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THEATRE DEVELOPEMENT OF DRAMA -Before middle ages Before middle ages they were street performers who shown

their performance in the market squares and more rarely in the court of aristocrats. -Middle ages In the middle ages emerged a kind of theatre from the rituals of the Church. The Church had to deal with people who couldn't write and read and they could spoke only the local dialect, so the drama in the Church has the same function of the frescos that the function of teaching religious events and to educate them. The first drama was the liturgical drama that was a sort of sung dialogue between celebrants to involve the congregation in choral celebration of religious mysteries and celebrant religious events like Nativity, Resurrection, Christmas and Easter. Then performances moved out of the Church when a new festival was introduced, the Corpus Christy. This dramas were enacted in different part of the city at the same time on a movable cabs called pageant. They were draw by horses and stopped in specific point of the town that could it be square, next to the town hall. The themes were stories from old and new testament (a similar kind of performance also developed in Europe with the name of sacra rapresentazione) and the subjects were biblical stories and part of Christ's life. Some characters appeared so that thy could be immediately recognized (like Noah's wife was an impudent woman and shepherds worshipping Christ were poor people) and the setting weren't the real setting (Egypt or Palestine) but all the dramas were represented in York. The plays were financed and performed by trade or craft guide It was written in the dialect of the people so it could be understand

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