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Different hormones

Cells that produc e the hormon es

Target organ or target cell

Cilinal condition (Hyper/Hy po)

Pituitary Gland (Anterior )

Growth hormone Thyroid stimulating hormone Adrenocorticotr opic hormone Melanocyte stimulating hormone Lutenizing hormone or intestinal cellstimulating hormone Folliclestimulating hormone

Most tissues Thyroid Gland Adrenal cortex Melanocyte s in skin Ovary or Testis


Pituitary gland (posterio r) Thyroid gland

Antidiuretic hormone Oxytocin Thyroxine Triiodothyronin e Calcitonin

Follicles in ovary in females, seminifero us tubules in males Ovary and mammary gland in males, testis in males Kidney Uterus and mammary gland Most of cells of the body Most cells of the body Primarily bone (Osteoclast s) Bone (Osteoclast s), Kidney Heart, blood vessels, liver, fat cells

Parathyr oid gland Adrenal medulla

Parathyroid hormone Epinephrine


Adrenal cortex

Mineralocorticoi ds (aldosterone) Glucocorticoids (cortisol) Adrenal Androgens Insulin


Testes Ovaries

Glucagon Testosterone Estrogens Progesterone

Uterus, ovaries, inflamed tissues Thymus Pineal Gland


Heart, blood vessels, liver, fat cells Kidneys, intestine, sweat glands Most tissues Most tissues Liver, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue. Liver Most tissues Most tissues Most tissues Most tissues Immune tissues Hypothala mus

Diabetesinability to produce insulin

Thymosin Melatonin

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