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Chapter 1 Section 2

Native American Cultures

Early Societies
Earliest people in North America were huntergatherers. About 5,000 B.C. some Native Americans learned to farm. What happens next? They then began to settle into villages and cities.

Anasazi (Pueblos)
North American tribe

American Southwest, four corners region (present day Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah)

1200 B.C. to 1300 A.D.

Anasazi (Pueblos)
Adapted to the arid environment of southwest by using irrigation to grow crops such as maize, beans, and squash. Skilled basket makers.

How did they live?

Until 750 A.D. they lived in pit houses dug into the ground. After 750 A.D. they began to build pueblos, above ground houses made of adobe. Multi-room houses.

Anasazi Pit House

Anasazi Pueblos

Chaco Canyon

Anasazi (Pueblos)
Later on, the Anasazi began building their homes on the side of cliffs. Provided defense against enemies.

Kivas were built in the center of communities.

Underground ceremonial chambers used for religious ceremonies.

Anasazi abandoned villages about 1300 A.D.

Anasazi Cliff Dwellings


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