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Ultranationalism Ultranationalism is a zealous nationalism that expresses extremist support for o ne's nationalist ideals.

It is often characterized by authoritarianism, efforts toward reduction or stoppage of immigration, expulsion and or oppression of nonnative populations within the nation or its territories, demagoguery of leadersh ip, emotionalism, fomenting talk of presumed, real, or imagined enemies, predica ting the existence of threats to the survival of the native, dominant or otherwi se idealized national ethnicity or population group, instigation or extremist re action to crack-down policies in law enforcement, efforts to limit international trade through tariffs, tight control over businesses and production, militarism , populism and propaganda. Prevalent ultranationalism typically leads to or is t he result of conflict within a state, and or between states, and is identified a s a condition of pre-war in national politics.[citation needed] In its extremist forms ultranationalism is characterized as a call to war against enemies of the nation/state, secession or, in the case of ethnocentrist ultranationalism, geno cide.[46] Fascism is a form of palingenetic ultranationalism[47] that promotes "class coll aboration" (as opposed to class struggle), a totalitarian state, and irredentism or expansionism to unify and allow the growth of a nation. Fascists sometimes p romote ethnic or cultural nationalism. Fascism stresses the subservience of the individual to the state, and the need to absolute and unquestioned loyalty to a strong ruler.[48]

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