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A mile, as we know it today, is 5,280 feet ('nautical miles' being something else). The difference between a mile and a statute mile is historical, rather than practical. Many hundreds of years ago, a mile meant different things to different people. It became necessary, eventually, for a mile to be the same distance for all concerned. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a statute was passed by the English Parliament that standardized the measurement of a mile, thus giving rise to the term 'statute' mile. The measurement of a mile at 5,280 feet is now accepted almost everywhere in the world. A 'nautical mile' is different, being 6,080 feet. O mil, aa cum o tim astzi, este 5280 de picioare (1609,344m)("mile marine" fiind altceva).Diferena dintre o mil i o mil statut este de ordin istoric, mai degrab dect practic. Cu multe sute de ani n urm, o mil nsemna lucruri diferite pentru oameni diferii. A devenit necesar, n cele din urm, pentru ca o mil s nsemne aceeai distan pentru toate prile implicate. n timpul domniei reginei Elisabeta I, un statut a fost adoptat de ctre Parlamentul Englez, care a standardizat msura unei mile, dnd astfel natere la termenul "statut mile".Msura de o mil de 5280 de picioare este acum acceptat aproape peste tot n lume. O "mil marin" este diferit, fiind de 6080 picioare. (1853,184m)

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