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Newbie - Are you ready yet? A: Ya est as lista?

Are you ready yet?



Espera un momento.
Wait a moment.


Tranquila, todav a tenemos tiempo.

Relax, we still have some time.


Menos mal.

Key Vocabulary

ya estar listo esperar momento tranquilo todav a tener

Adverb Phrase Verb Noun (m) Adjective Adverb Verb

yet to be ready to wait moment relaxed still to have

c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version).


Noun (m)


Supplementary Vocabulary

estar preparado un momentito bueno

Verb Phrase Adjective

to be ready just a second good

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version).

c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

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