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Stage 1

Meeting and greeting people

I Cum procedai cnd facei cunotin cu cineva? Ce spunei?

2 Iat cteva expresii folosite n limba englez atunci cnd doi oameni fac cunotin. Ascultai-le i citii-le! How do you do? l'm Hilary Raisbeck. And l'm David Kennett How do you do?
( C Good morning, my name's V Yang Chong.

Pleased to meet you, Yang Chong

Hello, l'm Anna Polsky.

How do you do?

My name's Harold Brown

Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? l'm Sharon Ward. Nice to meet you.
Yes, I am.

imlnta de ora v. Good iftamow*** aup ora XZ.

ca galut

dup ora 6^________

Do you know?
How do you do? Aceast expresie e folosit doar cnd facei cunotin cu cineva. Rspunsul este de obicei acelai: How do you do?
Enqlish in 20 minutes a day

3 Aceste persoane se cunosc deja. Citii i ascultai cum se salut. Care dialog este o conversaie telefonic? 1 'Hello, darling. How are you?' Tm fine, Mum. How are you?' 2 'Good aftemoon, David. How are things?1 Tine, thanks. And you?" 3 'Hi Sharon. How are you?' 'Very well, thank you, Dr Brown.' 4 'Anna! Nice to see you!' 'Hello, Harry. Nice to see you too.' 5 'Hello?' 'Isthatyou, David?' 'Yes. Hello, Hilary.'

Hello ... How are you? Acest salut cere de obicei un rspuns pozitiv, general, cum ar fi: Very well, thank you sau I'm fine, thanks.
Nu rspundei spunnd cum v simii de fapt! 4 Gsii rspunsul adecvat (a-e) la fiecare formul de salut (1-5). Greeting 1 Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? 2 How do you do? 3 How are you? 4 Hello, I'm Hilary Raisbeck. 5 Hi Sharon! Nice to see you.

a) I'm fine, thanks. bl Pleased to meet you, Ms Raisbeck. c) Yes, I am.

d) How do you do? e) Nice to see you too, Hilary.

How to say it
n ntrebri care ncep cu How, W/io, Wfiat i W/tere intonaia este cobortoare: How are you? n ntrebri care cer un rspuns da/nu, intonaia este urctoare: Excuse me, are you Dr Brown?

Completai aceste dialoguri cu cuvinte i expresii din chenar. Folosii fiecare cuvnt sau expresie o singur dat. 1 A: ...^^.^...^..., are you Professor Polsky? Nice to see you B: Yes. 1 am.........................?

Fine thanks
2 C: Hello, Sharon........................? Excuse me D: .........................and you? How do you do How are you 3 E: .........................David ! F: And you! Ascultai nregistrarea pentru a v verifica rspunsurile. English in 20 minutes a day


Getting to know you
Stage 1

Where do you come from?

1 Avei o carte de vizit? Dac da, ce scrie pe ea? Dac nu, ce ai vrea s scrie pe ea? 2 Citii urmtoarele cri de vizit i completai propoziiile.

David Kennett
Project Director Hanford International Duong Thang Long Cau Giay Hanoi, Vietnam

Hilary Kawbcc

\8EliotRoad Manchester Phonc:0647U20


nior consultant

1 Hilary comes from M..................(nameof town| 2 David Kennett lives in V..................(name of country) 3 Sharon Ward works in T..................(name of town) 4 An na Polsky lives in M..................(name of country) 5 Dr Brown works in K..................(name of town) 6 Yang Chong comes from C..................(name of

country) 3 Uitai-v din nou Ia crile de vizit i bifai (/) informaia pe care o dau despre fiecare persoan.

Professor Anna Polsky

Ruzveltova 65

Macedonia Business crd A B C D E F



Phone number email


English in 20 minutes a day

|f\ 4 Ascultai o faimoas stea de cinema vorbind despre V^ diferenele dintre oraul ei natal i Hollywood. Cutai aceste cuvinte n Word Bank dac e nevoie. different speak sma walk friendly drive

big see I come from ... se refer de obicei Ia locul unde vai nscut sau pe care l considerai ca fiind acas". Un alt mod de a spune de unde suntei este: My home town is ... I live in ... se refer la locul unde trii acum.

5 Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri. Putei asculta din nou nregistrarea. I Where does the film star live? She lives in....................................... 2 Where does she come from? She comes from............... 3 What do people say in Minnesota? They say.......................................and.......... 4 What do people do in Hollywood? They.......................................everywhere. 5 What kind of house does she live in? She lives in




20 minutes+
Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:

1 Where do you come from?

1 come from.................................(name of country or home town)

2 Where do you live?

1 live in.................................(name of town]. 3 What'syour name? My name is...........................................................................

4 Where do you work?

I work in.................................(name of town)

English in 20 minutes a day

Getting to Know you

What do you do every day?
Avei un program zilnic? Exist lucruri pe care le facei n fiecare zi a sptmnii i unele pe care le facei doar n weekend? W< etekMS vJeek-enS 6*et up at (?30. G^o to \Ajork.. 5tay in bed uwtil ^DO. Gso skoppina. 2 Ascultai-1 pe Michael vorbind despre programul lui zilnic Alegei dintre verbele de mai jos pentru a completa textu Putei verifica ce nseamn n Word Bank.
do get dressed get up go finish have leave play start wake up walk watch

I MP., the same things every day. seven, but 1 stay in bed until sevenfifteen Then I..................and..................a shower. That really wakes me up! I ..............................and

then ..................breakfast - some toast and a cup of coffee. 1.................. the house at eight thirty and.................. to the bus stop. work by bus. I.................. work at about ni ne, and

work at five or six, In the evenino, dinner and . television


on the computer. I am usualiy in bed by eleven!

U [\

*P uti,e cu watch. ^ **h televi5ion (1Y] wat ^ a video ( } ftcb a film Wa*ch outl ect. erijai 'ent;
English in 20 minutes a day

Acest timp verbal e folosit pentru a vorbi despre aciuni fcute n mod obinuit.
I always have coffee for breakfast. I go to work by bus.

Este folosit i pentru a vorbi despre fapte i adevruri generale.

People drive on the right in the United States. People often do the same things every day.

La majoritatea verbelor se adaug -s sau -es cnd se folosesc cu he, she sau it.
She walks to work every day. He watcfies television in the evening.

Negativul se formeaz punnd don't sau doesn't naintea verbului.

I don't go towork by bus. He doesn't watch television.

See Grammar Bank

3 Citii caseta de mai sus pentru a afla de ce Michael folosete prezentul simplu n descrierea lui.

4 Modificai urmtoarele propoziii folosind he.

1 I get up at seven fifteen. 2 1 walk to the bus stop. 3 1 start workat nine. 4 1 finish work at five or six.





5 1 watch television 6 1 play on the computer



5 Punei propoziiile de mai sus, din stnga, la negativ folosind don't i doni. aet u7> <zt seven jtj'teen. 45 6

20 minutes+
Scriei un paragraf despre dumneavoastr completnd aceste propoziii: I.............................................(wake up/ at...) 1.............................................(get dressed] Then I .............................................(have / breakfast) I.............................................(leave/the house/at... and I.............................................(go / to work ) l.............................................(finish /work/at...) In the evenings, I.............................................

English in 20 minutes a day

Getting to know yo

Talk about your family

Ci membri are familia dumneavoastr? Cum descriei relaiile de rudenie? aunt uncie mother parents father children daughter sister brother grandfather grandparents grandmother v

2 Privii arborele genealogic al lui Hannaii i stabilii ce grad de rudenie au urmtorii fat de Hannah. Stephen: Mrie and George: David: Roa and Gemma:

Martin: lanet: Susan: Iulie:


Mrie Brown m. George Goblev Janet m. Martin Roa Gemma Owen Susan Ellis m. Ken Barton (1935-2001) Julie m. Stephen

English in 20 minutes a day

3 Cutai verbul io be n Grammar Bank. Alegei forma corect a verbului pentru a completa aceste propoziii. Tiai forma incorect. 1 My brother Owen is /are-at university.
2 3 4 5 6 lis/am theonly daughter in my family. Gemma is/are the same age as me. Her name is / am Roa. We is /are a family. Theyare/is my grandparents.

4 Punei propoziiile de la exerciiul 3 la negativ, dup modelul dat: 1 Mu bfotker Cwen is net aX universrtu. 2.................................................................................... ...


Howto say it
n cuvinte cu mai mult de o silab, de obicei punem accentul pe o singur silab: famiu twentu sixteen /T\ 5 Ascultai-o pe Hannah vorbind despre familia ei n timp ce citii ceea %v ce spune. Observai unde cade accentul n cuvintele scrise cu cursive. Ascultai din nou i repetai aceste cuvinte cu voce tare. I live with my mother and my father and my two brothers. They are called Owen and David. Owen is

twenty and he's at university. David is sixteen and he's at school, like me. I have two grandmolhers and one grandfather. My olher grandfather is dead. I have one unde and one aunt. My aunt lanet is my mother's sister. They have two daughters. Roa is ten and Gemma is fourteen, ike me. They are my cousins.

20 minutes+
Scriei cteva propoziii despre familia dumneavoastr i citii-le cu voce tare.




I have.................... My mother's name is . I live with my..........


English in 20 minutes a day


Home, sweet home

I Care este pentru dumneavoastr casa ideal? Seamn cu una dintre acestea? Putei spune din ce ar sunt casele?

Switzerland Greece 2 Aceste imagini arat diferite tipuri de case. Gsii pentru fiecare definiia corespunztoare. Folosii-v de imagini.

detached house

m cm cm cm m cm

semi-detached IUK) duplex (US)


m crn mn cm m m mn BL cm n u cm m

bungalow (UK) ranch house (US) (UK) row house (US) United States terraced house

BBfnBQ: rr^r
blockofflats(UK) apartment building (US)

1 a house with two or more storeys that is not joined to another 2 a house with only one storey 3 a tall building with separate homes on each floor 4 a house that is joined to another house on one side 5 a house that is ioined to another house on both sides C|g 3 Ascultai nregistrarea i bifai (/) cele trei case pe care le auzii menionate. Type of home

detacked kou$e

detached house terraced house bungalow semi-detached house English in 20 minutes a day



4 Ascultai convesatia dintre doi soi, David i Mrie, care primesc oaspei la ei acas. Stabilii cine spune propoziiile A-D. A 'Hi there. Welcome!' B 'Mycaris in the drive. Is that OK? C 'How's the baby?' D 'She'sfine. Abittired:

Mrie Brian Susan

Do you know?
n Anglia i SUA este drgu s duci nite flori sau o cutie de bomboane cnd eti invitat la cineva. Chiar dac nu e ceva obligatoriu, este un gest foarte apreciat. 5 Privii familia i casa lor, apoi citii propoziiile. Sunt adevrate (/) sau false (X)? 1 23 4 They have three children. The family lives in a bungalow. They have two dogs. The two daughters are twins.


-- -S

cat tortoise parrot husband chimney children

English in 20 minutes a day

AhD scooter radio television (TV(

video camera English in 20 minutes a day

bedroom bedroom 2

dining room 6 Gsii pe plan cuvinte adecvate pentru a completa propoziiile. 1 The family eat their meals in the ..diWfi...mQM.. . 2 Do you want to use the computer? It's in the...................
3 The children can run around and play in the...................

4 'Can I use the...................please?'

'Yes, of course. It's the second door along the...................' 5 They all watch television in the................... 6 We like to sit on the..................and watch the sun go down. 7 We have some new fish in the.................. Do you want to see them? 8 David's in the...................He's making some toast and coffee for breakfast.

20 minutes+
Ascultai din nou conversaia i completai propoziiile. 1 Where is Brian's car? It's in............... 2 What does Brian drink?

He drinks.......... 3 What does Susan give to Mrie? She gives her..... 4 How is the baby? She's............... 5 What does Mrie ask Susan and Brian to do? She asks them to 6 Where are the children playing? They're playing ...

7 Who do the children want to see? ......................

Engiish in 20 minutes a day

Getting to know you
Introducing people
Ce spunei pe romnete cnd Ie facei cunotin unor persoane? Spunei ceva despre ele, pentru a ncepe conversaia? Maya, this is Feter Ling. He's from our office in 5<vqapore. 2 Ascultai aceste conversaii n timp ce citii. Care este cea mai puin oficial? Cum v dai seama?

Hello David. Nice to

t L

i }


see you again. How are you?


I'm fine, thanks. And you? Very well, thanks. David, do you know Yang Chong? Yang Chong, this is David



Kennett. He's our project director in Vietnam. DAVID : Pleased to meet you, Yang Chong. YANG CHONC: How do you do, Mr Kennett?




Do you know?
Ai auzit aceste apelative pe nregistrare: Mr Kennet Professor Polsky Dr Brown
Apelativele se pun naintea numelui persoanei n adresarea politicoas:

Brbai Femei cu titluri academice

Mr (mister) Miss

Brbai i femei

Mrs [misiz] Dr (doctor) Professor Ms [miz|

Mrs: se folosete doar pentru femei cstorite; Miss: pentru o femeie necstorit; Ms: pentru o femeie, fie cstorit, fie necstorit.
English in 20 minutes a day


3 Ascultai apelativele de pe nregistrare. Punei apelativele adecvate lng numele persoanelor pe care le tii i completai urmtoarele propoziii. Exersai pronunarea lor. 1 Do you know....................................................?

2 Thisis.............................................................
3 Can I introduce you to........................................?

How to say it
Forme contrase sau scurte: Tn englez de multe ori lipim cuvintele, mai ales n vorbirea curent.

De exemplu n verbul to be:

I am Ym you are -* you're he is - fie's she is she's it is -> ifs we are we re you are -> you're they are -> they're

See Grammar Bank



4 Ascultai din nou conversaiile. Bifai (/) formele contrase. 5 Completai aceste prezentri folosind o form contras adecvata din caset. 1 Can I introduce you to Dr Harold Brown?........................a consultant in Kigali. 2 Hello.........................Sharon Ward. I work at the Westerfield

Business Centre.
3 This is David Kennett.........................our project director in Vietnam. 4 Do you know Hilary?........................a friend from Manchester. 5 Can I introduce you to Anna and Ivan?........................ from Macedonia.


20 minutes+
Citii aceste prezentri i spunei dac sunt (I) oficiale sau (2) colocviale. 1 Can I introduce you to Professor Polsky? ..CM.. 2 Do you know Hilary? She's my cousin. Hilary, this is David...... 3 Dr Brown, this is Mrs Ward from the Westerfield Business Centre in Toronto...... 4 Hi! I'm Owen and this is my sister, Hannah...... 5 Do you know Dr Brown from Kigali? Dr Brown, this is David Kennett, our project director in Vietnam...... 6 Hilary, this is Susan. She's a friend from university......


English in 20 minutes a day


Getting to know you

Stage 1
esson 6



'*_ 1 ';

What work do you do?
Care este ocupaia dumneavoastr? V place ceea

ce facei? Aflai cum se numete profesia dumneavoastr n englez i scriei-o n caseta de mai jos. My job: 2 Potrivii ocupaiile de mai jos cu fotografiile

taxi driver pilot hairdresser sales assistant student 3 Ce suntei dac facei una dintre urmtoarele munci? drive a taxi or a cab .............................

cut hair


fly planes ............................. sell things In a snop............................. study ............................. English in 20 minutes a day

4 Ascultai aceste cinci persoane vorbind despre ocupaiile lor $i stabilii cine vorbete. Speaker 1 ................UirdreSer................ Speaker 2 .. Speaker 3 .. Speaker 4 .. Speaker 5 .. Ce le place la profesia lor? Alegei cte unul dintre rspunsurile din chenar.

Speaker I ...^^,M^^..^...^P^:....
Speaker 2................................................ Speaker3 ................................................ Speaker 4................................................ Speaker 5................................................ likes reading books likes talking to people likes visiting other countries likes working at night ikes the other staff

have toihasto Putei folosi have to pentru a spune c ceva este necesar sau foarte important. U's hard work as 1 have to stand all day. She has to start work at 8.00 every day.

20 minutes+
Ascultai din nou nregistrarea pentru aceast lecie i gsii exemple cu have to sau don't have to. Speaker 1: .. T. S^v^.. ^P.. .^.'^^.. ^!'... ^^..................................... Speaker 2:................................................................................. Speaker 3:................................................................................. Speaker 4:................................................................................. Speaker 5:.................................................................................. Acum facei singur propoziii.

English in 20 minutes a day

Getting to know you
Stage 1

^kpfc? ^J' L

i V

I V1


Completing forms and giving personal detals
I Vei asculta o convorbire telefonic. Uitai-v Ia formular i gndii-v la urmtoarele ntrebri: a) Whodoyou think is speaking? bl What do you think the conversation is about? (n\ 2 Ascultai nregistrarea i verificai-v rspunsurile. 3 Mai ascultai-o o dat i completai formularul A.

Travel Insuri

Title Mr Ms Mrs

Miss S
Other First name(s) milu Surname Street Town/City County Post code Telephone Email address Period of Area to be visited 4 Acum imaginai-v c plecai n vacant i completai formularul B cu datele dumneavoastr.

Title Mr Mrs Ms Other First name(s iss Surname Street Town/City County Post code Telephone Email address Period of cover Area to be visited

Do you know?

First name (prenume) se numete uneori given name (nume de botez). Surname (nume) se numete i family name (nume de familie).
Codul potal este post code (n Anglia) sau zip code (n SUA) English in 20 minutes a day

canlcould Can i could (timpul trecut) se folosesc adesea pentru a spune c cineva are priceperea sau capacitatea de a face ceva.

I can swim quite well. He could drive a car at sixteen. Can i could sunt folosite i pentru a cere ceva. Can we use ine phone? Could you repeat that, please? (mai oficial / politicos)
Ai auzit aceste expresii n conversaia telefonic nregistrat:

'How can I help you?' 'Can I take some detaiis?' 'b\ow, could I nave your title?' 'We can insure you for Australia...' 'Could you just wait a minute?'
See Grammar Bank Care dintre aceste propoziii este o cerere (I) i care se refer la priceperea sau capacitatea de a face ceva (2)? 1 lane and Peter can dance very well. ..^. 2 She can drive....... 3 Could we come inside a moment?...... 4 Hecouldn't goto Australia as he didn't have enough money....... 5 Could you answer the phone for me?......

6 I can't do extreme sports....... 7 I can see you like that girl over there....... 8 Could you help me cross the road, please?

____~ - hanrgWding

For example-.

\ '2&%r
#r ;':...;-1 *






Gsii rspunsul adecvat la urmtoarele ntrebri:

1 How can I help you? ......................

2 Can I take your detaiis? 3 How do you speli that?

4 What's your date of birth? 5 What's your address? English in 20 minutes a day

a) b) c) d) e)

The sixth of May, nineteen seventy-six. I want to buy some travel insurance. It's forty-two, George Street, Orangeville. Of course, what do you need to know? Idaho? It's I-D-A-H-O.


What can you do?

Ce pregtire sau competene avei? Le folosii n activitatea dumneavoastr? lat cteva exemple. Le putei verifica n Word Bank, dac e nevoie. Skills computing, word processing teaching speaking a foreign language designing driving Qualifications university degree diploma certificate licence Paper <\uamCat\ons: de5crje 2 Ascultai cinci persoane vorbind despre pregtirea i competenele lor. Pentru fiecare vorbitor, scriei care este profesia lui i ce pregtire are sau ce competene. Job 1 ... /?^f>s teacker Qualifications Skills teackm 23 45

Do you know?
Cineva care are o diplom universitar este a graduate.

Cineva care practic de mai muli ani o profesie este experienced. Cineva care este priceput n profesia lui este skilled. Multe persoane learn on the job, adic acumuleaz competen muncind. English in 20 minutes a day

Have got i has got sunt deseori folosite n loc de have I has cnd se vorbete despre posesie. Ai auzit n nregistrare: 'Have you got a degree?' 'Yes. l've got a degree in maths and a PGCE.'
See Grammar Bank

\ 3 Ascultai din nou conversaiile i gsii i alte exemple cu have got W^ (posesiune) i can (capacitate). Care verb este folosit pentru competen i care pentru pregtire? skills............................................. quaiificalions........................... 4 Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu can sau have got / has got.
1 Peter ....h^...9f^..... a diploma in hairdressing. 2 I .....................teach all winter sports. 3 They.....................speak three languages Spanish, French and English. 4 driving licence? 5 A lot of people.....................word processing and computer skills these days.

6 a lorry because HCV licence.



Scriei cinci propoziii despre competenele i pregtirea dumneavoastr, Putei ncepe propoziiile cu:
I can................................................................................ ..........

I have got.................................................................................... I can..................................................................................... ..... I haven't got................................................................................ I am an experienced......................................................................

English in 20 minutes a day


Getting to know you

Seaside Mystery: Part 1

Ascultai o povestire poliist care se petrece ntr-un ora englez de pe malul mrii. Povestirea are 12 pri i sunt cte 2 pri n fiecare seciune din Englisft in Twenty Minutes a Day. Partea a doua este n lecia 19. Ar putea fi util s urmrii transcrierea nregistrrii n timp ce ascultai. Distracie plcut! Acestea sunt cuvinte noi din povestire. Cutai-len Word Bank dac e nevoie. seaside need beach sorry warm weicome difficult landlady enjoy task tomorrow

Do you know?
Exist numeroase language schooisn Anglia. Studeni de vrste diferite, din toat lumea, vin aici s nvee englezete. Studenii locuiesc deseori la familii engleze cnd urmeaz cursurile unei astfel de coli. Persoana care se ocup de ei este numit uneori landlady. 2 Ascultai urmtoarele persoane i gsii descrierea adecvat fiecreia. 1 Yoshiko Miyamatsu

2 3 4 5 a) b) ci d) e)

AlanWhite Mrs King Peter Lieb Carlos Sanchez The director of the school Yoshiko's landlady A student from Germany A friend of Peter's A student from lapan

:.^P> 4fc


English in 20 minutes a day

tu\ 3 Ascultai din nou povestirea i punei imaginile n ordine corect.

4 Care dintre studeni spun aceste propoziii? Bifai (/) Yoshiko, Carlos sau Peter. 1 l'm from Germany. 2 Do you like it in England? 3 The school is very good. 4 Do you want to come? 5 She wants me home at six o'clock tonight. 6 lust say you are busy here at the school. 7 She is a very nice lady. 8 Come on, Peter. Let's go to the beach. 9 I am sorry I can't come with you. 10 Bye, Yoshiko. See you in school tomorrow.
Yosh ko Carlos i Pete

. hgCM


English in 20 minutes a day


Aceast lecie v d prilejul s exersai ce ai nvat pn acum. Verificai-v rspunsurile i vedei ce progrese ai fcut. Scriei-v punctajul n chenare. Functions

I Gsii n coloana din dreapta propoziiile corespunztoare situaiilor din stnga. 1 greeting someone you know 2 greeting someone you don't know 3 saying where you are from 4 saying where you live 5 describing what you do every day 6 talking about your family 7 saying what you do for a living 8 saying what you like about your job 9 giving your name 10 describing your qualifications a) I live in London. b) I have two sisters and a brother. c) I leave for work at eight o'clock. d| It's Emily Parrish. e) I'm asales assistant.
f) I come from Spain. g) I like my boss.

h) Hi there, Ed. How are you? i) l have a degree in biology. j) How do you do, Mr Ling? I'm Bill Saunders

1 ..........................

grandmother aunt 5 .......................... 6 ..........................

....... ++ ....... .......

+ + +

2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 ..............................

2 Completai tabelul de mai sus cu cuvintele desemnnd membrii de familie lips. 3 Ce fac aceste persoane? 1 taxi driver
2 hairdresser

3 airline pilot 4 student He She He She

English in 20 minutes a day




4 Folosii forma corect a unui verb adecvat pentru a completa propoziiile. 1 I usually........................toast and coffee for breakfast. 2 Professor Polsky........................from Macedonia. 3 I........................walk to work. I go by bus. 4 My brother........................the same age as you. 5 He.....................a degree in German. 6 l'm a taxi driver so cab all day. 7 How........................I helpyou? 8 Dr Brown, this . Peter lones. 5 Scriei formele complete corespunztoare formelor contrase din aceste propoziii: 1 l'm his boss. .................................

2 Hurry up! We're late.

3 What'sthetime? 4 He's my brother. 5 They're older than me. 6 Where's the taxi? 6 Aceste propoziii descriu o competen sau o pregtire? Bifai {/) n coloana corect. 1 l've got a diploma in secretarial skills. 2 She sells insurance. 3 We can all ski very well. 4 Carlos speaks English and Spanish.

5 Yoshiko has a degree in Business. 6 My brother has a licence to drive lorries.



30+ excellent * ^c Jf 24+ good ^c 5#c more practice! ^ English in 20 minutes a day

Getting to know you

Stage 1
Applying for a job (1)
La ce interviuri de angajare v-ai prezentat? Ai completat mai nti o cerere? Vei asculta o nregistrare cu un tnr la un interviu de angajare. Pentru ce tip de munc este intervievat? Ascultai i alegei dintre fotografiile de mai jos.

Do you know?
Pentru majoritatea slujbelor trebui s completai o application form (cerere).

Unii angajatori cer un CV (Curriculum vitae), care conine o descriere detaliat a competenelor i pregtirii dumneavoastr i alte date personale. Resume: versiunea scurt a CV-ului.
Ascultai din nou i completai cererea de angajare.

ffU^-HCO ^irP*MAKfcT^
APPLICATION FORM Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS. Surname: VJooD First name(s): THOMAS 61>Y Address: 17 cORCHARD R.OAD; NEWPORT Telephone: 0I2 81$3 \^B% Please tick (/) as appropriate: If no full-time job is available, can you work part time? Yes Available to work Monday - Friday

If successful, when can you start work? .. Do you have any holidays booked? When? BEFORE AL)6L)ST Weekends No Nights Yes No Are you in full-time education? O Yes O N If yes, please give details: I START COLLE6E IN ................ NEXT YEAR. Work experience: Please describe your work experience including parttime work. BOAT ATTENDANT: I WORK FoR hK< WHO IS THE MAK1A6ER.. OF. A......................HIR.E COMPANY. I HELP. To THE BOAT5 AND I SOMETIMES LOOK APTER THE English in 20 minutes a day

4 Citii acest resume i rspundei la ntrebri:

Name: Address: Telephone: Date of birth: Place of birth: Education: Skills and qualifications: Employment: Resume Roie Lang 203 Parkway, Bristol, BR45 6HK

01452 467983 19/8/82 London, UK 1989-95 Belmont Primary School 1995-2001 Moorlands High School 2002 Diploma in Hairdressing 2001-now Neil's Hair Salon 1 Where does Roie live? 2 Where is she from? 3 What does Roie do? 4 What qualifications has she got? 5 Where does she work?

Completai acest resume" cu datele dumneavoastr: Resume Name;........................................................... Address: Telephone: ... Date of birth: Place of birth: Education: ... Skills and qualifications:

Employment: English in 20 minutes a day

&m^i^' mM^m Gettmg to know you

Leave a message
1 Ce bileele si mesaje ai primit sptmna aceasta? Obinuii s le lsai altora biletele? 2 Citii aceste mesaje i spunei unde este cel mai probabil s le gsii.

Stage 1
esson 12


i T~\ .






hor -t Mumber 2-2-

Your next appointment with

Time H.I5 pm.

Date frid^H, 2-5 Avn

Ascultai ase mesaje de pe robotul telefonic. Alegei din chenar propoziia care spune la ce se refer fiecare apel. Someone \AjantS to tdL choi/t tke w^eetend.

lessage Message 2 .... Message 3 .... Message 4 .... Message 5 .... Message6 .... C

^H VMZT as




Very Happy Birthday

Someone wants to find a house. Someone's car is ready. Someone can't see the doctor today. Someone is ill. Someone is visiting her daughter tonight. Someone wants to talk about the weekend. English in 20 minutes a day


Ascultai din nou i spunei care apeluri sunt de la rude sau prieteni. De la cine sunt celelalte apeluri?

Message I .....fe.^...(^M?).(
Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 Message 5 Message 6

Possessive adjectives Cnd vrem s spunem c un lucru i aparine cuiva sau c o persoan este apropiat de cineva, folosim unul dintre urmtoarele cuvinte:

Singular my our your your


ftis i her their its Ai auzit aceste exemple n nregistrare: Your motfier pfioned. I like nuj job.
See Grammar Bank 5 Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu unul dintre adjectivele posesive de mai sus. Primele trei sunt din nregistrare. 1 Can we talk about..................plns for the weekend?

2 We can't
3 l'm afraid I can't make..................appointment.

4 I don't know who he is but I is great!

5 That'sa nice dog. What' 6 Roie phones..................mother every weekend.

Uitai-v nc o dat la mesajele din aceast lecie i scriei trei mesaje scurte. 1 To remind yourself that you need to buy some stamps today. 2 To wish your mother a happy birthday. 3 To teii your sister about a telephone caii for her from a friend.

Vi ^



English in 20 minutes a day




^^^L -


Money matters

Ce servicii bancare folosii?

.onal Northern Unk

dre>w Martin Business Advtser 2 Citii extrasul bancar de mai jos i rspundei la ntrebri.
Banking with

National Northern Link

Current account statement

Account name J.D. Jones Summary fot 20 May -19 June 2004 Account number 60233152 Overdraft limit 200.00


Transactions Date Description Debit Withdrawals


Money out

20 May Start balance 24 May Payment to Freshco S/Mkt 30 May Payment by cheque 2 June Payment by cheque 4 June Payment to AP. Garage 6 June Payment to Spa Club 10 June Received from Amtec Ltd 12 June Payment to Freshco S/Mkt 13 June Payment by cheque 15 June Cash withdrawal 15 June 18 June Payment to LBH C/tax 19 June Payment to Fashionhouse pic Crd Purchase 19 June End balance 1004.40 Crd Purchase 43.68 104315 105.60

104 306 Crd Purchase Direct Debit Bank Giro Credit Crd Purchase 104314 ATM Brookdale Credit Direct Debit Crd Purchase

76.17 35.90 56.30

62.40 217.20 80.00 216.73 56.80

142.00 2711.92

current account: cont bancar pentru uz curent savings account: cont bancar pentru a economiei bani i a ctiga dobnd intereet: dobnda ia economii overdraft limit: suma maxim pe care clientul o poate ' mprumuta din cont


What type of account is it? Tick (/) the correct word. savings current business What is the customer's name? .................................... How many deposits does the statement show?...................................... How much money does the customer have in the bank on I9th ]une? The balance is............................

How much money can the customer have on overdraft? Tick (/) the correct amount. 100 200 300 English in 20 minutes a day

V 9ml

At the bank
3 Combinai cuvintele din listele A i B pentru a forma noi cuvinte. Folosii imaginile. A B traveller's

foreign cash business



How to say it
machine camera currency manager cheques

adviser crd

In UK, cuvntul clerk se pronun cu sunetul a", ca n start,

n US clerk se pronun aa cum se scrie, cu un sunet er", ca n her. Travel money (UK): bank note selling rate 2.247 dollars 2.142 dollars 1372 euros 12.65 dollars 10.33 rnd 2.131 francs 1.651 dollars Australia 14*1 Canada Eurozone Hong Kong South Africa Switzerland USA money exchange (bureau de change) exchange rates

Do you know?
Pentru cumprturi putei plti cu numerar (pay by cash), scrie un cec (write a cheque) pentru suma respectiv, sau plti cu crd de credit (pay by credit crd). Cnd cumprai ceva pltind cu numerar, restul pe care-l primii se numete change.
credit cards

bank notes (UK) bills (US) wallet coins

English in 20 minute* a day

foreign currency coins English in 20 minutes a day

4 Ascultai discuia lui Mr Brown la banc i completai paragraful urmtor cu traveller's cheques sau cash. Mr Brown asks the cashier to sell him some dollars. She asks him if he wants (I).......................or (2)...................Hesays he wants $1000 in (3)....................and $500 in (4)................She says he can have the (5), but she hasn't got enough (6) the moment. He says he can come back tomorrow. She asks him tosign the (7) the top left-hand corner.

5 Citii aceste formulare i completai-le cu informaiile date.
f\lpJL National Northern Link

Denton Branch P.O. BOX 123 Brookdale N027 40A Pay

Cheque No. Sort Code Account No









sm It's 15th August 2005. Felicity Blake is sending a cheque for 50 to her daughter Elizabeth Blake. Felicity also wants to pay two cheques and some cash into her current account: a) Cheque 1: 32.50 b) Cheque 2: 112.00 c) Cash: 80 (3 x 20 + 2 x 10) den

National Link

Cashier's stamp

Bank credit

National Northern Link DENTON


13.-2D-.TD 5Q2D151
Notes 50 Notes 20 Notes 10 Notes 5 Coins 1 TOTAL CASH Cheques TOTAL




20 minutes+
Gsii pentru cuvintele 1-5 definiiile corespunztoare. 1 bankaccount
a) someone who works in a bank
v^ I

2 cheque

paying in slip

4 bank clerk b) c) d) e) a form to pay money into a bank account arrangement to keep money in a bank a form to pay money to another person money in coins or bank notes.

English in 20 minutes a day

. 3

fi ^
*fc_ ,


Stage 1
Saying thank you
Ce spunei cnd vrei s i mulumii unei alte persoane? Folosii anumite expresii? i cum vi se rspunde? lat cteva expresii uzuale pentru mulumiri i rspuns la mulumiri.
a) Thank you for coming.

b) c) d) e) f)

You're welcome. That would be lovely. That's very kind of you. This is delicious! Thank you so much.


PjI ij r


2 n urmtoarele situaii ce expresii (a-f) credei c vei folosi? Bifai (/) sub litera corespunztoare din tabel.

l 2 3 4 5

Someone offers to carry your bags. Someone cooks something special for you. Someone gives you a present. Someone thanks you for helping them. Someone leaves your home after a party.

6 Someone invites you out for the evening.





3 Acum verificai-v rspunsurile cu dialogurile din nregistrare. 4 Citii aceste formule de ncheiere pentru scrisori: Informai (friends and family) Formal Love With love Love from Lots of love Best wishes AII the best Yours sincerely Yours faithfully (when the letter begins: Dear Sir/Madam)

Acum gsii formula de introducere aferent formulei de ncheiere: 1 Dear Mr Parkinson 2 DearSir
3 DearCamilia 4 Dear Mum

a) Lots of love b) Yours faithfully

c) Yours sincerely

d) Best wishes
English in 20 minutes a day

5 Citii aceste dou scrisori. Care este ctre un prieten apropiat? Ctre cine este cealalt? Care este scopul fiecreia?

Mor\4*j, 'St f ebrWij IcrtS o;? Iove, Cuvinte d& a

lovely wonderful beautifuU aelicious: kina: p^tru p evenimente, obiecte, p gt-eo^ne; obiecte, p u mncare; 6reo3ne. ereo^ne;

ndsmur Cotfaqe TRIZ lF6

Thank s,ou A. ** ^ereiy,
"d Charte******


rs de

m ,n

20 minutes+
Completai aceast scrisoare de mulumiri ctre o prieten, folosind expresii din chenar. Sunday. I6th March
Dear Marina

for a delicious meal last night. What a wonderful

cook ..

What about dinner at the Mango Restaurant...............? I could pickyou up at six from your house , and............... go to a club afterwards................know. Harry on Saturday we could Best wishes Thanks Let me you are


ide V H ier r's

Mm *m

English in 20 minutes a day



What do you look like?

Cum v descriei nfiarea n propria limb? Vorbii despre ochi, pr i aspectul general? Aceste cuvinte descriu toate nfiarea unei persoane. Putei verifica ce nseamn n Word Bank. short thin big small good-looking fat pretty black brown long (hair) blond dark bald tall

medium-build fit curly (hair)



2 Acum punei cuvintele n urmtoarele categorii:

3 Privii fotografiile (a-f) i gsii-le corespondentul n descrierile 1-6 de mai jos.


1 He's tall with grey hair. |__| 2 She's very pretty with long blond hair. |__| 3 They both have long curly hair and big blue eyes.

|__| 4 He's thin but he looks fit. Q 5 She's got short, dark hair and glasses. |__| 6 He's bald and he's got a beard. |__|
English in 20 minutes a day

Do you know? Good-looklng se folosete de obicei pentru un brbat. Pretty se folosete de obicei pentru o femeie sau o fat. Este mai bine s evitai s spunei n englezete c cineva este fat sau thin, cci poate fi considerat nepoliticos.

Linking words and9 but And leag dou propoziii similare. She's tall and she's got blond hair. But leag dou afirmaii, cnd a doua afirmaie modific informaia deja dat de prima. He's a big man, but he's notfat. 4 Potrivii afirmaiile 1-6 cu a-f pentru a face propoziii cu but. 1 She is sixteen.................................: a) but he's not very fit. 2 He's young j b) but my daughter's eyes are brown. 3 We're in our forties now '-.................c) but she looks twenty-one. 4 Those girls are in their twenties d) but they act like teenagers. 5 l've got blue eyes e] but he looks much younger. 6 He's fifty years old f)

but we still feel young! 5 Alegei and sau but pentru a completa urmtoarele propoziii. 1 He is thirteen...............he's a teenager now. 2 Cm 1.6 metres tall................I'm shorter than my brother- he's nearly 2 metres 3 She has brown eyes...............she's very pretty. 4 My parents are old,...............they are both very fit. 5 He's a big man, ...............he's not fat. 6 She's nineteen...............she's a student.

20 minutes+
Ascultai-o pe Gloria descriindu-1 pe noul ei ef i completai propoziiile: 1 He's got...............eyes 2 He's a big man, but he's not........................ 3 He's taller than my............... 4 He's quite........................ Scriei trei propoziii pentru a v descrie pe dumneavoastr niv: 5.................................................................................... ........... 6 English in 20 minutes a day

Getting to know you

Likes and dislikes (I)
I Ce v place i ce nu v place? Diagrama de mai jos prezint cteva cuvinte pe care le putei folosi n acest sens. La nevoie putei cuta cuvintele n Word Bank. Verbs: (tont like dislike ow\ i

ha+e ddjec-tives: ba


htfrrib le temble lite

enj^y l^ve nice l^vely


re y.

2 Ascultai ce spun aceste persoane despre ce le place i ce nu i bifai (/) lucrurile despre care vorbesc. Speaker I Speaker 2 Speaker 3 where they live their job sport holidays animals family where they live their job sport holidays animals family where they live their job sport holidays animals family English in 20 minutes a day

3 Ascultai din nou i stabilii ce le place i ce nu. Propoziiile acestea sunt adevrate (/) sau false (X) ? 1 Speaker I dislikes the people he works with...... 2 He likes getting time off...... 3 Speaker 2 likes being with her children...... 4 She doesn't like her job...... 5 Speaker 3 likes living in the town...... 6 He likes dogs...... 4 Completai aceste propoziii de dou ori. nti cu un cuvnt sinonim cu Iove, apoi cu unul sinonim cu hale. 1 I.....IPX? 2 He...............his job 3 1 thinkfootball is.......

He pizza. .. his job. think football is 4 They...............getting up early. 5 I...............going to the dentist. 6 She's got They...............getting up early I...............going to the dentist. She's got

Verb + -ing)
Pentru a spune dac ne place sau nu o activitate,

folosim like {don't min, fiate etc.) + verb + -ing. I like reading travel books 1 don't like watching television. I enjoy going to the cinema. I hate washing the car. I don't mind helping mum at the weekends.

Scriei cinci propoziii despre activiti sau lucruri care v plac sau v displac. 1 ................................................................................... ................. 2 ................................................................................... ................. 3 ................................................................................... ................. 4 ................................................................................... ................. 5.................................................................................... ................ English in 20 minutes a day

Getting to know you

Stage 1









Likes and dislikes (2)

Cum facei cunotin cu noi prieteni n ara

dumneavoastr? Ai folosit veodat internetul pentru a cunoate pe cineva? Unde v ducei ca s v relaxai i s v distrai? Citii aceste mesaje de chat pe internet i subliniai cuvintele care exprim plcere sau neplcere:
the friendly chat room

Tools Rooms Join Search putei cunoast 53 corespondati * ^curtar, hoiJse): /0C Ufl,

7^ be* * mnca *' te unde t/,^ 51 ascu/t

muzfc. <Sergii> Kirsty. I hope you don't mind if l teii you a bit about myself. As you know, my name is Sergii Bakker and I come from Tallinn in Estonia, l'm here in London because my ather works for a British company We live in Dulwich in south London. It's a nice part of the city with some lovely houses and parks. I miss my friends in Tallinn but I don't like Tallinn, especially in the winter when it gets very cold. England is fantastic for me because I want to be an English teacher and l can spend a lot of time learning English here. I enjoy reading English books. 1 think a great way to leam is to have English friends. My problem is that I find it difficult to meet many English people because 1 don't like going to pubs and clubs very much. I like talking on

the internet and I hope you do, too. <Kirsty> Sergii, You! I ,m^'yp/eased(ha(ln'Cef0he^from
1 h

Ope fo na*

''V/rjg and i |,ye with 'ebut *f 9 o** , Z r'"9 Wy '*"* ane


' * cri

Pe / can he/p

you to


English in 20 minutes a day

3 Completai tabelul despre Sergii i Kirsty.

Sergii likes London doesn't like

doesn't like

Kirsty likes

4 Gsii aceste verbe n mesaje. Putei cuta n Word Bank ce nseamn fiecare. want

hope miss
Alegei verbul corect pentru a completa urmtoarele propoziii, 1 like your new job. 2 I like travelling but home and family. 3 Do watch TV tonight? 4 get this letter tomorrow. 5 have long hair. 6 Happy Birthday! have a great day.

Linking words because, so

Because introduce un motiv pentru un anumit lucru. I live in London because mu father works for a British company.
So introduce o consecin pentru un anumit lucru.

My aunt lives in Dulwich too, so I know it quite well.

See Grammar Bank 5 Gsii celelalte exemple n mesaje.

20 minutes+

Alegei because sau so pentru a completa aceste propoziii: 1 1 enjoy being a travel representative because / so 1 like meeting people. 2 We're in London on Saturday because / so we can come to your party. 3 l'm at home this evening because / so you can caii me after 7 p.m. 4 Please give me your address because / so I can write to you. 5 You can't see the doctor because / so you haven't got an appointment. English in 20 minutes a day

etting to Know
Stage 1
Applying for a job (2)
Cum v prezentai unui potenial angajator? Ce lucruri pozitive putei spune despre dumneavoastr? Aceste cuvinte sunt folosite pentru a descrie caliti personale. Putei cuta n Word Bank ce nseamn fiecare. polie try to understand ... happy good with people hard-working get on with ... Citii urmtorul extras din cererea de angajare a lui Thomas Wood i rspundei la ntrebrile despre el. 1 Why does Thomas think the job could be useful for him? It could help him to prepare for 2 What personal skills does he have? 3 What does he like about Freshco Supermarkets?

ici 7. Teii us why you want to join Freshco Supermarkets and why you think you are suitable for this type of work.

I a*v\ rufe^eS-red \v\ \NorU-\v\c\ \or Vre,sUc~c> be.auSe I wc*vr To UaVe Sovie expei'iev'i^e oi Wor"ki*nP i^ o laroe, Super'rvK^keT cUaln. I p\ay\ fo op \o urniVersi-ry To sfudy SuS.^eSS >oeXT ye-a^ So fUiS pb could Uelp rv\e, TO ore^oare, Tor if. I +UiK\k I cw\ Oood WilU people OirA I like Io Uelp cjJSTcw&fS. I knoW WAC\\ I cov\ Work- v\arA cwA <3ef c#y WITU Ike oTUe*r STQTT. I ai$o kkioW \UCKT Wc^co i5 a tjr&CKT p\ac& TO Work- cwA H/\e sfaff

ar'e Uappy.


3 Ascultai mai departe interviul lui Thomas Wood la Freshco i completai urmtoarea parte a formularului. 8. What do you do when a) a customer is rude to you? I -rUiKik if 5 \rv\oof\av\T TO be ................... cma1 v\ck TO c\e ar\ary. I liS-feKi +o -fUew CKV\A Tr-y fo u*ade<s!aKid wUaf +Ue ................... s. TUe*r\ I Tfy TO pul if <ioU-r. if I can I +Ue^ I ask Sorviebodv SucU aS Ihe .................... b) it's time to go home and you still have work to finish?

I fell -H^e wavaaoe^ -fUal I ................... TO fiViisU fUe job av\A UoW ................... + fakeS. Tke*o, f Ue ScWS OK I STCW cwd do IT, Un

J? <te ^az;ne

English in 20 minutes a day

Articolul nehotrt a este folosit pentru ceva sau cineva nedeterminat: Have you got a job? (orice slujb) Freshco is a supermarket chain. (Exist i alte lanuri de supermarketuri.) sau pentru a descrie ocupaia unei persoane: He's a doctor. Articolul nehotrt an este folosit pentru cuvinte care ncep cu o vocal (a e io sau ) I orit wantan officejob. She's an engineer. Articolul hotrt tfie este folosit pentru ceva sau cineva determinat i deja cunoscut: The manager at this store is new. (Exist un singur manager.) Wftat's tfie problem? (tim c exist o anumit problem.
See Grammar Bank

4 Completai aceste propoziii cu a, an sau the. I She' and her sister works in office. 2 I got...................letter and...................invitation today. ...................letter is from my son and...................invitation is to Director's dinner. great 3 We live in...................centre of town, but it's................ place to meet people and make friends.

4 I haven't got...................TV, but I have and I like talkingon...................internet. 5 If you've got...................problem, you can teii................... manager about it. He's very good with people.

20 minutes+
Scriei rspunsurile dumneavoastr la aceste ntrebri: 1 What do you do when a customer is rude to you? I..................................................................................... ............ 2 What do you do when it's time to go home and you still have work to finish? I..................................................................................... ............ English in 20 minutes a day

etting to know
More family talk
Cine e ruda dumneavoastr favorit? Ce v place la aceasta? Cu care din urmtoarele cuvinte ai descrieo? (Putei cuta In Word Bank ce nseamn fiecare.)

k\ sm


Vei auzi o fat vorbind despre rudele ei. Gsii n propoziiile de mai jos pe cele corespunztoare celor patru rude.

f) lives in London
a good listener a) works in a hospital

b) doesn't get angry

c) d) e) g) h) i) j) 1 loves his job lives with myaunt and uncie always brings me something nice is an interesting person wants to listen to me is very funny sometimes is younger than me My father

2 My grandmother 3 My brother 4 My uncie Harry


nan an an
English in 20 minutes a day

3 Ascultai din nou i stabilii dac aceste propoziii sunt adevrate (/), false (X) sau nu tii (?) deoarece fata nu spune. 1 Her father works very hard. 2 She lives in England with her mother. 3 Her grandmother is a good listener. 4 Her grandmother lives in the same town. 5 Her brother is in the same class. 6 Her brother is twelve and his name is Mark. 7 Uncie Harry is her father's brother. 8 Unele Harry is an actor and he lives in London True (/) False (X) Don't know (?

Present Simple Tense (2) Formarea prezentului simplu cu he, she sau it: Dac verbul se termin cu -ss, -o, sau -eh, adugai -es. She misses her father He goes to my schooi He watches TV every day. La alte verbe adugai doar -s. He brings hersomething nice She gets angry sometimes. Nu uitai c verbele to have i to be sunt neregulate. See Grammar Bank Completai propoziiile cu forma corect a verbului dintre paranteze. 1 She..................(miss) her father very much when

he is away. 2 The boy with blond hair..................(go) to the same schooi as his sister. 3 Her grandmother..................(like) to see herat the weekend. 4 My boyfriend always.................. (bring) me flowers. 5 She........................ (do not mind) living with her parents. 6 Harry..................(get) on very well with his sister. 7 He..................(havel a job in Paris.

Completai acest paragraf despre una dintre rudele dumneavoastr: My favourite relative is my...................I like him / her because................... My..................lives................... He/She is..................old. I see him/her ...................He / She and..................eyes. I think he / she is................... English in 20 minutes a day

Seaside Mystery: Part 2

The story so far: Yoshiko is a new student at the Greenwood I language school in Brighton. Carios and Peter are students at i the school, too. They meet Yoshiko at a party for new students. Yoshiko can't go to the beach with Carios and Peter after the party, because her landlady, Mrs King, wants her to I come home at six o'clock. Carios and Peter say goodbye to Yoshiko. They think Mrs King is a difficult woman. I Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri legate de povestire. I who are Peter and Carios? 2 Where is the language school? 3 Why does Yoshiko go home after the party? 4 What do Peter and Carios do after the party?

2 Urmtoarele cuvinte i expresii apar n partea a doua a povestirii. Bifai-le (/) pe cele pe care le cunoatei deja. Vedei dac putei ghici ce nseamn celelalte, ascultnd povestirea. dark girlfriend Spanish knock busy dinner at the moment rude in Iove worried Hurry up! husband

3 Ascultai povestirea i potrivii ntre ele cele dou jumti ale urmtoarelor propoziii. too busv to see them. 1 Peter wants to
2 Carlos' girlfriend

3 Peter knows
4 They knock 5 Mrs King

6 She says Yoshiko is 7 Peter thinksthat

8 Carlos thinks that 9 Carlos thinks Peter 10 Peter is worried

where Yoshiko lives. is in Iove with Yoshiko. Mrs King is busy. Mrs King is rude. about Yoshiko. on the door.

comes from Spain. opens the door. go to the beach before it gets dark.

Do you know?
Let's (prescurtare pentru Let us) se folosete pentru a sugera ce ar trebui s facei dumneavoastr i altcineva. 'Let's have something to eat before we go out.' Let me se folosete pentru a-i spune unei alte persoane ce vrei s facei. 'Let me drive you to the station.' 4 Gsii trei exemple cu Let" n transcrierea nregistrrii prii a doua din Seaside Mystery.
English in 20 minutes a day

'IVI iderS

your progress
Stage 1
Lesson 20


:crs V

Vi u.k Vi



Aceast lecie v d prilejul s exersai ce ai nvat pn acum. Verificai-v rspunsurile i

vedei ce progrese ai fcut. Scriei-v punctajul n chenare. Functions ! Completai acest formular folosind cuvinte i expresii din chenarul de mai jos.

First names Family name Address: 7 Longmarket,........................ 8001, South Africa Telephone number E mail address Your date of birth Your age in years on Ist September 2005 Your sex........................

Nationality South African 12/4/84 21 years Mayo 021348675 Female Cape Town Gloria Jane




ide Dig

Gsii n coloana din dreapta propoziiile corespunztoare activitilor 1-7. 1 leaving a message He's very tall with grey hair. 2 expressing appreciation Do come to my party. 3 ending a letter 1 Iove to dance. 4 inviting someone 5 describing someone 6 saying what you like 7 saying what you don't like d) With lotsof Iove hate football. f) Please phone me later. g) Thank you for a wonderful evening, & rv English in 20 minutes a day

a) b) c)



Folosii dou din aceste cuvinte pentru a descrie fiecare persoan din imaginile de mai jos. Folosii cuvintele o singur dat. thin


worried happy

angry fat bald


4 Completai acest tabel.

Pronoun l i you he she it we they

Possessive adjective my

look have Completai propoziiile cu unul dintre aceste verbe Tn forma corect: 1 What a wonderful cook you..................... !

2 the beach every day. 3 .....................he got brown hair? 4 We.....................forward to meeting you aii.
5 Let' again sometime. 6 understand what their problems are. 7 I.....................that it's a great place to work. 8 She.....................a cheque for $2000 every week. 9 He.....................getting time off. 10 Carlos.....................his girlfriend every day. get try think phone


30+ excellent ^ 5|c )|c more practice! *
TOTAL .../40

24+ good * 5fc


English in 20 minutes a day

K ers fficsi


S-ar putea să vă placă și