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How to get Soulseek working in Ubuntu Dapper

September 28, 2006 at 1:29 pm | Posted in Nicotine, Soulseek, Ubuntu | 1 Comment

Currently the Nicotine package in the Ubuntu repos doesnt work. Heres a quick tutorial to get this soulseek client up and running smoothly. Whether or not you have the old Nicotine from the repos installed (just make sure the old version isnt running!), just download the tarball here and the in a terminal type sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 python-pyvorbis tar xvjf nicotine+- cd nicotine+- ./nicotine The new version will automatically use your settings/shares/username/password if you had run the old Nicotine. Otherwise, youll need to set up your usename, password, and shares before itll let connect to the server. You must run the ./nicotine command from the extract directory everytime you wish to use the program. You can also make a shortcut and use /path/to/extracted/folder/./nicotine as the command. Also, there are some new preferences that may intrest you, so do take a look at those once you are up and running.

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