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Travis Muller Trisha Bailey English 2010-031 Position/Proposal ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is not just a disability

that affects people in a singular fashion. I can affect any one given person in a multitude of ways, depending on a countless amount of variables that person is raised, environmentally exposed to, genetically predisposition, or even other ailments that person may suffer from. There is a set of values that everyone carries in there morality thought processing, carrying on in their business from day-to-day. These structures of morality, and/or even though processing tactics, use a set of skills that we learn to develop from infancy. They help us make all decisions in life, based on the structure left behind from previous experiences, and tutelage, and state of mind while in either of those two environments. There are two types of diagnosis of a person suffering from ADHD. It used to be classified as two different disorders, up until a couple of years ago. They were classified as ADD (attention deficit disorder), and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder). They are now both classified under ADHD, as is the patient, which would be inattentive side of the disorder, the hyperactive side of the disorder, or both. They are about %80, of the %5-%11 that suffer from both. There is another %13%15 that suffer from the major inattentiveness side. And the last 3%-%5 suffers directly from the hyperactivity, or restlessness factor of it.

The inattentive are taught skills such as recording information externally to help with correlation of daily task. The hyperactive are usually given Ritalin, or Adderall, and told constantly to calm down. Multiple combinations of treatment are offered for the mass majority of the diagnosed people who fall in the middle. Instead of more relying on the persons themselves to treat their own ailments, most people decide to give their own advice to someone because of difficulties living with them, and not understanding the disorder. They are usually the people that automatically jump to the assumption of, go to the doctor, and get some medication for that! But the simple explanation of it is, these people have learned through their own experiences, usually with no one to relate with, or to understand them, and yet they have made it this far in their life by learning basic coping skills. We should stop just drugging people, and start understanding the reasons and the causes for it. Lend an ear, a hand, a helpful suggestion. Show by compassion, and example. Understanding these coping skills, and how they play a role in our lives, is one of the more challenging things to conquer in life. But once achieved, a person can understand the reasons they react to their surroundings, and it actions on them to a better depth to the point of realizing there reaction triggers, and how to better control them. Now, one might say that this sounds like a simple task to take on, that any normal person could overtake this challenge of self-awareness. This however is no simple task to take on. Most people may believe they are already self-aware of this human id. Most likely, this person is farther from that truth than the most.

There are large amounts of research going into the study of this disorder, if just for the reason that brain seems to work on a different level that what is considered normal. It has also been question that if the brain works in a different capacity, does it have any advantages? Research suggests yes and no. Although the capacity of the brain stays the same, the areas of the brain tend to be more active, and in larger spectrum. However, the distance of the area is more, but the space in between has been left with more blank space, or thought paths unused. The idea behind the study research was that ADHD people randomly store memories, more spaced out, and pre-allocated instead of more concurrent/consecutive state. So they have to travel father, through other thoughts randomize, to get the information they want. This is believed to be the cause of the randomization of the thought process/attention deficit. Most ADHD people do not understand their own data storage methods, and therefore confuse themselves with their own filing methods. %1 of the population of people with the disorder, have normal to an above average understanding of this, as well as these type of people show a massive jump in intelligence as well. Most retain an I.Q. somewhere upwards of 120 points, even with no credible genetic intelligence in their background. Now you laugh, but I wonder? The better question to propose at that point is, Did this person inherited this trait, or learn it through the meditation, and concentration, and methods of coping with this disorder?? I believe so. I believe that they may be the select few that have come up, with either the wellbeing of another person who understands. Or that the ideals with this

person of not being confused by themselves any longer, being pushed, or desire more in life are there driving force. I believe this is something that can be understood and resolved. Just as I believe that there may not be a cure for everything out there just yet, but there is a treatment no matter how hard the climb.

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