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Espaol Avanzado con la Seora Bancos! EXPECTATIONS Speak in Spanish as much as possible in class.

. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings of this classroom. Adjust your voice to fit the activity. Participate positively and politely with partners & group activities. Follow instructions the first time they are given. Follow all classroom procedures. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS FOR THIS YEAR
1) Qu haces en clase y despus del da escolar? Explain your classes, activities, and interests 2) Cmo es tu rutina diaria? Tell what you wear, your hygiene, and daily routines 3) Qu compraste? Tell what clothes and accessories you bought to go to a special event 4) Qu hiciste ayer? Explain what you did yesterday using the preterite tense 5) Cmo eras de nio o nia? Tell what you used to be like when you were little using the imperfect tense; your favorite games and toys, personality, looks, activities, and sports

BINDER ORGANIZATION: The Spanish section of your binder needs 3 dividers: o Para empezar - warm-up sheet that you will turn in every 2 weeks o Ahora these are papers that you turn in at the end of a unit o Importante these are the study guides that you keep all year GRADES PARTICIPATION: (25%) You can earn an A+ by raising your hand at least 10 times over 2 weeks as well as participating in activities enthusiastically, working with partners productively, and being polite and kind to others. CLASSWORK & HOMEWORK: (25%) You will be graded on warm-ups, handouts in the Ahora section of your binder, partner activities, and Edmodo posts. Graded homework will include current events, reading assignments and speaking practices (Prctica Oral). You will not have homework every night, but you should be practicing Spanish at home even when it is not specifically assigned, such as practicing on, reviewing your study guides, speaking with Hispanic friends, and watching Spanish TV. TESTS: (25%) You will have a test on the topic we are studying approximately every two weeks. Information about upcoming tests will be posted on my website. Tests may include listening, reading, writing, and speaking. You can retake a test on which you earn a C- or lower, after attending tutoring with the teacher. PROJECTS: (25%) At the end of each unit, you will complete a project that shows how well you can answer the essential question. This might be a video, presentation, dialogue, poster, poem, etc. These projects will be included in your student portfolio. DISCIPLINE PLAN

MS. BANKS CLASSOOM RULES 1) Have all appropriate materials and supplied and be seated in your assigned seat when the bell rings. 2) Be respectful at all times. Do not interrupt others learning. 3) Adjust your voice to fit the activity. 4) No videogames in class. 5) No food or gum.

REWARDS FOR POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INCLUDE: Praise from the teacher (daily) Positive notes home (as earned) Dragon cards (for helping others or the teacher) Tickets with drawings for prizes on Fridays (winning a game or completing a task) o Student of the week (accomplishment, effort or improvement) o The joy of learning! (every day of the school year) o o o o IF YOU CHOOSE TO BREAK A RULE, CONSEQUENCES FOR NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR WILL PROGRESS BY: First time: procedures. Second time: Third time: Fourth time: Fifth time: Verbal warning and reminder to follow Written reminder with 2nd warning Lunch detention with the teacher Parent call Referral to the Principal with school consequence

*Immediate referral to the office for abusive language, violence, or severe disruption. **Names will be erased on Friday after school and students will have the opportunity to start fresh on Monday.

FOR STUDENTS You are responsible for your own learning. Your efforts and attitude will make the

difference in your Spanish learning experience. If you agree to the following, check the boxes. IN CLASS:


I will speak in Spanish as much as possible in class. I will respect the people, equipment and furnishings of this classroom. I will participate positively and politely with partners & group activities. I will follow instructions the first time they are given. I will follow all classroom rules and procedures.

HOME: I will complete assignments when they are due. If I am absent, I will check the website to see what I missed. I will play online review games on when I need more practice. I will practice outside of class by watching Spanish TV, listening to Spanish radio stations, and speaking Spanish in restaurants, etc. If dont understand something, I will email or ask Ms. Banks for help. Name ___________________________________ Date____________________ My email _____________________________________________________ (print clearly)

FOR PARENTS & GUARDIANS Together we can make this a fantastically successful year! Please read the following and sign if you agree to help with the process of learning Spanish! I have read the Course Guidelines and I understand what is expected of my child. I agree to help my child meet the expectations of the class by encouraging him/her to check the website for missing assignments, reviewing online, and letting him/her practice talking to me in Spanish (even if I dont understand)! I will contact the teacher via email with questions or concerns about my child. Signature _____________________________________ Date_________________ Print name ______________________________________ Primary parent email contact ________________________________________________________ Please check if applicable:

There is another parent involved who is not signing this, but who would also
needs to receive email updates. His/her email is _________________________________________________________

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