want you to know. When you wash your hair with certain traditional shampoos, you may actually be stripping your hair and scalp of their natural oils. Many shampoos usually rely on sodium laurel sulfate or other damaging detergents for cleansing. While these generate a thick lather to clean hair, they can also create dryness, frizziness, dullness, and color fade. We then spend a fortune of time and money on products that are effectively undoing the damage caused by shampoo. Nobody knows this problem better than hair care professionals who are dealing with it day-in and day-out. One in particular, legendary L.A. celebrity stylist Chaz Dean, decided to do something about it. He got tired of clients leaving his salon raving about their color and the feel of their hair, only to complain a few weeks later that their hair looked and felt brassy and dull. He knew the main culprit was likely their shampoo, so he started experimenting with various ingredients, including natural herbs and botanicals, that he knew had cleansing and hydrating properties. The result was a radically new approach to the way we cleanse our hair. Its called WEN Cleansing Conditioner and it was developed in partnership with the beauty powerhouse Guthy-Renker. WEN contains a super-hydrating blend of fig, chamomile, rosemary, calendula, and Cherry bark, which when combined, will both cleanse the hair as well as impart shine and softness, even to damaged hair. WEN is a 5-in-1 formula that takes the place of your shampoo, conditioner, deep-conditioner, detangler, and leave-in conditioner. And, the most amazing thing about it is that it cleanses without lather. Instead, when mixed with water, it creates a smooth foam for shiny, healthy-looking, manageable results. The first time you try it certainly feels strange, but the results speak for themselves.

Before being marketed, WEN underwent extensive consumer tests, and the results were impressive. More than 90 percent of the participants in the studies reported that their hair was more shiny, less frizzy, and had more bounce. WEN is recommended for all hair types, and once you start using it, it will become the only cleanser/conditioner you will want to include in your daily routine. Right now, WEN is offering an easy way for online shoppers to try the product. They have put together a special 30 day introductory kit that contains everything you need for 30 days of incredible treatment, plus two really cool free gifts and free shipping. The introductory 30-day kit is now less than $30 and has a 60 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. Click here to learn more about WEN and try this revolutionary new approach yourself.

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ArticlesFeaturedHealth 22 March 2013

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing. There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks. Here are nine foods you should never eat again if you care about preserving your long-term health:

1) White bread, refined flours. By definition, white bread and refined flours in general are toxic for your body because they have been stripped of virtually all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients. Because of this, the body does not know how to properly digest and assimilate these so-called foods, which can lead to health problems. Refined white flour has also been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to causing thyroid and organ damage. (

2) Conventional frozen meals. Most conventionally-prepared frozen meals are loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best (especially after getting microwaved again at home). With the exception of a few truly healthy frozen meal brands such as Amys and Or ganic Bistro, most frozen meals are little more than disease in a box, so avoid them in favor of fresh foods. (

3) White rice. Like white bread, white rice has been stripped of most of its nutrients, and separated from the bran and germ, two natural components that make up rice in its brown form. Even so-called fortified white rice is nutritionally deficient, as the body still processes this refined food much differently than brown rice, which is absorbed more slowly and does not cause the same spike in blood sugar that white rice does. (

4) Microwaveable popcorn. This processed food is a favorite among moviegoers and regular snackers alike, but it is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the genetically-modified (GM) corn kernels to the processed salt and preservative chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting. On top of this, microwaveable popcorn contains a chemical known as diacetyl that can actually destroy your lungs. If you love popcorn, stick with organic kernels that you can pop yourself in a kettle and douse with healthy ingredients like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and Himalayan pink salt. (

5) Cured meat products with nitrates, nitrites. Deli meats, summer sausage, hot dogs, bacon, and many other meats sold at the grocery store are often loaded with sodium nitrite and other chemical preservatives that have been linked to causing heart disease and cancer. If you eat meat, stick with uncured, nitrite and nitrate-free varieties, and preferably those that come from organic, grass-fed animals. (

6) Most conventional protein, energy bars. By the way they are often marketed, it might seem as though protein and energy bars are a strong addition to a healthy diet. But more often than not, these meal replacements contain processed soy protein, refined sugar, hydrogenated fat, and other harmful additives that contribute to chronic illness. Not all protein and energy bars are bad, of course Thunderbird Energetica, Organic Food Bar, Boku Superfood, Vega Sport, PROBAR, and Zing all make healthy protein and energy bars. Just be sure to read the ingredient labels and know what you are buying.

7) Margarine. Hidden in all sorts of processed foods, margarine, a hydrogenated trans-fat oil, is something you will want to avoid at all costs for your health. Contrary to popular belief, butter and saturated fats in general are not unhealthy, especially when they are derived from pastured animals that feed on grass rather than corn and soy. And if animal-based fats are not for you, stick with extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil rather than margarine. (

8) Soy milk and soy-based meat substitutes. One of the biggest health frauds of modern times, the soy craze is a fad that you will want to skip. Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer. Soy that has not been fermented is also highly estrogenic, which can throw your natural hormone balance out of whack. (

9) Diet anything. Many so-called diet products on the market today contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal) and sucralose (Splenda), both of which are linked to causing neurological damage, gastrointestinal problems, and endocrine disruption. Many diet products also contain added chemical flavoring agents to take the place of fat and other natural components that have been removed to artificially reduce calorie content. Instead, stick with whole foods that are as close to nature as possible, including high-fat foods grown the way nature intended, and your body will respond surprisingly well. (

Sources for this article include:


Natural News

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Super nutrients for getting a flat abs You want to eat fresh and healthy food to remain healthy and active. Various nutritious diet plans are recommended by the physicist to remain healthy. People want to eat these super nutrients only to reduce their belly in many parts of the world. Lets consider few nutrients that act as super boosting agents to reduce your belly. Carotenoids: Best food to reduce tummy are carotenoids. According to experts and many research specialists, those who take large intake of carotenoids have smart belly then those who avoid taking these foods. These are present is colored foods like yellow vegetable and oranges. Watermelons and tomatoes are also carotenoids that help in attaining the goals of flat belly.

Vitamin C: Vitamins are very important for the health of the body. People which take Vitamin C in the form of fruits and vegetables have lower belly recorded. It also helps in increasing the fat burning of the body. All citrus fruits are enriched sources of vitamin C that helps in reducing extra fat stored in the body. Calcium: Another super nutrient that helps in reducing belly is Calcium. Our body contains a lot of calcium as our bones require calcium for its growth. Calcium also helps in burning fat efficiently. Research has shown that people who daily intake calcium have a 70 % chance of reducing more fat and weight loss. B vitamins: Different types of B vitamins are used to increase the body metabolism. They increase the amount of energy present in the body by converting fat and carbohydrates into energy. Muscle building also related to the amount of Vitamins. More you intake B complex or B vitamins more easily you burn fat and a result is reduced belly. Fiber: High fiber food helps in feeling full. You eat less as you feel full. Fiber in food contains low calories and a higher tendency to burn fats. Posted in Flat Belly Dieting | Tagged burn belly fat, flat belly, flat belly foods, flat belly nutrients, vitamins

6 adevaruri dure care va vor ajuta sa deveniti mai buni

by on March 19, 2013 with 42 commentsNUAISACREZI

Articolul, despre ceea ce ii trebuie intr-adevar lumii de la noi si ce trebuie sa facem, a strans in jur de 300.000 de like-uri si aproape 8.000 de comentarii. Si asta cu toate ca David Wong vorbeste despre lucruri nu tocmai placute. Ceea ce scrie el provoaca disconfort sufletesc, protest, nemultumire, dar impreuna cu acestea si intelegerea faptului ca vorbeste despre lucruri care ar putea cu adevarat sa ne ajute sa ne schimbam, sa devenim mai buni, mai utili si sa avem mai mult succes. V-am tradus articolul in intregime, fara prescurtari si modificari. E destul de lung, dar va sfatuim sa va petreceti timpul in mod util citindu-l. Intelegeti ceva important in viata voastra. Puteti sa nu cititi mai departe daca aveti o cariera care e in urcare, sunteti coplesit de viata personala si aveti o relatie fericita. Ne bucuram pentru tine, amice, acest articol nu este pentru tine, ne mandrim cu tine!

In ceea ce ii priveste pe ceilalti, vreau ca toti sa incerce sa numeasca 5 chestii impresionante despre propria persoana. Scrieti-le sau strigati-le in gura mare. Daca ati intampinat greutati, articolul este pentru voi si o sa va enerveze. Numarul 6. Pe toti ii intereseaza doar ceea ce pot obtine de la voi.

Sa presupunem ca omul pe care il iubiti cel mai mult pe lumea asta a fost impuscat. Zace intins pe strada, sangereaza si striga. Se apropie de voi cineva si va zice sa va dati la o parte. Inspecteaza rana persoanei iubite de voi si scoate din buzunar un briceag si vrea sa opereze chiar acolo pe strada. Il intrebati: Sunteti medic? El va raspunde: Nu. Ii ziceti: Dar stiti ce faceti, nu? In acest moment el isi iese din fire. Va zice ca este bun, cinstit, si ca el intotdeauna vine la timp. Va mai informeaza ca este un fiu bun, ca viata lui este plina de activitati interesante si se mandreste cu faptul ca nu spune injuraturi. Sunteti enervati: Ce treaba are asta, la naiba, cand persoana mea iubita sta aici si sangereaza! Mie imi trebuie cineva care poate sa opereze plagi impuscate! Poti sau nu?!? Si in acest moment tipul incepe sa faca propaganda de ce esti asa de superficial si egoist? Pe tine nu te ingrijoreaza aceste minunate calitati? Nu ai auzit ca ti-a zis ca intotdeauna tine minte ziua de nastere a iubitei sale? Chiar mai conteaza pentru tine asa de mult daca poate sau nu sa opereze? In acest moment il apucati cu mainile insangerate de umeri, il scuturati si ii strigati: Nimic din aceste porcarii nu conteaza pentru ca in aceasta situatie, speciala mie, imi trebuie cineva care este in stare sa opreasca sangerarea, nenorocit bolnav ce esti.

Si iata adevarul crunt despre lumea adulta: sunteti in aceasta situatie in fiecare zi in parte. Voi sunteti barbatul cu briceagul, iar societatea victima impuscata. Daca vreti sa stiti de ce societatea va evita ori de ce nu va respecta, asta este din cauza ca societatea este plina de oameni care au nevoie de ceva. Ei au nevoie de case construite, au nevoie de mancare, distractii, relatii sexuale multumitoare. Iar voi ati venit la aceasta situatie de urgenta doar cu un briceag, doar prin faptul ca v-ati nascut, in momentul venirii pe lume deveniti o parte a sistemului creat special pentru a asculta de nevoile oamenilor. Ori va opriti la sarcina: de a asculta de nevoile oamenilor si obtineti un set unic de deprinderi ori lumea va va da un sut in fund. Si nu va conta cat de buni, darnici si respectuosi sunteti. Veti fi saraci, singuri si in frig. Asta pare dur, primitiv si materialist? Chiar bunatatea si iubirea nu mai inseamna nimic? Desigur, inseamna. Doar pana la acel moment cand acestea sunt urmarea a ceva ce faceti pentru oameni si ei nu pot obtine acel lucru in alta parte. Numarul 5. Hippie au gresit.

O scena monumentala din istoria filmului. Este vorba de discursul lui Alec Baldwin din filmul Glengarry Glenn Ross. Personajul pe care il interpreteaza Baldwin, care este perceput ca unul negativ, se adreseaza unei camera pline de barbati si le spune ca vor fi toti concediati daca nu indeplinesc planul de vanzari: Baiat bun? Nu ma intereseaza. Un tata minunat? Du -te naibii! Mergi acasa si te joaca cu copiii tai. Daca vrei sa muncesti aici, indeplineste planul. Este dur, grosolan si se margineste cu sociopatia, dar in el este o afirmatie cinstita si concreta a ceea ce asteapta lumea de la tine. Diferenta consta in faptul ca in lumea reala oamenii considera ca nu trebuie sa vorbeasca in acest fel cu tine si decid sa te lase mai departe sa continui in mocirla asta. Aceasta scena din film mi-a schimbat viata. Alec Baldwin a fost nominalizat la Oscar pentru acest film cu toate ca asta este singura scena cu dansul. Dupa cum au observat oamenii destepti, genialitatea acestui

discurs consta in faptul ca jumatate din telespectatori gandesc: Wow, interesant, cum este sa ai un sef atat de nenorocit?, iar cealalta jumatate O da! La naiba! Duceti-va si munciti! Daca v-ati fi aflat in acea camera, cativa ati fi resimtit aceste cuvinte ca ceva normal unei atmosfere de lucru, in orice caz v-ati fi incarcat de energia mesajului, primind cu voie buna acele injuraturi, acest om este genial!, iar restul ati fi primit asta personal, acest om este un nenorocit, nu are dreptul sa vorbeasca in acest fel cu mine. Ori manevra standard, cand narcisismul se intalneste cu o putere mare ati fi fost nemultumiti, dar nu ati fi spus asta nimanui, imaginandu-va ca veti gasi informatia care v-ar fi pus seful intr-o lumina proasta. Diferenta dintre cele doua pozitii supararea fata de motivatie determina daca veti reusi sau nu in aceasta lume. Multi vor sa corespunda afirmatiei lui Tyler Durden din Fight club: Youre not your job. De fapt sunteti ceea ce munciti. Da, serviciul dumneavoastra si ceea ce intelegeti prin angajare pot fi lucruri diferite, dar in ambele cazuri dumneavoastra nu sunteti decat suma competentelor folositoare pe care le aveti, nimic mai mult. De exemplu, a fi mama este o munca care cere anumite calitati. Este ceva ce omul poate face pentru a aduce folos celorlalti membri ai societatii. Nu faceti confuzie: munca dumneavoastra, folosul pe care il aduceti celorlalti, este tot ceea ce sunteti. De aceea chirurgii sunt mai respectati decat scriitorii de comedie. Din aceasta cauza mecanicii sunt mai respectati decat hipsterii someri. Acesta este motivul pentru care serviciul va va deveni eticheta in caz ca moartea dumneavoastra va aparea in paginile ziarelor Aparatorul Ligii nationale de fotbal s-a sinucis. Tyler afirma Tu nu esti munca ta!, dar el de asemenea a infiintat o companie de succes de fabricare a sapunului si a devenit conducatorul unei miscari social-politice. El era totalmente munca sa. Sau ganditi-va la asta: Compania Chick-fil-A se manifesta deschis impotriva casatoriilor intre persoanele de acelasi sex. Dar in ciuda protestelor, compania continua sa vanda zilnic milioane de sandwichuri. Nu din cauza ca Statele erau de acord cu ei, ci pentru ca ei isi fac de minune delicioasele gustari. Si asta e tot ce conteaza. Nu trebuie neaparat sa va placa asta. Mie de exemplu nu-mi place ca de ziua mea de nastere ploua, dar totusi ploua. Norii s-au format, a plouat. Oamenii au necesitati si prin ele ei dau valoare oamenilor pe care ii intalnesc. Acestea sunt simple mecanisme ale universului si ele nu trebuie sa ne multumeasca. Daca in momentul de fata protestati spunand ca nu sunteti un mic capitalist si materialist, ca nu sunteti de acord cu faptul ca banii inseamna totul, o sa va intreb o singura chestie: Cine a spus ceva de bani? Va scapa ceva mult mai important. Numarul 4. Ceea ce faceti nu trebuie neaparat sa va aduca bani, dar trebuie sa aduca folos celorlalti

O sa va aduc un exemplu care nu tine de bani si pe care nu-l veti putea contesta. Citesc zeci de povesti in fiecare an de la barbati celibatari disperati ca sunt singuri. Acestia sunt nemultumiti ca femeile nu vor sa fie cu dansii in ciuda faptului ca ei sunt cei mai draguti de pe aceasta planeta. Eu pot sa le explic ce nu e in regula cu dansii, dar iarasi, cred ca Alec Baldwin ar face-o mult mai bine decat mine. In acest caz Baldwin joaca rolul femeilor atragatoare. Ele, desigur, nu spun asta direct si asa taios ca dansul societatea ne invata sa nu fim sinceri cu oamenii dar sensul e acelasi. Esti baiat bun? Cui ii pasa? Daca vrei sa muncesti aici indeplineste norma. Ce? Vrei sa zici ca nu voi avea o iubita buna pana cand nu voi avea un salariu bun si o gramada de bani? Nu, creierul tau sare la aceasta concluzie, ca tu ai o scuza sa nu le atragi atentia celor care nu sunt de acord cu tine pentru ca ei sunt egoisti si superficiali. Te intreb, ce propui? Esti destept? Amuzant? Interesant? Talentat? Ambitios? Creativ? Ok, si ce faci ca sa demonstrezi aceste calitati lumii? Nu vorbi ca esti un baiat bun asta nu este de ajuns. Fetele bune au prieteni care sunt draguti cu ele de 36 de ori pe zi. Pacientul sangereaza pe strada. Stii sa-l operezi sau nu? Dar eu nu sunt sexist, rasist, lacom si dur! Nu sunt ca ceilalti, restul sunt niste nenorociti! Scuza-ma, eu stiu ca asta este greu de ascultat, dar daca tot ceea ce stii sa faci este sa faci o lista cu neajunsurile pe care nu le ai, atunci da-te naibii de langa pacient. Uite acel frumusel plin de duh cu o cariera promitatoare este gata sa opereze. Asta ti-a ranit sentimentele? Ok si ce daca? O sa incepi sa te plangi de asta zilnic sau vei merge sa inveti sa devii chirurg? Depinde de tine, dar nu incepe sa te plangi ca fetele se indragostesc doar de ticalosi; ele se indragostesc de acesti ticalosi pentru ca ei au ce sa le ofere. Dar eu sunt un bun ascultator! Da? Din cauza ca tu vrei sa stai cuminte in loc sa primesti sansa de a fi aproape de o fata frumoasa (si sa petreci fiecare clipa visand la cat de fina ii este pielea)? Iar ac um imagineaza-ti ca in viata acestei fete este un alt barbat, care stie sa asculte, dar el mai stie si sa cante la chitara. Sa spui ca tu esti un baiat bun este la fel ca si cum ai fi un restaurant care nu vinde diferite feluri de mancare ci doar mancare ce nu va otraveste. Tu esti ca un nou film cu titlul Film in engleza cu sloganul Actorii se vad bine.

Eu cred ca anume din aceasta cauza tu poti fi baiat bun si totusi sa te simti groaznic cand te gandesti la tine. Si anume Numarul 3. Te urasti pentru ca nu faci nimic

Si ce? Zici ca ar trebui sa citesc o carte despre cum sa-ti gasesti o iubita? Da, doar in cazul in care primul pas in aceasta carte spune: Trebuie sa devii acel om langa care fetele vor sa fie. Acest pas este mereu trecut cu vederea. Intotdeauna Cum sa-mi gasesc un serviciu?, dar nu Cum sa devin acea persoana la care viseaza toti angajatorii?. De fiecare data Cum sa fac ca sa ma placa fetele frumoase? si nu Cum se devin acel barbat de care se indragostesc fetele frumoase?. Vedeti, asta este din cauza ca la intrebarile 2 si 4 raspunsurile v-ar cere sa renuntati la multe dintre activitatile voastre preferate, sa acordati mai multa atentie aspectului fizic, si Dumnezeu stie inca la ce. Posibil va fi nevoie chiar sa va schimbati personalitatea. Dar de ce nu pot gasi pe cineva care sa ma iubeasca asa cum sunt?, te intrebi. Raspunsul: Pentru ca oamenii cer multe. Victima sangereaza si tot ceea ce poti sa faci este sa te uiti si sa suferi ca nu exista plagi impuscate care sa se vindece de la sine. Uite inca un videoclip. Ce va opreste sa va puneti chilotii si o pelerina si sa iesiti pe scena si sa va laudati cu ce aveti in dotare la toata lumea? Acest tip stie secretul succesului in aceasta viata: sa faci ceva este mai bine decat sa nu faci nimic. Dar nu sunt bun la toate! Am vesti bune pentru tine fa-ti timp destul pentru a repeta si vei putea deveni bun la toate. Eram cel mai de rahat scriitor in timpul adolescentei. Am devenit un pic mai bun pe la 25 de ani. Si in timp ce-mi ratam cu insistenta cariera am scris in timpul liber articole timp de 8 ani, cate unul pe zi, pana am inceput sa primesc bani pentru asta. Mi-au trebuit 13 ani ca sa devin un scriitor destul de bun ca sa ajung in lista bestsellerilor la New York Times. Mi-au trebuit 20.000 de ore de practica ca sa-mi slefuiesc textele mele de rahat.

Nu va place ideea de a cheltui vremea libera pentru a primi indemanari noi? Am vesti bune si vesti proaste. Cele bune aceasta practica altruista va va ajuta sa iesiti din propria cochilie am supravietuit anilor de munca de birou pentru ca stiam ca voi capata competente unice pe langa asta. Oamenii abandoneaza treburile la jumatate de cale pentru ca rezultatele nu apar imediat, pentru ca ei nu isi pot imagina ca procesul este in sine si rezultatul. Vestile proaste nu aveti de ales. Daca vreti sa munciti aici, indepliniti-va planul. Parerea mea ca om simplu, va urati nu din cauza respectului de sine scazut, nu din cauza ca oamenii sunt duri cu voi. Va urati din cauza ca nu faceti nimic. Pana si tu nu te poti iubi asa cum esti iata de ce sunteti nefericiti si imi trimiteti mesaje private, intrebandu-ma ce trebuie sa faceti cu viata voastra. Rezolvati urmatoarea problema: Cat timp cheltuiti pentru chestiile de consum, facute de altii (televizor, muzica, jocuri video, site-uri) in loc sa faceti ceva al vostru? Doar asta va adauga pret existentei voastre. Si daca nu va place sa auziti asta, daca va staruiti sa corespundeti frazei Este important ceea ce este in sufletul vostru pe care ati auzit-o in copilarie am sa va spun o singura chestie Numarul 2. Ceea ce aveti in suflet este important doar daca va determina sa faceti ceva

Pentru ca sunt in aceasta afacere eu stiu o multime de autori care iubesc sinceritatea. Ei cred despre dansii ca sunt scriitori, se imagineaza asa la petreceri, ei constientizeaza asta adanc in suflet, au suflete de scriitori. Singurul lucru pe care il rateaza unde sunt cu adevarat operele lor. Dar oare chiar conteaza? Ceea ce este scris este singura chestie ce conteaza pentru a determina cine este si cine nu este scriitor? De dragul iubirii lui Dumnezeu, da. Asta este tactica folosita cel mai frecvent pentru a te apara de tot ceea ce am scris mai sus si mai demult si de orice critica din viata voastra. Aceasta tactica este folosita de ecoul vostru pentru a va apara de

munca grea asupra voastra: Stiu ca in suflet sunt un om bun. Poate fi formulata si asa Stiu cine sunt si Eu trebuie sa fiu eu insumi. Nu ma intelegeti gresit; inauntru sunteti totul. Tipul care a construit o casa pentru familie de la zero cu ce avea la indemana a facut asta pentru ca asa este el pe dinauntru. Orice fapta rea pe care ati savarsit-o a inceput de la un impuls gresit, un anume gand a ricosat in creierul tau pana cand ati fost nevoit sa faceti asta. Si orice fapta buna se face pe acelasi principiu. Cine esti tu pe dinauntru este ingrasamantul metaforic pe care cresc fructele tale. Si iata ce trebuie sa stie fiecare. Si ceea ce multi dintre noi nu pot accepta: Tu esti fructul si nimic mai mult. Nimanui nu-i pasa de ingrasamantul vostru. Cine sunteti voi pe dinauntru nu are nici o semnificatie daca nu produceti nimic pentru altii. Inauntru ai o mila mare pentru saraci. Minunat. Ati facut ceva in privinta asta? Sau ati ramas numai cu aceasta compasiune? Auziti de vreo tragedie care s-a intamplat si vorbiti O, saracii copii. Transmiteti-le ce gandesc despre ei? Duceti-va naibii daca faceti asa, mai bine aflati de ce au nevoie si ajutati-i. O suta de oameni au vizionat filmuletul Kony, virtual toti se gandeau la saracii copii africani. Si ce a facut societatea cu aceste ganduri? Nimic! In fiecare zi mor copii din cauza ca milioane de oameni isi vorbesc ca a simti este la fel ca si a face. Este un mecanism interior controlat de partea lenesa a creierului care ne apara de actiuni reale. Cati dintre voi acum merg in cercuri si isi zic El/ea m -ar iubi daca ar afla cat sunt de interesant! Serios? Si cum ar trebui sa se transmita aceste ganduri interesante de sine statator lumii? Ori ele ar trebui sa devina motiv pentru actiunile voastre? Daca fata sau baiatul visurilor voastre v-ar filma cu camera ascunsa in decursul unei luni ar fi uimiti de ceea ce vad? Tineti minte, ei nu va pot citi gandurile, ei pot doar sa vada. Si-ar dori ei sa devina o parte a vietii voastre? Tot ceea ce va rog eu este sa aplicati asupra propriei persoane aceleasi standarde pe care le folositi la ceilalti. Cu siguranta aveti un prieten credincios iritant, a carui ajutor se rezuma la o sa ma rog pentru dansii. Nu va scoate din minti asta? Eu nu comentez acum daca ajuta sau nu rugaciunile, dar asta nu schimba cu nimic faptul ca acest om a ales acel tip de ajutor pentru care nu trebuie sa-ti misti fundul de pe canapea. Acesti oameni se abtin de la orice rau, intentiile lor sunt curate, ingrasamantul lor interior este atat de curat pe cat este posibil, dar cate cresc pe el? Si ei trebuie sa inteleaga aceasta metafora mai bine ca oricine am furat-o din Biblie. Iisus repeta ceva de genul copacul este judecat dupa fructele pe care le face intr-una. Iisus nu a spus niciodata Daca vreti sa munciti aici, indepliniti norma. Nu, el

vorbea Fiecare pom care nu da fructe bune trebuie trebuie taiat si aruncat in foc (Evanghelia dupa Matei). Oamenii nu reactioneaza bine cand aud asa ceva. La fel au reactionat si managerii din film la cuvintele lui Alec Baldwin despre faptul ca ei ar trebui sa se faca mai puternici sau sa se apuce sa curete papuci. Ceea ce ne aduce la punctul final Numarul 1. Totul din voi se va lupta cu progresul

Ratiunea umana este un miracol si poti sa o vezi cat de bine munceste in momentul in care se lupta cu dovezile evidente cu privire la necesitatea schimbarii. Psihicul vostru este inzestrat cu un mecanism de aparare, creat pentru a elimina tot ceea ce poate muta din loc ceva in voi intrebati-l pe orice narcoman. Chiar si acum cativa din voi citesc si simt cum creierul bombardeaza automat ceea ce ati citit si va comanda sa nu acceptati asta. Din proprie experienta va pot spune ca bombardamentele pot lua urmatoarele forme: Sa iei intentionat orice critica ca insulta

Cine este el sa ma numeasca lenes si nefolositor! Un om bun nu ar fi vorbit in acest mod cu mine! El a scris asta ca sa simta superioritatea asupra mea, ca sa ma faca sa ma simt rau! Si eu nu voi lasa asta asa, eu voi egala scorul! Concentrarea atentiei la cel ce vorbeste, nu la ceea ce spune

Cine este EL sa-mi zica MIE cum sa-mi traiesc viata! Vai, uitati-va la dansul, cat este de puternic si de mare! Dar de fapt este un alt grafoman din retea! Voi cauta ceva care sa demonstreze ca el este un prost! Este atat de pretentios, incat mi se face greata! I-am vazut un video mai vechi in care citeste rap si versurile sunt varza! Concentrarea asupra tonului mesajului, in loc de continut

Voi rascoli tot pana voi gasi o gluma care sa sune jignitor, fiind scoasa din context, iar pe urma voi vorbi si ma voi gandi numai la dansa! Am auzit ca un cuvant jignitor poate sa inmormanteze o intreaga carte! Redactarea propriei istorii

Nu este chiar asa de rau! Eu stiu ca am incercat sa ma sinucid luna trecuta, dar acum ma simt mai bine! Este foarte posibil ca daca o voi tine tot asa in continuare pai pana la urma va functiona de la sine! Voi lua o pauza mai mare si voi continua sa-mi arat interesul fata de fata ceea si intr-un final va veni ea la mine! Increderea ca orice schimbare este o tradare fata de propria persoana

Aha, adica eu ar trebui sa renunt la benzile desenate s i in loc de asta sa muncesc cate 6 ore la sala? Si sa ma folosesc de auto bronzant ca toti prostii din showurile TV? Pentru ca asta este singura alternativa. Si asa mai departe. Nu uitati, suferinta este convenabila. Iata de ce majoritatea o prefera. Fericirea cere eforturi. Si curajul. Este foarte confortabil sa stii ca daca nu vrei crea nimic in aceasta viata, atunci nimeni nu va putea atentiona la ceea ce ai facut. Este mult mai simplu sa stai in fund si sa critici ceea ce au facut ceilalti. Filmul este prostesc. Copiii astia sunt needucati. Relatia celor doi a ajuns in impas. Acest bogatas este marunt ca persoana. Acel restaurant nu este bun de nimic. Scriitorul asta de pe internet este cretin. Mai bine las un comentariu sub munca lui in care cer sa-l concedieze. Vedeti, am facut si eu ceva. A, ma scuzati, am uitat sa mentionez asta? Da, orice ati incerca sa construiti sau sa creati fie ca este vorba de o poezie, o noua indemanare, o noua relatie veti fi inconjurat de acele persoane care nu creeaza nimic si care va vor critica pentru ceea ce faceti. Posibil pe la spatele vostru, dar vor face asta. Prietenii vostri bauti vor fi impotriva faptului ca sunteti treaz. Prietenii vostri grasi nu vor vrea ca voi sa incepeti un nou regim. Prietenii vostri care nu au un loc de munca nu vor vrea sa va vada avand o cariera. Tineti minte, ei isi manifesta propriile temeri, din acel moment din care sa-ti bagi piciorul in munca altora a devenit inca o justificare pentru lene. De ce ar trebui sa face eu ceva cand cee a ce creeaza ceilalti nu este bun de nimic? Eu as fi scris deja un roman, dar eu voi astepta ceva bun, nu vreau sa scriu urmatoarea carte <>! Si din cauza ca nu creeaza nimic, el este perfect si departe de a lua lectii. Si daca chiar va face ceva, se va convinge ca a facut asta cu o ironie aparte. O va face prost intentionat ca toata lumea sa inteleaga ca asta nu a fost o incercare reala. Ca o incercare reala va fi minunata. Nu ca rahatul pe care il faceti. Cititi comentariile la articolele noastre de fiecare data aceeasi chestie: Nuaisacrezi trebuie sa concedieze pe cel care a scris. Acest nenorocit trebuie sa inceteze sa scrie. Nu mai filmati nimic. Toate comentariile se reduc la una si aceeasi chestie: Incetati sa mai creati. Asta se deosebeste de cee a ce as fi facut eu, iar atentia pe care o primiti ma face sa ma ingrijorez pentru mine.

Nu fiti asa. Daca sunteti asa, nu mai fiti. Din cauza asta lumea va uraste. Tot din acest motiv va urati. Aveti un an. Sfarsitul anului 2013 este deadline-ul ori anul in care veti citi acest articol. In timp ce altii zic In acest an voi slabi 15 kilograme, eu va propun sa dati promisiunea ca veti face ceva, orice o sa invatati o noua indemanare, veti adauga ceva nou la ceea ce stii deja si ca veti face asta destul de bine incat sa produceti o impresie puternica asupra celorlalti. Nu ma intrebati ce anume, alegeti ceva la intamplare din ceea ce nu stiti. Inscrieti-va la karate, dansuri sportive, olarit. Invatati sa coaceti. Construiti o cusca pentru pasari. Invatati sa faceti masaj. Invatati limbajul de programare. Faceti un film porno. Deveniti super erou si luptati cu infractionalitatea. Incepeti un video blog pe YouTube. Scrieti pentru un site. Momentul crucial aici este urmatorul nu vreau sa va concentrati asupra a ceva global ce vreti sa vi se intample (Vreau sa-mi gasesc o iubita, voi castiga o gramada de bani). Vreau sa va concentrati asupra unui lucru mai marunt, invata un nou lucru care te va face mai interesant si mai pretios pentru ceilalti. Nu am bani sa platesc cursurile culinare. Atunci cautati pe Google Cum sa gatesc. Ei acum filtreaza pana si filmele porno, asa ca acum a devenit mult mai usor sa faceti asta. La naiba, omorati toate pretextele astea. Ori o sa va omoare ele. Nu aveti nimic de pierdut, iar lumea are nevoie de voi. Si la final un video cu un catelus de rasa Corgi care se rostogoleste pe scari.


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12 citate motivationale pentru anul 2013

Pregatirea psihologica pentru dieta

1. alex
March 19, 2013 at 23:05 ai tot respectul meu pentru ca ai publicat asa ceva!!! MULTUMESC!!! Reply

Super! Reply

March 19, 2013 at 23:51


March 20, 2013 at 15:29 Un articol foarte bun. Iti multumesc! Reply


March 21, 2013 at 05:26 hi!,I like your writing very a lot! proportion we keep up a correspondence more about your post on AOL? I need an expert in this space to unravel my problem. May be thats you! Taking a look forward to peer you. Reply


March 21, 2013 at 08:36 uau! m-ai zguduit un pic. trebuie sa-l citesc inca o data. Reply


Irina Tuca
March 21, 2013 at 09:34 Oau ..bravo,bravo,bravo cui a scris vorbele acelea si tie ca le-ai pus aici cu completarile de rigoare. Mesajul asta ar trebui lipit in toate lucrurile publice si dat mai departe la toti prietenii poate chiar ar invata ceva din el.

Din pacate oameni care isi dau importanta, critica si incearca sa-ti bage bete in roate atunci cand vrei sa realizezi ceva sunt din ce in ce mai multi. Dumnezeu cu mila pt ei caci sunt niste zombi, suflete goale. Te citesc si imi placi foarte mult Iti doresc o zi buna :* Reply

April 17, 2013 at 01:40 Mesajul acesta ar trebui hai sa o facem ) gandestete la toate localele publice pe care le vizitezi minim o data in 2 saptamani. Fa-ti copiile necesare si ai grija de fiecare data cand vizitezi unul din ele sa discuti cu manager-ul si sa lesi cateva foi in locul permis. Reply


March 21, 2013 at 11:24 Superb si motivant. Chiar m_a prins intr_o perioada in care aveam nevoie de asta. Reply

April 17, 2013 at 01:40 Mesajul acesta ar trebui hai sa o facem ) gandestete la toate localele publice pe care le vizitezi minim o data in 2 saptamani. Fa-ti copiile necesare si ai grija de fiecare data cand vizitezi unul din ele sa discuti cu manager-ul si sa lesi cateva foi in locul permis. Reply


March 21, 2013 at 20:51 Super articolul, o inspiratie necesara pentru cei mai multi dintre noi. Dar am de adaugat ceva, si sufletul omului conteaza, bunatatea lui, gingasia, respectul fata de celaltaipentru ca fiecare pom, muncitor, are fructul lui, dar fructul care iese poate sa fie daunator pt ceilalti, amar, stricat, prea aceea conteaza si ce e la baza pomului, ingrasamantul. Ca de exemplu un scriitor, daca sufletul lui e de a invata lumea, de a-si dedica timpul lui pentru a face oamenii sa inteleaga despre ce vorbeste si pentru a atrage trebui ca acel scriitor sa scrie astfel incat cei ce citesc artocolul, cartesa aibe pasiunea pt scris si in acelati timp pasiunea pt oameni, sa scrie cu zic ca si un pic de sarcasm nu e bundar conteaza si sufletul omului pt ca de acolo pornestc lucrurile bune pe care le va oferi lumii. Alt exemplu ar fi cu cutitul si pacientul care e inpuscat in brat: daca esti rau pe dinauntrunu iti pasa, ci doar iti faci meseria, il operezi pe bietul omii salvezi viatadar ramane fara brat.toata viata,pt nepasare. Deci in concluzie totul pleaca din interiorbunatatea iti da acel ceva care ii inspira si pe oamenii de langa mod pozitiv. daca esti rau..inspiri si oamenii de langa tine intr -un mod negativ. Parerea mea. Reply


March 23, 2013 at 17:32 pe mine lumea ma potolit din ami pasa si din a respecta daca faci aceste lucruri esti dat deoparte lumea e f egoista si increzuta insa nu ma voi schimba pentru nimic in lume ii voi schimba doar pe ei si voi avea o lectie de viata in plus Reply


March 23, 2013 at 22:10 Avertismentul de la inceputul articolului m-a facut si mai curioasa sa vad ce urmeaza. Nu ma asteptam sa fie atat de motivant. E trist, dar acum imi dau seama de ce ma tot certau ai mei ca dormeam prea mult in facultate si nu faceam nimic. Sa fii in zona ta de confort si linistit stiind ca totusi ai tras de timp si nu ai facut nimic e destul de seducator, dar e minunat cand pur si simplu FACI ceva, si nu pentru un multumesc si pentru a te simti util.

AWESOME article ! Multumim pentru postare Reply


March 23, 2013 at 22:56 Numai mesaje de genul asta poate sa trezeasca lumea, sai puna pe ginduri, poate si pe treabafrumos! Reply

March 26, 2013 at 12:38

Adevarat ! Reply


March 23, 2013 at 23:45 GENIAL. Am multe de invatat. Reply


March 24, 2013 at 00:31 Nu mi sa parut deloc ofensator si , da , eram si eu intro stare urata. Chiar ma ajutat, e sutul in fund de care avem cu totii nevoie . Reply


March 26, 2013 at 12:38 Un articol impresionant , felicitari celui care l-a scris . Eu cred ca acest articol ar fi bun pentru toti adolescentii care trebuie sa-si faca un drum in viata. Ar avea ceva de invatat,bineintales nu numai, cum s-a precizat si inaintea articolului pentru toti ce-i nemultumiti de viata lor . Reply


March 27, 2013 at 13:38 Mi-a placut mult articolul si ar trebui sa-l citeasca cat mai multe persoane , nu conteaza varsta , sexul , religia , poate atunci s-ar schimba ceva din aceasta lume . In general oamenii ,,reactioneaza la diferiti stimuli ( fizici-,,rana,emotionali , etc), nu actioneaza, asteptam sa ne ,,loveasca ceva si reactio nam . Putini oameni actioneaza si atunci rotitele se pun in miscare si devenim mai buni . Reply


Un om
March 27, 2013 at 20:33 WowIti multumim ca existi! Reply


March 28, 2013 at 23:36 Mistooo!!!!! te motiveaza ,m-a facut sa ma gandesc la atatea lucruri pe care doresc sa le fac si nu le fac din motive banale.Gata, dam militaria jos din pod, pe cai ca se filmeaza!!! Reply


March 30, 2013 at 00:25 Nu avea cum sa primeasca vreo critica discursul tauscri prea cu har si majoritatea s -au regasit in in toate cele 6 adevaruri!Adevarul doare dar,are rolul sa ne trezeasca din visele noastre construite din iluzii si povesti Reply


March 30, 2013 at 23:19 Articolul acesta ar trebui sa apara in presa, pe toate site-urile de socializarepe toate afisele, pe toate panoul de la intrarea in blocurile unde locuim si la locul nostru de munca. Este izbitor de ancorat in realitatea din Romania si am convingerea ca ar putea determina pe o mare parte din cei care il citesc sa actioneze intr-o schimbare de atitudine. Fiecare din noi ar trebui sa devenim mai creativi, sa ne exploatam la maxim potentialul. Reply

March 30, 2013 at 23:21 Scuzati, va rog: pe panoul fara toate. Reply


Dogaru Amalia
March 30, 2013 at 23:20 Interesant si iar interesant., avem atitea de schimbat la noi insine !!! Reply


April 1, 2013 at 21:01 foarte bun articolul, cred ca este primul articol citit de mine care spune lucrurilor pe fata intr-o astfel de maniera Reply


April 1, 2013 at 22:06 chiar am ramas cu gura cascata si la urma am zimbit . You are crazy ::) dar corect Reply


asher chayyim
April 4, 2013 at 06:51 semi adevar/semi fals acum ce sa faci, fiecare are viziunea proprie asupra vietii au fost mai multe fraze care mi-au parut supreficiale, am sa dau un exemplu, care m -a zgariat pe suflet in ambele cazuri dumneavoastra nu sunteti decat suma competentelor folositoare pe care le aveti, nimic mai mult. fiecare om e mai mult decat atat. e ceea ce face, fiecare gest marunt si aducator de bucurie pentru altii. e si suma calitatilor si personalitatii, prin care ii inspira pe altii. si oricum, e mai mult si decat asta. e mai mult decat stie el despre el insusi. fiecare om e o fiinta extraordinara, care are nevoie sa deschida ochii, sa vada maretia din sine si s-o manifeste. e mult de discutat aici oricum, bravo pt articol. Reply


Dani Lazar
April 5, 2013 at 18:50 Made my day, thank you! Reply


April 9, 2013 at 00:21 Citeam si nu puteam crede ochilor.oare chiar facand si un lucru marunt dar flositor pentru tine este bine sa il faci?!CiudatAm 20 de ani desi multi imi zic ca sunt prea copila la ganduri perceptii si comportament,insa eu oricum am ceva ce fac cu ce ma ocup si imi place,sunt la institutul de arte in domeniul Publicitate si e ceva ce nu am facut in viata mea,mi-a cazut din pod.dar imi place;scriu pe blog cand am timp si daca nu am,caut si gasesc,scriam poezii ,insa acum nu am inspiratie,de parca as fi intr-o zona interzisa.Sunt perfecte ideile de mai sus,sincer!Multumesc ca exista oameni,care ne deschid ochii despre realitate in diferite moduri dar moduri directe!!! Reply


April 12, 2013 at 15:53 Un articol foarte interesant si dur, felicitari. Reply


April 16, 2013 at 15:22 Nu a fost un articol jignitor, ba chiar poate fi catalogat ca unul bine voitor in schimb la fel ca orice trainer de motivare David Wong pune caruta in fata cailor. Toate textele motivatoare incearca sa -ti insufle ideea ca ai valoare doar daca realizezi ceva, daca aduci folos, daca ai rezultate etc. Ideea pare una corecta dar e superficiala. Ce-ar fi sa pornim invers. Esti valoros, demn de iubire, esti iubirea intrupata, si e alegerea ta daca faci ceva sau nu dar eu as pune o singura conditie. Ceea ce faci fa o din iubire, pentru ca iti place, pentru ca iti ofera satisfactie ( activitatea in sine ), pentru ca. Si daca faci orice din iubire vei face ceva de calitate superioara si de folos, fara sa-ti pese de recompensa. Recompensa si motivarea este insasi bucuria de a face cea ce iti place. Si atunci vei avea rabdare si perseverenta, iar fructele desigur vor aparea negresit de la sine Reply


Razvan Popescu
April 18, 2013 at 23:09 Asa ceva ar trebui predat in scoli! Respect! Reply


April 29, 2013 at 19:54 Hran pentru suflet! Reply


May 27, 2013 at 11:49 Buna, draga scriitorule nu vrei sa crezi ! Imi voi scrie cateva idei principale si sintetizate, desprinse din diverse cercetari si studii stiintifice lecturate si intens analizate, mai cu seama cele psihologice, care s-ar putea sa-ti rastoarne intreg sistemul de valori acumulat pana acum, dar ma voi risca pentru ca stiu ca vei intelege: 1) ADEVARUL E RELATIV SI CUNOASTEREA E VITALA! Nu exista 1, 2, 6 sau un numar Z prestabilit de adevaruri eterne, dar talcuit ascunse, ci doar observatii de common sense sau psihologie naiva, care se mai impletesc din cand in cand si cu realitatea obiectiva, dar si aici totul e relativ cand vine vorba despre adevarul pur si distilat 100% pentru a fi obiectiv. Exista doar adevaruri subiective desprinse dintr-un fond aperceptiv subiectiv si ca urmarea a istoriei personale a fiecaruia dintre noi, pentru ca fiecare persoana chiar percepe diferit si in mod unic aceleasi experiente pe care le intalnim noi toti, dar asta inseamna ca suntem destinati sa ne gasim propriul adevar/ adevaruri noastre care sa ne satisfaca si sa ne faca niste oameni mai buni si mai frumosi. 2) DEVENIM CEEA CE GANDIM SI CEEA CE SIMTIM! Rene Descartes avea mare dreptate cand afirma cogito, ergo sum, deoarece chiar si psihologii cognitivi au descoperit ca gandurile noastre ne pot predestina viata intr-un mod favorabil sau fatalist; aici depinde

de fiecare cu ce ganduri pozitive sau negative isi hraneste mintea, pentru ca acestea ii vor oferi oportunitatile de care va avea nevoie mai tarziu pentru dezvoltare personala si profesionala. Cu toate astea, nici Blaise Pascal nu gresea cand afirma ca sensibilitatea ne reveleaza eul si ca ceea ce simtim ne determina modul nostru de actiune, iar studiile behavioriste din ultimii ani ne demonstreaza acest lucru, intrucat si motivatia, mai ales cea intrinseca, dedicata schimbarii in mai bine si depasirii propriilor conditii este o componenta majora a domeniului afectiv, care ne intretine energia noastra vitala. 3) SUNTEM MAI CAPABILI, MAI FRUMOSI SI MULT MAI MULT DECAT SIMPLA SUMA A PROPRIILOR ACTIUNI SI COMPETENTE! In ultimii ani, societatea si regulile ei schimbatoare ne-a inspirat gustul libertatii si o data cu acesta si darul individualitatii si a dezvoltat cultul personalitatii prin valorizarea dezvoltarii personale, acumularii excesive de diplome, competente si experienta profesionala si cel al auto-eficientei personale si eficacitatii profesionale si interpersonale, chiar perfectibilitatea iubirii. Suna insipid, mecanic, poate groaznic, chiar deprimant! Se pare ca te-ai nascut doar ca sa satisfaci o lume intreaga si sa devii cel mai bun, cel mai sexi si cel mai bine platit, dar si cel mai folosit, cel mai muncit si cel mai trist dintre toti, pentru ca simti ca-ti lipseste ceva chiar si atunci cand reusesti in cariera ta, asta daca-ti permite orarul tau una, daca nu, probabil esti sclavul bine recompensat al unei coorporatii multinationale bine cotate. Cu toate astea, viata inseamna mult mai mult decat ierarhie socio-profesionala si discursuri motivationale, niste guru sau motivational speakers care ne vor binele rotunjit cu cat mai multe zero-uri in coada, ca sa fiu onesta si care la prima ocazie se detaseaza de tine si trece peste tine atunci cand esti jos, la cea mai mica greseala sau criza existentiala din viata ta. Asta face specia, dupa cum bine zicea si marele scriitor Tolstoi, dar scopul inteligent, placut si moral al umanitatii scoate tot ce e mai sublim, mai frumos si mai bun ca si substanta din noi, de aceea mai intai trebuie sa invatam sa devenim oameni si apoi performeri, antreprenori, angajatii cei mai doriti si asa mai departe, pentru ca ceea ce ai tu, nimeni nu-ti poate fura sau te poate estima la adevarata ta valoare exponentiala. Iar daca inveti sa te accepti si sa te iubesti sincer pe tine, cu tot cu calitati si defecte, si sa muncesti cu pasiune, ambitie si mult curaj pentru indeplinirea propriilor vise, chiar vei ajunge mai departe si ii vei ajuta si pe cei din jurul tau! Succes si la Revedere! Reply


May 27, 2013 at 21:21 Ce inseamna daca am fost calma pe tot parcursul citirii articolului? Nu m-am simtit jignita,ori motivata indeajuns. Inseamna ca nu ma urasc? Reply

May 28, 2013 at 21:49

Ioana, inseamna ca ai ajuns la un nivel optim al dezvoltarii personale, care te face sa te simti impacata cu tine si sa nu fii prea critica cu tine si nevoile tale, totodata dovedind un simt crescut al autoeficientei personale, al meritelor tale realizate pana acum. Reply


May 28, 2013 at 11:33 Articolul sincer mi s-a parut o poveste de adormit copii, sincer cu disclaimer-ul dramatic de la inceput vai , va veti simti jigniti, va fi soc si groaza pentru voi cu asta m -a pierdut desi l-am citit si sincer nu gasesc nimic relevator in el, is niste povesti care le-am auzit in filme, media si cultura de astazi si astfel de discursuri si feluri de gandire auzi in special venind din SUA corporatista. Nu vad nimic impresionant in articolul asta, doar ca esti un nimeni pentru cei care vor mult sau chiar totul. Oau sincer n-as fi banuit niciodata. Sau ca lucrurile mici sunt importante in viata sau ca lenea e naspa un soc amar am simtit. Insa, ca de fapt aici am vrut sa ajung, ce ai scris tu Sallzestra e cu totul si cu totul altceva, mult mai adevarat, mult mai plin de continut si se vede o anumita gandire caci din articol eu n-am vazut nimci emotionant decat un discurs motivational al carui fraze sunt preluate din diferite surse de inspiratie si puse la un loc , aaa da, si dupa tot geniul asta esti mare scriitor? come on guys Sunt atatea pareri despre ce e viata si cum trebuie traita cate stele sunt pe cer si tot la fel de diferite. Cititi cat mai mult si extrageti cat mai multe credeti ca se aplica si sunt corecte pentru voi, nu le luat drept litera de lege. Poti fi un ratat din perspectiva parintilor si al familiei pentru ca n-ai un job, n-ai o iubita si nici bani n-ai facut, dar astea sunt repere in viata pentru unii, nu trebuie sa fie si pentru voi pentru ca desi familia te considera un ratat, poate cei din jurul tau te considera un erou pentru ca poate esti un mare pilot auto care are rezultate si e respectat, si ce daca n-are casa, masa si nevasta? nu conteaza! e viata lui si e fericit traindu-si-o asa pentru ca poate si tu cu familie, casa si nevasta esti un ratat pentru ca el ca ai mintea blocata si esti prins in vraja asta corporatisto-democratica si te-ai facut deal societatii. Toti avem repere diferite, cunosc cupluri de mai bine de zece ani, credeti ca tipul s-au tipa s-au dus amandoi la sala, au facut ritualuri pompoase de imperechere, au cucerit Everestul pentru a impresiona? nu, poate s-au cunoscut pe net si de atunci e o dragoste si o loialitate continua, nu a fost nici o demonstratie de forta si abilitati. Faptul ca nu te place un tip de femeie sau barbat nu inseamna ca problema e la tine si trebuie sa mergi la sala si sa inveti sa pilotezi un avion, mie mi se pare ca incerci sa pari ceea ce nu esti pentru a

satisface grupul, daca tu esti comod asa cum esti, fii asa si sunt convins ca persoana potrivita nu intarzie sa apara. Cheers. Reply

May 28, 2013 at 22:00

Iti multumesc Claudiu pentru sustinere, dar cele relatate de mine nu sunt doar simple vorbe de duh sau motivare, ci chiar scientific facts, truisme logice si stiintifice de sine statatoare si bine studiate si cladite care fac parte din insasi natura noastra pur umana si realmente evoluata. Si revenind la discrusul tau, fiecare persoana isi are standardele sale personalizate, asa ca noi nu putem sa-i multumim pe toti, desi ideal ar fi sa ne multumim cel putin pe noi si mai apoi pe cei dragi, iar eu sunt de parere ca si tine ca a invata sa te accepti, sa te respecti si sa te iubesti asa cum esti ii va chema si pe ceilalti din jurul tau sa se comporte aidoma cu tine asa cum ti-ai dori tu si nu mare near fi mirarea sa atragem in jurul nostru oameni optimisti, ambitiosi si cu o gandire sanatoasa atunci cand si noi ne infatisam cu aceste calitati celor din jur . Singurul lucru pentru care pot sa aduc credit acestui articol este cel al provocarii intelectuale in lupta mediocritatii si spleen-ului hipsterist din ultima vreme in materie de discursuri motivationale, dar mai ales pentru ca a punctat un lucru bun si anume: Faptele noastre vorbesc mult mai mult decat inasi vorbele noastre, de aceea trebuie sa fim modele de exemplu active si vii, oameni entuziasmati, pusi pe treaba si curajosi in a ne indeplini visele, a ne cunoaste si trai experiente bogate, memorabile si noi de viata! Reply


Andrei Ogrean
May 30, 2013 at 20:50 Un articol cu un mesaj la subiect si dur, atat de dur cat e nevoie sa ne faca sa ne trezim uneori din ceea suntem indemnati si de imnul national si anume: ,,Desteapta-te romane, din somnul cel de moarte. Nota 10 pentru articol!!! Reply


May 30, 2013 at 23:22 Stii ce ma amuza? Acei oameni care sunt exact asa cum sunt descrisi in articol, nu citesc astfel de articole. Ei sunt deja perfecti. Reply )


June 4, 2013 at 15:24 Cel mai realist articol citit pana acumfinalul:maxim!:)) Reply


Alexandra Bubela
June 12, 2013 at 10:23 mersi. mi-ai facut ziua mai buna! Reply

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Sex Techniques and Positions

Tantric Sex - A Different Way Of Looking At Sex

[ Home ] [ Tantric sex - energy flow and more ] [ Tantric sex stion of ejaculation ][ More Tantric sexual techniques ] [ Exploring sex and the purpose of orgasm ] [ Taking sex to a whole new le

ave the communication skills which allow us to exchange information about our needs and desires honestly with our partners. Yet the irony yday life: we are able to ask for our needs to be met, so we can be loved in the way we want, when we want - and we can ask for these thin y to this: for you cannot give these things to you lover unless you know what he or she wants during sex. Listening and hearing each other s when you are narcissistically wrapped up in your own needs, and you cannot give openly to another unless you abandon expectation of re

to give love - but you have to be able to give it first, and give it without expectation of receiving love in return. I'm not sure I agree with the s is about giving first, because I believe a lot of people practice this kind of approach to sex anyway, but what is true is that you must give du not already done so - giving another person, one whom you love, sexual pleasure can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life.

and giving. If it's the woman who is to receive from her partner first, the man's objective is to show her that she is a true goddess - the sexu e man: run her a warm bath, and decorate the bathroom with incense and candles; invest time and energy in pampering her, so she can rela ikes to be pampered, and then do it for her. This is a process in which you are really worshipping her as a manifestation of the ultimate fem

even on a rug in front of the fire, and give her a sensual massage with essential oils. The idea of this massage is to explore her body, using ying to be fully "present" in the skin where you touch her, so that she feels her skin tingle with energy. She must tell him you what she likes, - what degree of pressure, how to move your hands. If she wants to have an orgasm, then by all means move into a sexual phase of the ma ex, so please don't have intercourse. It's about you giving her your complete attention, taking an opportunity to worship the divine feminine.

evel in the experience of being the worshipped goddess, and do her best to get into touch with whatever she is feeling, sexual or otherwise. erection, leave it alone! You can relish the feeling of him worshipping you in this way, and also revel in the sense of being a goddess in hum

ake a turn at worshipping her man, and let him take his turn at relaxing and accepting what is done to him as she worships his particular ex ing him, and let her give him a massage. As the man, tell her what you like to be touched, how you like to be touched, and let her touch you h, but remember that sex is not just about having an orgasm......

erated by making love and exchanging that energy during sex - both of these things are unrelated to the male orgasm (well, more or less unr 's true for men especially, an alternative view is that sexual encounters can be about sensuous loving, energy exchange, and honest conne ble to stop premature ejaculation with PC muscle control are quite separate processes, so ejaculation need not be the goal during sex for e you can begin to look instead at sex as a process, and all sorts of possibilities open up for you - increased energy, increased intimacy, incre o have your partner worship you in this way.

x? Yes. A one night stand may be physically satisfying, but it's emotionally unfulfilling - at least most of the time - and without intimate knowl till, that does not mean everyone has to avoid this kind of sexual experience - it means that as a potential Tantrica, this sort of casual sex w r chance of avoiding sexually transmitted diseases and enjoying better sex. (Although if you are lucky enough to meet a soul-mate, sex can

gy during sex is new and rather radical in the West. It follows that if your sexual encounters are brief, shameful or negative, the energy will n we shall see how you can purify your sexual energy and raise it to a higher level.


is a powerful force. The idea that love in its purest form can be a way to develop one's spirituality is perhaps less obvious, but this is the ba ly a small part of our capacity to feel love for the purest form of spirit - God, the universe, creation itself - and that our physical experience o ur love of the divine. Of course, for this opening out to happen, sex must be enjoyed in the right frame of reference, with a spiritual approach ow different this viewpoint is to the shaming approach to sex which seems so prevalent in Western religions and other less enlightened philo

exist, you may well accept that there are energy centers in the body which undergo shifts in energy during the act of lovemaking. This is a co e act of making love to our partner. In Tantric terms, these shifts take energy from one Chakra to another, and open up the possibility of crea

or crown chakra - and thence on to connection with divine energy from the universe.

akras as they are conventionally understood. Bear in mind that you do not have to accept this as a literal explanation of how energy flows th lovemaking.

s and the anus. it's about roots, connection, source, and grounding. Your instinctual urges and feelings are governed by the first or base cha

evel of the genitals. For women, this chakra govern the sexual life.

e seat of personal power and focus, commitment to a cause and determination. Whether or not you are easily swayed from your purpose wi

y, this governs feeling and emotion, love in particular. communication.

en the brows, in the position classically said to be occupied by the third eye. It's the chakra which governs the intellectual aspects of our bein

the divine: if you like, it is the home of the Gods Shakti and Shiva.

o the crown chakra (that is when your Kundalini rises from genitals to crown during lovemaking), the great spiritual union of male and femal an certainly make sex feel like a spiritual experience. chakras.

are physically comfortable with no distractions. Make sure you are warm enough to fully focus on what you're doing; if you should find yours

ch unfurls, opening out in whatever way fits with your mental imagery. Start at the base chakra and progress up your body, imagining each starting at the base with red, then moving through orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Do the exercise with your eyes shut so tha into, through, and out of it to the next one. You can also imagine a connection with the earth through your feet and with the cosmos through ras to the earth.

e love with your partner, for it encourages the exchange of energy between you, and will give you a different experience as you connect bot y.

your penis into your partner's vagina during lovemaking, you can produce some interesting effects, especially if her G spot is awakened an nge energy around an imaginary loop between the two of you as you make love.

een you, lie down facing in opposite directions, with your head to her feet (if you're the man) and vice versa. Lie on your backs, side by side, lva and she should place her right hand on his penis. Each of you can then imagine the energy flowing up from the pelvic chakra to your ha n a tingling sensation. If you wish to help the process, imagine the energy flowing up and out of your pelvic chakra, along your arm and dow

ent directions in men and women. Men feel the energy moving up the spine, while women feel it rising up the belly. Men's energy may well a tween Yang and Yin energy). Reaching orgasm is quite OK if it happens, but as time goes by you will be more able to control the energy flo

ergy flow of the sexual/spiritual connection, your attitude should be one of delight ad pleasure: if you feel angry, annoyed or irritable, or full o te objective of this sexual technique - the process of ascending the Kundalini energy - is to experience spiritual enlightenment though lovem rience - so don't let this become a ritualized act. Yes, it's a spiritual sexual act, but it's also a very human sexual act!

4 Things to Ask Yourself When Searching for Purpose

Posted on January 31, 2013

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous. ~Wayne Dyer The Burning Question

What is my purpose? The one sweltering question we try so hard to answer and fulfill in our lives but often leaves us cold, feeling confused or frustrated.

There could be so many possible answers. More pressing is the fact that sometimes we dont just have one singular purpose, or, that purpose could change from day to day, year to year or decade to decade. We need to get comfortable with the idea of going with the flow and trusting our innate instinct. Job Conundrums We could be happily (or unhappily) plodding along in a job for many years when one day you wake up and being a (blank) no longer seems to fit into your life anymore. You scratch your head thinking what could I possibly want out of life now? I thought I was a (blank)? Never label yourself as one thing or another you will restrict the flow of your life. The answer could be that you are a quantum, multi-dimensional, layered being. This means that you could be causing change in many numerous ways, even on a subconscious level. We have in built indicators that start beeping when your contract is about to reconfigure or needs to change. This is why I will put emphasis on the fact that we need to learn to trust ourselves and our intuition. You may want to dig your feet into the ground in resistance but you need to entertain the prospect that it is time to move on. You may either need to professionally pick up and move into another arena or to physically move yourself to another location to shine your light where it is needed more.

Change is the Only Constant

We, as human beings, do not relish change. In fact, for some, it is a frightening prospect. The uncomfortable truth is that the only constant in this life is change. The sooner you can make your peace with that, the better you will be able to adapt to any given situation. The reasons for change can be countless and I like to refer to these seemingly non-linear events as quantum. We are navigating in a world of quantum soup, where there are many probabilities layering themselves upon each other. There are so many levels to our lives and the majority of these are unseen or subconsciously being carried out. So if you have a niggling feeling that your life needs an overhaul, it is probably time to start making that happen. The Universe, Source, Higher Self or God whichever you prefer has layered these events to unfold in divine timing and you will be gracefully cushioned to your next phase with ease that is, of course, if you dont resist. If you insist on resisting the process, you will probably still get there in the end but it will be the long and bumpy cart-ride instead of the smooth bullet train.

From the Horses Mouth

I speak from personal experience as I have done a lot of job hopping and career labeling in my time. I started my young life out being very artistic and decided to become an Interior Designer. Then I hit my early twenties and joined a band. In between remedial jobs I decided to go back to art and became a full-time painter. This was going well until I got my spiritual nudge to write a book. This confused the living daylights out of me because I had labeled myself as an artist. I was not a writer! However, I decided not to fight what was coming out and wrote my first book. I realized that I loved writing who would have thought? I decided to write and paint but this became very taxing. I got my final nudge to trim back on the art and concentrate on the writing, which is where I am at now. What this whole process has taught me is to surrender to the now and to not fear change because that is where your excitement lies. Try asking yourself these 4 questions:

What do you feel like doing now? What is it you would do if money wasnt an issue? What is your gut/instinct telling you? Where do the synchronicities or signposts point you?

If you are having some challenges identifying your purpose, a good place to start is inmeditation. The wonders that quiet reflection can do is innumerable. When you are in this state of centered awareness ask yourself what is my purpose? and just see what comes up for you. The answer could be immediate or it could take a couple of hours, days or weeks to come through.

Follow those Synchronous Markers

The key is to be patient and follow the signs and synchronicities. They will be there to guide you. You will have your light-bulb moment if you are dedicated to looking for these pointers. Just remember they can come to you in many ways through dreams, meditation, the TV/internet/radio, through people or conversation and pretty much any other precursor that is relevant to your particular question or purpose. But I Need to Make Money Yeah, tell me about it! We all need the green stuff to pay our bills at the end of the month, right? This is a difficult one because during the transition you may not make the money you need to and this can often put people off pursuing their dreams. The answer is that if you trust the process, the gates will open for you but you need to exercise patience and faith. I know faith doesnt pay the bills (unless you have a wealthy and generous Aunty Faith), but you can make a start at your dreams without giving up you day job for now. Baby steps will eventually lead to you changing tracks permanently and having a solid foundation to do so in the future. Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy

Descopera-ti vocatia
Ajuta-ma sa te ajut

Ce ai incercat sa faci pana acum pentru descoperirea vocatiei tale si cu ce rezultate? ( experimente, citit, cursuri, psihoterapie, etc)

Ce obstacole crezi ca te opresc sa iti descoperi vocatia?

Spune-mi unde te vezi in 5 ani de acum in caz ca NU reusesti sa iti descoperi vocatia ( scenariul cel mai rau posibil) si unde te vezi daca REUSESTI sa ti-o descoperi ( cel mai bun scenariu posibil)

Cum ar arata o zi ideala din viata ta? ( la ce ora ta trezesti, ce activitati faci, cu cine, unde, cum te simti)

Daca ar fi sa imi pui o singura intrebare, care ar fi?

COMUNICA EXPERIENTA MARKETINGPORTAL.RO Citate celebre 12 citate motivationale pentru 2013

12 citate motivationale pentru 2013


de Alina Negrutiu la 04 Feb. 2013

Tags: citate motivationale, succe, viata, libertate

Uneori nu este nevoie decat de un gand bun sau de o vorba inteleapta pentru a te motiva sa treci la actiune. Am adunat noi cateva citate care sigur te vor inspira. Iti vei descreti fruntea, dar vei putea si medita la trecerea ta prin viata.

Castiga 4.775 de Euro/luna cu propriul tau magazin online! ...detalii click aici >> 1. "Pretuieste-ti visele, caci sunt copiii sufletului tau si iti vor contura realizarile". Napoleon Hill

2. "Cheia succesului este orientarea mintii constiente spre lucrurile pe care le dorim, nu spre cele de care ne temem". Brian Tracy

3. "Succesul inseamna sa obtii ceea ce vrei. Fericirea inseamna sa vrei ceea ce obtii". Dale Carnegie

4. "Obstacolele sunt necesare succesului, pentru ca, in vanzari, ca in toate carierele importante, victoria se obtine dupa multe lupte si nenumarate infrangeri". Og Mandino

5. "O decizie concreta se masoara prin actiune. Fara actiune nu te-ai decis cu adevarat". Tony Robbins

6. "Daca nu-ti poti controla mania, esti la fel de neajutorat ca o cetate fara ziduri care este sub asediu". The Book of Proverbs

7. O persoana mediocra spune. O persoana buna explica. O persoana superioara demonstreaza. O persoana senzationala ii inspira pe ceilalti sa vada ei insisi". Harvey Mackay

8. "Libertatea, privilegiile, optiunile trebuie exercitate constant, chiar cu riscul crearii unor inconveniente". Jack Vance

9. "Ai grija de corpul tau. Este singurul loc in care ai trait". Jim Rohn

10. "Poti avea totul in viata, daca ii ajuti pe ceilalti sa obtina ceea ce vor". Zig Ziglar

11. "Numarul meu de succese este direct proportional cu numarul de esecuri si de incercari". Tom Hopkins

12. "Ai tot ce trebuie la dispozitie pentru a construi ceva mai mare decat tine". Seth Godin

13 citate motivaionale care pot s-i schimbe viaa

Fii primulUrmrete-ne!

Acest set de ganduri inspirationale va vor stimula pentru a va pune mai repede in actiune si va va da startul pentru a deveni o varianta mai performanta a dumneavoastra. Iata care sunte cele 13 citate care tin sa te motiveze in opinia colegilor de la 1. Pretuiti-va viziunile si pasiunile ca si cum ar fi copii sufletului dumneavoastra, planurile pentru ultimele dumneavoastra realizari. (Napoleon Hill) 2. Cheia succesului este aceea de a va concentra mintea asupra lucrurilor care va doriti sa vi se intample, nu pe cele de care va este frica. (Brian Tracy) 3. Succesul inseamna a obtine ceea ce vreti. Fericirea inseamna a vrea ceea ce obtineti. (Dale Carnegie) 4. Obstacolele sunt necesare in obtinerea succesului, pentru ca in vanzari ca si in celelalte cariere importante, victoria vine numai dupa nenumarate lupte si infrangeri. (Og Mandino) 5. O decizie reala este masurata prin faptul ca ati inceput o noua actiune. Daca nu exista nici o actiune, inseamna ca nu v-ati decis cu adevarat. (Tony Robbins) 6. Daca nu va puteti controla furia, sunteti la fel de neajutorat ca un oras fara ziduri care asteapta sa fie atacat. (Carte de proverbe) 7. O persoana mediocra spune. O persoana buna explica. O persoana superioara demonstreaza. O persoana minunata inspira pe altii sa vada ei insisi. (Harvey Mackay) 8. Libertatile, privilegiile, optiunile trebuie sa fie exercitate in mod constant, chiar si cu riscul de a crea neplaceri. (Jack Vance) 9. Aveti grija de corpul dumneavoastra. E singurul loc in care traiti cu adevarat. (Jim Rohn)

10. Puteti sa aveti in viata tot ce va doriti daca ii veti ajuta pe ceilalti sa obtina tot ce-si doresc. (Zig Ziglar) 11. Numarul reusitelor pe care le-am avut este direct proportional cu numarul esecurilor urmate mereu de noi incercari. (Tom Hopkins) 12. Aveti tot ce va doriti pentru a construi ceva mai mare ca dumneavoastra. (Seth Godin) 13. Asta este viata ta, si ea trece minut dupa minut. (Tyler Durden)

Is it possible to meditate in noisy environment.

de The spirit of oneness (Note) pe 3 octombrie 2012 la 18:53

For meditation, one needs a peaceful, quiet environment, but for a householder it is at times not possible to find such an environment with kids playing around, horns honking on the roads and other noise in the house. So what one can do and yet meditate? Sit with your spine straight and with your fingers in gyana mudra. If the environment is noisy, first start with listening to the noise outside. Gradually, you will find that you are accepting it and then they fade out in the background. You will gradually come into a meditative state and the noise outside will not disturb anymore.

Here are 12 Commandments to help you learn how to love yourself {by positive thoughts}
de Dail Kyle (Note) pe 26 octombrie 2012 la 22:14

Here are 12 Commandments to help you learn how to love yourself:

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 05:05 AM PDT I HAVE FOUND THAT THERE IS only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to love yourself. When people start to love themselves more each day, its amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. They get the jobs they want. They have the money they need. Their relationships either improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin. Loving yourself is a wonderful adventure; its like learning to fly. Imagine if we all had the power to fly at will? How exciting it would be! Lets begin to love ourselves now. Here are 12 Commandments to help you learn how to love yourself: 1. Stop All Criticism.

Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive. 2. Forgive Yourself. Let the past go. You did the best you could at the time with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge that you had. Now you are growing and changing, and you will live life differently. 3. Dont Scare Yourself. Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure, and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought. 4. Be Gentle and Kind and Patient. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved. 5. Be Kind to Your Mind. Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts. 6. Praise Yourself. Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing. 7. Support Yourself. Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it. 8. Be Loving to Your Negatives. Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So lovingly release the old negative patterns. 9. Take Care of Your Body. Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need in order to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise do you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in. 10. Do Mirror Work. Look into your eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself while looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents while looking into the mirror. Forgive them, too. At least once a day, say, "I love you, I really love you!" 11. Love Yourself . . . Do It Now. Don't wait until you get well, or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship. Begin nowand do the best you can. 12. Have Fun.

Remember the things that gave you joy as a child. Incorporate them into your life now. Find a way to have fun with everything you do. Let yourself express the joy of living. Smile. Laugh. Rejoice, and the Universe rejoices with you! Louise L. Hay

Nature gives us perfect serenity and peace of mind as we experience the mere presence of it. This helps clear your mind to allow you to love yourself and hence spread this good feelings to all who are around you and/or come in contact with you. Enjoy your day and spread the wonderfulness that is within each of you. :-)

Life Changing Information!

de Inner Light Healing (Note) pe 28 octombrie 2012 la 19:36

Seven Universal Principles Thought Is at the beginning of all creation. Change your thinking and you change your life! Energy follows thought! Perception Is our understanding of our world filtered through our experiences, Energy is just energy until a perception is placed on it! Choice & Accountability This refers to being accountable for our choices in life. You may always choose again!

Cause & Effects Is energy we send out comes back to us multiplied 10 fold! Abundance & Gratitude Shows us we are always abundant in the direction of our gratitude! Health & Healing Is essential for creating balance on all levels of our being! Harmony & Rhythm Allow us to follow our own intuitive rhythm to create joy!

on self realization
de The spirit of oneness (Note) pe 3 noiembrie 2012 la 11:41

ashtavakra, a saint during the mahabharata period, had a disciple. this disciple had become very proud since he learned all the shashtras and he started feeling everyone else was inferior to him. finally ashtavakra send him to raja janaka, his disciple and follower, who was enlightened. when the disciple reached the raja's palace, he found him busy in watching dance of some nrytakis (traditional dancers), drinking and enjoying with his courtmen. this disciple, was very haughty he thought, this man who is wasting his time with these dancers what will he teach him self realization. still since his guru had sent him to raja janaka, he had no choice, so he met the raja. raja with great pleasure received him as a devoted host, made all necessary arrangements for him. next day both planned to go for a bath in the lake in raja's palace's premises. next day early morning both went to the lake and started taking their bath. before starting the bath, they placed their clothings, on the stairs of the palace. suddenly, the disciple started shouting, there is fire in your palace. the palace was burning. raja janaka remained unperturbed and calm. the disciple started panicing further noticing his cool. he started shouting how can you be so cool? your palace is on fire. our clothes are burning, everything will get burned and he started running to save his clothings. raja janaka keepng his cool came out of the water. later when the fire was brought under control, the disciple with surprise asked raja janaka how he remained so cool. raja said, the fire was already there, would my panicking help and he further added but how you sped to save your clothing without thinking about anythingelse. you cannot remain detached from your cloths, how will you be detached from anythingelse. the disciple, was a knowledgeable man, he immediately understood what raja janaka meant. his stood with his head bowed and realized why his master had sent him to raja janaka. it is not about the material possessions we have or enjoying them, it is all about out attachment to them and our outer being. self realization is all about our karma, our actions, our deeds. material possessions may come and go, they can be earned, but our karma will follow us through our births. self realization helps one to flow with life with ease through the trials life brings with it.

orgiveness is not about forgetting...

de The spirit of oneness (Note) pe 25 decembrie 2012 la 07:53

forgiveness is not about forgetting. it is about letting go of another person's throat......forgiveness does not create a relationship. unless people speak the truth about what they have done and change their mind and behavior, a relationship of trust is not possible. when you forgive someone you certainly release them from judgment, but without true change, no real relationship can be established.........forgiveness in no way requires that you trust the one you forgive. but should they finally confess and repent, you will discover a miracle in your own heart that allows you to reach out and begin to build between you a bridge of reconciliation.........forgiveness does not excuse may have to declare your forgiveness a hundred times the first day and the second day, but the third day will be less and each day after, until one day you will realize that you have forgiven completely. and then one day you will pray for his wholeness...... w. paul young, the shack 34 Life Lessons in a Nutshell. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. People who want to be with you will find a way. Seek, but dont chase. Dont allow abuse or disrespect. You are valuable and deserve respect. Spend time with happiness givers not happiness suckers. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Own your truth and stay out of denial. Be present and stay present. Awareness is key. Your needs have value; dont ignore them. Achieving dreams requires action. Take steps now. Stop trying to be anything but you. You are not your past. Dont go there; let it go. Forgive yourself. Mistakes are not bad; they teach us valuable lessons. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Trying has a higher probability of resulting in success than not trying at all or quitting. Be grateful. You have received many gifts. Be responsible; only you control your actions. You are stronger than you think. You always have a choice in your response and attitude. Choose wisely. Love is all around. You just have to choose to see it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Seize opportunity. Look for the positive in every situation, event and person; its there. The only person you need to impress is yourself; stop comparing yourself to others or competing with them. Give, dont take. Hating someone only hurts you. Dont debate; everyone is entitled to their viewpoint. Challenge yourself; this is how you grow and get better. Whats important is what YOU think/believe, not what others think/believe.

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

Focus on what you want and you will create it and/or find it. Have an open mind. Anything is possible. Practice Kindness. Its a great religion Right and wrong are matters of perspective. Be tolerant of differences. Always remember that your future has not yet been written. Write a great one. Your purpose in life is to find your talent and share it.

Recommended Reading
de Positivity (Note) pe 11 ianuarie 2012 la 03:49

Born to Win by Muriel James Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck The Monk Who Sold His Ferarri by Robin Sharma The Success Principles by Jack Canfield The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin Get the Life You Want by Richard Bandler G-d Never Blinks by Regina Brett The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra Get Off Your Butt by Sean Stephenson Aspire by Kevin Hall The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey The Compassionate Samurai by Brian Klemmer Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell Blink by Malcolm Gladwell Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins The Woman Who Named G-d by Charlotte Gordon The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz If the Buddha Got Stuck by Charlotte Kasl The Secret by Rhonda Byrne A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Mindset by Carol Dweck

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor Life, The Truth and Being Free by Steve Maraboli Return to Love, Reflections on the Principles of the Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson The Seat of the Soul, by Gary Zukav The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough" by Brene Brown Daring Greatly by Brene Brown The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown Self Compassion by Kristen Neff

The Reason Why Most of us - Okay, All of us- Overeat

de Nikki Whitten (Note) pe 7 mai 2013 la 00:28

Its a fact, that if you overeat, its because you are feeling unsafe! Now, before you turn away, hear me out. For example; if you are a male, growing up you were raised to believe feelings are a sign of weakness. Therefore you were taught that feelings are unstable and unsafe! But, you feel anyways! Bottled up and unable to release them properly and constructively. Next example is; something happened, or happening, to you that is deeply unsettling and hurtful toward you. So, to comfort yourself, you turn to food. My last example is about the "boredom" accuse. Your are bored, and that leaves your mind open to wander in territory that brings up negative thoughts and emotions. You may be this unconsciously, and not even realize it! Boredom can also being up worthiness issues too because you are being "unproductive" and "lazy", even though we all deserve a good healthy break once in a while! Now that we know you may say things like.... "But, I am happy/fine where I'm at." Really??? If you were, why are you still reading this this? Are you sure you are happy with the way your life has turned out? Do you like the way you look? And maybe you do.. If so, then I'm not talking to you in particular. But, maybe you would like to look better or feel better? Then, I'm still talking to you!

The next thing you may say is something like the following... "Its too F***ing Hard to change!" Well, its probably because you are making it hard for yourself! The hardest part is making that choice to change. Its hard to try to do things when you are hanging on the fence!! Do yourself a favor and get off that fence my friend!! Once you see what you are doing for yourself you will hit that ground running and you will NEVER look back. All you have to say is; "Yes, I'm going to do what's best for me." Because ultimately, you are overeating because you DO Care and Love yourself enough to try to protect you from something you don't know how to defend yourself against. Now that we have gotten over "Why Not's", Lets go over our "Why's".. Why are you going to change your life? Because, you want to feel better! Because, feeling like S*** all the time sucks the life out of you!! Your Why should be so personal you almost don't want to tell yourself why. It could be because you want to feel proud, sexy, or alive. Instead of feeling ashamed, guilt, or out of control of your life. You don't want to feel that way, and you don't have to one choice at a time. It get easier and more exciting every time you make a decision out of love and peace for yourself. To give you a little boost on your journey, I have found the most amazing lady to introduce to you. She makes it so simple and enjoyable! Her name is Louise Hay, of Hay House Publication. According to Hay, being over weight is the result of the following; "Fear, feeling a deep need for emotional protection. Running away from feeling and insecurities." She has written many books, and you can find her almost anywhere. At, Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, you name it! I love this site where she goes over some great techniques!( ) They are Positive Affirmations, Meditation, Visualization, Journaling and Exercising. I use them quite often. I can not recommend her affirmation for overeating enough! Every time it works, even just as I'm just about to binge eat, it stops me! Without a doubt it works miracles for everyone I have told it too because its so easy and it immediately calms nerves. All I do is tell myself; " I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I am love approve of myself."

I LOVE IT! The truth comes out and sets you free! You can dig around and find even more affirmations and go deeper into the other techniques that are equally amazing. She has a wealth of information that will no doubt be vital for you on your journey! But, for now I got to get back to mine! I love you guys!! And, keep your head up because we are going places! -Nikki Lynn Whitten

(C) 2006 Thinkstock

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Acasa > Invatam impreuna > 6 modalitati de a-ti mentine corpul tanar

6 modalitati de a-ti mentine corpul tanar

Scris de Alec Blenche in data de iunie 27, 2013 Vizualizari: 439

Pastreaza-ti celulele sanatoase

In fiecare zi in corpul tau 432 de miliarde de celule mor si sunt inlocuite de altele noi. Aceasta este cheia regenerarii si ramanerii tanar a corpului tau. Din aceasta cauza poti avea un corp mai bine functionand anul urmator daca vrei, mai zvelt, cu mai putine dureri si mai multa energie daca urmezi pasii corecti. Acest numar de 432 de miliarde este doar o estimare stiintifica. Celulele din corpul tau sunt asa de mici si atat de multe (undeva intre 60-100 de trilioane) ca nimeni nu a putut vreodata sa le numere una cate una. Tot din aceasta cauza nu observi ca in mod continuu corpul tau se reinnoieste, dar asa este! Exemple de un nou corp: Celulele din sistemul nostru digestiv, incepand cu stomacul si pana in intestinul gros sunt inlocuite la fiecare 5 minute.

Ficatul este complet inlocuit la fiecare cinci luni. Acoperirea cu piele este noua la fiecare patru saptamani. Inima noastra este inlocuita dupa o perioada intre sase pana la noua luni. Ficatul tau este capabil de reinnoire si reparare chiar si incepand de la doar 25% din tesutul lui. Noi studii indica faptul ca pana si celulele creierului se pot regenera. Acest proces ma face foarte optimist ca poti avea o mai buna functionare a corpului de anul viitor daca vrei, cu mai putine dureri si mai multa energie daca urmezi pasii corecti.

Degenerezi sau te regenerezi?

Stim ca intr-un fel cream un nou corp prin realizarea lenta de noi celule in fiecare zi. Intrebarea este daca noile noastre celule vor fi mai sanatoase sau mai putin sanatoase. Calitatea noilor celule este dependenta de materia prima, de hrana disponibila cand au fost formate celulele inlocuitoare. Daca iti hranesti corpul cu nutritia si hrana adecvata, noile celule ce se formeaza pot de fapt sa fie mai puternice si mai sanatoase decat au fusesera vechile celule. Acest lucru este numit regenerare. Daca iti hranesti corpul in mod neadecvat, rezultatele vor fi celule de calitate inferioare. Aceasta este degenerarea. Exista desigur limite pentru aceasta. Cercetatorii estimeaza ca 30% din sanatatea noastra este determinata de genetica desi in ultima vrem se observa tot mai mult ca nu suntem nici pe departe sclavii genelor. Chiar si asap oti face MULTE totusi cu restul de 70%. Si chiar si exprimarea genetica s-a aratat a fi moderata de mediu.

Cele cinci mari capcane ale degenerarii

1. Alimentele procesate sunt hrana moarta cu calorii, dar aproape fara nutrienti! Toate alimentele procesate sunt deficiente in enzimele necesare pentru digestie. Iti umplu corpul, in special ficatul, cu chimicale care sunt utilizate pentru a crea o perioada lunga de valabilitate (stat la raft) a produselor. Cercetarile efectuate de echipa London University College sugereaza ca o dieta bogata in alimente procesate mareste riscul de depresie.

2. Zaharul este cunoscut ca moartea alba pentru multe motive. Micsoreaza activitatea sistemului imunitar. O singura lingurita de zahar micsoreaza activitatea sistemului imunitar pentru doua ore. Micsoreaza nivelul calciului. Si ne minunam de ce exista atat de multa osteoporoza! Zaharul supraincarca pancreasul, creand un efect de montagne-russe. Cand zaharul din sange are un nivel inalt, suntem energici, iar cand este coborat, suntem prabusiti total si epuizati. Este de asemenea creator de dependenta (dupa cum stim multi dintre noi). Zaharul nu contine vitamine sau minerale, reprezinta doar o gramada de calorii generatoare de grasimi. 3. Alcoolul este toxic pentru ficat, ne lipseste de vitamina B, blocheaza sistemul nervos si inhiba sarcina maduvei osoase de a regenera celulele sanguine. Conexiunile nervoase dintre celulele creierului sunt afectate de alcool, care inhiba semnalele de comunicare, incetinind procesarea mentala. Institutul National pentru Abuzul de Alcool si Alcoolism din SUA(National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA) a dezvaluit: doua studii au comparat micsorarea creierului la barbatii si femeile alcoolice si au raportat ca alcoolicii de ambele sexe au aratat o micsorare semnificativ mai sporita decat subiectii de control. Studiile au mai aratat ca atat barbatii, cat si femeile, au avut probleme similare in ce priveste invatarea si memoria, ca rezultat al consumului mare de alcool. Nu ai nevoie de alcool pentru a te distra si a face pe nebunul. 4. Cafeina este puternic creatoare de dependenta, streseaza glandele suprarenale si afecteaza sistemul nervos, cauzand oboseala emotionala. Ca diuretic, deshidrateaza corpul si il face sa piarda calciul, magneziul si fosforul. La unii oameni poate mari tensiunea sanguina. Cafeina nu se gaseste doar in cafea! O cutie deCola are aproximativ 35 mg de cafeina. Alte bauturi racoritoare au de la 35 la 50 de mg de cafeina, si sunt si pline de zahar. 5. Grasimile si uleiurile rancede (alimentele prajite, cele coapte). Aceste alimente creeaza radicali liberi care ranesc membrana celulara, enzimele si ADN-ul. Ele streseaza sistemul digestiv si ficatul, simultan cu marirea nivelului de colesterol. Grasimile si uleiurile mai contin si 120 de calorii la o lingura mare.

Cinci sugestii extraordinare pentru regenerare

1. Legumele proaspete sunt pline de vitamine si minerale si o buna sursa de substante fitochimice care protejeaza corpul de boala si imbatranire. Ele sunt categoria grea pentru regenerare. Aceasta includ superalimentele ca spanacul, salata, asparagusul, varza si morcovii, patrunjelul, mararul, usturoiul, ceapa, etc. 2. Fructele proaspete sunt pline de vitamine, minerale si substante fitochimice care iti protejeaza corpul. Acestea includ superalimentele precum lamaile, merele, bananele, mango si pepenii. Fiecare dintre aceste fructe are o gramada de beneficii pentru sanatate. 3. Cerealele integrale precum orezul brun, ovazul, hrisca, orzul, meiul, quinoa sunt surse excelente de vitamine, minerale, fibre si unele proteine. 4. Beti multa apa curata. Apa este necesara pentru digestie, circulatia fluidelor corporale si lubrifierea articulatiilor.

5. Faceti exercitii fizice. Misca-te , nu sta. Gaseste miscarea cea mai buna pentru tine si da-i drumul. Pe masura ce corpul incepe sa functioneze la un nivel mai sanatos, veti tinde in mod natural sa incetati sa tanjiti dupa lucruri care interfereaza cu echilibrul corpului. Corpul vostru va infrunta mai bine dezechilibrele. 6. Natura, somn, sens. Petreceti timp alaturi de cei dragi. Petreceti timp in natura Natura. Odihnitiva bine , in special intre orele 22:00 si 06:00. Da-ti sens pozitiv vietii voastre. Cel mai bun lucru despre regenerare este ca nu trebuie sa te gandesti la ce face corpul tau. Tot ce ai de facut este sa pui bazele unor conditii adecvate si corpul tau va avea grija de orice altceva. Un corp sanatos are capacitatea de a se autovindeca de toate (sau aproape toate) problemele daca este bine hranit. A te gandi si a te ingrijora despre asta nu amplifica procesul, de fapt il poate incetini. Poti fi un adolescent de 15 ani, intocmai precum corpul tau vechi de 15 ani!

Ramai tanar/a: factorii finali

Ati putea baga de seama ca cele 6 alegeri regeneratoare costa de fapt mai putin decat optiunile degenerativ si unele sunt total gratuite! Ce este frumos la regenerare este ca nu trebuie sa te gandesti la ce face corpul tau. Tot ce ai de facut este sa pui bazele unor conditii adecvate si corpul tau va avea grija de orice altceva. Un corp sanatos are capacitatea de a se autovindeca de toate (sau aproape toate) problemele daca este bine hranit. Odata ce corpul are materiile prime de baza pentru o regenerare adecvata, urmatorul pas este cum utilizam acest corp. La fel de important este cum utilizam mintea care conduce corpul. Corpul nu este creat pentru a sta lenes. Nici mintea noastra. Daca nu iti misti regulat corpul, va deveni toxic si acid. Unii profesionisti in sanatate spun ca nu ar trebui sa stai jos mai mult de o ora fara a te ridica si a merge/misca prin jur. Mie personal imi place sa ma misc primprejur pe afara, ca sa ma bucur de soare si de aer curat. Surse pentru acest articol cuprind: Top Fruits for Your Health [] The Only Real Way to End GMOs [] 16 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health Today[] Verde inseamna zvelt/Green Means Lean [] corpul tanar
Dragostea furtuna hormonala! Stiti de ce va simtiti atat de euforici cand sunteti indragostiti? De ce va simtiti atat de fericiti cand sunteti

cu iubirile voastre? Stiti ce se intampla atunci in corpul vostru? Pentru ca totul pentru mine trebuie sa fie logic, am cautat raspunsul la aceste intrebari si vreau sa va povestesc pe scurt despre niste hormoni care sunt implicati in povestile noastre de dragoste. Dopamina: Stiati ca atunci cand sunteti indragostiti, dopamina va ofera aceleasi sentimente pe care vi le-ar oferi o doza de cocaina? De fiecare data cand te intalnesti cu iubirea ta iei un shot de dopamina de care devii dependent, de aceea ne dorim sa vedem persoana iubita din ce in ce mai mult. Dar daca esti intr-o relatie stabila de mai mult de 2 ani, corpul tau nu mai produce dopamina atat de mult, de aceea sentimentul care il simti atunci cand esti indragostit se transforma in iubire. (Sper ca stiti sa faceti diferenta intre a fi indragostit si a iubi pe cineva.) Daca mancati sanatos probabil corpul vostru va primi suficienta Vitamina B6 si magnezium, care impreuna produc dopamina, asa ca aveti grija ce mancati. Pe langa mancare, sexul poate duce la o productie extra de dopamina. Feniletilamina: Feniletilamina este produsa de creierul nostru, are acelasi efect ca si XTC si viteza. Bataile inimii sunt in crestere, respirati mai repede, palmele incep sa transpire, obrajii si organele genitale primesc un debit de sange suplimentar si incepeti sa va simtiti mai fericiti. Atunci cand mancati branza, ciocolata sau beti vin rosu, creierul produce extra feniletilamina. Pupilele ochilor devin mai mari, dar doar daca vedeti ceva ce va place. Extra feniletilamina se mai produce si cand va speriati de moarte. Adrenalina: Toata lumea a auzit de adrenalina, este hormonul care ii face pe oameni sa alerge sau sa se bata. Cand esti indragostit adrenalina iti da senzatia ca esti in standby tot timpul, pupilele devin mai mari, pulsul creste, respiratia se face mai repede, scade pofta de mancare pentru ca sistemul digestiv lucreaza mai incet. Daca vreti sa simtiti un plus de adrenalina, mergeti in lenjerie intima cand afara sunt sub 0 grade, faceti un efort real in sala de sport, sau chiar in pat cu persoana iubita. Endorfina: Endorfina este morfina produsa de propriul corp cand simtiti durere. Atunci cand sunteti indragostiti endorfina are acelasi efect ca si heroina sau opiumul care va face sa va simtiti mai fericiti, mai veseli. Mancand grasimi, ciocolata sau zahar ne ajuta sa producem mai multa endorfina. Alergand mai mult decat in jurul blocului sau avand orgasm are acelasi efect. Cand corpul produce putina endorfina, sunt toate sansele sa va simtiti deprimati sau tristi.

Oxitocina: Oxitocina stimuleaza atasamentul, intareste relatiile, atenueaza stresul, stimuleaza memoria emotionala, mareste apetitul sexual. Se produce in cantitati mari in cazul mamelor care alapteaza, dar se poate produce si atunci cand strangi in brate sau mangai persoana iubita. De aceea multe persoane au nevoie de preludiu pentru a face dragoste. Ce ne-am face oare fara drogurile produse de corpul nostru, fara hormoni? bedtime calculator

Wake up at 6:00 AM. You should try to fall asleep at one of the following times:

9:00 PM or 10:30 PM or 12:00 AM or 1:30 AM

Please keep in mind that you should be falling asleep at these times. The average adult human takes fourteen minutes to fall asleep, so plan accordingly! works by counting backwards in sleep cycles. Sleep cycles typically last 90 minutes. Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle leaves you feeling tired and groggy, but waking up in between cycles lets you wake up feeling refreshed and alert!
Moduri De A Te Trezi Fara Probleme De Dimineata
Posted: August 8th, 2012 | Author: Cristi | Filed under: Sanatate | Tags: 7 moduri de a te trezi fara probleme, despre somn, scapa de oboseala | 9 Comments

De ce trebuie s citeti articolul acesta, iat principalele motive:

ai probleme cu trezitul de diminea? cand te trezeti te simti obosit? apei butonul de snooze? trezitul de diminea este un comar pentru tine? te simti obosit toat ziua? ntrzii la locul ce munc/coal din cauza somnului?

Bun, acum tii foarte bine ce vei afla de pe urma acestui articol. Ideea este c poi alege s faci doar una dintre cele 6 moduri (excluznd primul, cicluril de somn, care trebuie respectat) pentru a te trezi fr probleme de diminea. 1. Ciclurile de somn

Starea pe care o ai n momentul n care te trezeti este influenat de cte cicluri de somn ai parcurs. Dar dac nu vrei s i bai capul cu asta, am o soluie mult mai simpl pentru tine: Bedtime calculator (<- d click aici!) Pe scurt, bedtime calculator face toat treaba pentru tine, adic i calculeaz cte cicluri de somn ai nevoie. Te ajut s i gseti ora ideal de trezit. Un somn de calitate este atunci cnd indeplinete 5-6 cicluri de somn. Eu folosesc acest website n fiecare sear, apas pe butonul zzz pentru a afla ora ideal la care trebuie s m trezesc. Elimin astfel acel sentiment de oboseal i de lips de energie pe tot parcursul zilei. 2. Sari din pat

Acum c ai aflat care este ora ideal la care trebuie s te trezeti, s trecem la pasul al doilea, trezitul propriu-zis. n momentul n care ai auzit alarma, trebuie s sari pur i simplu din pat. Fr a mai sta 2-3 minute, fr a apasa butonul de snooze, sari din pat! Astfel, te asiguri c nu mai adormi la loc i te trezeti la ora propus. 3. H2O

Imediat cum te-ai trezit bea un pahar cu ap, de preferat rece. Sentimentul de oboseal va disprea imediat,te vei simi revigorat i gata s i ncepi ziua n for! De ceva timp am observat c acest lucru chiar funcioneaz, am ncercat s beau un pahar de apa rece imediat cum m trezesc i funcioneaz de minune. mi anuleaz starea aceea de oboseal i ansele de a m ntoarce napoi la somn tind spre zero. 4. Jumping jacks Imediat cum te-ai ridicat din pat, f 30 de jumping jacks. Btile inimii vor crete, astfel inima va pompa mai mult snge i mai rapid, eliminnd starea de oboseal. Dac i ncepi ziua ntr-un mod activ, aa vei rmne pe tot parcursul ei. 5. Plimb-te prin cas

Pentru mine, pentru a scpa de sentimentul de somn, am nevoie doar de 5 minute de plimbat prin cas. Fac 30 de jumping jacks, beau un pahar cu ap, m spl pe dini, uneori fac un du dac nu am fcut seara i oboseala dispare. 6. Scoate capul pe geam

Imediat cum te-ai trezit, ridic-te din pat i scoate capul pe geam. Observ oamenii, mainile, pomii. Privete cu atenie ce se ntmpl, anticipeaz care va fi urmtoarea micare , etc. Astfel te asiguri c nu te vei mai intoarce n pat, pentru c nu mai are nici un rost s dormi dac nu eti obosit. 7. Ascult muzic

Imediat ce alarma a nceput s sune, te ridici din pat i dai drumul la muzic! i propun acest playlist, ns poi asculta orice. Dup care eti gata s i ncepi ziua. i doresc o zi bun! Update: O poza haioas legat de acest subiect

Ai gsit aceste soluii ca fiind folositoare? Ce alte propuneri mai ai? Scrie-mi rspunsul tu ntr-un comentariu! Mulumesc Violetei de la scriebine pentru corectarea acestui articol. i-a plcut articolul? D-ne un like pe Facebook!

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4 Modalitati Pentru A Dormi Mai Bine Noaptea

Posted: August 17th, 2012 | Author: Cristi | Filed under: Sanatate | Tags: cum sa adormi mai repede, cum sa dori mai bine, dezvoltare personala, dormi | 4 Comments

Ai simit vreodat c nu poi s dormi? C stai s te gndeti i te gndeti i nu poi pur i simplu s adormi? Dac da, este ok, nu eti singur. i eu am pit lucrul acesta de foarte multe ori. M-am pus n pat la ora 11 i am adormit pe la ora 3 noaptea. Chiar acum cnteva nopi am pit acelai lucru. M-am pus n pat cu gndul la somn, ns mi tot veneau n minte diverse titluri de articole, proiecte pentru acest website, .a.m.d. Am discutat despre cum s te trezeti mai bine, n acest articol. De fapt, sunt 7 moduri care te ajut s te trezeti mai bine de dimineaa. Am s i prezint n continuare, cteva modaliti prin care te asiguri c adormi mai bine, fr s te gndeti la altceva. 1. Deconecteaz-te

nainte de a intra n pat trebuie s te deconectezi de la computer, de la valul de informaii. Astfel nu o s te mai gndeti la website-urile pe care vrei s le vizitezi, videourile pe care nu le-ai vzut sau articolele pe care vrei s le citeti. Cum s faci asta? Simplu. Oprete calculatorul sau ceea ce faci cu cel puin 30 de minute nainte de a intra n pat. 2. Fereastra Eu am pus n practic ceea ce am s v spun n continuare de foarte multe ori i a reuit. Aceast tehnic te linitete i te pregtete pentru somn. Cum s faci asta? nchizi computer/documentele la care lucrezi i te duci spre fereastr. n drumul tu spre fereastr iei un pahar n care torni ap, de preferat rece. Iei paharul i te duci spre geam, scoi capul pe geam i priveti. nspiri, expiri. Seara aerul este mult mai curat i rcoritor.
Te foloseti de respiraie pentru a te relaxa, citete mai multe despre cum poi face asta aici.

3. Plimbarea de sear Poate una dintre cele mai eficiente modaliti de a te asigura c adormi imediat. Am ncercat-o de foate multe ori i a funcionat. Cum s faci asta? Se subnelege din titlu, ns am s explic, pentru c exist cteva puncte pe care trebuie s le urmezi. Ideea este s iei din cas i s te plimbi pentru o perioad de timp, eu prefer s fac asta pentru 30 de minute. Atunci cnd te plimbi trebuie s fii prezent. Ce vreau s spun prin asta? Vreau s spun c trebuie s te concentrezi asupra plimbrii, nu asupra altor lucruri, astfel te vei relaxa i beneficiile acelei plimbri vor fi mai mari. 4. Citete nainte de culcare

O alt tehnic foarte bun este s citeti, o carte destul de uoar, nainte d e culcare. Eu deja i-am recomandat 10 cri, pe care le gseti aici. Acest lucru te relaxeaz i te deconecteaz.

Am o ntrebare pentru tine: Ce alte modaliti n acest sens mai cunoti? Un somn uor, Cristi
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Cum sa ai un somn usor si de calitate. Incepand de maine.

Posted by: Florin Rosoga 13-Mar-2012

Ct de des ai parte de un somn usor i odihnitor? Personal reuesc s m odihnesc destul de bine, imediat ce pun capul pe pern am adormit. Nu tiu s fac un efort special pentru asta, probabil doar mi ascult instinctele naturale. Majoritatea persoanelor care le cunosc s aib un somn linitit i care se odihnesc bine mi-au spus c nu fac un efort deosebit pentru asta. Totul pare s decurg de la sine. Exist i persoane care au tulburri (chiar severe) de somn sau doar nu reuesc s gseasc un mod de a se simi odihnite dimineaa.

Copii pot avea natural un somn usor i linitit

Cum afecteaz somnul de slab calitate organismul

Efectele unui somn de bun (sau slab) calitate au fost intens studiate. M refer aici att la numrul de ore dormite ct i la modul n care acesta are loc. Printre efectele negative constatate se numr: Stare de oboseala i lips de motivaie, Stri dese de iritabilitate, Dificultatea de a lua decizii i a controla stresul Scderea imunitii generale a organismului, infecii i rceli (mici i frecvente), Creterea riscului problemelor de sntate, n special diabet i boli de inim, Concentrare general sczut, Creativitate redus i de rezolvare a problemelor, Vitez de reacie sczut.

i sun cunoscut? Lipsa unui somn suficient sau de calitate afecteaz performana general a organismului modul n care judeci, reacionezi i gestionezi mediul din jur. Eti suficient de odihnit? Poti s ai zilnic un somn usor i linitit? Cei de la BBC au creat un test de evaluare a strii generale de odihn. Gseti aici testul BBC (englez).

Cum s ai un somn bun si odihnitor

1. Dormi suficient. n primul rnd, orict de bine ai dormi, e inutil atta vreme ct nu respeci un program minim de somn. E indicat ca n general s respeci un necesar mediu de somn.

1. Necesarul mediu de odihn Cte ore trebuie s dormi zilnic ca s ai mereu un somn usor i de calitate
Vrsta Nou nscui (0-2 luni) Copii 3 luni 1 an Copii 1-3 ani Precolari 3-5 ani colari 5-12 ani Adolesceni i preadolesceni 12 18 ani Aduli (peste 18 ani) Ore necesare de somn









Mitul somnului de 4-6 ore.

Exist oameni care dorm n medie 4-6 ore pe zi i duc un stil de via relativ activ. Perfect adevrat, dar nu e valabil pentru toat lumea. Cercettorii University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) au descoperit c programul foarte scurt de somn este posibil la unele persoane care au o gen, extrem de rar. Se estimeaz c doar 3% din populaie o are. Restul populaie are nevoie n continuare de 7-9 ore de

somn. Exist totui experimente care au reuit s scad necesarul de somn cu 2-3 ore, deocamdat doar la animale. Sau mai poi experimenta somnul polifazic. 2. Culc-te i trezete-te devreme. n a doua parte a serii, dup ora 21, corpul uman i caut n mod natural ora de culcare. Este mai sntos s te culci la 22 i s te trezeti la 6, dect s foloseti intervalul 1-9 pentru somn. Se acumuleaz oboseal, plus c ora optim de somn a organismului este n intervalul 22-4. Am nvat s m trezesc devreme n fiecare diminea i de atunci sunt mult mai productiv. Ulterior, rutina de diminea m ajut s ncep ziua bine. 3. Evit televizorul i calculatorul, chiar nainte de culcare. Ca i orice alt mijloc care agit i presupune activitate. Un film bun, relaxant ar putea merge, dac nu abuzezi. Cred c mai important este coninutul pe care acestea i-l ofer nainte de somn. Exist persoane care dup un film violent, au un somn agitat. 4. F micare. Orice form de exerciiu, efectuat cu cteva ore nainte de somn, arde energie i pregtete corpul pentru intervalul de somn n care are loc refacerea energiei. 5. Evit formele de micare obositoare cu 1-2 ore nainte de a te pune in pat. Micarile obositoare n pat sunt chiar bine venite. 6. Mncarea potrivit. Unele alimente favorizeaz un somn usor: cele clasice, precum ceaiul de mueel sau laptele cald, dar i altele mai puin cunoscute ca bananele, migdalele, cartofii. n general alimentele care conin triptofan i aminoacizi s-au dovedit a fi cele mai potrivite. Mai multe despre legtura dintre alimente i un somn usor gseti pe site-ul Dr Sears. Vezi totodat i articolul despre asocierea alimentelor. 7. Somnul de amiaz. Denumit i somnul de frumusee (power napping), somnul de amiaz de 10-30 de minute poate influena pozitiv ritmul circadian al ntregului organism. ntr-un experiment mai vechi, un grup de oameni au fost inui izolai de lumea exterioar, fr ceasuri i orice posibilitate de a tii ct e ora. S-a constatat c erau dou intervale n care deveneau cel mai somnoroi: la 3-4 dimineaa i la 2-3 la amiaz. Obiceiul somnului de amiaz a fost adoptat de-a lungul timpului de oameni celebri Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, John Kennedy, Brahms, Bbenjamin Franklin, Beethoven .a. Chiar dac pare contraproductiv, nu este aa: devii mai productiv dac ai un somn scurt de amiaz. mi amintesc c citeam de curnd un articol despre companii din SUA care permit angajailor s doarm 20-30 de minute la amiaz. Raiunea este una pur pragmatic: dup somn devii mult mai eficient i productiv n a doua parte a zilei (am testat pe pielea mea), disprnd senzaia de somnolen. Este i o tehnic simpl de a-i pstra energia constant de-a lungul zilei. 8. Pstreaz dormitorul n ntuneric. Somnul este mai profund i benefic atunci cnd evii lumina puternic n timp ce dormi noaptea. n trecut exista obiceiul s fie trase perdelele peste ferestre n timpul somnului. La ar obiceiul se mai pstreaz i acum. 9. F o baie cald nainte. O baie cald nainte de somn te relaxeaz i predispune spre somn. Mai ales dup o zi grea. 10. Evit cafeaua, igrile i alcoolul cu 1,5-2 ore nainte de culcare. Explicaia este destul de intuitiv toate te pot agita i afecta negativ somnul. Personal obinuiesc s

beau un pahar de vin seara, cu 1 or nainte de somn. Nu am observat nici efecte negative, nici pozitive. Vezi i cele 37 de idei ca s te lai de fumat. 11. Stabilete-i o rutin de culcare: Definete un mod n care te culci i repet-l. Corpul se va obinui, iar dup o vreme, cnd ncepi pregtirile de somn va intra automat n stare de somn. L-am obinuit pe copil, spre exemplu, ca seara s se spele pe dini, pijama, olia, citit poveste, etc. Dup o vreme, cnd am terminat de citit povestea, el deja doarme rutina de somn i-a fcut efectul. Poi include la tine o meditaie, rugciune, citit o carte uoar sau alte activiti potrivite. Observ c e vorba de activiti linitite. 12. Evit sunetul puternic n timp ce dormi. Chiar dac te-ai obinuit s adormi pe AC/DC, corpul tu nu a fost fcut ca n mod natural s doarm aa. Muzica puternic i care agit nu este o idee potrivit pentru un somn usor. Oprete-o. Se recomand ca n timpul somnului, nivelul sunetelor din jur s fie sub 50 dB. Dac stai deasupra unui club ori i pui dopuri n urechi ori te mui. 13. Fr televizor i laptop n dormitor. tiu, tiu, trebuie s te uii la puin TV nainte de culcare. Sau s adormi cu laptopul n brae. Personal, cnd ne-am mutat unde stm acum, nu am vrut s pun televizor n dormitor. Raionamentul meu era simplu: avem unul n living, la 4-5 metri distan aa c ce rost are i n dormitor. Am fost mirat s vd surprinderea prietenilor: Dar nu stai seara la TV?. Ba da, n living, la civa metri distan. Adevrul este c am vrut s delimitez clar spaiile: livingul includea i partea n care stm seara ca familie i ne uitm la un film bun. Dormitorul este pentru somn i sex (care de altfel favorizeaz un somn bun). E drept c uneori nainte de culcare obinuiesc s citesc ceva, dar n pat nu are ce cuta televizorul i laptopul. Punct. 14. Temperatura potrivita. Cel mai bine este ca n timp ce dormi camera s fie uor rcoroas. 16-19 C par a fi cel mai potrivite (dormind n pijama i acoperit cel puin cu o ptur). Odat ce adormi este secretat melatonin, iar temperatura corpului scade, atingnd un nivel minim n jurul orei 4dimineaa, temperaturi ce par a favoriza un somn usor. Mai multe despre temperatura ambiental n timpul somnului de noapte aici. 15. Menine un stil de via sntos Adopt o diet ct de ct sntoas, f micare, nva s-i controlezi stresul, practic tehnici de relaxare. 16. n orele dinainte de culcare relaxeaz-te. E recomandabil s evii agitaia nainte de somn. Vezi i sfaturile precedente. 17. Nu te culca cu stomacul gol. Sau plin. S te pui n pat cu stomacul plin nu va favoriza un somn bun. E valabil i reversul dac stomacul tu vrea mncare n timpul somnului, nu te va ajuta s dormi bine. 18. Perna, pilota i restul patului. Acum civa ani cnd ne-am mobilat apartamentul, am avut o discuie interesant cu un tmplar. mi spunea c n general clienii si ddeau muli bani pe cadrul patului, pe aspectul su i luau o pern, pilot i saltea de doi bani. Pn la urm faptul c ai un pat frumos nu te va face s te odihneti mai bine. Cadrul patului, stabilitatea lui sunt importante. Dar fizic vei sta pe saltea, pern i pilot. Aa c dozeaz-i cu atenie bugetul pentru dormitor. Oprah relateaz

rezultatele unui studiu german care concluziona c o pern de fermitate medie mbuntete radical calitatea somnului. Perna nu trebuie nici s fie beton, nici s te ngropi n ea. Cteva idei i sfaturi despre alegerea pilotei potrivite gsetiaici, aici sau aici, iar despre pern aici i aici. Despre alegerea saltelei afli mai multe de aici sau aici. Dup ce vei folosi ceva potrivit i de calitate, o s simi imediat diferena. Personal recomand produsele Dormeo. 19. Hainele potrivite pentru somn. Aceeai idee ca mai devreme: bumbac vs. poliester. 20. Poziia n care dormi. n general este recomandat s dormi pe spate sau pe o parte i s evii dormitul pe burt. 21. Nu sta treaz n pat. Dac nu reueti s adormi, nu rmne n pat. F ceva pn te simi obosit. Bea o can cu lapte cald. Senzaia neplcut de a nu putea adormi nu-i va fi de ajutor dac rmi n pat. Dac ai probleme cu insomnia, citete cartea Gata cu insomniile. Ghid practic pentru un somn sntos scris de Anne Tardy. Cteva linkuri de unde poi afla mai multe despre cum s ai un somn de calitate: Dr. Oz: 4 soluii simple ca s dormi bine i s te trezeti frumoas Cum s dormi mai bine i mai uor 50 Tips and Resources to Help You Sleep Better - Nursing Online Education Database How to sleep well - Stanford University Testul BBC pt un somn bun Unele idei de mai sus sunt greu de aplicat. Poate c mediul n care trieti nu-i permite s menii linitea noaptea sau pur i simplu nu poi dormi singur. Dac ai copil mic i se trezete de 3 ori pe noapte, e greu s te odihneti prea bine. Pe termen lung ns poi combina unele sfaturi de aici ca s ai somn usor i odihnitor.

37 de idei simple ca sa te lasi rapid de fumat. Cum sa renunti la tigari si sa ramai nefumator.
Posted by: Florin Rosoga 27-Jan-2012

Acum 1 an i ceva am renunat la fumat tigari. Pentru mine renunarea nu a fost dificil, ajunsesem s fumez destul de puin i doar ultra-lights. Mi-a fost relativ uor s fac pasul final i s devin nefumtor. Mi-am propus atunci s renun la igri, exceptnd ocaziile speciale cnd am voie una, nu mai mult de 3 igri pe an. i mi-am respectat nelegerea.

Cum sa renunti la fumat tigari Nu vreau neaprat s conving pe cineva s renune la fumat. Exist zeci de motive pentru care ar trebui s o fac. ncepe cu costurile suplimentare cu igrile la 1 pachet pe zi, s zicem 10 ron/pachet, cheltui 3.650 pe an sau 36.500 n 10 ani. Adic aproximativ 8.500 de euro. ns un pachet e mai mult de 10 ron i probabil fumezi mai mult de 1 pachet zilnic. Faci singur calculele. Efectele asupra sntii sunt binecunoscute i orice medic i le poate aminti rapid. Dac mai ai nc dubii, i recomand s citeti nti articolul acesta de pe arhiblog. Oprete-te acum, vezi articolul de pe arhiblog, iar dac i-a ridicat mcar un semn de ntrebare asupra fumatului continu s citeti aici mai departe. Dac nu, ignor aceast postare, nu este pentru tine. Mult lume vrea s se lase de tigari, dar nu reuete. Renunarea la fumat poate fi destul de dificil. Aa c am pus n scris tehnicile care mi-au fost mie de folos, plus cteva despre care tiu din experiena altora c sunt bune: 1. Stabilete-i clar motivele pentru care vrei s renuni. Care e motivaia ta? Dac ncerci doar s te lai de fumat, vei avea o ncercare. Pentru a rmne pe poziii atunci cnd va aprea tentaia de a te reapuca, trebuie s tii foarte clar de ce nu vrei s o mai faci. Scrie-i o list cu aceste motive i lipete-o pe birou, pe frigider sau n orice alt loc unde crezi c o vei vedea des. Mai ncolo o s ai nevoie de aceste motive, aa c e mai bine s ncepi cu ele. Vezi i ghidul de realizare a unui obiectiv. 2. Reflect puin asupra modului n care renunarea la fumat i va afecta viaa. Mult lume afirm c fumeaz pentru a socializa (era i unul dintre motivele






8. 9.

mele, de altfel). Dac vei renuna, probabil c vei avea mai puine ocazii s stai de vorb cu colegii, prietenii, etc la o igar. i va afecta asta relaiile? n ce msur? Cum poi s scazi aceste efecte? Gndete-te puin la asta, ca s tii mai ncolo la ce reacii te poi atepta. Prietenii adevrai te vor susine oricum, ns e posibil ca unii dintre cei cu care ieeai la o igar s te saboteze de acum ncolo. Caut sprijinul unei comuniti. Poate ai prieteni care i ei au renunat de curnd. Discut cu ei i vezi cum a fost. Caut un forum online unde poi gsi sfaturi i sprijinul unei ntregi comuniti care a trecut sau trece prin aceeai ncercare. Cteva comuniti online pentru cei ce vor s renune la tigari sunt sau Pentru ca ceilali din comunitate s te poat ajuta, trebuie s-i stabileti o regul de nenclcat: nu fuma nainte de a cere ajutorul comunitii. Dac simi nevoia irezistibil de a trage o tigara, posteaz pe forum (sau sun un prieten) i cere-le ajutorul. O s i rspund, te vor susine i vei trece peste moment. F micare, exerseaz. Apuc-te de un sport. Asta te va ajuta s iei din minte i sentimente i s te conectezi mai mult cu corpul, cu partea ta fizic. Plus c i crete nivelul general de sntate. Pentru cteva idei despre cum s faci micare vezi i postarea mea despre planurile de dezvoltare personal, respectiv despre motivele ca s faci micare. F-i un plan, nainte de a ncepe. Documentez-te, caut idei i f un plan: ce vei face, cnd, ct de des i cum. Scrie-l. Scrie ce vei face cnd o s fii tentat s te reapuci de fumat concret, pe cine o s suni, ce aciune vei face, cum o s te rsplteti dac reueti .a.m.d. Lipete hrtia acas undeva unde o poi vedea ct mai des. Citete-l, cu voce tare, n fiecare diminea. Orice vei face pt a renuna, ai grij s fie ntru-totul corelat cu motivele tale pentru care vrei s renuni. Fii dedicat. Odat ce ai renunat complet la tigari, nu reveni orice ar fi. Cnd apare tentaia, mult lume i spune Mcar s trag o dat din igar i att sau Cafeaua nu merge altfel. Nu ceda! Este doar o raionalizare a tentaiei. Dac cedezi o dat, vei ceda apoi nc o dat i nc o dat i rapid ajungi napoi la 1-2 pachete pe zi. n astfel de momente e util s ai susinerea cuiva (vezi ideea cu comunitatea care te susine), care s-i fie alturi i s-i spun Nu te lsa, o s treac. Poi suna un prieten care i el se las (s-a lsat) de fumat, poi scrie pe un forum dedicat. Dac tentaia e foarte mare, poi s amni fumatul: Nu o s trag un fum acum. Respir adnc, ncearc o meditaie, bea ceva, mestec gum, iei la alergat. Inventeaz ceva ca s amni gestul. E doar o chestiune de timp pn cnd nevoia de a fuma va scdea n intensitate. Cnd eti pe punctul de a ceda, amintete-i din nou motivele pentru care vrei s renuni la igri (de preferat cu voce tare sau n scris): ca s fii mai sntos, ca s economiseti bani, s nu mai miroi a tigari, s trieti mai mult, s-i depeti dependena, etc. Oricare ar fi ele, amintete-i-le. Alege o perioad mai uoar. ncepe cura de tigari ntr-o perioad n care ai mai puine responsabiliti i griji, ca s te poi concentra s o respeci. Treci de primele 10 zile. Primele zile (mai ales primele 10) sunt cele mai grele. Odat ce ai trecut de ele, va fi dificil, incomod, apoi treptat vei simi tot mai puin nevoia s

fumezi. Gsete-i ocupaii i fii concentrat pe primele zile, cnd vei duce cea mai grea btlie. 10. Poi ncerca igara electronic. Personal nu mi-a plcut vreodat ideea, cunosc ns persoane care mi-au spus c astfel ieeau n continuare la igar, plus c le plcea s simt c in o igar ntre degete. Partea proast este c rmnnd n prezena unor fumtori, vei fuma pasiv alturi de ei. Suplimentar, igara electronic a fost asociat cu alte probleme medicale aprute dup folosirea ei. Despre igara electronic poi afla mai multe aici,aici sau aici. 11. Spal-te mai des pe dini. Mult lume simt nevoia de o igar, imediat dup mas (cnd eram fumtor i eu simeam la fel). Splndu-te pe dini scazi aceast nevoie. Dup ce te speli, contientizeaz faptul c ai dinii curai i nu i miroase gura a tigari. Doar reine sentimentul acesta n tine. 12. Nu lua exagerat de serios viaa de nefumtor. Inevitabil vei avea zile n care i va fi uor i zile n care i va fi greu. E normal s fie aa, mai ales n prima perioad. Nu te frustra dac azi te simi teribil fr igar, dup ce ieri aproape nu i-ai simit nevoia. E un proces i e normal s mai ai i coboruri. Important e s nu cedezi. 13. Exist plante i suplimente nutritive care te pot susine n aceast perioad. Spre exemplu, ceaiul de pedicu sau brdior sunt cunoscute n acest sens. Mai multe poi afla despre ele aici. 14. Dac metoda pe care ai ncercat-o nu merge, ncearc alta. Exist probabil sute de metode de a renuna la fumat. Nu toate funcioneaz la toat lumea. Unii au reuit cu plasturi, alii cu igara electronic, alii cu bomboane, alii cu medicamente. Unele metode funcioneaz la unii oameni, nu i la alii. Depinde de stilul de via, dedicarea ta, ct de atent i concentrat eti, etc. Dac ai ncercat o metod i nu a mers, treci la alta. Dac nici aceasta nu a mers, alta. Mai devreme sau mai trziu o s gseti ce i se potrivete. Cu fiecare eec, devii mai puternic i nvei lucruri noi. 15. Recompenseaz-te pentru reuite. Dac ai reuit s nu fumezi 2 zile, sau s fumezi cu jumtate mai puine tigari, ofer-i o recompens: mergi la un restaurant, la piscin, film, etc. Poi s i scrii ntr-un jurnal de succese aceste reuite. Desigur, nu te vei recompensa cu o igar 16. Penalizeaz-te pentru eecuri: de exemplu pentru fiecare igar fumat doneaz 10 lei ctre o cauz dezinteresat. i recomand s gseti o cauz pe care nu prea o simpatizezi de exemplu dac susii ajutorarea copiilor orfani, dar nu dai doi bani pe copacii verzi, doneaz ctre o asociaie care planteaz copaci. Altfel, i-ai putea spune c fumezi ca s ajui copiii orfani. 17. ncearc o grip serioas. Pare glum, dar nu este: las-te s rceti serios (umbl mai dezbrcat cteva zile sau dormi cu cldur mai puin. Apoi treci la ceaiuri, nurofenuri i alte chestii de genul. Bea ceaiuri cu gust ct mai scrbos (desigur s fie utile pt rceal). E puin probabil ca dup un ceai de ceap s mai ai chef de o igar Din aceeai grup, exist picturi sau plasturi care i provoac greaa cnd fumezi.

18. Poi asocia data la care renuni cu un eveniment special. De exemplu renun la fumat cel trziu de ziua copilului/ ziua mea / aniversarea cstoriei, etc. Asta i poate deveni un impuls suplimentar s rmi dedicat inteniilor tale. 19. Gsete situaiile din viaa ta pe care le asociezi cu fumatul. Fiecare fumtor are momente anume cnd simte nevoia s fumeze o igar (dup mas, cnd are anumite sentimente, cnd e stresat, n anumite momente ale zilei sau diverse alte situaii). Scrie pe o foaie de hrtie care sunt aceste situaii care i declaneaz dorina de a fuma. Acum gsete 1-2 alternative de comportament ce altceva poi face n acele momente, cnd vrei s fumezi o igar. Scrie-le pe hrtie. Ia-i apoi angajamentul n scris s le faci n acele momente: Nu o s mai fumez atunci cnd . Ideea este s contientizezi ce anume i declaneaz involuntar gestul de a aprinde o igar, s gseti alternative de comportament i apoi s urmreti ca n acele momente s nu fumezi, ci s te compori conform alternativelor. 20. Treci pe igri mai uoare. Dac fumezi igri fr filtru treci de urgen la cele cu filtru. Poate c acum deja i trece prin cap c eu bat cmpii cu graie i nu o poi face dintr-odat. Fals, se poate i nu e deloc greu. F-o, iar mai ncolo treci de la igrile cu filtru normale la cele lights. Apoi treci la cele ultra lights dup o vreme. Apoi treci la igrile mai subiri (deja la momentul sta fumnd ultralights a sczut nevoia de nicotin). Acum mai rmne s decizi doar cnd faci saltul final i le lai la o parte. E mai uor s renuni la fumat atunci cnd fumezi doar ultralights (am testat metoda pe propria piele i la mine a funcionat). 21. Redu gradual numrul de tigari fumate zilnic. De exemplu, dac fumezi 20 de tigari pe zi, fumeaz cu 1 igar mai puin zilnic, sau la 2-3-4 zile. Gsete ce perioad e mai potrivit pentru tine. Oricum, definete ziua n care o s fumezi zero igri. 22. Dac obinuieti s fumezi n timp ce conduci maina, ncearc transportul n comun pentru o vreme sau dac e posibil mergi pe jos. Mai exist varianta bicicletei. 23. De fiecare dat cnd vrei s aprinzi igara, amn cu 1 or. Vezi peste o or ct de mult simi nevoia s fumezi din nou. 24. ncearc metoda lui Allen Carr. Allen Carr a fost fumtor timp de 30 de ani. A reuit s renune la igri i a creat o metod (Easyway to stop smoking). Foarte eficient i popular acum, metoda lui Allen Carr se bazeaz pe nlturarea temerilor privind renunarea la fumat. Am muli prieteni care au reuit s scape de fumat, folosindu-i metoda. Cartea sa o gseti de cumprat la majoritatea librriilor (de exemplu aici) sau o poi citi online aici,aici, aici, aici sau aici. Dac ar fi s-i dau un singur sfat, din toat lista, acesta ar fi cel pe care l-a alege citete-l pe Carr. 25. Documenteaz-te bine nainte de a ncepe. Caut informaii despre renunarea la fumat, efectele imediate, dieta optim, igarile electronice etc. Poi ncepe cu: forumurile care discut subiectul i ce au trit ali oameni ce s-au lsat de fumat, cartea lui Allen Carr sau o simpl cutare pe Google. 26. Folosete imagini desktop motivaionale. Gseti cteva specific mpotriva fumatului aici, aici sau aici. Unele sunt destul de sugestive. 27. Pe parte de motivare, poi folosi i melodii motivationale potrivite.

28. Exist o sumedenie de clipuri motivaionale ca s nelegi efectele fumatului. Spre exemplu The Bryan Curtis Story, Quit smoking, Nico Breeze: The Secret Ingredient To Successful Parties, Smoking and impotence, That could be your kid, Still want to smoke, Just returning the favor, Shout. 29. Discut cu medicul tu despre renunarea la igri. Cere-i sfatul, vezi ce idei i poate da. Susinerea i sfaturile unui medic n astfel de momente i pot fi extrem de folositoare. 30. Practic respiraia profund, timp de cteva minute. Inspir adnc, fr a te grbi, reine aerul n plmni timp de cteva clipe, apoi expir lent i rmi fr aer n plmni cteva secunde. Repet. La nceput e posibil s te simi inconfortabil, mai ales dac nu ai fcut micare de mult vreme i eti un fumtor nrit. 31. Bea ap i ct mai multe lichide. Asta i va face bine oricum, suplimentar ns, apa ajut la eliminarea nicotinei din corp. 32. Evit raionalizrile care se opun renunrii la fumat. Cu toii avem obiceiul prost de ne crea singuri raionalizri care s ne justifice faptele. Mai mult despre asta ntr-o postare de sine stttoare, pe scurt ns atunci cnd nu ai chef s iei azi la alergat i-ai putea spune Azi e mohort i sigur o s plou sau E rece i m-a putea mbolnvi sau Bate soarele i sigur o s fac insolaie. Nu are importan coninutul raionalizrii, e doar un argument menit s ne fac s ne simim mai bine i s justifice lenea de a iei din cas. Similar ai putea spune Cunosc oameni care au trit 90 de ani i au fumat toat viaa. Ei cum au fost sntoi? sau Mai fumez un pachet i m las sau Dup nunta lui George m las. Trebuie s fumez cu el la nunt. Cred c ai prins ideea. Argumentul n sine nu are nici o valoare, i-l creezi doar pentru a-i susine faptele i a te face s te simi bine. Contientizeaz astfel de raionalizri i respinge-le cnd apar. 33. Dac ai cedat tentaiei i te-ai reapucat de fumat, nu dispera. Fiecare dintre noi am euat uneori la prima ncercare. Planific-i din nou i renun iar la igri. A doua oar vei avea experiena primei ncercri. 34. Fii pregtit pentru efectele colaterale: nervozitate, oboseal, frustrare, .a.m.d. Ateapt-te s apar, e normal. 35. Crezi c i-e greu s renuni? Ia uite ce au fcut alii ca s se lase de fumat.

Ce inseamna sa renunti la fumat tigari 36. Dac ai copii, ine mereu la tine o poz cu ei. n clipele n care i vine s iei o igar n mn, privete poza copiilor ti i spune-i O fac pentru mine i pentru voi. Orice printe i dorete s asigure copiilor si un mediu ct mai sntos. Cred c ai auzit de fumatul pasiv i efectele sale asupra copiilor. Dac nu, afl mai multe de aici sau aici. 37. i tot pentru prini: orice copil va avea tendina s i copieze printele fumtor i s devin fumtor la rndul su cndva. tii cum este: copii urmeaz exemplul prinilor, nu sfatul lor. Chiar vrei ca i el s devin fumtor?

De ce nu reuete toat lumea s renune la tigari?

Mai exist sute de alte tehnici i idei bune. Sper s gseti mai sus ceva ce s-i foloseasc. Adevrul este c aceleai idei au fost folositoare n cazul unora i nu au mers la alii. S lum cartea lui Allen Carr (n sfrit nefumtor), de exemplu: foarte mult lume a renunat la fumat igri, dup ce a citit-o. n cazul altora nu a funcionat. Diferena este, cel mai probabil, n abordare: unii i-au folosit voina, au stat pe poziii i au rezistat tentaiei de a fuma, alii mai puin. n final reuesc s se lase de fumat cei care o vor i o consider ca fiind singura lor opiune. Dup ce ai citit aceste idei, probabil i-ai amintit de tine. Dac mai tii i alte metode, las mai jos cteva cuvinte cu experiena ta.

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