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Lesson Tangram Fractions Subject Area Math

I. Standard: CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.3. Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3+5/4=8/12+15/12=23/12. (In general, a/b+c/d=(ab+ad)/bd.) CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.3 Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator (a/b=a .b). Solve word problems involving . division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. For example, interpret as the result of dividing 3 by 4, noting that multiplied by 4 equals 3, and that when 3 wholes are shared equally among 4 people each person has a share of size . If 9 people want to share a 50-pound sack of rice equally by weight, how many pounds of rice should each person get? Between what two whole numbers does your answer lie? II. Objective/Benchmark: The student will figure out the fraction of each piece of the tangram. *I can figure out the fraction of each piece of the tangram and explain how I figured out how much each one was worth compared to the whole. The students will explain how they knew the amount of each fraction and the method they used to come up with it. *I can describe how I found the amount of each piece and explain my process for coming up with it. III. Anticipatory Set: Have the students grab one set of tangrams and the activity sheets as they walk in the room. Allow the students to play with the tangrams while everyone is getting ready to allow them to become curious about the lesson. Then direct them to place their tangrams over the front sheet into the tangram square. IV. Input: Have student pick up a set of tangrams and the activity sheets Direct them to create the tangram square with all 7 pieces on the first sheet Once everyone has their square made, tell the students that we are going to be talking about fractions today with tangrams

Tell them that the square they just created will represent the whole in todays activity Your job is to determine what fractional size is each tangram piece, if the large square is one Have them work with a partner or in a group of three to try and figure out what each piece is worth Have them record what they find and also how they found it on the bottom of the first sheet Allow students time to work on this with a partner After most have finished regroup the class and allow students to share their answers Ask the students for the different ways they started and the paths they took to solve the problems. Discuss any difficulties that students had or that you saw during the explore stage Discuss strategies that helped the students find the size of some of the pieces Discuss if students used adding methods to figure out their fractions Make sure to discuss the strategy of tiling if it does not come up and how it can be related to fractions as division After the discussion of the first activity sheet is completed, if time allows, if anyone finished the second sheet have them explain what they came up with and how they came up with them Or have go over how you would figure out the fraction amounts as a whole class if time allows-discuss different methods that could be used and how these methods were the same or different from the original task

Thinking Levels: Knowledge: Arrange the tangram pieces into the large square on the first activity sheet. Comprehension: Describe how you figured out the amount each piece is. Application: Manipulate the pieces to help you figure out the fraction amounts of each piece. Analysis: Examine your method of finding out the fraction amounts and tell the class what it is you did. Synthesis: Write out the process that you took to figure out each piece of the tangram Evaluation: Compare your strategy with another student. What was the same? What was different? Learning Styles and/ or Accommodations: Learning styles: kinesthetic, auditory, visual, written Students who might be struggling with the concept of fractions can be placed with a student to understands the concept

If students finish early they can do the second tangram activity sheet that has a second set of different sized tangrams that they can also figure out the fractions of each piece As students are working the teacher can walk around and give struggling students ideas on how to complete the activity like asking questions like how many of that piece could you fit on the whole square?

Materials: Tangram set for every student Activity sheets Whiteboard/elmo Methods: Discuss what the activity is the students are to complete Demonstrate how to find the fraction of one large triangle to individual groups if needed Students work in groups to figure out the fractions of each piece Whole class discussion on how different students figured out the fractions V. Modeling: Tell the students what their task is and allow them to get started. If students are struggling with coming up with a method to figuring out the fractions help them get started by modeling how you would figure out the fraction the large triangle was compared to the whole. (By showing them that four large triangles fit into the square.) VI. Checking for understanding: Walk around as the students work and observe them working. Watch for students who are struggling or students who are going through the activity quickly. VII. Guided Practice: As the students are working, if a group is stuck or needs help give them hints of where to go next. Help them choose a shape or give them a hint that will lead them to a strategy that will make them successful. VIII. Independent Practice: The students continue to complete figuring out the fractions of each tangram piece and also recording how they found the fraction. If students finish the first tangram activity sheet have them start the second sheet where they will figure out the fractions based off the small square being the whole. Have them record how they found out each fraction IX. Closure:

Bring the class back together and discuss what fractions each piece represented of the whole. Have the students tell what fractions they think it is and how they figured it out. Ask for students to share different ways they started and different paths that they took. Discuss any difficulties that the students had and any strategies that helped them solve the problem. Also, if anyone finished the second activity have them share what they did and how the found the amounts of each shape compared to the small square as being the whole.

X. Assessment: As the students share their methods and fraction amounts pay attention to students who may not understand it or for students who did not come up with the correct fractions. Also pay attention to their methods and if they were effective in producing the correct fraction amounts. XI. Reflection:

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