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Black is OK Forever!
Andras Adorjan
First published in 2005
Andras Adorjan
The right of Andra Adorjan to be identified as Author of this work
ha been asered by him in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Ptents Act 1988.
ISBN 0 7134 8942 I
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SymboIsendAbbrcvetons 4
AcknowIcdgcmcnts 5
My HcIIsh SubImeton
AStrengcQucstion. lsBLACKOK? B
Curostcs I 0
BLACKISOKl OnccmorceboutthcPrcsumpton
oflnnoccnccnChcss 22
NcwLcttcrs 2B
MorcCurostcs 33
lntcmptcdbyDerkncss 50
AnAweyGemc? B4
SomcNovcItcs 86
MorcNovcItics I 03
LejosPortsch. BLACKlSOKfs(hc)ndsthcrght|incsl I 09
StatstcsonAndrsAdor|n'sGemcs I I 4
NoDogmesPIcesc - RcesonngOnIyl I 34
DeteBescSupcrProStetstcs I 42
Chcss(pIeyng)Progrems- Stetstcsegenstcechothcr I 5 I
ThcProofofthcPuddngendthcPractical Bcncts I 54
MyBLACKArmyvsthccxChemps I 57
Bceutcs nBLACK I 75
ThcGentThrd I9 l
Symbols and Abbreviations
; slight advantage for White
slight advantage for Black
clear advantage for White
+ clear advantage for Black
decisive advantage for White
decisive advantage for Black
equal game
good move
!! excellent move
!? move desering attention
?! dubious move
? weak move
?? blunder
e with compensation

with counterplay
only move '-
t with initiative
N new move
$ time trouble
Thissmy l 3 l =twc|h bookand
don't know whcthcr t w|| bc
fo||owcd byanothcr dozcnor nonc.
I don't thnk t dcpcnds vcq much
on my w||. I havc |ovcd to writc
cvcr sncc my chi|dhood, and my
rst shon piccc that was pub|ishcd
appcarcd in thc pagcs of Magar
Sakkelet (Hungaran Chcss Lfc) n
thc Octobcr I965 numbcr. Bcing 5
I a| rcady had a 'past histoq' of
unpub|ishcd works. It's not that I
got borcd or ran out ofsubjccts or
cvcn (a |ot o| raw matcria|. Takc
BLACK IS OK! . In thc proccss of
sc|ccting gamcsandartic|cs for ths
and thc prcvous (BLACK IS STILL
OK|) book I had to |cavc out a
mnmum of l 00 wc|| annotatcd
vctorcs ofminc as BLACK (tit|cd
' BLACK Bcautcs'), and just as I
thnk about t now thcrc must bc
cnough matcra| for ANOTHER
thck book of my most imponant
novc|tics and how thcy'rc doing
today. A|| for BLACK (tit|cd
'BLACK Bb|c'). Thc qucstion is
notwho is goingto pub| sh thcm,or
who' | | buy. Thc qucstcn is. WHO
Or, by thc tmc I' m gctting rcady,
who s gong to thnk about
ANYTHING? I sawaganand rcad
ovcr 451 Fahrenheit by Bradbuq.
Whi|c wc arc sti|| a| ivc and
ncrcdib|yhappyI rca||y fcc| |ikc -
not as a duty! - mcntonng thosc
hc|p on ths book. I say dircct,
bccausc thcrc wcrc many nc
pcop|c on my way guding and
showng grcat cxamp|cs for mc n
thc c|dofchcssand |fc. Somcof
thcm arc mcntioncd c|scwhcrc in
thc book, othcrs not, but to a|| of
thcmIowca grcatdca| .
So! Thcrstp|accImustmcnt ion
thc cdtor, my dcar fc||ow James
(fomcr I immy) ADAMS, who was
not on|y donga goodjobas in thc
prcvous vo|umc as wc||, but his
cnthusasm and dccp undcrstandng
is somcthing moncy can' t buy.
Thank you !immy, and t is such a
sad jokc of fatc that good frcnds
|kcushavcn'tsccncach othcrsincc
My 3'' (and so far thc bcst) wifc
Ilus is by my sidcsncc '95 (I don't
say thosc wcrc thc toughcst 34
ycars ofmy |ifc, bccausc thc good
Lord ncvcr mns out of idcas
associatcdwith ordca|s. It isjustbad
|uck that - as thcy say - hc s
'visting' morc oltcn thoschc |ovcs.
Iwou|dbc contcntwthha|fofboth
hs 'vsits' and |ovc so that I wou|d
not takc away anythng from
anyonc.) My spousc is ' rcsponsb|c'
a|rcady for thrcc books, for a|| of
thc 'papcrwork' (vcq chcap, vcry
chcap! ) and indccd I ncvcr mct
anybody who cou|d takc it so wc||
whcn I shout |ikc a bcast for
mnutcs unt| it tums out to bc my
mstakc. . .
dam Szieberth i soncofthc
6 Acknowledgements
who trans|atcd a| | thc |itcraturc in
this,and thcprcvious book, buta|so
po|shcd up my tcxts and vcrba|
commcnts to thc gamcs. Hc is a
hiddcn poct as wc||. Both by sou|
Laszlo Lovass is an amatcur
chcssp|aycr and a high|y profcss
iona| computcr programmcr. Hc
gavc mc a hand in cach ofthc two
Fina| |y it's vcq much in kccping
to pay God a comp|imcnt. Witha| |
I dida muchbcttcrjobthanHc. . .
My Hellish Sublimation
A famous actor is said to havc
rcccivcd his Oscar with thc
fo||owing words. 'I don't think I
dcscrc this award. On thc othcr
hand, I`vc bccn rhcumatic for l 5
ycars, and I don't think I dcscrvcd
:hat,cithcr! '
How I dcscrvcd to bc choscn by
God to gct his mcssagc 'BLACK IS
OK! ' through to chcssp|aying
mankind, I know not. (God on|y
knows . . . ) Anyway, it is one of thc
most signicant discovcrics of thc
scicncc of chcss, to say thc |cast!
P|casc don't misundcrstand mc: I
ho|d a| | ofourgrcat hcrocs in high
cstccm, fromPhi|idor(' Thcpawnis
thc sou| of chcss! ') to thcorcticians
of thc prcscnt day. Howcvcr, thcir
obscrations cnrichcd somc special
segment ofthc roya| gamc, whcrcas
thc 'BLACK IS OK! ' thcorcm
a0ccts thc WHOLE thcory, practicc
andpsycho|ogy ofchcss.
Rhcumatics is somcthingI cannot
boast of, but I do havc a nicc
bipo|ar, rapidcyc|c dcprcssion (or
'manic dcprcssion`, to usc thc o|dcr
namc). It was diagnoscd cxact|y 25
ycars ago, but I had ccrtain|y bccn
carrying it much |ongcr. What is it
|ikc? Wc||, it's |ikc Hc|| in
miniaturc! I don't cvcn undcrstand
why I had ncvcr bccn ab|c to ki||
mysc|f undcr so much tonurc? At
|castoncc! But I havcn't cvcn tricd.
I wou|dn't havc succccdcdanyway,
Iamsuch an un|ucky bastard. . . and
sucha ninnyaswc||. Thcdcsircfor
dcath, or thc ' hatrcd of onc' s |ifc
instinct', is not cnough for passing
away, brcthrcn. You don' t gct
massacrcd cxact|y whcn you want
I a|so tricd to strikc a dca| with
thc A|mighty. Wc||, forgct it! What
cou|d I hopc for, anyway,whcn Hc
didn'tcvcn curc St. Pau| ' scpi|cpsy,
no mattcr howhard hc bcggcd him.
Whcn Hc did bothcr toanswcr, a| |
Hc said was this. ' My gracc i s
sufcicnt for thcc. for mystrcngth
ismadcpcrfcct inwcakncss. '
My chcss|oving psychiatrist says
thata thcory |ikc ' BLACK IS OK! '
cou|d on|y bc conccivcd in a
woundcd sou| |ikc mysc|f. It cou|d
on|ybc thoughtupbysomconcwho
didn't havc to|camthcpsycho|ogy
ofdisadvantagcfrombooks. Hca |so
says that it is thc highcst, artistic
dcgrcc of sub|imation. Thc bcst of
mysc|f If I hadn`t intcnuptcd him
in timc, hc might cvcn havc
convinccd mc what a |ucky guy I
actua||yam. . .
Evcqbody has somc kind of
mission. I am trying my bcst to
accomp|ish minc. It's just that I
havc bccomc somcwhat tircd, and I
havc a|rcady said most of what is
rca||y important anyway. I do fcc|
that a wc||timcd tragic (or cvcn
hcroic) dcath wou|d hc|p my sacrcd
causc morc that a dozcn morc
books. Don't you agrcc? I cou|d
rca||y do with somc (na|) rcst in
A Strange Question: Is BLACK OK?
My answcr to this qucstion was
' YES! ' a|rcady back in I9B5, and
thc answcr was not bascd on my
scntmcnts. I said 'ycs' on thc bass
ofthcana|ytica| cvdcncca|rcadyat
my dsposa| . Thcrc i s no objcctvc
rcason forfcarnganythngwith thc
BLACK pcccs in chcss. Thcrc
cannot bc too many rcadcrs who
managcd to miss my thcorctca|
artic|cs undcr thc tit|c 'BLACK is
OK| ' , pub|shcd n 59(! ) chcss
pcriodica|s wor|dwidc. My thrcc
car|cr Batsford books ( Winning
with the Griinfeld, I9B6, BLACK is
OK!, I9BB, andBLACK is still OK!,
pubIshcd qutc rcccnt|y, n !u|y
2004) wcrc a|| dcdcatcd to ths
hypothcss. Strangc|y cnough, it
tumcdout on|y whcn I wasworkng
onthc |attcr book thatI saw Ihada
postvc scorc wth BLACK a| |
thc way through from l966(! )
(whcn I madc t to thc Hungaran
Champonshp Fi na| for thc rst
tmc at thc agc of | 6) to thc ycar
2000 (I havcn't p|aycd any
compcttvc gamcs sincc thcn). I
wasn' t awarc of this fact for
dccadcs! I wrotc about how ths
nstnctvc scarch bccamc a rca|
mission n BLACK IS still OK!
('Thc Way It A|| Startcd' -
pubIshcd n BLACK IS still OK!
2004, Batsford). I cou|d boast that
by now I havca| | thc grcat sccrcts,
a| | thc cvidcncc. Andit'struc! A|so,
it's not! It's not truc bccausc thc
'sccrct' cou|d bc sccn by cvcryonc,
thc samc way as cvcqbody can scc
thc samc gamc on thc board. Thc
two p|aycrs, thc spcctators, thc
commcntators, cvcn thcrcadcrswho
p|ay through thc gamc acra rds,
thcya|| sccthcsamc,butNOTTHE
SAME WAY! As most of thc
' cvcnts' takc p|acc on|y in thc
p|aycrs' mnds, thc 'pont' rcmains
I am surc a|| of you havc
' su0crcd' qutc a fcw commcrcia|s
on TV, onthcIntcmct, on postcrs
cvcrywhcrc. Most of thcsc promisc
thatwc can |cam Turkish ovcmight
fwc paya ccrtanamount. Wc can
a|so |osc wcight wthout any
sc|fdcnia| or spcca| c0ort. Thcy
tc|| us thata| | intc|| gcnt pcop|c usc
ths or that washing powdcr,
dcodorant, or condom. And just
bcforc wc gct uttcr|y dcprcsscd
bccausc wc don't, wc arc to|d that,
a|though this is rca||y thc vcq |ast
momcnt, thcrc is sti||hopc! ! A|| wc
havc to do is dia| thc fo||owing
2Bdigit numbcr! Lct'snotbc foo|s!
Lct's not hcsitatc! Evcqthng can
Pcrhaps somc of us havc cvcn
bccn scduccd a coup|c of tmcs.
Andpcrhapswcb|amcdoursc|vcs if
wc fai|cd, and stancd t agan
'casi|y, cffort|css|y, and fast` . Of
coursc, thcsc s|ogansarc stupid, thc
highsounding promiscs makc usc
of human crcdu|ousncss. God
Hmsc|ftook a rcst on thc 7'" day,
ahcra||. Hcgottircd!
A Strange Question: Is BLACK OK? 9
I don't I ikc, and don't practisc,
this kind of b|ah b|ah b|ah. No
mattcr how many traincrs, books,
databascs, ana|ysing 'cngincs'
somconc has, it's a|| worth|css
without di|igcncc, hard work, and
I havca|ways wantcd to sharcthc
thcorctica| , psycho|ogica| and
phi|osophica| fruit ofmy BLACK is
OK| rcscarch withthc pub|ic. Ifit's
my dcstiny to rcstorc thc BLACK
Sonow Ishou|ddang|ca canotin
frontofa donkcy, right! ?Wc||,a|| I
cansayis this. thoscwho.
studymy booksthorough|y,
givc somc unbiascd thought to
thc psycho|ogica| and phi|osophica |
undcqinning of thc strict|y chcss
rc|atcd mcssagc, pcrhaps cvcn
discussing itwithc|cvcrpcop|c,
spcnd at |cast ha|f of thcir
opcning scssions on BLACK (|ikc
thcyhavcncvcrdoncbcforc! ),
study thc dctai|cd ana|yscs of
gamcs won by grcat p|aycrs with
simp|y cannot avoid improving
thcirBLACK rcsu|tssignicant|y in
I, or maximum 2 ycars! Suprisc,
suqrisc. thcirWhitc rcsu|tsarca|so
|ikcIy to improvc, a|though to a
|csscr cxtcnt! Thc cxp|anation is
dcad smp|c. ifyouarcnotafraid of
' BLACK Tomorrow', you wi|| not
ovcrdoyour 'attack' indcadcvcnor
This is a|| I can promisc. But
mind you, dcar Rcadcr, I'm not
giving you thc rcsu|t! On|y strong
faithand somc food forthought! No
onc can work and ght for your
goa|s instcad ofyoursc|f. Whcn I, a
Grnfc|d spccia|ist, stancd to study
thcNimzoQuccn'sIndian comp|cx,
i twassimp|ywondcrm|!Asthctwo
stratcgics cou|d not bc morc
diffcrcnt, I fc|tthc rcfrcshing cffcct
ofstudyingncwidcasa|most ' inmy
boncs' . You, dcar Rcadcr, wcrc
probab|yraiscd in thcsamc spiritas
cvcrybody c|sc (inc|uding mysc||.
Whitc is thc 'bcttcr' co|our, cvcn
thc 'winning' onc. But acr your
cncountcrwithmy 'hcrctica| ' tcach
ings, you wi|| bc joyfu||y surpriscd
to nd that your vicw on thc roya|
gamc has changcd. Thcsc hcrcsics,
by thc way, wcrc widc|y discusscd
with chcss fricnds from a|| ovcr thc
I a|most forgot somcthing! And
this 'somcthing' is a grcat gi in
itsc|f. thc natura| tcnsion crcatcd by
a chcss toumamcnt or a gamc wi||
bc |css intcnsc if you bccomc
' twofaccd' Lcsscmotiona| upsand
downs - bcttcr disposition and
Thcrc might sti|| bc somc pcop|c
whowondcrwhy Iam not tyingto
'sc| | ' my goods by way of |oud
b|ustcring. !ust |ikc anybody c|sc!
Wc||, ifIwcrc |ikc'anybody c|sc' , I
wou|d havc ncvcr formu|atcd thc
thcsis.BLACK isOK!
A.Solts - A.Adorjan
Brmnghem I 973
500 ycers. Ycs, wc hevc pIeycd
chcsswththc prcscntruIcs forsuch
e Iong tmc. Bcforc thet, thcrc wes
no cestIng, for onc . At |cest not in
thc wey wc do t now. it took 3
movcs. A Iong, worrsomc timc to
thc Mestcr ofthc king. . . Thosc who
pIey through thc gemc bc|ow Qust
30 ycers o|d) mey suspcct thet t
wcnteccordingto thc oId ruIcs,or I
forgot ebout my right to cestIc . Bc
peticntetIcesttI|movc 30!
1 e4 g6 2 d4 .g7 3 lc3 d6 4
.g5 lc6 5 lf .g4 6 .b5 a6 7
.xc6+ bxc6 8 .d3 h6 9 .h4 lf6
9. . . 9xl3=.
10 h3 .d7
I 0 . . . 9xOl I I WxOvd7 |2 000
11 0-0-0 lh5!? 12 'd2 g5 13
|3g4 gxh4 | 4gxh5.
13 ... lxg3 14 fxg3 'ib8!+ IS eS
.b4 16 .hel .b8 17 b3 .e6 18
g4 aS 19 .e4 .dS
20 .e3
Ths wes prctty origneI so fer,
end BIACK hes got thc ntetvc
endthc edventegc .It' s|kc|ytheten
improvcmcnt couId bc found for
Whtc somcwhcrc ifyou do 6nd
it,justbc proudofyoursc|f
20 vxd5 cxd5 2| W xb4 Zxb4 22
Bcc | c6T.
20 ... .e6 21 .e4 'ia3+ 22 'bl
a4 23 d5
23 W c | ? Wb4 24 W d2 exb3 25
23 ... axb3 24 cxb3 cxd5 2S .a4
25 vxd5 9xd526W xd500T.
25 ... 'i c5 26 lxdS dxe5?!
26 . . . &d7! T.
27 .aS
27W c2! .
27 .... d6 28 'ic2 .xdS 29
29 ... 'if6 30 lxeS
30 ... 0-0! !
VcqwcII doncl PoorAndy S. got
rceIIy upsct. Hc hed cnough fcers
eIrcedy ebout thc Iong degoneI,but
now whcn I ectueIIy dcmonstretcd
thet I kncw how to cestIc, hc
coIIepscd mcnteIIyl And no mettcr
how Iong thc rcmendcr sccms, thc
emc svnueIIydccdcd.
31 'rs 'ib6 32 'n 'e3 33 'n
'el+ 34 'i dl 'i g3?!
34. . . Wc4+l .
35 W O 'i el+ 36 'i dl 'e4+ 37
'i c2 'f4 38 lac5? lbd8?
3B. . . c6l39g3lW xg3+.
39 ld3?
39d7l .
39 . .. W H+ 40 lcl 'i f6 41 le5
'i b6 42 :rs
42 Zxc7 Wf6 43 8cc5 (43 Acc5
2d5l44d3WfI ++)43. . . 2dcB+.
42 ... 1d6 43 .fd5 :xd5 44 :xd5
'i f6 45 'e2
c45 Wd2.
45 ... e6 46 ld2 'ai+ 47 c2
e5! 48 .d7 'ic3+ 49 bl .b8
50 ld3 'i al+ 51 'c2 c5! 52 'dl
c4 53 bxc4 f4 54 .d2 lbl 55
.d8+ g7-+
Whtc Iostontmc.
Ths brngs to mnd e mcmoryof
thc Ietc GM Gcdcon Bercze, who
oncc won e gemc wth c2c4. So,
whet'sthcbgdceI?Thc thng s,hc
V.Antoshin - A.Adorjan
Budepcst I 973
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 g6 3 g3 g7 4
g2 c5 5 lf 'ia5+!?
Curiosities 1 1
A novcIty, I thought, whcn I
dccdcdto tq t.NetureIIyonIyGod
knows whcthcr somcthng s e
novcIty or hes bccn pIeycd bc1orc
by scvcreI pcopIc. Thc othcr thng
onc ncvcr knows s whcthcr thc
movc s good or not. And conccm-
ng ths onc, nowedeys I stII thnk
t's pIeyebIc. Thc rceson I choosc
ths gemc - whch s much shortcr
thenthc eneIyscs- stodcmonstretc
thet n chcss you cen stII dscovcr
ncw dces, movcs end t`s so much
mn to suqrsc thc 'uy' nstced of
hopn thet your mprovcmcnt on
6 d2
6 c3 c4 7 W d3 cxd4
(7. . . xc3? B d2) Bxd4 vc5
(B. . . xc3? 9 d2) 9 W c3 (9 W dI
c6 I 0c3 Wb4 I 1 db5 00 l2
Wc2 W xc4T) 9. . . c6=,
6 W d2 Wxd2+ (6. . . c6l ?) 7

6 bd2 cxd4 7 xd4 c6 B
4b3W c79Od6T.
6 ... 'b6 7 lc3
7 c3c4 B 00xc3 9xc3
W xb2l ?N Evcrythngmustgol Ths
s my modcst contrbuton to thosc
who- unIkc mc- cen stII usc t n
somc toumemcnt. Bcforc thc brevc
quccn`s edvcnturc, pcopIc thought
Whtc wes bcttcr. PcopIc eIso won
12 Curiosities
somc gemcs 'by mstekc' For I
don`t bcIcvc thet thc o|d stuffis so
bed, cthcr. (9. . . cxd4 I0 vd5 W dB
I I vxd4 vc6 I 2c3 0-0 I 3W d2 c6
I4 vc3 vxd4 I 5cxd4d6) I 0ve4
(I0 vd5 ve6T I I Wd3 vb4! )
I 0 . . .Wb4
A) I I e3W e5 ( I | . . .Wxc4? I 2 Zc |
W e6 I 3 vxc5 Wxe3 I 4vc6 dxc6
I 5ZxcB+ Gd7 I 6 ZxhB xhB I 7
vc5+) I 2 vxc5d6 I 3 vb3h5=,
B) I I vxc5 d6 I2 vd3 W e5
(I 2. . . Wxc4 I3 2c l Wc6 I4
We4++) I3Wb3 vc6 I4 c3 0-0;
7 dxc5 Wxc5 (7. . . W xb2?? B c3)
7 ... cxd4 8 la4
8 ... 'i d6!
Oh my Goodncss, oh my
Goodncss! Whet e movc to p|ey.
Supposc thc thng gocs wrong. in
eddton to my Ioss, thcrc'|| surcIy
bc somc stupd enme| (thcy ceII
thet t`s notedvseb|ctoputepiccc
in frontofe pewn.Espcce|Iy inthc
opcnng. I wes young, end I didn't
derc to |ook up or stend up whcn I
medc this rethcr good movc. Thc
' |cge|' oncwou|d hevc gvcn Whitc
B. . . W dB 9vxd4 vc6 I 0c3 0-0
I I 0-0t.
9 f4 'ib4+ 10 .d2 "i d6 11
I I c5W d5 I 20-0 vc6T.
1l. .. 'ib4+ 12 .d2 'id6
L.Ogaard - A.Adorjan
Govk I 9B3
It s not vcq ocn thet thc
opponcnt ovcrstcps thc tmc Imit in
e Iost poston. And I mcen njust e
|ittIc ovcr twcnty movcs. But
somctimcstdoes heppcn!
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 e6 3 vOb6 4 lc3
b4 5 e3 b7 6 d3 0-0 7 0-0 cS
8 la4 cxd4 9 exd4
9e3 c7 I 0cxd4d6.
9 ... le8 10 cS?!
Ths is e forccd tq to tekc
edventegc of thc 'drc strets' thc
b4bshop is n. Usue|Iy thcy kck t
out by e3 foI|owcd by b4, buIdng
up e frghtcnngpewnconstcI|eton.
But by d6, vbd7, e6 ctc. BLACK
constructs e fortrcss end thc neturc
ofthc ersng menocuvrng bett|c s
prctty much Ikc thc Hcdgchog.
Wth thc d0crcncc, ofcoursc, thet
thcrc Whitc`s dpewn stends on thc
c!|c. Sti||, usua||ythc bcttcr p| eycr
I0e3f! ?.
10 ... xO 11 'ixf lc6 12 .e3
Thcrc is no tmc to westc end
cvcnts stert to spccd up. Espcce|Iy
ecr Whtc tekcs ths pewn (whch
I 2 . . . bxc5! ? I 3 dxc5 ( I 3 vxc5
xc5 I4 dxc5 vc5 I 5W c2 vxd3
I6 Wxd3 vd5 I 7 b3 e5 I B e3
W c7 I 9 Zfd I W c6T) I3. . . We5
(cI 3. . . vc5! I4 W c2 vxd3 I 5
xd3 d6 I 6 c6 d5=) I 4 9c2 9d2
I 5 e3 9xc3 I 6 xc3 Wb5 I 7 b4
vd5 I B Wh3 h6 I9 vc3 vxc3 20
Wxc3 e5 2I ZebI exb4 22 exb4
AccB 23 9d3 WbB 24 d2 Ze7 25
2fcI .
13 dxe5
Conccts I 3d5
A) I 3 ...c4?l I4 9xc4 vxc4 I 5
dxc6 9xc5 ( I 5 . . . b5? I 6ZedI bxe4
I7cxd7 2c6 I BZd4+) I 6ZedI d6
I 79xc5 bxc5 I B ZfcI Wh4 I 9c7
AecB 20 vc3 vxc3 2I bxc3 e4
22 Wb7 g6 23 h3 Wd7 24 ZxcB+
ZxcB 25 Wxe7 2cB 26 WbB Wxc7
27 Wxc7 Rxc7 2B 2xd6 Ze7 29
Zc6Zxe230Axc5 Zc2,
B) I3. . . vd4 I49xd4cxd4=
B1) I 5cxb6 exb6 I6 b3 WbBl I 7
2fcI b5T,
B2) I 5c6?dxc6 I 6dxc69d6 I 7
2ec I Wc7 I B g3 Ac5l I 9 b ( I 9
2fcI 2xcI +20 ZxcI b52 I 9xb5
We5+) I9. . . e6 20 e3 e5 2 I vb2
exb4 22 vc4 bxe3l 23 vxc5
BJ) I 5 ZfcI I5. . . WbB.
13 ... lxe5 14 d1 lfg4!
15 Jd4
I 5 9c4vxc3 I 6bc32cBT.
15 ... bxc5
Curiosities 13
I5. . . vxh2l ? I 6xh7+ xh7 I 7
Wh5+ gB I Bxh2 vc6 I 99c3
b5 20 vc3 xc3 2 I bxc3 Wf6 22
16 Jxe5
Thcrc is no chocc, bcceuscvxh2
s not on|y e pessing hcedechc for
Whitc es on thc prcvious movc.
Now it wou|d givc thc sccond (to
I 6 vxc5 vxh2! I 7 3xh7+ ( I 7
Gxh2 h4+ I B gI vg4+, I 7
9xc5 Zxc5 I Bvxd7 Zc6 I 9xh2
2h6+ 20 gI h4 2 I O ZdB 22
Wc2 3d6+ 23 f4 Wh2+ 24 GD
xf4+ 25 GcI W b4+ 26 GdI
We4+) I 7 ...Gxh7 I B h5+ GgB I 9
W xh2 (I 9Gxh2 vc6 20vb3 Zc4
2 I W d5 Zxd4 22 vxd4 Wh4+)
I 9 . . . vO+l 20 xO 9xc5 2 I 9xc5
g5+22Wg3 xc5.
16 ... lxe5 17 a3 Ja5 18 lxc5
h4! 19 .e2 .ac8 20 lcl b6 21
Thc othcr pIeusbIc movcs erc no
bcttcr. Somchow Whtc got himsc|f
(with e Itt|c hcIp ofcoursc) n big
troubIc. In eddton, e|I this is
heppcnng in Whtc's regng tmc
2 I b4d6l 22vb7Zxc I 23xc I
21. .. lg6! 22 'ixd7?
I 4 Curiosities
22 3O vf4 23 W xd7 BcdB 24
W f5 (24 Wb5 W g5 25 b4 vh3+ 26
h I vxD+ 27 gI vd3 2B 2c2
vxc5 29 bxc5 2xc5 30 Bxc5
W xc5+ 3 I W xc5 3xc5+ 32 hI
3xa3+) 24. . . g6 25 W c5 2cB
(25. . . &c7 26 g3 3xc5 27 gxh4
9xb2+) 26 vc6 W xD+ 27 hI
22 9a6 vf4 23 W xd7 2cdB 24
W f5 g6 25 Wc5 BcB 26 vc6
W xD+! 27 BxD 2xcI + 2B 9fI
22 vd3 vf4 (22...2xcI 23 vxcI
vf4 24 W O) 23 vxf4 2xc I 24
2xc I 3xO+ 25 Gh I W xf4T was
sti|Ithc IcsscrcvI.
22 ... vN!-
Such a movc, combincd with thc
fo|Iowng doubIc attack, is qutc
23 'h5 'e7
And Whitc ovcrstcppcd thc tmc
24vd3 (24 vb3 BbB) 24. . . W xc2
25 2ccI a6! 26 W a4 (26 Wxa6
Wd2)26.. .9xD' 27BxD(27vxD
Wxc I ) 27. . . W xd3 2BBxcB 2cI ++
Whatan nustccaganstHungaq
(as a|ways)! l onIy got onc pont for
thisgamc! .
Evcrybody gcts into tmc troubIc
somctmcs. But thcn thcrc arc thosc
notoriousguys who do t n aImost
quaIcs for ths group. In thc
foIIowing vcq stormy gamc thcrc
was ndccd somcthng to thnk
about. Thcrc havc bccn vcq fcw
occasons whcn I was surc that my
opponcnt wouId ovcrstcp thc tmc
Imt but ths was onc of thcm. I
happcncd to knowa farnumbcr of
othcrwisc prctty strong pIaycrs,
such as A.Groszptcr, P.Wc|Is, and
my dcar o|d fcIIow !an Smcjka|,
who scc qutc a Iot on thc board
(probabIy morc than thc opponcnt),
but arc too hcstant n makng
dccisons. Thcn thcrc comcs thc
ugIy tmc scrambIc. In somc
toumamcnt I notccd that !an was
aIways|atcbyrough|y l 0mnutcs. I
sad to hm. 'Arc you crazy, pa|?
You constantIy gct short of tmc,
and yct you comc n Iatc?' Hc
Iookcd atmc wth thccycsof!csus
on thc cross. 'You know Andras,
t's aI| thc samc how much tmc I
havc. I aIways gct nto tmc troubIc
anyway. . . 'Andhcwasnotkdding.
A.Sznapik - A.Adorjan
Ba|atonszpIak I 97 I
1 e4 g6 2 d4 .g7 3 lc3 d6 4 f4
a6 5 lf b5 6 .d3 .b7 7 0-0
Thc morc cautous 7 c5 vd7 B
7 ... ld7 8 e5 c5! 9 lg5 lh6 10
I didn' t conccntratc hard cnough
on thc opcnng movcs, and I
rceIiscd on|y now thet this position
hed e|rcedy eppcercd on thc boerd
in thc gemc ZeitscvAdemski,
Fo|enice Zdro, I 970. (To mekc
things worsc, I p|eycd in thet cvcnt
myscI1) Lucki|y, l menegcd to
puII myscIf togcthcr end nd e
movc thet cnds BLACK's
hcedechcs immcdietcIy. And it
didn't cvcn tekc eI| thet much
timc. . . .
10 . . .'6! !
In thc ebovcmcntioncd gemc
| 0 . . . cxd4 I I bg6 dxc3 ( I I . . . hxg6
I2 vc6 Wb6 I3 vxg7+ I 4
vc6+ gB I 5 vc4 d5 I 6 v4g5
lxc6 I7 9xg6 vxc5 I BWh5 g7
I9 vh7! d3+ 20 hI d2 2 I 9xd2
vhg4 229d3+) I2 gxO+vxO I 3
vxt Wb6+ I 4 hI Wc6 I 5 Wg4
( I 5vxd6+? cxd6 I 6Wh5+ dB I 7
Wg5+c7 I Bcxd6+ Gb6 I 9W xg7
2hgB 20Wd4+vc5+) I5...00 I 6
9xh7+! xh7 I7 vg5+ GgB I B
Wc6+ 8O I 9 WxO+ nishcd
BLACKo0. (I 0).
1 1 fxg6
In such e sherp position thcrc erc
quitc efcw cendidetcmovcs.
I l c6! ? 9xd4+ I 2 h I fxc6!
( I 2 . . . vc5 I3 cxO+ vhxO I4 vxO
vxt I 5 fxg6 vc5 I 6g7 2gB I 7
Wh5+ d7 I B 9f5+ Gc7 I 9 9c6
9xcJ209xgB AxgB 2I Wg5 ! vg6
Curiosities 15
22bxc3 2xg723e4) I 3fxg6 vf6
I4 g7 2gB I5 vxc6 9xc3 I 6bxc3
Wc6 I7 Wc2 vhg4 I B 9xh7 ( I B
9g5 ! ? c4 I 9 9xh7 W xg2+ 20
Wxg2 9xg2+ 2I xg2 vxh7 22
2ecI ! d7=) I B ...vxh7 I9 W xg4
vf6 20 Wc2 d7 2 I v+ 2ex
22 gx=W 2x, I I f6! ?cxf6 I 2
cxf6 9xf6 I 3WcI +GdB ( I 3. . . 9c7
I4 9c4!) I4 Wh4 vf5 I 5 9xf5
gxf5 I 62xf5 9xd4+ I 7hI 9xc3
IB bxc3 cB ( I B . . . Wc6!?) I 9
vxO ZgB 20 9g5 Wc6 2I 2D
Wd5! =OhmyGoodncss!
ll ... hxg6 12 txf
Forccd egein. Thc othcr options
I2 c6?! 9xd4+ I3 hI vc5 I 4
cxO+d7! T, I 29c4 cxd4 I 3(d5
Wc5 I4vf6+ cxf6 I5 9xb7 d3+ I 6
2Dfxg5 I 7 9xeB9xc5 I B fI
I B . . . 9g3 ! ! is brcethteking. I 9
hxg3 vg4! 20WcI +vdc5 2I gI
vxD22 9c3 2hI' 23 xDvg4+
24 O Wf5+ 25 9f4+ 2xcI 26
12 ... txf
I2. . . cxd4?IcevcsWhitc withon|y
onc good movc, I3 vd5, but this
'on|y movc' is e|so winning.
I 3 . . . Wc6 ( I 3 . . . 9xd5 I4 vxhB
vxc5 I 5 vxg6) I4 vxd6+! .
1 3 9xg60-0-0D 1 4 .xf!
16 Curiosities
I 42xO?cxd4 I 5vc4 ( I 52xg7
dxc3+ I 6h | WD I 7 W gI W xg| +
I BxgI 2dgB+, I 5 vd5 &xd5 I 6
2xg7 2dgB+) I 5 . . . &xc5 I 6 h3
d5+pckngup- surprsng|y- thc
g6bshop! .
14 ... cxd4 15 ld5 .xd5 16 .xd5
Amng at a br|Iancy, but t s
aIso thc bcst sncc thc nomaI
I 6 . . . 9xc5cou|dbcpancdnotby
A) I 79f4? d3+ I B hI 2xh2+!
I9 9xh2 (I9 xh2 2hB+ 20 g3
Wc3++) I 9 .. .2hB 20 g3 &xg3 2 I
g2 9xh2 22 Wxd3 9c5 23 2hI!
B) I 7h3=
17 h1
1 7 .. ..hh2+?!
Abtrushcd. ItwouIdbc kI|ng a
I 7 . . . Wd4! Thc quccn s ncarng
thc kng's |c too! I B 9c6! ? ( I B
9O 2xh2+! I 9 xh2 2hB+ 20
9h5 Wxc5+ 2I 9f4 Wxh5+ 22
W xh52xh5+23g3dxc2242ac1
2c5 25 b4 2c4 26 2D 2xb4 27
2bc2+vc52B9c39d4 299xd4
cxchangc) I B . . . W xc5 - somctmcs
youbcttcrbc caIm! - ( I B . . . 2xh2+! ?
smorc attractvc but promscs Icss:
I 9xh2 W xc5+ 20 gI Wxc6 2I
W xd3 vc5) I 9 9xd7+ 2xd7 20
h3 dxc2 2 I Wxc2+2c7T, I 7 . . . 9xc5
I B 9f4? (Ths s wrong agan. I B
h3 dxc2 I 9 Wxc2+ Wc7=)
I B . . . 2xh2+!
A) I 9&xh2 2hB 20 g3 9xg3 2 I
Gg2 9xh2 22W xd3 (22 2hI Wd4
23 Wxd3 W g4+! 24 fI 2+ 25
cI 9g3+ 26 Gd2 vc5+)
22. . . &c5T,
B) I9 Gxh2 2hB+ 20g3 Wc3+
2 I g4 (2 I WO? 9xf4+)
2 | . ..vf6+22f5 9xf4+.
18 xh2 .h8+ 19 g3 .xe5+
20 .f4:
Somchow I msscd ths movc.
'NaturaI|y' , BLACK st|I has a
coupIc of thrcats (and trcks), but
WhtccouId st|I hoIdt.Buthcwas
20 9f4? Wc3+ 2 I g4vf6+ 22
20 ... lf6! 21 'xd3
2 I &O |oscs to 2I . . .Wd4!
foI|owcd by 22Wxd3??(but 22 c3!
stI| draws. 22. . . Wc5 23 WcI 2gB+
24 h2 2hB+=) 22. . . Wg| ! ! (Tmd
s 22. . . 9xf4+ 23 9xf4 2gB+ 24
h2 Wxf4+ 25 gI T) 23 WdI
21 ... W 22 .e6+ b7 23 'if+
'b8 24 'e3!=
It'sadraw.Butnotnsuch atmc
scrambIc(bynowmutua|. . . ).
24 . . . .xf4+ 25 xf4 1f + 26
WO 'i e1 27 1e3 'ifl + 28 'if
'h1 ! ?
GambIng s not my sty|c, but I
tookmychanccsths tmc.
2B. . . Wc | 29Wc3=.
29 'e3?
29 WD! Bh4+ 30 c3 Bc4+ 3 I
d2Bxc632W b6+GcB 33Wxa6+
29 ... lh5??
Awm| ! Thc dca ofactvatng thc
on|y 'sIccping' piccc (as BIa Papp
said) s right. To do t in ths
29. . . Wc| +! was a must! 30 Wc2
Wg3+ 3 I Gd2Bh4! NOW! 32WO
W c5 33 f5Bf434Wc3 W xc3+35
xc3 2xf5 36d2vg4+ 37 d3
BD 3B BgI b71 gavc BLACK a
30 'd3 leS 31 h3
3 I b3 2cI =, 3 I f4? W h7+ 32
Gc3 vc4+33b42xc61.
3l. .. lel 32 .d2??
32 c3 was wnnng casIy. 32 . . .
&c733 a4+. But it's unIkcIy that
thc good AIcxandcr couId havc
rcachcdthccontro|nanycasc. . .
32 ... lxal 33 lc6 WH+ 34 c3
and Whtc's 0ag fc|I. StI|, t
hisquccnby34.. .Bc5+(!!). Butthcy
do not gvcyou doubIc point(s), do
Curiosities 1 7
A little pious fraud ...
Fghting for a truc causc, onc
must bc rcady for cvcqthing, cvcn
dcath. WcII, ths u|tmatc sacrcc
has ncvcr bccn ncccssaq sincc thc
|aunch of my BLACK IS OK!
msson, but a IttIc chcatng was
ncvtabIc. In my nativc Iand,
cspccaIIy in rapd toumamcnts
organscdby myscIf, IpIaycdaI| my
gamcs wth thc BLACK picccs for
scvcraI ycars. Thanks to thc
wdc|ysharcd faIIacy of Whtc's
'advantagc' , no onc had any
objcctons. At
thc 45mnutc
toumamcnt in UachPaI|cnbcrg,
howcvcr (t's a good timc connoI,
by thc way, wcIIprcparcd pIaycrs
canproducc hghquaIty gamcs! ), I
kckcd o0my 'program' on thc sIy
forsomc rcason. At |cast n thc rst
rounds. Thcrc wcrc somany pcop|c
that nobody noticcd whcn I took a
scat bchnd thc BLACK pcccs 'by
mistakc' . I don' trcmcmbcrwhcthcr
IwasBLACKbyrghtor ' I|cgaIIy'
thc Iast onc of thc rst day).
Anyway, l had su0crcd my onIy
|ossrghtbcforc ths gamc, and my
opponcnt (who had an ' accdcnt' n
thcvcqrstround) wasconsdcrcd
to bc onc of thc favouritcs. Wc
fought an intcrcstng battIc, and I
owncd up to my IttIc trck
acrwards. Instcad ofcxpcIIng mc
from thc cvcnt, howcvcr, thc
organiscrs bccamc my accompIccs
forthcrcstofthc toumamcnt. (You
can no Iongcr trust thc good oId
Gcman pcnchant for ordcr! ) I do
hopcour'crimc'hasbccomc IcgaI|y
nuII and vod by now. Anyway,
such curositcs aIways comc n
handy at cvcnts |kc ths. And thc
happy cndng of thc toumamcnt
camc n handy formc, too. I sharcd
18 Curiosities
rst pIacc, havin scorcd T!//9 .
Thank you for your abctmcnt |n
cr|mc, dcar Gcrman l ricnds. Ifwc
st|II mustbcpunishcd, wc wi I| stcp
on thc scaffo|d hand in hand. . .
(Un|css I manac to strikc a dca| , a
sort ofbara|ninp|ca. A1cr aI |, a
p|aycr may havc h|s wcakncsscs,
but thc rcsponsibi|ity ofan oUcia|
| sbya| I mcansrcatcr!)
V.lkonnikov- A.Adorjan
Ubach(rapid45m|nutcs), |996
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 g6 3 lc3 d5 4 O
i.g7 5 cxd5 lxd5 6 e4 lxc3 7
bxc3 c5 8 i. e3 'a5 9 'd2 lc6 10
.b1 ! ?
Morc frcqucnt|y sccn i s | 0 2c1
whcn thc usua| cont|nuation |s
I0 . . . cxd4 | l cxd4 Wxd2+ | 2 xd2
00 | 3 d5 ( l 3 &b5 2dB!) | 3 . . . 2dB
l4 c l and hcrc I I|kc most ofa|I
l4. . . b4! I5 &d2 ( l 5a3va2!? |6
2c4 b5 |T 2c5 c3 I B9d3 f5)
I 5 . . . a6 | 6 &xa6 bxa6 |T & a5
2dT IB vd2 f5! |9 O fxc4 20 fxc4
c6 with a vc nc amc for
10 ... 0-0!
I 0 . . . a6 I I .cl. This |s supposcd
to bc thc po|nt. Whitc tr|cs to takc
adventac ofthc wcakncssofthcb6
squarc a|thouh itdocsn'tsccm to
bc vc important. l | .. . cxd4 I2
cxd4 Wxd2+ | 3 xd2 f5 (|3. . . 00?
|4 d5) |4 c5 ( | 4d5 b4 |5 &c4
b5 | 6 2b |1 bxc4 lT 2xb4 c3+ | B
1c2 fxc4 l 9 d4 &f7 20 vc2)
|4. . . c6 |5 &c4 &xc4 |6 2xc4
2dB |T c2 h6 (l T. . . 2d5? | B
2b | ) I B h3
A) l B . . . O |9 42d5 ( I9. . . c620
xf5 cxf5 2| 2b| 2dT) 20 2b|
2hdB 2 | 2b6 (2 I 2xbT?! a5 22
c6+ &B 23 2ccT xbT 24 2xbT
fx4 25 hx4 25d6262xcT &f6T)
2 I . ..2b5 222xb5axb5 23 2c2 2aB
245 h5252b2b4,
B) | B .00 |9 2b1 2dT=
(Bcwarc! |9. . . c6? 20 2xbT a5 2l
2xT+! xT 22 ZcT+ Z1 23
&xh6+ +) But whcn you p|ay
ncvcr m1ss a chancc for a
1 1 .b5 cxd4 1 2 .xa5 dxe3 1 3
l 3Wd5 & xc3+.
13 ... lxa5
Hcrc wc o. quitc a fcw amcs
havc rcachcd this pos|tion. BIACK
has a rook and a b|shop for thc
quccn. In addition, thc c3 pawn is
hopc|cssIy wcak. Idon'tcvcnknow
why I uscd thc word 'sacricc'
A1craI|, BIACKhastwobishops
a PAIRofb|shops ifyou I ikc! Hc |s
I4 9c2 b6 ( | 4 . . . &c6!?) I 5 d4
&bT I6 h4ZacB |T h5ZfdB.
14 ... i. d7 15 i. e2
| 5c5ZfcB I6 f4 ZcT IT b5 (l T
b5 c4!) l T. ..c4 | B Wd3
15 ... .fc8 16 0-0
6 . Jlc7!N
Th|s sccms tobc a novcIty bom
ovcr thc board. Not that thc
aItcmat|vcsbcIowwcrcbad. Lctmc
I6. . . vc4! ? I 79xc4 Bxc4 I B c5
2acB ( I B . . . c6! ?) I9 c6 bc6 20
vxc6(20vc2 c5 2I W xa79cb22
W c3 9d5 23 2b I c6) 20. . . 2xc3
2 I W c4 3c6! 22 Wc2 9f6 23 2dI
9a4! 24 2cI 2cI 25 vf4 GhBT
(25. ..BBc2T),
I6 . . . b6! ?I 7 9a62c5 I B f4
A) I B . . . c5 I9 vb3 vxb3 20axb3
cxf4 2 I Wxf4 9c6 22 c4 2dB 23
262b I a5 27 2b7 2xc4! 2B 3xc4
9xc4 29 2bB 3d4+ 30 GhI 2xbB
3I W xbB+&7=,
B) IB. . . RdB I9c59cB
81) 20 9c2 9b7 2 I vb3 vxb3
(2 I . . .vc4? 22 W cI 2c7 23 3xc4
2xc424W a3l +)22 axb35l ,
82) 209xcB2dxcB,
C) IB.. .3cB! I99c29b7.
17 e5?!
I 7 O2acB I B2cI vc4T.
Maybc st|I| thc bcst is I 7 W5! ?
vc6 I B vb5 ( I B 2dI 9cB)
IB...2ccB I9Wc39c620a3 va5
Accordin to Fritz B, Whitc is
c|car|y(l) bcttcr. Somchow l think
Curiosities 19
l'dprcfcrt oaskothcrGcrmanchcss
hcrocs, such as W. Uh|mann or
R.Hbncr, what thcy th|nk of thc
issuc. Computcrs canbc vcry touh
opponcnts at thc board, but thcir
cva|uat|onsarc sti|I hcavi|y infcctcd
by ' matcria|i sm'
17 .. e6 8 3b5|
I B 2cI 2acBT, o I B vb3 vc4
( I B . . . vxb3 I9axb3a520c4 3c6=)
|9 3xc42xc4 202dI 3cB 2 I 2d4
2c7 22 c4 2acB 23 f4 9 24Wd3
8 tc4! 9 9xc4 2xc4 20 2d
2ac8T2 ve2 3c6
22 "xa7?
This is bad for many rcasons.
BLACK was doin nc anyhow,
butfromnowon it'sajoyridc.
22f4 b6 23&D h5 24 3 9 25
h3 3c5 26vd43d5 272d2 2e4T
2B 4?! hx4 29 hx4 2a3 302c2
(30 &cI 3b4l 3 I vb5 2cxc3l l 32
vxc3 2xc3+) 30 . . . 3xd4 3 I W xd4
2c432Wd22aa4 33 G3 5+, 22
2d4 2c5 23 f4 3 24 c42a5 25
Wd2b626&hI &7T.
22 .. 3xe5T
Takin a ccntra| pawn (w|th thc
b|shop wh|ch bccomcs thrcatcnin)
for thc fccb|c a7pawn - thc bcst
20 Curiosities
23 h3 if6 24 ld2 g7 2S td4
ld8 26 le2 .dS 27 lbS hS 28
a4? ic6! 29 le1 h4! 30 td4?
302bI 2d5T.
30 ... lxa4 31 '6 .dS 32 'ib2
lda8 33 'ib6??
33 ... la1 34 lb1 ie4-+ 3S
35 :n 9d3.
3S ... fxe6 36 'i c7+ g8 37 lxa1
lxa1 + 38 h2 la8 39 f-+
Thc t|mc |imit was ovcrstcppcd
E.Ermenkov - A.Adorjan
BudapcstZona| I993
1 e4 cS 2 f4 dS 3 tc3?!
Not a vcry fonunatc cho|cc.
PcopIcusuaI|ytakcon d5, |nwh|ch
cascboth 3. . . .Wxd5 and thc amb|t
bc|nninw|th3. . . . vf6arcOK.
A) 3 . . . Wxd5 4 vc3 WdB 5 vO
vc6 6 9b5 (69c4 vh6l ) 6 . . . 9d7
700vf6Bvc5 2cB9 d3 c6=,
B) 3. . . vf6l ? 4 9b5+ 9d7 5
9xd7+W xd76c4c67Wc29d6.
3 ... dxe4 4 txe4 'c7 S tf tf6!
5. ..W xf4l ? 6 vxc5 vf6 (6.. .Wc7
7d4vf6) 7d4Wc7B vc5 vbd79
6 txf6+?! N
c6 d3 vc6l ?(6. ..vbd77 3 b6 B
92 9b79 W c2 6=) 7 3 (7Wc2
vd5 B 3 949 c3 c6, 7 9c2 94
B 00 xc4 9 dxc4 2dB I0 Wcl
c6=) 7. . . 94 B h3 000 9 vxf6
9xO I0WxOcxf6.
6 ... exf6:
Onc of thc most stubbom
m|sundcrstand|ns |s that Whitc
cannot bc worsc in thc opcnin.
Of coursc, hc canl Iook at th|s
pos|tion and thc systcmat|c pIay
dcmonstratcd by BIACK aft cr
wards. Acr mak|n just 6 movcs
Whitc |s WORSE. W|thoutcomm|t
t|n a major crror. And hc'II bc
7 g3
7d4cxd4 Bvxd49c79 9c200
I 0 00 2dB I I 9c3 vc6 I 2 c3
7 9b5+ vc6 B 00 9cT 9 2cI
00 (9. . . 9d7) I 09xc6 bxc6 I I d3
94 I2 h39c6T.
7 ... ie7 8 ig2 0-0 9 0-0 tc6 10
b3 ig4!
F|nclForcina wcakncss.
1 1 h3 ie6 12 d3
I 2 9b2 2fdB I3 W c2 2acB I 4
12 ... lfd8 13 ie3
I 39b2
A) I3. . . c4l ? I4 d4 ( I 4 bxc4??
Wb6+) I 4 . . . 2acB,
B) I 3.. . a5 I 4a4c4l T I5bxc4??
13 ... lac8 14 a4 b6
I 4 . . . a6l ?, I4. . . c4 I 5 bxc4 9xc4
I6Wc29c6 I7 2fdl .
1 5 h2 h6! 16 'i e2 f5 17 lael
.f6 18 'i f le8 19 ld2 .c3! 20
le2 le7 21 lbl .f6 22 leel
lce8+ 23 .d2 'i d7 24 laJ
24 vc3? vb4 25 2cI 3xc3 26
24 ... ld4 25 Je3 .d5 26 .xd5
'xd5 27 lc4 le6 28 Jxd4 .xd4
29 id2 ic6 30 h4
30 ... a6
W|nn|n. But 30 . . . 2Bc7 wes e Iot
30. . . 3c3! ? 3 I 2xc6 Rxc632W 2
WcB 33 h3T(33 2D? 3cI +),
30...2Bc7l 3I ve3 (3 I 2xc6
Wxc6) 31. . .W cB 32 2xc6 2xc6 33
h32c234WdI f6+.
Curiosities 21
31 %xe6 ixe6 32 'i g2 b5 33
axb5 axb5 34 leS?!
34 vd2 W c2 35 vO W x2+ 36
x2 2c2+ 37 h3 2xc2
(37. . . 9c3T) 3B 2c1 (3B b4 9f6)
3B. . . 9c3+ (3B. . . 2c3 39 b4 9f6 40
bxc52xc5+ ),
34ve3 W e6 35 vbI 2c3 362O
34 ... Jxe5 35 fxe5
35 2c1 W d6 (35. . . f6! ? 36 7
b4+) 36 bc5 2xc5 37 2xc5
W xc5+.
35 ... 'i xe5 36 %f b4 37 'if g6
38 'if4 'g7 39 "i xe5+ %xe5 40
'g2 g5 41 hxg5 hxg5 42 %d2 .g6
43 .f g4+
43. . . f4 44 xf4 2f5+.
44 'f4
44'f 5+.
44 ... lel 45 lh2 f6 46 :n lgl
47 c3 bxc3 48 lc2 %fl+ 49 .e3
%f+ 50 e2 lxg3 51 %xc3 f4 52
%xc5 %g2+ 53 fl %b2 54 lb5 f
55 lb8 g5
Once more about the Presumption
of Innocence in Chess
It is common knowIcdc that a
cn|usanda madman,awcsomcand
r|d|cuIous,arc scparatcd byjustonc
stcp. Butwho,orwhat, iscnt|t|cdto
dccdc which |s wh|ch? Anyway, |t
can by no mcans bc ca|Icd
rcasonab|c bchaviour |f somconc
htsanc|cnt tradition or |onhc|d
bcI|cfs, or dccIarcs thatan ax|om is
domat|c. Thc HoIy Inqu|s|t|on no
Ioncr works,but thc du|| oId mcn
rcprcscnt|n 'omc|aI` scicncc, as
wcIIasthc masscsthatm|stakc mcrc
rout|nc for va|uabIc trad|t|on,
aIways (or aImost a|ways) rcjcct
ncw d|scovcr|cs at rst. It ocs
w|thout sayin that thcy do th|s
w|thout ivin |t somc (unbiascd)
thouht, foI|ow|n thc h|h
d|n|tar|cs of thc ApostoI|c Scc,
who rcfuscd to |ook into GaIiIco's
couIdsccanyth|nin it.
PcopIc 'src|uctancc to acccpt ncw
th|ns can part|y bc cxp|a|ncd by
IoyaIty. thcy don't want to dc
thci rbcIovcd parcnts and tcachcrs,
who wcrc ood to thcm and passcd
onthc irknowIcdc tothcm.Aswc|I
asa rcatdcaI ofo|dfa|Iac|cs,anda
fcw of thc|r own 'v|ntac '
dcIus|onsl Dc|n thc oId mastcrs,
howcvcr, |s by no mcans trcachcr
ous. Without thc |r discovcrics, our
prcscnt knowIcdc wou|dn't bc thc
samc . Our task |s to |mprovc on thc
thins aI rcady known, not just
fo|Iow thcm subscrv|cnt|y. Th|s |s
Nccd is thc bcsttcachcr,asthc oId
sayinocs. If, forcxamp|c, rumour
has it thata ccrtain d|strict ofa b|
dirty city |s not safc cvcn |n broad
dayIiht, |ct aIonc inthc cvcn|n, I
can probab|y manac ncvcr to o
thcrc in my cnt|rc Iifc. (This |sjust
symptomatic trcatmcnt, of coursc.)
Thosc who pIay compct|tivc chcss,
howcvcr, cannot avoid hav|n
BLACK in every second game of
their lives. If this ' unp|casant
obI|ation' causcs somconc
probIcms (|s thcrc anyonc who has
cxpcr|cnccd no probIcms hcrc?),
thcn ithas tobc dca|tw|th. I nd |t
simp|y amazin that this ccnturcs
Ion qucstion (or cvcn o|dcr than
that) has, to thc bcst of my
know|cdc, so farbccnsidcstcppcd
by cvcryonc. Inc|udin wor|d
champ|ons, cniuscs, |camcd
thcorcticians. Thcy a|I acccptcd
p|ayin with thc BIACK picccs as
somc ' ncccssarycvi |', andcvconc
tricd to surivc thc 'dark days' as
bcsthc couId.Nowadays,thc papcrs
rcport quitc ohcn that somconc
forccda shopass|stant,bank cash|cr
ctc. 'with a un:hupeJ objcct'. . .
Thcn | t ohcn tums out that thc
' dcad|y wcapon' was actuaI |y a
watcrpistoI. Simi|ar|y, pcop|c arc
BLACK is OK! Once more about the Presumption ofInnocence in Chess 23
uscd :o bc|icvin that thc coIour
BLACK mcans m|sfonunc in chcss
aswcI|, and whcn thcy havc it, thcy
aI| too rcadi|y surrcndcr to thc
'watcrpisto|` Subconscious|y, thcy
aImost t to ustify this fa||acy.
This is a mass phcnomcnon, just
|ikc asc|ffu|fI| inprophccy!
I startcd out from thc practica|
cv|dcnccsupportinthc ' BLACK1 S
OK!` thcorcm. thc |ndcpth ana|ysis
of spcci1c opcnin var|ations, as
wc|I as thc comp|icatcd batt|cs that
arosc from thcm, w|th mysc|f in
most cascs cmcrin victorious. 1
wrotc my honcst po|cmica| cssay
caI|cd ' BLACK 1S OK! or thc
Prcsumption of 1nnoccncc in thc
Gamc ofChcss' onIy 0 ycars |atcr.
At thcbc|nn|nofthc ycar 2000, I
scnt it out to about B00 cmai|
adrcsscs, and rcccivcd about 3
rcpIics. Whcn |t was pubI|shcd |n
CHSS, Europe Rochade and
numcrous cIcctron|c forums in
2002, howcvcr, thc numbcr of
contr|butors rosctono |css than 29 .
AI| of thcm wcrc pubIishcd in
' BLACK IS StiI| OK!`, as wc|| as
thc oriina| cssay itsc|1 . Thc
major|ty of my chcss fricnds who
rcp| icd d|d not mcrc|y comp|ctc thc
' tcst` To my rcat p|casurc, thcy
sharcd thc|r own cxpcricnccs,
arumcnts and countcrarumcnts.
Somc of thcm d|d i: |n cIoqucnt
humour. Thc rcason why thc|r
writ in is bcttcr than that of somc
cc|cbratcd authors is simpIc:
thc onIy wor hy way to discuss
scr|ous thins. rant cach othcr
duc rcspcct, but don` t bc ovcr
po|itc,don'tsidcs:cp thc point, and
rstofaI|: tocnis human,butto Iic
Forthc sakc ofthosc who havcn' t
rcad my cssay anywhcrc, 1 ivc a
bricf ovcrvicw of it, cnrichcd with
thc thouhts of thc contr|butors.
Thcycnrichcd it intwoways. cithcr
by addin somcthin important, or
by |orcin mc to ivc a
convincin{?) rcpIy to thcir shrcwd
Lctmcrcpcatthc ancicnt formuIa:
|t |s bcttcr to p|ay with Whitc, as
Whitc starts thc amc, a|ns an
cxtra tcmpoandthcin|tiativc.Wh|tc
dccidcs what courscthc amc takcs
{opcnin), thc churactcrofthcamc
{midd|camc), and BIACK has to
work hard cvcn for a draw, |ct
a|onc.. . !
It docsn't happcn ohcn that onIy
onc thin is truc in a |cnthy
scntcncc |ikc th|s. This truc
statcmcnt |s 'Whitcsta:1s thc amc'
Somc of thc othcrs havcn't bccn
provcd, whcrcas thcrc arc aIso somc
thathavcbccnprovcd tobcfa|sc!
First thinsfrst. chcss isNOTa
runn|n racc, or somc othcr typc of
PA?LLEL compctit|on. Chcss is a
FIGHT1NG SPORT! {And a touh
onc at that.) Sothc arumcnt '1 stan
ou1 rst, so1 ct thcrc rst' , as put
by onc of thc contributors, |s
d|sposab|c I|kc Pampcrs. Thc
opposin par ics usc d|ffcrcnt
wcapons, and thcy ohcn confront
cach othcr {c. . ccntra| brcak
aa|nst a win attack! ). As rcards
p|ayin rst and havin thc
|nitiativc. ycs, thcrc arc somc sports
whcrc p|ayin rst can bc a bi
advantac. Takc tcnnis, for
cxamp|c. Pcop|c takc ums |n
scr|n, and if cvcrybody won
cxcIusivc|y thc amcs whcrc thcy
scrvc, with no brcaks {c1 Fischcr's
two 60 victorics!), matchcs cou|d
on|ybcdccidcdbysurrcndcrduc to
24 BLACK is OK! Once more about the Presumption ofInnocence in Chess
comp|ctc cxheuston. Thc rght to
stert - why docsn' t enybody te|k
eboutthcdutyendrcsponsb|ty of
thc rstmovc?You cen |cem e |ot
on thsssuc om thcertc|cbythc
cxcc||cnt chcss hstoren, Aqd
F|dck, ce||cd 'Is BLACK OK?' ,
e|soinc|udcd nthisbook. Thcright
to stert s worth no morc n chcss
then n, sey, footbe||. In ths be||
gemc,e |otofgoe|serc scorcdfrom
countcrettecks, end t heppcns vcq
rerc|y thet e tcem scorcs from thc
vcq rst etteck ecr kickoff. As
rcgerds thc 'coursc' tekcn by thc
gemc, my - othcrsc ' orthodox' -
frcnd GM Evgcny Svcshnkov end
Mr Kcnncth Bechmen pontcd out
ndcpcndcnt|y from cech othcr thet
t iscvcn EASIER to put togcthcr e
!ust onc cxemp|c, whch rce||y
tookmcbysuqrscwhcnI wrotc t
down. BLACK gocs for thc
Svcshnkov, end p|eys I c4 c5.
Whet docs hc hevc to |cem? Wc||,
thc ' tergct vereton', neture||y, es
wc|I es thc possib|c Whtc
dcvetons. Not too much, s t?
Espcce||y fwc notc thet thcrc erc
herd|y eny Sci|en subver etons n
which BLACK hes to fecc rce|
danger, or eny scrious |cxce|
know|cdgc isrcqurcd fromhm.
Lct's scc, on thc othcr hend,
Whtc's 'study metcre|' fhcwents
to p|ey I c4,endtrytownwthit.
I . ..g6 (Modcm), I . ..d6 (Prc),
I . . .c6 (CeroKenn), I . ..c6 (Frcnch),
I .. . f6 (A|jcchn), I . ..d5 (Ccntcr
I .. . c5 (Pctro0, Spensh - e||
veretons up to thc kcy postion
whcrc you sti|| hevc thc Chgor in
vereton(s),Brcycr ,Zetscv.
Fne||y. I . . . c5 (Sc|ien) 2 O -
Avcnucs ecr 2. . . d6 3 d4 cxd4 4
xd4 f6 5 c3 (e) 5. . . e6
(Nejdor D (b) 5...c6 (Schcvcnncn)
(c) 5. . . g6 (Dr egon) (d) 5. . . c6
(Reuzcr or Sozin) (c) 5. . . c5 ! ?/?! (no
P|us. 2. . . c6 3 d4 cxd4 4 xd4
e6!c6 (Peu|scn) 2.. .c6 3 d4
cxd4 4 xd4 f6 5 c3 c5
(Svcshnikov) or 5. . . c6 6 db5 d6
(6. . . 1 b4)71f4 c5 (Svcshnkov).
toputit m|d|y, esthcy sey. IfI
brcek down thc mein brenchcs,
Whtc's MANIFOLD tesk prcscnts
tsc|f cvcn morc c|cer |y.
(Archengc|sk Verieton, Mershe||
Gembit. . . )Neture||y, it isofsmi|er
proportions for othcr rst movcs ( I
d4, I c4, I O) eswc||, it's on|y
thet Whitc's '| ifc' is n |css dengcr,
es opcn end scmiopcn gemcs tcnd
to bc sheqcr, end rcquirc thc
know|cdgc ofmorc verietions. It s
not by eccidcnt thet meny I c4
p|eycrs cvcntue||y prcfcrrcd c|oscd
opcnings. Likc mysc|f. I em surc
You, dcer Rcedcrs, e|so thnk ebout
whchopcnngyouwou|d bc heppy
wth whcn you go to p|ey e gemc.
As for mysc|f, I rcechcd thc point
whcn I wes not rce||y heppy with
enything,cithcr bcforcordur ingthc
gamc.Forcxemp|c, I cou|dn'tthnk
of enythng rcesoneb|c egenst thc
unust|y undcrcstmetcd CeroKenn.
Thcn I so|vcd my prob|cm wth e
mestcr |y (end uncxpcctcd) strokc. I
stertcd to p|ey t AS BLACK! And
Summer isng thc ssuc 'who
dctcmincs thc coursc endcherectcr
of thc gemc' , I cen't bc grevc|y
mistekcn if I sey thet e1cr I c4, thc
|cxce| kow|cdgc BLACK is
rcquircd to hevc s ebout one-ffh
of Whitc's ' homcwork' ! ! This
mcens thet it costs BLACK less
energ and trouble to develop two
BLACK is OK! Once more about the Presumption ofInnocence in Chess 25
repertoires (c.. Svcshnikov end
CeroKenn) than it costs White to
prepare 1 e4. ln edd|t|on, thc
Svcshn|kov/CeroKenn 'tendcm'
pcrfcctIy ts thc rcqu|rcmcnts of
wcekcr/stroncr opponcnts, es wc|I
Now, Ict's scc thc ' cxtre tcmpo/
movc' l
As wc e|I know, e 'movc' , sey,
movc | | or movc 33, is ectue|Iy e
PAlR OF MOVES. Onc movc by
Wh|tc- oncbyBLACK. Thcrcforc
thc 'cxtre tcmpo/movc', es uscd in
common perIencc, s|mpIy DOES
NOT EXlSTl lt wou|d onIy bc
poss|b|c |fWh|tc couId mekc ONE
MORmovc, noton|yp|eyrst.By
thc wey, whet do wc mcen by
'rst'? Wh|tc's rcpIy to en ectivc
BLACK movc pIeycd somcwhcrc
eround movc | 5 cen ces|Iy bc
FORCED, eIthouh it is ' cxtre' et
thc momcntwhcn |t is pIeycd, ifwc
o strict|y by thc numbcrs. lt rceI|y
mekcs mc sick (OK, |t's my own
busncss), but thc men|puIetivc
phrescs 'cxtre tcmpo, cxtre movc'
scr|ous|y d|stort chcss p|eycrs'
th|nkin. lf, sey, 2 tcems hevcbccn
pIey|nmorc or |css cqueIIy ect|vc
footbe|I for ebout |5 minutcs, who
on certhcouId tc|I whcthcrthc s|dc
posscss|n thc be|I et thc momcnt
erc on thc etteck or on thc
countcretteck? But thcn thcrc erc
othcr picccs of tr|ckcry, tool (l
found |t qu|tc d|RcuIt not to inscrt
somc fourIcttcr word |nstced of
' tr|ckc'.) ' F|rst pIeycr - sccond
pIeycr' Nol No, no, nol Thcsc
phrescs do not sin| who pIeys
rst end who rcpI|cs. thcy RANK
l em tryin to usc synonyms for
BLACK end Wh|tc myscIf. ln
Hunerien, for cxempIc, thc words
DARK end L|ht erc cqu|ve|cntl
A|so, cech p|eycr hes h|s or hcr
rst nemc, n|ckemc (Vishy, Mr.
60, V|ctor thc Tcrr|bIc, ctc.),
net|oneI|ty, scx, stetus (both
pcmencnt end cuncnt, c. . . |cedcr,
'bottommerkcr', ris|n ster, Iedy,
vctcren, /cxWorId Chempon,
cheI|cncr, /cx/ WorId Chemp|on
Cendidetc, th|s ycer's Russen/
Br|t|sh/ Hunerien Chemp|on, K. O.
neI|st, /cx/Europcen Chempon,
ctc., ctc. ). But to mekc BLACK
Mr. Devid Chr|st|en |s onc ofthc
fcw pcop|c who notcd thet chcss
pubI |cet|ons end dcmo boerds
eIweys show thc pos|t|on ' from
Whitc's s|dc', end opincs thet th|s
fectmeyhevcsomcthin todow|th
pcopIc's ettrection to Wh|tc on
psychoIo|ce| end cmot|oneI
rounds.Hcocs on tosey thet t is
pert|y rcspons|bIc for thc succcsscs
of Whitc pIeycrs. Thc c0cct |s
obv|ous. Mr. len Ash drcw our
ettcnt|on to thc fect thet pcopIc
ALWAYS sitdownon Wh|tc's s|dc
of thc boerd f thcy went to pIey
My'BLACKlSOKl 'bookshevc
d|erems 'tumcd ups|dcdown' Not
thetl cenhopcto upsctthcbeIencc,
but my csseys, ennotetions end
bookshevce|Ibccnwrittcn inordcr
to rcstorcBLACK's r|hts. l em not
tinto dcnymybies,but l eIweys
e|m et objcctiv|ty. Anywey, qu|tc e
fcw rcedcrs Icept to thc semc
conc|us|on, cvcn |fthcy wordcd |t
somcwhet d|0crcntIy. co|our
docsn't pIey es rcet e ro|c es thc
thorouh know|cdc of thc opcn
ins, dcfcnccs or embits wc pIey.
D|I|cnccendcrcetivcWO? donc
on onc's ownl Do wc ercc so fer?
26 BLACK is OK! Once more about the Presumption ofInnocence in Chess
Th|s |s abso|uc|y wondcrfu| ! No
vocs aains, no abscn ions! So
sponancous! Thank you, |adicsand
cn|cmcn! Boys, you can opcnhc
doorsnow. . .
Onc of hc kcy wo:ds i n hc
con ribuors' |ccrs was symmc.
I| |sa Ioica| prcsuppos| ionhahc
r|h o movc rs is a rcaI
advanac |n 'mirror posi |ons'
Howcvcr, i 's no rca||y provcd in
cxchanc var|aions (c.. hc S|av),
or |nopcnins Iikc I c4 c52 3 6,
wh|ch arcas symmcricas+ cs. 1
don'know muchabou hc Pcroff,
bu i has bccn widc|y uscd +n
op|cvc| oumamcns for a fcw
ycars now, which couId no happcn
ifWhic hada convincin cdc. So,
|fWh|c can' cnshhc Pcroff, and
hc cs somc `acadcmic` advanac
abcs, onIyoodfora draw,why |s
Thc imc wi || comc whcn
somconc wr||cs hc bcssc||cr |Icd
' I . . . c6! ' {Hc can c his idca for
|hc | |c frcc of charc. .) I havcn'
o hc sI ihcs doub ha hc
S|avCaroKann compIc is no
on| supcrso|id, i a| so offcrsouh
coun crbIows|n many Iincs.
BIACK has simp|y bccn
BAD?' co||cc ion, a|so inc|udcd |n
|hc book, hcrc arc a rca many
(bu| by no mcans aII ! ) phrascs and
vcrbaI |macsassocia inhccoIour
BIACK w| h somch|n bad.
Mcanwhi |c, Whic symbo|iscs
pury, innoccncc and viruc, as wc
aII know!
So,woopponcn sarc facincach
o|hcr. Both bc| icvc in Whic's
advanac. Howcvcr, oncofhcm is
' forccdo' havc BIACKoday. Hc
hs for dcar Iifc, ry|n hisbcs,
bu dccp in his hcar hc pIays
aains h|msc|f1fWhicwins, hc is
happy, hc `sccond p|aycr' is sad,
bu hc faI|acy is conmcd |n boh
p|aycrs' minds. On op of i| a| |,
Whic's sa is ics improvc. Rca||y
cncourain, isn` i? Evcry hin
poins o hc samc dircc ion w|h
NO |oica| ncccssiy wha socvcr
and ncvcr in favour of BIACK.
And his has bccn oin on for
ccnurics! Havcn' wc had cnouh?
Wc w|I| on|y havc a 'bravc ncw
wor|d' if chcss pIaycrs sar hc|r
amcs in an op imis ic mood, a1cr
horouh prcpara ion W1TH BOTH
COIOURS! Bccausc his is hc
hcaIhy way. Thc NATlRAI way
Thcwayo:cncw ourancin amc!
Thcrcarcsa is icsinhisbook, as
wc| |known ha Wh|c 'won' 40
aain in hc 2004 na| ofhc KO
Wor|d Championship. Curiosiics
I|kchcancI+cXic!un' s5//6wih
BIACK aa|ns IoscI|ani can'
rcaI|y chanc his pcrcrcd rcnd.
Thcy can on|y show hc hc
For mc, sa is ics arc | ikc Xrays
|or a docor. hc basis ofa corrcc
andprccisc dianosis. 1f hc hashis
dianosis, hc baIc for hc
rcs ora ion of hc pa |cn 's hcu|h
and hc cp|oraion ofhc or+in of
his i||ncss can sar|. Usin cUc cn
hcrap|cs and ood mcdicinc, and
no forcin hc wisdom. ' Thc
docorcurcs, God hca| s ! '
1fI havc ncvcrcomcacross ANY
scrious chcssrc|acd arumcn
provin Whic`s supcrioriy, hc
cp|ana ion has obc souh in hc
' human facor` ofTOURNAMNT
C1ESS. ! ' s a qucs ion of
cond| ioni n, cvcn supcrs iion (| 's
awvI |nown fac ha chcss pIaycrs
arxsucrs i+ous).
BLACK is OK! Once more about the Presumption ofInnocence in Chess 27
What wc havc | s caI|cd MASS
Thc contr|butors a|so brouht |t
up, gu|tc r|htIy, that Wh|tc can no
doubt stccr thc amc towards thc
draw more cas||y, |f hc wants to
'tamc' a stron opponcnt, or |fhaIf
a po|nt su|ts h|m vcry wcII |n thc
|vcn s|tuat|on (cspcc|aIIy |n
Iastround amcs). At Icast, hc can
avo|d sharp compI|cat|ons morc
cas||y (not that pIaycrs I|kc UIf
Andcrsson rcaI Iy m|nd. . . ) Bas|caI|y,
howcvcr, thcprcsuppos|t|on, not to
say cxpcctat|on, |s that Wh|tc
shou|dpIay foraw|n. Whcndocshc
want to |vc |ta t, al\cra| |, |fnot
w|th thc ' ood' coIour? As rcards
spcc|aI toumamcnt s|tuat|ons. a
toumamcnt cons|sts of at |cast 9
rounds, not onIyofthc Iast,dcc|s|vc
amcl lt's not ncccssary ata| | that
onc of thcsc amcs shouId dcc|dc
' I|fc or dcath' Actua| Iy, such cascs
ocn comc about cxactIy bccausc
thcp|aycrspostponcthc rca| ht |n
thc car||crrounds. Anyway, |t's not
aI I thatcasy top|ayfora draw, cvcn
w|th thc Wh|tc p|cccs. Thosc who
t to do th|sby 'ch|ckcn|n out' of
any poss|b|ccomp||cat|on,and |ook
forthc ' safcst' movcs |nstcad ofthc
bcst oncs, may wc|I fa||. It has
happcncdtogu|tca fcw pcopIc.
r|ndcr wa|k|n |n thc woods?
L|stcn up, |t's a rcat oncl So hc
suddcnIy saw two woodcuttcrs
struI|n to fc|I a trcc w| th thc|r
bIunt axcs. Hc wa|kcd up to thcm
and sa|d. ' Good day! I wou|d bc
|ad to sharpcn your axcs for a
rcasonabIc pr|cc. Itwon'ttakcmorc
than l 0 m|nutcs. ' 'WcII, that's
rca|Iya|Iwcnccd! ' - oncofthctwo
' cxtra|arc' uys burst out. ' Wc
don't cvcn havc t|mc to d|c, wc
havc anothcr 60 trccs to fcI| todayl
So ct thc hc|I away, and I won't
say |t tw|ccl ' And thcy wcnt on
stm||n. . .
Nowadays cvcryonc sccms to
want rcsu|ts |mmcd|atc|y, at any
pr|cc, cvcn |n U I 0 cvcnts. And
most pcop|c don't know thc
Hunar|an say|n ' cIoscr th|s way,
sooncr that way' No pat|cncc, no
|s 'McDonaId's stu most of thc
t|mc. RK,that|s.
Thcrc arc at |cast two lcIds of
study wh|ch wou|d y|c|d morc
rcwards than mcmors|n thc |atcst
'w|nn|n' I|ncs. Onc ofthcsc cIds
|s (chcss) psycho|oy, thc othcr |s
thc dccp truths, thc vc 'sp|r|t' of
thcamc. Somct|mcsthctwocanbc
Most pcop|c, howcvcr, don't Ict
thc r|ndcr anywhcrc ncar. lt's
undcrstandabIc |n a way. |t's not
casy to fc|I 60 trccs a day w|th a
b| untaxc. . .
New Letters
Subjcct. BIACK|sOK!
HcIIo thcrc! My namc |s !ohan,

mBc||um.I' mnota part|cuIarIy

skt|Icd chcss pIaycr(standard rat|n
hovcr|n bctwccn I B00 I900 at
lCC),butIdo|ovc thcamc. I rcad
yourart|c|c at ' randmastcrsquarc'
To mc |t was a dc||ht! F|na||y I
mcct somconc who sharcs my
v|cws. For years I've been telling
people that it is stupid not to play
for a win as BLACK. My chcss
p|ay|n fr|cnds aI| say I' mnutsand
quotc thc books and po|nt at
Wh|tc's bcttcr scorc, but I have
never understood why BLACK
should be worse
As you po|nt out
|n your an|c|c BIACK w|ns many
amcs, and |f BIACK stood no
chancc thc amc wou|d bc dcad.
Anyway, I' m |ad to know I' m not
a|onc on th|s. It's ood to havc
somc company on thc barr|cadcs, I
Now,thcanswcrs toyourquc.
/ . Which colour do you prefer?
It makcs no d|0crcncc to mc.
Maybc I I|kc BIACKa ||ttIcbcttcr
bccauscI ||kc totandprovcthatI
canw|nw|th |t.
2. What 's the logical outcome ofa
perfect game?
That must bc a draw. If nc|thcr
s|dc makcsa m|stakc thc amcw|II
3./s there any dif erence between
the statistics oftop-level games and
games played by mediocre or weak
That'sa touhonc. I th|nk thcrc's
a d|ffcrcnccatthc |owcst|cvcIs.Thc
wcak p|aycrs w|I| havc a bcttcr
scorc w|th BIACK than thc morc
sk|I|cd p|aycrs, I th|nk. Th|s |s
bccausc thcy makc so many cnors
thatthc co|ourdocsn'tmattcr, wh|Ic
thcbcttcr pIaycrs t notto |oscas
BIACK and havc bcttcr dcfcns|vc
sk||Is, so thcy arc morc I|kcIy to
draw or Iosc. Sorry, but I can't
cxpIa|n |t any bcttcr, my EnI|sh
|sn't oodcnouh. But I ucss you
know what I' m t|n to say.
Thouh|t'sjusta pcrsonaI fccI|n,I
havcnostat|st|ca|cv|dcnccto show.
About thc founh qucst|on, wcII, l
havc no rcIcvant data, but l th|nk
thc toumamcnt s|tuat|on |n0ucnccs
thc ba|ancc. In BIACK's favour! I
mcan,as BIACK,pcop|cdon'tp|ay
for a w|n anyway wh||c as Wh|tc
thcy usuaI |y do. In a toumamcnt
howcvcr, thcy m|htpIayfora draw
asWh|tcwhcn |t |s cnouh to rcach
thc dcs|rcd pos|t|on |n thc
toumamcnt. Th|s m|ht br|n down
thcnumbcrof Wh|tcw|ns.
Thanks for thatart|cIc, I'm o|n
to show |t to aI| my fr|cnds. You
ncvcr know, |t m|ht makc a
Meny thenks for your mcssec, l
ot meny enswcrs to my cssey end
qu|tc efcw essupport|vcesyours. l
sheII wr|tc you e dcccnt enswcr
soon. For now. dogmas live long
me|nIy bcceusc pcop|c erc too Iezy
to mekc up thc|r m|nds encw on
somcth|n thcy oncc |cemcd, end
erc heppy to hevc mcmor|scd. On
thc othcr hend thcy ncvcr ct t|rcd
of scerch|n for e ' w|nn|n I|nc'
Yourwey ofth|nk|n |s hceIthy.
Whcthcr |t|sBLACKlSOKoreny
othcr subjcct, us|n our own bre|n
end fom|n en op|n|on |s neture|
|nstced ofecccpt|n othcr pcopIc's
thouhts w|thout chcck|n thcm
FromPeter Vyvey
Myrcp|yto 'BLACK|sOK'
Thcsc erc my v|cws on thc
qucst|ons .
l) Which colour do you prefer?
Whcn l stertcd to pIey chcss, l
prcfcncd thc Wh|tc p|cccs end th|s
(ee|nst computcrs ctc) w|th thc
Wh|tc p|cccs end comp|ctcIy
p|cccs. Th|s rcsuItcd |n thc fect thet
aI I thc emcs l won l ech|cvcd w|th
Wh|tc end l usueIIy |ost (end
somct|mcs drcw)w|thBLACK.
So et onc po|nt l rceI|scd thet l
wes do|n |t eI| wron whcn l
conccntretcd on Wh|tc onIy end l
bcen to focus on p|ey|n w|th
New Letters 29
BLACK. R|ht now, l cnjoy vcry
much p|ey|n w|th BLACK end,
morc|mportent|y, l emnotafre|dto
pIey w|th BLACK. R|ht now, my
w|ns, drews end |osscs erc morc
cqueI|ybaIenccd. Lest sceson (l em
no GM, onIy en 'emetcur' p|eycr
who pIeys |n e c|ub, my E|o |s
bctwccn l650and l 700)I cvcn won
morcemcs w|thBLACKthan w|th
Somyenswcrto thcrstqucst|on
wou|d bc. l cnjoy p|ey|n w|th
Wh|tc (l ||kc thc Quccn's Gemb|t,
K|n's Gemb|t) but l eIso cnjoy
p|ey|nw|thBLACK(my fevour|tc
opcn|ns w|th BLACK arc
AIckh|nc's dcfcncc, 'Ret dcfcncc'
andthcK|n' slnd|en).
2) What is the logical outcome i
both sides play perfectly?
A drew, of coursc. But |n my
op|n|onno onc pIeys pcrfcct|y- thc
pcrson who w|ns |s thc onc who
mekcs thc ncxt to Iest m|stekc - l
cvcn th|nk thet pcopIc who drew
medc en cqueI emount ofm|stekcs,
or onc pIeycr evc eway e won
pos|t|on (or docsn't hevc thc
undcrstend|n/tcchn|quc to w|n a
(Yes, the hated draw many times
is bor after ferce fghting games in
which no one was thinking of a
'eaceful ' end. Anyway the fnal
result of any game can be
misleading without playing over it!
3) . . . dif erence between statistics?
l th|nk thet for wcek end
mcd|ocrc pIeycrs, thc coIour ofthc
p|cccs docsn't rceIIy mettcr. For
h|h|y retcd profcss|one| p|eycrs l
don't know rceI|y - l th|nk thc
coIour of thc p|cccs docsn't mettcr
for thc stroncst p|eycrs I|kc
30 New Letters
Kesperov or Keqov. I think most
professionals try to play for a
draw with BLACK and win with
4) . . . efect of tpe oftourament?
Th|s I rceIIydon'tknow - I on|y
pIey |ne |oceI chcssc|ub, notrceIIy
toumemcnts. Anywey, I think |n
most toumemcnts chcss p|eycrs t
to w|n w|th Wh|tc end drew w|th
BLACKbecause they think White
is better.
WcI|, thcsc ercmy vicws onyour
qucst|ons.Ihopc|tw| I|hc|p.
Excusc mc for tek|n e wh|Ic |n
enswcr|n. Meny thenks for your
v|cws thet cemc |on e1tcr I wes
cxpcctin morc rc0cctions. S|ncc
thc book ' BLACK IS st|I| OKl '
(Betsford) comcs out onIy(?) |n
Merch,thcrc |schenccyourop|n|on
w|II st|II que|| for |t ( |ndccd thcrc
wcrc morc then 30 pcop|c from eI|
ovcr. IfI undcrstendwcI|,youscnt
thc mcssec

rom BcI|um - wc|I,

you erc thc th|rd todo so! ). Worst
cesc you sheII eppcer |n thc ncxt
BLACKbook.. .
My (short) commcnts to your
I . Th|s |s e sto from wh|ch
meny pcopIc cou|d Icem. Tekc
tcnn|s. Thconcwho |sscrvinhese
rceI edventec - unI|kc |n chcss.
Yct, it's not cnouh to 'co|Icct' e|I
your tums whcn it |s your scrvc.
You MUST brcek |n ordcr to w|n
thc emc endthc metch. I ||kc thc
epproech ofe|m|n et cnjoymcnt es
wc|I. Crcet|on tool Acr eI| chcss |s
notpurc|y e sport,but e emc (or et
|cest e pert of it) mey bccomc e
trcesurc ofchcss ert. (It never hurts
repeating the forgotten truth. -AA)
2. Youwou|d probeb|ybcbumcd
(tocthcr w|th mc) for thc words
'drew, ofcoursc' |nthcm|dd|cecs.
I bcI |cvc cvcn thcn (| f not much
cerIicr) 'Wh|tc to pIey end w|ns'
wes considcrcd en ex|om. It |s,
howcvcrjust e rottcn dome ofthc
meny. As fer es prect|ce| pIey is
conccmcd, ycs, es |on es pcopIc
pIeythcrcwiI|bcm|stekcs (Iest end
pcnuIt|metc oncs. . . ) thet |s thc wey
- es I pointcd out |n my cssey -
enybody sincc ( Ion) BC couIdcvcr
win e emc. It |s |mposs|b|c. But
w| thout went|n |tbed|y, my purc|y
thcorctice| qucst|on wes e b|t
cunn|n. Thet |s. |f you ercc thet
e drew, thcnquitc |o|ceI|yyou erc
con1 minBLACKIS OK!
34.Lct'sstertw|th 'mostp|eycrs
t to w|n w|th Whitc end mekc e
drew w|th BLACK' Thet |s dced
riht, |t hes bccn so s|ncc enccnt
t|mcs. It |s tote|Iy stup|d too. You
hevc cxpcr|cnccd thc |h of e
d|ffcrcnt ett|tudc. If you went to
|cem enyth|n for wh|ch you'rc
potcnt|eI|yebIc( |t' sherdto sk|w|th
onc |c), end if you |ndustr|ous,
stubbom, end most |mportentIy
bcI|cvc thet you cen mekc |t, you
w|I| mekc |tl To Icem how to pIey
dcccntchcssw|thBLACK docs not
hevc eny othcr sccrct. Herd work
I ercc w|th you conccm|n how
much co|ours |n0ucncc p|eycrs of
d|crcnt strcnth, end |n thc|r
epprox|metc|y cvcn oppos|t|on. It
sounds Io|ceI thet |n thc Iowcr
rc|ons BLACK or Wh|tc docsn't
mettcr so much, pcop|c thcrc pIey
with a |ot of (bi) mistakcs. But I
tcI| you, sincc cvcrybody is bcin
tauht as a bcinncr ' Whitc to
p|ay. . . ` andctsa kind ofrcpcrtoirc
un|ikc poor BLACK cvcn at
thcsc |cvc|s thc ba|ancc can bc in
Whitc`s favour. I havc rccords ofa||
kinds (WorId Championship
Matchcs, WorId Champions'
ind|v|duaI rcsu|ts scc it in th|s
book1) but not from bcinncr and
So much fornow, dcarPctcr,and
acr so much ta|k Ict mc attach a
coup|cofood amcs. I don'tknow
whcthcr you havc ChcssBasc so 1
scnd itas a Tcxt fi |c. I hopc you' |l
I|kc thcm. Any t+ mc you fcc| |ikc
cttin back to mc, you' rc vcry
wcIcomc.HAPPY 20041
Mongolia calls again!
.. . and|t'sncvcrtoo |atc|ncascof
ALTANOCH, Gcndcnyn was thc
rst (and rcma|ncd thc on|y onc) of
thc FIDEFcdcrat|ons who camc
back to mc w|th ananswcr on thc
SAME DAY onc Sunday in thc
Sprn of 2002. H|s v|cws wcrc
pubI|shcdtocthcrw|th manyothcrs
in thc book BLACK IS still OK!
(2004), and I notcd that a|thouh I
found h|s thouhts rcmarkab|c and
rcpIicd |mmcd|atc|y as wcI|,
cncourain h|m somc morc,
rcrctmI|y hc ncvcr showcd up
aa n. But just whcn I was not
cxpcct|n anythin thcrc camc thc
fo||owin mcssac w|th two of his
amcs cncIoscd. Thcrc's much ta|k
oin on about dcmocracy. Maybc
bccauscwchardIyscc |tworkin. In
my ' K|ndom' thcrc is indccd
New Letters 3 J
dcmocracy.anybody can havca say.
I mcan whocvc: has somcthin to
say! Hcrc is onc ofthc amcs God
I apo|oiscfi rst|ythatIrcspondto
you so|atc(morcthan oncycarl ). I
had troub|c sc|cctin a ood amc.
FirstIy,1 ' ||answcryourqucst|on.
Wc, MonoI ians do not havc a
rst (Christian) namc. Instcad, wc
havc ownnamc (A|tanOch, which
mcans o|dcn spark` in En| ish)
Now I havc sc|cctcd two of my
rcccntamcs foryourconsidcration
for thc book BLACK IS still OK!.
But I kow it may bc too |atc. Thc
bookwou|da|rcadybcpub|i shcd.
FM,!A& 1O
K.Benbachir - G. Altan-Och
4thcmai | AfroAs|an
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 4c3 dxe4 4
4xe4 .rs 5 4g3 .g6 6 4f 4d7
7 c4 e6 8 .d2 lgf6 9 .c3 ie7 10
4h4 'c7 11 4xg6 hxg6 12 .d3
'f4! 13 'd2 'h4!
3. . . W xd2+ |4 9xd22.
14 0-0-0 0-0
| 4 . . . b5!? | 5 cxb5 d5, | 4 . . .
d5! | 5 c4 (| 5 cxd5 95)
| 5 . . . xc3 |6 W xc3 f6 |7 O 00
( | 7 . . . 000!?) | B 3 Wh6+ |9 f4
15 b1
|5 9c2b5 | 6c5d5T.
32 New Letters
1S ... bS! ?
I 5 . . . RfdB A I 6f4 c5.
16 cxbS lfc8! ?
I 6 . . . cxb5 IT9xb5vb6.
17 lde1 lab8 18 bxc6 lxc6 19
I9.e4 RcT 20a I vb6.
19 ... ld5
I 9 . . . vb6 20 W d3 vbd5 2I 9d2
20 .aS
20 ... .gS
20. . . vTb6 2I 9b3 vc4 22 9xc4
Rxc423Rc4W hTlT.
21 ,d3 lbc8
22 .b3
It's mnny to scc aII th|s as Whitc
can do vcq I|tt|c w|th h|s pa| r of
b|shopsand thc cxtra pawn {which
hc ot as a prcscnt) aa|nst thc
22 9a4 vc5lT.
22 ... -r4+ 23 le2 'i xf 24 .1a4
ld6 25 'g3 'xg3 26 lxg3
26 ... l7f6 27 le4? lxe4 28
lxe4 la6 29 .d7 lb8 30 .e1
lb7!-+ 31 .c8 lc6 32 .d2 lxc8
33 .1xg5 lc3+ 0-1
I' m vcq Iad to hcar from you
aa|n. Ycs, ' BIACK IS st|I| OKl
hasa|rcady bccnpubI|shcd- WITH
YOUR IETTER INl But thcrc |s
anothcr book t|tIcd ' BIACK is OK
Forcvcrl ' If you havc somc
commcnts {of ANY k|nd on thc
Grcct|ns to you and thc

More Curiosities
Fashion in Chess ...
Thc chcss worId |s ruIcd by thc
capr|cc of fash|on. PcopIc c|thcr
copy thc opcn|ns of thc stroncst
pIaycrs or pIay thosc var|at|ons
whch havc prom|s|n w|nn|n
stat|st|cs. NccdIcss to say,aIIth|s |s
bascdatbcst on a vcq t|ny morscI
' thc' coIour |n Iad|cs' fash|on w|II
bcdccp rccn (puqIc, ycIIow, rcd,
anyth|n that hasn't bccn ' thc'
coIour forthrcc ycars) th|s spr|n, I
am aIways ovc~hcImcd by dccp
sonow, |ma|n|n thc tcns of
m|II|ons ofwomcnwhowouId Iook
much prctt|cr |n somcth|n (maybc
anyth|n) cIsc,but o for thc 'dccp
rccnmartyrdom' anyay, to avo|d
bc|n 'taI kcdabout' Lct's transIatc
th|s |nto thc Ianuac of chcss. as
thcrc arc no 'ood' (Ict aIonc
w|nn|n) opcn|ns, or 'bad'
dcfcnccs, cvcqonc shouId usc
wcapons that su|t thcm wcII. And
thc rht sourcc foran opcn|n |dca
|s notaIwaysthc h|hcr'ELO' Thc
kcy movc of thc foIIow|n amc,
for cxampIc, wasrst pIaycd byan
unsun ItaI|an, who wouId havc
pcrhaps bcttcr cmpIoycd |t aa|nst
somconc cIsc, not Dr. Nunn. As
usuaI, thc stroncr pIaycr bcat thc
wcakcr pIaycr (as wcII as |na fcw
As |t happcncd, thcrc was a qu|tc
obvous |mprovcmcnt on movc I0,
acr wh|ch my opponcnt couId
barcIy makc anothcr tcn movcs |n
th|s amc(|ncIud|nmysupcr0uous
rcpct|t|onl ). So now wc havc thc
'wondcrwcapon'?Lct us ccIcbratc,
havc a ood t|mc, |nv|tc aII thc
rcIat|vcs, nc|hbours? No wayl
Thcrc |s no wondcr wcapon. Thc
whoIc bus|ncss caIIcd 'thcory' |s
dcvcIop|n constantIy,w|th thc two
s|dcs tak|n tums |n th|nk|n up
novcIt|cs. Evcrybody th|nks, and
thoscwhoarc notcompIctcIy dumb
do |t w|th thc|r own hcadsl You
know, dcarRcadcrs, chcss |s pIaycd
byat Icasttcn t|mcsas manypcopIc
as |t uscd to bc, say, 3035 ycars
ao. And thcy pIay qu|tc wcIIl
Anyonc can cas|Iy ct acccss to
huc masscs of |nformat|on |n thc
databascs, whcrcas my cncrat|on
couId onIy athcr |nfomat|on by
sIow andIabor|ouspapc~ork. St|II,
thctop 5 or I 0amon thousands of
younstcrs ofs|m|IaracandtaIcnt
onIy |f thcy constantIy bu|Id thc|r
own stron and or||naI chcss
pcrsonaI|ty aIon untroddcn paths.
Mcrc cp|ons stand no chanccl If
you nd thc samc thouht
somcwhcrc cIsc |n thcbook,thcrc |s
onIy onc rcason. IT I S VERY
IMPORTANT. (NaturaIIy, thcrcarc
mrthcr 'musts' . LOVEofthcamc,
d|I|cncc, touhncss and prcscncc
of m|nd arc aII |nd|spcns|bIc |n
compct|t|vc sport. ) Thc youn
Bobby F|schcraskcdLajosPort|sch.
'Is |t truc that you pract|sc chcss B
hours a day?' Lajos rcpI|cd. ' Ycs,
34 More Curiosities
but why |s |t so strangc? Rumour
has |tthatyouwork asmuch as that
yourscIf. ' 'Ycs, ycs' - Bobby sa|d
-, 'butthcysay I amcrazy. ' WcII, I
can onIy w|sh that you aII 'go
M.Sjoberg - A.Adorjan
Kccskcmt I99 I
I e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 .f5 4 lc3
e6 5 g4 .g6 6 lge2 c5 7 h4 f6!
A vc nc movc that I rst saw
in thc gamc NunnCocozza,
SaIonik| OIymp|ad I 9B4. S|ncc
Wh|tc (thc strongcr pIaycr) won
rathcrcas|Iy,vc fcwpa|dattcnt|on
to thc IDEA. BLACK undcrmincs
thc proud ccntrc from both sidcs.
PIcasc scc what happcns |n just a
8 lf4 9D9 exf6 cxd4 10 lb5
Tr|cky, but |t backrcs. Thc stcm
gamcwcnt l0W xd4.
A) lO . .. gxf6? fu|Iydcscrcs to bc
caIIcd SILLY. No wondcr that
BLACK Iatcr Iost th|s and somc
othcr bcttcr known ghts. Cocozza
cvcn startcd to pIay thc I|nc with
B) Thc s|mpIc, conscqucnt
dcvcIop|ng movc, I O . . . vxf6! ,
howcvcr, g|vcs BLACK thc
ADVANTAGE in aII var|at|ons!
Th|s was aIrcady my 'd|scovc' ,
sinccbythcn I had known how thc
kn|ght movcs for a IongIong timc!
Don't cnvy mc fricnds study
hardcr.. . ! IO . . . vxf6! I I 9b5+ ( I l
5 vc6 I 2 9b5 vd7 I 3 W a4
c7T) I I . . .vc6 I2 vd3 vd7!T
( I 2 . . . 9d6 l 3 9f4),
IO .. lxf6 1 1 lxd4 e5 12 .b5+
13 lfe6
Can you scc thc ccntrc? And thc
'attacking' wh|tc pawns? Thc gamc
is OVER acr th|s movc. Thc
l 3 W c2! vc4 ( l 3 . . . W c7 I4 f5
W b4+ l 5 c3 W c4 I6 W xc4 dxc4 l 7
vh3 vxg4 I Bvg5) l4Ocxd4 l 5
fxc4 dxc4 l 6 Wxc4+ W c7 l 7
W xc7+ 9xc7 l B vc2 a6 ( I B . . . 9d5
l9 2h3 h5) l9 9xd7+ xd7 20
A) 2 I 2h3 2acB 229c3 (22 Gd2
2hfB 23 vf59f6) 22. . . 9xh4+l 23
G d2g5242fI h5T,
B) 2l 009xh4T,
I 3 vdc6
A) I 3 . . . W b6?! l4 vxd5 vxd5
l 59xd7+Gxd7 l 6W xd5+ GcB l 7
W b5+! W xb5 I B vc7+ G d7 l9
vxb5 2cB 20 vc3 2c4
(20. ..9g6? 2I h5! ),
B) I3. . . 9xc6l Thet`s r|htl I4
vxc6W b6 I5vxW xb5 I6vxd7
13 ... 'i b6
| 3 . . . 9xc6 I4 vxc6 W b6 I5
9xd7+ ( I 5 vx Wxb5) I5. . .
14 .xd7+
| 4 vx x I5 9xd7 cxd4

|cr |s I5. . . vxd7T ) | 6 9f5

(| 69e4 W b4+ I7c3 dxc3 IB bxc3
Wxc3+ I9 9d2 W c5+ 20 9c3
vx4 2I Wd4 Wc4+) I6. . . 9c6 I7
WO 6 IB 9x6 9x4 I9 W e3+
7 20 9d3 c6+ 2I d2 ( 2I
fl 9h3+)2 I . . .2hcB+.
14 ... xd7 15 txf+
| 5 v5cxd4 I6vxOW c6++.
15 ... lhxf 16 tb3
And now bcforc your vcq cycs,
|ed|cs end GcntIcmcn, you cen scc
:hcru|ns. . .
16 . . . 'b4+ 17 c3 'ie4+ 18 d2
I don't kow why l westcd 2
|XTRA movcsonth|s emc? Thcrc
was noZeitnot orwhetcvcr.
19 e1
19 ... ie4+ 20 d2 'g2! 21
tleS+ d6
More Curiosities 35
Wh|tc rcs|ns s|ncc ehcr 22 vd3
96 23 2 I W h3 24 O W h2+l 25
Short Draw
Somct|mcs you scc two uys
mekc e short drew - sey, |n e toteI
ofonc hour - end thcn stert e post
moncm thet ncvcr sccms to cnd. A
vcq Io|ceI qucst|on er|scs. whet
thc Hc|I centhcyndso |ntcrcst|n
|n e emcof | 3 movcs? Or|s |tjust
bcceusc |t wes thc|rs? You know,
most of thc ver|et|ons end sccrcts
rcme|n bch|nd thc sccncs, end whet
wc cen rceIIy scc on thc boerd |s
onIy (e smeI|) pert of thc thouhts
of thc two s|dcs. Thc foI|ow|n
S|ncc |t |s I9 ycers o|d, onIy God
knows how our ' postmortcm'
compercd to whet you cen scc. I
w|II ccrte|nIy esk !ohen |fI hevc e
chenccl Till then, that's all we
J.Hjartarson - A.Adorjan
Esbjcr |9B5
1 e4 c5 2 tt e6 3 d4 cxd4 4
txd4 tf6 5 tc3 d6 6 g4
36 More Curiosities
This |s thc Kcrcs Attack. a sharp
wcapon aainst thc S|ciI|an
Schcvcn|ncn, and st|I| fcarcd by
6 ... h6
6.. . c5?l Th|s |s thc oId|c
cons|dcrcd to bc infcr|or. But cvcn
this asscssmcnt is not abso|utc|y
T b5+
A) T . . .vbdT l ?B vf5 a69 xdT+
(9 c2 vc5 l 0 5 h6 l l xf6
Wxf6 l 2 b4 vdT l 3 vd5 WdB l 4
vfc3 vb6 l 5vxb6 Wxb6 l 6vd5
WdB lT Wd3 9c6) 9. ..xdT l 0
95 c6 l l xf6( l l vd5? 9xd5
l2 9xf6Wa5+l ) I I . ..Wxf6 l 2v d5
WdB l3 c36,
B) T...9dT B xdT+WxdT 9 vf5
h5 l 0 95 vhT l l 9d2 vf6
( I I . . . hx4 l 2 Wx4 6 l 3 vc3l)
l2 xh5 vxc4 l3 v xT+ xT l 4
vxc4 f5 l 5 h6bc4 l 6hxT WxT
lT 9c3 ' 2 l B 2fI.
7 h4 e5! ?N
Thc po|nt of |nscn|n th|s
advancc hcrc,andnoton movc 6, |s
that now Wh|tc cannot push h|s
''pawn so cas|Iy. On thc othcr
hand. . . wcII, |ct's sccl
8 ib5+
Tcstin, but not ncccssar||y thc
lt ncvcr rains but it pours. |t
tumcd out |atcrthatB v f5l |vcsan
var|ations sccm to provc it.
Anybody for BIACK, youn
A) B. . . v x4 9 Wx4 6 l0 9c3
xf5 l l cxf5 d5 l 2 000 d4 l 3
b5+ dT l4 9xd4 cxd4 l 5
2hcl +cT l 6WT+,
B) B. . . 69 c3
Bl) 9. . . c6 l 02l v bdT l l 5
( l l h5l ?) l | . . . hx5 l 2hx5 vh5 l3
vcd5a6l 4c2T l52hl,
B2) 9. . . v bdT l0WO v b6 l l h5
(l l 9b5+),
C) B. . . c69 c3 vc6 l0B 6
l l 5 hx5 l 2hx5 vh5 l 3 cd5
9T l 4 vb52cB l 5 c3.
8 ... d7
This isa handy rcpIy, but |n such
sharp positions rout|nc movcs can
provc to bc wron. Thcrc was
anothcr |ntcrcstin option w|th thc
B. . . v bdT l ?9 v f5a6
A) l 0c2 d5l ? l l cxd5 ( l l 5
hx5 l 2x5Wb6 l 3 v xd5v xd5
l4 W xd5 6 l5 9c4 2hT l6 vc3
W xb2) | I . . . vb6 l 29O xf5 l3
xf5 9b4 l 4 9d2 vc4 l 5 W c2
cT l 6000BcB,
B) l09xdT+W xdT
Wc meyceII th|s thckcy pos|t|on.
l eneIyscd |t e Iot on my own end
w|th fr|cnds. l'mst||| not qu|tc surc
ebout e coupIc of th|ns. But I do
tekc rcspons|b|I|ty for whetcvcr l
hevc wr|ttcn. Neture|Iy, thosc
w|I||n to pIey eny of my (or
enybody c|sc's) proposeIs shouId
not fo|Iow b||ndIy. Chcck
cvcryth|n out bcforc usc - th|s |s
81) I I 2I d5l l2 vxd5 ( l 2
cxd5 h5l l 3 O hx4 l 4 fx4
vx4T) l 2 . . . vxd5 l 3 cxd5 ( l 3
W xd5 W xd5 l 4cxd5 h5 l 5t3 hx4
l6 b4 6 l 7vc3 2xh4T) l 3 . . . h5
l4 vc3 hx4 l 5 4 f5 ( l 5 . . . Wc7
l 6 2c4 2xh4 l 7 O) l6 25
2xh4 l 72h5l =,
82) I I W c2Wc6l ?( I I .. .d5 Iceds
toe forccddrew. l 2 cxd5 vx4l l 3
O Wxf5 l 4 fx4 Wx4 l 5 xc5+
GdB l 69f4 9c7 l7 Wc7+GcB l B
Wc5 dB) l 2 O 9xf5 l 3 xf5 ( l 3
cxf? vx

) l 3 .. .000 l4 9d2 d5
l 5 cxd5 xd5 l 6 000 9c7 l 7
Wxc5 9f6 l Bvxd5 (l BW c4 9xc3
I9 9xc3 2hcB 20 ' 4 vxc3 2l
f6+ &bB 222xdB+ 2xdB 23 fx7
Wd5 24 bxc3 Wxe2 25 Wb4 W eI +
26WI Wxc3T) I B . . . 2xd5 I 9Wc4
2cB 20 W4 2c2T So fer so ood.
But thc joumcy |s fer from bc|n
ovcrl 2l c3 Wb5 22 W I Wc4 23
2h22xh224W xh2Wxe2+,
83) I I O
83a) I I .. .Wc6 l 2 5? ( l 2 vc3
9c6) I 2 . . . vxc4l l 3 vx7+ ( l 3
bc4 9xf5) l 3 . . . 9x7 I 4 vxc4
9 I 5vf6+dB I6 9c3 9f5=,
83b) I I . . .d5l ?
83bl) I 2 cxd5 h5 l l 3 Wc2
vxd5l I4 Wxc5+ W c6 l 5 W xc6+
83bl l) l 6 9d2 hx4 I 7 b4
vf6l ,
More Curiosities 37
83bl2) l 6 vxd5 9xd5 l 7 BfI
hx4 l B fx4 000 ( l B . . . 6 l9
vc3 9c6T),
83bl3) l6 vd4 vxc3 l 7 vxc6
fxc6 l Bbxc3 2cBT,
83b2) l2vxd5vxd5
83b21) l 3Wxd5 Wxd5 l 4 cxd5
h5l l 5vc3 hx4 l6 fx4 (l 6vx4
9x4 l 7 b4 2cB l B c3 2c4T)
l 6 . . . 9c5 l 75 b5 l B 9d2 9b7 l9
000 000 20 h5 9xc3 2 l 9xc3
83b22) l3 cxd5h5 l4c4hx4 l 5
fx4 6 6vc3 b5 l 7b3 ( l 7Wc2
bxc4l l B vxc4 Wxd5 l9 W xc5+
W xc5+20vxc5972 l 9f45l T)
l 7 . . . bxc4 l Bbxc4 ( l Bvxc4 9b4+
l9 GfI 9c3 20 2bI W x4T)
l B . . . 9c5
83b221) l9 WO f5 (l 9. . . 00l ?
83b222) l9Wc22bB209b200
2 l 000 W e4 22 vc2 9x4l 23
W xc5 (23 Wx4 Wxe2 24 9xc5
9c3+l +)23. . . f6 24W 3 9f5+,
84) I I W O vx4 (I I . . . h5 l 2
xh5 vxc4 l 3 vx7+ 9x7 l 4
xc4 f5 l5 h6 bc4 l 6hx7 W x7
l 7Wxc4 WO lB 95 9f5 l9 Wc2
2cB 20 c3 2c4 2l O, I I . . .d5 l 2
vxd5 vxd5 l 3 cxd5 h5 l 4 W c4
Wc7 l5 d6) l 2 W x4

6 l 3 vxh6
( l 3 vd5 xf5 l 4W dI c6 l 52h3
W c4 l6 9c3 9c6 l7 vb6Wb4+ l B
c3 Wxb2 l 9 vxeB Wxc3+ 20GfI
f4T) l 3 . . . Wx4 l4 vx4 9x4 l 5
vd5 000 l 695 9O l 72h3 (l 7
9xdB GxdB l B 2h3 9xc4)
l 7 . . . 9xc4 l B 2c3+ bB l9 9xdB
9xd5 20 9c7+ Ge7 2 l 2dI 9c6
(2I . . . 9xe2?22b3 2xh4 23 Gc2+)
229xd69xd6 23 2xd6 2xh4 A
Gcrmen fr|cnd ofm|nc ce|Icd ' Fr|tz
B' seys Wh|tc |s bcttcr hcrc. Of
courschc |swronfortwo rcesons.
I . ln th|s spcc|c pos|t|on BLACK
38 More Curiosities
hes morc then cnouhcompcnseton
for thc secrccd cxchenc. 2.
Whtc cen NEVER bc bcttcrcxccpt
bysomcunIuckyeccdcnt! ,
B5) I I 5
Ths sthc veretonIconsdcrthc
men Inc for somc rcesons, but I
mey bc wron. Whcn you d nto
thcsc comp|cet|ons you wI|
undcrstend why I em not e
B5a) I I . . . hx5 l 29x5 vxc4
85al) l 3vxc4?Wxf5 l 4vxd6+
9xd6 l 5Wxd6 Wx5! ( l 5 . . . Wc4+
l 6d2 f6 lT 2hcl Wf l BRxc5+
W xc5 l9 Bcl Wxc l +20xcl b5
2l hx5 2 22 W c5+ GO 23
W d5+ 9c6 24 W xbT+ GBT) l 6
hx5 2xhl + l T c2 2xel l B
W xc5+ G l 9 W d6+ GB 20
W dB+GhT 2l W d3+6+,
85a2) l3 vxT+ 9xT l4 vxc4
d5 l 5 9f6! ( l 5 vf6+ 9xf6 l 6
9xf6Wf5! l T9xhBW c4+ l B Gd2
Wf4+=) l 5. . . dxc4 ( l 5 . . . G? l 6
9xT+ GxT l T W d2) l 6 9xT
Wxdl + lT 2xdI Rh5 l B 2d5 9c6
l9 Bxc52xc5 209xc52dB,
85b) I I . . .vxc4! Thc othcr Inc
bcIowsccmstobc tcmptn too.But
es ocn heppcns t fe|Is - chcck t
out! Lookn et ths who|c mcssy
mess, I rcceI| my ycers et schooI,
whcn thc ruIc ofthc thumb for tcst
pepcrs wes. ' If you don't know
enythn ebout thc subjcct, et Icest
wrtc e Iot! You mey ct your
covctcd IttIc C 'for thc buI k. ' - l
don't know whcthcr you w|I nd
ths e p|ccc of en or just
mcennIcss bIebbcr, but onc thn
you must edmt. t docs hevc thc
buI k. . . l2 vxT+ 9xT l3 vxc4
Wc6! ( l 3. . . d5? l4 xh6) l4 vxd6+
(l 4W O hx5 l 59x5 f5 I 6 vf6+
GO lT vd5 9c6 l B 000 2ecB I9
2d2 c4 20 W dI 9xd5 2I 2xd5
9xb2+ 22 Gxb2 Wc3+=) I4...GcT
l 5 vxcB+ 2excB I 6 2 I W c4+
(I 6 . . . W xc2T) IT 9c3 2xc2 l BBcI
9 .xd7+
9 vf5 9xb5 I0 vxb5 W e5+ l l
vc3 vxc4 I 2Wd5 Wxd5 l 3 vxd5
9 ... 'i xd7 10 lf5 vc6
1 1 lgl ?!
SuqrsnIy, ths s wron . Ae|n
wc ot to teIk ebout Ioc. lsn't,
cncreIIy spcekn, ths rook movc
IoceI? lt s. And chcss |ndccd hes
thc othcr hend, eImost cvcry snIc
concrctc poston s d0crcnt cvcn
thoscthetIooksmIer.And you hed
bcttcrtekcntoconsdcret|on e|I thc
IttIc nuenccs, end mekc not thc
' |og|ca| ' ctc. movcs, but thc RGHT
Concct was | l Ol 6( l | . . .000
l2g5 vh5 l 3 vd5bB l4&c3)
A) l2 vxh6 &xh6 | 3 &xh6 (l 3
g5&g7 l 4xf6 &xf6T) l 3 . . . vxg4
l4 &g5 f6 l5 &d2 vh6 | 6h5vB
lT f4 (l 7h6g5) | 7 . . . t lB &c3vf6
l9 bc5vxc520cxf5 Bxh5,
B) |2 vc3 vcT l3 Bg| &g7 l4
W d3 BcB l 5 5 hxg5 |6 hx5vh5
l7 vcd5 vf4 | B &xf4 cxf4 |9
000vxd5 20vxd5 Wa4 2l bI
&c5 22 Bhl AwfuI l It |s
pract|caIIy ovcr but I d|d not havc
thc hcart to cxprcss it w|th a
symbo|. Ifa bravc young man or
|adycanx th|s I|nc hc/shc wi|I gct
two morc tasks for prov|ng thc|r
wonh. . . .
1 1 ... 0-0-0 12 le3
12 ... d5! !
Vcq nicc, but aIso thc on|y way
to stay inthc gamc. Movcs thatarc
sccm|ngIy imposs|b|c a|ways havc
13 exd5
l 3 vcxd5 &b4l ( | 3 . . . vxc4 l 4
vxc4Wxd5 l 5Wxd5 Bxd5 l 6&c3
&c7T) l4 &d2 (l 4 vxb4 Wxdl +
l 5 vxdl vxb4 l 6 vc3 vxc4T)
|4. . . vxc4 l5 vb6+axb6 | 6vxc4
Wd4 | 7 vc3Wc4T.
More Curiosities 39
13 ... vb4=
W|th a pcacc trcaty. Thcrc was a
way forBLACK to try formorc. hc
couId havc continucd thc attack by
l 3 . . . . vd4 with ood chanccs. But
of coursc that was not so cIcar
durin thc amc. On top of
cvcqthin thc draw was |n rcach.
And |t was |n thc sccond round,
acra w|n |n thc rst. Wc a|I havc
ourwcakmomcnts.. .
| 3 . . . vd4l ?
A) l4 5 hx5 l 5 hx5 vh5 l 6
Bhl g6 l 7 vc4 &c7 | Bc3vf4 l 9
2g l ( l9 BxhB BxhB 20 vg3
vdc2l +) l9...vdc2T,
B) l4a3
Bl) A|so l4. . . h5l ? l 5g5( l 5xh5
Wh3T, | 5 vf5 vxd5 | 6 vxd4
vxc3 |T bxc3 cxd4T) l 5 . . . vg4
offcrs vcq nc attack|n prospccts
B2) l4. . . &d6 l5 5 hx5 l6 hxg5
vh5 ( l 6 . . . vcB | 7 vc4 Bh3 l B
v3I) l 7 vc4 Wh3 l B v3 vf4
|9 Bh|
B2a) cl9. . . Wxh| + 20 vxhl
Bxhl+ 2l vf! v2+ 22 d2 vf4
23 c4?l (23 c | v2+-) 23. . . AdhB
docsn' t |ookbadc|thcr,
B2b) l9. . . Wxg3l ?20 b3 Bxhl +
2 | vf| vfc2Isn't|ta picturcsquc
pos|tion? But acr 22 &c3 vxg3
40 More Curiosities
(22. . . bB) 23 W4+bB 24 Wx3
v xc2+ 25 c2 vxeI both 26 Wl2
end W O hevc e sobcrin cffcct on
deydrcemcrs (I|kc mysc|D. You cen
NOT win ALL thc emcs with
BLACK, eIthouh you shouId t!
Lct's ho|d thc horscs, bc contcnt
with thc subveret|on bcinnin
with l9. . . . Wxh I +, end ce|| |t e dey.
Tomorrow wiII bc touh. you w|||
hevc to p|ey with Wh|tc. . . On thc
othcr hend l 3 . ..b4?! |s c|cer|y
ovcrdo|n it, which costs BLACK
dcer|y. I4 dxc6 Wxc6 l5 d2
xc3 l 6 bxc3 vc4 l7 vfI Zxd2
( l 7 . . . Rd6 l BWO ZhdB l9 ZdI Zf6
20Wc3 v xD 2l ZbI Wc422Wxc4
v xc4 23 Zb4vxd2 24vxd2+) I B
vxd2 ZdB I 9'D Zxd2 20 Wf5+
Zd7 2l Zdl Wxc3+ 22 c2 Wc4+
23 O vf6 24 Zxd7 vxd7 25Zdl
Wc6+ 26 G3 f6 27 W6+ You
meynd th|s emountofene|ysistoo
much - which mcens you hevc
ncvcr studicd e emc of Hbncr
ennotetcdbyh|mscIf . . .
APPENDIX to both
G.Sax - A.Adorjan
BudepcstZoneI l993
1 e4 c6 2 d4 dS 3 eS rs 4 l:cJ
e6 5 g4 g6 6 l:ge2 cS 7 h4 f6! 8
exf6 N
Th|swes Sex'spct|inceeinstthc
Cero (e|thouh |n our pcrsone|
cncountcrs, bcforc end ecr, wc
menecd to ctthrouh most ofthc
'|ceI' ver|etions) but hc wes
suqr|scd by my c5/f6 choicc, not
know|n ebout my prcvious
B vf4 t 9 cxf6 cxd4 I 0 W c2
Sccms to bc dencrous but whcn e
quccn sec |s et hend wc don' tmiss
|t! ( l 0W xd4 v xf6! T, I0fx
I l vcc2 c5T, I 0 vb5 v xf6 l l
vxd4 c5T S

bcrAdorn I99 I )
l 0 . . . dxc3 I I v xc6W xf6
A) S|miIer is l 2 W5+ vc6 l 3
vc7+ dB l 45 ( I4 vxeB cxb2
I 5xb2 b4+ I 6

I4...Gxc7 I 5xf6vxf6T,
B) I 2 vc7+dB l3 5cxb2 I 4
ZbI b4+ I 5dl &xc7 l 6xf6
vxf6T es with thrcc picccs
ee|nst onIy onc quccn wc fcer
Bf4 vc69c3vh6! T.
8 ... l:xf6
9 l:f4
9 h5 onIy hc|ps BLACK. |n th|s
|incthc b|shop ocs enyweyto f-
e fentestic squerc instced of thc
usue| cB in thcsc FrcnchIikc
positions! 9. . . l7 I0 RI vc6 l l
f4 ZcB! l 2 Wd2 6 I 3 000
( l 3 ve4 Wb4 I4 W xb4 vxb4T)
l 3 . . . cxd4 l4 vxd4 vxd4 I 5Wxd4
Wxd4 l 6 Zxd4 c5 l 7 Zd2 00T
I B h66 I9hx7Zt202(20
5d4! , 20c5 vd7)
A) 20. . . vx
4 2l xd5 cxd5 22
Zx4 d4 23 vd5 (23 ve4 c7 24
c5 b5+)23. . . c424b4! ,
B) 20. . . vc4! 2l vxc4 2xf4 22
vxc5 2xc5 23 &h3 Gx7 24 5
9 .. cxd4
9.. . 3O!? wes surcIy morc
conscqucnt, but rceIIy vc
compI|cetcd end most IikcIy too
dencrous. l 0W c2! ( l 05 cxd4 I I
W xd4 vc6 I 2 3 b5 vd7T)
I 0 . . . W d7 ( l 0 . . . cxd4? I I vxc6
3xc6 l 2 W xc6+ Wc7 I 3 Wxc7+
3xc7 I4 vb5 ve6 I 55) I I dxc5
d4 l 2vc4vc6
A) l 3 vxf6+ xf6 I4 vd3 Wd5
l 5 2I 3xc5 I 6 32 Wd6 I 7
vxc5 Wxc5 l B 5 vb4 l9 GdI
000203c436! 2 I &x6(2 I e3
d3 22 cxd3 vxd3+) 2I . . . hx6 22
xf6(22 W xc6+2d7 23 W3 d3 24
c3 W xc3 25 bxc3 vxc2T) 22. . . d3
(22. . . W c6T) 23 W xc6+ 2d7 24 c3
B) I 3v5! c5 I4 vxO GxO I 5
W c4+ Gc7 l 6 5 cxf4 l 7 xf6+
Gxf6 l B 3 xf42cB+ l9Gd2.
10 'ixd4
Ovcropt|m|st|cis l 0vxc6?!W c7
I I Wc2 dxc3 l 2 vc7+ GO!
(l 2 ..d7 I 3 vxeB W xc2+ l 4
&xc2 3b4 l 5GfI vc6 I 65vh5
l7 bxc3 3xc3 I B 2bI 2xeB l9
2xb7+Gc6T) I3 vxeB Wb4 l4 b3
vc6 l5 &c3 W x4T, on I 0 vx6
hx6 I I Wxd4 vc6 l2Wc3Wd7! |s
ccrtein|y en |mprovcmcntcompercd
to thc emc. Thcn l3 W5 000=
endl' dprcfcrBLACK.
10 ... lc6?!
Whynot IO ...3O! I I 3b5+vc6
l 2 vd3 vd7T ?
1 1 "ie3 eS 12 lxg6 hxg6
It |s st|II rethcr mcssy, but
somchow I fcIt |fenybody is bcttcr
|t shou|d bc Wh|tc. Thcrcforc I
o0crcd e drewto myopponcnt who
More Curiosities 41
wes eIrcedy epproechin t|mc
troubIc(!!). Anothcr 20 m|nutcs
pesscdendhc ecccptcd. !ust|nt|mc
so wc couId hevc somc NlCE,
A) I 3 W 5 GO l4 3d2 3b4
(l 4 . . . vd4 l 5 000 vO l6 Wc3)
l 5 000 3xc3 I 6 &xc3 vc4 I 7
Wc3 2xh4 l B 2xh4 W xh4 l9 9cI
2dB 20 c4 vd4 2I cxd5 W x4 22
9c3 2cB 23 9h3 Wc2 24 2xd4
W xc3+25 bc3 cxd4 263 xcB dxc3
27 bxc3 vxc3 2B 3 xb7 Gf6 29 d6
Gc6 30 Gd2 vxe2?? (30. . . vb5,
30 . . . ve4) 3 I 3d5+! ,
B) I 33b5 vx

4 I 4W d3 Wf6 I 5
' 3 ' I 6O f6 l 7 3 d3 Wc6
l B 3 x6+Gd7=.
M.IIijc - A.Adorjan
1 c4 g6 2 g3 i.g7 3 i.g2 cS 4
lc3 lc6 5 lb1 e6 6 a3 aS 7 d3
lge7 8 e4 0-0
Th|s wey of stertin thc emc
docs not promisc too much
cntcrte|nmcnt. Evcn Wh|tc's ncxt
movc |s not rce|Iy en etteck|n onc,
but |t ccrteinIyIoscs timc, end ivcs
BLACK thc opportunity to un|cesh
9 h4
42 More Curiosities
9 ... dS! 10 exdS exdS l l lxdS
Acccpt|nthc secr|cc |s e must,
othcr|sc Wh|tc is just worsc. But
maybc tekin w|th thc pewn wou|d
makc |therdcrforBLACKto nde
cIcar wey to ceq on with thc
I I cxd5vd4l .
l l ... lxdS 12 xdS
l 2cxd5vc5T.
l2 ... leS 13 f4
I 3 vE?vxd3+l .
13 ... .e8 14 H rs 1S xes
16 'g2
lt |s touh anyway. Matcr|

docsn't count whcn thcrc ts
somcbody ddI|n around your
k|n. You can hevc cvcn 3 rooks,
but ifyou hevc to fecc just 2 cmcI
forct |tl And ea|n. |fyou fccI thc
spir|t ofthc pos|t|on youercsurc to
nd thc r|ht wey end concrctc
I6 4 Rxd5 I7 cxd5 W xd5 I B
Rh3 c6 I9 Zc3 ZdB (l9. . . d4lT)
20 W e4 d4 2 I 2c4 c4 (2I . . .We2
22 Rcc I x4 23 Wxa5 W d5 22
vE xb2 23 W xc4 xa3 24

ZcB (24 . . . W xc4 25 dxc4 cB 26
Z b5

b4 27 2d5) 25 W xd5 xd5

26 2c5 2dB 27 Zb5 c6 2B 2xe5
b4 29 2a7 f6 (29. . . 2xd3 30 c2
Zd2+ 3I Gc3 f6 32 vc4 bc5 33
2aB+ G7 34 vxd2 c5+ 35c2
c7=) 30vc6 2xd3 3 I 2c3 2dI +
I 6vE 2xd5 I7 cxd5 W xd5 I B
G2xd3 I 92cI W f5T,
I6W E Z xd5 I7 cxd5 c4 I B Bdl
xd3+ I9 Bxd3 cxd3 20 W xd3
xb2 2I Wb3 cIlT.
16 ... lxdS 17 cxdS 'xdS+ 18
I B o Wxd3l I9 W xd3 xd3 20
2dI c42I 2d2 2e622 vc2Rb623
vc3xc3 24bxc32b3T.
18 ... xd3 19 'id2 'fS+ 20
lbe1 e4 21 .f4 'ixf4 22 gxf4
22. . . f5 23 2c2 2dB 24 b3 b5 25
2cI 2d3 26 2c3 2xc3 27 fxc3 c4
2Bbxc4 b2292dl bxc4T.
23 .e2 .d8 24 .c1
24 ... .xb2! ?
I cou|dn't rcsst ths movc. And
i t ' s notbedeteII. StII,meybc bcncr
and smpIcr wes 24. . . Bd3 25 Bc3
2xc3 26bc3 &xb2 27 Bxc5 e4T.
25 lxcS .xa3 26 lha5 .el ! 27
lc5 ixf4 28 lc3 h6 29 'h3 ld6
30 tel .bS 31 le4?
A bIundcr, of coursc, but medc
ahcr e Iong end trng dcfcncc end
whIc Whitc is stII n troubIc. 3 I
2c7 9d7+ 32 Gg2 &c6+ 3 3 O
2dl +.
31. .. .d7+ 32 'g2 .d2-+ 33 lc2
ic6 34 lxc6 bxc6 35 le8+ cg7
36 vO .c3 37 lc8 .f6 38 lc7
ic3 39 cg3 lf6 40 lc8 .b4 41
'g2 .c5
I e4
A.Kosten - A.Adorjan
Esbjcrg l 9BB
Kostcn nccdcd 2 out of2 for hs
GM nom so hc chooscs thc Kcrcs
A||eck, proeb|y thc most eggrcssvc
vareton egenst thc ScIen
Schcvcnngcn. Sncc t wes my pct
|inc (en dce| vereton to dcIvcr
countcrbIows egenst meny of my
opponcnts)IIkcdhschocc. . .
l . . . c5 2 tf e6 3 d4 cxd4 4
txd4 tf6 5 tc3 d6 6 g4 h6 7 h4
tc6 8 lgl hS 9 gxh5 txh5 10
.e3! ? a6!
OK. I0. ..Wxh4?? I I &g5Wh2I 2
1 1 .e2 tf6
I l . . .W xh4?? I 2&g5 W h2 I 3vO
W h3 I49H+,
I I . ..vxd4 I2 Wxd4 W xh4 I 3
12 h5 .d7 13 'id2 b5 14 a3 lc8
15 f4 'c7 16 txc6
More Curiosities 43
I 6000<e5 ! ?T( I 6 . . . b4 I 7 exb4
16 ... .xc6 17 .o 'b7 18 'd4
d5! 19 h6!?
Whtc must try to comp|icetc
mettcrs, or cIsc hc smpIy feIIs nto
I 9cxd5 <xd5 20vxd5 &xd5 2I
&xd5 W xd5 22W xd5 cxd5 232g5
2xc224 2xd5g6! T,
I 9c5<c4T(I9. . . vxh520f5).
19 .. Jbh6 20 f5
20 ... lh3! ?
An obvious movc, end not bedet
eII. But it msscs somcthng bcttcr,
end(thcmenthng! ) smuch nccr.
20. . . dxc4! 2I &xh6 2dB l 22 Wc3
(22 Wc5? &d6 23 Wd4 &g3+, 22
WDgxh623 &c2T)22. . . gxh6T.
21 .g2 lxe3+
I wes e|weys |ookng for thc
bceutyofthcgemc, but somctmcsI
ovcrdd t. Lkc now. 2I . ...2g3 wes
strong, rcgerd|cssoftssmpIcty.
2I . . .2h4? 22 &g5 2g4 23 &xf6
xf624 fxc6dxc4 25Wxf6&g7 26
f5 &xc3+ 27 bxc3 27 2B cxO+
2xO29W c6+'f 30h3+,
2I . . .2h5! ? 22 fxc6 fxc6 23 &O
2h3 (23. . . 2h2? 24 Wc5) 24 9g2
2h5=(24 . . . 2g3! T259f4 2g4),
2I . . .2g3!T.
44 More Curiosities
22 'i xe3 dxe4?!
Objcctvc|y spcekng, ths s
wcakcrthen thc e|tcmetvc. But, es
ohcn heppcns, thc nfcror movc
wns. Notqutcbyforcc,though. . .
22. . . b4! 23 cxd5! (23 exb4
W xb4T)23. . . vxd5
A) 24 9xd5 9xd5 (24. . . bxc3?l
25 9xc6+ Zxc6 26 b4 W b6 27
W xb6 Zxb6 2B Zg3 Bc6 29 ZbI
cxf5 30 Zb3) 25 exb4 W xb4 26
bc6 9xc6 27 Zxe6 W xb2 2B
B) 24 vxd5 9xd5 25 9xd5
W xd5 26 fxc6 9c5 27 cxO+
2B Wh3 W c5+ 29 fI (29 dI ?
ZdB+ 30 cI W c3+) 29. . . W f6+ 30
g2W c6+T.
23 fxe6 fxe6 24 0-0-0?!
24 9h3 GO 25 W g5 I do pey
ettcnton to my ene|yscs. Espcce||y
to thosc ofmy own gemcs. I ncvcr
consdcrcd thet e duty, but e
sprtue| edvcnturc on thc
chcssboerd. And enywey. fI' mnot
ntcrcstcd n my own pcccs, who
c|sc cen l cxpcct to bc? I 5 ycers
pesscd sncc I put thc symbo| ,
whch I thought wes thc rght
cvelueton. But Hc||! I chcckcd out
thc veretonsend chengcdmymnd
constent|y. In thc cnd t sccmcd to
bc e fe|sc e|erm. Now |stcn to mc
cercfu||y! Nobody cen p|ey chcss.
Somc pcop|c just p|ey bcttcr then
othcrs. Thcrc mey bc somconc who
s strongcrthen cvcqbody c|sc. But
st| |. nobody knows how to p|ey
chcss. It's smp|y too dmcu|t.
25. . . b4 26 exb4 (26 W c5 9d5 27
exb4 9xb4 2B Wg3 GcB=)
26. . . Wxb4 27 Wc5 (27 Zxe6 Wxb2
2BWc5W cI +29 vdI 9b4+ 30c3
2dBT 3 I Zxg7+ xg7 32 Ze7+
Gg6 33 W g3+ Gh5 34 W c5+
W g5T)27. . . W d6 2BW xd6 9xd629
24 ... b4 25 axb4 'i xb4 26 'i h3
26 Zd4? 9c5! 27 ZgdI ZbB 2B
26 .. GO27 .dfl?
27ZgfI W h5c5.
27 ... .b8?!
27...9c5 2B ZhI 9d4 29 W h5+
Gc730W g6ZbBT.
28 b3 'i d4! ?
2B . . . 9c529Zxf6+ Gxf630ZfI+
c7 3 I W h4+ Gd7 32 ZO+ GcB
33 Zxg7 W e3+34d2 c3+35Gc2
9xg2 36W g4=.
29 .dl ?E
Thc poor guy most probeb|y sew
thcbcst movc. Howcvcr, thet |cd to
e drew, whchdd notsets hm es
hc nccdcd 2 wns outof 2. Iw|| not
swcerto t or enythng |kc thet, but
bc|cvc mc I dd not - et |cest
dc| bcretc|y - tekcedventegc ofhs
29 Zxf6+! gxf6 (29...Gxf6? 30
ZfI+ c7 3 I Wh4+ GcB 32 W h5+
Gc7 33 W O+ Gd6 34 2dI +) 30
W h5+ &c7 3 I W h7+ &cB 32
W h5+=.
29 ... 'i e5 30 Zgfl Gg8 31 .fel
I n repdIy epproechng tmc
troubIc, BLACK msscs thc rst
3 I . . . 9e3+l 32 GbI (32 Gd2
9b4+) 32. . . vd5 33 8d3 8 34
2g3 &b4 35 vxd5 &xcI 36 vc7+
Gt 37Ac3 Gxc7 3B 2xcl 2D 39
W h4+W f6+.
32 le3 ld5 33 lxe4 .a3+?
. . . end ths onc Icts sIp ewey thc
33. . . Wg5+l 34 Gb2 &xc3+ 35
bI 9d7 (35. . . &cBT) 362h4 2b5
37 BhB+&O3B9H (3B AH+9f6
39&xd52xd5+) 3B. . . 2e5+,
33...W xc3? 34 2xb4l 2xb4 35
W xc6+ & 36 2fI + vf6 37
W xc6=.
34 rd2
34 ... 'i xc3+!?
Ths s of coursc e sgn of
rcsgneton. But t s stI| much
bcttcr then to Iosc on tmc or
bIundcr somcthng. Letcr I thought
thc gemc wes stII won by 34 . . . .
Wg5+ ctc. IfI' m rght ths tmc, t
34. . . Wg5+
A) 35 Gd3? 2dBl + 36 W xc6+
(36vxd5W xd5+ 37 Gc3 W c5+3B
2c4 W c5+ 39Rcd4 xd4 402xd4
9c5+)36. . . G37 vxd5 (372fI +
vf4+3BGc3&cI +l ) 37. . . 2xd5+
More Curiosities 45
AI) 3B2d4Wg3+39W c3 9b5+l
40 d2 ( 40 c4 2xd4+ 4I 4xd4
9c5++) 40. . . Wxg2+ 4I 4cI
9b4+l42 c39xc3++,
A2) 3B Gc3 2xdI 39W cB+ 2dB
40 2f4+ ( 40 W xc6 W d2+ 4I 4c4
W xc2 metc) 40. . . Wxf4 4I W xdB+
B) 35 Gc I l vxc3l 36Wxc6+ (36
W xc3 9xc4 37 9xc4 &b4+)
36. . . G 37 2g4l (37 Wxc6Wg3+l
3B GfI vxdI +) 37...Wf6 3B
Wxf6+ gxf6 39 9xc6 vxdI 40
GxdI =.
35 'i xc3 lxc3 36 xc3 .xe4 37
.xe4 lc8+ 38 d3 .b4+ 39 'e3
GD40 2H+<e7 41 .g6
If I rcmcmbcr wcII, ths wes thc
sceIcd movc. Ncthcr of us thought
my cxtre pewn promscd scrous
wnnng chenccs. Wc wcrc rght.
But Iook whet knd ofmrecIcs cen
heppcn somctmcs onthcboerdl
41. . . .c3 42 lf+ 'd6 43 la7 aS
44 la6+ 'e7 45 .d3
45 ... :cs 46 .c4 leS+ 47 'd3
47GOl .
47 ... .b4 48 lb6! gS 49 lbS
lfS! ?
49 . . . 2xb5 50 &xb5 g4 5l Gc3
50 lxfS??
I don't know whet heppcncd,
thcsemc. But ths movc s thc Iest
end dccsvc mstekc of e stormy
cncountcr, end thc cnd s gong to
50 2b7+ f6 5l 2b6l 2c5 52
2b5 9c5 (52. . . 2xb5T) 53 Bxe5 g4
54b4 g3 55bxc52cl 562eB g2 57
2gBgI =W5B2xgI 2xgI 59c6=.
SO ... exfS 51 c3 .d6 52 .bS
46 More Curiosities
52 b4e4+.
52 ... g4 53 b4 g3!
53. . . exb4 54 cxb4 9xb4 55 &c3
A D. 9c2= A GD, 9c2= wes
whet hc must hevc bccn hopng
for. . .
54 e2 .xb4!-+
Ths s howcvcr thc rcmteton.
55 cxb4 axb4 56 .c4
56Of4 57.f b3+.
56 ... d6 57 1 f4 58 .b3 e5
59 .dl d4 60 .c2 c3 61 .e4
b3 62 xf4 d4! !
A somcwhet suqrising kcy pont
Icedng to e nc vicw end
Another rarity - An exceptionally
nice fellow
dam Szieberth ( I 5. 7. I 967)
s thc rcedcr end trensIetor ofths
book, "BLACK IS stI| OKl ` end
most of my books pub|ishcd n
EngIsh. Hc greduetcd from thc
Unvcrsity ofBudepcst es e tcechcr
ofEng|sh endRussen n '9I , so hc
hes e ' | ccncc' What s just es
mportent hc hes a truc |ovc for
chcss- no wondcrwc hed thc semc
grcet tcechcr, B|e Pepp. As for hs
chcss cerccr hc hed e ying stert,
metng onc of hs metcs with
BLACK n onc( l ) movc - thetwes
n "doubIc' chcss et thc egc of B
(Thet s. I O, g4 - c6, 'ih4 metc)
SurcIy ths wes onc of hs pcek
pcrformenccsl Anothcr onc wes thc
foIIowng combneton whch
IIustretcs hs romentc etttudc to
chcss(end| itcreturc). . .
S.Matveeva -
dam Szieberth,
Ceppc|IcIeGrendc I 997
l ... .xf! !
Ths strkc sknd ofobvous, but
t s e much morc comp|cetcd cesc
then t Iooks, cspcce|Iy wth 5
mnutcs on thc cIock for ebout I 5
movcs. . .
2 lxc5
A) 3 vg4 2d2l l 4 vxd2 vxd2+
5GgI W xg4++,
B) 3 h3 2d2l l 4 vxd2 ( 4 W f6
W xh3+l +)4. . . Wg3 l +,
C) 3Gg2
Cl) 3. . . Zl ? 4 h3 vxcl+
(4. . . W f4l 5Zh I vd2 62hfI vxc4)
C2) 3...2d2l l TrpIctsl 4 W f6 (4
W c I W g4+ 5 hI W h3l +)
4. . . vxcI + 5 GgI W xf6 6 vxf6+
GO 7 v2c4 (7 v6c4 vO++)
7. . . Bg2+ B hI Bc2 9 Bf4vd3 I0
Bh43xc4+ I I vxc4Bxc4+.
2 .. . .df 3 lcd3
3 GgI Bg3ll 4 vfc4 ( 4 hxg3
vO+l 5 gxO W xg3++ AIthough
not pertcu|erIydmcu|tto nd, ths
s pcrhes thc nccst vereton of
eII.) 4. . . O+5 BxOBgxO 6W d2
(6 g3 Wh3 7 Wc2 BDl +)
6. . . B3f5+ 7vxb7W xc4.
More Curiosities 47
3 lg3! 4 Bgl vf! 0-1
Don't you think thc guy is so
strongl (A|thoughhc hesbccomc en
IM sncc) My suspicion s thet hc
touchcd thc O pewn eccdcnteI|y
e gcntIcmenl AI| thet cemc
ehcrwerds wes forccd. Anywey hc
s e sort of frcnd, infcctcd by
BLACK is OKl , end thc chcepcst
eveIebIc trensIetor (thc onIy onc I
know,too. . . ).
Back in the Middle Ages, and
perhaps even later, each colour had
a paricular meaning known to
everyone. Colours carried messages.
Then these romantic times came to
an end, as well as a lot of those
'unnecessar' things that warm your
heart. Still, 'colour language' has
not been uprooted completely. For
example, we still give white fowers
to elderly ladies, and red roses to
younger 'targets'
My book Sicilian Subvariations
(everthing other than I e4 c5 2
tf and 3 d4), a joint effort with
my fiends in 1994 (it was par of
the BLACK IS OK! repertoire
series, published in 5 languages -
Hungarian, English, Geran,
French and Spanish - AT THE
SAME TIME), included a short
piece in which I analysed the
overhelmingly negative associat
ions of the colour BLACK in
Wester culture. I (or any of you)
can list at least I 0-12 phrases
(BLACK market, BLACK widow
for scorion, BLACK CAT that
brings misfortunes if it crosses the
road in front of you, etc.) in a
minute, and about 90-95% of these
are sinister or sad. I will not list any
more of them here, as my wife and I
have collected a huge and rather
homogenous BLACKNESS from
several large dictionaries, and it
can't be squeezed into a text. I
won't even list all phrases at the end
of this chapter, as 49 and a half
examples are probably sufcient for
you, dear Readers, to draw your
conclusions, so we can be mercifl
to you and spare you the rest...
Seeing so many examples with an
utterly 'dark' tendency, we can
rightflly claim that the colour
BLACK is depressive to almost all
people, if only subconsciously.
White, on the other hand, usually
symbolises purity, innocence and
immaculateness. Typically enough,
harless little lies are called white
lies in English. So what we have on
the chessboard is the battle of
GOOD and EVIL! GOOD feels
morally superior, and EVIL is
co-operative in making this feeling
even stronger. This is in complete
contrast with 'real life', where the
most ruthless assassins have the
lightest of dreams and no pangs of
conscience whatsoever. It's simply
scandalous! It's scandalous that
chess players, who are ofen quite
superstitious creatures anyway, are
given BLACK pieces as the 'second
player'! I am defnitely convinced
that the juxtaposition of these two
colours is largely responsible for the
psychological handicap of the
'second player' that makes BLACK
less successfl than he could be.
The FIDE regulation reads as
follows: 'The pieces of one side
have to be lighter, the pieces of the
other side have to be darker, and the
diferent pieces have to be easily
distinguishable' There is not a
single word about BLACK - and
White. Let me repeat: there are quite
e fcw pers of coIours thet setsq
thc FIDE ru|c. Wc pIeycd e repd
toumemcnt (BcIe Pepp McmoreI
'95)wth 'co|ourmI'chcssscts.Rcd
tekng on PuqIc westruIy fentestc.
Ontopofthet, suchchcsssctsmekc
t much Icss trng to pIey. Anyonc
who hes eIrcedy workcd n thc
bescmcnt wth no netureI Ight w|I
Thcrc s eIso ths ' sccond pIeycr'
- ' rst pIeycr' thng. A netvc
spcekcr mey not fccI thc semc es I
do. why 'rst'? Why ' sccond'?
Why not, sey, 'anziende
nachziende' (stertng to movc,
movng ecr) es n Gcmen? Don't
thcwords ' rst' end ' sccond'mpIy
e ccrtenjudgcmcnt by thcmscIvcs?
As I hevc sed scvcreI tmcs,
BLACK s thc 'Ncgro' of thc
chcssboerd, end epenhcd s
forbddcn by ntcmetoneI egrcc
mcnts. I do hopc thet thcsc strct
m|cs wII comc nto forcc on thc
Somc mcenngs of thc word
BLACK om The Oxford
Encyclopaedic English Dictionar:
I . vcqderk,hevngnocoIour . . .
2. compIctcIy derk om thc
3. (ofehumengroup)Ncgro
4. dusky, hcevIyovcrcest
5. engry, thrcetcnng (e BLACK
6. mp|yng dsgrecc or
condcmneton (bcng n hsBLACK
7. wckcd, snstcr, dcedIy
(BLACK hcertcd)
B. gIoomy, dcprcsscd, su|Icn (e
9. poncndng troubIc or dmcuIty
BLACK is BAD? 49
l0. (ofhends)drty,soIcd
I I . (of humour) wth snstcr or
mecebrc, eswcIIescomc,mpen
I 2. boycottcd
I 3. derkncoIour
Afcwphrescs. BLACKcconomy,
BLACK cyc, BLACK megc,
BLACK merk (en 'F'), BLACK
merkct, BLACK mess, BLACK
shccp (thc shemc of thc femIy),
BLACK spot (epIeccofdengcr or
dmcuIty), BLACK smeIIpox,
BLACKguerd (e vIIen), BLACK
Icg (strkcbrcekcr), BLAC)eI,
vchcIc for trensportng prsoncrs),
BLACK eg, DARK horsc (undcr
BLACK es nght, BLACK dceth
(thcpIeguc), BLACKhoIc,BLACK
vomt (ycIIow fcvcr), BLACK
dcsper, BLACK cerc, BLACK n
grettudc, hcsnotsoBLACKeshc
s pentcd, BLACK out (Ights out,
or Ioss of conscousncss), ntcIIcct
ueI BLACKout ntcIIcctueI
opprcsson, BLACKevscd
(suspcous Iookng), BLACKboerd
jungIc (e schooI wth sIack
dscipInc), BLACKbrowcd
(thrcetcnng, snstcr), to BLACKcn
(to throw muck on, to sIendcr),
BLACKctccr (e tredcr et thc
BLACK merkct), BLACKjack
(nghtstck, pzzIc, Ioedcd cenc,
boxcr), BLACKshrt. efescst.
Dear Readers! If your
mother-tongue i not English,
please do send me phrases about
BLACK and White in your native
language (with an approximat
tanslation ... ). I thank you ver
much in advance!
(Address: H-105 Budapest,
Kllvin tr 2., HUNGARY, E-mai:
au_ ok@u. inter. net)
Interrupted by Darkness
Fcw thngs cen bc morc
dseppontng then en undgncd
fercwcI|. Menegcs, fricndships or
work rc|etons ohcn cnd n outrght
hostIty, with quitc dcccnt pcop|c
suddcnIy gong ebout ebusng thcir
compenons who stood so cIosc to
thcmjustefcw deysego. Thcyrush
to thc court end brng wtncsscs to
provc thcy erc not to b|emc for
enythng. Thc si |cnt edmission of
onc's own sherc of rcsponsib| ity
lor e runcd rcIetionshp s
bccomng e|most I ikc ' humanistic
socialism', e fevouritc sIogen of
Hungery's communst govcmors
bcforc I990. somcthng no one has
ever really seen.
Thc rst 'wevc' ofmyworkwth
Peter Leko (now rethcr' Liebling')
detcs beckto I 993. Hc wes e Itt|c
boy, rough|y thc semc egc es my
deughtcrs. Hs errve| nto my Ifc
wes pcrfcctIy tmcd. my own
chiIdrcn hedjust tumcd thcr becks
on mc duc to thc pcmencnt
con0cts bctwccnmcend my wifc. I
needed someone I could love end
tcech, end 'Pct' sccmcd dceI es hc
wes e teIcntcd, herdworkng end
|kcebIc kd. Hc wes cvcn
goodIookngl It cvcn crosscd my
mnd thet pcrheps hc end Anne. . . ?
(Or Merte. . . ?) But our weys pertcd
soon. It wesn't bcceusc of thc two
ofusthat time . . .
Thcrc wcrc morc cncountcrs end
fercwcI|s Ietcr. We got through them
all. On 25 July, 1996, rght ehcr
Pctcr's bed esco n Donmund, wc
got down to it egein. This tmc our
coopcretion wcnt on unntcnuptcd
fortwo and a half years, cndng on
Januar 26, 1999. The strictly
chess-related balance is es foI|ows.
|ots end Iots of successes, just e
coupIc of modcst rcsu|ts, end e
radical change of style - ths wes
thc opinon ' n unson' of eI|
thc Hungerien end ntcmetoneI
commcntetorsend chcssoumeIists.
PIus I 00 reting ponts. An eImost
100% revision of his BLACK
repertoire. A convncng lead in
the Hungarian top list! Now, f I
found thc strcngth to tcmnetc ths
coopcreton 'etthctop'(wthencw
5ycer sponsorshp contrect
ncIudng |ots end Iots of
must hevc bccn somc nonchcss
rc|etcdrcesons. Ycs, thcrcwcrcl
It wouId bc obvous|y distestcmI
to wesh onc's dirty Incn n pub|ic,
eirng ntmecics thet bccemc
known to mc es e rcsu|t ofe c|osc
rc|etonshp. (Thc rcedcrs of my
book ' Kaszparov feheren-feketen'
Hung.orgneI 'Quo vadis, Garry?'
/ThcChengc ofe ChId - Gcmen,
Norwcgen/ cou|dn' t nd eny
'ucy' scnsetonmongcring, cthcr.
Iemno tebIoidwritcr.)
Tilburg, October 13, 1996.
(cxtrect from my tepcrccordcd ' out
|oud dieq') . . . Wetchng 'thc kd' s'
bcheviour, I hevc noticcd somc
frghtcnng sgns. It'svcry good, of
coursc, thet hc s tough, mcrcIcss,
cvcn ' nhumen'durngchcssgemcs,
hc s eIso stubbom end pcrsstcnt.
Thc probIcm s thet thc semc
cherectcr trets cen bc obscrvcd n
'pceccfuI tmcs' (As wcII es e
rgdIy ceIcuIetng etttudc wreppcd
n e0ebIty.) Now f Leurcncc
OIvcr (or thc grcet Hungeren
ector, MkIs Gbor) pIeys HemIct,
hc gocs to thc drcssngroom whcn
thc eppIeusc hes stoppcd, tekcs o0
hs cIoek, wpcs o0 hs mekcup
end drvcs homc. Durng thc
joumcy, hc gvcs thc rght ofwey
end wetchcs thc tremc |ghts
cercmIIy n ordcr to evod e cresh,
Ict eIoncrunnng ovcr somconc. Hc
s no longer HemIct, thc Densh
prncc. Now hc s en ector end e
Iew-ebdng ctzcn. Ths |tt|c guy,
howcvcr, s eIweys drvcn by somc
crucI kIIcr nstnct, e dcsrc to
succccd et eny cost. It mekcs mc
shvcrnsdc. . .
Oncc egen, thcrc wI| bc no
ntmeccs hcrc. Howcvcr, t's not
mcrcIy e prvetc e0er thet I found
Peter's refusal to p|ey et the
Olympiad (et thc egc of I B! )
scandalous. So dd othcrs! SedIy, I
tried in vain for 8 full months to
make my protege realise that he
owes it to his motherland to play for
the national team. (Thc dongs of
LszI PoIgr conccmng hs
deughtcrs' pertcpeton et thc
OIympeds, ncIudng thrcets end
bIeckmeIs, erc wcIIknown n
Hungeq. Thet's whet wc ceII thc
'PoIgrmcthod' , e 'schooI of
thought' thet hes unfonunetcIy
Lct's fecc t. I fc|t, t wes e
compIctc feIurc for mc es e
pcdegoguc end mcntor, wth eII my
c0orts end crcdteb|c pcrsoneI
cxempIc. (It s e|so truc howcvcr
Interrupted by Darkness 51
thetmymothcr,e schooItcechcrof3
gcncretons, teught end cducetcd e|I
chIdrcn wth cque| cerc end
e0ccton, end cvcn so, somc of
stood no chencc. ccrten pcrsons
eround hm hed e strong nucncc
to mekc thc dccson(s) hc medc. It
bccemc cIcer thet my part n thc
whoIc busncss rcscmb|cd thet ofe
vending machine. You nscrt thc
con on thc top, end gct your Cokc,
or chcss thcoq, or whetcvcr, et thc
bottom. Nothing else s nccdcd,
cmotonsendstu0. Give and take!
Ths s not for mc. I em smpIy
not good (or bed) cnough for ths.
MeybcI cou|dworkwthsomconcI
don 't |kcenddon 't epprccetc,butI
don 't wentto. And I won 't! At Icest
I don 't thnkso. Ofcoursc, Ihedmy
sherc of eI| knds of humen
rc|etonshps, es wc|I es worktcems
thet stert out wth |ots ofgood wII,
endthcngowrong. IstIIdobcIcvc
thet en emy ofmcrccnercs ermcd
to thc tccth cen never bcet wernors
dcfcndng thcr homc|end (cf.
Stcnbcck. The Moon is Down ctc.).
NotonccendforeII, etIcest.Thcrc
s no s curc for dce|sm. Not for
"Thc hcenwes notnccdcd`- es I
wrotc nepocmbeckn '93. . . Itwes
on|y thc bren prcscrcd n spnts,
thc 'computcr' n my hced wth ts
mcmoq end eneIyss progrem hc
wentcd! Thc 'modern' wey. And
thcnIsedtomyscIf.NO! Itwesno
Iongcr thctmc ofI|usons, hopcs,
thcrc wes no pont n wetng for
mrecIcs. FneIIy, I found thc
couregc to fecc thc fects, end sed
NO! eIoud, not onIy to myscIf. I
thought thet wes thc momcnt to gct
out of thc whoIc (qutc wcIIped)
stnkng busncsspceccfu|Iy, bcforc
52 Interrupted by Darkness
I gct to hetc myscIf(too much) for
my confomsm end cowerdIy
doubIcdce|ing. For provdng
profcssoneI support to somconc
who dseppointcd mc. Somconc I
ncknemcd ' SIy Pctc', end thet wes
erethcrgcntIcweytoput t.
Thngs didn't work. Thcy couId
hevc. I gevc hm e kcy to my 0et
eIrcedy n '96, whch I got beck
onIy e fcw months ehcr my
fercwcI|. I won't teIk ebout moncy
hcrc. Wc ncvcr hed e wrttcn
contrect. Whet epityl Itwes not my
feuIt. StI|, I couIdn't meginc thet
thc kd wou|d consdcr hmscIf thc
sole owner ofthc uit ofourjont
enelyscs, storcd onIy n hs
computcr (thc Incs for BLACK
wcrc based almost exclusively on
my ideas or earlier analyses)!! Hc
wes unw|Ing to gvc (or rethcr
rctum) thcmto mcwhcn wc pertcd,
eIthoughI gevc eguarantee thetno
thrd perty wouId scc thcm, end I
wouIdn't pubIsh eny of thcm for
scvcreI ycersl (As for myscIf, I
hardly ever pIey n toumemcnts.
Not thet I em dseppontcd wth
chcss es such. It's onIy thet I can 't
toIcretc crempcdtoumemcnt rooms,
|eck of oxygcn end thc noisc. I
don 't thnk thet I onIy dcscrc e
pIecc et onc ofthc sdctebIcs, or f
ths is thc cesc, I don 't went to bc
scetcd thcrc.) But hc trcd to stceI
A|most e fuII ycer pesscd. Hs
metch wth KheIfmen (in
Budepcstl ) wes comng up. Sccng
thet pceccfuI mcesurcs erc uscIcss
sobcrng PctcrLk, eII smIcs end
good menncrs, I contectcd hs
menegcr Cerstcn HcnscI, whom I
heppcncd to know pcrsoneI|y. I
dryIy cnumcretcd thc fects, end
rcqucstcd hm (gevc hm en
uItmetum, n othcr words) to sctt|c
thc mettcr wth no dc|ey. Hc wes
qutc ightcncd, end hed good
rceson to bc. ShouId e dsc|emcr
Ikc, sey, 'No, I' vc ncvcr sed thet
Lkwesethief. Only thethcstole
om hs mestcr, thet s, mc. ' mekc
ntcmetoneI ncwsdunngthccvcnt,
thc gcncrous sponsor wouId gct e
shemcmI scendeI nstced ofhonour
end good promoton. And
suqrsc, suqnscl - it took onIy e
fcw deys for ' PctcrIc' (thc Gcmen
ncknemc for Pctcr) to put togcthcr
end scndmc eII thc metcre| hcwes
Lctmcquotce Incfromthcgrcet
Hungeren poct, AttIe !zscf.
'Thosc bom by humen mothcrs
sheII eII bcdseppointcd inthccnd'
I undcrstend whet hc mcent, but I
cen'thcIpedding. ' nthccnd' s not
e|I. You hevc to putup wthe Iotof
diseppontmcntseIongthc wey, too.
Epilogue wth e punchInc. sncc
sprng '99, Pctcr Lk hes bccn
cn|oyng thc sponsorshp of e
Gcmen ges compeny, end hc hes
eIso found his 'Hungeren roots'
egenl Grcetl Sincc thcn, hc hes
pIeycd for thc Hungeren netone|
tcemet eI| O|ympedsendEuropcen
Chempionshps. Whet heppcncd?
I'I| tcI| you. Thc Gcrmen ' ges
moguIs', who hevc ntcrcsts n
Hungery es wc|I, stipuIetcd t in thc
contrect. Leko 's play for the
Hungarian national team is a
German business interest! Thc kd
who rcmscd to pIey et thc I 99B
OIympcs bcceusc hc found sccond
boerddcgredng, wou|dprobeb|ybc
gIed to stdown to thc founhboerd
for thc Gcmens' moncy fhc wes
Moncy,moncy,moncy. . .
I em proud of whet wc
eccomp|shcd n chcss ovcr thc
ycers. Othcrsc, I fccIIkcprcssng
thc 'DcIctc'buttonofmymcmory. I
fccII kc cryng.
(written in 2000)
Hcrccomcse scIccton fromthosc
ofhs gemcs nwhchmyhendwes
V.Topalov - P.Leko
Vcnne I 996
Bcforc ths toumemcnt, Pctcr
crcd e esco n Dortmund. Wc
got togcthcr egen not rce|Iy to nd
out whet wes wrong, but to
strcngthcn hs rcpcrtorc (end
scIf-condcncc). It heppcns prctty
scIdom thet onc cen scc thc t of
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 c4
lf6 5 llc3 llc6 6 .g5!
Thsmovc sthc onIy rceI tcst of
thc vc6 Penov. Thc othcr Inc,
bcgnnng wth 6 vO 3g4 Iceds
drcctIy to en cndng n whch
BLACK's chenccs erc et Icest not
worsc. (scc A.Soko|ov
K. Spreggctt endBrunncr- Adorjn
6 ... .e6 7 a3
Thcrc wes e tq to rcmtc
BLACK'sdcenthc goodo|ddeys,
but wc took good cerc of t, end
7 v gc2 dxc4 B vf4 W xd4l A 9
v xc6Wc5+l I 0Wc2 bc6 I I Wxc5
v xc5 I 2 000 g6 ( I 2 . . . 2dBl ?) I 3
f4 d3+ I 4 &xd3 cxd3 I 5 2xd3
&g7 I 6 2cI f I 7 2dc3 2ecBl
7 . .. 'd7 8 .xf6 gxf6 9 g3
Not e vcry fonunetc movc. A bt
nevc too. PrncpIcd wes 9 b wth
Iongsh end obscurc veretons. Lct
mc mekc e gcncreI pont hcrc. en
Interrpted by Darkness 53
etteckng pIeycrdocsn't|kctobce
tergct. Thcy wouId sooncr secrcc
enythng for ectvty. Durng thc
postmortcm, I couIdn't bcIcvc my
cycs. TopeIov wes ectue|Iy hcIpm|
n scerchng for mprovcmcnts for
BLACKl BIood docsn't tum nto
9b4000l ?(9. . . 2dB I0 c5e6l I I
vO &g4 I 2 3c2 3g7 I 3 00 00
I4 b5 exb5 I 5 vxb5&xO I 6&xO
f5 I7Wd2c6=) I0c53g4
A) I I 3c2 2gB I 2 vO c5 I 3
dxc5 d4 I 4vc4 W f5 I 5 vxf6 ( I 5
9d3 Wc6l ) I 5 . . . d3 I 6 vxgB dxc2
I 7 Wxc2&xO IB gxOvd4+,
B) I I Ol ?9f5 I 23b5=,
C) I I W d2 h5l I2 &b5 9h6 I 3
Wd32hgB( I 3 . . . c5l ?) I4 &fI c51,
9&c2l ?Thcdce ssmIertothet
of 9 g3. to etteck d5 quck|y.
9. . . 000
A) I 0c5l ?2gB I I GfI &g4l I 2
h3 ( I 2b c5, I 2O &f5 I 3&b5 c5
I4 b4&h6) I2. . . &xc2+ I 3 v gxc2
c5 I4b f5l 1,
B) I0 9O dxc4 I I d5 vc5 I 2
dxc6 Wxc6 I 3 Wc2 &h6l1 wth e
sheq gemc end (hopcfuIIy) cnough
compcnseton for thc secrccd
pccc. .
9 ... 0-0-0 10 9g2
10 ... .g4!
54 Interrupted by Darkness
Ycs, foIks, ths s e kcy movc,
whch mey cvcn bc rcpcetcd Ietcr!
Pcrheps tsoundssuqrsng fI sey
thc gemc s vnueI|y ovcr, but t's
truc. And Lk docs not smpIy
coIIcct thc pont. hc brngs thc
spcctetors endrcedcrsrceI pIcesurc.
1usthevce Iook!
l l f
I I vgc2 dxc4 I 2 We4 ( I 2 d5
ve5! ) I 2 . . . xc2 I 3vxc2 vxd4 I4
Wxc4+ (I4 Wxe7 vc2+ I 5 fI
W dI +) I4. . . bB.
1 1 ...e6 12 c5
Sccms to bc forccd or cIsc thc
poston opcnsupcompIctcIy.
I 2f4
A) I 2 . . . dxc4 I 3 d5 g4 I 4We4
c6! I 5 h3 ( I 5 dxc6 Wd2+ I 6fI
c5 I7 cxb7+ GbB IB vgc2
Wc3+) I 5 . . . f5
A1) I 6 g4 cxd5 ( I 6 . . . g6! ?) I 7
A2) I 6W xc4 cxd5 I 7vxd5 c6
I B000f5 I 9Wc3,
B) I2. . . g4! I3 We4 c5!
( I 3 . . . vxd4? I4Wxe7 vc2+ I 5GD
vxeI I6 vxd5) I4 vxd5 cxf4 I 5
f4 GbB I 6 vO xO I 7 xO
h3 I BWdI f5T,
I2 cxd5 xd5 I3 vgc2 h6 I4
W d3 Wc6 (I 4 . . . c6 I 5f4 vxd4 I6
vxd4 W xd4 I 7 Wxd4 2xd4 IB
vb5 2c4T) I 5 vxd5 Wxd5 I6
12 ... f5! 13 b4 e5 14 lge2
But ths s vcry unpIcesent. Now
Whtc cen onIy chooscbctwccnbed
end worsc contnuetons. I4. . . h6
I 5f4 cxf4 I 600=.
15 dxe5
I 5 GD h6! I 62cI ( I 6f4 cxf4
I 7 vxf4 xf4 I B gxf4 c4!T)
I6...c3+! ! I7 xc3 cxd4+ IB D
Wc3+ I9 fI dxc3+ Wesn't t
rctty?, I5 00? cxd4 I 6 vxd4
15 ... d4!
I 5 . . . fxc5T.
16 ce4 d3 17 cf4
17 . d2+!
lt's ovcr. I wes wondcrng
whcthcr thc IttIc guy ectueIIy
18 f
I B vxd2 Wxc5+ I 9 vc2 2xd2!
20 Gxd2 h6+ 2I GcI 2dB end,
I B Wxd2 2xd2 I9 vxc62xg2 20
18 .. -c4!
I B . . . Wxc5 I 9Wc2Wd4+ 20Wc3.
19 h3
I9 cxf6 Wd4+ 20 c2 h6, I 9
vd6+xd620cxd6W d4+ 2I GfI
ZhcB+ (2I. . . c2?! 22 h3+ bB
23 Wxc2 WxeI+ 24 Gg2 Wxe3 25
I9 Wc2Wd4+20Wc3 Wxc3+ 2I
Gxc3 bc522vc2h6+T.
19 ... xh3 20 cxh3 ,d4+ 21
'g2 cxe5 22 'b3
22WgI Wd3 23 WD vc4.
22 ... cc4-+ 23 lhd1 f5 24 leg5
ld7 25 f4 g7 26 vD "d5+ 27
lf .xa1 28 lha1 le8 0-1
J. Becerra Rvero - P.Leko
Cicnmcgos I 997
1 e4 cS 2 lf d6 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 lf6 S lc3 e6 6 ie3 ie7 7
Thc so ce|Icd Eng|ish etteck.
Somcthng I cou|dn't tekc scrous|y
fore prctty |ong tmc. Evcn so, rst
thc Brtish then cvcqbody c|sc
scorcd hgh wth it. Thc thing is.
mostofthc postons(ncer|ye||) erc
|kc thc Kcrcsetteck. But wth O
(thc kcy movc) whch is somcthng
nobodyp|eys n thc Kcrcs! It wou|d
bc |ogce| to thnk thet ifthc Kcrcs
(wth en cxtre tcmpo) cen bc mct
(end not njust onc wey) n smi|er
stuetons BLACK is hevng mn.
But |ifc end chcss erc much morc
comp|icetcd es ths cxemp|c shows.
How to ght t? O|d chcss wsdom
seys. en etteck on thc enk s bcst
mct by e countcrb|ow in thc ccntrc.
Ycs, ths docs work meny timcs,
just |kc ectivc countcrp|ey is
usue||y thc bcst dcfcncc! Words,
on|y words, somconc might sey.
Lct's gct concrctc. Hcrc s it, |edcs
end gcnt|cmcn, from thc dce to thc
7 ... lc6 8 Wd2
Ths is norme|. Thc rushcd B g4
ocrs BLACK nc countcr chenccs
on e s|vcrp|ettcr. Bg4 vd7! 9W d2
9h4+ |0 &dl (|0 9D &g5T)
l O . . . 9c7T.
8 ... 0-0 9 g4
Fvc netons et onc teb|c! A
Cuben p|eys egenst e Hungeren
thc Eng|ish verieton ofthc Sci|ien
Schcvcningcn. . .
9000d5 I 0cxd5 (I 0W D c5 I I
vxc6bxc6 I 2Wg3 W d6 I 3 f4 cxf4
I4 9xf4Wc6) I O . . . vxd5 I I vxd5
Interrupted by Darkness 55
W xd5 I 2 vb3 ( I 2 c4 Wd6! )
I 2 . . . W xd2+ I 32xd2 vb4=.
9 ... dS! 10 gS
10 ... lxd4!N AA
This is thcpontofBLACK's 9th
movc whch wes e novc|ty et thet
timc(?)NowWhitc hesechocc end
t's | ikc|y thet hc hes medc thc
wrongonc. P. S. Nccd|css to say, es
I found out |etcr, Iwes not thc on|y
' ponccr'
1 1 'xd4?!
l l 9xd4vd7
A) I2 f4 c5! T I3 fxc5 9xg5 I 4
W g2 9h4+ I 5 Gd| (I 5 Gc2 g6 I 6
vxd5 2cB I 7 Gd2 vxc5 I B GcI
9c6T) | 5 . . . dxc4 I6 2g| g6 I7 Gc |
2cB I B Wxc4 (I B &b5 vxc5 I 9
9xcB Wxd4 20 &b5 &h3 ! +, I B
vxc4 vxc5) | B . . . vxc5!T,
B) I 2h4 c5 ( I 2 . . . dxc4! ? I3 fxc4
c5 I 4 &c3 vc5=) I 3 9D d4 I 4
Cd5 1c5! ? ( | 4 . . . vb6 I 5 vxc7+
Wxc7 I 6c3! dxc3 I7 W xc3 2dB)
I 5 h5 vb6 I6 h6 vxd5 I7cxd5( I 7
hxg79b4+) I 7 . . . g6 I B9c4 b5! T.
l l...thS!
I I . . . vd7?! .
1 2 f4
Doub|ccdgcd s I 2cxd5&xg5 I 3
000cxd5( I 3 . . . W f6! ?=)
56 Interrpted by Darkness
A) I 4 vxd5 3c6 I 5 W c5l ? ( I 5
3c4 RcB OK I 6 RhcI 3xd5 I 7
3xd5 Wc7T) I 5 . . . 3xc3+ I 6vxc3
W6l ( I 6 . . . Wh4?? Ioscs to I 7
vg2l+) I 7Rd6 W4=OK,
B) I4 2gIl ? s conscqucnt, but
qutc enk|y I thnk t Iooks morc
dengcrous then t rceIIy s. Yct n
thc 2003 Hungeren Chemponshp
yc sew t egen n e gemc bctwccn
Adm Horth - Gy.Sex. (Bcforc
you gctthcwrongmprcssonthet n
Hungery cvcqbody s ceIIcd
Horth, l cen tcII you thcrc AR
cxccptons.Truc, in thcPonschIcd
chemponshp tcem thcrc erc sx of
thcm.ApertomAdm- who ts2I
end e GM eIrcedy for somc timc -
thcrc erc two morc GMs end two
IMs). It wes neIIy won by thc
' vctcren' (hc's onIy e ycer youngcr
then I em) but thc cvcnts of thc
gemc rescd ncw probIcms to bc
soIvcd. I4. . . 3xc3+ I 5 Wxc3 vf6
Bl) I6 3c4 3c6 I 7W g5 g6 I B
vxd5 vxd5 I 93xd5 Wb6 20bI
B2) I6 h4 Wb6l ( I 6 . . . 3c6 I 7 h5
RcB I B Wg5 g6 I 9 hxg6 fx6 20
3d3 3OT) I7 Wg5 g6 I B xd5
vxd5 I 9Rxd5 3c6T
B3) I 6 vc4l ?
B3a) I6...3c6l ? I 7 3c4 cB I B

cB( I B . . . vxc4 I9bc4d420

Wh6l+) I9 W xe7 ( I 9vc3 W c7T)
I 9 . . . Wc7 20 vc3 W f4+ 2I bI
B3b) I6. . . vxc4?l Iooks nomeI,
butsomchowsccmsto hcIpWhtc. I
swcer I dd eneIysc e|I thcsc for
quitc somc tmc but hed to stop
bcforc rcechng eny cIcer
concIusons. Thc probIcm s I' m
wrtng e book, you know, end em
constentIy n e tmc scrembIc. Lkc
thc two pIeycrs wII bc soon.
Kowng thc dcvc|opmcnts I think
I6. . . . 3c6 promiscd e quctcr Iifc.
Whetdoyoucxpcct- t'seSicIenl
I 7 fxc4 Wb6l ( I 7...d4 IB Zxd4
Wb6 I9 3d3) I B W g5 ( I B Wxb6?l
exb6 I9 cxd5 2xe2 203c42eB 2I
d63c6 223xc6 bc6 23 d7 2edB
24 2d6 2D 25 h4 O 26 ZgdI
2h2 27 2xb6 Zxh4 2B b4 g5 29
Zxb7 Gc7 30 b5 h5 3I b6 Zb4 32
Rd3 h4T)
B3bl) I B . . . W g6l ? I9 cxd5 ( I 9
W xg6 hx6 20 cxd5 3d7 2I c4
:res 22 d2 b5) I 9 . . . W xg5+ 20
Zxg5 3d7,
B3b2) I B . . . g6 I9 cxd5 ZcB?l
(I 9 . . . 9d7l ) 20 d6? (209c4l 9d7
2I d6 RecB 22 9b3) 20. . . 3c6 2I
9b5?2cdB22d7 We5?l(22. . . e6 23
9e4 Wb4 24 9b3 2xd7 25 Zxd7
9xd7 26 W f6 W ) 23 2d6? (23
Rg3l e6 24 Re3 W c7 25 9e4 2ebB
26 Zc3 b5 27 Bxc6 fxc6 2B 9b3
Zxd7 29 9xc6+ ZO 30 W f6 BcB
31 &d5 W c7l) 23. . . Wxe2 24 Rg3
Wel + 25 Gd2 We5+ (25. . . e6) 26
c I W eI + 27 d2 W xb2+

12 ... dxe4 13 'i xd8
Fer too dengcrous is I3 W xc4?l
A) I4000 9c6l I5ZxdBZfxdB
I6 Wc4 ( I 6Wc5 9d6) I 6 . . . 9xh I
I 7 9c2g6T,
B) I4 Wxb7 I4..bB I 5 WO
Rxb2l I 6Wxh5 ( I 6000Wc7l | +)
I 6 . . . 9c6 I 7 9d3 ( I 72J 9b4 I B
9d22xc2+) I 7 . . . g6 I B Wh6 9xhI
I 9 000 9e3 20 2xhI 8b3+ 2I
13 ... lxd8 14 ie2 g6 15 ixh5! ?
15 ... gxh5 16 lxe4 'g7!
BLACK cen bc contcnt wth thc
outcomc of thc opcning. hc s
I 6 . . . b6 I 7 vf6+.
17 0-0 b6 18 h4 'g6D
I B ...9e6 I9f5l.
19 lg3
I 9 RecI 9e620RDRd5.
19 ... h6! 20 .n
20 ... f5!+
20 . . . hxg52I bg59e6=.
21 .el hxg5 22 hxg5
22 ... ib7 23 c3?!
23 Zfc2l ? 9d5T (23. . . 9O? 24
9xb6l ),
23 Ah2 9O 24 GD 9g4 25
8chI 2dI l T.
23 ... ld3! 24 'th2 id5 25 id4!?
25 ... h4
25...9xe2l ?26 vc2l 2d227 vcI
8xD+ 2B 9xD 9d5 29 vd3 9d6
30vc5+9xc5 3 I 8xc5T.
Interrupted by Darkness 57
26 le2 id6! 27 ie5!
27 vcI Bd2l +.
27 ... ic5
28 id4?
Thc dccisvc mstekc. Hc couId
heng on for much Iongcr by 2B
28 ... ld2!-+ 29 'gl lxb2 30
30 c4 2xc2 3 I 2cxc2 9xd4 32
cxd5 cxd5 33 Gg2 9xD 34 GxD
Gh5 35GO2cB+.
30 ... lh8! ? 31 ixc5 bxc5 32
lci ! .b1 33 l:he2 c4
33. . . h334Gh2.
34 'h2 h3
34. . . 9c435Gh3 c5 36bc5 3O
35 le3 lh4 36 'g3
36 vd3
A) 36. . . 2xcl 37 vc5+ Gh5
(37...g7 3B 2xcI 2xf4 39 Gxh3
8D 40e42c2+) 3B2xcl 2xf4 39
g6Gh440Ggl h2+4I Gxh22D+
42Ggl 2xe2+,
B) 36. . . cxd3l 372xbI Rxf4+.
36 ... lg4+ 37 'xh3 lb8! 38
lxe6+ ixe6 39 lxe6+ 't 40
lf6+ 'g7 41 :xr5 lg1
58 Interrupted by Darkness
Chess is Eternal!
Thcrc is e gIoomy fccIing eround
thc chcss worIdendnot onIy emong
thc egcing romentic pIeycrs end
fens. Thcy sey. chcss is egonising,
ert end bceuty hevc bccomc
sccondery, wcII(computcr)treincd
0csh end bIood robots pIey cech
othcr for thc points, for thc femc,
forthcmoncy end thet is thet. I scc
itesecorrcctdiegnosis. Iscc itese
crisis. This crisis erosc in pereIIcI
with thc probIcm from which en
ewfuIIy IergcnumbcrofrceIIygood
pIeycrs su0cr. how to cem thcir
deiIy brced? A Crisis. A crisis to
dcmoIish cvcqthing or pess by. I
thinkcvcrybody undcr, sey, thcbcst
25 in thc worId is e perieh. Thc
supcrGM with 2650 iseperiehtoo,
sIightIy bcttcr o0 then mc with
2504. I did not givc up chcss et thc
egcof50bcceusc Ibccemcborcdor
wcek. But I hevc hed cnough. I
don'tgo to thcpub, so I don't pIey
opcns enymorc bcceusc thc
etmosphcrcisvcrymuchthcsemc. I
Iovc CHESS. As to ertistic end
origine|chcss mettcrs, it'snotgoing
to bc fencicd by miII ions. But for
thosc who went to jump ebovc thc
grcy crowd it's e must. You won`t
bcIicvc it,butit is ectueIIythc onIy
weyl You don't mekc e cerccr by
copying thc grcet oncs bcttcr then
othcrsl OnIy ifyou nd your own
fecc, styIc, crcetivity, so thet with e
frcshend cIcermindyou erc ebIc to
gct AHEAD ofthc othcr foIks, wiII
you hevc e chencc. Thcrcforc it's
not e |uxury, not e Ichovcr
mcnteIityfrom pestccnturicstond
yourscIf, Icem from cvcqbody, but
bc diffcrcnt from eII thc othcrs!
Thcrc issomuchtodiscovcr. Chcss
is incrcdibIy rich. ThcgembitIhevc
crcetcd is my ebsoIutc movc
rccordcr. But- don't tekcmyword,
chcck it outl - thcrc erc movcs et
Icest cquiveIcnt to thc popuIer oncs
eIrcedy et movc 6 or 7. In cesc you
hevc e brein Ict it do thc queIity
pcopIcesrewmetcrieI. I undcrstend
I'vc gonc on rethcre Iong timc. But
Ictmc stiII bIcssyoul
Thc ' Prophct'
V.Kramnik - P.Uko,
TiIburg I 99B
1 d4 l:f6 2 c4 g6 3 f! ? e5! ?N 4
dxe5 l:h5 5 l:h3!
5 ... l: c6 6 .g5 i.e7 7 .xe7
.xe7 8 l:c3!
Thisneture|movc isthcrcfutetion
of Adorjan's idce. PL. (Whet erc
youteIking ebout, treitor??AA)
Bf4?4+9Wd2 d6! isOK.
8 .. 'xe5?!
B. . . vxc5 9 vd5 WdB I 0 f4 vc6
I I g4vg7 I 2W3,
B. . . 00l ?
A) 9 g4 vg7 I 0f4 ' I I Wd2
d6l ,
B) 9 f4 ' I 0 W d2 d6l I I
cxd6 9xh3 I 2gxh3 2edB I 3vb5
e6 I4 vxc7 2xd6 I 5 vd5 Wxc4
( I 5 . . . W xd2+ I 6Gxd2 vxf4 I 7 c4
f= I B Gc3 vc6) I 6vc7+ vxc7
I 7Wxd6 vf5 I B Wc5 We4 I9 b3
Wb4+ 20GD vxf42I 2gI vd5lT,
C) 9 vd5 Wxc5 I0Wd2 vc7l I I
f4 Wd6 I 2c4 vxd5 I 3 cxd52cB I 4
c5 Wc7l A d6 ( I 4 . . . f6 I 5 9c2
bc5 I69xh5gxh5 I 700=),
D) 9c4Wxc5(9. . . Wb4l ?) I0Wd2
d6 l I vD f5 I 2000 vf6 I 3vd5
2O I4 f4 Wc6 I 5 cxf5 Wxf5 I 6
9d3Wh5 I 7 9c49g4.
9 g4 lg7D
9. . . vf4? I 0vxf4 W xf4 I I vd5
W d6 I2 c5 Wc5 I3 f4+, 9...vf6 I 0
5 vh5 I I Wd2 Wd4 I 2 Wxd4
xd4 I 3 vd5 vc6 I4 c3 d6 I 5
000h6I 6f4.
10 f4 'e7
I hed to rceIsc thet thc onIy wey
s to go beck rst end onIythcn, f
possbIc,t tocomcoutegen.
l l ld5 'd8 12 'd3! ?
ObjcctvcIy I 2 vDl s probebIy
strongcr. I 2 . . . 00 I3 9g2.
12 .. 0-0 13 'c3 le8!
I 3 . . . f5 I4g5+.
14 g5
I4 000 vc7, I4 vD vc7 I 5
14 le7
I 4 . . . d6 I 5 vD.
Interrupted by Darkness 59
l5 lf6+?!
I5 vDl ?vxd5 I6 cxd51 f6l I7
vg4d6 IB vh6+ GhB I9 h4 9d7
20h5gxh52I c3vg7=.
15 . lxf6 16 gxf6 lf5 17 e4 .e8
18 lg5 c5!
Thc onIy wey to crcetc
19 0-0-0 ld4
20 e5
20 2xd4? Iooks dengcrous but
feIs in thc Iong run. 20. . . cxd4 2I
A) 22 vE b5l 23 f5l ? (23 c5
9b7T) 23...9b7 24 9d3 (24 g6
2xc4 25 gxO+ GxO 26 vc5+
2xc5 27 Wxc5 9xhI 2B Wh5+
Gxf6) 24. . . bxc4 (24. . . Wb6l ?) 25
B) 22h4
Bl) 22. . . d5?23h5 l
B1a) 23. . . dxc4 24WxdB 2xdB 25
hxg6l bg6 (25. . . hxg5 26 g7) 26
Bib) 23...hxg5 24 hxg6 2c6
(24. . . 2xc4 25g7l+)25fxg5+,
B2) 22. . . hxg5l 23 hxg5 d5l A
9g4h5 24 WD 9g4 25 9c2 (25
Wh4 9h5 26 9c2 Wb6 27 9xh5
W c3+ 2B GbI W xc4+ 29 GeI
gxh5+) 25. . . 9xc2 26 W xc2 Wc7
60 Interrpted by Darkness
27 Wh2 Wxc4+ 2B bI Wxc4+ 29
GeI end hcrc BLACK metcs rst
ecr 29. . . WcI + 30 BxcI ZxcI
20 Wh3? h5 (20. . . Wxf6? 2 I
Wxh7+G22W 4+)2 I c5d6 22
W g3dxc523 bc5 3f1, 20vxh7?
Gxh7 2 I Bxd4 (2 I Wh3+ gB 22
c5d623Wh6 vf5+)
A) 2I . . . Wxf6? 22 Wh3+ (22 c5
Wf5) 22. . . GgB 23 c5 d6l 24 cxf6
9xh3 25 Zxd6 ZcI+ 26 ZdI
AxdI +27GxdI ZdB+T,
B) 2 I . . . cxd4 22 Wh3+gB 23 c5
20 ... d6 21 lf .g4 22 lxd4
.xd1 23 lb5 dxe5 24 fxe5
24 ... .a4!
25 ld6 :e6!
25. . . 9c6 26 vxcB 3xhI (26. . .
Wd4? 27 vc7+) 27 vd6 W 2B
W c3ZdB299c23c6T.
26 .g2
26 Wg3 3c6 27 2gI Axd6l 2B
cxd6 W xf6 29 3h3 (29 3c2 BcB)
29. . . Wd4l (29...W Ol ?30BdI W xg3
3I hxg3 f5T) 30 BdI W xc4+ 3 I
bI 3d5 (3 I . . . 3c4+ 32 eI W c2
33 ZcIT) 32 d7 W xe2+ 33 Gc I
WeI + 34 Gd2 Wxb2+ 35 c I
W b4+36GDWe4T.
26 ... lxd6!
26. . . 9c6273xc6bxc62BBdI.
27 exd6 ixd6 28 .xb7 le8 29
b3 'i f4+ 30 'b2
30 GbI 3d7 3 I ZdI 3f5+ 32
e I
A) 32. . . h5 33 Wg3l W xg3 34
hxg3 Bc3 (34. . . 2c6 35 Bd5 2xf6
36 Zxc5) 35 ZdB+ &h7 36 3d5
Bxg3 (36. . . 3c6=) 37 3xO (37
B) 32 . . . W xh2333c6Wc2T.
30 ... le3 31 :d1 h5
3 I . . .3cBl ? .
32 'aS
32 Bd3 l ? 2c2+l ? (32. . . 2xd3 33
Wxd3 W xf6+ 34 W c3 Wc7T) 33
e3 9cB 343O Zc6T.
32 ... .e2+
32. . . Wxf6+l ? 33 Ge3 3cB 34
Wxc5 (34W xe7W Dl )34. . . Zc21.
33 a3
33 ... WD
33. . . Wxh2l wes wmmng morc
cesIy. 34ZeI (34 W xc5 Zxe2+ 35
b4 e5+l 36Wxe5W b2)34. . . W bB.
34 'd8+
34Be I ? Wxf6+.
34 ... e8 35 .d2!
35BeI Wc3l 36c6Wc3l +.
35 ... lxd2 36 _xeS+ h7 37
_xf+ 'h6 38 'a4 lxa2+
3B. . . e6?39e3l .
39 b5 ,e3
39 . . . 2b2+.
40 d5
40W g5 4I W xc5+(4I c6
2D)4I . . .Wxc5+42xc5xf6+.
40 ... -xb3+ 41 'c6 la6+!
4 I . . .B42d7l .
42 'd7
42c7?W b6+.
42 ... -h3+! 43 e6
43c7Wxh244W +(44W g7+
g5 45 t W c7+ 46 cB 2b6+)
44. . . g5 45OW c7+46cB W cB+
47wc7W x+4BGx 8+.
43 ... -d3+ 44 'e8
44 d5 g5 45 Wc7 (45 h4+
Gf5) 45. . . 2xf6 46 h4+ f5 47
44 ... -d6 45 1e7
45 W g7+ g5 46 h4+ Gxh4 47
Wc7W xc7+(47. . . Wxc6? 4B O+) 4B
&xc7 BeI 49 O (49 f5 2cI +)
49 . . . AfI+.
Interrpted by Darkness 61
45 ... 'ixe6
Now f 46 O W cB+ 47 WdB
Ane|yscs bescd on Lk's rst
A.Wohl - M.Chapman
Mc|boumc I 993
Bcforc l forgct l'd |kc to pey
trbutcto thcbrevc menwhop|eycd
thc vcq rst gemc wth 'my'
gembt. I hed3. . . . c5 nmnd sncc
l 992.As ocnheppcns,I ncvcrhed
thc opportunty to p|ey t. Evcn my
protcgc P.Lk hed to wet t||
I 99B whcn hcbcetKemnkwtht
n T|burg. I don't rcmcmbcr whcn
wc rce|| scd t hed ectue||y bccn
p|eycdbcforc. Sncc thcponccrIost
thc gemc, end enywey who's
ntcrcstcd n novc|tcs by p|eycrs
undcr 2400? lt s of coursc
mpossb|c to fo||ow e|| thc ncws,
on thc othcr hend don't forgct. thc
g end dcmocrecy ofchcss s thet
enybodymeycomcup wthe brght
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 g6 3 f e5 4 dxe5
lh5 5 g3
Somchow t s e pty thet thc
thc hghcst |cvc|, end Kemnk's 5
vh3 |ceds to quct wetcrs.
Othcrsc I bc|cvc thcrc wou|d bc
qutc e |ot tcsts of thosc veretons
whcrc Whtc kccps thc pewn end
5 ... d6 6 lc3 lc6 7 exd6 xd6 8
g2 0-0 9 lh3 e6 10 ld5
62 lnterrpted by Darkness
lO ... le5
I thought ths wes eIrcedy e
mstekc. Itwesnot. But I- esocn
heppcns - kowng thc neI rcsuIt
wes scerchng for en improvcmcnt
et cvcq movc. I O . . . vb4 s vcq
Iikc|y e good movc wth
comp| icetcd verietons (scc thc
Rcpcrtorc teb|c). Notc thet thc
smpIc I 3 . . . vxdI squtcOKtoo.
l O . . . vb4l ? I I 3g5 ( I I vc3 3c5
I 2Wb3 b5) | I . . .vxd5l
A) I 2 3xdB vc3 I 3 3g5
vxg2+l ? ( I 3 . . . vxdI l I4 BxdI
3xc4 I 5 b3 3c6 I 6 g4 vg7 I 7
3f6 e5 I B vg5 e4 I 9 vxc6
vxc6T) I 4 D 9xh3 I 5 BgI
3c5+ I 6c3 h6C I 7 3xh6 2fdB I B
W c2
AI) I B . . . 9b4? I 9BedI Gh7 20
4(203g5 f6 2I g4 bg5 22 gxh5
vh4 23 hxg6+ Gh6 24 c5+)
20. . . Gxh6 2I gxh5 3c5 22 2xg2
3xg2 23 xg2 3xc3 24 hxg6 fxg6
25BxdB RxdB 26'i e4+
A2) I B . . . Gh7l I 9 3g5 f6 20
Bxg2 3xg2 2I g4 3h3 22 gxh5
9f523W b3 bg5 24W xb73d6 25
B) I 2cxd5 3b4+ I 3 GD W xd5
( I 3 . . . 3c5+ I4 c3 W xd5) I 4Wxd5
3xd5 I 5 2hdI 3c5+T I 6c3 c6 I 7
g4 f6 I B 3h6v7 I 9vf4 2edB 20
2ecI 3b6 2I vxd5 cxd5 22 f4
2fcB 23 2d3 d424e4 vc6T.
1 1 b3 c6 12 ldf4
I2 vc3 Wc7 I 3 00 3c5, I 2
12 ... lxf4?
This s wrong, howcvcrl BLACK
couId do vcq wcI| for hmsc|f by
I 2 . . . 9b4+l I 3 GD ( I 33d2 3xh3
I4 vxh3 vd3+l I5 cxd3 2cB+ I 6
GfI Wxd3+ I 7Gg I 3c5+ I B vD
BedB+) I3...vxf4 I 4 vxf4W f6 I 5
3c3 2fcB I 6 h3 2edB I 7W c I 3f
IB e3 3c3 I 9Be2vxc4l 203xe 7
(20bxc42xc3+)20. . . vb2+.
13 lxf4 'ia5+ 14 .d2 'b6 15
'i cl .c5 16 .c3 .g1?
Vcq romentc, but unsound.
Evcqbody mns out of petcncc
somctmcs, but on movc I6 t's
much too cerIy. BLACK couId run
thcopponcnt's cestIing, end pIey on
wth e fer bt ofcompcnseton for
I6. . . 9D+ I 7'f 9d4.
17 .xe5 'f+ 18 'dl lad8+ 19
'c2 .f5+ 20 'b2 'i c5 21 .c3
.e3 22 'e1 .f 23 'ifl ld2+ 24
.xd2 .d4+ 25 'cl ' a3+ 26 'd 1
.xa1 27 e4 ld8 28 ld5 'ixa2 29
'e2 .g7 30 'i bl 'i a6 31 le7+
'h8 32 exf5 b5 33 'i c4 bxc4 34
'ixc4 'i b6 35 .c3 f6 36 le I 'ih7
37 .n g5 38 W O 1-o
Interrupted by Darkness 63
The Adorj an Gambit
1 d4 tf6 2 c4 g6 3 f e5! ! ?
4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 I I 1 2
ig5' ih4 d5
4' e3
ixf6 exd4 e2+ d2'
h6 c6! '! d4 h5 hxg4 xf6 exd4' Qd8
d2 e3 ixf6 exd4 xf'
h5! ' hxg4 xf6 gxf Vh4+. '
c3 e3
f5 h5+"
4 xd4 e3+ c3 d2 e4
ig7" Qf! '!" d6 ic6
s dxe5 g3 c3" exd6 ig2 h3 d5 ig5 ! ixd8"
h5 d6!? c6 ixd6 0-0 ie6 b4! xd5! e3
f4 ig2" a4" ixc6+ xc6+ e4 f
d6 ie6!
dxe5!?" bxc6 id7
0-Qo "
7 exd6 f 0-0 c3
ixd6 0-0 f6 e7
8 h3!
1g5 ixe7 c3! " d5?! " d2 f4 g3"
c6 ie7 xe7 0-0!" xe5 e7!" d6 c6! +1
e4! d2 f4
xe5" d6 d4! " xd4
64 Interrupted by Darkness
4d5 c4l 5 vc3 d6 [5. . . cxO 6
cxO d6 7 W c2+ W c7 B W xc7+
Gxc7=.] 6 3g5 h6 7 3xf6 [7
3h4l ? 3g7 B c4 (B vxc4 g5T)
B. . . W c7.] 7. . . W xf6 B c4 3g7 9
4 e4 cxd4 5 W xd4 vc6 6
W d2 3g7 [6. . . 3c5l ?, 3b4l?.] 7
vc3 00 B b3 d6 9 3b2 vcBl ?
[ 9 . . . vd7A vc5,f I 0000vc5 I I
g4 f5. ] I0000f5
6 e3? cxd4 7 cxd4 3c7 B
vc3 [B d5 vxd5 9cxd5 3xh4+ I0
g3 3f6 I I dxc6 3xb2 I2 vd2
3xel I 3 W xel 00T.] B. . . d5l T
7 e4 c5Bvc2d6=
8 g5? vh7
10 ... g3 I I 3h3l [ I I W c2?l
W f4l . ]
lO ... 3b+! ?
I I D?
A) I I . . .c4l 1
. B) I I . . .g3?l + I 2g2 [ I 2xg3
cI +l+] I 2 . . . gxh2 I 3 2xh2
2xh2+ I4 xh2 W h4+ I 5 vh3
cxd4 I 6vd2,
I l vc3? cxd4 l 2e3 3e5 I3 b4
dxc3 l4 Wc2+ dB I 5 000 3b6
I 6c5 d6 I7 cxb6exb6+,
I I c2W f4 I 2h3cxd4 I3 W b3?
W c5++.
I I vd2 W h4+ I2 c2 cxd4 I 3
d3l ? [ l 3W cl d6 I 4W xh4 2xh4
I 5 Bcl 3f] I3. . . d6l I 4 vc4 [ I 4
W e4+?dB I 5W xb43f5+ I 6 vc4
( I 6Gd4?W D+) I 6 . . . gxO I 7 W cl
D lB W c2 2cB I 9 3g2 3xc4+ 20
3xc4 f+, I4 e3 3f5+ I 5 vc4
dB I 6W c2 2cB I 7 3g2 3e5 I B
b4 gO I 93xO 3xc4+ 20 3xc4
f5+.] I4. . . 3f5 I 5 fxg4 3xc4+ I 6
12 ... W h4+ I3 dI d6 I4 g4
3xg4 I 5 vgO W h5 I6 3g2 3g7
I 7Zcl
1 0 7 ... .c5? B g4 [ BDd69 c3
(9 4? 3x4l I 0 fxg4 vxg4T)
9. . . f5 I 0Wd2.] B...h5 9 c3 hxg4
I0 cxd4 [I 0 3xf6 W xf6 I I cxd4
3xd4.] I 0 . . . 3xd4 I I 3g5l +
1 1
8 g4? h5 9 c3 hxg4 I 03xf6
W xf6 I I cxd4 cxd4 I 2vc4 Wh4+
I 3 vD [ I 3 vg3 f5, I 3 Gd2 gxO
I4 W xO f5.] I3. . . 3h6l I4 g4
3c3 I 5W O [ I 5Wc2 c4l . ] I 5 . . . d6T
A f l6 vgh3 f I 7 gxf5 3xf5 I B
W g3 2cB I9b3 b5 20 cxb5 2c2 2 I
1 2
A 3h6
3 6 ... g5 7 3g3 vc6 [7. . . d6l .] B
W c3+ [B W d2 d5 l . ] B. . . Wc7
[B. . . 3c79 vc3 d6 I0 0003c6 I I

d5.] 9W xc7+3xc7 I 0vc3 d6

I I vb5 3dB I 2000 3c6 I3 c4
4 7 ... 'ie7 B W xc7+ Gxc7 9
vc3 g5 I03Dd6 I I c4 vc6=
lO ... lbd7! ?
A vxc4
6 exd6 3xd6 7f4 - 5. . . vc66
f4 d6
12 cxd5 3b4+ I 3 D 3c5+
[ I 3 ... Wxd5 I4 Wxd5 3xd5. ] I4 c3
W xd5 I 5 W xd5 3xd5T
1 8
13 3g5 vxg2+l ? [ I 3 . . .
vxdIl . ] I 4D9xh3
I 5 Rgl 9c5+ I6 c3 h6l I 7 9xh6
RfdB IB W c2 Gh7 I9 9g5 f6 20
Rxg2 9xg2 2 I g4 3h3 22 gxh5
9f5 23W b3 bg5 24W xb79d625
I 5 c3? 2B I 6 2gI vxc3 l I 7
9xc3 2xc3 I Bxc3 9c5+ I 9d3
8dB+ 20 c3 Rxdl 2I AgxdI
exd6 9xd6 B 9g2 00
[B. . . 9c6l ?.] 9 vc3 2cB I0 vO
9c6 I I vd53c5
. dxeS? B 9xc6+ bxc6 9
WxdB+xdB I 0fxc5
8 exd6 9xd6
8 13? vd4l 9W xb7AbB I 0
! ?
l l
tf6! ? I 2W xc5+ 9c7 I 3
vO00 I 400RcB1
13 lxeS BcB I4 vc3 f6
[ l 4. . . 9h3 l ?=.] I 5 W d5+ 9c6 I 6
W xdB AexdB I7 vc6 [I 7 vO?
9xc4 l B g4 f5l .] I 7 . . . 2d6 I B vxe7
9xc4 I 9veb5 2d7 20 g4?l [c20
ve3 9e6 2 I f5l .] 20. . . f5l 2I gxh5
c6 22 ve3 9xc3+ 23 GD 9d4+
23. . . 2xc2+? 24 O Rxb2 25

xc4 Rd3+ 26 9c3 Rb4 27

c2l +.] 24 c3 9d5l 25 ZI 9f6
26 hxg6 hxg6 27 Rxg6+ 2B
Rh6 ZgB
8 f4? W b4+l ? [B. . . d6l 9 cxd6
cxd6 I 0g3 9xh3 I I 9xh3 vxf4l
Interrpted by Darkness 65
I 2 gxf4 W h4+ I 3 d2 W xh3 I 4
9 vc3d6 I 0e3
A) I0. . . W xc4 I I vd5 3xh3 l 2
vxc7+l 3vxeB W xf4 l 4W d2
[ I 4 cxd6 &g7 I 5 W d3 2xeB I 6
gxh3 2dB I 7c3 W h4+ I BGd2 Wf6
I 9 c2 2xd6 20 W c3 vc5]
I4. . . W h4+ l 5 GdI dxc5 l 6 gxh3
B) I 0 . . . Wxb2 I I vb5 00
[ I I . . .9xh3 I 22bI ] I2 2bI W e2 l 3
Wc I ve5 I 4c4 9xh3 I 5 vc3 vb3
I6 vxe2 vxcI I7 vxcI 9cB I B
vd3dxc5 I 9bc5b6=.
9W d2d6l I 0cxd69xh3 I I gxh3
000 I 2 W xb4 vxb4 l 3 ve3
vxf4. [ I 3 ...Rxd6l T.] I4 dxc7 &xc7
I 5 DRhcBT
8 ... txeS 9vd5
:iheS?! 9 g4 vg7
[9. . . vf4? I0 vxf4 W xf4 I I vd5
Wd6 I 2c5 W c5 I 3 f4+, 9. . . vf6l ?
I 0 g5 vh5 I I W d2 W d4 I 2 vd5
W xd2+ I 3xd2 WdB=.] I 0f4 W c7
I I vd5W dB l2W d3l ?[ I 2 vD00
I3 9g21.] I2. . . 00 l3 W c3 vcBl
KemnkLcko, T|Iburg I 99B
[ I 3...f5 I4g5.]
9 g4 vg7 I 0f4 W b4l I I W d2
9 f4 W b4l I 0 W d2 d6l I I
cxd6 9xh3 I 2 gxh3 RedB1 I 3
vd5W xd61
9 Wd2 vxc5 I0c4d6 I I vD
10 ... f5? I I f4 Wd6 I 2c5 [ I 2
g3 b6.] l 2 . . . W xc5 I 3vxc7
12 e4 vxd5 I 3 cxd5 2cB l 4
c5 [ I 4 9d3 Wxd5.] l 4 . . . W b6l
66 Interrupted by Darkness
[ I 4 . . . f6?l I 5 3c2 fxc5 I 6 3xh5
gxh5 I 7 00, I4...Wc7l ?A d6.] I 5
3c2d6 I 6 3xh5 gxh5T
13 lxe7+ [ I 3vc3W xd2+ I 4
xd2 d5.] I 3 . . . W xc7 I4 3g2 d5l
I 5 cxd5 3xh3 I 6 3xh3 2edB
[I6. . . cxd5 I 7 00( I 7W xd5?vxf4l
I Bgxf4W h4+T) I7 . . . vf6.] I 73g2
vf6 I B 00 2fcBl ?1 [I B . . . Wc5+ I 9
hI vxd5T.]
31 9 .. .b4?!
I0W d2d6l
A) I I vd5 W xd2+ I 2 Gxd2
3xh3 I3 gxh3 vxc5 [ I 3 . . . dxc5 I4
vxc72edB+ I 5vd5vd4]
Al) I4 f4 c6l I 5 fxc5 [ I 5 vc7+
g7 I 6 bc5 dxc5] I5. . . cxd5 I 6
A2) I4 vxc7 2ecB I 5 vd5 [ I 5
vb5 e6 I 6 vd4 vxc4+ I7 3xc4
Rxc4 I B Gc3 2fcBT] I 5..g7l
[ I 5 . . . vxc4+? I 6 3xc4 2xc4 I 7
2hcI ] ,
B) I I g4?l vxc5l ,
C) I I cxd6 9xh3 I 2gxh3 2edB
f3 000 [I 3 vd5? W xd6]
I3. . . 2xd6 I 4 vd5We4.
I 0 W b3 l d6 I I g4 [ I I cxd6?
3xh3 I 2 gxh3 Wxd6T.] I I . . .vg7
I2 cxd6 [ I 2W xb4l ?vxb4 I 3 cxd6
vc2+ I4 d2 vxe I I 5 dxc7.]
I2. . . Wxd6 I3 2dI l Wc5 [ I 3 . . . vd4?
I4 vb5l+, I 3 . . . Wc5 I4 f4 We5
(I 4 . . . Wc7 I5 vDA Wh4 I 6 vd5l
3xg4 I 7 Wg3l Wxg3 I Bvf6+ GhB
I9 hxg3+, I4. . . Wc5 I5 vd5) I 5
2d5 (I 5 f5 h5l ) I 5 . . . Wb6 I 6W xb5
exb6 I 72gIA vb4 I BRd2vxe2
I9 vd5.] I4 vd5 f5 I5 gxf5l [ I 5
cxf5 3xf5l ? ( I 5 . . . gxf5 I 6 g5) I6
gxf5 (I 6 Wb5? 2ecB+ I7 3c2
2xc2+ I B xc2 vd4+ I 9 2xd4
Wxd4 20 gxf5 vxf5 A 2 I 2dI
Wc5+) I 6 . . . vxf5l. ] I 5. . . gxf5 I 6
W c3fxc4 I 72gI 2O I Bb4 W I 9
9 ... lxe5 I0 vd5 WdB I I f4
vc6 I 29c2vf6 I 3vD
l l lf f5
1 1 g4! ? vg7 [ I I . . .vf6l ?] I 2
vd5l ? [ I 2 000l 1. ] I 2 . . . 9xg4l
Lcko I3 fxg4 Wxc4+ I4 W c3 [cI 4
GDf5l1, I 4 . . . WxhI ?I 5vf6+GhB
I6 W h6 W xh2+ I7 3g2+.]
I4. . . WxhI I 5 vf6+ GhB I6 W h6
[I6 000vcB.] I 6 . . . 2fcB+l I 7d2
[I 7 GD? W xh2+ I B 3g2 2c2+ I 9
xc2 Wc5++.] I 7. . .W xh2+ I B
GdI 2c I+l I 9GxcI Wc5+203c2
W xf6 2I vg5 gB 22 W xh7+ G
23 W hB+ Gc7 24 W xeB Wxg5
[24. . . Wxb2 25 2dI vd4 26 2xd4
W xd427W xb7.]25Wxb7W h4+26
d2W h6+
33 1 1 .. Wc5? I 2 vD f5 I 3 vd5
34 13 0-0-0 c5l [I3...3xh3 I4
2xd4 3c6 I 5 f5l . ] I4 g3 vf6
[ I 4. . . 9g4.] I 5 vD vg4l
G.Kasparov - P.Leko
Lnercs I 999
1 e4 cS 2 lf e6 3 lc3 lc6 4 d4
cxd4 5 lxd4 lf6 6 lxc6 bxc6 7
eS ldS 8 le4 ib7! ?
Ths novcIty wes bom somctmc
!enuery '99 Thc fect thet ths
IogceI, hceIthy movc hes ncvcr
bccnpIeycdbcforc shows thcpowcr
of feshon ovcr sobcr, ndvdueI
wes medc up of I . KowIcdgc of
thc sprt of thc poston. 2.
Curosty. You Iook eround end, f
you scc somc opton thet Iooks
nomeI but s not n thc books, esk.
whet couId possbIy bcwrongwth
thc guy wth your OW wcepon,
Ikcechckcnl l
9 ie2
9 c4 vb4 l0 c5 ( I 0 e3? We5T)
I 0 . . . B I I 9f4 9e6 I2 9xe6( I 2
9c2 vd5l I 3 9xe6 +T)
I 2 . . . vxe6 I 3 W d4 + I4 Wxb4
vxb4 I 5 Gc2vd5T,
99d3W c7 I 0f4 c5.
9 ... c5 10 0-0 'c7 l l ld6+
l l c4
A) I I . ..Wxc5 l ? I2 cxd5 Wxc4 l3
9O l 4 9d2 W b6 l 5 9c3
( I 5 dxc6 bc6 I 6 9xb7 Wxb7 I 7
Interrupted by Darkness 67
Wh5+ g6 I B Wc5 2gB) I5. . . f6? I 6
B) I I . . .vc3l I 29xc3 ( I 2 bc3l ?
9xc4 I 3 9h5 g6 I4 9O Wxc5 I 5
9d2 9h6 I 6 hI 00 I 7 9c3
9xO IB 9xc5 9xdI I9 2exdI
9xc3 20 2xd7 2edB 2 I Rxe7 f6l
229c3 c523e4 9d4T) I2. . . 9xc4=
I 3 9O Wxc5 I4 2cI 9xO I 5
W xO2dB.
l l ... ixd6 12 exd6 'i c6 13 f!
I 3 9O c4 I 4 9f4 00 I 5 9g3
W6, I3 c4? vc3 I4 9O
13 ... c4!
I 3 . . . 00? I4 c4.
14 'i d4 0-0
I4. . . W b6 I5 Wxb6 vxb6 I 6
IS ixc4 'xd6
I 5 . . . vb4? I62D+.
16 ib3
l6 2dl RfcB, I6 9d3l ?W6 I 7
Wxb6 vxb6 I B b3 AnendLk
Dortmund I 999, I B . . . e5l I 9c4 ( I 9
9c3vd5) I 9 . . . d5=.
16 ... '6 17 ldl lfc8 18 'xb6
lxb6 19 a4!
I99c3d5, I92d69d5.
19 ... d5?!
68 Interrpted by Darkness
Ahcrthis thc ' PupiI ' hes to su0cr
for hisdrew. Fortunetc|y hc is good
et thet too. Thcrc wcrc two cesicr
I 9 . . . d5l ? 20 e5 vc4 (20. . .
xb3?2I exb6xc222Zd2+)2I
e4l (2 I Ze4 Zc5 22xc4 xc4
23 c3 ZccB) 2 I . . . Zc7 22 9f4
(22 b4l ?) 22...2b7 23 e6 Bb6l
(23. . . Zxb2 24 b3 vb6 25 c5
Zxb3 26 cxb3 xb3 278dbI 9c4
2B 9d4, 23. . . Zb4 24 Zd4l ) 24 b3
(24 8xd5? cxd5 25 b3 Zf6l )
24. . . vb2 25 ZdcI vxe4 26 8xe4
I 9 . . . e5 l ? Adorjan 20 c3 (20
2d6c6) 20. . . vd5 2 I 9D9c622
9c4ZebB23b3 f6 (23. . . vb424c3
vd5 259d4f6)24Zd2vb4l ?=.
20 aS tc4
20. . . vd7 2I e6 c6 22 Ze5l
Meybc cvcn this i s not truc. (22
9c3 9b5) 22. . . ZcbB 23 9c3 vb6-
21 a6 .c6 22 xc4 dxc4 23 .e3
.dS 24 laS; lc6?!
SmpIy |osing e tcmpo. 24...f6 et
2S ldal f6 26 h4
26 b5 Zc7, 26 c5?l Bxc5 27
xc5Gt 2B Ze3 c529 b4cxb3 30
cxb3 Gc6 3I b4c4=.
26 ... 'f 27 rf lc7 28 l: bS ld8
29 laaS re7 30 'g3 hS 31 b4!
31...cxb3 32 cxb3 l:g8!
I em proud thet cvcn in
timctroubIc I wes eb|c to nd thc
33 lcS ld7 34 b4 gS 3S lc2
35 hxg5 g5 36Zc2 g4 so if37
f4 h4+l 3B Gxh4 g3 399d4 xg2
40 Zxg2 Zxd4 4I Zxg3 2xf4+ 42
3S ... g4 36 rf
36 f4l ? wes en intcrcsting
possibiIity.36. . . ZgdB=.
36 ... g3+!
36. . . gxO 37gxO.
37 'e1 eS 38 ld2 lgd8
c3B. . . 9c4l =.
39 lcS
39 b5 &c6 40 b6 exb6 4I 2b5
8cBl 42 Zxb6+Bd643 Zxd6+ (43
Zdb2 Zxb6 44 Bxb6+ 2c6)
43. . . Gxd6 44 e7 ZcI+ 45 Gc2
Ze I =,
39 f4?l Gc6 40 f5+? (40 fxc5
c5T) 40.. xf5 4I 2exd5 Zxd5
42Zxd5Zxd543 xe7 &c4lT.
39 ... re6 40 bS %b8 41 %d3
lbd8 42 ld2 lb8 43 %d3 lbd8 44
b6 axb6 4S lbS c4 46 lxb6+
rrs 47 lxd7 lxd7 48 a7
4B 2c6 b5=, 4B e7 2xe7 49
Zxf6+ xf6 50 xe7= This wes
Lk's rst cvcr drew egenst

T.Luther - P.Leko
1 e4 cS 2 tO tc6 3 d4 cxd4 4
txd4 lf6 S tc3 eS 6 tdbS d6 7
.gS a6 8 ta3 bS 9 .xf6 gxf6 10
tdS fS 1 1 .xbS
Secrccs Ikc this usueIIy sgneI
thc ntcnton to 'rcfutc' somcthng.
SpcceI stshede ncscorcwthths
movc end somctmcs cvcn wth I I
v xb5. AII ths heppcncd somc 20
ycers egol But es thc cffcct of
suqrisc diseppcercd end BLACK
workcd out entdotcs, fortuncs
l l ... axb5 1 2 ll xb5 .a4!
Ths is probebIy thc bcst, though
I 2 . . . . W e5+ sn't bed cthcr. Now
Whtc hes e chocc, but hes
nsumcicnt compcnseton for thc
metcreI. In thc sprit of thc Ietc
Gze Merczy. ' Ifyou hevc cxtre
metcreI, hoId on to t untI you erc
ebIc to gvc t beck for somc othcr
knd of edventegc' Thc gemc
bcgnnng wth thc oIdcr I 3 00
IIustretcs this epproech vcq wcII.
It's not ncdcnteI. lM Temas
Horath is e Svcshnkov spcceIist,
wc wrotc e monogreph ebout t in
Gcmenn I 992.Agoodoncl
13 b4! ?
I 3 00 2xc4 I 4 v bc7+ d7 I 5
Wh5 v d4l I 6 c3 vc2+ I 7 hI
c6l I B g3 ZgB I 9WO ( I 9 Bec I
Zgg4 20 O v xg3+l 2 I hxg3
Bh4++) I 9 . . . Wxc7l l 20 vxc7
xc72I Wh52g6
A) 22BecI 9b7 23 O v xg3+ 24
hxg3 RxcI 25 g2 (25 2xc I 2h6)
25. . . 2xfI 26xfI 9d5+,
Interrupted by Darkness 69
B) 22 Wxh7 9c6 23 2edI Acg4
24 WhB 2gB 25 Wh3 f4 26 2fcI
PcrcnyT.Horath, Zemerdi I 979
26. . . fxg3l 27 Bxc2 9d5+l
(27. . . gxD 2B 2xD 9d5+ 29 BO
9b7 30 c4 9h6+) 2B gI (2B
2xd5 gxD) 2B. . . gxh2+ 29 xh2
13 ... lxb4
Wc eIso rccommcnd this, but
tekng wth thc knight mey bc just
I 3 . . . vxb4l ?
A) I4c3 vc2+ (| 4 . . .We5 I 5cxb4
2xb4 I 6 vbc7+ dB I 7 00 Bb7
I B BcI ) I 5 Wxc2 2xc4+ l6 dI
B) I 4 vbc7+d7 I 5c3 v xd5 I 6
W xe4+ xc7 I 7cxd5 W g5 I B 00
BgB I 9g3 f4T.
14 ll bc7+
I4 vxb4 vxb4 I 5 c3 v c6 I 6
W d5 9b7 I 7 2dI ve5 I B v xd6+
9xd6 I 9 Wxd6 W xd6 20 2xd6
v c4T.
14 ... d7 15 0-0
15 ... .g8!
Ths is IogiceI end sobcr. For
romentc souIs Iikc myscIf Ict mc
showen ' cerIyDoImetov'
I 5 . . . Wxc7l ? I 6 vxc7 xc7 I 7
W h5 2xc4 I B Wxl7+ 9c7 I 9 e4
2fBl 20 Wb3 (20 Wxh7 Bh4 2 I
70 Interrupted by Darkness
' g6 2thB 22 h3 f4 23 2e3 2 24
W d3 ft) 20. . . Rb4 2I Wd5 9e6 22
c3 BcIIonDoImetov, IBM I 9BI
22 . . . 9c4l 23 Wd2 2bbB 24 RtbI
16 g3
Looks supcrsoId, but subscqucnt
dcvcIopmcnts do not conrm ths
I 6Wh5Wg5 I7 W xO+ 9c7T, I6
vxb4 vxb4 I 7 vd5 ' g5 IB g3
vxd5 I 9 W xd5 fxc4 20 WxO+
16 .. Jib7 17 'h5 'g5! 18 'xt+
.e7 19 lxe7 lxe7 20 le6 'g6
21 lf+ Jxf 22 'xf fxe4+ 23
lab1 lc7 24 a4 e3! ?
24 . . xc2 25 2fcI RxcI + 26
2xcI d5 s stII e Iot ofwork, but
25 fxe3 'e4?
P.Lk probebIy medc ths movc
condcntIy, end hs opponcnt dd
not went to proIong hs ' emIcss'
rcsstencc. Ncvcr bcIcvc thc guy
sttng oppositc youl By pIeyng 26
2O, Whtc couId hevc sevcd hs
skin. On thc othcr hend, thc smpIc
5. . . . Wxc2 wes truIy wnnng. lt's
not thc pewn thet mettcrs, t's
gcttng to thc sccond renk end
puttng thc bshop on b7, scttng up
e metng etteck thet perrcs cncmy
25. . . Wc4 26 2f Wxc3+ 27hl
Wc4+ 2B I Wd4+29GhI Wd5+
30 GgI d4+ (30. . . Wc6 3 I
ZbfIl),25 . . . Wxc2l+.
J.Timman - P.Leko
Serejcvo I 999
ln e weyl l don't mcen not dong
enythng (I onIy Ikc to. . . ) But thc
thng s whcncvcr e compIcetcd,
popuIerveretoncomcs nto vcw-
thstmc tweseSvcshnkovupdetc
bcforc Lnercs - I don't fccI Ikc
gct myscIf nformcd end meybc
comc up wth en dce. I wouId
rethcr brc0y chcck through thc
Iergc emount of metcreI, thcn
' wthdrew' to thnk. For 3 deys, f
ncccsseq. At thet tmc I 5 . . . . 9c6
wes pIeycd wth eImost no
cxccpton. Thc dengcr offoIIowng
feshon s thetyou cen Ioscwthout
e ght egenst en opponcnt who
works out e dccsvc novcIty et
homc. OK, you cen do thc semc
thng. But t's somcthng of e
gembIc. Wth my somcwhet strengc
but IogceI dce Lk couId hevc
won thc rst gemc. Hc msscd t,
endthc vereton couId notevod ts
fetc. tcemcntofeshon. . .
1 e4 c5 2 lf e6 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 if6 5 lc3 lc6 6 ldb5 d6
7 .f4 e5 8 .g5 a6 9 la3 b5 10
.xf6 gxf6 1 1 ld5 f5 12 c3 .g7 13
exf .xf 14 lc2 0-0 15 lce3
.g6! ?
I5. . . 9c4 I69d3.
16 h4!? .e4! N (A)
Thc pont ofthc ' Ioss' oftcmpo
wes to provokc h4 so Whtc couId
no IongcrcestIc. On thcothcrhend
hc trics to orgensc en etteck usng
thc edvenccd pewn es e wcepon.
Thc kng? Thcrc'IIbc e pIecconH
for hm. A sefc onc? lt's not
possbIc to rcpIy to thcsc qucstons
scperetcIy bcceusc thc whoIc
vereton s onc compIcx probIcm.
ShouId thc pIey tekc eny drccton
thc CONCRTE poston wi|I nccd
spcccjudgcmcnt. Butoncthng s
17 h5!?
I 7 9d3 &xd5 I B vxd5 f5, I 7
9c2h6l .
17 .. .ig5
I 7 . . . 9h6? I 8W4++,
I 7 . . . h6l ?sescrouse|tcmetvcl
A) IB 9c2 2bB I9 9O
Al) I9. . . 9xd5l ? 20 9xd5l (20
vxd5 hB 2I Wd3 f5 22 vf4cxf4
23 9xc6 W c7+ 24 fI b41) 20. . .
vc7 2I W 4 GhB (2 I . . . W cB) 22
vf5 vxf5 23 W xf5

cB 24

A2) I9...9h7l =Thcpoint,
B) I Be4 vc7l I9 exb5 vxd5 20
vxd5exb5 2I 2xeBW xeBT,
C) I B &d3 9xd5 I 9vxd5 f 20
e4 bxe4 (20. . . b4l ? s thc usue|
'scrcc') 2 I 2xe4 e5 22 9b5 vc7
2300hB24RcI c4,
I 7 ...vc7? docs not work. I B h6
9hB I9 &d3 96 ( I 9 . . . 9xd5 20
W 4+ v6 2I vxd5) 20WE (20
9x6 b6 2 I vxc7+ Wxc7 22
W d5+W O 23 2dI ) 20. . . vxd5 2I
W xd59xd3 22W xd3,
I 7 ...GhB I Bh69f6 I9 9d3 &6
20W E95 2I vf5.
18 1h3
I B h6? &xh6 I 9 2h5 (I 9 9d3
96) I 9 . . . W 6 20 vf6+ (20 v4
97 2 I vdf6+ 9xf6 22 2h6 W 5
23 Rxf6 h5+) 20 . . . W xf6 2 I v4
(2 I W 4+

6T) 2I . ..W c7 22
Interrupted by Darkness 7 I
vxh6+ (22 9d3 96) 22. . .GhB 23
9d3 &6T,
I B e4l?b4l I 9cxb4 vd4 20Rh3
hB 2 I R3 W h6 22 vc7 Be7 23
vxe6f524 Bh3 f4 25 v4W5T.
18 ... h8 19 lg3
I 9e4l ?b Aenl 20cxb4vd4,
I 9h6 s eIso typceI, but usuaIIy
isn't sound. Thc troubIc s thet t's
cnouh f t works just onccl
I9. . . 9xh620 B3W dB 2I 9d3 (2 I
W h5? 9xc3 22 vxc3 96)
2 I . . . 16 (2I . . .9xd3 22 W xd3 f5l
23 vxf5 c4 24 W xc4 BcB 25 vfc7
Bxc7 26 vxc7 Wxc7 27 Wxc7
vxc7=) 22 vf5 9f4l T23Bh3c4l ,
I 99c2 h6 20 9O 9h7 2I vb6
c4 22 vxeB cxE 23 W xE vc5 24
W b7 vd3+T.
19 ... 'ih6
20 9dJ
20v4Wxh5 2I vdf6
A) 2I . . .9xf6 22 vxf6 Wf5l
(22. . . WxdI +23BxdI 9624Rxd6
vc7252d7 vf5 26Bd3 c4l ?=)
Al) 23 9d3? 9xd3 24 2E W 6
25 W xd3 c4l 26 W xc4 (26 vxc4
vc5 27 Wd4 W x2 2B vxd6 f6+)
26. . . BecB 27W xcBBxcB+2BvxcB
f5 29 000 (29 vc7Wx230Gc2
W 4+)29. . . W xcB 30Bxd6T,
72 Interrupted by Darkness
A2) 23 xc4 W xc4+ 24 9c2 (24
Rc3 W 6T) 24. . . BB 25 BxB+ (25
W xd6 2x3 26 fx 7T OK)
25. . . BxB 26W xd6 x2 27 Wf6+
B) 2 I . . .W f5 22xc4(22 xh7! ?
Gxh7 23O &c2 24 c3 9xdI 25
xf5 9c2 26Bx7+ hB 2725
9xf5 2B Bxf5 7=) 22. . . W xc4+
23 c3 c7 24 9d3 Wf4 25 2h3
h6263W f6 279c4 BedB;.
20 ... .xd5
20. . . 9xd3? 2I Wxd3 Wxh5 22
2l lf5
2 I xd5 f51.
21...'if6! 22 .c2!
Thc onIy end e vcry ettrectvc
movc. But t sti|| cennot bc ood
22h6?9xh623 W h5(23Bh3c4)
23. . . c4+, 22 x7 c7! ? (22...c4
23 9xb5 c7=).
22 ... .e6?!
22... d4l 23 cxd4 BB 24 c3
9b7 25 d5 c4T wes thc rht thn
23 oxg7 d5 24 'd2
24W O W h6=(24. . . WxO 25 xO
b 26h6).
24 ... b4! 25 h6
25 ... e4 26 oh5
A) 27W xc3 d4l 2BW xc6W xh6+
29 Bd2 (29 bI ? 9xe2+)
29. . . c3+,
B) 27 bxc3 W c7 2B W 5 f6 29
W f4 9B 30 Gd2 c5T, 26 GfI
26 ... 'i e5 27 lg5
27Wf4f6,27W 5BB.
27 ... f5 28 f4?
2B 9e4 bxc3 29 bxc3 dB! 30
2bI (30 f4 cxO+ 3 I D BcBT)
30. . . O 3 I B72ebB=.
28 ... exf+ 29 Dbxc3 30 bxc3
30 ... 'ie2+?
30 . . . d4l s morc then promisn
wthout eIIown meny compIc
etons3 I BcI W c532Rxc6d3+-+.
31 'xe2 fxe2 32 lel
32 vf4 2f6 33 &b3 2xh6 34
2cI .
32 ... d4 33 lxe2
33 ... .c4 34 lel dxc3
34. . . d3 35 9e4.
35 lg3 od4 36 lxc3 .xa2 37
Kccpn thc bshop s vcq
37 ... a5 38 le7 .g8+
but it onIy brns e 'drew from
39 lcc7 oe6
39. . . e4409c4.
40 la7 oc5
40 . . . e4 4I c4 Rxe7 (4I . . . e3 42
9xc6)42 Rxe7=.
41 b5 lt8
4I . .xe7 42 Bxe7 2bB 43 c2
42 .xa8
42 c6? 2xe7 43 2xe7 2b6 44
2c7 vd3+45c3 lc5T.
42 ... lxa8 43 lf6 le4+ 44 lxe4
fxe4 45 lhe4
L.Dominguez - P.Lek6
1 e4 c5 2 lf lc6 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 lf6 5 lc3 e5 6 ldb5 d6 7
ig5 a6 8 la3 b5 9 ld5 e7 10
xf6 xf6 11 c3 0-0 12 lc2 g5
13 a4 bxa4 14 lxa4 a5 15 b5
le7 16 lcb4
16 ... h3! ! ?
Scc thc orineI eneIyscs on ths
movc ofminc beck in !enueq '99
Thc opponcnt, howcvcr, is not
intcrcstcd n briIIent Incs, hc
prcfcrs simp|icetion.
17 lxe7+ 'i xe7 18 ld5 'i b7 19
ic4 d7 20 la2 h8
Interrupted by Darkness 7 3
20. . . e4! ?2 I W c29c62200GhB
232d| =,
20..B 2I W c2 W c6 22 b3 e4
23 00exb324xb3W525W xb5
&xb5 262feI .
21 0-0 f5 22 exf5 xf5 23 le3?!
Sefcr wes 23 b3 Now BLACK
couId crcetc comp|cetons, which
wouId, ronice|Iy cnouh, cnd
pceccmI|y. Instced, hc mekcs e
23 ... 'i d7?
Andthcemc wes erccddrewet
Howcvcr,corrccts23. . . xc3 ! 24
&d5 &xD+ 252xDW b6 26xeB
bI ! 27 W d4 WbB 2B 2xfB+
W x 29 W e4 9xe2 30 c6= (30
W xe5c41).
24 lxf5 lxf5 25 'ig4t

As you cen scc work is ncvcr n
ven, but whetcvcr you pIent you
nccd (somctmcs e |ot oD petcncc
to coI|cct thc hercst. This timc t
wes2 ycersend feirIypoor. Scc our
74 Interrpted by Darkness
Sveshnikov 9 ld5 ... 15 .b5
Szccd, Budepcst I 999
I e4 c5 2 lf lc6 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 lf6 5 lc3 e5 6 ldb5 d6 7
.g5 a6 8 la3 b5 9 ld5 .e7 10
.xf6 .xf6 II c3 0-0 12 lc2 .g5
13 a4 bxa4 14 lha4 aS 15 .b5! ?
?! NormeI s I 5 9c4 wth e
doubIc cdcd poston. It's bccn
pIeycd n countIcss emcs untI
somcbody (I rceIIy don't know
who) cemc up wth ths Ioncr
bshopmovc. Ase suqrscenythn
mey work, but todey thcrc erc
15 ... le7 16 lcb4
Ths postion wes on our boerd
somctmcnthceutumnof'9B wth
Lk. AI| ofe suddcn I rebbcdthc
9cBendeskcdforeIeuh. endwhy
not ths? And put t on h3 ! At rst
shttmeyIook |kcejokc.Itsn't!
thc pewn secrcc BLACK's etteck
s morc then dencrous. Anywey,
throuhout my whoIc cerccr, I
confcss I wcnt for such movcs,
16 ... .h3! !
! ?Adoqn
17 lxe7+
I7 xh3 s thc rst end netureI
tcstofthc dce.WcthouhtBLACK
wes OK. Wrtn ths book I wes
chcckn, of coursc oncc een.
StI|, t s possb|cthet somc of thc
rcedcrs cen nd mprovcmcnts or
cvcn e rcfuteton. Thc thn s, n
|on end compIcetcd veretons t s
cesyto owron. ButI don't |kc to
usc thc uncIcer sn a unIcss thc
cve|ueton s not rce|Iy cruce|. No
mettcr how dcccntIy you work,
thcrc w|I eIweysbc mstekcs n thc
eneIyscs. (On|y God s pcrfcct) Thc
qucston s thc evcrec queIty end
thet l do my bcst. For e smp|c
rceson. I ncvcr wrotc e book on e
subjcctIwesn'tdccpIyntcrcstcd n.
I7. . . exb4 I B vxb4 ( I B 2xb4
vxd5 I9 cxd59f4! )
A) I B . . . 2xe4 I9 Wxe4 (I 9 9xe4
W eB) I 9 . . . W cB 20 RI (20 9d7
Wc4 2 I vd5 Wd3} 20. . . f4
(20. . . h4 2I B4 v6 22 vd5
W c5 23 2xh4! +) 2I 9d7 Wb7 22
9c6 W cB (22...\

6 23 Wb5 We7
24 Gc2 2bB 25W c4 9xh2 262dI
2cB 27 b3 W6 2B BeI 9I 29
ZxI vxc6 30 W e6 W xe6+ 3 I
vxe6 vc732Gd3d5-),
B) IB. . . f5 I92I 9h4!
Bl) 209c4+GhB 2I cxf5 vxf5
22 2xeB W xeB 23 vd5 We7
(23. . . vc3 24 vxc3 9xD+ 25 d2
W c4 26 Z3 9xc3+ 27 2xc3
Wxc4+} 24 22 vc3 25 vxc3
Wxc3+ 26 W c2 WcI+ 27 WdI
W xb2+,
B2} 20 22 2xe4 2I 9xe4 fxc4
22W 4 v6 23 Wxc4 vf4 24 24
W f61,
BJ} 20 cxf5 9xD+! 2I GxD
Wb6+ 22 G2 Wxb5 23 2xeB
W b7+24W O W xeB 25W xeB 2xeB
26 GO vxf5 27 vd5 Gt2B Gc4
17 ... -xe7 18 9c6
I B vd5W7
A) I9 xh3Wxb5202I 9h6,
B) I 9 c4 9c6 20 00 9dB!
(20. . . f! ?) 2I Wd3 (2I Wd2 9xd5
22 cxd5 2bB) 2 I . ..9xd5 (2I . . .2bB
222dI ) 22cxd52bBT,
C) I9Wd39c62000
C1) 20. . . 9xd5 2 I Wxd5 (2 I cxd5
2ebB 22 c4 9dBT) 2 I . . .W xd5 22
C2) 20. . . f5 2I 9c4
C2a) 2 I . . .GhB 22 b3 bc4 (22. . .
6! ?),
C2b) 2 I . . . bc4 22Wxc4 GhB 23
1 8 . 9xg2
You know, I B . . . exb4! ? wes my
orneI ntcntonendl fcItvcq sed
thet t ddn't sccm to work.
( l B . . . RecB?! s IIoceIendecr l 9
vd5 WdB 20 xh3 Rxc6 2I RI
Whtc hes thc uppcr hend) But thcn
thc eItcmetvc wes OK, end l
ecccptcd thc ' njustcc of fetc' .
(!ustcc to Huneq! OrcIscwc . . . ! )
And scc whet heppcncd. Ycers Ietcr
(l thnk) I medc t work! AII by
myscIf, cxccpt my wfc dd thc
typn. . . TekcyourjunIc knfcend
foIIow mc! I9 BxeB ( I 9 9xeB
Interrupted by Darkness 75
9x2 202I 9h3 2I W h5 9h4)
I 9 . . . RxeB 20 9xeB 9x2 2I 2I
9h3 22 cxb4 (22 W h5 9h4)
22. . . 9h4! (22. . . d5 23 3) 23 We4
A) 24 b5 W f6 25 23 9x3 26
hx3 W O 27 W d I W2 2B W c2
9c6 29 b6 W hI +30 W fI WO 3 I
Wc2! W b3 3 2 b7 + 33 GfI
9c4 34 bB=W + W xbB 35 W xc4
WxeB36b W e4T,
B) 24 Gc2 W f6 25 W e7 W f4 26
9d57 272eI (27 OWxh2+2B
Gd3 Gh6 29 2dI 95 30 9xO
Wf43 I 9BW xO+32Gc2Wxc4+
33 2d3 9h4 34 Wxh7+ G5 35
W c7+ Gh5=) 27. . . 94+ 2B d3
WO+29W c3Wf6=30O 95,
q 249d5f6
C1) 25 23 9x3 26 hx3 W O
27 Wb3W hI +2B Gd2G7 29W dI
h2 30 O f5 3 I c3 92 32
We7+ Gf633 6G534 b5 G4
35 W xd6 (35 W c3 WhI 36 9c4
f4!=)35. . . 9xc4 36Gc2! =,
C2) 25 W c2 W f4 26 23 9x3
27hx3WO 2BW c2'iI +29Gd2
WeI= Cen you scc? Lct us do e
hcedcount end prey for thc mssn
oncs who obvousIy ot Iost n thc
19 lg1
I 9 vd5W dB
A) 20 9xeB? 9xhI 2I 9c6 (2I
W4f5)2I . . .WcBT,
B) 202I 2cB 2I 2x2(2I 9b7
BbB)2I . . .2xc6T.
19 ... lac8 20 lxa5
20 vd5 WdB 2I Bx2 Rxc6 22
W 49h623W f5GhB.
20 .. 9hJ 21 W h5
2I vd5W dB 22 Be69h4.
76 Interrupted by Darkness
2l...i.h4 22 ldS 'd8 23 'h6
g6 24 la6 .e6
25 b4
Meybc25&c2! ?is bcttcrthenthc
embitious pewnmerch. 25...2bB 26
b4 W cB (26. . . 1xd5 27 3xd5 W f6
2BB2)27b5 3xd5 2Bcxd5 &dB
(2B. . . 1f6l ? 29 Wc3 37 30 2eI
c4)29W c3'f
A) 30d2h6l ,
B) 30b61xb6 3I 2xb6W c2+32
O (32 fI Rxb6 33 W xb6
W dI+=) 32. . . W f5+,
C) 30 fI h6= 3 I W xh6 W d3+
25 ... i.xd5 26 exdS
26 3xd5 W f6 27 22 2xc3
(27. . . W O? 2B 2x6+l=) 2B Be7
26 ... 'if6 27 'i e3 'ifS! 28 'f
2BZe I h6.
28 ... h6! 29 b5
29G2 3530W c23f4.
29 ... i.g5 30 'ig3
30 2x5 W x5 (30. . . hx5 3 I b6
2xc6 32 dxc6 W bI + 33 2 W b5)
3 I W x5 hx5 32 b6 2bB 33 b7
30 ... i.f4 31 'f e4 32 'i g4 'i es
endBLACKhesthc initietivc.
L. van Wely - P.Uko
Gronincn I 995
I don't kow ebout you, but
somchow l hevc forottcn to detc
my |cs, eneIyscs, novcItics. With
two cxccptions for surc. Onc of
thcm is bcIow. l wes chcckin out
this verietion in thcEncyclopedia of
Chess Openings. ln this |inc l hed
eIweys prcviousIy pIeycd 7. . . 94.
Weit e minutc! Rethcr, l do not
rcmcmbcr e sinIc cesc whcn l
ectue|Iy pIeycd it, but eneIyscd it
from timc to timc for dccedcs. And
for curiosity l Iookcd et 7 . . . . c5 es
wcI| which wes/is considcrcd
infcrior end l wes emuscd to rcelisc
how cesy it is to improvc upon it
cvcn bIindfoId. l suspcctcd thet
thcrc miht bc somc othcr wey to
ein ectivc countcqIey. And thcn l
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 g6 3 lc3 d5 4 tf
.g7 5 .f4 0-0 6 .:el dxc4 7 e4
b5! ! ?NAdoqn2I .7. I 995
8 lxb5
B c5?vd5T.
8 ... lxe4! 9 i.xc4
On9 vxc7?thckcy idceis9. . . c5l
I 0vxeBcxf4 I I 9xc49b7Twhcn
92xc4c6 I0 vc3( I 0vc7c5 I I
3xc5 3xc5 I 2 vxeB 9d6T)
I O . . . vd6T, 99xc7! ?Wd7 I 09xc4
e6 I I ve3 ( I I vc3? vxDlT)
| | . . . vc6
A) I 2 vc5? W xc7 I 3 vxc6
vxC! ! T,
B) I2 00! 9b7 ( I 2 . . . W xc7? I 3
9d5) I 3 9c5 (cI 3 9b6! )
I 3. . . 9h6!,
C)I 29c5?!9h6 I3Zc29b7 I4
00ZedB I5 9c2 v5 ( I 5 ...vxc5! ?
I 6dxc5W f5)
C1) I 6 vx5 9x5 I 7 94 c6
I B vc4 vb4 I 9 Bc2 vxe2 20 f4
(20 W3 vcI ) 20. . . 9c7 2I Wb3
vb4 22 f5 cxf5 23 9xf5 Wb5 24
C2) I 6 vc4 vb4! I 7Bc3 vxe2
IB Be3 vcI ! .
9 .. . c6
9. . . vd6? I 0 vxc7! W xc7 I I
9xO+ BxO I 2 2xc7 2xf4 I 3
10 vc3
I 0vc7? beckrcs een. I 0 . . . c5
I I vxeB (I I 9xc5 9xc5 I 2vxeB
9f4 I3 2c2 9b7 I 4 00 9xeBT)
I I . . .cxf4T.
10 ... vd6!
Anothcr mportent pont of
BLACK's p|en. lt shows thet
BLACK p|eys for wn, othcrsc
stertn to cxchenc wes qutc
l O . . . vxc3 ! ? I I 2xc3 ( I I bxc3
vd7 I2 00 vb6 I 3 9d3 vd5 I4
9c59h6 I 5 2c2We5 I6WcI 9e6
I7 9xe6 Wxe6) I I . . .c5 I 2 9c5
cxd4 I 3 Wxd4 Wxd4 I4 9xd4
1 1 9e2
I l 9d3 vf5 ( I I . . .94 I 2
00! ?=) I 29c5 ( I 29xf5 9xf5 I 3
00 vd7) I 2 . . . 9h6 ( I 2 . . . vxd4!)
I32c29c6I 400vd7.
Interrupted by Darkness 77
l l ... vf5 12 .e5?!
I 200! ?.
12 ... .h6!
Ths lnc movc s eIso
cherectcrstc end rctums n emcs
13 lc2
I3 BbI vd7 I4b4e5 I 5e3 vxc5
I6dxc5exb4 I7exb4e3T.
13 ... vd7 14 0-0
I 44 vd6 I 55 17 I 69x7
K7 I 7 e4We5T, I4b4e5T.
14 ... Wa5 59c4
I 5 Wd3! ? 9b7 I 6 Wc4 ( I 6 4
vd6 I 7 5 97 I B 9x7 x7T)
I 6 . . . Wb6.
15 ... 9a6
Myorne|dcewes I5...9b7! ?,
end e|thouh thc |tt|c uy wonthc
emc wth my novcIty, I wes
somchow stI| enry thet hc
dcvetcd fromthc orneI ntcnton.
Espcce|Iy es t sccms Whtc cen
ho|d.Scc I6b4.
A) I 6 Wc2 c5 I 7 dxc5 ( I 7 d5
vxc5 I B Wxc5 97 I9 Wc2 vd4
20 vxd4 cxd4T) I 7 . . . vxc5 I B
Wxc5 9xO I 9 xO 97 20 Wd5
B) I62c2c5
B1) I 7 d5 vb6 ( I 7 . . . vxc5 I B
vxc5 97) I B W3 W4 I 9 2c4
78 Interrupted by Darkness
c5l ?( I 9 . . . RecB, I 9 . . . 2fdB) 20 dxc5
vxc42I Bxc4Wxb3 22exb3 9xE
23 cxO+ RxO 24 gxO 2dB 25
82) I 7vd5vb5l ,
B3) I 7dxc5 9xO I BgxO vxc5
C) I5vc4lBedB.
16 'i e2?!
I5 b4l ?W5 I7 ve4W7l Ths
s thc mprovcmcnt on thc 'post
moncm' thet mekcs t stI| possbIc
for BLACK to ght for thc fuI I
pont. (I7. . . Wxb4 IB9xe5xe4 I9
9b7 vxc5 20 dxc5 BedB 2I
9xc5l = Pkct) I B Wc2 9xc4 I 9
16 ... ixc4 17 Wxc4 lac8 18 h3?
Ths onIy hcIps BLACK, but thc
stueton wes eIrcedy worsc for
I B b4 W5 I 9 ve4 W5T, I B
vc4 Wd5 I 9vc5 Wxc4 20Bxc4
vb52 l 2c22fdBT.
18 ... c5! 19 le4
Ven WcIy hes Iost hs hced, but
end enywey hc hes hed cnough
I 9 d5?? vxc5 20 vxc5 vd4+,
I 9vd5cxd4209c7vb5T.
19 ... cxd4 20 'xc8
20 ... lxc8?!
An eutometc but wrong rcpIy
whch proIongs thc gemc
unncccsserIy. Pctcr hmscIf found
20. . . vxc5 l 2 I vxc5 (2I Wc5
vxO+ 22 gxO Wxe2+) 2I . ..2xcB
222xcB+g7232c5 W xe2 24g4
21 lxc8+ 9M22 if4
22 9xd4? vxd4 23 vxd4
W d5+.
22 ... 'xa2 23 g4
23 2dB?l W d5 24 2cI f5 25
vd5l ?vc5l +.
23 ... 'd5 24 le1 lg7 25 led2
le6 26 ih6 f6?
25. . . W7l 27 AccI Wxb2 2B BbI
W e3l +.
27 ixf?
Scc thc wondcrm| eneIyscs by thc
' guIty'P.LkbcIowl
27vxd4l l Wxd4(27...vxd4? 2B
2xc7vc529 ccBl ) 2B2xc5O
299c3W xb2302e5W7
A) 3 I 2cc5 vb5l (3 I . . .vbB 32
B) 3I 2ec5 e5 32 R5c7 W5 33
27 ... ldxf+ 28 lc4 O29 la4
aS 30 :eal lf4 31 lxaS
3 I Bxd4?vc2+.
3 I . ..vxh3+32h2.
32 la7
32h2 vd3+.
32 ... lxh3+ 33 fl le6 34 lUa6
4 35 'g2 lhf4+ 36 h2 1xb2
37 ld6< 1b8 38 ldd7 ld5+ 39
gl lc5!-+ 40 lxd5 'i xa7 41
lxd4 le6 42 lc4 1d7 43 g5 1d5
44 gxf6 exf6 45 le4 g5
45. . . W xc445 vd5+.
46 lb4 g6 47 g2 lf4+ 48
g3 ..f5
WcII. . . WcI|donc!
Tolnai - P.Leko
HungerenChemponshp I 992
NccdIcss to sey, e good gemc
foIIows. I don't gvc my gucsts
gerbegc. It docs hevc hs

ntcrcst n somc weys too. Frst. t
wes P.Lk's rst Hungeren
Chemponshp. Hc wes IttIc cvcn
for hs egc. But thet dd not fooI
enybody! Hc wes e|rcedy e strong
pIeycr end njust onc ycerhcmedc
his rst 2 GM noms (wth mc by
his sdc). Whcn hc pIeycd ths gemc
I wes not yct hs trencr, but
cou|dn'trcsstwhspcrngn hs cer.
' You chosc e nc vereton. P|eycrs
who tekc up thc cheIIcngc of
mcctng thc Dregon went to etteck
end not dcfcnd. ' I stI| rceI|y do
thnk thcvereton snotonIy sound
l 'vc p|eycd t meny tmcs wth
BLACK end not wthout succcss -
but teIsoswtchcs thc neturcofthc
ght. FneIIy, whcn wc gottogcthcr
I suggcstcd thet wc eneIysc thc
gemc for Chess Informant. And I
addcd to our sgneturcs. I don't
Interrupted by Darkness 79
know who s going to bc morc
proud of ths rst pccc of jont
pubIshcd eneIyss n e fcw ycers
tmc. IwesNOTjokng!
1 e4 c5 2 lf lc6 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 g6 5 lc3 .g7 6 .e3 lf6 7
.c4 0-0 8 .b3 d6 9 f .d7 10
1d2 lxd4! 11 .xd4 b5
So, my bcIovcd Rcedcrsl Ths s
t. lf ths poston erscs Whtc
pIeycrs usueIIy gvc up on
quccnsdc cestIng end gct
postoneI. l pcrsone|Iyconsdcrthc
chenccs cvcn whIc eIIowng both
sdcs thc |bcrty of b|owng t.
Whocvcr tekcs thc troubIc of
Iookng etthc stetstcs, don'tforgct
to chcck whch sdc thc fer hghcr
retcdp|eycrson . . .
12 h4
I 200e5
A) I3 e3 BbB I4 BedI e4 I 5 3e2
b4 I 5exb4 Rxb4 I 7 vc2( I 7 vd5?
vxd5 I B 3xg7 &xg7 I9 cxd5
Wb5+) I7... WbB I B 2bI 2cBT I 9
2fcI 2xd4! 20 vxd4 (20 Wxd4
vg4) 20. . . Wb5 2 I GhI vxc4 22
fxc4 3xd4 23 2H 3cB 24 c3
B) I3e4b4
B1) I 4 vd5 vxd5
80 Interrpted by Darkness
B1a) I 5 cxd5 2cB ( I 5 . . . c5 I 5
dxc5 9xc5 I 72edI 9xb3 I Bcxb3
9xd4+ I 9W xd4=) I 5BfcI 2cB=,
B1b) I 5 xd5 9xd4+ I 5Wxd4
82) I4 vb5l ? 9c5 ( I 4 . . . 2bBl ?)
I 5c3bxc3 I5 Wxc3W d7 I 7vxd5l
Wxd5 ( I 7 . . . vxc4 I B bc4 xd4+
I9 Wxd4 Wxd5=) I B c5 vd5 I 9
cxd5vxc320bxc3 cxd5=.
12 ... aS 13 hS?
But ths s of coursc e toteI
msundcrstendng, to put t mIdIy.
(I em not tmd by neturc, but
ToInesebouttwcc myszc)
I 3e4bxe4 I4vxe4c5
A) I 5 9b5 s thc trcky Inc
whch, es somenytmcs, cnds up e
I 5 . . . WbB
Al) I 59c3 9c5 I 7vb5( I 72e3
W c7) I 7 . . . 2e5 I B vd5 9xd5 I 9
A2) I5 9xe5 l ? 2e5 ( I 5 . . . d5 I 7
vc5) I 79c4 9h5l
A2a) IB Wc3? 2cB I9 h5 ( I 9b3
2xc4l ) I9. . B 20 b vxc4 2 I
W b3 2xe5l 22 bxe5 Wxe5+ 23 c3
2xc4 (23. . . 9xe424Bxe4 9d2+ 25
fI vg3+ 25 gI Wc5+ 27 Gh2
9f4T) 24 W xc4 9d2+ 25 dI d5
25 W3 9xe4 27 2xe4 vxc3+ 2B
Gxd2 vxe4+ 29 c2 vc3+
(29.. . vb5T) 30 d3 c4+ 3 I bc4
dxc4+32 Gd4vb5+ 33 xc4Wd2
34 hxg5 Wxg2+ 35 Gf4 (35 WO??
vc3+ 35 Gc3 vd5+ 37 c4 f5+)
35. . . hxg5T,
A2b) I B Wxh52xe5 I 9b3 2xe4l
20 2xe4 9xe4 2 I h5l vxh5 22
B) I5 9c3 s supposcd to bc et
Icest onc of thc kcy postons.
Consdcrng thc egc of the
variation (n my gemcs t rst
eppcercd 32 ycers ego end et thet
tmc t hed of coursc e hstoq) t
st|I has not been refuted, nothng
|kc thet, but t hes much less
soceIIcd theory to study. I do
rccommcnd tto you, dcer Rcedcrs.
And f wc'rc hcrc. I 'vc Iost qutc
somc gemcs bcceusc of e wrong
dce too. Mnc or somcbody cIsc's.
But I hevc NEVER rccommcndcd
to enybody, vcrbe||y or n wrtng,
thc ncxt dey egenst enybodyl So
muchfordcccncy. I 5 . . . 9c5 I5vb5
( I 5000 9xb3 I7 cxb3 WcB+ I B
GbI W c5T) I 5 . . . 2bB
81) I 7vc4
B1a) I 7 . . . d5 I B vxe5 d4 I 99g5
(I9 9Dl?) I9...&xb3 20 vxb3
W b5 BcIevskyMIcs, !unor
Wor|d Chemponshp, Tccssdc
I 973(20. . . d3! ?),
B1b) I 7 . . . 9xc4! I B 9xc4 2xb2
I 99b3 d5! 20cxd5 (20Wc3 2xb3
2I W xb3 dxc4T 22 9b5 W d5 23
2xe5 cxO 24 gxO c4T)20. . . c4l 2I
9d4 Rxb3 22cxb3 cxOT 23gxO
(23 00 vc4 24 W c3 9xd4 25
Wxd4 vg3 lT) 23. . . W xd5 24 00
vc4l +,
B2) I 7 xc5 bc5 I BWxe5d5 I 9
c52t7( I 9 . . . dxc4l ?)20b4dxc41,
B3) I7W xe5xb3 I B cxb3d5l
B3a) I9cxd5 c420bc42cBl 2 I
vc4 Bxc4 22 WxdB+ BxdB 23
000 vxd5 24 2hcI f5
(24. . . Bxh4? 25 g5 h5 25 xh5
2xh5272c5 2h5 2B2xh5 gxh5 29
vb5+) 25 g5 (25 g3 vxc3 25
BxdB+ xdB 27 2xc3 2xc3 2B
vxc3 f5=) 25. . . xg5+ 25 hxg5
ZxcI 272xcI vf4l ,
B3b) I 9 vxd5 Icedsto epceccmI
cnd. lt's undcrstendebIc thet Whtc
dd not fccI Ikc chcckng out whet
wou|d heppcn f et thc pncc of e
pewn BLACK trcd out hs tectceI
skI|s. I9. . . vxd5 20W xd5 (20cxd5
Bxb3 2 I c5 Wxe5+ 22 2xe5 2cB
23 d5 24 00 2xb2 25 2dI
BdB=) 20. . . Wxd5 2I cxd5 Bxb3 22
c5 BcB 23 e3 (23 c7 )
23. . . c4
B3b1) 24 00 xb2 25 xb2
2xb225bc4(252D)25 . . . 2cc2 27
h2 Bxg2+ 2Bh3 Bgc2 292ecI
2xcI 302xcI Bd23 I Gg4f5+=,
B3b2) 24 00 Drew. Lbcrzon
Adorjn,MoscowBudepcst I 97 I .
13 ... e5!
I 3 . . . e4? I4 xf5l xf5 I 5
14 e3 a4 15 d5 b4! 16 ve2
I 5 hxg5 bxc3 ( I 5 . . . hxg5) I 7
xO+ 2xO I B gxO+ GxO I 9
Wxc3 2cB ( I 9 . . . d5l ?) 20 Wd2
16 ... lxd5 17 'ixd5
I 7 cxd5 Wc7 I B hxg5 bg5 I 9
h5 xh520Wxh5 2fcB 2I Wd2
17 ... e6 18 'i d2
Interrupted by Darkness 81
18 ... d5!N
ThcnovcIty s Lk's, end ferIy
IogceI eIthough thc oIdcr I B . . . .
WbB wesn'tbed cthcr. c.g. I9h5
xh5 20 Wxh5 2e7 2 I f4 cxf4 22
Cxf4 2cBT, I B ...b3 I9 cxb3 exb3
19 hxg6
I9 c5 dxc4l 20 x Wx 2I
19 ... fxg6! ?
I 9 . . . hxg5
A) 20h5?dxc42 I Wc3 cxO 22
xg7 Gxg7 23 Wh5+ (23 Wxc5+
f5) 23. . . Gf5 24 Wh4+ (24 vg3
Wd4+) 24. . . g5 25 Wh5+ Gc7 25
B) 20 W xb4 2bB (20. . . e3l?) 2I
We3 We5+ 22 b4 We5
(22. . . WeB),
C) 20cxd5Wxd5 2I Wxb4c4 22
bc4 (22 vc3 Wc4) 22...Wc5 23
d4l Wxc4 24 xg7 Wxb4+ 25
c3 Wxc3+ 25 vxc3 e3 27
000 exb2+ 2B Gxb2 2tbB+ 29
GeI 2cB 30 2d3 xe2l 3 I Gb2
20 c5
20Wxb4 2bB 2I We3 We5+l 22
b4 WeB 23 c5 dxc4 24 x
20 ... 2O 21 xb4 ld7 22 exd5
lxd5 23 'e3 f5 24 0-0?
82 Interrupted by Darkness
A bg mstekc. o 24 AcI &xc2
25vc3Zd426Axc2 (26&c5 9f5)
26...2xb427vc4AebB2BWcI =.
24 ... .b8! 25 a3
259c3 9+,25c3 2d3 26WO
(26 WcI 2d2 27 vg3 2c2T)
26. . . Ad2T.
25 ... .xc2 26 WD .c8 27 .fe1
e4! 28 .c3 ixc3 29 lxc3 .d2 30
le2 :xe2 31 txe2
3 I Wxc2?Wb6+.
In hs opponcnt's tmc scremb|c
BLACK misscs e c|cer wn. To
echcvc thc semc rcsuIt hc nccdcd
ToIne'sfrcndIy hcIp. 3 | . . . W d2l 32
bc4 (32 vc3 c3 , 32 Wd4 c3)
32. . . A 33 W cI W c3+ 34 Gh | (34
h2 2O 35 vg3 WO 36 W gI
Wf4T) 34 . . . Al2 35 vc3 Wg3 36
WgI 2f4 37 W d4 Zh4+ 3B gI
Wh2+ 39 O 2f4+ 40 c3 Wg3+
4I d2W xg2+42 vc2Axc4+.
32 td4 .e4 33 le1 .dS 34
lxf 1f6 35 td4?
35 ... W 36 tf 1f5 37 ld4
1g4 38 tlf??(
unIkc 3B2c2?9xg2.
38 ... :r 39 :e3 .xf 40 lhf
lxf 41 'xf 'xf 42 gxf GO
P.Leko - A.Adorjan
Chemponship,Budepcst I 992
Thswesmy Iestgemcwth ' Pct'
Lk(sti|| e chi|d etthettimc fwc
go strctIy by thc egc), not thc rst.
In I 99I , hc signcd up for e GM
toumemcnt inKccskcmt, whcrchc
medc en cxccI|cnt dcbut wth 'p|us
onc' In our gemc
. .
et thet
toumemcnt, hs posttton wes
' chccsy' et scvcre| ponts, but I
b|cw t on cech end cvcq occeson.
FineIIy, thc IttIc guy condcnt|y
sevcd e - sti|I infcror - cndgemc.
Thc foIIowng 'bettIc' wes fought
undcr pccuIer circumstenccs.
Ncithcr of us wes rce|Iy
'b|oodthrsty', es Pctcr hed hed e
good toumemcnt, too. Hc bcet, for
cxempIc, GMs Grszptcr end
To|nei (thc |ettcr gemc s nc|udcd
n ths vo|umc). As formysc|f, eI| I
nccdcd to gct out ofthis Iestround
gemcwes heIfeponttobccomcthc
Chempion of '92, end queI for
thc '93 ZoneI.
1 e4 c5 2 lf d6 3 .c4
Pctc's pct |inc et thet tmc -
evoding thc mein |incs. On thc
othcrhend, t'stoteI|yhermIcss.
3 ... lf6 4 1e2 tc6 5 h3 e6 6
.b3 .e7 7 c3 b6 8 0-0 0-0 9 d4
10 obd2?!
A hcertbrcek, of coursc - thc
knight bcIongs to c3, but thcrcwes
no wey to gct tthcrc.Butehcrths
' sccond bcst' jump thc ntetvc
| 0 c5 vd7 I I 9f4cxd4l I 2cxd6
(l2 cxd4 dxc5 I 3 dxc5 vc5T)
l2. . . 9f6, I0dxc5?lbxc5T,
cI 0BdI cxd4 I I cxd4d5 I2 c5
vc4 I3 vbd2vb4l I4 e3 9e6 I 5
W c3 vxd2 I 69xd2 vc6 I 7 2ec I
ZcB I B9e4ve5 I 9BxcBW xcB 20
9xe5 bxe52 I 2c I Wb7=.
Interrupted by Darkness 83
10 ... cxd4!
1 1 cxd4 lc8 12 a3 lc7! 13 .el
'i a8!+ 14 .a2 lfc8 15 e5
I 5 b4 vbBlT.
15 ... dxe5 16 dxe5 od7 17 ib3
9NT A-
And en ocr of drew gIedIy
ecccptcd by Whtc, who s
obvous|y worsc . . . ' If I couId onIy
gctmyknghttoc3l ' - sedthcIttIc
boy(notvcq. . . )sedIy.
I 7 . . . e5l ?T, I 7 . . . vc5l T .
An Away Game?
I have already said elsewhere that
a lot of people mistake the right to
star for the initiative. That's why
they think that White is to play
and... BLACK has to bear the
burden of patient and hard defence
till the end of time, or at least for a
ver long time. Thank God, I do not
have to delve into long discussions
on why this is a fallacy: the facts
speak for themselves. Contemporary
tourament practice shows countless
times that strong, well-prepared
players, ready for active counterlay
and shar varations, win a huge
number of games with the BLACK
pieces. Let me mention just two
names: Kasparov and Xie Jun. The
men's world champion won his frst
fve(!) BLACK games in Linares
'99. It is true that Garry is a natural
genius, but his victims were not
really outsiders, either!
The Chinese women's world
champion amazed the chess world
in her match with Ioseliani: she
scored 5IJ/6 as BLACK! Naturally,
it didn't go without a certain amount
of excitement: 'my seconds could
not bear watching my games:
sooner or later they all fed from the
tourament hall' - she said in an
These are exceptional 'stunts' of
exceptional players, you may say.
Most people cannot do it of course,
but can we consider it noral that
eight(!!) of the nine decisive games
of the Kasparov-Karpov World
Championship match in 1986 were
won by White?
Quoting statistics is an obvious
answer. However, they are at least
as deceptive as the result of a game
can be. It may even prevent us from
playing it over, although if we do,
we might fnd that the losing party
was better all the way through, and
lost only because of a blunder on
move 40. Lajos Porisch, for
example, lost on time twice in just a
year and a half BY MISTAKE: he
thought in two winning positions
that move 39 was move 40! He had
plenty of time lef, he could easily
have made fve more moves!
Accidents like this, however, appear
in statistics as '0', ofen spoiling the
reputation of a cerain line. It also
happens quite ofen that under
estimated variations are revived. In
my frst BLACK IS OK! book,
published in 1988, a whole chapter
was allotted to a novelty of mine
that Kasparov was ready to play in
the frst game of the we match in
1984. We are talking about the
'rebuf of the Keres-attack. Karov
deviated, but I had to face the Keres
(considered extremely dangerous by
Gar earlier) in ALL my BLACK
games in Dormund. I was lucky
enough to win 2 games in 3 days
with the idea, recognised by the jury
of Chess Informant to be the most
imporant theoretical novelty of that
edition. (See the revised, updated
analyses in the 'Garry the Greatest'
chapter of BLACK IS STILL OK!.
And now comcs thc pontl
Stetstice||y,whetdocs itmettcrthet
BLACK wins two gemcs n e
verieton? Whtc won tcn timcs es
meny gemcs, or cvcn morc, for
Cod's sekcl But thc |est word
bc|ongs to BLACKl I hevcn't sccn
any scrous p|eycr choosc enythng
c|sc then 9 gxh5 (wth mxcd
A wey gemcs erc usue||y
disedventegcous for footbe|| tcems.
Somc pcop|c comperc hevng thc
Whitc or thc BLACK picccs to
p|eying homc end ewey gemcs.
Now ths is comp|ctc|y fe|scl Lct's
scc why. f, sey, e footbe|| tcem
p|eys en ewey gemc, thcy hevc to
| revc| rst of e||, end it cen bc
| i ring. On top of thet, God knows
how thcy cen s|ccp et e ncw p|ecc.
Lct'ssupposc thcy s|ccp tght, end
|hcy cen cvcnhevc e shorttreinng
scssion on thc pitch. Evcn so, wc
shou|dn't forgct thet thc homc sidc
hes p|eycd cvcq sccond gemc of
thcrs n ths stedium for ycers on
bydey, know cvcqb|edc ofgress,
cvcq |tt|c comcr ofthc c|d. A|so,
thcyhevcgotuscd tothcszc ofthc
pitch. As wc know, footbe|| pitchcs
arcnote||thcsemc sizc. thcir|cngth
and wdth vercs wthn e ccrten
rengc. Thcn wc hevc thc fens. A
goodtcemhese strong kop, both n
numbcrs end in vo|umc. Thc ewey
sidc s e|so supportcd by ts ' herd
corc' of coursc, but t's not e rce|
crowd. Thcyerccesi|youtvoccdby
An Away Game? 85
thc homc fens. Thc gemc is e|so
n0ucnccdby e|otofothcreppercnt
'tr0cs' | ikc thc drccton of thc
wnd or thc poston ofthc sun. A||
n e||, thc edventegc of thc homc
Howcenyou comperc thsto two
pcop|c sitting n thc semc room, et
thc semc teb|c, p|eying wth thc
menipu|etvc thet thc Whitc pcccs
erc e|weys undcmceth on thc dcmo
docsn't dsturb en outsdcr, but t
docs nucncc thc pertics invo|vcd.
Thc fect thet Whtc is CLOSER to
us gcncretcs embive|cnt fcc|ngs,
crceting thc mprcsson thet wc
bc|ong thcrc, e|though wc mey
ectue||y hevc BLACK. And t's not
just my perenoel Pcop|c from
diffcrcnt countrcs hevc mcntoncd
ths indcpcndcnt|y from cech othcr.
My |etcr books hevc degrems
tumcd 'upsidc down' I did not
mcen to bc rcbc| |ous, t's just thet
wc simp|ymust|ooket thcopcnings
end dcfcnccs rccommcndcd for
BLACK from thc sccond p|eycr's
pointofvcwl WhcnLejosPortsch,
who shercd hs opnion end
cxpcrcnccsofBLACK IS OKl n e
prcfecc, hc|doncofmybooks n hs
hends for thc rst tmc, hc seid.
'Ycs, ofcourscl IfI hevc BLACK
ths ehcmoon, t wou|d bc
comp|ctc|y foo|sh to prcperc from
Whitc'ssidcl '
Some Novelties
A novelt "of full age" ...
Everything comes to him who
waits, the proverb goes. It's not
always true, though. Frank
Marshall, for example, kept his
gambit (which is still in fashion,
although the key move is c6 instead
of his original idea lf6) secret. He
was hoping for three things: I. His
frst 'guest' would be Capablanca
himself, 2. Taken by surrise, he
would not react in the best way, 3.
He would beat the Cuban. His
dream came tre with a two-thirds
majority, but alas! it was exactly the
third point that didn't: he lost the
game. You see, a two-thirds
majority guarantees success only in
As regards myself, I have never
been a 'tacitur', and I never
'stored' my ideas for a long time.
One reason for this was that the
others are not idiots, either. There
are a lot of excellent minds working
on chess theor, any of them can
'set the Thames on fre' and get the
laurels. Second, I have never feared
that I would run out of steam. Even
now, afer being away from the
chess scene for 3 years due to
'literary pursuits', I still have
original ideas which are ft for life
even at the heights of Linares. Plus
the novelties, a few of which could
also be called discoveries, which
have not been refted over the
decades because I didn't have a
chance to play them. I will publish
those by all means.
In the following game, I managed
to throw in a novelty that virtually
decided the game in my favour. It
resulted in some involuntar
'slackening' that caused my later
problems and the devilish time
scramble. I had lost a game
foolishly to Timman 18(!!) years
before that (Skopje, 1976), and I
found the improvement 17 ... 'd7
right there, with the idea of 18
lf5 lc4! obtaining a decisive
This case is completely diferent
from the Marshall stor mentioned
above. First, I was ready to play my
move in any serious game, but I had
no chance. One of the reasons was
that I played Nimzo/Queen's Indian
as well for a long time. On the
other hand, Dreev had hardly ever
played the centre building variation
before that. He may - or must -
have been inspired by my two
previous BLACK Grinfeld games
where I played 8 ... c5. Against
Nenashev I was lucky to save my
skin afer a silly 'ingerfehler', but
Vyzhmanavin received more expert
'treatment'. They both chose the
line 9 0-0 lc6 10 e3 'j c7 11 lc 1
ld8 12 f4 'id7 13 d5, where I
successfully justifed a 'renewal'
(13 ... le5 instead of la5) that had
brought me victor against Lukacs
in an earlier game. I am saying
renewal instead of novelty because
the Encyclopedia revealed that it
was actually 'epigonistic' 'My
move' actually had a bad reputation
because as I found out N.Stajcic had
eIrcedy p|eycd it egeinst somc
SovictRussien metedor,endIostthc
gemc. No wondcr. For thosc who
erc not chcss robots end don' t
intcnd to tum thcirpupi|s into chcss
robots, |ct mc rcpcet. whet wc ce||
'Thcoq' is e rcsu|tdcpcndcnt
effeir. With rcvcrscd co|ours, thc
Stejcic gemc wou|d probeb|y hevc
hed ediffcrcnt outcomc, cemingthc
I dccidcd to p|ey b5 et thc boerd
whcn wc got to movc B. Thc idce
wes eneIyscd ' to e puIp' (to usc e
phresc coincd by Bc|e Pepp, thc
grcet treincr of my tccnegc ycers)
by thc 'Grcet Trio' RibIiSex
Adorjan in thc cer|y 70s. StiII, it is
b|oodyrisky. NcvcrthcIcss ' history'
justcd mc. Thc on|y thing I rcgrct
is thet I didn't gct to know whet
Drccv, stiI| e top grendmestcr, hed
up his sIccvc egeinst B. . . c5. ShouId
somconc scc him, cou|d you p|cesc
esk him. I promiscIwi|Itc|Iyouthc
entidotcinrctum . . .
A.Dreev - A.Adorjan
A|uste, I 994
It wesn' t intcndcd es e
justcetion of my thcsis, but
enywey, I produccd e pcrfcct
"BLACK IS OK` scorc in this
toumemcnt. pIusoncinthcBLACK
gemcsundcfcetcd, endminus2 with
thc Whitc picccs! To echicvc this
rcsuIt, I hedto godown"etmyown
egeinst Morozcvich end
Go|ubcv, but I cesiIy menegcd thet
much. . .
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 g6 3 lc3 d5 4
cxd5 lxd5 5 e4 lxc3 6 bxc3 .g7
7 .c4 0-0 8 le2 b6 9h4
Some Novelties 87
KingsidccestIingIcedsto en cvcn
gemc,whcrces this |incbrings wiId
9... lc6
10 h5?!
It mey bc somcwhet surprisingto
scc e dubious sign ehcr such e
conscqucnt movc. Thcrc erc two
cxp|enetions. Onc of thcm wi|I bc
shown by thc dcvc|opmcnt of thc
gemc. Thc sccond is whet mekcs
our roye| gemc so mystcrious. its
Iogic cen e|most ncvcr bc rcp|eccd
bythcrigidru|csof 2x24!
I0 &d5! d7 l l h5 c5 I2 &b3
&e5( I 2 . . . ve5 I 3W d3)
A) I3 vf4 ve5 ( I 3. . . ZfdB l 4
hxg5 hxg5 l 5vxc5! ! lxc5 I 5Wg4
O l 7 Zh7 ZB I B &h5+) I 4
hxg5 hxg5 I 5 O ZfdB l 5 Wh3
Wc5 l7 Wh7+ l8 l B &e3+ 2d5
l 9&xd5+cxd520d2W xc4
B) l 3vg3!N
B1) l 3 . . . ZfdB I4 &g5 vxd4 I 5
cxd4 ( I 5&xdB c5! I 5 ZcI vxb3
I 7 Wxb3ZxdBT) I 5 . . . &xd4 l5 2cI
5 l 7 &d2 (I7 &d5 c5 I B e4
4+ I 9&d2 2 20Zc2 &xl2+
2 I xO f5+ 22 O xO+ 23
gxO cxd5 24 &g5) I 7 . . . Wd3 l B
hxg5 hxg5 I 9 &b4 c5 20 Wxd3
&xd3 2I 9c3,
B2) l 3 . . . ve5
88 Some Novelties
B2a) I4 hx5 hxg5 I 5 9h5 ( I 5
W g4+) l 5 . . . Wc5 ( I 5. . . 9xh5 I 5
Rxh5c5 I 7 W g4+) I 5W O,
B2b) I4 W g4 W c5 I5 9d2B
I 5hxg5 hxg5 I 7 W h4 9d3 I B2cI
A vxb3 I9 exb3Wb5 209h5+,
C) I 3 hxg5hxg5 I4 vg3! ?ve5
(I 4 . . . c5? I5 vf5!+ gxf5 I 5 Wh5
8B I 7 9e3 2c7 I B 9xO+!
I 9W g5 cxd4 20 RhB+!+) I 5 W g4
c5 I 5W h4 2fdB I 7 W h7+ I B
9h5 3 xh5 I 9 Wxh5+ Gc7 20
dxc5 2 2I c5Wd3 22W h4+ GcB
239e4+b5 24 vc4+.
Thcrc s e confcsson or, sey,
ennounccmcnt Iowcyou, end IwII
mekc t, but I prcfcr to do t et thc
10 ... vs51 1 i. d3 e5!
Ths s thc cherectcrstc
countcretteck (nstced of thc
stenderd . . . c7c5) thet usueIIy
provcs thetthc whtckng sn't eny
sefcr n thc mddIc then BLACK's
12 i.e3 'ie7 13 1d2
I 3 d5?! c5T A I4 c4? vxc4! I 5
3 xc4W b4+ I 5W d2Wxc4 I 7 hxg5
bg5 I B n 3 d7 I 9 AcI Wb5 20
I3 hxg5bg5I42c I (I 4d5c5 I 5
c4 xc4! ) I 4 . . . c5! I 5 f4?! cxf4 I 5
vxf4 ( I 5 3xf4 3c5 A I 7 c4?!
3g4T) I5. . . 3 f5 I 7WO 3xc4! I B
W xc4 W xc4 I 9 3xc4 2ecB 20
3xc5 (20 vxg5hxg52I 2h4vc4
22 Gc2 2f5 23 3 g5 vd5 24 &d3
vxc4 25 2xc4 2xc4 25 3xf5
A) 20. . . 2xc3+?! 2I GD 2c7
(2 I . ..Rxc3 22 3 d5+ GhB 23 Rxc3
2xf4+ 24 Gg3 2 25 2c7+) 22
3 d5+ hB 23 Gg3 2c3+ 24 3O
B) 20. . . vxc5 2I Gd2 2f5! ?
(2 I . . . ve5 22 Gd3 vc4 23 xc4
2xc3 24 vd5 2c2 25 g4=) 22 d3
B1) 23. . . 2e3 24 vd5 2xc3+ 25
Gxc3 (25 vxc3 vb4+) 25. . . vxd4
B2) 23. . . vb4+! 24 cxb4 2e3+25
d2 2exc3T (A|though thc gemc
cndcd n e drew.) TerjenAdor|n,
Hestngs I 9B5/7.
13 ... exd4 14 cxd4
Good orbed, t's e must. Whtc's
onIy echcvcmcnt s thc ccntrc.
Tmc, t's e tergct es wc|I, but fhc
gvcs t up, thc stmggIc bccomcs
I4 3 xd4?!3b7
A) I 5 0002edB I 53xg7Gxg7
I 7 hxg5fxg5 I BWh5+(I BO gB)
I B . . . gB I 9vf4
A1) I9. . . 2O 20 vxg5 W e3+ 2I
bI vc4! (2I . . .2xd3 22 2xd3
3xc4 23 vc5 vc4 24 W

5+ 2g7
25 WdB+ W 25 W d4 xc5 27
Wxc4 vxd3 2B Wxd3 W d5=) 22
vc7+! (22 Wc I 2xd3 23 2xd3
3xc4+)22. . . GhB 23vg5+&gB=,
A2) I9...Rd7! 20 vxg5? (20 O
We3+2I bI W xc3T,20b2 W c5
2 I

3 2f5 22 O 2fd5T) 20. . . W e3+

2I GbI 2xD+,
B) I5 O 2edB I5 hxg5 fxg5 I7
0003cB! T,
C) I 59xg7 xg7 I 5W c3 2ecB
I7 hxg5 bg5 IB O BlT I9 00
Zf5 20 2fdI 2h5 2I d4 2c5 22
ZecI (22 vcI W O 23 vb3?vc5T)
22. . . W g5 23 2c2 2 24 f ?l
9cBl 25 vc I 9c5 25 9c2 vc5 27
W d2W h4 2Bvd3 2g529Wc32g3
J0 W D W h2 3 I vcI vc5 32 2d4
vg4 33 gI W h5 342cd2 Wh4 35
e5 vh2+ 35Gc2 vxO37 vxO
ZfxO 3B dI Bxc3 39 9c2 3g4
0 I DonncrSzeb Amstcrdem
| 975.
14 ... 9b7
Now I4. . . . c5 wes tcmpting, too,
but I eIrcedy stertcd to smcII
somcthinggood. . .
I 4 . . . c5
A) I5 BdI cxd4 I5vxd42dB I 7
9g5 9f5 I B 3xf5 W xf5 I 9 vc2
vc420W f4 W xf42I vxf4vb2 22
hxg5l ? hxg5 23 2d2 vxd3+ 24
2xd3Bxd3 25vxd3 3c525e3=,
B) I5 hxg5bg5 I5 2cI cxd4 I 7
vxd4 (I 7 3xd4 3xd4 I B vxd4
3b7 I 9W c32edB=),
C) I5 9h5 cxd4 I5 3xg7 xg7
I 7hxg5bg5
Cl) I B 2cI ?l 2dBl ( I B . . . 3b7 I 9
W h5+ GgB 20 c5l) I 95+ gB
20 W h4 Wxh4 2 I 2xh4 9c5 22
C2) I B vxd49b7 I9 O BedB.
I 5 hxg5
Some Novelties 89
A) I5. . . 9xc4? I 5 gxh7+ ( I 5
gxO+ 2xO I 7 Wc2 2cB I B kg3
xg2 I 9 9xh7+ T) I 5 ...GhB
I7 9xc4 W xc4 IB 3h5 Wg5 I 9
3xg7+xg720'f 2edB 2 I Wf4
c5 22 2h4 f5 23 2cI vc5 24 dxc5
bxc525W cI +,
B) I5...bg5! I53h5c5 I79xg7
W xg7T, I 5 3h5 3xh5 I5 W xh5
9xc4 I7 3xc4 W xc4 IB hxg5
W xg5T.
1S ... .xg2 16 2gl
I52h2O 3c5 I72cI c5.
16 ... 3O 17 lg3
17 ... 'i d7! N
ObjcctivcIy spceking, ths
improvcmcnt, foIIowcd by thc ncxt
I7 . . . . f5 wesjustesIIyovcrsight.
I 7 . . . f5?, TimmenAdorjn Skopjc
I 975, I B vxf5Bxf5 I 99xf5,
I7...W h4! ? wes givcn i n thc
Encyclopedia es bcttcr (with feIsc
verietons, of coursc). I did go
through it, end found myscIfin thc
middIcofIcngthy Iincs. I wescrezy
indccd to eneIysc it whiIc I hed thc
'wondcrwcepon' eIrcedy. But oncc
just for curiosity. I B vf5 Wxh5 I 9
9h5 (I 9vxg7 &xg7 20 Wc3 c5T)
90 Some Novelties
I 9 . . . 9xh6 20 vxh6+G7 2 I v f5+
&hB 22f4 xf5 23 25 hI+ 24
&d2 xeI 25 Wxf5 WdI+
(25. . . vc4+ 26 9xc4 W xd4+ 27
9d3 WxD+=) 26 &c3 vc4+! 27
&f4 (27 9xc4 f6+) 27. . . W cI+ 2B
&xO W hI+ 29 &c2 W h6 30 2h5
(309xc4f6+) 30. . . W 63 I W h3 f5
32 9xc4 W 4+ (32. . . 2edB 33 9d3
W B34&xf5W xe2+ 35 &fI W eI +
36&c2 W b2+ 37&fI c I +=) 33
W x4 fx4 34 2h4 2f4 35 9d3
c6+ If you think it's b|oody
comp|icetcd, don'tbothcr.
18 l:f5
Ncw. If I B 2c I c5 I9 vf5 ( I 9
dxc5 9xc5 20 9c2 W b7+)
I9. . . cxd4 20 9h6 9xc5 2I 9xl8
18 ... l:c4!+
Thet's it! Aein I sey. whi|c
etteckin,pcop|ctcndto forct thet
19 .xc4
I9W cI v xc5 ! 209c2W5+, I9
Wc2 vxc3 20bc3 &xh5+.
19 ... 'ixf5 20 hxg6 hxg6 21 lgS
2I Wc3 c52225Wc4.
21 ...'h3?!
A |itt|cstupid.
2 I . . .W c4! c5 22 2c| (22 &d3
W h4, 22 Wc3 c5) 22. . . c5 23 9d3
W h4T 24 dxc5 2edB 25 Wc3
22 c3u ihS!
22. . . c5? 23 2x6 (23 dxc5
2edB1)23. . . cxd424 &xd42ecB 25
W d3.
23 lg3
23 . 'ih4?!
Cetendmousc p|ey must bc
somcthin |ikc this. Thc di0crcncc
is thet I em notdcI ibcretc|y mekin
23. . . Wh2! Icd to e Ioice| win.
Thc verietions miht bc e IttIc
|onish, but thcy erc c|cer end
streihtforerd. 249d5 c5!
A) 2522W h| +26&d2 Wh3 27
23 W d7! 2B 9xeB 2xeB 2dB+
(2B. . . 9xc5+),
B) 259xeB2xeB
81) 26 dxc5 2dB 27&fI W hI +
2B 2I h3+ 29 &cI (29 22
9O+) 29. . . Wh230&fI 9xc5+,
82) 26&d22dB 27&c2cxd42B
9xd4Wh4T292d394(29. . . W c4
30 Gb2 &xc5 3 I ZcI W xd4 32
2xd4 9xd4 33 2cB+ 2xcB 34
W xd4T, 29. . . W 4 30 l3 W f5 3 I
Gb2 2xd4 322xd4 W xc5 33 ZedI
Wc5 34 2dB+ &h7 35 2| d4 &xO
36W xO &xd4+37&b| G+30
&b2 9f5 3 I 2d2 ZcB 32Wb3 (32
W g3 W c4+) 32. . . h5 33 c3
9xc3 34bc3 W c4+.
24 d5 c5!
25 g5
25 xeB 2xeB 25 g5 Wc4+ 27
25 ... 'i h2
25. . . W xd4 25 W xd4 cxd4 27
xeB2xeB 2B f4=,
25. . . cxd4! ?
A) 25 W d3 W h2 27 9xeB 2xeB
(27. . . xc5! 2B 9c5 2cB 29 2cI
2xc5l 30 2xc5 W h I ++) 2B W xd4
2cB 29 f4 W h4 30 fI h5
(30. . . W hI + 3 I RgI Wh3+ 32 cI
W E 33 Wc3Wd5 34 GfI xc5 35
2c I E 35 2g3 l xf4 37 WxcB+
Gg7 3B 2xE WxE 39 W c4=) 3 I
c3 W hI + 32 BgI Wh3+ 33 cI
WE 34 fI xc3 35 Wxc3 Wxc3
B) 25 xh4 dxc3 279xeB RxeB
2Bf4 2cBT.
26 1g20
26 ... 1hl+ 27 d2 cxd4 28 lxhl
2BWxd4 Wh3 29xeB 2xeB 30
2g3W c53I f4 2cB.
28 ... dxc3+
29 c2?!E
Some Noveltie.r 9/
It's herd to undcrstend how n
enyonc's cycs ths movc couId bc
bcttcr then tekng thc pewn. (Apert
29Gxc3 2edB! 30xdB RxdB
A) 3 I c4?E+,
B) 3 I 2xh5 2xd5 (3 | . . .gxh5 32
d4=) 32 2hg5 &xc5+ 33 c2
C) 3 I c4 xc5+ 32 Gc2 (32
Gb3? dI + 33 e3 2d2+)
29 ... lad8!
Ths s ecsthctc, end whet s
morc, t s eIso good. Thc rook,
whch wes undcr e bshop's etteck,
gocs to secrlcc tscIf for thc othcr
onc. I ddn't hevc too much tmc
30 .xd8 lbd8 31 e4 ld4 32
A) 33 Bxh5 Rc3 34 2hh2 xc5
(34. . . 2xc5+) 35 2c2 2xc2+ 35
2xc2f5 372c4g5,
B) 33 fxc4 E 34 2hgI xc4+
35 xc3 xc5+ 35 c4 xg2 37
32 ... ld2+?!
lt'se|weys hendytogvc e chcck
(pIustekcepewn). But thc movc to
pIeywes 32. . . . g4! wthvcq ood
chenccs. Thcn 33 2cI0 (33 Gxc3
xc5+) 33. . . 2c4
A) 34 Gd3 c2! ? (34. . . c5! ) 35
2c I (35 Gxc4 dI +, 35 2xg4
2xg4 35 xc2 Bf4 37 E 2f5 3B
c5T)35. . . 2e4T,
B) 34 2xg4 2xg4 35 xc3 2f4
Othcr movcs erc 32. . . 33 8cI
Rd2+ (33. . . 2e4 34Gxc3 Rxe2 35
f4) 34 Gxc3 2xe2 35 f4T,
32...&xc5 l ?332xh52d2+ 34b3
2b2+ 35 Gc4 c2 35 2hI 2b| 37
92 Some Novelties
Bgg| 8xg| 3B 2xg| f4 39 Gb5 l
c | =W 40 Bxc | xc| 4I e5
33 xc3 lxa2 34 f4 la4
35 lh4??E
You hevc sccn thc tmc troub|c
symbo| bcforc. I wish I cou|d
doub|c it hcrc. By this horrb|c
b|undcr Whitc |oscs et thc vcry
momcnt whcn I hc|pcd hm out of
hs troub|cs. I cen scc thc mturc.
onc dey thcy wi|| ntroducc
just |kc in boxing, end thc ectue|
rcsu|t ofthc gemc p|us thc scoring
wi||mekcup thcne|rcsu|t.
35 BfI b5 35 d5l e5 37 Be2
Bxe2 3B 3xe2 g5l 39 Gd4 e4 40
c5 (40 fxg5? b4 4I Be | 3g5 42
b| xb| 43 Bxb| b3 44 c3
xc5+45b4&g7 45xe4b247
b3 g5+) 40. . . + 4I Gxb5l
c2+ 42 xe4 xfI 43 fxg5 g7
35 ... xe5+-+
It sovcrenyhow,butthcrccomcs
neddition e|tt|cherekir.
36 'b3? d1 +C
Forccdl Othc~sc BLACK |oscs.
37 lc2 lxf4 38 lhh2 ld4 39
lhl xc2+ 40 xc2 la4 41
c6?E Ba2+?
Not knowng whcthcr thc timc
troub|c wes ovcr, wc medc two
morc b|undcrs just to bc on thc sefc
sdc. His eg fc||,butitddn'trce||y
mettcr. Four cxtre pewns erc too
muchto ghtegeinstindccd.
And now, thc promscd
CONFESSIONl Frcndsl I hevc
ncvcr b|ucd. I mcen it mey hevc
heppcncd oncc or twcc (un|kc|y),
but I don' t rcmcmbcr. Whet I uscd
INCORCT? I mekc cnough
mstekcs wthout vo|unteq oncs es
wc||. Ths gemc wes no dcrcnt.
Wc (Rb|i, Sex end I) found en
mprovcmcnt on I4 f4 in thc
scvcntcs end I thought cvcrythng
wes undcr contro|. Unti| I rcviscd
ths gemc for thc book end found
I 3/I 4 vg3l l Up to now I cen't
show e dcccnt dcfcncc egenst
Whitc's thrcets. So I'm efreid this
who|c B. . . b5 thng is not p|eyeb|c.
Un|css somc ofYou, dcer Rcedcrs,
nden mprovcmcntl Lct mc kow,
p|cesc (or kccp t for yoursc|f end
wnwthitl ). BLACKISOKl
S.Gligoric - A.Adorjan
Serejcvo I 9B3
Thc NmzoInden ' Hbncr'
vereton wes vcq much in feshon
in thc I 970s end ' B0s. Actue||y,
LejosPortschto|dmc |ongegothet
hchedp|eycd t cer|crthenHbncr
hmsc|f end fexcd mc thc 5 or 7
scorcshccts es cvdcncc, whch I
hopc|css|y misp|eccd ehcr p|eying
through thc gemcs. Tdincss is
usue||y not thc mein rceson why
pcop|c Ikc mc. . . But thc mnncst
thng of eII s thet Nmzowtsch
hmscIfp|eycd t egenst !ohncr n
I 925 end won n styIc. As for
myscIf, I pIeycd thc GrnfcId eII
through my cerccr om thc tcndcr
egc of I 5, but from tmc to tmc I
eIso cxpcrmcntcd wth othcr
dcfcnccs. Ths sctup wes somcthng
I |kcd, I gucss most|y bcceusc t
wes so dcrcnt from most of thc
othcrs. Idon'tknow howIong I hed
to wet, but thc rst opponcnt I
p|eycdt egenst n thcprcscntgemc
wes consdcrcd onc of thc bggcst
cxpcrts - netureI|y for Whtc. StII,
my dcbut couIdn't hevc bccn morc
succcssfuI . You scc, nthsvereton
pcopIc usueIIy cestIcd |ong or wcnt
dBc7, buIdng e fortrcss ovcr
thcrcendtryngto brcekthrough on
thckngsdc. I dscovcrcd, howcvcr,
thet pIeyng 00 ths wey ts n
pcrfcctIywthBLACK's pIens. And
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 e6 3 tc3 OK
3 ... .b4 4 e3 c5 5 .d3 tc6 6 lf
.xc3+ 7 bxc3 d6 8 e4 e5 9 d5 te7
10 .b1 h6 l l h4
l l .. O-O!N
Ths s IogceI. BLACKpIeys for
f5, end sncc Whtc cennot rce|Iy
cest|c cthcr wey, hs kng mey gct
12 lh2t lh7 13 g4 lg6 14 g5
Some Novelties 93
Dcspcredo! Tqng to compIcetc
I4h5 vf4T( I 4 . . . vh4T).
14 ... lxh4!
I4. . . hxg5 I 5 hxg5
A) | 5. . . vxg5? I5 W h5 vh3
( I 5 . . . vf4? I 79xf4cxf4 I Bvg4 f5
I 9 vh5+l ) I 7 vO W e5 I B 2xh3
9xh3 I9 vg5+ (I 9 W xh3??
W xc3+20c2W xc Il +),
B) I 5 . . . vf4 I 59xf4 cxf4 I7 g5
fxg5 I B W c2 vg5 I 9Olf+.
15 gxh6 g6 16 .g1 h8 17 .g3
Hc cen't do enythng cIsc, hc hes
to wet for f5 to comc.Thc ettcmpt
to opcn up thc poston s rcmtcd
bceutmIIy. Sccncxtdegreml
I 7f4 f5 I Bbc5fxc4 I99xc4
I 9 . . . vg2+ll T Ths s NOT too
ncc to bc truc! 20 d2 (20 Gc2
W h4 2I d3W h3+22vO9f5+)
A) 20...W g5+ 2I c2 (2 I d3
W g3+22 c2W xc5)2 I . . .W xc5T,
B) 20. . . W h4 2 I Wd3 (c2I Wc2
BD 22 2xg2lT) 2 I . . .W h3+ 22 vO
cI 7Bb2.
17 ... b6! 18 lb2 f5+ 19 exf5 .xf5
20 .xf5 .xf5 21 le2 lh5! 22 0
22W d3 W f5 23 vg4Wf5 24Bc4
94 Some Novelties
22 ... 'f6 23 'ia4 lf5 24 lgt
lh3! 25 dl 'ih4 26 lgg2 a6! 27
lg4 'ih5 28 lgg2 lg8!
Wth e dccsvc thrcet thet
GIgorc sew (of coursc), but
29 c2
29W xe5c4.
29 ... e4!-+ 30 fxe4 lg3 31 le3
lf6! 32 lf??
A honbIc bIundcr ndccd, but
othcr movcs onIy promscd Iongcr
32 c5 vfc4 33 vO Wf5 34 vcI
(342d3vh I!+)34. . . vd2+ 35Bd3
(35 vd3vdf!)35. . . b5! T,
A) 32. . . 2xh2 33 cx

3 vxc4 34
Bg4 Bxg2+ 35 2xg2 WO 35 Bh2
W g3 (35...vD) 37 Bc2 Wxc3+ 3B
bI Wd3+ 39 2c2 vc3+ 40 b2
vxd5 (40. . . vdI+=) 4I Bd2 Wc3+
42bI vb443Wxb5vd3449b2
47 e4=,
B) 32. . . vgxc4! 33 vg4 BhI 34
32 ... lfl 33 lg5 lxe3+ 34 bl
lxg2 35 lt+ h7 36 lg5+
xh6 37 lxh3+ g5 38 lxg5 lxg5
39 e5 le4 40 'c2 'f 41 e6 g6
!ust onc morc scntcncc! Thc
rcesonwhyIcouIdnd I I . . . 00wes
cIcerIythcfectthetI wesncwto thc
whoIc thng. Thcrcforc I hed somc
frcsh thoughts, es I wesn' t e
prsoncrof'Thcoq' yct. Lcemng e
ncw opcnng broedcns your chcss
horzons, end you cen bcnct from
t cvcn f you ncvcr pIey thc
vereton n qucston!
A.Daniilidis - A.Adorjan
ThcsseIonkOIymped I 9BB
As I sed bcforc (n BLACK IS
STILL OK!), our concspondcncc
wthGeq (e IttIc odd. hc wrotc to
mc n Russen, end I rcpIcd n
EngIsh - t workcd for obvous
rcesons) ncIudcd meny Icttcrs ofB
pegcs mII ofeII knds ofveretons.
Hc's enythng but tmd, but
whcncvcr wc touchcd upon thc
Schcvcnngcn hc wemcd mc n e
snstcr wey. It's bcst to evod thc
Kcrcs etteck. Funny, but I eIweys
Ikcd to pIey egenst t, end hed e
rceIIy trcmcndous rcsuIt. Whcn wc
neIIy got togcthcr n e sccrct
msson n hs trenng cemp bcforc
thc 'cndIcss' K vs K I 9B4 metch,
end I showcd hm thc Incs Sznepk
end SchmttdcI cnjoycd n
Dortmund' B4endsomcothcrdces,
hcgevcn. Somuchthethcthrcwt
n thcvcqrstgemcofthc metch!
Thc gemc cndcd n e ghtng drew.
God onIy knows why hc swtchcd
eIrcedy n thc thrd to thc PeuIscn
wth en unIucky novc|ty - onIy to
Thc mountens (OK, hIIs) of
veretonsrcmencd sccrctforycers.
PenIy bcceusc of thc Ieck of
opportuntytopIeythcm. FneIIy, n
thc 'BB OIymped,thcrccemcemen
- from thc Grcck ' C' tcem!
Awkwerd stueton, sn't t? But 4
ycers hed pesscd eIrcedy. lf l stiII
rcscrvc it for somconc strongcr, l
mey ncvcr hevc thc opportunity to
pIey it. Or et Icest to pIey it rst.
Whcn l got thc Bcst NovcIty ewerd
from thc !ury of thc Chess
Informant for thc idce l pIeycd
egeinst Sznepik (end SchmittdicI) l
mct Timmen somcwhcrc. Hc hed
givcn mc thc meximum of I0
points, end toId mc hc hed
discovcrcd 'my' idce too, but didn't
hevc thc opportunity to pIey it for
two ycers. Did I bcIicvc him? l did.
ltheppcns! Sowhcncvcryouhevce
chencc, end whocvcr hc/shc is, GO
1 e4 cS 2 lf e6 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 lf6 5 lc3 d6 6 g4 h6 7 g5
hxgS 8 .xgS lc6 9 d2 b6
You cen gct positions Iikc this
Ieying 7 h4 vc6 B ZgI h5 9 gxh5
xh5 es wcII. Wb6 isewcIIknown
movc insomcverietions. Sccms Iikc
e Ioss of tcmpo whcn it rctums to
c7, but by thet timc it hed eIrcedy
chescdthcd4knight to e Icssectivc
pIecc. My idce wes NOT to rctum
toc7for scvcreIrcesons. First ofeII,
in thiskind ofposition thcquccn is
morcectivc on b6. lt'snottergcting
thc O pewn, for it usueIIy cnds up
bcingceughtthcrc. Butspceking of
tcmpi, thc gemc wiII show how
uscmI thc onc sevcd by Iceving thc
0vbJa6 1 1 0-0-0 .d7 12 h4
I 2 f4 000 I3 9g2 9c7 I4 bl
vg4l I 5 9xc7 vxc7 I 6 Wxd6
Wxd6 I 7Zxd6vg6 I Bf5! ?cxf5 I 9
cxf5 9xf520ZxdB+ZxdB 2I vd5
12 .. .e7 13 f4
I 3 9c3 Wc7 I4 f4 b5 I 5 9g2
13 ... 0-0-0 14 .e2
Some Novelties 95
I4 9g2vg4! ?Thet'sit, endthcrc
erc othcr 'wisccrecks' es wcII.
Thet'showl IikcthcKcrcs countcr,
not with bB, 9cB end vcB or gB,
eIthough UIf (Andcrsson) dcfcndcd
thet kind of fortrcss ebout I 000
timcs. . . Thcprcmicrofthisidce was
in RezuvecvTeI, Moscow I 9B2end
BLACK won (scc thc notc ecr I 2
h4) I 59xc7 vxc7 I 6 Wxd6 Wxd6
A) | B f5
AI) I B . . . vf4! ? I 9 fxc6 9xc6 20
ZxdB+ ZxdB (20. . . xdB 2I 9O
vc5 22vd4 c7 23vxc6 fxc6 24
9dl g5 25h5Zh7),
A2) I B . . . cxf5 I9 cxf5 vxh4 20
Zd4! vxg2 2I Zc4+bB 22 ZxhB
ZxhB 23 Rxg4 vc3 24Zxg7 9xf5
25ZxOZhI +26Gd2vc4+=,
B) I B&Ol vc3 ( I B . . . vf6 I 9c5)
I9Zd3vc4 20Zd4 b5 2I 9c2(2 I
vc5 vxf4 22 c5 vg6 23 9b7+
Gc7 24 9xe6 9c6 25 ZxdB ZxdB
26ZgI vcxc5 27 h5 vf4 2BZxg7
&b6 29 b ZhB 30 Zg5 Zxh5T)
2 I . ..vc3-.
14 .. d5! !
This i s not thc Pctro, fricndsl
Ncvcr sey ncvcr, but in eny cesc, l
scIdompIeycd (orcvcn studicd) eny
dcfcncc in which thc possibiIity of
BLACK winning thc gemc wes
precticeIIy cxcIudcd. Now this
96 Some Novelties
brcekthrough mccts somc mportent
cxpcctetons, such es. tssuqrsng
end ncc, end orgenscs thc hddcn
end scettcrcd cIcmcnts of thc
poston nto e IogceI chen. lts
Iogc bccomcs cIcer oncc you hevc
pIeycd t. And ycs, t's rsky
bcceusc t's fer|y compIcetcd. Thc
spcctetors who erc ntcrcstcd not
onIy n thc tcchnceI rcsuIts do
15 exd5C
I 5 9xf69xf6 I6cxd5vb4
A) I 7 9O? 9c6T I B dxc6 Rxd2
I 9 cxb7+ bB 20 Rxd2 W c3 2I
9g2 RdB (2I . . .9xc3 22 bxc3
25 e3 W xf4 26 2hd3 W xh4 27
Rd4+) 22 RhdI Rxd2 23 Rxd2
W gI +(23. . . vxe2+ 24 vxe2 W I +
25 Bd I W xg2 26ve5+) 24 vdI
vxe2+ 25 bI vb4 26 h5 e7 27
c3 vd3T(27. . . vd5T),
B) I 7 vc49c6 I B vxf6gxf6T,
C) I 7 e3vxd5 I B vxd5cxd5 I 9
W xd5 ( I 9h5d4l 20W e5 W xe5 2I

c6 22 9O 9d5T) I 9 . . . 9c6
20 Wf5+ bB
Cl) 2I RhcI W c3+L 9h4+,
C2) 2 I 2h2 W c3+ 22 vd2 Rxh4
23 Rxh4 W xc2l 24 W g4 (24 W h3
9xb2+)24. . . xd2l+,
C3) 2I Rh3W D22W g4T,
I 5 c5 vc4 I 6 vxc4 dxc4 I 7
9xc7 vxc7T.
15 .. lxd5!
lt brceks your hcert of coursc.
But, esthcgood oId RoIIng Stoncs
sng. 'You cen't e|weys gct whet
ou went' . NccdIcss to sey, I 5 . . . .
vb4 wouId hevc crowncd thc dce.
Exccpt t'snot good cnough. To bc
morc prccsc. t s bed, es you scc
I 5 . . . vb4
A) I6dxc6?9c6T,
B) I6d6?9c6T,
C) I6 2hfI vbxd5 I 7 vxd5
vxd5 I B 9xc7 vxc7 I9 W c3+
9c6 20 h5 vd52 I W d4 (2 I Wxg7
vxf4! T) 2 | . . .Wxd422Zxd4 vf6T,
D) I 6 Wd4 Wxd4 I 7 Zxd4
vbxd5 I B vxd5 vxd5 I9 Zxd5
cxd5 20 9xc7 RdcB 2 I 9xe6 bxe6
22 9d6 Rh6 23 9c5 f6 24 9c3
E) I6 9Ol
I 6 . . . 9c6 (I 6 . . . vbxd5 I 7 vxd5
cxd5 I B RhcI 2hcB I 9W d4) I 7
dxc6l 2xd2 I B cxb7+ GbB
( I B . . . Gc7 I9 2xd2 Wc3 20 RfI
vgB 2I e3+)
El) I 9vxd2 vbd5 ( I 9 . . . vfd5
209xd5f6 2I 9g2)20vxd5cxd5
2I 2hcI W xb722Zc3,
E2) I92xd2Wc3
E2a) 209g2? ZdB 2I f5W

3 22
Rc2 W g4 23 2hcI (23 bI vfd5
24 9xd5 vxd5 25 9xc7 vxc7 26
fxc6 vd5l 27 2hcI ) 23..d6 24
fxc6 2xc6 25 e3 vbd5 26 Zxc6
bc6 27 9xd5 vxd5 2B vxd5
9xg5+29hxg5cxd5 30vc5+,
E2b) 20 vd4? vd3+l 2 I cxd3
(2 I bI W xd2 22 vc6+ Gxb7 23
vxc7+ Gc7 24 2dI W D 25 Rxd3
RdBT)2 I . . .W xd4T,
E2c) 20 2fI ! vfd5 2I 9xc7
vxc7 22 &bI vbd5 (22. . . vf5 23
e3 vg3 24 2fdI W xO 25 exb4)
23 vxd5 vxd5 (23. . . cxd5? 24
2c2+) 24 xd5 cxd5 25 2xd5
AdorjnKesperov, I 9B4.
16 lxdS exdS 17 xe7
I 7 h5 f5l (I 7 . . . W c7 I B xc7
vxc7 I9 vd4

f5 20 vxf5 xf5
2I 2hgI

6=) I B vd4 vxd4 I 9

xc7(I 9Wxd4?Wxd4 202xd4 f6
2I h4 c5T) I 9 . . . vxc2+ 20
W xc22d7T.
17 ... lxe7 18 'ic3+
I B vd4vf5,
I B h5
A) IB...vf5l ? I9 Wc3+ Wc7 20
W xc7+xc72I Rxd5vg322 Rh2
g6 (22. . . vxc2+ 23 2xc2 g4 24
2c7+ c6 25 2d2) 23 h6 2xh6l
24 2xh6 vxc2+ 25 d2 vxf4 26
2d4 vc6272d5 vf4=,
B) I B ...f5 I9 vd4 c4 20
2hgI g62I hxg6vxg6T.
18 .. .ic7
lt'semezng howmuch eposton
mey chengc n just e fcw movcs.
Hcrc wc erc et e crossroeds egen,
wth cxctng possbItcs orjust en
cndng. No wondcr my opponcnt
19 'xc7+
I 9Wxg7?hfl
A) 20 W xO 2hl 2 I Wxd5 (2I
Wg6 W xf4+ 22 2d2 vg3 23 2cI
Some Novelties 97
vxc2+ 24 2cxc2 W fI++, 2I W h7
Wxf4+ 22 vd2 vg3 23 2hcI WD
24 h5 f5 25 g6 g4T)
2 I . . .vg3l 22 2hcI vxc2+23 2xc2
B) 20Wg5l ?2dgB2I W f6 W xf4+
22bI Wh623W c3+W c6 24 WO
vg3 25 vd4 Wd6 26 2hc I vxc2
27 vxc2 2xh4 (27. . . g4 2B WxO)
2B W xO (2B 2xd5 c6 29 Wf5+
Wc6 30 Wxc6+ fxc6 3 I 2c5=)
2B. . . 2 29 2xd5? (29 Wg7l=)
29. . . 2xf7 302xd68c7 3 I 2d22h2
32 e3 GdB 33 GcI GcB 34 GdI
g4 35 e4 2c4 36 b3 2c3 37 b4
19 ... 'xc7 20 hS
20 ... fS 21 ld4 e4 22 lhg1
g6 23 hxg6
232g52d6242c5d7.: f6T.
23 . . . lxg6 24 lg4 lh2 25 d3
SIIy, but not vcq much. l
promscyouwII sccworscl
25. . . xd3 l 26 2xd3 (26 cxd3
d7)26. . . 2cBT.
26 le1 2D 27 .n!
27 f5? vc5+, 27 xc4 2xc4 2B
2xc4 dxc4 29 f5 c3l 30b3 vf4 3I
2g7 2fI+ 32 Gb2 c2 33 2xO+
b634 vxc2vxc2T.
27 ... lxfl+ 28 xn lh8
98 Some Novelties
29 d2
A) 29. . . 9xg2 30 Rxg2 vxf4 3 I
2D (3 I 2g7 2T) 3 | . . .2h4 32
d2 Gb6l 33 c3 (33 vt vh3T)
33. . . vc6l 342f6l 2f4 35 2h6 2c4
36 2f6 Ge7 37 vc2 vg5 3B Gd3
B) 29...2h2l 309xc4dxc4 3 I f5
c3 32 b3 Bh4 33 2xh4 vxh4 34
&dI d6 35 Gc2 Gc5 36 Gxc3
vxt+ 37 vxf5 Gxf5 3B O c5
29 ... .h2+ 30 ie2 d6 31 b4!
3 I c3?vh4 Af5,vg2+.
3I ... lh4!
3 I . ..vl ?32f5 Gc5T33 c3 vd7
34BgB vb6 35 2cB+Gf4T.
32 c3 lf5
32 . . . vg2l ?T.
33 lxf5+
33 9d3?vc3
A) 34 2g3 vdI + (34. . . vg2T) 35
b3 vDl 36 9c2 (36 9xc4
vxc4T, 36 e4 Ah4 37 9xc4 vxc4
3B vt+ Gc6 39 vxh4 vxg3T)
36 . . . vh3T,
B) 34 2gI 34...2D 35 BcI vg2
362c22xc2 37 vxc29O3B vd4
9g439f5Gc5A vc3+.
33 ... ixf5 34 lg5
34 ... ixc2??$
Thet's whet l wes te|kng ebout.
Acr eII ths wrcstIng n dcrcnt
sty|cs, hcrccomcsenewm| mstekc.
ThenkGod t'sthcpcnuItmetconc.
34. . . 2xc2l wes wnnng wth
eccuretcpIey. 35 2xf5 c6 362h5
Bc4T (36...Ac3+ 37 d2 2c4 3B
2h4=) 37 Rh6+ Gf5 3BBb6 2c7T
39b5 (392d6xf440Rxd5 f54I
e4 Gg4, 39 Gd4 &xf4 40 RR+
Gg5 4I 2D f5) 39. . . exb5 40 Rxb5
Gxf44I Bxd5 f5 42e4g4T.
35 if! ie4 36 ixe4 dxe4 37
Thenks, peI. l wes |ucky, but
meybctwesnotqutcundcscrvcdl ?
37 Zf5l 2xe2 3B 2xO c3 39
37 ... Axa2 38 lxe4 .a3+ 39 b2
lf 40 ld4+ c6 41 c2 b6 42
'd2 f!-+ 43 e2 lb3 44 d2
'b5 45 AdS+ 'xb4 46 lxf5 aS 47
Atl a4 48 rs a3 49 f6 lf 50 'e2
:r 51 f a2 52 la8 'b3
Watch the errors!
Ycs, thcrc erc somc rceIIy
pcrsstcnt oncs whch rcmen
undctcctcd for scvcreI dccedcs. l' m
not teIkng ebout thc mstekcs thet
I| thc tresh wrttcn on 'opcnng
thcoq' by thc dozcn. Thet's whet l
ceII ' fortnghtIybooks' . Hcrcshow
to producc thcm. tekc 3 cxstng
'works' on your subjcct, mx thcm
up e Itt|c bt, edd e |ot offrcshcr
gemcs (don't forgct to stceI thc
ennotetonsl ), end neIIy - to mekc
t |ook bcttcr - put n somcthng
eneIyscd by your Ietcst Frtz (or
whetcvcr). Thet's e|I l Onc gcts thc
mprcsson thet thosc who hevc
eIrcedy rced etIcest oncchcss book
fccI en ncsstbIc urgc to wrtc onc
es wcIIl No wondcr Tmmen sed
eI rcedy n thccerIy I 9B0s. '95%of
opcnng thcory books erc rubbsh.'
UnfortunetcIy, thc tmc thet hes
pesscd sncc fei|cd to provc thc
oppostcl Ths tmc, howcvcr, I em
teIking ebout thc crrors (somctmcs
grevconcs)thetoccur inthcqueIty
work of cxccIIcnt chcss wrtcrs.
(Neture|Iy, l em no cxccpton
myscIf. As thc oId seyng gocs,
morteIs cen on|y strvc for
pcrfccton, but thcy ncvcr rcech t.)
Thc rceson for thcsc, potcnteIIy
feteI, cnors (you w|I nd thc
rcmtetion ofonc ofthcm bcIow) s
menIythett s mpossbIcto chcck
eII veretons of e buIky work n
sumccnt dcpth. ln such cescs, thc
euthor, who eIso uscs cerIcr
ennotetons, trcs to judgc who hc
cen ' trust'. Sooncr or Ietcr hc cen
sngIcoutthcrcspccteb|cwrtcrs, es
wcII es thosc who producc
' vcmnutc ennotetons' (Thcrc
erc eIso thc ' 3x5mnutc' oncs. thcy
tekc 5 mnutcs to wrtc+ 5 mnutcs
to pIey through + 5 mnutcs to
rcmtc.) To cn s humen, howcvcr,
so onc mey bIow t cvcn wth thc
grcetcst cerc. Thcrcforc you, dcer
Rcedcr, hedbcttcrbc suspcous, no
mettcr who thc euthor s. You cen
A.Ornstein - A.Adorjan
ScmneI,Bores I 97B
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 e6 3 lc3 .b4 4
e3 b6 5 lge2 .a6 6 lg3 0-0
Thcrcs nothng rcmerkebIc ebout
ths movc. lt's bccn pIeycd
hundrcds of tmcs, |ust Ikc thc
eItcmetvc 6 . . . . 3xc3+ 7 bxc3 d5,
Some Novelties 99
whch I uscd egeinst NkoIec (lBM
'7B). I won thet gemc, but wcnt
through e rceI ordceI. Whcn wc
wcrc heving dinncr Gcrt Lgtcrink
toId mc ebout his dscovcq thet
fo|Iows. Meybc hc hed got trcd of
wetng n ven for e 'gucst' So thc
7 e4
A) 7...c5 B d5 (B WO d5 9 dxc5
vbd7l ) B. . . cxd5 9 cxd5 vxd5 I 0
3xh7+&xh7 I I Wxd5 vc61,
B) 7. . . d5 B 3 (B cxd5 vxd5 9
Wc23xd3 I0Wxd3 c5T) B. . . c5T.
7 lc6 8 .d3
B e3 3xc3+ 9 bxc3 vcB I0 3f4
ve5 I I W e4 vd6 I 2c5 3xfI I 3
xfI vdc4T, Thc eggrcssvc B
3g5 beckrcs ecr B. . . h6 9 h4 c5l
I 0d5 ve5 ( I 0 . . . vd4l ? I I e3 3c7
I 2 3c3 c5) I I WO ( I I vh5
3xc3+ I2 bxc3 hxg5 I3 hxg5
vxc4 I4 vf6+ vxf6 I 5 gxf6Wxf6
I6 Wh5 Wh6+) I I . . .3xc4 I 23xf6
Wxf6 I 3 Wxf6 gxf6 I4 vh5 f5 I 5
vf6+ &g7 I 6 vxd7 3xc3+ I 7
bxc3 2B I B 8h3 f4+.
8 ... e5
9 0-0?
Now wc erc ncerng thc tergct.
Ths s e bIundcr. Thcrc erc of
coursc hceIthy eItcmetvcs for
100 Some Novelties
Whtc, end t's bIoody comp|cetcd
n e|I veretons. ForcxempIc onthc
|nc 9 d5 cvcqbody (or eImost
cvcqbody) pIeys I 0 ....vc7, wh|c
ve5 hesn't got e good rcputeton.
Accordngto my 'enccnt' eneIyscs,
whch I hevc rcvscd, thc |ettcr
kght movc sjust es p|eyebIc end
cvcnmorc IogceI.
9 e3 &xc3+ I0 bxc3 cxd4 I I
cxd4 vxd4 I 2 &b2 c5 I 3 &xd4
cxd4 I 4&c2 2cB I 5 Wxd4 Wc7 I 6
00 2ecB I 7 2ecI W f4 I B 2fdI
&b7 I 9 &O ( I 9 O d5l 20 cxd5
vxd5T) I9. . . 2c5 20 W d6 (20 c5
W xd4 2I 2xd4 &xO 22 cxf6
&c6T) 20 . . . W xd6 2 I 2xd6 b5T, 9
d5 &xc3+ I 0bxc3 ve5l ?( I 0 . . . vc7
I I &g5vcB=)
I I Wc2d6
A) I 2 vf5 &cB ( I 2 . . . vd7?? I 3
9h6l )
A1) I 3&g5 &xf I 4cxf5 h6 I 5
&h4 c6 I 6dxc6 vxc6 I 7&c4 2cB
I B o-o vbB ( I B . . . ve5 I 9 &d5
Wc7) I9 I W c7 202d2 8fdB
2I 2edI 2c7=,
A2) I3 WOl vcB I4 &c3 vb7
I 5 00 vc5 I 6 &c2 ( I 6 &xc5?l
dxc5T) I 6 ...Wf6 I 7 W g3 vxc4 I B
&xc4 &xf I 9 &g5 W g6 20 &xf
Wxf5 2I &c7vf622&x2xT,
A3) I 3g4 vb7l ,
B) I2 &g5 h6
B1) I 3&c3&cBl ,
B2) I 3 h4 hxg5 ( I 3 . . . &cBl T) I4
hxg5 g6 I5 gxf6Wxf6 I6Wg4
B2a) I6. . . W f4 I 7 W h3 ( I 7W xf4
cxf4 I Bvc2 &xc4 I 9&xc4 vxc4
20 vxf4 2ecB 2I O g5 22 vh3
2c5 23 c2 c6-) I7. . . g7 I B
W h7+ f6 I 9 2h6 Wg5 20 vf
B2b) I6. . . &xc4 I7 vh5 Wc7 I B
W h3 2fcB I 9 vg3 Wf6
( I 9 . . . Gg7?? 20 vf5+l gxf5 2 I
W h6++),
B3) I3 &d2&cBl I4 00(I 4 vf5
&xf5 I 5cxf5 c4 I 6&c2 c6 I7 g4
cxd5 I B cxd5 W c7 I9 2dI vc4T)
I 4 . . . vb7.
9 ... lxd4!
Ths s tl Up to ths gemc, end
eIso n enothcr onc p|eycd n thc
semc ycer cvcrybody msscd thc
ponts of movcs I I end I 2.
Thcrcforc ' THEORY' gevc 9
. . . . cxd4 I 0vd5 esedventegcous for
Whtc. (Whch strucnthetcesc)
10 'i a4 .xc3 1 1 bxc3
I I Wxe6&b4T(or I I . . .vc6).
l l ... ve6 12 .a3
I 2Wxe6 vc5.
12 ... .b7! 13 9xMW xNT
Thc storm s ovcr. BLACK
eIrcedy hes e pewn for thc
cxchengc, n eddton Whtc's
whoIc emy is dsorgeniscd, thc
cpewns erc wcek. And l derc sey
thc gemc is precticeIIy ovcr,
eIthough ttekcs qutc somc tmc to
14 .fe1
I 4 Wc2?l vf4 I 5 O Wc5+ I6
hI e6 I7 ZfcI vxd3 IB W xd3
xc4T end BLACK won cesIy(37
movcs)nLomberdKorchno I 97B.
14 ... g6!
Fromnow l empIeyngthcgemc
onmyown end ths quctmovc hes
e fentestc ccct - it s eIweys
ecsthctc whcn somcbody s
etteckng in ont of hs own kng.
(To bcgn with thc f5 squerc s
1 5 lad1 'ih6! 16 tn 'ig5 17
1c2 tc5! ?
lt's eIweys herd to choosc om
scvcreI good movcs. Both of thc
othcrs workcd wcII in thc semc
I 7 ...h5 I B vc3 h4 I 9vd5 xd5
20cxd5vc51, I 7 . . . g7l ?1.
18 f th5 19 te3 tf4 20 .n
Thcrcwese swtch hcrc. 20. . . f5l ?
2I vd5 (2I cxf5? xO 22 Zd2
Some Novelties 101
vc4 .: 23 Zxd7 vh3+ 24 GhI
vcD++) 2I . . . bc4 22 bc4 Z 23
GhI vfc6T eIso wth bcttcr
21 ld5 .xd5 22 cxd5 d6
This wes not cvcn ncccsseq -
Whitc couId not cross thc benicr
enywey. Compercd to knghts,
rooks hevc thc hendcep thet thcy
cennotjump. . .
22 . . . g723d6c6.
23 g3?
Thc dccsvc mistekc. lt crcetcs e
ncw wcekncss unncccsserIy n en
23 b5 &g7 24 hI h4T - thc
23 ... h4! 24 WD g7 25 Ze3
hxg3 26 hxg3
26Wxg3 vh3+l .
26 . . Jh8 27 .g2
27Zd2Zh3+(27. . . Wh6+).
27 ... th5!-+
27. . . vh3+ 2B xh3 Rxh3 29
Gg2Zxg3+30W xg3Wxc3T.
28 f4
Rcsgneton, but thc othcr givcn
Iincwesn' tenybcttcr.
2B g4 vf4 29 2d2 2h3l (29. . . f5
30 cxf5 gxf5 3 I WcI Zh6 32 gxf5
I 02 Some Novelties
Wxf5 33 c4 Wh5+) 30 WcI vxg2
3 I Bxg2 Wh6 32 GD BhI 33 Wd2
vxc4+l l 34bc4Wf4+35Gc2-n
28 ... exf4 29 gxf4 lxf4 30 lfl
30...vxg2 3 I 2g3 vf4 32 Wxf4
Wxf433Bxf4RcB 342gg4b5T35
Gg2 e5 36 e3 f6 37 GgI g5+,
30. . . 2h4l 3 I RO vxg2 32 Bg3
31 :o
3 I Wxf4 Wxf4 32 Rxh3 Wc5 33
RhO f6 34 Rxf6 Wxf6 35 Rxf6
Gxf636GDGc5 37 Gc3 b5+.
31. .. lxf 32 'xf 1xg2+ 33
_xg2 lxg2 34 'xg2 lxe4-+ 35
c4 fS 36 lf4 a6 37 a3 lf6 38 lf
ld7 39 lf4 leS 40 'g3 f6 41
lh4 gS
Ths wes my sceIcd movc but
thcrc wes no contnueton, my
opponcntrcsgncd. Asyou nodoubt
undcrstend, BLACK hes too meny
pewns,endpesscdoncsetthet. ..
42Bh6+Gg743Rc6 f4+44GD
g4 45 2c7+ Gf6 46 Bxc7 Gf 47
BcBvd3+4BGc2( 4BGg2Gc449
BbB O+ 50 Gg3 D 5I Gg2 g3 52
BcB+ Gf4 53 R+ c3 54 Gxg3
Gc2 55 Gg2 vcI ++) 4B. . . Gc4 49
2c6g3 50GH O 5 I Bxd6vf4 52
Bc6+ Gf 53 Bc7 g2+ 54 GD
More Novelties
How are novelties born?
AIthough thc ro|c ofmcrc eccdcnt
cennot bc cxcIudcd, t's dcntcIy
not eccdcnte| thet t's mostIy
original thinkers who produce
fresh ideas. Thcy don't p|ey
rcproductvc chcss, es e Iot of
pcop|c rcgrctmIIy do nowedeys,
tqng to gct by swottng Ioeds of
veretons, end rceIsng thc
edventegc thcy hopc for n thcsc
Incs. Thc onIy probIcm s thet thc
opponcntcendothcsemc, endfrom
thc semc, orvcqsmIerdetebesc et
thet. Hevng your individual
fceturcsend'tredcmerk'style is not
a romantic ideal pursucd for its
own sake. Qutc thc contreql It's
extremely pragmatic to choosc
somc untroddcn peth on movc 6
nstced of movc I 9. Thc surprsc
ccct s et Icest twofo|d. thc
novcIty ncutreIscs eny prcpereton
by thc opponcnt, end your movc, f
not ncccsserIy bcttcr then thc
'thcorctceI' onc, s dcntcIy
different from thet. You know t,
you mght cvcn |kc t, end t
provdcs en edventegc ovcr your
opponcnt cvcn fyou thought t up
onIynthcmomng, endeneIyscdt
for |ust en hour. (Thc opponcnt
cen't bc surc enywey whcthcr hc s
'ceught' n e Iongprcpercd |nc or
not.)Finders keepers. Vcq truc.A
humble attitude to chess combined
with a critical eye is likely to
produce a lot of original thoughts.
Whet you hevc just dscovcrcd on
yourown,howcvcr, meytumoutto
bc en enccnt Inc. lt's smpIy
bcceusc othcr pcopIc eIso usc thcr
mnds. And ebovc e|I, t s hghIy
edvsebIc to do some research into
variations of ill-repute! Any of
novcItcs thet wcrc ' screppcd'
bcceuscthcguy whouscd tIostthc
gemc. Howcvcr, hc mey hevc
bIundcrcd n e wnnng poston. lt
s e|so qutc common thet strongcr
pIeycrs bcet thc wcekcr oncs on
both sdcs of thc semc vereton.
Thc pont s thet the idea tscIf s
qualifed not, or not only, by the
result ofthc gemc. lfyou menegc
to mprovc on e 'compromscd'
vereton, your opponcnt mey cvcn
gct thc dce thet you hevc no c|uc
ebout thcwho|cthng.AI|thcmorc
crushng thc mprovcmcnt w|| bcl
Succcss s eImost guerentccd et thc
AsrcgerdsmyhumbIcscIf, lhevc
thought up e Iergc numbcr of
novc|tcs. lntcrcstngIy cnough, f l
nd somcthng unusue| thet sccms
to bc good, my rst rcecton s not
pride. It's doubt. Thcrcsnoweyt
cen bc good, l thnk, fthc semc
poston hes occuncd n countIcss
grendmestcr gemcs, wthout
enybody choosng my movcl A
thorough scrutny somctmcs
justcs my doubts. ln most cescs,
howcvcr, t s smp|y thet cvcn thc
grcetcst dscovcrcs eppcer obvous
ecrwerds. St|I, thcrc susueI|y|ust
onc pcrson who nds e ccrten |nk
/04 More Novelties
bctwccn thc cIcmcnts thet wcrc
eIweysthcrc. Keeping the curiosity
of your childhood is one of the
keys to inventive thinking. The
other one is ambition, a drive to
ecel and stand out in the crowd.
Thc styIc of thc grcetcst chcss
thnkcrs s rccognsebIc in somc of
thcr gemcscvcn fwc don't know
thc nemcsofthcpIeycrs. This sthc
pont whcrc thc edvcnturous
romentcism of ' gong your own
wey' comcs togcthcr wth gueren
Wc know of no grcet pentcr
femous for mteting Tzieno bcttcr
then enyonc cIsc couId. Epigons
wII bc just cpgons, cvcn thc bcst
oncs. ln my youth, l somctmcs
wondcrcd why TeI or Bronstcn
pIeycd 'dcrcntIy' n wcIIknown
postons. ltgocs wthout seyng, of
coursc, thet thcy kncw how to pIey
'bythcbook'.AndstII l lwesIucky
cnough to hevc e Iong teIk wth
chcss gcnus Devd Bronstcn ecr
our rst (end onIy) gemc, which
wes drewn. This s how hc stencd
thc convcrseton. 'You know, l wes
rceIIy efreid of you. ' I thought hc
wesjoking (thc ycer is I 97I , l eme
tny I ittIc 2 I yceroId lntcmetoneI
Mestcr), but hc wesn't| Hc seid hc
hed pIeycd through my gemcs wth
Portsch end UhImenn from thc
lBM toumemcnt, pubIshcd n
Chess Informant, end found thc
reming end dccp ennotetons
mprcssivc. ltwes my Asccnsion to
Hcevcn, es you mey hevc gucsscd.
Thcn l took couregc to esk him
'Grendmestcr,whydidyou pIeythis
end ths insuch end such e postion
egenstN instcedofthcthcorctceI
movc?' Thc grcet thnkcr rcpIicd
wth e smirk. 'Why shouId l pIey
Iikc cvcrybodycIsc? And enywey, l
wes interested n thet movcl ' So hc
sed t, not mc. This cpisodc, eIong
with somc simIer momcnts,
ccrteinIy medcmcundcrstendthet a
fresh approach resulting from
healthy curiosity is a source of
unlimited pleasure. In addition,
you can get better results!
lt s no mcrc eccdcnt, cithcr,
thet Kasparov's undmnshcd
mexmeIstepproech|cd townnng
hs rst vc( l ) BLACK gemcs n
Lnercs '99, on top of countIcss
othcr brcethtekng stuntsl And
Bobby Fischer wouId hevc bccn
'just' e worId chempon, not 'Mr.
60' f hc hedn't won eII hs
BLACK gamcs es wcII egenst
Temenov end Lerscn. Ths
unbridIcdgcnus believed that it is
possible. And cvcn if wc hevc no
hopc of rcechng his pIeyng
strcngth, wc erc stiII eIIowcd to
bcIcvc n t. Feth wiII hcIp us es
wcII, not onIy Fschcrl BLACK IS
Thc chcss OIympus s popuIetcd
by strongpcrsoneIitcswhocen'tbc
confuscd with cech othcr. Thcsc
pcopIc don't swot veretons. Thcsc
pcopIc don't onIy pIey for sportng
succcss. Thcy strvc to crcetc
somcthng mcenngmI es wcII. Ths
s thcr duty, mekng thcm worthy
of somc 'room et thc top' . lf wc
kncw onIy thc rcsuIts of, sey, Paul
Morphy or Wilhelm Steinitz,
wthout e singIc game left to
posterity, Wc wouIdn't rceIIy hevc
en dce who thcy wcrc end how
thcy cnrchcd chcss. Todey's
'profcssioneIs' know eImost
cvcqthing - thet hes bccn pIeycd
by othcrsl Somc gemcs, cvcn et thc
highcst IcvcI, erc mcrc rccteIs of
thc ' Icsson' . FoIIowcd by pceccmI
hendshekcs. Creativity is respected
far less than the accumulated
points. Sodom and Gomorrah! As
morc briIIency in todey's chcss
then n thc chcss pIeycd dccedcs
ego, cvcn f thcrc erc e hundrcd
timcs morc gemcs n stock now.
Evcn thc unfortunetc kds st n
front of thc computcr ' wetchng
movcs' for deys on cnd. Games
roll by in their hundreds,
ncIuding ' UI 0' (undcr tcn ycers
oId) cncountcrs, et e spccd thet thc
cycs cen pcrheps foIIow, but there
is no way the brain can take in all
that has been seen. Toassess it?To
summarise t? How on certh couId
thet bc possbIc? Thc only good
luck for thcm end thcir grownup
countcrperts s thet thcy play
against people who prepare for
the games in the same way.
PerodstceIIyl ln I 99B, l hede teIk
wth BcIevsky n Frenkfurt ebout
how thc nfometion boom end thc
eImost unImtcd opportuntcs to
pIeyntoumemcntsecctcd chcss. l
seid to him whet l stII think. somc
progrcss hes dcntcIy bccn medc
sincc I 970, but t wes fer Icss then
onc wouId cxpcct, bcerng n mnd
thc duretion of tmc end thc
ebovcmcntoncd crcumstenccs.
Seshe, n hs tum, wes bricf. 'thc
IcvcI of gemcs s Iowcr todey'
CcrteinIy no onc cen cIem, wthout
bccoming en objcct ofridcuIc, thet
wc hevc morc 'gents' now then in
I 970. justthnkofFschcr, Spessky,
Korchno, Pctrosien, Ponsch,
PoIugejcvsky, Lerscn, OIefsson,
GIigoric, UhImenn, end l em
stoppngforbrceth onIy. . .
l hevcmcntoncd cpgons. Now,l
ohcn nd myscIf thinkng ebout
whcthcr it wes rceIIy mc who
postuIetcd thc BLACK IS OK!
More Novelties 105
thcoq for thc rst tmc n hstoq?
One thing is for sure: I'm crazy
enough to think like that, and, what
is even worse, to speak up! l trcdto
no chcss historen. AII l cen sey isl
couId not nd e prcdcccssor. lt s
possibIcthet somcgemc eneIysisby
onc ofthc Grcet OId Mestcrs (ycs,
verbal gemceneIyscs stiIIcxistcdin
thosc deys) ncIudcd e smiIer
mcssegc. FrenkIy, t's dimcuIt for
mc to bcIicvc thet t ncvcr crosscd
enyonc's mnd to rchebiIitetc poor
BLACK. Ahcr eII, wc hed thc
hypcrmodcm chcss phiIosophcrs,
forinstencc, whogrcctcdcech othcr
to I d4?' , endothcrorgineIthnkcrs
too. l hede mnnyconvcrsetionwith
my oId frcnd Dr. Helmut Pfeger
on my ' xcd idce' 'l em efred thc
cIdofrcscerchyou hevc choscn s
too nenow, Andrs' - hc seid. '
'Poor HcImut, erc you surc you erc
gcttng cnough sIccp thcsc deys?'-
l eskcd. - 'Wc pIey cvcry second
gemcwithBLACK. Thetmcensmy
' cId' covcrs 50% ofchcss thcoq
endprecticcl '
lt docsn't bothcr mc thet cvcn
ccccntrc chcss pIeycrs nd mc e
crenk. l thnk it wes Edison (or
somc othcr grcet mnd) who seid
thet eII nvcntors erc thought to bc
crezy untI pcopIc stert usng thcir
AII hstorceI egcs hed thcr own
' hcrctceI ' end 'meinstrcem' dces.
Evcn n thc semchstorceIpcriod-
ncIuding our timc - pcopIc I ivc
dcrcntIy ndicrcnt(endnotcvcn
ncccsserIy dstent) pens of thc
gIobc. Somconc's rcIgon, worId
vcw, IifcstyIc or netioneI customs
meybc ebsoIutcIy unecccptebIcjust
e fcw hundrcd mIcs ewey. As
106 More Novelties
rcgerds thc Ifc of IoncIy 'hcrctcs',
t couId dcntcIy bc brghtcr. Wc
eII know, howcvcr, thet thc worId
wes ncvcr pushcd forerd by thc
ntc|IccmeI echcvcmcnts of thc
' messcs' Thc oncs who dd push t
forwerd wcrc usue|Iy Iucky not to
bc uscd es rcwood n rctum for
thcr cons. They were OK when
they were very dead, but a little
unpleasant while alive!?
Of thc ponccrng ertsts,
es cuItureI hcrocs, vcq fcw wcrc
succcssmI end rch n thcr own
tmc. On thc othcr hend, wc ocn
cen't gresp how on certh somc
wrtcror composcr couIdmekc such
egrcetcerccr, eswcercnot fem|er
wth thc egc hc Ivcd n. lt s e
Bzct's Cemcn wes e compIctc
feIurc just 3 wccks bcforc thc
composcr's dceth. Thet opcre,
forcvcr n thc 'ht peredc', mII of
pesson end strong cherectcrsl How
do you thnk Bzct dcd? Dd hs
msfortunc brcek hm down, or dd
hc wscIy ecknowIcdgc thet thc
eudcncc ofhstmcwesnot meturc

ough to to|cretc enybody epert

from bIucbIoodcd Iedcs end
Wc eIso know of wrtcrs who
wcrc not eb|c to gct pubIshcd e
sngIc Inc n thcr cntrc |vcs, end
thcyknew it. ThcyhedeIIthcskIIs
to edept to 'omceI ' cxpcctetons
end bccomc succcssfuI, of coursc,
but thcy wcrc wIIng to wrtc onIy
from convcton. Thcy wcrc rcedy
to sucr povcny, cvcn hungcr.
Agen l rcmnd cvcqbody. The
water in Schubert's washbowl
froze by the morning! Mozen wes
cscortcdtothc' I mcpt'byjusttwo
pcopIc, onc of thcm bcng thc
omceI wtncss. Still, he is a
reasonably great genius. And l
Wthout comperng myscIfto thc
ebovcmcntoncd composng gents,
l em convnccd thet the whole of
chess theory will enter a new
dimension fthc BLACK IS OK!
hypothcss is widely discussed and
put to thc tcst of practice.
NetureIIy, t wII not heppcn n my
Ifc, unIcss l Ivc to bc 400 ycers
oId, es McthuseIeh eIIcgcdIy dd. l
must bc gretcfuI for my dcstny,
though, es my thcoq docsn't hevc
to gethcr dust for dccedcs wthout
enyonc hevng hcerd ebout t. l
fomuIetcd thc s|ogenbeck n 1985,
end ertcIcsend/orgemceneIyscsn
thc BLACK IS OK! sprt wcrc
pubIshcd nefcw ycers'tmc nthc
pcrodceIs of 55 countrcs.
Batsford pubIshcd thc book n
1988, end t wes foIIowcd by
pcccs ofwrtng. l cen't compIen
wes wcIcomc by cdtors end
em e swoI|cnhcedcd, pucd-up
jcrk, but I really felt after a good
job that my instant death would not
necessarily be 'remature ' l hevc
Ic my merk. l hevc scrcd. Somc
pcopIc cen ncvcr hevc cnough,
howcvcr, so 2 thngs stII hun mc.
Frst, l thnkthceudcncc I kcd my
workessome exotic curiosity. Lkc
e juggIcr's trck, whch wII eIweys
bc e trick, howcvcr brcethtekng. l
suspcct thcrc wes onIy e tny
mnorty wIIng to thnk ovcr thc
phIosophceI, psychoIogceI, or
cvcn thc chcss thcorctceI
As e rcsuIt (pen no. 2), no
'symposium' hes cvcr bccn sct up
thc dscusson of thc ersng
countcrergumcnts. ltwouIdn'thevc
bccntoo dmcuIt, wouId t,wththc
mcens of tcIccommunceton
eveIebIc n ourtmc? PcopIcprcfcr
swottng concrctc veretons thet
meybccomc ' dsposebIc' tcms n e
fcw deys. Few strive for a
comprehensive understanding of
chess, ncerIy cvcqbody Ivcs ' from
hend to mouth' Thcy gnorc thc
fect thet t tekcs a familiarity with
the opening's spirit to pIey e
compIcetcd systcm Ikc thc Kng's
lnden rceIIy wcII, not some
short-lived 'winning lines'.
GcncreI undcrstendng cen eIweys
brng tsspccc ut, buttdocsn't
work thc othcr wey round. Lct mc
rcpcet thc wcIIknown fect. you
ofyourIfc. So t'snote fevouryou
do to mc f you rcmsc to smpIy
ecccpt thet thosc wII bc 'derk
deys' And onc morc thngl You
don' t hevc to bc e 'bcIcvcr' to
pcccs, end gct bcttcr rcsuIts wth
BOTH coIours. Why both? WcII, f
you erc not scercd ofthc ' BLACK
Dey' comng tomonow, you wII
tekc e sobcr vcw of thngs n
todey's Whtc gemc es wcII, end
won'tpushon n pursutofthc wn
cvcn whcn t's scIfdengcrous, ceII
Thcrc hevc eIweys bccn pcopIc
who pIeycd 'crcIcd' toumemcnts,
crcIng thc nemcs ofthcrpotcnteI
'vctms' et thc sten. Thcn thcy
pushcd rceIIy herd egenst thcsc
opponcnts, endtrcdto mekc 'pcecc
trcetcs' wth thc rcst. Somc pcopIc
wcrc cvcn succcssmI wth ths
epproech, but thc mejorty,
More Novelties 107
ncIudngmyscIf, wcrcn't. l ectueIIy
thrcw ewey qutc e fcw heIfor mII
ponts smpIy bcceusc 'wcek'
pIeycrs eIso hevc thcr good deys,
end you don't cvcn hevc to
undcrcstmetc thcm for ths. lt eIso
heppcncd scvcreI tmcs thet l bcet
thc toumemcnt Icedcr on thc
foIIowng dey. Chcss s e mystcql
You cen, end you shouId, prcperc
end mekc pIens, but you eIso hevc
to wetch your opponcnt's rcectons
end mekc chengcs fncccsseq. lt's
eImost eIweys ncccsseql A
peredoxceI truth. thc gemc cen stII
tekcthcdcsrcd coursc. Andfyour
opponcnt eIweys mekcs thc movcs
you cxpcct, bcwercl You mey
realise only when your opponent's
' forced' moves have led to the
desired position that it is actually
losing, NOT winning! Chcss
hstoq hes sccn pIcnty of such
cescs,cvcnetthchghcstIcvcI l
NetureIIy, shorttcrm end
Iongtcrm studcs erc not cesy to
rcconcIc. Thosc who erc forccd to
menten e hcctc ceIcnder, or
smpIy cen not brng thcmscIvcs to
mss eny toumemcnt, hevcn't got
too much frcctmc. Thcy cen't scc
thc pont nstudyngebstrect dces.
Whet thcy thnk thcy nccd s
somcthng brngng practical
benefts es soon es possbIc.
lmmcdetcIy wII dol lnstced of e
Iong dgrcsson rdcuIng somc of
thc ' roughendtumbIc' mcthods of
Icemng end tcechng thet sccm to
cnjoy worIdwdc popuIerty, Ict mc
smpIy quotc somc provcrbs. Onc
seys. 'Morc hestc, Icss spccd'
Hcrc's enothcr onc for detebesc
ceks. 'Hc who gresps much hoIds
IttIc' Thcrcsccmstobc ewttcsm
forcvcqthng. SheIIltcIIyousomc
/08 More Novelties
Lasker, who wes WorId
Chempon for 27 ycers end thc
forcfethcr ofpsychoIogceI werferc
n chcss, eIrcedy teught us thet 'A
chess game is played by two
human beings, not by lifeless
puppets. ' And hc prectscd whet hc
wes prcechngeswcII. hssucccsscs
wcrc bescd on hs ad hominem
stretcgy, es wcII es hs trcmcndous
knowIcdgc of chcss. l hevc e|weys
found t emezng how |ttIc thc
boundIcssIy cxpendng chcss
|tcreturc ofthc Iest 30ycers hes to
sey ebout chcss psychoIogy. AI| l
hevc s e book by Krogus (e
psychetrst es wc|I es e
grendmestcr) end enothcr onc by
Fnc. l eIso rced Think Like a
Grandmaster byKotov(thcngevc t
to somconc who rceIIy nccdcd t).
My ntcIIgcnt gucss s thet thcrc
mey bc enothcr I 0 I 5 pub|cetons
on thc subjcct et most! ! You cen
ceIcuIetc for yourscIf whet
pcrccntegc of thc hundrcds of
thousends books on chcss (gcttng
worscendworsc)tmekcs upl (Thet
rcmnds mc ofe spcce| Hungeren
seyng. 'God's zoo s hugcl ' How
do you Ikc t?) ln BLACK IS still
OK!, you cen rced cxtrects from e
so fer unpubIshcd work on chess
psychology. lt IIustretcs whet l
hevc to sey much bcttcr then eny
mrthcrcommcnt l couId mekc. Thc
euthor s Dr. Ervin Nagy,
lntcmetoneI Mestcr end psychet
rst. TtIc. Our Psyche in Che(ck . . .
'KO' vctorcs sc|dom occur
bctwccn pIeycrs of roughIy thc
semc strcngth. A chcss gemc docs
conten mstekcs, howcvcr herd wc
tqto evodthcm. Thcyercmedcby
both sdcs most of thc tmc.
Thcrcforc, es e grcet chcss thnkcr
end grendmestcrput t, thc gemc s
wonby thc p|eycrwhocommts thc
pcnuItmetcmstekc. . .
Lajos Portisch: BLACK IS OK
- i (s) he fnds the right lines I
Once upon a time Bobby Fischer
spent three days analysing one of
the variations of the Grinfeld
Defence fom BLACK's side, and
he was ver unhappy that he could
not point out any tangible advantage
for BLACK, only equality. I wonder
if there is a single so-called Super
Grandmaster in our days with no
variation based on Fischer's
analysis in their repertory?!
It seems to me rather unethical to
copy the greatest fgure of chess
histor and criticise his latest
perforance at the same time. I
wonder how many of us would be
able to play at that level afer twenty
years of exile?
The American genius proved
more than twenty years ago that the
'Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian is
one of the best defences' and that
even the King's Indian is playable
in the rght person's hands. He did it
at a time when Petrosian was able
to tell me once, when he was in bad
for: 'Lajos! I I can't even beat the
King's Indian, there is serious
trouble!' His words were well
I do not intend to praise or
condemn specifc variations in this
short essay, but it is obvious that
ever chess player of an acceptable
level has a global judgement on the
various openings. There are
naturally defences and variations
that lead to White's advantage. We
cannot say BLACK is always OK.
But wrong, or at least dubious
variations can be found for White,
too. Let alone the fact that fashion
changes all the time in chess, too.
It is well-known, for example,
that in the twenties and thirties
classic Queen's Gambit structures
were considered the best for
BLACK among all closed openings,
and Indian systems became popular
only later.
If I am not mistaken, I have tried
practically all noral defences with
BLACK during my long career.
(Except for such defences as the
Scandinavian, Alekhine and
Philidor. I 'respect' the two latter
ones only because the namegivers
were great fgures in the histor of
chess, and, on top of that, Philidor
was also a musician. But I am still
not willing to play either of them.)
In my opinion, at least two-thirds of
all 'tested' openings give White an
apparent advantage. But do not ask
me, dear Reader, to name these
systems... Considering all this, it is
logical that statistics show White's
advantage in the fnal account.
The root of the problem is that
ver few people know which are the
openings where BLACK is really
OK. Those who fnd these lines
have nothing to fear, as BLACK is
indeed OK, but only in these
110 Lajos Portisch: BLACK IS OK- i(s)hefnds the right lines!
l hevc eIweys rcgerdcd Andras
Adorjan es e frank and outspoken
person. Somc sey he is even too
outspoken. Ths frenkncss is not
eIweys edvsebIc n Ifc, but t
dcscrcs our rcspcct n eny cesc.
And t s e spcceI mcrit thet hs
eneIyscs erc frenk, too. Thus thc
rcedcr hes nothing to worq ebout
whIc rcedng hs books, et Icest hc
thc opcnings covcrcd by hm good
ndccd. He would not even think of
omitting or 'hiding' something on
purpose. If dcstiny or toumemcnt
obsoIctc, end forccs thc euthor to
rcvsc thcm, t senntrnsic Iew of
chcss. Anyhow, n this age of
depressing information boom and
computer craze, thcrcerc rceIIyfcw
veretons on whchyou couIdstekc
cvcqthngwthnoworrcs. . .
Thcthoughthow long can it go on
like this?! erscs n my mnd morc
end morc ocn. AIthough l bcIcvc
n thccnormous possbItcs ofthc
ert of chcss, l stiII thnk thet the
rules of the game will have to be
altered sooner or later, fwcdonot
went chcss to snk nto toteI
borcdom. NetureIIy, ths dIcmme
comcs up onIy f wc think ebout
chcss ese knd ofer|. Thc 'work of
art ' created in today 's fashionable
blitz and rapid touraments belong
rather in a rag-fair than in an
ehibition room. And thosc who
consdcr ert rceIIy mportent
ccrtanIy egrcc wth Fischcr thet
chcss nccds chengc. Thc Amcrcen
gcnus hes hs own cIeboretcd
mcthod of dong t. Ths s,
wII hopcmIIy hcer e Iot n thc
Budepcst,Mey27, I 994
As you can see, this piece of
8-time Candidate Laos Portisch
was written ten years ago just like
Evgeny Sveshnikov 's (ublished in
BLACK IS still OK!). It is still valid
in both cases because men of
principle don 't ofen change their
opinions about basic truths.
Regrettably chess has moved on
much further to the commercial
direction. The newest FIDE
time-limit is an assault on chess art
and, as Lajos later pointed out,
well-done endings will simply
disappear. Since it is ofno beneft
for players to have a game I hour
shorter than normal - especially
because the far more intensive
tension is indeed becoming
dangerous to health - and anyway
what the hell do you do with the
hour saved? Go to the ambulance?
No, friends, it is clear in my mind
that sooner or later they will
'invent ' 2-games-a-day toura
ments. A great Hungarian comic
once said: 'There are rmours that
every age has its special joys. Now
look at me: I just started ageing (he
was 70). Ofall the good things I can
hope for name but one! ' As for
mysel (54) I found at least one: I'm
no longer forced to play my beloved
Royal Game under such conditions.
It 's beneath both Caissa and my
dignity to do so. Finally: They say
one of the key words ofdemocracy
is the freedom of choice. It is
touching. But what kind ofchoice is
Another torso .
LejosPortsch se gcntIcmen, but
thcm s bcetng mc. lt wes so ncc
tII I 975 whcn our pcrsoneI scorc
Lajos Portisch: BLACK IS OK- i(s)hefnds the right lines! 1 1 1
wes nmy fevourl Thcnthc BEAST
cemc out of hm. And cvcr sncc
thcn hc kcpt ths bed hebt. l Iost
count ofhowmenytmcs l bccemc
hs vctm (Ict HlM edd thcm up).
AII n e|I twes '93 whcn lwonthc
ncxt gemc(hc msscd e forccd wn)
- I dcscrvcd to gct hm but hc
dsturbcd mc. Hc set oppostc mc
eImoste|Ithc tmcl l
L.Portsch - A.Adorjan
I 99I
1 d4 tf6 2 c4 g6 3 tc3 d5 4
cxd5 txd5 5 e4 txc3 6 bxc3 g7
7eJc5 8 'd2 Wa5 9 lb1
At thet tmc ths movc wes es
popuIeres92cI , wth thc ntcnton
of 9. . . e6 I 02cI whch supposcdIy
gevc Whtc en edventegc. (l'm not
surc t dd) StrengcIy cnough, thc
ncxt - qutc IogceI - movc, thet l
dscovcrcdjust fcw deys bcforc our
gemc, hed ncvcr bccn pIeycd
9 .. b6!N
ls t not smpIc cnough?
Protcctng c5 end opcnng up thc
weyforthccBbshoptob7ore6. ln
short. kccpng thc prcssurc by
Othcrmovcserc9. . . e6,9. . . cxd4.
10 lb5?!
Acr 40 mnutcs thnkng, en
ettcmpt et rcfuteton - not vcq
rce| stcl
I 0 vO 00 I I c2 (I I c4
b7T, I I d3 vc6T) I I . . .b7 I 2
c5vc6 I 300cxd4T,
I 0b5+d7
A) I I d3 00 I 2vc2 ( I 2vOl )
I 2 . . . vc6 I 3 dxc5 vc5 I 4 cxb6
B) I I xd7+ vxd7 I 2vc2 ( I 2
vO? vf6T) I 2 . . . 00 I 3 00 ( I 3
d5?lvc5 I4Wc2vc4 I 5 cI b5T)
I 3 . . . cxd4 I4 cxd4 Wxd2 I 5 xd2
8ecB I6BfcI c6=.
10 .. 'a4 11 lb3
I I dxc5?l
A) I I . . . Wxc4l ? I2 cxb6 ( I 2
c2?l e6l) I 2 . . . exb6 I 3 2xb6
B) I I . . .00l I 2Rb4 We5 I 3cxb6
I I 2b2e6.
1 1 .. 0-0
I I . . .e6l ? I2 xe6 Wxe6
( I 2 . . . vxe6) I 3dxc500.
12 b5 W aS
13 te2?!
I 3vOd7l
A) I4e4e6T,
112 Lajos Portisch: BLACK IS OK- i (s)he fnds the right lines!
B) I4 9c2 2cB I 5 00 (I 5d5? c4
I 6 2b4 ve6+) I 5 . . . cxd4 I 6 cxd4
W xd2 I 7 vxd2 (I 7 9xd2 2c2T)
I7. . . 2c2 I Bd52xe2 I9 9c42e4T,
C) I4 9d3 2dB I 59g5 vc6 I 6
d59g4! ,
D) I 49xd7 vxd7
Dl) I 5 d5? c4 I 6 2b4 vf6 I 7
W c2( I 72xc4 vxc4! ) I 7 . . . vxc4 I B
2xc4vxc3 I 99d22ecB+,
02) I 5 00 cxd4 I6 cxd4 W xd2
I 7 9xd2 2fcB I B 2fbI ( I B 2c3
2xc3 I 9 9xc3 2cBT A 20 2cI ?
9h6 2I 2c2 vf6+) I B . . . 2c2 I9
23b2 2ecB 20 fI c5l ?(20 . . . c6=)
2I 2xc2 (2 I 9c3 f5T, 2I d5 vf6T)
2 I . . . 2xc2 22 d5 2xe2 23 2cI h6 24
2cB+ h7 25 d6 f5 26 cxf5 c4 27
bg6+xg6 2B vh4+ t 29 9f4
13 ... a6! ?
I 3 . . . 9d7 I4 9xd7 ( I 4 e4 e6T)
I4. . . vxd7 I5 00 ( I 5 d5? vc5 I 6
W c2 c4 A vd3T) I 5 . . . cxd4 I 6cxd4
W xd2 I 7 9xd2 2fcB I B 2c3=,
I3. . . 9e6l ? I4 9xe6 W xe6
(I 4 . . . vxe6=) I 5dxc5 vc6 I 6cxb6
exb6 I 72xb6W c4 I B00 ( I BW d5
vc5) I B . . . vc5 I 92eI W xc4.
14 .d3
Ths s nome|, but thc poston s
unusue|. CruceI wes I4 9c4, thcn
I4. . . b5 I 5 &d5 2e7 I6 dxc5 c6 I 7
A) I 7 . . . 2c7
AI) I B 9f4 cxd5 I 99xc7W xc7
20 cxd5 2dB 2I W f4 9c5
(2I . . .W xf4 22 vxf4 9c5T) 22 W O
W d6T,
A2) IB 9c5 ! 2dB I9 Re3 W xe3
20xe3 cxd52I cxd5vxc6,
B) I 7 . . . 2eBl I Bc7 cxd5 I 9W xd5
vc620W xc69c6.
14 ... lc6 15 d5?!
I 500
A) I 5 . . . b5! ? I6 2b2 ( I 6 dxc5
2dBT, I6 W c | c4 I 7 2e3 W c7T)
I 6 . . . 2dB I7 d5 c4 I B9xc4 bxc4 I 9
W c2 2bB 20dxc6 2xb2 2I W xb2
B) I 5 . . . cxd4 I6 cxd4 W xd2!
( I 6 . . . vxd4 I7 W xe5 vxc2+ I B
9xc2 bxe5 I 9 2e3=) I 7 9xd2
vxd4 IB 2xb6 2dB I 9 9c3 l (I 9
9g5 vc6+, I 99b4 vc6 202xc6
2xd3 2I 9xc7 9b7 222c4 2cBT)
I 9 . . . vf5! T .
15 ... le5 16 0-0?!
lt mey sccm thet Whtc hes
menegcdto so|vc hs prob|cms, but
thc truth shscesc stendsbed|y.
Corrcct s I 6c4 vxd3+ I 7 2xd3
W e4 I B W cI ( I B 00 W xc4 I 9 O
f5+) I B . . . 2dBl T ( I B . . . f5 I 9 2e3
W d7209h6=).
16 ... f5!+
17 .bbl
I7 cxf5?c4 I B 9xb6W xd5+, I 7
9bI ?! vc4 I B W d3? vd6T, I 7
vf4 g5l A f4+ Funny, but ths
rethcr smpIc (but unusue|) movc
wes dmcuIt for mc to nd! , l 7
2tbI vxd3 I B W xd3 W xe2T, I 7 O
vxd3 I B W xd3 bc4 I 9bc4 2xfI +
20xf| 9d7T,Bcsts I 7e3 9d7T
Laos Portisch: BLACK IS OK- i (s)he fnds the right lines! 113
17 . . . lxd3 18 'xd3 'xa2 19 xc3 34 xe5 9c4 35 D 9h4+
.xb6 36 g2 c2+ 37h3 9f6 3B g3
I 9 vcI We5+.
19 ... fxe4 20 'd2 'xd2 21 .xd2
Fromnow onLejos se dcedmen
whowIIbcrcbom Ikcephocnxet
thc cnd thenks to my truc humenty
(endpetzcrshp. . . l )
22 .a1 .d8 23 .c6 .xd5 24
24 ... .d7
24. . . 9g4l 25vf42dI +26xdI
9xdI +ONEl .
25 .xc5 .xc5 26 .xc5 D27
.b1 lc8
27. . . 9c5lA8bB+TWOl .
28 .a3 .f6
2B. . . 9g4 29 O cxO 30 gxO 9f5
3 I Rb7 9f6 32 e7 9d3 33 vcI
9fI +THREEl .
29 h3 .c7 30 .b6 .a4
30 . . . 9xc3+,30 . . . 9c6+.
31 .b2 .d7 32 ld4 e5 33 lbS
.xb5 34 .xb5 .a7?
34. . . RdI+wesstIIwnnngcesIy
35h2bI 36c4e437g3 h5l
A 3B h4 e3l 39 9xe3 BhI +
35 c4 a4 36 .a3 .e7 37 c5
Acr 37. . . d7 3B e5 dI +
(3B . . . d4l ) 39 h2 eI 40 9b2
Re2 4I 9xc5 e3 t s e herdcrtesk
sthcsemc,whocercs?FlVEl .
38 fl d5 39 e2 .a6 40
.b7! .xc5 41 lb5 .c6 42 .a5
Hcrc thc good Lejos fcIt strong
cnough to gctup om hs cher end
weIk e fcw stcps, Icevng mc eIonc
rctumcdwtheIttIc smIcwcbrokc
out smuItencousIy nto e thundcr-
ous Ieugh end shook hends. Wc e|I
ercjust fccbIc pcopIc tqngtopIey
wcII en ncrcdbIy dmcuIt gemc
ceIIcdchcss. . .
Statistics on Andras Adorj an' s
OurMcge2003 detebesc contens I 6I 9gemcs ofmnc, ofwhch nB26
(5 I %)lhedthcBLACKpcccs,endn793thcWhtconcs.
Distribution of my BLACK and White games by results
Years BLACK of which % White of which %
games games
Total Wins Draws Losses Total Wins Draws Losses
1 966-70 82 23.2 57.3 1 9. 5 77 32. 5 57. 1 1 0.4
1 97 1 -75 1 58 25.9 55.7 1 8. 4 1 62 32. 1 58.0 9. 9
1 976-80 1 32 20.5 62. 1 1 7.4 1 32 2 1 .2 72.7 6. 1
1 98 1 -85 1 63 30. 1 5 1 . 5 1 8.4 1 67 27. 5 65.3 7.2
1 986-90 1 24 1 9.4 62.9 1 7.7 1 09 27. 5 65. 1 7. 3
1 99 1
95 1 1 6 33. 6 52. 6 1 3. 8 1 05 27.6 60.0 1 2.4
'96-2000 5 1 37.3 45. 1 1 7. 6 41 41 . 5 5 1 .2 7. 3
Total 826 26.4 56.1 17.6 793 28.6 62.8 8.6
Thcrcsnotmuchdcrcncc nthcretcofBLACKendWhtcwns. Thc
pcrccntegcofdrews smuch hghcr n my Whtcgemcs (you know, l' me
BLACK ghtcr, pIeyng Whtc l wes rethcr cercmI knowng thc derk
bccemchghcr. ln thc Iest dccedc l won 5Bgemcsend Iost 25. And l tcII
you, ecrcvcq sngIconc ofthc 25 l cncdwthrceI tcers whIc thc 5B l
tookesemettcrofnetureIcoursc. . .
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 1 15
ln eny cesc. sncc I 966 whcn l
|rst que|cd for thc Hungerien
Chempionshp end bccemc et thc
egc of I6 thc youngcst cvcr (untI
|hcn) Mestcr you cen tekc ANY
pcrod of my cerccr to scc thet l
eIweys hed e POSlTlVE rcsuIt wth
BLACKl Funny es it mey sccm, l
ddn'tcvcn rceIsc thet. So how did
I gct to know ebout t thcn? lt's
cesyl You kccp on menyng untiI
your prcscnt wfc (n my cesc t
took 3 trics) s e stetstcien. Likc
l|one, my coeuthor, who s e
profcssoneI l AIso n typing. ln
edditon l couId dictetc to hcr et
oncc in EngIsh. On top of
cvcqthng shc cen tekc eI| of my
crezy hebts, end s enywey qutc e
ncc pcrson. For e women. l thnk
l'm not gong to dvorcc too soon.
Thcrc'snopontenywey, snccthcn
thcrc wII surcIy comc enothcr
wcddng. l stop, butyou don't, untI
- youknowl
Beating a strong opponent ..
thc tt|c of 'youngcst Grendmestcr
ofeII tmcs' et thctcndcregc ofI 2,
t mey sound e IttIc mnny thet l
bccemc thc youngcst cvcr
Hungeren Mestcr in I 966 (l wes
bom in I 950). Thcsc things erc
dimcuIt to comperc, ofcoursc. lt s
ocn eskcdwhcrcLeskcrorStcntz
wouId stend on todey's reting Ist?
WcII, rght on thc top, of courscl
Why? Bcceusc thcy posscss thc
know|cdgc pesscd on to us by
thcmscIvcs end othcr chcss
ponccrs. ln thc gemc bcIow, my
opponcnt wes Gyrgy Sz|agy, e
strong ntcmetoneI mestcr. Hc wes
en ' eudcncc przc' for hs strcngth
et e toumemcnt. Ycsl Durng hs
ofhs opponcnts (p|us thc boerd) et
Icest | mctcrl Thswesmyrstwn
ecr rcccvng thc Mestcr ttIc. My
opponcnt hed bcetcn mc oncc
eIrcedy, endhc couIdhevc bccn my
fethcr enywey. AccordngIy, hs
grcctng bcforc thc gemc wes
'HcIIo, sonl ' Butthcnnthccndhc
wes rceI|y fer, eskng n en
emusng wey 'And you, MlSTER
1OCHA, cen pIey so wcI|? l didn't
knowyoucenpIeysowcII. . l '
G.Szilagyi - A.Jocha
BPKupeI 966
1 g3 lf6 2 .g2 g6 3 c4 .g7 4
lc3 0-0 5 d4 c5 6 lf cxd4 7
lxd4 lc6 8 0-0 'a5
Atthettimclstencdto buId upe
knd ofrcpcnoirc which s not onIy
without 'hoIcs', but eIso |ceds to
simi|ertypcs ofpositions. 7genst I
c4 lstucktothcDregon, l enswcrcd
I c4 with c5, end thngs Iikc thet.
A|es, thc Mercp Bnd hed e
sobcrng ccct on my romentc
souI. StI|, wc kcpt on mprovng t
workcd togcthcr for ovcr I0 ycers.
Whcn l rctumcd from Lenzerotc n
I 975, l ceIIcd hm. ' lmegnc, lwon
egenst thc Merczyl ' 'No wey' -
hc sed. ' Comc on, l eIso got e
116 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
brIIency przc for thc gemc
egenst Cerdoso' 'ln thet cesc t
s possbIc. . . ' - hc drcw thc
ln thc degrem you scc e kcy
poston of enothcr bunch of ths
opcnng compIcx. Whtc hes e
choicc, end epert from thc tcxt end
thc othcr- men- verietonthcrc s
9 c3, which brought mc e victoq
ovcr GM !.Horth, but t wes
mostIy duc to thc suqrsc veIuc.
Thcrc foIIowcd 9. . . . d6 I0 d2
g4?? end, bcIicvc t or not, ecr
I I vd5l + thc guy wes dced. Thc
but to my own surprsc t wesn' t
cvcn dmcuIt. (I0. . . . d7 wes
cqueI ! ) As forthcrcmenngI ncs, 9
vb3 s much morc tcsting then thc
9 lc2
9vb3W h5
A) I 0c4 W xdI I I 2xdI d6 I 2 h3
e5 l 3 e4c6 I4 vd5vd7 I 5 fI
2ecB I 6d2 vc5 I7 vxc5 dxc5
I B c3 d4 (I B . . . xc3 I9 bxc3)
I9 xd4 cxd4 20 2e3 f5 2I cxf
xf5 22 f4 c6 23 vb6 2cdBT
SmysIovLerscn, lntcrzoneI,
Amstcrdem I 964,
B) I0 c5l ? Ambitious I 0 . . . d6
( I 0 . . . b6l ? I I c4 W xdI I2 2xdI
bxc5 I3 vxc5 d6 I4 c5 vxc5 I 5
xeBdxc5) I I cxd62dB
B1) I 2vc4 g4 ( I 2 . . . vxc4? I 3
dxc7) I 3Oc6,
B2) I 2 c4 g4 ( I 2 . . . 2xd6 I 3
W xh5 vxh5 I 4c3l) l 3Oc6
B2a) I4W cI c4 I 5 dxc7( I 5g4
W c5 I 6f4 W c6) I 5 . . . vxc7 I 62D
B2b) I4g4Wh4 I5W cI W xcI I 6
2xcI cxd6=.
9 . .. 'ih5 10 e4 'i xd1 1 1 lxd1 d6
12 b3 .g4!
A uscmI ntcqoIeton - rcducng
13 f .e6 14 .b2
14 ... lac8?!
cB rght now, thcn thc kng's rook
wouId bcIong thcrc. But bcst wes
my Ietcr try I4. . . . vd7, ecr whch
my opponcnt wcnt 'eggrcssvcIy'
I4. . . vd7l I 5 ve4xb2 I 6 vxb2
vc5 I 7vd3vxd3 I B 2xd3 e5
A) I 9e4f5( I 9 . . . g5 20f4 gxf42I
gxf4 f5 22 2cI bc4232g3+ hB
24 xc4 gB) 20 f4 fxc4 2 I
xc4 f5 22 2cI xc4 23 2xc4
B) I 9 e4 h-h PogtsAdoqn,
HungerenChemponshp I 96B.
15 ld5 ld7 16 ld4?
A bg rctum fevour. Whtc couId
hevc gencd e sIght cdgc wthout
hcedechcs. lnstced, hc feIIs for
somcthng ewmI, es bccomcs clcer
I 6xg7Gxg7 I7vcc3l.
16 ... .xd5! 17 exd5 lxd4 18
.xd4 .c7! 19 ld2 .xd4+ 20
lxd4 lc5 21 le1 a5 22 'f la8+
Now, wth cvcq prcpereton
medc to roII up Whtc's quccnsdc
pewn structurc, l, surprisngIy -
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 1 1 7
cvcn for myscIf- ocrcd e drewl .
lnstced ofshekng my (Itt|c) hend
gretcmIIy, lM Gy. Sz|gy proudIy
rcfuscd. GodbIcsshmforthsl
23 9H
23 .. Jb6! 24 ie2
. . . end hc ocrcd beck thc drew,
rceIsng thet hc s now fecng e
tough dcfcncc wthout eny
countcrchenccs. But, cvcn though l
wes sIIy cnoughtostertpceccte|ks,
l ectueIIy kncw l wes bcttcr, end
pIeycd thc good movcs wth thc
rght ntcnton. Agen end egen, l
rcceIIthc meny gemcs nwhch my
drew ocr wes tumcd down end l
wonl Thscesc snocxccpton.
24 ... %b6 25 idl a4 26 ld2?!
26 bxe4 2e6 27 9b3 vxe4T
eIthough t'son|yedcrcntkndof
26 ... axb3 27 axb3 lb4 28 le3
b5!+ 29 cxb5 lxb5 30 la2 :cb7
31 la3 'g7 32 f4 lb4 33 'iel h5
34 lc3 'if6
34. . . h4.
35 h4 :d4?!
35 . . . Bc4+l+.
36 .o 'r5 37 le3 'f6
37 . . . 2d3? wouId bc en ovcrsght.
3B9c4+l eIthough mnnIyBLACK
stII sccms to hevc edrewng forcc.
3B. . . vxc4 39 2xd3 Gg4 40 2e2
2c74I 2e42cI+42c2f5.
38 lc3 ldb4 39 idl
39 ... .e4+!
Ths s kIIng tcmpo pIey. Now
Whtc s IosngmetcreI onc wey or
40 ie2
40GD2d4l 4I 9O 2db4+.
40 ... .bb4 41 H
4I 2c4 docsn't hc|p bcceusc of
4I . ..2d4l T.
4l ... :ed4 42 iO .d3! 43 .xd3
lxd3 44 ie2 lc5 45 ic4 le4 46
lt's eII thc semc. Whtc hes too
meny wcekncsscsendnoectvty to
46 Gg2 vd2 47 GD vxc4 4B
bxc4 2xc4 49 Gc3 c5 50 dxc6
Gxc6 (50. . . fxc6 s good too 5 I 2e6
d5 52 2b6 Gf5 53 GO 2c3+ 54
GD Gg4 55 Bxc6 2O+ 56 Gc2
Rxg3 572xg6+G xf45BAd6Ac3+
59 GD Ac5 60 A

6 d4+) 5 I wc2
d5+ 52 2O (52 GO Gf5 53 2b3
2e4 54 2c3 f6 55 2d3 d4 56 2b3
2e5 57 2d3 2d5 5B 2d2d3+).
118 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
46 ... lxg3-+ 47 la4 lb8 48 b4
lf5 49 d2 lxh4 50 b5 lf5 51
lb4 h4 52 b6 h3 53 ifl h2 54
ig2 lgJ 55 'e3 hl=' 56 ixhl
lxhl 57 f e5! 58 dxe6 xe6 59
g2 d5 60 f5 c5 61 lg4 gxf5
62 l:f4 lg8+ 63 xhl xb6 64
Prectcnge rook cndngwthtwo
pewnsupwes epIcesurcformcthet
tcns ofm|Ions who p|ey chcss n
our tmc hes ncvcr cvcr hed thc
chenccto fccI whet t s |kc top|ey
n dcccntcrcumstenccs. Thc Iucky
pert oft s thet thcy don't nd thc
condtons of mess opcns
humIetng - for thc ebovc
mcntoncdrceson. Formc, twesen
cIcvetngcxpcrcncc to p|ey on thc
stegc n ont of 500 on|ookcrs et
thc I966HungerenChemponshps,
or 900 chcss fens et thc I 979 Rge
lntcrzoneI . Qutc smpIy bcceusc l
couId bc ccrten thet et |cest thet
meny pcopIc erc ntcrcstcd n whet
my coIIcegucs end l erc dong. And
pIeyng n thc Chemponshp n thc
semc room whcrc l hed bccn e boy
gemc dcmonstretor just onc ycer
bcforc - wc|I, t wes Ikc e feq
teIc| WthKro|yHon, who wese
rceI gcnt|cmen (end hed to pey for
ths dcerIy), wc fought qutc e fcw
mcmoreb|c bettIcs. And, e|though
'Kercs' wes eImost 20 ycers my
scnor,wc medcgood cnds onthc
grounds of shercd dceIs end e
pcrsone| |kng for onc enothcr.
Thc strct, but goodhcertcd
Grendmestcr Bercze wrotc thc
foI|owng n hs toumemcnt rcport.
' Andrs !oche, thc ' Bcnjemn' of
thc toumemcnt, knows e|most
cvcqthng thet cen bc Icemt. Whet
hc s shon of s feth. ' Dcer
Grendmestcr up thcrcl l hevcn't
medc enyprogrcss sncc thcn. l stI|
know 'eImost' cvcqthng, es chcss
s mpossbIc to Icem comp|ctcIy,
end my feth s e|so stI| |eckng.
l'vcncvcrhed cnough oftl But, n
sptc ofeI| ths, l e|weys dd whet l
K.Honf - A.Jocha
HungerenChemponshpI 966
1 lf lf6 2 c4 g6 3 d4 ig7 4 g3
0-0 5 ig2 c5 6 d5 d6 7 0-0 la6 8
lc3 lc7
Ths s how l Ikcd to p|ey n
thosc hcroctmcs.And ntwo morc
gemcs n ths Chemponshpl Tmc
thcrc wcrc no |css then 22(ll )
pencpents, emong whom l
9 a4
A) 9. . . 2bB I 0 c5 ( I 0 e4 b6 I I
2cI e6 I 2 c5 vg4 I 3 9f4 f6=)
I 0 . . . vg4 I I cxd6cxd6=,
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 1 1 9
B) 9. . . b5l ? l wes ncvcr egenst e
secrcc, but with hindsght, l hevc
doubts ebout thc m|I concctncss of
ths onc. I0 cxb5 2bB ( I 0 . . . e6l ? I I
bxe6 9xe6 I 2 2cI vd7) I I e4
( I I c5 vg4 I 2cxd6 cxd6 I 3 e4 e6
I4 bxe6 3xe6 I 5 2cI 2b4)
I I .. .e6
B1) I 2 c5 vd7 ( I 2 ...vg4) I 3
cxd6 cxd6 I4 9f4 vf6 I 5 Wb3
exb5 I 6exb5 9e6 I 7 b6l ?9xfI I B
9xH veB I 9b7 vc7 (cI9 . . . vb6)
202e7 P0cgcrRibIi I 974,
B2) I2 bxe6 9xe6 I3 2cI 2b4
I4W c2WbB.
9 .. . lb8 10 hJ
I 0c4l .
10 ... b6 1 1 e4 a6 12 e5 ld7 13
exd6 exd6 14 .f4
CheI|cngng s I 49g5 f6 I 59f4
vcBl I 6h4?l vc5 I7 vd2 vO I B
2cI g5l I 9hxg5 fxg5 209c3 vc5
2I vcc4 h6 22 2e3 vg4T
NejdorfPctrosen, Petgorsky Cup
I966. 'Pctro Pepe' wcnt on to win
14 ... lf6 15 'i 3
I 5 2cI b5.
15 ... h6!
16 g4
I 62fcI vh5 I 7 9d29d7 I Bg4
Cf6 I 9 9f4 vfcB 20 g5 hxg5 2I
16 ... h5!
lt's so mnny. two provocetivc
movcs wth thc h pewnjustto forcc
Whtc's edvencc end thcn go beck
to thc Iest two renks. Thet's whet
BLACKsgoingto' echicvc'
17 g5 lfe8 18 lfe1 'id7 19 le4
b5 20 lae1 lb7D 21 le7 'if5 22
.c1 bxc4 23 'xc4 lb4 24 'e2
BUTl Look etthispcturcl A||
thet hes heppcncd sncc my |est
rcmerk wes netureI end vrtueI|y
forccd. And thc hiddcn forcc ofthc
BLACK Army ewokc Iikc 0owcrs
25 'i d1
A) 25. . . 2xe4? 26 b3 9e6
(26. . . 2xe2 27 Wxe2 W xd5 2B
vc5+) 27 W d2 2b4 (27... 2d4 2B
vxd4 3xd4 29 vc3 9b7 30 9b2
9eB 3 I 2l c4+) 2B vxb4 exb4 29
vh4 Wd3 30 Wxd3 9xd3 3 I
9fI +,
B) 25. . . 2b3 l 26W dI 2d3 279d2
W xd5 2BvcI 2xd2 29W xd2 (29
vxd2 W xg5) 29. . . Wxd2 30 vxd2
25 ... ia6 26 le4 'xd5 27
A bed mistekc bescd on
ovcroptmism. Hc shouId hevc
thought of how to scttIc thc mettcr
27 vxd6 vxd6 2B 2xc7 WxdI
29 2xdI vc4 30 2e7 9c2 3 I 2cI
27 ... ixf6 28 gxf6 'i xd1 29 lxd1
le6+ 30 ih6
120 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
30 vg5 2d4 3 I 2xd4 vxd4 32
3d2 vxf6333xa53c4T.
30 ... .e2! 31 lel .xt 32 .xl
lxf6 33 .xf xf 34 la7
lxa4-+ 35 .c6 lb4 36 .d7 ld4
37 'g2 .xb2 38 .c8 .e2?!
ProIongng Whtc's agony for
what fcIt Iikc ctcmty. Quckcr wes
3B. . . vd5 39 2xa5 vf4+ 40 g3
vdc2+ 4I h2 h4+ and Whtccan
39 lxe2 lxe2 40 .xa5 lf4+ 41
1 ld3 42 la6 le5+ 43 e2
e7 44 f4 led7 45 la7 'd8 46
.a6 ld5 47 1 lc7 48 .c4 d5
49 .a2 c4 50 la5 lb8! 51 f g5
52 e3 lc6 53 la4 d7 54 .bl
d6 55 h4 gxh4!?
Wnnng, of coursc. But on
55...f6l +Whtc was rcaIIy going to
rcsgn. QutcrghtIy.
56 f4 lb5 57 .c2 lbd4 58
.dl c3 59 la2
59 . c2! 60 .xc2 lb4 61 .a7
ldxc2 62 lxtld3+ 63 'g50
63O vc5+.
63 ... h3 64 lh7 h2 65 lxh5 ld4
66 f6 e6 67 h6
67g4 vD+.
67 ... lo 68 g7 lde5 69 lh6
lt 0-1
Winning with Guilt
Whcn wc nishcd thc post
mortcm of thc fo|Iowing gemc,
Grendmastcr Gcdcon Barcze sadIy
rcmerkcd. 'Gcttng oId is not too
much mn, son' l wes suddcnIy
ovcrhcImcd with pengs of
consccncc. Hc wes 65 end l was
26, but thcrc is morc. l em grcatIy
ndcbtcd to Grendmestcr Bercze,
end l trcd to cxprcss my grettudc
by foI|owng hs cxempIc. Whcn l
was I 5, lwrotc e contributon to en
eneIyss pubIshcd n thc Hungaren
chcss month|y Magar Sakkelet. l
rcmtcd somc perts of t but
mprovcd 'beck' an important Inc
(netureIIy for BLACK, n thc
MershaII Gembt with I I . . . . vf6).
Magar Sakkelet, prescd my work
end cncouregcd mc to writc morcl
Andwrtcldd. lwrotccxtcnsivcIy,
and hc handIcd my manuscrpts
wth carc and patcncc. Hc ncvcr
changcd e thing wthout prcvous
consuIteton with e grccn, eIthough
teIcntcd, kd Ikc mc, who couId
havcbccn his grendson. ltwouIdbc
e hopcIcss vcnturc to cnumcretc eI|
thc thngs l Icemcd from hm. But
|ct's tekc humi| ity, for onc. Thc
hum|ityrcquircdwhcn you scrc e
ceusc. And thc passonetc Iovc of
truth. l stII rcmcmbcr thc wey hc
rascd hs ndcx ngcr. 'To Iic n
writing s a snl ' Not that hc
practscd or toIcretcd it by word of
mouth. l ncvcrforgot whethc sad,
andncvcr|icdl (lnwrtng,l mcan.)
Lct 's mekc it cIcer. l dd makc
mstekcs, but l ncvcr rccommcndcd
pIey egainst enyonc thc ncxt dayl
And to Iosc thc gemc if t ddn't
workl Thet eIso heppcncd, of
coursc. Lct's rctum to ths tcam
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 121
chemponshp gemc. why ddn'tthc
Grandmestcr offcr e draw? lt's tmc
that 5 c3 wes e tact nvteton to
compIctc symmctry by c6 but my
eutomatc rcpIy was c5, just es n
my gemc agenst c.g. Brczey
(Hungeren Chemponshp '75),
whch youcen nd n thc orgneI
BLACK lS OKl (Betsford I 9BB), f
you cen stII gct hoId of a copy
(Lbraql ). So thc Grendmestcr's
rcmerk medc mc sad, aIthough thc
gemc wes e ncc onc. Thcn my
mood mprovcd egen whcn l
|cemcd thet Groszpctcr, who wes e
rsng young ster et thet tmc, had
of my cIdcr|y mestcr just e fcw
wccks bcforcl By thc wey, n I 9B0,
at thc egc of 69, Grandmestcr
Bercze hcId thc drew agenst mc
casIy, eIthough hc hed topIaywth
thc Whtc pcccs egen. . . l' vc
eIways consdcrcd thc opponunty
to know hm end bc ncerhm e rca|
bIcssng. l was at thc bcst possbIc
agc, whcn honcsty can stII bc
Icemt. WcII, Grendmastcr Bercze
wes ecrceturcofGod ofwhom thc
good Lord wouId bc rghtIy proud,
to put t pIenIy. Othcrwsc. . .
Othcrsc. . . ?
G.Barcza - A.Adorjan
Toumamcnt I 976
1 c4 g6 2 c3 cS 3 g3 Jg7 4
Jg2 c6 S e3 eS
lt's herd to ceII ths movc a
'wnnng ettcmpt', but t s surcIy
thc bcst wey to avod compIctc
symmctq end thc eImost ncvtabIc
cxchengcs ecr 5. . . c6, wth e |kcIy
t by 5. . . h6f5, but l found that
5. . . h6 6 gc2 f5 7 00 00 B
b3 b6 9 3b2 3b7 I 0WI havng
c4/d5orrst I I 2dI nmnd.
6 ge2 ge7 7 0-0 0-0 8 d3 d6 9
lb1 Je6 10 dS lb8
I 0 . . . b5 s eIways tcmptng but
hcrc s mct by I I xc7+ xc7 I 2
3xaB W xeB I 3 cxb5 3h3 I 4 c4
3xfI I 5 W xfI .
11 ec3 a6 12 a3 bS 13 cxbS
I 3 b4?l cxb4 I4 axb4 bxc4 I 5
dxc4 3xd5 I 6 xd5 xd5 I 7
W xd5 xb4 I B Wd2 e5 I 9 3e3
W6 20 2fdI 2fcB end Whtc's
13 ... axbS 14 b4
14 ... 'i d7!?
Funny, but BLACK s eIrcady
bcttcr. (Tq to nd en mprovcmcnt
for Whtcl Rcedyl Stcedyl Gol ) Hc
cvcn hes e chocc. Ths movc s
morc compIcxthen kckng out thc
I4. . . xd5 I 5 xd5 c7 I 6
xc7+ W xc7 I 7 3b2 c4l Bcrtok
Adoqn, Brmnghem I 973, I B
dxc4 ( I B d4 W a7l ) I B . . . 3xc4 I 9
2cI W c6T.
IS 'i e2?!
lt's cescr tocrtcsc ths than to
Frtz B, 'whom' l somctmcs
122 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
consuIt, edmittcd thet BLACK wes
bcttcr n eII othcr veretons but I 5
f4 - whchisof courscsIIy,nvicw
of cxf4 I6 f4 f5 wth thc uppcr
hend. Thc veretons bcIow erc
pertIy thc frut ofthc joint con of
thc 'Grcet Tro' (RbISex
Adorjn) n thosc ycers. l cennot
hc|pt.BLACKsnotOKl BLACK
I 5 c4 vd4
A) I 6 vxc7+ Wxc7 I 7 vd5
W e7T( I 7 . . . xd5 I B cxd5 We7T),
B) I6 c3 vxd5 I7 vxd5 f5 I B
f4 ( I B cxf5 xf5 I 9BcI g4l 20
O c6T)
81) I B . . . xd5 I 9xd4 ( I 9cxd5
cxf4 20 xf4 BbcBT) I 9 . . . e2 20
2el cxd4 2I Bxe2 bc4 22 dxc4
82) I B . . . c4 I 9fxc5 dxc5 20 dxc4
bxc4 2I GhI fxc4 22 vc3 h3 l
(22. . . BxfI+23 xfI g4= Bcrtok
Sex Vnkovc '76) 23 xh3 Wxh3
24vxc4Wc6l 25gl W c6T,
I 5 b2BfcBT.
15 .. J8! 16 f4?!
I6 d2 vxd5 I 7 vxd5 vc7 I B
vxc7+ Wxc7 I 9 bxc5 ( I 9 c3 c4)
I9. . . dxc5T, I 6b2TwesstIIbcst.
16 ... txd5 17 txdS te7 18
I Bc4vxd5 I 9cxd5g420WD
3f52 I c4 3h3 22 3g2xg2 23
Wxg2cxf4T(23. . . c4T).
1 8 .. .ixe7 19 fxeS
I 9 bxc5 dxc5 20 bc5 (20 3b2
c4) 20. . . 3xc5 2I 3b2 3xb2 22
Wxb2 BdBT.
19 ... dxe5
I 9 . . . xc5 20 bxc5 dxc5 2I
20 bxcS 'xcS 21 b2
21 ... .h6!
Ths s kiIIing, es wiI| bcc|cer n
22 lfe1 b4! 23 lbc1
23 exb4Wxb4 24 xc5WxbI 25
ZxbI ZxbI+26GDZbcI +.
23 ... 'b6 24 lxc8+?
c24 exb4 ZxcI 25xcI Wxb4T,
24 ... lxc8 25 axb4 "xb4
26 .xeS
26 ZcI 3xc3+l 27 Wxc3
26 3cI Zc2 27 WfI (27 WdI
A) 27. . . c4ll + 2B dxc4 (2B 3xc4
h3+)2B. . . 9c4,
B) 27. . . RxcI +,
26 WD Zc2 27 Bc2 Rxc2 2B
Wxc2 3xc3+ 29Wxc3 Wxb2+, 26
GD3g427O Wb3 2Bxg4 (2B
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 123
2cI &xc3+l 29 xc3 W b6+ 30 d4
2xcI 3 I &xg4 W b3+ 32 c4
2c2+) 2B...Bc2 29 &xc5 W xd3 30
W xc2 Wxc2+ 3 I 2c2 W c4 32 &f4
g5l 339OW g634&c7g4T,
26 fI &g4 27 . D W b3 2B
&xc5 2c2 29 Wf6 W xd3+ 30 g|
8 xg2+l+.
26 ... lc2! 27 W d?
27 W f| W d2 2B &f4 &xf4 29
29. . . &g4l l Wc hevc e Zugzang
nowl lt mey sound ncrcdbIc, but
thc hendy 29. . . &h3? probebIy
bIows thc whoIc gemc. 30 Bc2
W xc2 3 l Wxc2Rxc232&xh32d2
33 &g2 2xd3 34 &c6 8dI + 35
&g2 8 d2+ 36 gI h6 37h4 f6 3B
GH Gt 39g I c6 40 &c4 g5
4I hxg5 fxg5 42fxg5 hxg5 439O
Gf5 44 GfI c5 45 gI d4 46
Gf| Gc347&b7=
l sheIIncvcr forgct thc Iest round
of thc I 974 Studcnt Chcss
OIymped n Tccssdc, whcrc thc
Hungerentcem pIeycd EngIend for
thc bronzc. Our Iest ' Mohcen' ,
poor Vedsz, wes supposcd toho|d
en cndngIkcthsegenstMcstcI. l
cennot rcceII how Iong this torturc
Iestcd (with somc brceks) but both
of thc tcems wcrc eneIysing thc
demncd position Iikc crezy, sherng
thcr ' knowIcdgc' with thc pIeycrs
n thc brceks. ln thc cnd, it wes e
drew. To sey morc, both pertcs
cemc to thc concIusion thet en
cndng Iikc ths lS ndccd e drew.
But cvcn f you cen somchow
menegc to crcetc en cxccption, t
wII tekc 3 deys ofyour short Ifc to
wn...lnstcedof3 movcsl )30 d4 (30
hI &h3 3 I 2c2 Wxc2 32 Wxc2
8c| +l +) 30. . . Gg7l 3 I d5 9El l+
27 ... .g4! 28 .d6
2B W xc2 W xc| + 29 &f|
W xc3++.
28 ... lxg2+ 29 xg2 1b7+ 30 e4
&xd1 0-1
Z.Ribli - A.Adorjan
Hungery I 9B3
AslrstmctZoItnRbIn I 964
(et thc egc of I 3/I 4 - thc Iettcr s
mc), you mey quitc rghtIy suspcct
thet wc pIeycd e hcII of e Iot of
gemcs. lncIuding two metchcsl
(AIthough wc hed e ' pcecctrcety'
for somc I 0 ycers whcn wc - thc
two ofus, joncd Ietcr by Sex end
neIIy Vedsz, 4wouIdbcoIympic
chempions n Bucnos Aircs ' 7B -
wcrc workng scriousIy togcthcr. ln
thosc deys thcrc wcrcn't treincrs
hdingbchndcvcqbush. . . )
1 tf c5 2 c4 tf6 3 tc3 b6
A cIcer sgn of ' scrous
ntcntons' . RibI eImost ncvcr
cntcrcd thc men Incs of thc
Hcdgchog. lnstced, hcceImcddown
hs 3. . . c6 opponcnts by c3d4 end
fcIt qutc good n thc somcwhet
duII, eImost symmctriceI postons.
!ust onc pcrsoneI cxpcricncc. n
our I 979 WorId Chempionshp
Cendidetcs metch hc won gemcs I
end3(ne6gemcbettIcl ).
124 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
4 e3 e6 5 d4 cxd4 6 exd4 3b7 7
Note bigdceI.lfthcrcsenythng
for Whtc n ths positon, t bcgns
wth thc bishop movc bcIow, but
ehcr two dccedcs oftcsting thc |nc
7 3d3 d5 B cxd5 vxd5 9 00
3c7 I0 vc5 00 I I W h5 vf6 I 2
W h4vc4=.
7 ... d5 8 cxd5 .xd5 9 veS! ?
Thc onIy scrous try, but by no
mcens whcn combncd wth thcncxt
A) I0 W e4?l W d7 I I vc5? ( I I
3xc6 vxc6T) I I . . . vxc3 I 2 Wb3
vxb5 I 3vxd7vxd7+,
B) I03d3vd7=.
9 ... a60
10 'ia4+?!
A compIctc msundcrstendng of
thc cesc, ceusng troub|c onIy for
hmscIf.Thc othcr|ongquccnmovc
ddn't gvc eny edventegc, cthcr,
but t is sound. Bcsdcs, thcrc erc
somc tricky Incs to tcst fBLACK
I 0W h5 l ?g6 I I W O
A) I I . . .Wc7?l I 2 3g5 vxc3 I 3
3xc7 3xO I 4 9f6 2gB I 5 bxc3
3b7 I6 e4vd7 I 7vxd7 xd7 I B
2bI c6 I 93d3,
B) I I . . .W c7? I 2 3b5+l l exb5
( I 2 . . . 3c6 I 3vxd5 cxd5 I4 3f4+)
I 3vxb5 Wc7 ( I 3 . . . W cB I4 W xf7+
dB I 53g5+3c7 I 6vd6W c7 I 7
W g7 3xg5 I B W xhB+ c7 I9
vb5+) I 4vd6+l W xd6 I 5W xO+
dB I6W xb7+,
C) I I . . .W f6? I2 vxd5 W xO I 3
vc7+ dB I4 gxO Gxc7 I 5
D) I I . ..f6 I2vg43g7 I3 vc3
Dl) I3. . . vxc3 I4 W xb7 (I 4
Wxc3OI 53c4W d7 I 6O f5 I 7
002dBT) I4 . . . vc2+ I 5dI vxe I
I 6 W x7 2 I 7 W b7 vd7 I B
3xe6 b3 I 9 3b5 2O 20 Wc4
vxcI2 I Wxc6+ & 22xcI ,
D2) I 3 . . . 00 I4 vcxd5 ( I 4
vcxd5 cxd5 I 53c4 W c7+ I63c2
vc6 I 7 3c32edB I B vxd5W O I 9
3c4 vxd4 20 3xd4 3xd5 2I
3xd5 2fcB+ 22 3c3 W xd5 23
W xd5+ 8 xd5 24 2dI 2b5 25 b4
e5T) I 4 . . . 3xd5l ( | 4 . . . cxd5 I 5 3c4
f5 I 6 00 hB I 7 3xd5 3xd5 I B
W xd5 2e7 I 9 W xdB 2xdB 20 d5
vd7 2I vc4 2c7 22 3g5 3f6 23
3xf6+ vxf6 24 vxb6 2d6 25
ve4) I 5 vxd5 W xd5 I6 W xd5
cxd5 I 7 3c3 f5 I B g3 vc6 I 93g2
BedB= 20 0002fcB (20. . . ve5) 2I
c2 ve5=. ldde | itt|c homcwork,
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 125
dcer Rcedcrs, now t's your tm to
10 ... vd7
IO . . . b5? I I 9xb5+l +.
l l lxdS b5!
I I . . .9xd5 I2 9xe69xg2 I 3 BgI
&d5l ( I 3 . . . 9b7? I4 W xd7+ W xd7
I 5 vxd7 2xe6 I 6 vx Gx I 7
9f4) I 4 W b5 f6 I 5 vxd7 Wxd7
I 6W xb6 W d6 I 7 W xd6 9xd6 I B
9d3 g5 I 9 f4l ? h6 ( I 9 . . . gxf4 20
Zg7 000 2I 9d2) 20h4 gxf42 I
12 .. 3
I 2 9g5 f6l I 3 WdI ( I 3 vxf6+
gxf6 I4W dI vxc5+) I 3 . . . 9xd5
A) I4 vxd7 Wxd7T (I 4 . . .
B) I4W h5+g6 I 5 vx6hxg6 I 6
WxhB bg5 I 7 9d3 Wf6 ( I 7 . . .
9xg2T) IB Wxf6 vxf6 I 9 9xg6+
12 .. .xd5
Not thc mosteccuretc, but gong
n thc semc drccton es I 2 ...kxc5l
I3 dxc5 9xd5 I4 W g3 2cB
( I4. . . h5).
13 Wg3 lxeS 14 dxe5
I4Wxc5ZcB I 5 9d2f6T.
14 ...h5!?
Such e movc s eIweys herd to
rcsst. But hcrc end from now on n
somc pIeccs BLACK hes pIcesent
I 4 . . . BcB.
15 h4
I 5g5 h4 I6Wf4
A) I6. . . W e5+ I 7 b4 ( I 7 W d2
Wxd2+ I B 9xd2 h3 I 9 O Bh5 20
9c3 2g5+) I 7 . . . W e4 I B O h3,
B) I6. . . Wc7 I7 BcI W e5+ I B
Wd2W xd2+ I 99xd2h3T.
5... 2c8 16 b4
Tqng to perq onc of thc
dengcrs, but thcrc erc too meny
dcrcnt oncs. ln eddton, ths
I69d39xg2 I 7 9xb5+exb5 I B
Wxg2 Wd4 I 9 00 Wxc5 20Wb7
I6 9c2 2c2l I 7 9d3 We5+ I B
dI ( I B GH 9c4T) I B . . . Bc6 I 9
c2 We4 202dI Wg4+l (20. . . 9b3
2I BcI 9c2T)2I Wxg4hxg4
A) 22 e4 9xg2 (22. . . bxe4T) 23
exb5 9O+ 24 cI 2c5 25 bxe6
B) 22 9g5 9c7 23 ZecI Bh5T
(23. . . 9xg2T).
16 ... g6?!
But ths rcpIy s e IttIc s|Iy es
wc|I. To tergct c5 s |ogceI, but
sIow. Bcsdcs, hcrc l couId hevc
ncrcescd thc ntetvc dengcrousIy
I 6 . . . Wb6l ? I7 9c3 ( I 79d2Wd4
I B 2dI g6T) I 7 . . . W7T, I 6 ...2c2l
I7 9g5 ( I 7 9d3 9xg2 I B BgI
Wd4T I9 ZbI c4l+, I 7 c2
2xc2+l I B xc2 9c4+ I9 GcI
Wd4+, I7 W d3 Zc4T) I 7 . . . W c7 I B
9d2 g6 I 9 9d3 9g7 20 f4 Zb2T
/26 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
2I 2bI (2I 2dI 00 2200 2dB 23
2fc I 2b3) 2I . . . 2e2T.
17 9g5
17 . 9e7?
Ths movc rceIIy dcscrvcs e
qucstonmerk. Both nprncpIc end
forbcng mpotcnt. Thc whoIc stoq
s ebout Whtc's cfforts to tq to
cxchengc pcccs end hdc thc kng.
And whet em l dong?
to mss my wnnng chenccs. !ust
I 7 . . . Wc7! ?,
cI 7 . . . Wb6!
A) I B 9f6 W d4 I9 2dI
9xb4+! +,
Bl) I B . . . e5 I 99f6
Bla) I9. . . 2gB 20 W d3 2c4 2 I
W c3 W xc3+ (2 I. . .Rc4 22 W xc4
9xc4 23 9xb5+) 22 bc3 exb4 23
9xc4bxc424 c4+,
Bib) I 9 . . . exb4?209xhBbxe3 2I
B2) I B . . . 9g7 I9 9c3 WbB 20
9d4002I 9c29c4T,
C) I B 9c2 W d4 I 9 00 9g7 20
9f4 2c3 2I W g5 W c4 22 9O
D) I B 9d3 9g7 I9 00 W d4 20
2fcI 2c3 2I 2edI 00 22 9c 7
2fcB 23 9c5 W g4 (23. . . 2Bxc5 ! 24
bxc5 2xe3T) 24 W xg4 hxg4 25
9c4 9xc4 26 2xc4 2xe3T
(26. . . g3j
18 9xe7W xe7 19 9e2
gencd hes dseppcercd. Thc
poston s rethcr drewsh. LuckIy,
my opponcnt got ovcroptmstc,
end trcd to push hs Iuck end wes
not contcntto just Icevc bchnd hs
19 ... 9c4
I 9 . . . 2c2 20 9d3 2c6 2I 00 00
222fcI 2fcB-.
20 .el 0-0
21 ixh5?
!csus ChrstonthcCross! A grcet
pIeycr wth RbI's cxtre scnsc of
dengcrtekcs e fccbIc pewn, Icevng
hskng n thcmdst ofthundcrend
Ightnng, rcedyto brcek out et eny
tmc end from scvcreI drcctons.
Truc, contreq to my ongneI
judgcmcnt, thc cndng couId stII
ocrthcuppcrhendto BLACK, es
e sccond Iook hes provcd. StI I !
StI I !
2I 9xc4
A) 2I . . .bxc4 22 00 2fdB 23 Bc3
(23 W f4 c3 24 Rc2 2d3 25 W c4
W dB 26 2fcI 2dI + 27 RxdI
W xdI +2Bh2g729 e4W d5 30
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 127
Wc3Wb3+)23 . . . 2d4 24 f4 W d7 25
B) 2 I .. .2xc4l 22 2xc4 bxc4 23
81) 242c I 2d4T,
82) 24W g5 l ?
Bla) 24 . . Wx5 25 hxg5 2d5
(25. . . 2d426O )26Zc I-,
Blb) 24. . . Wc7 25 g4?l (25 ZcI
c326 W c3 W c4 27Wc5) 25. . . 2d5l
26 2cI (26 gxh5 W xc5 27 W xc5
Zxc5 2B hxg6 fxg6 29 ZcI =)
26. . . W dB 27 WxdB+ ZxdB 2B gxh5
gxh5 292c42cBT,
BJ) 24 W f4 Wc7 25 2c I c3 26
W c4 (26 W c3 2cB 27 Bc2 Wc4T)
26. . . Zd527f4 Bd22Bh2c2T.
2l ... a5!
Thet's tl No mettcr how meny
|cngthyveretonsyouwII scc om
now on, thc gemc s n fect ovcr.
Andthc IcssI cxpIein thet, thc morc
you wI| cnjoy thc cImex(?). l
rcmcmbcr e stoq toId by Hens Rcc
n Soch I 976 whcn wc got
hopcIcssIy Iost weIkng through thc
town. lt wes e cenoon. Thc
AmcrcenArmy s crossng Iend n
wertmc,somcwhcrcnMcxco, end
hceding for e dcstneton thet thcy
don't know how to gct to. Thc
gcncreI tums to en oId pcesent for
hcIp. Hc seys. 'Oh ycs, l know
whcrc it is. !ust tcI| mc, p|cesc, erc
you Iooking for thc shortcst or thc
mostbceutm| wey?' Sol You hevc
thc semc choicc whcn p|eyng ovcr
thseneIysisofminc, wcIIorgenscd
22 bxa5
22 2bI exb4 23 2xb4 2fdB 24
9xg6 bg6 25 W xg6+ W g7T, 22
9c2 exb4 23 h5 g5l 24 9xc4 2xc4
25 2xc4 bxc4 2600 bxe3 27 f4 e2
2B Gh2 (2B fxg5??W e7+) 2B. . . ZeB
29 Be I Ze3 30 W g4 f5 l 3 I cxf6
W xf6 32 fxg5 W c5+ 33 g3 W f5 34
W d4W xg5+.
22 ... W a7
23 9d
23 9c2 W xe5+ 24 W c3 (24 GfI
W d2) 24. . . W e6
A) 25 9xc4Zxc426W c3 2xcI +
27W xcI BcB 2BWb2
AI) 2B. . . W e5+ 29 c2 b4 30
exb4 (30 Bh3 W d5l 3 I exb4
W xg2T) 30 . . . W b5+ 3 I c3 2c4 32
2b| Bxh4 33 f4 g5,
A2) 2B. . . b4
A2a) 29 Bh3 2c4 30 exb4 W c6
3 I Wb3l (3 I b5 W xg2T) 3 I . . .Wb5
322c3 Bc I+ 33 d2 W fI 34 2c2
2eI 35W c4W xg2,
A2b) 29 exb4 29. . . W c4 30 Rh3
W c4+3 I Zc3 W xg2T,
128 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
B) 25 W4 eB 26 9O -.g 27
Wd6 We7 2B RdI RcdB 29 WxdB
RxdB30RxdB+g73 I h5Wxe3T.
23 ... .xaS+ 24 _cJ .as 25 _e3
25. . . Wxg2??269O.
26 9O?
A) 26. . .W e5+l ? 27fI (27 Wc3?
3b3 l +) 27. . . We4 (27. . . Rd2 2B
3xc4 Rxc4 29 BcI Rcc2 30 Rh3
RxD+ 3 I WxD RxD+ 32 xD=)
AI) 2B . . . RdI 29 9xc4 (29 g3
Rxcl +30xcI b 3 l 3xc4 Rxc4
32 h5 bxe3) 29 . . . bxc4 30 gI (30
RxdI WxdI + 3 I WcI Wd3+ 32
Wc2 RbB+) 30 . . . RxcI + 3 I W xcI
A2) 2B...9xc2+29Wxc22c2 30
Wc3 Rcd2 3 I Rh3 (3 I g3 RBd3 32
Wc4Wxe333 h5We234Wf4 Rdl
35 g2 Wd5+ 36 Rc4 Rxg3+l 37
bg3 We2+ 3B WD Rd2 39 Wxd2
Wxd2+ 40 h3 gxh5+) 3l . . .2dI
32 Wb3 RxcI +33 xcI Wc4+ 34
fI (34Rc3Wxg2)34...Rd2T,
B) 26. . . 9xc227c2Wxg2
Bl) 2BW g5
2B. . . 2c2+l l 292xc2Wc4++,
B2) 2B RxcB 2xcB 29 2cI W g4+
(29. . . 2eB 30 Wf4) 30 fI RxcI +
3 I W xcI Wxh4 32 Wc5 W e4 33
c2 g7T,
B3) 2B 2h 2c2+l 29 2xc2
WxgI 302d2 g4+3 I fI
BJs) 3 I . . .RcBl ?32Rd4l (32 W g3
W c4 33 RdI WhI + 34 c2 Rc2+
35 Rd2 RcI +) 32 . . . RcI +33 WxcI
Wxd4 34 Wc7 g7 35 WB Wxh4
36W xb5W h3+37gI Wxe3T,
BJb) 3 I . ..2xd2l 32W xd2 Wh3+l
(32 . . .W xh4T)33c I Wxe3+.
26 ... .aS+ 27 _cJ
21 ... 9H| |
Boyl You shouId hevc sccn thc
ccct of ths movcl (lt wes e
tcemgemc) Rb| cIutchcd hs hced
wth both hends, end jumpcd. l
weIkcd quctIy ovcr to thc bottom
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 129
boerds, thcn beck to our tebIc ete
nomeI pecc, evodng eny
hstroncs. NetureIIy, e sort of
crowd gethcrcd n no tmc. Rb|
hed hed cnough of t, end rcechcd
out hs hend mmcdetcIy on my
errve| etthcboerd. Wcwcrc not on
thc frcndIcst of tcrms n thosc
deys. l must confcss thet thc neI
hendshekc gevc mc much morc
pIcesurc then thc onc bcforc thc
gemc. . .
Exaggerated faithfulness
l rceIIy cen't compIen ebout thc
Grnfc|d, t wes e Iucky chocc et
thc egc of I 5. lt suts my styIc, es
BLACK sccks ectvc countcqIey. l
found t rce|Iy stmu|etng, end my
work on t wes rch|y rcwerdcd. lt
wouIdn't bc cesy to count up how
meny gemcs l won wth t (ocn
wth mportent novcItcs). So l
rcmencdfethmIto teII throughout
my cerccr, wth somc short brceks.
TouchngIy bceutmIso fer, sn't t?
On thcothcrhend, twesnote vcq
rcesonebIc thng to do, es t medc
my opponcnts' prcpereton cescr.
Thc strengc thng s thet, cvcn fl
hevc eIweys bcIcvcd thc GrnfcId
tobc e concct dcfcncc ngcncreI, l
hevcncvcrthought tto bc 'thc onc
end onIy'. As you wII soon scc, l
eIso cxpIorcd thc wetcrs of thc
Modcm Bcnon, end BcnonIkc
veretons n gcncreI. l fcIt good n
qutc e fcw gemcs (thc onc egenst
UhImenn om I 97 I s ncIudcd n
thc orgneI BLACK lS OKl ,
pubIshcdbyBetsfordn'BB). Letcr,
on thcedvcc oflM1enosTompe, l
got e testc of thc NmzoQuccn's
lnden Iebyrnth. ltwes so much to
my |kng thet l put esdc thc
GmnfcId for scvcre| ycers - whch
wes stupd, too. Thc dce, dcer
Rcedcr, s notto pIeywhetcvcryou
comc ecross. lt s worthwh|c, on
thc othcr hend, to kccp et Icest 2
good wcepons et thc rcedy eII thc
tmc, end usc thcm eItcmetc|y,
dcpcndng on thc opponcnt, thc
toumemcnt stendngs, or smp|y on
yourmood. ltsehceIthytectc,end
t e|so sevcs you from monomene,
E.Bukic - A.Adorjan
VmjeckeBenjeZoneI I 972
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 cS 3 dS e6 4 lc3
exdS 5 cxdS d6 6 lf g6 7 e4 g7
8 e2 0-0 9 0-0 le8 10 ld2 la6
1 1 h1
I I f4 vc7.
l l ... lc7 12 a4 b6 13 f ld7 14
lc4 le5 1S le3 lb8!N
Ths wes e novcIty et thet tmc,
end prectceI|y forccd, too, bcceusc
thc cerIcrtry I 5 . . . . f5 gevc Whtc e
I 5 . . . f5 I 6 f4 vO I 7 cxf5 gxf5 I B
d3Wf6 I 9Wc2.
16 d2
Thcrce|tcstwouIdbc, ofcoursc,
I 6f4, |eunchngIoedsofvcqsheq
veretons. l wouId bc g|ed to
cxpIen toyouwhetsgongon, thc
130 Statistics on Andras Adoran 's Games
troubIc s thet somctmcs l don't
undcrstend t myscIf. Anyweyl
Most ofthcsc veretons wcrc bom
not Iong ecr thc toumemcnt - I
rccommcnd thet you ene|ysc cvcq
sngIc gemc of your own whch s
wonhy ofeneIyssl Botvnnk uscd
eneIysng onc's Iosscs. l hevc found
thet onc cen eIso Icem e Iot by
eneIysng e|I thc othcr gemcs,
cspcce|Iy ncc wns, end t s cvcn
pIcesentl Thc mportent prncp|c,
howcvcr, s. don't |ct yourscIf gct
cencd ewey by thc rcsuIt end kccp
I 6f4 vd7
A) I 7 c5 dxc5 I B f5 c4
(cI B . . . 8) l 9 d6 ve6 20 vcd5
vb4 2 I vxb4 cxb4 22 vd5 3b7
h-h Lj.PopovAdoqnVeme I 972
(22...3b7 23 vc7+ 2xc7 24 3g5
vf6 25 dxc7 W xc7 26 fxg6bg627
B) I 7 vc4vf6
Bl) I B 3d33e6( I B . . . ve6)
Bla) I9 vc3 3xd3 20 W xd3
W c7T,
Blb) I9 c5dxc5 20d6(20vxc5
vbd5) 20. . . 3xc4 2 I 3xc4 (2 I
dxc7 W xd3 22 cxbB=W RxbB 23
bc5 vg4T)2I . . .vc6T,
Blc) I9 Wc2 vg4l 20 h3 Wh4T
2I vxd6?(2I vdI 3d4T)2 I . . .W g3
22 hxg4 Wh4+ 23 gI 3d4+ 24
RD 3xd3 25 Wd2 RcdB 26 vdb5
vxb5 27exb5Rb72B g52c7 29c5
3c4 30 d6 Rxd6l 3 I cxd6 3xD+
32W xDRcI ++,
B2) IBc5dxc5
B2a) I 9 fxc5 vfxd5 20 vd6
vxc3 2I bxc3 3xc5 (2I . ..2xc5l )
22 vxcB
82al) 22. ..W h4 23 vf6+ g724
vg4 3xg4 25 3f4 3xf4 26 Rxf4
3xc2 27Wd6l WdB 2B W c5+gB
29W xc2Wd6=(29...vc6=),
82a2) 22. . . WxcBl,
82a3) 22 . . . WxdI T,
B2b) I 9d6 vc6 20 fxc5 vd72I
vd5 vxc5 22 vc7+ Rxc723dxc7
Wxc7 24Wd6Wxd6 25 vxd63d7
26 3b5 RdB 27 vc4 3xb5 2B
exb5TPIetonovSevon I 970,
B2c) I 9 vxc5 vcxd5 20 vc6
W c7 2 I vxbB vxc3 22 bxc3
W xbBT,
B3) I B vxd6l ?Abtshockngbut
thc Bcnon s not for chckcnsl
I B . . . Wxd6I 9 c5W dB20d6 vc62 I
cxf6 3xf6 22 3b5 3d7 23 f5
3xb5 24 vxb5 vd4 25 bg6 (25
d7? W xd7l 26 bg6 bg6 27 2xf6
vxb5T)25. . . hxg6263f4Wd7
83a) 27vc7?l Rc2 2Bvd5 Wc6
29vxf6+Wxf6 30 3c3 (c30Wd3
W c6T) 30 . . . Wc5 3 I 3xd4 cxd4 32
Wb3 W c6 33 Wxc6 Rxc6 34 AecI
Bxd6 35 2c7 f5 36 2xe7 d3 37
gI RcB+,
B3b) 27 vxd43xd4 2BWc2Rc6
29 2ecI RbcB 30 Rxc6 Rxc6 3 I
RdI WcB323g3=,
B4) I B 3O3e6 I9Wb3Wd7 20
c5l (20 3d23xc4 2I Wxc4 e6 22
W d3 b5 23 exb5exb524Re7b4 25
vc2 W5 26Wc2 vcxd5l 27 cxd5
Rxc22B3xc2Wxc229BcI W5T)
Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games 131
20 . . . dxc5 2I bc5 9xc4 22 Wxc4
16 ... a6
17 lbl
Hcrc egen, morc tcstng westhc
sheq EM But pcopIc fecng
uncxpcctcd tectceI veretons ocn
fccI Ikc rcducng thc tcnson, cvcn
f thc wId compIcetons sccm to
ocr thcmgoodchenccs.
I 7 f4 vd7 I B vc4vf6
A) I 9 .o b5 20 ve5 9d7 2I
exb5 (2 I c5? dxc5 22 d6 c4l )
2l . . .exb5(2l . . .vxb522c5l )
AI) 22 2c I b4 23 vbl (23 ve4
vcxd5) 23. . . vb5 24 c5 dxc5 25
Ala) 26 g4 ReB 27vb7Wb6 2B
2xeBBxeB29vxc5Wxc5 30gxh5
vd43 I 9f42e2(3 I . . .eI 32hxg6
hxg633 9c49f534g2Wc41),
Alb) 26 9xh5 gxh5 27 Wxh5
Cd42B2fI 9b529Wxf7+hB30
BdI 23 I We7Wxd5+,
A2) 22 c5 dxc5 23 d6 c4l l 24
dxc7 Wxc7 25 3c2 b4 26 vbl c3
27 3cI (27 3cI ? 2eB 2B vb3
RxeI 29 vxeI 9t+) 27...ReB 2B
vb32xe I 29vxeI 9c6T,
B) l 9vxd6Wxd6 20 c5 WdB 2I
cxf6 (2I d6 vcd5 22 cxf6 vxf6T)
2I . . .9xf6 22 .o 9D 23 Wb3
W d6T,
C) I9 c5 dxc5 20vxc5 (20 bc5
vbd5 2I vd6 9xc5 22 vxcB
Wh4+) 20. . . 2eBT(20 . . . vcxd5?| 2I
vc6 Wc7 22vxbB WxbB 23vxd5
l hopc you got through eII ths
wthout gcttng hun. Hcrc, or
enywhcrccIsc nthcbook,youmey
wcII nd somc mstekc or e wey to
dcvcIop thc dces furthcr. Thc thng
dcccnt, sound eneIyss of e
doubIccdgcd poston s eImost es
rsky es to pIey t. Meny pcopIc
sccm to hevc dscovcrcd thc
' soIuton' . thc ' uncIcer' sgn. l hetc
rercIy es possbIc es en ennotetor.
Thcsccrct s. l eIweys medce pont
of onIy tekng on tesks l em
ntcrcstcd n. lf, ontopofthet, I em
eIso cmotone|Iy nvoIvcd, so much
thc bcttcr. My rcedcrs erc ncvcr
dseppontcd. cthcr thcy hevc e
good sIcc ofmy work, or thcy cen
dscovcr somc of my sIIy
mstekcs. . . l couId ncvcr nd out
whchweythcyprcfcrtl ?
17 ... b5
18 axb5?
I B b4 cxb4?l ( I B . . . c4 I9 exb5
exb5 20 BeI f5 2 I cxt gxt 22 f4
vd3T) I 9 2xb4 e5 20 2xb5l (20
2bI b4 2I vb5 f5 22 cxf5 gxf5 23
Wc2 vxb5 24 9xb5 2 25 f4
132 Statistics on Andras Adorjan 's Games
vg6=) 20. . . vxb5 2I vxb5 f5 22
WcI BeB 23 cxf xf5 (23. . . gxf5
24 f4 vg4 25vc4) 24 vxf gxf5
25 W g3.
18 ... lxb5! ?
lnprncpIc, ths sthc bcttcronc.
ThsknghtseIweys dmcuIt togct
rdof, IcteIoncectvetc. lnthsvcq
poston, howcvcr, thc othcrcepturc
I B . . . exb5 I 9 b4 c4 20 2eI f5 2I
cxf5 gxf522f4 vd3T.
19 lxb5
I 9b4?vxOl T( I 9 . . . ve3 l ).
19 . . . axb5 20 b4 e4 21 'ei
2 I c3 vg4l 22 W d2 (22 xg7
vxc3 23 Wd4 vxfI 24 hB f6 25
9xf6 Wb6T) 22. . . xc3 23 W xc3
vxc3 24Wxc3 f5T.
2l ... la8 22 e3 'b6 23 'i d2
StII thc bcst, but t's cIcer thet
WhtcseIrcedy onthcdcfcnsvc.
23 AeI vd3lT, 23 BdI 2e2T 24
Rb2 2xb2 (24. . . 2e4l ?) 25 9xb2
vd3 26 xd3 xb2 27 W xb2
W xc3 2B c2 f5T, 23 f4 2e2 24
2b2 2xb2 25 xb2 vd3 26 xd3
xb2 27Wxb2W xc3 2B bIf529
cxf5Wxf4l T.
23 ... .a3
24 :bel
24d4?vxO, 24 vc22xc3 25
W xc3 vd3 26 Wd2 vD+ 27 RxD
WxDT, 24 Bfc Il? h6 (24...vd3
25 x7 Gxg7 26 xd3 2xd3 27
W 2+GgB 2B vfI f5T)25vxc4
xd2 26 vxb6 xc l 27 xc5
c3 2B xb5 (2B vxcB 2xcB 29
xd62b3 30 2dl ) 2B. . . xb6 29
b2 Rb3 30 xcB d4 3 I xd4
2xbI+ 32 gI 2xb4T, 24 vdI l ,
rceIsng thc cmcrgcncy, wouId
A) 24. . . 2eB 25 f4 (25 Wb2 g5)
25...vd7 26 xg7 xg7 27 vc3
vf6 2B O 2e7 (2B. . . g4 29
xg4 vxg4 30 AbcI ) 29 2bcI
B) 24. . . f525f4 h626d4W e6
(26. . . 2d3? 27 xb6 2xd2 2B bc5
2xc2 29 vc3 2c2 30 vxb5 dxc5
3 I vd6232vxcB 2xcB33d6)
27vc3 bc42Bvxc4vg4.
24 ... ld3! + 25 xg7 <xg7!
25...vxc I 26 vc2 xg7 (26. . .
Re2?? 27 f6) 27 vxe3 vxc2
(27. . . vb3? 2B Wc3+ gB 29
26 .e3??
lt s of coursc e hcey bIundcr.
But f youerc 'obeIencc' t's cesy
26 vc2 vxcI 27vxe3 vxc2 2B
Wxc2 f5 29 W c2 d7T, 26 2c2
Wd4 27 vdI fT, 26 xd3 2xd3
27W 2+c3l l 2B2xc3 Wd4+.
26 ... 'd4!-+ 27 lxd3
Statistics on Andra. Adorjan 's Games 133
27 ... cxd3 28 ld1
28 ... la1?
Thet s enothcr thng thet ocn
heppcns. you thnk t'sovcr, end so
t s, but not n eny oId weyl
Somctmcs thc 'smpIc' wey tums
outto bc Icedngnowhcrc.
2B. . . Bb3+ wes concIusvc. 2B. . .
d729 vc2(29xd3 2cB30W c2
Bb3+) 29 . . . WD 30 vxe3 dxc2 3 I
Bgl 2cB3 2 W c I W c3+.
29 lc2 lxdl+ 30 1xd1 1f 31
1xd3 le5! 32 1e3
32Wxb5?h3l 33 fI Bg5+.
32 .. 1xe3 33 lxe3 d7
33. . . f5 34xb5 fxc4 35f4 Bc7T.
34 d3 f5 35 'g1 ?
35 vc2T.
35 ... fxe4 36 fxe4 f5! 37 xb5
37 cxf5 Bxc3 3B xb5 Bc4 39
37 ... lxe4 38 lxf5+
3B vc4 2d4 39 vxd6 ZdI + 40
GD Bxd5 4I vcB+ 42 vc7
Bd443 ve6cB+.
38 .. gxf5 39 d3?!
Rctums thc fevour, end mekcs
BLACK'sjob cesy. Butenywey, eII
thcsc veretons ebovc orbcIow do
thc trck. l cen not swcer thet ths
wesmy vcq rstBcnongemc(thc
onc wth UhImenn wes e dcrcnt
Inc) butccrtenIyoncofthcm. Wth
evctoqovcre vcqsoIdopponcnt
39 d7 Gf6 (39 . . . 2xb4 40 xf5
Bb2 4I h3 h642 h2 f6 43 9c6
g5+) 40 b5 Bc2 4I 9c6Bb2 42
&fI &c5+.
39 ... Ael+! 40 'f le5 41 .c4
le4 42 d3 lxb4
No Dogmas Please
- Reasoning Only!
l em not e foIIowcr of eny
rcIgion, 'just' e bcIcvcr. Thc
rcIgons l hevc bccomc femIer
wth so fer eII conten dogmes thet
erc ncomprchcnsbIc, prcsumebIy
not for my humbIc scIf eIonc. l
ncvcrfcItthetbcIcfin suchdogmes
s ndspcnseb|c for |ceding e
Most erces of sccuIer Ifc eIso
hevc thcrowndubousdogmes, or
exoms, supponcd mostIy by
euthorty. Wc do nccd Iews, ruIcs
end prncpIcs ofcoursc, othcrsc
how couId wc tcech e chId to pIey
chcss et eII? Whcn wc tcII thcm
ebout how much cech pccc s
wonh, wc cIcerIy stck to thc
gcncreI ruIc. lfyou stert to cxpIen
streght ewey thet t's not eIweys
truc, end show postons whcrc thc
'chcepcr' pccc s ectue|Iy strongcr
(c.g. you don't e|weys quccn your
pewns. you mey bc bcttcr o
' rookng' thcm to evod steIcmetc,
or ' knghtng' thcm wth e doubIc
etteck), you gct grcet rcsuIts. your
pupIs wII bc conmscd compIctcIy
n just en hour or twol ObvousIy,
thc concctordcris thcss, entthcss
White to lay and... hes bccn
consdcrcd e mndemcnteI truth for
et Icest 500 ycers (ths s whcn thc
prcscnt ruIcs of thc gemc bccemc
domnent), or pcrheps cvcr sncc
chcss wes nvcntcd. lt cennot bc
ncdcnteI thet n studcs end
probIcms it s eIweys Whtc who
hes to win. AIso, degrems end
Whtc's pcrspcctvc, end most
pIeycrs - et virtueIIy eII IcvcIs -
hevc morc embitous rcpcrtorcs for
Whtc then for BLACK, or et Icest
pIey for e wn wth thc Whitc
l hevceIrcedywrttcnsomuchon
this thet t s herd to evod
rcpctton, but t mey not bc such e
bg probIcm, consdcrng thet
pcopIc hevc bccn conmsng thc
conccpts ' nteI movc' end
' intetvc'forscvcreI ccnturcs. Thc
essumpton thet Whtc hes en
edventegc s bescd on hs rght to
movc rst. lt s tekcn for grentcd
thet thc rst pIeycr must 'gct thcrc'
rst (whcrcvcr t s . . . ), es hc is thc
onc who chooscs thc opcnng,
dctcrmncs thc coursc ofthc gemc,
thc cherectcr of thc poston ctc.
Nonc of this s rceIIy truc, cxccpt
for thc rght to movc rst.
Connosscurs of curostcs mey
rcIish thc thought thet t tekcs et
Icest 3 movcs for Whtc to
chcckmetc e ' fuIIy coopcretvc'
opponcnt, whcrces BLACK
menegcs thet njust 2 movcs. l em
not tryng to ' scII' t es e sccntc
ergumcnt of coursc, but t's stII
truc,endsomcwhetstrengc. Pcrheps
methcmetcens couId mekc hcedor
No Dogmas Please - Reasoning Only! 135
Thcn thc coIours. n Wcstcm
civIiseton, BLACK hes eImost
em qutc surc thet thcrc s somc
corrcIetonbctwccn ths end thc fect
thet toumemcnt stetistics fevour
WhtcsostrongIy. Oncc l pIeycd n
e ' mn' toumemcnt whcrc thc
coIours ofthc pcccs wcrc n sheq
contrest, but thcy wcrc NOT
BLACKendwhtc. Onc combnet
on wes cspccieIIy to my Ikng.
ochre vs. purple. ' Rainbow chess'
gocs cvcn mnhcr then thet. cech
derkcr shedc rcprcscntng thc
' BLACKermy' , pewns mey rcmen
BLACKendwhitc, but Iight end
derk grcy erc to bc prcfcrrcd. Thc
boerd tscIf conssts of Ight end
derk grcy squercs, in ordcr to
hermonisc wth eII coIours. grccn
rooks, ycIIowbrown knights, bIuc
bshops, puqIc quccns, rcd kngs.
Thc Iettcr sno eccdcnt, cthcr. rcd
s thc coIour wc pcrccvc most
cesIy, thcrcforc it bcIongs to our
own kng endthc cncmy kng.
Let me restate my conviction
that people playing with the
'siniter-coloured' BLACK pices
f r subconsciously from the
infuence of those almost
eclusively negative things assoc
iated with this colour. Take a poetic
image from nature, for one:
looming storm-clouds are never
ln scrous toumemcnts, ycIIow
brown pcccs end boerds erc uscd
enywey. Thc contrest of BLACK
and whtc s trng in thc Iong mn,
Ict eIonc mettcrs of visbiIty. e
BLACK pccc cen bc sccn et Icest
30% worsc on e BLACK squerc
|hen on e whtc squerc, end vicc
vcrse. By thc wey, vcc vcrse.
cvcqbody seys
'BLACKendwhitc' (eIso in
Hungenen).lntcrcsting, isn'tt?
ThcEngIishcxprcsson ' whtc Iic'
mcens en nnoccnt IinIc Iic. Thcrc
mey wcII bc qutc e fcw othcr
phrescs whcrc whtc stends for
somcthng postvc, whIc BLACK
s essocetcd wth sinstcr,
frightcnng, or bed thngs. (E.g.
mouming, BLACKIist, BLACK
meI, BLACK cet, BLACK megc,
BLACK merkct, to nemc just e
Whcn l bccemc ewerc of my
'BLACK sOK! ' msson in | 9B5, l
wes netureIIy eIso ewerc of thc
evcrson end ridcuIc l wouId hevc
toputupwth. l gotbysomchown
thc foIIowng I5 or so ycers,
thnkng up Ioeds of novcItcs, end
wnnng gemc ecr gemc wth thc
BLACK pcccs. Thc ennotetons of
thosc gemcs, es wcII es my erticIcs
on verious subjccts, but eII
supportingBLACK, wcrcpubIshcd
in chcss pcrodceIs eII ovcr thc
worId. Ths Iest stetcmcnt mey
sound smpIy pompous, but l
countcd 55 countrcs ende Iotmorc
joumeIs (thcrc erc 3 or 4 chcss
pcrodceIs nsomc countrics) et thc
pubIishcr's rcqucst. My work wes
wcII rcccvcd cvcqwhcrc, om
Argcntne through thc Ietc Sovct
shouId rceIIy st down oncc egen,
end mekc e Ist of eII thosc chcss
joumeIsl ).
To bcenk, howcvcr, l fccI thet l
wesrcwerdcd forthccurostyveIuc
ofmythcss,eswcII esmypcrsoneI
couregc end thc high queIty ofthc
gemcs end eneIyscs. FrenkIy
spcekng, howcvcr, t cennot bc
rcgerdcd es sccntc cvidcncc.
Sccntc cvidcncc tekcs e Iot of
136 No Dogmas Please - Reasoning Only!
thngs l dd not hevc. Moncy, rst
of eII, to run en nsttutc, conduct
IergcsceIc cxpcrmcnts, comperc
controI group dete. ln mcdcnc, t
cen tekc e dccedc, cvcnmorc,unt|
t s dcc|ercd thet e prcpereton of
fcesbIcthng. thcmctoumemcntsof
verous typcs (corrcspondcncc,
repd ctc.), promsngtobcerfrutn
two weys. On thc onc hend, wc
obvousIy Icemt morc ebout thc
veretons n qucston, end thc
stetstcs of thc rcsuIts eIso ocrcd
somc knd of concIuson. Thc
subjccts wcrc currcnt Incs wth
IttIc thcoq, no 'omceI' esscss
mcnt, end e Iot of room for
ndvdue| dscovcrcs. Morcovcr, n
somc Incs thc ght bcgen ecr no
morcthen2or3movcsl lgucssyou
erc dcspcretc to know whch Incs
thcyerc, so l'I|shercthcmwthyou
rghtewey. I c4 g6 2c4 c5endnow
cthcr 3 vO 3g7 4 d4 cxd4 5
vxd4 vf6 or 3 d4 vf6 wes
obIgetoq. Thc othcr onc s thc
soceIIcd Denubc Gembt. | d4 vf6
2 c4 g6 3 d5 b5 (f 4 cxb5, thcn
4. . . e65bxe6c6).
As thc stertng postons ofthcsc
sub|ccts erc onIy e fcw movcs from
thc nteI poston of thc chcss
gemc, end ncthcr peny hed thc
opponunty to mekc e sgncent
mstekc, thc chcss Icssons end
stetstceI tcndcnccs erc crcdbIc.
Thc 7round repd toumemcnt
orgenscd ecr thc Budepcst Sprng
FcstveI of I 992 s covcrcd n
BLACK lS STILL OK, so you do
As ndrcct cvdcncc, mey l e|so
mcnton thet Kesperov hmscIf
medc good usc ofmy dces (l wes
hs sccond four tmcs n 7 ycers
bctwccn I 979 end I 9B6) end my
phIosophy. ln Lnercs '99, hc won
hs rst 5 BLACK gemcsl Meybc
hccommcmoretcd our coopcreton
ths wey? l trencd Pctcr Lk
bctwccn I 996 end I 999. Wc
compIctc|y rcbu|t hs BLACK
rcpcrtorc, end thc vctms of ths
lt s cvcn morc tcI|ng thet ecre
coup|c of months, scvcreI pcopIc
who dcntcIy dsIkc mc
ecknowIcdgcd |n thc prcss thet
Lk'sstyIc(hcwes st|I e IttIcboy
n thosc deys) hed bccomc morc
ectvc end dynemc sncc wc hed
bccnworkngtogcthcr. lntwoende
he|f ycers, hc cImbcd thc chcss
to ovcr 2700 (netureIIy, hs herd
work end netureI te|cnt pI eycd en
mportent pen n ths, tool ) 'Thc
hc|p of GM Adoqn wes
nve|uebIc' - hcsed nenntcrcw
nCHESS n!unc2002.
A sccntc thcss cen on|y bc
ecccptcd ecr thorough dscusson.
A knd of symposum, or cvcn e
scrcs of profcssoneI end
psycho|ogceI dcbetcs. Much to my
rcgrct, t cemc to nothng. l
pubIshcdmy 'po|cmceItrcetsc' eII
ovcr thc worId, but rcccvcd vcq
fcwrcp|cs. A Iotmorc |cttcrs cemc
whcn twespub|shcd n thc Brtsh
pcrodceI CHESS. OK, l undcr
stend thet pcop|c hevc gemcs to
pIey end prcperc for, dey by dey,
wth sheq, feshonebIc veretons
chengng et e spccd mpossbIc for
moneIs to fo|Iow. (A wc|Iknown
Hungeren trencr oncc sed, whcn
hc ceught hs pup|s ' rcdhendcd',
swottng veretons. 'You erc
No Dogmas Please - Reasoning Only! 13 7
mcmorsng e Inc thet wes rcmtcd
ycstcrdeyl ' ) Icevng no tmc for
' fer-fctchcd' phIosophceI ssucs
Ikc ths. Bythcwey, opcnngs.thcy
hevc thcr own pest end prcscnt eII
rght, but thc rceIIy succcssmI
pIeycrs wII bc thosc who bccomc
fem|er wth thc sprt of thc
vereton, opcnng or dcfcncc thcy
pIey, not thc ' swots' . Thosc who
hevc rceI nsght erc I kc|y to comc
up wth smen movcs cvcn f thcy
erc suqrscdbythcopponcnt.
lfyou bccomc femIer wth thc
BLACK lS OKl sprt end
ph|osophy (es wcI| es thc spccc
dctaIs, of coursc), you wII
ccrten|y bc Icss eed of pIeyng
BLACK. Logc dctetcs thet your
rcsuIts eIso mprovc. lfthcy don't,
tq to pursuc othcr cerccr oppor
Sey l went to Icem how to
roI|crsketc. And l do bc|cvc l wII
succccd. l em e|rcedy on thc rght
peth. Ofcoursc, l hevctobuyeper
ofroI|crsketcs rst. Thcn l hevc to
prectsc, rst wth somconc cIsc's
hcIp, thcn on my own. And l
mustn'tdcsper, cvcn fl em sttng
on my becksdc for thc umptccnth
tmc, e|though l thnk nothng Ikc
ths cen heppcn to mc egen. Thc
bottom Inc s. f l em pcrsstcnt
cnough, l wI| Icem how to roII on
thc demn thngs, l mght cvcn tum
out to bc e roIIcrsketng gcnus
(eIthoughlhevcstrongdoubts. . . )
of BLACK lS OK, ovcrIookcd by
meny. NemcIy, thosc who erc not
efred oftomonow' sBLACKgemc
wII nd t cescr to kccp e cIcer
hcedntodey'sWhtcgemc eswcIIl
e wn cvcn whcn t s no Iongcr e
rceIstc pursut, smp|y bcceusc
thcy erc 'supposcd to' wn es
Whtcl lt'shonbIc whcn e tcem s
nstmctcd to tq to wn thc Whtc
gemcs, end hoId thc drew es
BLACK. ScnsbIc pcopIc don't sey
thngs Ikc thet. (On|y tcem Icedcrs.
Evcn et thc O|ympcs end othcr
tcem toumemcnts of thc hghcst
IcvcI.) Whet scnsbIc pcopIc sey s,
OKguys, p|eythcopcnng,end scc
to wn thc good oncs end sevc thc
bed oncs, rcgerdIcss ofcoIoursl lt's
not thc coIour of thc pcccs thet
mettcrs. t'sthcrpostonl
I.Bilek - A.Adorjan
I 99I
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 g6 3 lf .g7 4 g3
cS S .g2 lc6 6 0-0 0-0 7 lcJ
cxd4 8 lxd4 lg4! ?
Arethcr 'petzcrsh'movcthethes
gencd ncrcesng popu|erty ovcr
thc |est I 5 ycers or so, et thc
cxpcnsc ofthc oIdcr contnuetons,
such es B. . e5, B. . . d6 or B. . . vxd4.
but thcn l dccdcd to tcst t. And l
studcd t cnough to gct to know eII
oftssccrcts. A|mostl
9 e3
9 vc2 9xc3 I 0 bxc3 We5 I I
9d2 d6 I 2 vb4 vgc5T( I 2 . . . Wh5?l
I 3 h3 vgc5 I 4 g4 Wh4 I5 WcI l
Wf6 I 69g5 Wc6 I 71d5 Wd7 I B
9 vb3 d6l (9...vgc5 I0 c5 b6
I I f4 vc4 I 2 Wd5 9e6 I 3 2dI
9xc3 I4 bxc3l),
9vxc6?ldxc6 I0W b3Wd4.
9 ... d6!?
9. . . vxd4 I 0cxd4 d6 I I AcI AcB
I 2 vd5l.
138 No Dogmas Please -Reasoning Only!
10 b3
I 0 9xc6l ?bxc6 I I vxc6Wd7 I 2
vd4( I 2 vd52cB).
Ths is thc knd of poston n
whch you erc IkcIy to sey I ight
hcencdIy. wth cnough compcns
eton. BLACKhes eperofbshops,
whcrces Whtc msscs his 9g2, for
just e pewn, end hs poston s
dreughty. AII ths s truc, but e Iot
dcpcnds on how thc etteckcrmekcs
usc of hs ntetvc. My trcs wcrc.
I2. . . vxh2l ?( I 2 . . . 9b7 I 3b3 f5 l)
l3 xh2 Wh3+ I4 &gI 9g4 Ths
sccms to bc fer too dencrous for
Whitc. Losng s I 5 O Wxg3+ I 6
GhI Wh4+l I 7&gI , on eccount of
9h3. And stII, thcrc s eIweys
somcthng. . .
A) I 5vO9xc3 I 6bxc3 Wh5 I 7
Gg2 9h3+ ( I 7. . . Wh3+=) I B GgI
9xfI I9 GxfI ZecB 20 Wd5 (20
W c2 Wh3+ 2I GgI Zc5)
20 . . .W h3+2I c I Zc51,
B) I5 vcc2 9xd4 I6 vf4 ( I 6
O 9c5 I 7fxg49xg3 I BBOWh2+
I 9fI W h3+= 20 gI ) I6. . . 9xdI
I7 vxh3 9g4 IB cxd4 9xh3 I 9
Bcl AfcB (I 9 . . . BfcB 20 b3 c6 2I
9f4 d5 22c5 e523e39f5 24 b4
9d3 25g4) 20 c5 (20 b4 e5 2I b5
ZecB 22 9e3 Bxc4 23 9xd6 9d7
24 Rxc7 2xc7 25 9xc7 9xb5 26
ZbI 9d7 27 9f6 Zb4 2B Zxb4
exb4=) 20. . . dxc5 2I dxc5 You
I 0 vdc2 |ooks soId, but. . .
I0. . . We5l I I 9d2?l ( I I vd5 c6 I2
vdf4 Wc5=) I I . . . W h5 I2h3vgc5
I 3 g4 Wh4l ( I 3 . . . 9x4 I 4 hxg4
vxg4 I 5 BcI Wh4 I 6g3 9c5 I 7
WO) I 4b3 9xg4l I 5hxg4 vxg4
I 62cl WxD+ I 7 hI
A) I 7 . . . vcc5l ? I Bvf4 ( I BZfI ?
Wh4+, I B vd4 Wg3 I 9gI f5 20
Bc2 f4l 2I cxf4vd3 22 vO vgD
23 WfI vh3+ 24 hl vdD+ 25
BxDvxD+26gI vh3+27hI
vxf4 2B 9xf4Wxf4T) I B . . .W g3 I 9
gI vh2l 20ZfI vxfI 2I WxfI
B) I7. . . vxc3l s simp|cr, thc
othcr onc s ncc, but mcssy. I B
I0 vxc6 bxc6 I I 9xc6 BbB I 2
9d5 9xc3 I 3 bxc3 Wc7 I 4 Wd4
I0 h3 vh6 ( I 0 . . . vxd4l I I cxd4
vh6 I 2g4 f5 I 3 g5 vt l4 9c3
c5) I I g4?l ( I I dc2l ) I I . . .f5 I 2
g5 vO I 3h49d7 I 4b3f4lT.
lO . .. lxd4 11 exd4 lh6! 12 ib2
I2 9d2 AbB I3 BcI e6 I4 e4
9d7 ( I 4 . . . vf5 I 5 d5 9d7 I 6vc4
b5 I 7 exb5 exb5 I B c5,
I4...9g4l ?) I5d5 b5=.
12 ... .b8 13 .. d2
Thc poston s bccomng morc
endmorc' rcgu|er'endtidy. . .
13 ... a6!
I 3. . . 9d7
A) I4d5We5l ( I 4 . . . vf? I 5 vc4
9xb2 I6 Wxb2 b5 I7 c5 dxc5 I B
vxc5) I 5 e4 vf5=,
B) I4 vd5 vf5 I5 fcI c6 I 6
vc3 vxc3 I 7 Zxc3 b5 I B c5 ( I B
9e3 Wb6 I 9c5 W e6209b4 dxc5
2I 9xc5 ZfcB 22 BcI 9c6T)
No Dogmas Please - Reasoning Only! 139
I B . . . d5( I B . . . dxc5? I 9dxc5 3c6 20
WxdB 2bdB 2I 3xg7 3xg2 22
3c5+) I9e3(I9b4 3c6) I9 . . . e5-,
I3...vf I4 vc2 b5 I 5 cxb5
2xb5 I 6d5We5l I 7 Wxe52xe5 I B
3xg7 xg7 I 9 e4 2c5 20 2fcI
Zxc I +2 I 2xcI 3e6.
14 lfel
I 4d5' e5 I 5 2fcI vt5 I 63c4
b5 I 7 cxb5 exb5 I B e3 vd4l
( I B . . . b4 I 9ve4 3h6 20 f4 We7+
2I WDWxD+ 22 xD 2cB 23 g4
vh4 24 Gg3 g5 25 3cI 3g7 26
2e2 vg6 27 bg5 3c5+ 2B h3
vf4+ 29 Gh4 vg6+=) I9 b4 6
20 Wc3
A) 20. . . f5?l 2I 3bI f4 22 gxf4
3g4 (22. . . g5 23 vc2) 23 3c4
B) 20. . . 9g4l ?,
C) 20. . . 3d7 2l 2ecl 2bcBT.
14 ... .fS IS .dS e6
23 ... la8 24 le2
24 ... lfc8 25 lec2 .hc2 26 lxc2
26 .... aS!+
27 'xaS lhaS 28 .fl
2B 3c4b4 292c42xe2 302xb4
3h3 3 I 2e4 2b2T.
28 ... b4 29 .c4
I 5 . . . 3d7 I 6 g4 vh4 I 7 vxc7+
292c42xd5 302xb42dI 3 I g4
hB I B d5.
(3 I g2 3c6+ 32 gI 3O+)
16 .e3 .xe3 17 lxe3
I 7 bc3l ? b5 I B cxb5 exb5
( I B . . . 2xb5 I 92ec I 3b7
) I 9
3b7 203xb7 2xb7 2 I e4d5 22 e5
Wd7 23 Wd2 b4 24 2e4 2eB 25
2xb43l T.
17 ... bS
Ths s e typce| motf n thc
18 cxbS axbS
I B . . . 2xb5l ?.
19 dS! ? .xb2! 20 _xb2 eS 21
l: cl .d7 22 _d2
22 ... 'ib6 23 'i b4?
LogceI,butjustbed. Strengc, but
3 I . . .h532 h3 d5 33 Od4T.
29 ... .rs 30 ld2 .bt ! 31 lb2
.e4 32 ld2 3O|T33 fl g7
33. . . f5 343c23c435O 3bI 36
34 .el rs 35 ld3 .e4 36 ld2
.o 37 ld3 e4! 38 ld2 f6+ 39
39 ... bxa3 40 la2 'eS 41 d2
4I b4 2e4 42 3b3 2eB 43 b5 c3
44 b6 3xd5 45 3xd5 xd5 46 b7
41 ... d4 42 c2 gS 43 bl f4
44 gxf4 gxf4 45 ld2+ es 46 a2
e3 47 fxe3 fxe3 48 ld3 e4 49
lc3 e2! ?
49. . . 3dI +.
140 No Dogmas Please - Reasoning Only!
P.Wells - A.Adorjan
I 995
1 d4 lf6 2 c4 b6! ?
Vcry fcw pcopIc pIey Ikc ths, l
mproviscdovcrthc boerd, pen|yto
gvc Pctcr somc food for thought.
Hc docs think e Iot enywey, end
gcts nto timctroubIc n e|most
3 vc3
3 e3c64d59e6
A) 5dxc69xc46cxO+9xOT,
B) 5c3cxd56cxd59xfI 7GxfI
c6 B vc3 (B d6? vc4) B. . . cxd5 9
vxd5 vc6I 0c49c7,
C) 5 W c2 cxd5 6 cxd59b7 7 e
3 ... 9b7
4 W c2
A) 4. . . c5l ?N Ths wouId hevc
bccn my mprovcmcnt on 4. . . c6 5
e3. For quitc somc tmc l
undcrcstimetcd my brenchId,
thinkng t'sjust es petzcrishesthc
whoIc suspcct vereton. Now l'm
not surc, meybc t' sOKl 5 vOl ?(5
e3 9c5 6 g3 00 7 9g2 BcB B c3
c6=) 5. . . c4 6 vg5 9b4 7 9d2 W c7
B vgxc4 vxc4 9 vxc4 Wxc4 I 0
9xb4 Wxc4 I I 9c3 00 I 2d6c5
I 3c3 Wh4=,
B) 4. . . c6?l 5e3l ,
4 vOd5 (4. . . c6)5 cxd5 vxd5 6
W e4+ vd7 7 vc5 vxc3 B bxc3 c6
9c4 e6=,
4O d5 5 cxd5 vxd5 6c4 vxc3 7
bxc3 c6l (7. . . g6 B 9c3 9g7 9 9d3
c5 I 0vc2).
4 ... d5 5 cxdS lxdS 6 lf g6! ?
6 . . . c67c4 vxc3 Bbxc3.
7 .d2
A) B c3 vd7 (B. . . 9g7? 9 W xc7
ve6 I0 9b5+l , B...WdB9vc5 e6
Io 9c4c6 I I o-o vd7 I2ZdI 9g7
I3 b3 00 I4 9e3 2cB I5 2ecI
BcB=)9W xc7 2cB I 0W g3 97 I I
9c2 c5 I 2 00 00 I 3 dxc5 xc5
I4BdI ,
B) B W xc7 ve6 9 W c5 vb4 I 0
W xhBvc2+ I I GdI vxeI I 29h6
000 I 3 9x Wc5 I4 Gd2 (I 4
vcI Bxd4+ I 5 vd3 Wc2+ I 6GcI
W cI + I7 vxcI vc2 metc)
I4. . . Wc2+ I 5 c3 W cl + I 6 vd2
7 ... .g7 8 e4 lf6! ?
ObjcctivcIy spcekng, ths s not
thc bcst. But t's wnnng. (Wth e
9 0-0-0
9h3l ?00
A) I 09c4c6 I I 00vbd7 I 2c5
vd5 I 3 9g5 (I 3 vxd5 cxd5 I4
9d3c5)I 3. . . W cB=,
B) I0 9d3 vc6 I I vc2 ( I I
W e4? vxd4l I 2 W xd4 W xd4 I 3
vxd42fdB I 4c5vcBT) I I . . .c6.
9 .. 0-0 10 h4?
Thswesmcenttobcen etteckng
ettcmpt, but tumcd out to bc en
No Dogmas Please - Reasoning Only! 141
ewmI postoneI bIundcr. From now
on BLACK cnjoys hmscIf,
eIthough thc peth to vctoq s not
eIweys cesy to nd end tekcs
I 0h3vbd7.
10 ... lg4!+ 1 1 .f4 lc6 12 dS
I 2 Wd2 vxd4l I 3 vxd4 Wxd4
( I 3 . . . c5 I 4 3g5l Wxd4 I 5 Wc2
WxD I 6 W xg4+) I 4 W xd4 (I 4
Wc2 Wc5l ) I 4 . . . 3xd4 I 5 2xd4 c5
I6 3xc5 vxc5 I7 f4 c5 I B Bd2
vc6 I 9 Rd7 3cB 20 2c7 vd4 2 I
3c4 3c6 22 vd5 g7=, I 2 Wc2
h5 l 3d5vcc5.
12 ... lb4 13 'd2
I 3 W b3vxD+,cI 3 Wc2 Wd71.
13 ... c6 14 a3
14 ... a5!
Ths s thckcytothcwho|c dce.
But don't bcIcvc t just Ikc
thet. chcck out thc comp|cetcd
veretonsl Sccngsbc|cvngl
15 d:c6
I 5 exb4 exb4 I 6dxc6 (I 6 vbI
cxd5+) I 6 . . . Wxd2+ I 7 vxd2 3xc6
I B vd5 3xd5 I9 cxd5 vxDT, I 5
d6 c5l I 6dxc7 Wxc7 I 7 3d6 W c6
I B 3x Rx I 9 vg5 ( I 9 vd5
vxd5 20cxd5 Wf5) I 9 . . .

Gc2 Wf6 2I 3c2 vxc3 22 bxc3
vxD 23 2hfI h6l 24 3c4 hxg5 25
2xD 3xc4+l 26 Gb2 Wc7 27 2cI
b5l 2B Wc2 (2B Wxg5 W7T)
2B. . . bxc4 29 Wxc4 Wd7 30 W xc4
1S ... lxc6 16 .bS eS 17 1e2
I 7 3g3 Wxd2+ (I 7 . . . 3h6 I B
Wxh6 xh6 I9 2xdB 2exdB 20
3xc63xc6 2 I vxc5 3b7 22 3f4
BfcB23 O Rc6 24 h5 f6 25 vc4=)
I B Gxd2 2fdB+ I9 GcI vd4T, I 7
WxdB 2bdB I B 2xdB+ RxdB I 9
3g3 vd4 20 2dI f5T, I 7 W d7
W cBl T .
17 ... 'c8 18 .e3C lxe3 19 fxe3
I 9Wxc3vd4T.
19 ... la7! 20 b1 ?$
Toughcr wes 20 3d7 Wc7 2 I
& bI 2fdBT.
20 ... l:b5 21 'xbS 'g4-+ 22
22 ... 'xg2 23 lhg1 'ih2 24 lf
1f-+ 0-1
Tmcl Wc e|I gct nto Zeitnot
from tmc to tmc. But ccrten
Somc vcry good pIeycrs es wcII. l
rcmcmbcr pIeyng e toumemcnt
togcthcr wth my frcnd 1en
SmcjkeI. Onc of thcsc hcstetors.
Evcq sngIc gemc brought hm
enothcr herresng bout of tmc
troubIc. ln eddton l rceIscd hc
tumcd up Ietc by 5 I0 mnutcs. l
eskcd hm. 'Arc you cre, 1en?
Wth your 'tmc consumng' chcss
you'rc Ietc?' Hc Iookcdet mc wth
thccycsofehunchId. 'Youknow,
Andrs, nomettcrhowmuch tmcl
hevc, t docsn't mekc eny
dcrcncc. . . '
DataBase SuperPro
Laszlo Lovass
Finished games 1-0
Total 1 37561 8 947 1 33
-miniature (max.22moves) 1 60369 dropped out
-more than 50 moves 26401 7 203661
-till 1 950 43062 23 1 1 7
- 1 991 -2003 79291 6 547758
-2000 66249 481 55
-2001 74064 50579
-2002 62828 45442
-2003 6968 6437
- 1 e4 708554 45081 4
- 1 e4 e5 1 96905 1 09557
-I e4 e6 93860 61 348
-I e c5 2571 97 1 80761
-I e c6 47383 34709
- 1 d4 432982 3 1 3345
- 1 c4 961 35 741 3 1
White above 2550 ELO 1 77078 1 37477
BLACK above 2550 ELO 1 00737 1 46078
1 087828
1 09244
3 1 21 8
63871 5
53 1 5
1 41 972
1 27538
lt's ntcrcstng to compercthcdete onthctwo coIours ebovc 2550ELO.
Asthcyrcfcrtogemcsegenstenyopponcnt, nthcrstcescthcevcregcof
thc Whtc pIeycrs' strcngth s hghcrby epprox. B0I 00 ELOponts morc
then BLACK (netureIIy n thc sccond cesc thc oppostc). Thc dete shows
howmuchthcrcsuItsercn0ucnccdbythcpIeycrs' IcvcI.
Finished games 1-0
Above 2400 ELO 1 5 1 1 1 0
- 1 998-2003 4093 1
- 1 e4 65566
-I e4 e5 1 3265
-I e4 e6 8353
-I e4 c5 3 1 028
-I e4 c6 4300
-1 d4 55626
-1 c4 1 2541
The frst 20 in FIDE-list
against each other 1 075
- 1 998-2003 466
Corespondence 83495
- 1 998-2003 6396
World Champions' games 1 1 264
Juniors 9873
Games with rook ending 80883
Games with queen ending 1 4826
Rapid 3 1 58
Thc stetstcs on thc rst opcnng
movcs (thc gemcs wth I c4
scperetcd eccordng to whcthcr t's
e cIoscd or symmctrceI opcnng)
erc thc most ntcrcstng n thc c|d
of ebovc 2400 ELO. Tekc nto
consdcreton thc numbcr of drews
too (though thc quck drews erc
ncIudcd), bcceusc for BLACK e
drewsepostvcrcsuIt. (?l - A)
l hevc e fccIng thet n pcrsoneI
prcpereton t's wonh dggng dccp
end tekng thc stetstcs on concrctc
veratons nto consdcreton. lfyou
do ths dcte|cd mcesurc thc
empItudc ofthc hgh end Iow wII
bc grcetcr, l dercsey somc morc
suqrsng ndngs mght cmcrgc
And thcsc morc n BLACK's
DataBase Superpro Statistics 143
1 40069 1 01 1 01
43695 28525
59 1 94 46754
1 3 1 53 8847
7435 5529
27701 2371 3
4375 291 7
5 1 555 3501 6
1 1 655 7841
2 1 58 624
1 01 3 284
443 1 6 63666
4537 5383
1 3672 6743
5903 7972
91 748 72400
20566 1 3533
1 547 2682
To put t pIen|y. f you nvcst
morc tmc, cncrgy (end fethl ) n
mekng e rcpcrtorc for BLACK, t
peys o end not somctmc n thc
foggy mturc. Herd work, but t's
ncvcr n ven, end sooncr or Iatcr
thc rcwerdwIIcomc n thc form of
uncxpcctcd drew(s) or cvcn wn(s).
Acr e|I, cvcqbody cxpccts Whtc
to wn end e drew nstced wI| n
somccescscvcnbc consdcrcdtobc
shemcm|. Thcrc s prcssurc on
Whtc end thet s thc rceson why
(s)hc ocn ovcrpushcs.AndeI|ofe
suddcn thc huntcr mey bccomc thc
huntcd. . .
thcso|c(l ) crcetor
ofSupcr Prochcsssowerc
I44 DataBase Superpro Statistics
Laszo Lovass (bor on April I 0
I 964) became an electrical engineer
in I986. As a chess-lover his
interest tured early to chess
programming. He created his frst
chess program on Sinclair Spectrm
already in I985. Four years later he
developed his own chess database
system. Since I992 he was able to
switch to IBM PC and worked out
the SuperPro software of which
naturally already the third version
is available. I can simply say as a
user, without any idea of the
professional side, that his system is
just as good as ChessBase or other
well-known ones. It still amuses me
that he did it all by himsel with the
help ofIM Dr Ervin Nag who was
regularly testing his work. It sure
helped that Ervin is a psychiatrist of
whom there was a very fne piece
published from his book 'Our
psyche in che()ck. .. ' in BLACK IS
still OK!. But anyway! I cannot
think of anyone on Earth making
something like this alone. It usually
takes a number of experts. And his
program is unique for something
else too: it has a Rainbow
(multicoloured) Chess switch as
well! And Rainbow Chess - which
was devised by Paul Suvada, a
chess enthusiast I artist - is another
revolutionary idea like BLACK IS
OK! True it hasn 't got BLACK
pieces since it 's made up of colours
which have lighter and darker
shades. But my slogan is ready:
DARK IS OK! . . .
Chess(playing) Programs -
Statistics against each other
Laszlo Lovass
I supposed (based on experience)
that programs can endure the
pressure better than the people (they
have no emotions, complexes) and
they can defend their positions more
stubborly than human players.
Proving this could at least partly
explain the worse statistics for
BLACK in humans' games. Let see
the results!
All the games were played at the
rate of 2 hours/40 moves. The
source is the database of the SSDF
(the Swedish Chess-Computer
Federation). They regularly make
the programs play each other and
approximately quarerly they release
a list about the present order of the
'participants' taking the latest
results into consideration.
All games since 1985:
Between 2000-2003:
In the two fastest PC categor
(450 and 1200 MHz):
In the fastest PC category (1200
+910, =974, -316
The trend is very interesting. On
our way fom the whole database
through the ever newer, to the
greater capacity, the rate of draws is
noticeably growing. The wins for
White are slightly decreasing, but
BLACK is also winning less - and
what is more a little sharer than
White's tendency.
Laszlo Lovass
The fgures of computer battles,
as I interpret them (I could tell a lot
more i I only could see at least
some of the games in ever
category), are a refection of their
Masters - who are PEOPLE! And
that is also - as I see it - the
eplanation. For whatever is a
program 's potential, its leical,
theoretical knowledge, should I say
mentalit, is up to those who input.
And what material (oth quantit
and qualit) is in the belly of the
machine? The playing strength is a
dif erent stor, but the build up of a
position from which you go to the
middle game heavily infuences the
146 Chess(playing Programs -Statistics against each other
outcome of the duel. I think, the
main strength ofprograms is that
they rarely make a mistake, and i
they have an advantage they
confidently convert into wins.
I remember when I spent some
time in Hong Kong in 1992. My host
was Kaarlo Schepel who was the
head oftheir Chess Federation. He
knew the managing director of
Scisys, which produced chess
computers. We got together. And I
asked him: 'Tell me, Gordon, why is
it so, that programs play stronger
and stronger, while their opening
repertoire is still very poor? They
play all the sub-variations such as 2
c3 against Sicilian, which are safe
but also harmless. I you want me to
do it, I can teach your product a
repertoire with BLACK, which is
going to be careful as well, but
dynamic, feible and sharp. So it
can play with BLACK to win! It will
take some time, but not very long, i
I make the material ready so it
would not have any 'holes ' My
work in constructing this needs a
fne mind and the beneft ofall my
eperience. On the other hand to
input it needs only patience. It is all
mechanical, and if you want a bet, I
can teach it to a monkey i you
support my eforts with a large
amount of bananas. And we were
discussing the matter seriously, but
unfortunately the Computer World
Championship of the year was too
close, according to the program
mers ofthe machine, so we did not
get into anything we were not sure
we could fnish in time. You surely
have experienced that even
computers have sensitivity, and
sometimes react strangely. You
mend something here, and then
somewhere else things go wrong.
And when you say, 'what the Hell is
going on? ' a little red Devil jumps
out saying, 'It is not yet Hell! But
you will see it soon! ' Then it
disappears. And all you can hope is
that you are a schizophrenic who
sees and hears - hallucinates . . .
Nothing came out of this
association, but since then such
things have happened and
computers are entering serious
As to the question ofwhether we
got a clearer picture ofthe BLACK
IS OK! thesis, the answer is yes and
no. I I had the chance to give a
hand to a strong program with
BLACK while somebody else
(Shirov would do) handled White,
the guy could do extremely well with
both colours. This is what I can 't
prove in practice because ofa lack
of opportunit. Therefore I will
fnish here.
A.Kuligowski - A.Adorjan
Wersew I 979
c4 g6 2 e4 eS!
Wetson's 4voIumc(l ) mono
greph on thc EngIsh Opcnng
nemcs thc systcm sterting wth this
movc thc Adorjn Vereton. Thc
truth, howcvcr, s thet qutc e fcw
pcopIc hed a|rcedy stertcd thcr
Chess(playing Programs - Statistics against each other 147
gemcs |kcths. Thc kcy to my dce
s 3 vO 5 . . . . vf6l , bom et thc
boerd n I 970 egenst Ademsk
(PoIence Zdroj). Acr ths, both
my humbIc scIfendothcrsechcvcd
somc succcss wth thc BLACK
gcccs. 'Whtc guys' shcdto 3 d4
vf6 4 vO - consdcrcd to bc thc
bcst contnueton by 'Thcoq'
BLACK hes nothng to fcer n thet
|nc cthcr, hc onIy hes to gvc up
hs romentc etteckngdrcems. lt s
qutc strengc, end ndcetvc ofthc
voIet|ty of thc royeI gemc, thet
ecr I . . . . g6, prcperngeenchctto,
thc 'Kng's lnden' bshop eppcers
onb4 neIotofpostonsl
3 d4
3 vO 97 4 d4 cxd4 5 vxd4
vf6l (5. . . vc7 6 vc3 vbc6 7
9c3)6 vc3(6c5 vc4l ) 6. . . 00
A) 79 d3 d5l Bcxd5 (Bc5dxc49
9 xc4 vh5 I0 o-o 9xc5 I I vO
9xc3 I2 bxc3 W xdI I3 2xdI
9g4T) B. . . c6 9 00 (9 9g5 h6 I0
9xf6 W xf6 I I vdc2 cxd5 I 2cxd5
vd7T. Pctrosen) 9. . . cxd5 I0 cxd5
vxd5 I I 9c4 vxc3 I2 bxc3 We5
( I 2 . . . 2cB I 3 2cI vd7=) I 3 Wb3

d7 I4 We3 Wxe3 I 5 1xe3 2cB

I6 BfcI 9l I 7 9x x I B
9O 2xcI+ I 9 RxcI vc5 202c5
vc6 2I h4 (2 I 2b5 vxd4 22 cxd4
BbB 23 2c5 9c6=) 2 I . . . BbB 22
vb5 e6 23 vd6 b6 24 9c2 A-A
T.PctrosenAdorjn, Soch I 977
B) 79c22cBB O c6l
Bl) 99g5h6 I09h4 d5 I I cxd5
cxd5 I 200vc6
Bla) I3 cxd5 vxd4 I4 Wxd4
vxd5l I 5 Wxg7+ (I5 Wxd5
Wxh4T) I5. . . xg7 I 69xdB vxc3
I 7bxc3 2xdBT,
Bib) I 3vxc6bxc6 I4 9D &c6
I 5 ve4 vh5T BobotsovAdor|n,
Vmjecke Benje Zone| I972(cndng
0 I ),
B2) 9 vc2 d5l I 0cxd5 cxd5 I I
vxd5 vxd5 I 2 Wxd5 Wh4+
( I 2 . . .W xd5 l I 3 cxd5 ve6 I 4 GD
1f5 I 5 vc3 9d4 I 6 2dl 9b6,
I2. . . Wc7l ?) I3 g3 W f6 I4 2bI
vc6 I 59g5 Wc6 I 6D? ( I 6b3
f5 I 79 c4 Wxd5 I B 9xd5+ 9c6)
I6. . . W xd5 I 7 cxd5 vd4TAdemsk
Adorjn, PoIence Zdroj I970 -
Ths wes thc stcmgemcl (egen
3 ... vf6
3. . . 9 b4+l ?Evcrybody forgot ths
chcck, gvcn by Tscshkovsky to
Quntcros n en enccnt gemc,
eIthough tcndcdnedrewl I nd t
e hceIthy eItcmetvc to 3. . . vf6,
gIeycdeImostcxcIusvcIy. 49 d2(4
vc3 vf6 5 O cxd4 6 Wxd4 vc6 7
W d2 00=) 4. . . 9 xd2+ 5 W xd2 cxd4
148 Chess(playing) Programs - Statistics against each other
6W xd4 vf6 7 vc3 vc6 B W d2 d6
9 00000.
4 lf!
4 dxc5 vxc4 5W d5( 5W d4 vc5
6 vO vc6 7Wc3 vc6 B vc3 d69
cxd6 xd6) 5. . . 9b4+l And ths
s my mprovseton egenst
PoIugecvsky (Soch I 976 I 0).
Bcforc pcopIcuscdto pIey5 . . . . f5 -
bctwccn you end mc, t's not bed,
cthcr, but l wes pIeyng for en
edventegcl Sncc BLACK lS OK. . .
6 vd2 f5 (6 . . . vxd2 79xd29xd2+
BW xd2)
A) 7 e3 c6 B Wd3 W e5 (B. . . W b6?
9 exb4 vxD I 0W c3 vxhI I I c5
W dB I2 g3) 9 vgO 9c5 I0 vd4
ve6 I I O vxd2 I 29xd2vb4l I 3
9xb4 9xb4+ I 4GD9c7 I 5Wc3
W b6 I 6 b4 c5 (I 6 . . . e5 I 7 c5) I 7
vb5 00 I B vd6 9xd6 I 9 cxd6
W xd6 20 Wxc5 W xc5+ 2I bxc5
B) 7 cxf6 vxf6 B Wd3 00 9 e3
RcB+ I0 9c2 9 I I vgO d5 I 2
cxd5 9f5 I 3W c4 b5? ( I 3 . . . Wxd5T
unIceshcd troubIc - on my own
hcedl I4002xc2 I 5W xc29d3 I 6
Wc5 9xfI I 7 GxfI Wxc5 I B vxc5
vbd7 I9 vxd7 vxd7 20 vc4l=)
I4Wxb5c6 I5 W3l .
4 ... .b4+?!
4. . . cxd4l s thc Iest word of
thcoq, end l cen onIy conrm thet
t's truc. 5 c5 9b4+ 6 9d2 Wc7l 7
9xb4 Wxb4+ B Wd2 Wxd2+ 9
vbxd2 vh5 (9. . . vgB I 0 vxd4 f6
I I f4 bc5 I 2bc5 vc7 I 3 vc4)
I 0xd4 c6 (cI0 . . . 00l I I v2O
b6 I 2 9c2 9b7) I I xc6 ( I I
2Ol ) I I . . .dxc6 I 2 g3 00
( I 2 . . . 9f5)I 3 9c2 f6 I49xh5gxh5
I 5 cxf6 2cB+l I6 GdI 9f=
RomenshnGuIko,Te|Inn I 977.
5 .d2 .xd2+ 6 'xd2!
6 vbxd2 cxd4 (6. . . d6 e|so
occuncd scvcreI tmcs, wth emp|c
compcnsetonfthcpewnstekcn. 7
dxc5 dxc5 B vxc5 Wc7 9 f4 bd7
I0 vxd7 9xd7 I I c5 h5 I 2WO
9c61) 7 c5 W c7 B Wc2 d3 9 Wc3
vg4 I0 Wc4 f5 I I cxf6 vxf6 I 2
W xc7+Gxc7 I 39xd3 d6=.
6 ... lxe4
6. . . cxd4 7c5
A) 7. . . Wc7l ?
AI) B W g5 kh5 (B. . . W+) 9
Wxc7+Gxc7 I 0vxd4
Ala) I 0 . . . BcB I I 9c2 vf4 I 2g3
vxc2 I 3 vxc2 vc6 I 4 f4 d6 I 5
cxd6+ Gxd6 I 6vbc3 c5 I 7 b3
d4l ( I 7. . . 9g4 I B 000 9xc2 I 9
2d5+ b6 20 ve4+ e6 2I
c5+-) I B GD vxc2 I 9 vxc2
Alb) I 0 . . . vc6 I I vxc6+dxc6 I 2
vd2 2cB I 3 000 I 42c I f6
I 5vO 9g4 I 62c3 9xO I 72xO
Rxc5 IB g4 g7 I 9Rxf6+ c7 20
RO vc6T,
A2) B9c2vh5
A2a) 9 ve3l d6= (9. . . 00? I 0
vb5 d6 I I cxd6 cxd6 I 2 00 vc6
I 3 vbd4),
A2b) 9W xd4 c6 I 0Wc3 d6 I I
cxd6 ( I I vc3 dxc5 I 2 vd5
vb4l l=) I I . . .W xc3 I2 bc3cxd6 I 3
Chess(playing) Programs - Statistics against each other 149
vc3 9c6 I4 000 Gc7 I 5 vd4
B) 7...vc4? SucccssmI rubbshl
Thcrc s stII e ood movc hcrc. B
W xd4 vg5 9 xg5 W xg5 I 0 f4
Bl) I I W Dl WdB I 2vc3 00 I 3
000 f6 ( I 3 . . . d6 I 4 c5) I4 cxf6
W xf6 I 5vd5WdB I 6h4,
B2) I I W d2 W dB I 2 vc3 Wc
hed ths poston wth thc Ietc Tony
MIcs (Hestings I 97677), end hc
menegcd to Iosc t es Whtcl ln thc
thc opcnng wes nemcd ' lrrcguIer'
SuIking, l wcnt to thc buI|ctn
cdtor. whet do you mcen by
incguIer? This is my veretionl My
cnd Pctcr Grmths epoIogscd
wth e smrk. 'You scc, thc whoIc
thng Iookcd so tcrrbIc thet wc
couIdn'tprcsumc twesworkcdout
by you. . .' I2...00 I 3 000 d6 I 4
cxd6 cxd6 I 5W xd6?l ( I 5 h3l 9c6
I6 g41, I 5 9c2 9c6 I6 vb5)
I 5 . . . We5 I6 Wd5 Wb6 I 7 Wd2
9c6 I Bvd5 9xd5 I 9cxd5vb4 20
&b1 2ecB
B2a) 2I e3vc222W d3 RfdB23
Rd2vc3 24 Wd4 W b3 25 d6Rc2
(25. . . vc2 26 Wxe7 BeB 27 W xeB
RxeB 2B Rxc2 W d5 29 9c4 W xd6
30 g3-) 26 Rxc2 W xc2+ 27 Ge2
vxH 2B RxfI 2xd6l 29 W xd6
W c4+30bI WxfI +3 I e2W xg2
32 WbB+ g7 33 W xe7 Wd5+ 34
Gel Gf6 35 WD f5T 36 Wh4
B2b) 2I d6 RfdB 22 d7 Rc7 23

c6 24 e3 vd5l 25 g3 (25
Rxd5 W xd5 26 WcB+ Gg7 27
W xdB W dI + 2B Ge2 2cI +)
25. . . 2cxd7 26 9g2 vc3+ 27 bxc3
RxdI + 2B 2xdl 2xdI + 29 WxdI
W x2 30 WdB+Gg7 3 I Wd4+ Gh6
32 xe7 W hI +33 Gc2 W xh2+ 34
Gb3 W xg3 35 W xb7 Wxf4 36 e4
W f5T,
B2c) 2I Wd4 Rc5l Nowthissno
B2cl) 229c4RfcB 23 b3 (23 d6
vc2l 24 Wd3 Rxc4 25 d7 BdB 26
2d2 Bc7 27 Rxc2 Rcxd7 2B W c2
W f6 29 2fI Rc7T) 23...vxd5l 24
B2cll) 25eIvb5 269xb5(26
Wb2vd6T)26. . . W xb5T,
B2c12) 25W xc32xc4T,
82c2) 229c22fcB 23W c5
23. . . vxe2l + 24 2d3 (24 Gxe2
2e5+ 25 &bI W b3) 24...vc3+ 25
2xc3 Rxc3 26 d6 2c3 27 d7 2dB
2BWb5 Wxb5 29 9xb5 e6 302cI
0 I .
7 Wh6?|N
'This movc sthcrcsu|t ofncer|y
onchour's thought, eiming et thc
forccd rcmteton of BLACK's
sccmngIy nconscqucnt pIey (g6,
9b4). ' - l wrotc n my ene|yss
pubIshcd n Hungeren chcss
monthIy Magar Sakkelet ( I 979/3,
7W c3
A) 7. . . f B dxc5 W c7 9 vc3 (9
vbd2l) 9. . . Wl (9. . . vxc3 I 0
Wxc3 ve6 I I 9c2 b6 I 200) I0
000 vxc3 I I Wxc3 Wxc3+ I 2
bxc3b6-( I 2 . . . ve6-),
B) 7. . . d5 Bdxc5 (Bcxd5?W xd5 9
9d3 We5+l I 0c2vf6 I I W xc5+
I 50 Chess(p/aying) Programs - Statistics against each other
W xc5+ I2 vxc5 9c6 I 3vc3 Gc7
I4 f4 2dBT GhtcscuSex, onc
round|etcr.)B. . . vc6
B1) 9 vc3 d4l I 0 W xc4 ( I 0
vxd4 W xd4 I I W xc4 W xc4+ I 2
vxc4 vxc5=) I 0 . . . 9f5,
82) 9 ve3l PortschSex,Rodc
!encrolntcrzone|, I 979.
7 ... exd4 8 id3
B W 7 W f6 9 W xf6 vxf6 I 0
vxd4 c6T,
B vxd4 Wc7 9 W c3 vc6 I 0
8 .. lc5 9 0-0 d6!
9...vxd3 I0 W g7 2 I I W xd4
d6 I 2W xd3.
10 lel+ ie6 11 'g7 2N
I I . . .Gd7l ?I 2W xd4vc6 I3W c3
vxd3 I4W xd3 &cBT.
1 2 lxd4 lbd7!
I 2 . . . vc6? I3 vxc6 bxc6 I 4
13 lxe6?!
Thc comp|cetons ecr thc
' Orenguten' pewn movc wou|d
hevc gvcn mc morc ofe hcedechc.
On thc othcr hend, BLACK s nc
ehcr I3 9c2Wf6 I3 b4l ?vxd3 I 4
vxc6 Wf6 I 5 vxc7+ GdB I 6
W xf6+ vxf6 I 7 2c3 (I 7 2dI
vxDl I B 2xd6+ &xc7 I 9 2xf6
vc4 20 2O e5T) I 7 . . . vxb4l I B
vxeB vc2 I 9 2b3 GcB 20 ve3
vxeI 2I 2bI GbB 22 2xeI (22
vb6 exb6 23 2xeI d5T) 22. . . xeB
23 vb5 2dB 24 2dI d5 25 h3 (25
vc7+ &bB 26 vxd5 vxd5 27cxd5
&c7T) 25. . . GbB 26 vc3 2cBl 27
vxd5 vxd52Bcxd5 &c7T,
I 39c2Wf6 I4Wxf6 vxf6 I 5b4
ve6l I 6 e3 c5l I 7 vxc6 fxc6 I B
2xc6+d7 I 92c3 cxb4T.
13 ... lxe6 14 lc3 le5+
I 4 . . .Wf6? |oscsl Ths s how. I 5
W xf6 vxf6 I 6 vd5+.
15 'ixh7 lxd3
16 lxe6+C fxe6 17 'xg6+ 'd7
18 fxd3 'if6+ 19 lfl lad8?!
Ths s rethcr |engud, cvcn n
mutue| tmc troub|c n en
e||mportent bett|cZONALl lt's e
rerc sght ndccd whcn you cen
etteck thc cncmy kng wth both of
your rooks e|ong2 opcn |cs. Such
I 9 . . . 2hBl 20BcI 2egB1.
20 'e3 'f4! 21 'e2
2I W xf48xf422 b3 Zd4l 232dI
RxdI+ 24vxdI d5+,
2 I Wxe7Wxc4.
21. ..lf5! 22 f 'd4+ 23 'h1
23W DWxc424W xe7b6T.
23 ... lh8t
Thrcetcnng 24 2xh2+ end
24 g3?!
24 ... lf5! 25 :a
25 h42xh4+ 26 gxh4 Wxh4+ 27
GgI 2gB++.
25 ... lc5-+ 26 le4 lxc4 27 'ifl
lb4 28 _cl 'e5 29 lc2 c6 30 le2
30. . . 2xc43 I bc4W xg3+.
31 'id2 ld4-+ 0-1
BLACK to play and ...
It really pleased me when a reader
of my polemic article 'BLACK IS
OK! or the Presumption of
Innocence in Chess' pointed out the
preposterous, not to say
manipulative, practice of placing
White closer to the reader I
spectator ALL diagrams of chess
magazines, books, and on all demo
boards too. Moreover, the
instructions of chess problems and
studies always say 'White to
play .. .'. Then he either wins or
mates. It is a well-known discover
of advertising psychology and
political demagoguer that a
message repeated to the public
many times gets through even if the
subject was indifferent in the
beginning, or even if he or she had
defnite misgivings! I have already
mentioned elsewhere how I was
shocked by a flm that gave trivial
examples of the inconveniences
sufered by lef-handed people, only
because those who use their 'nicer'
hand outnumber them by far, and
hardly waste a moment's thought on
them. The objectivity of chess
players is also hampered badly by
the intricate web of manipulation in
White's favour.
When I was young, my opening
studies ofen reached well into the
realm of the middlegame, even into
the endgame (let alone my
copybooks flled at the age of II or
I2, where all the lines end with
checkmate, and 3 exclamation
marks to a move was not a rarity ... ).
I remember clearly that the line
leading to the following highly
instrctive endgame position stared
out as a Grinfeld. You can imagine
what bloodshed it took to reach the
diagrammed position!
Jocha*, 1966
(*my name till '67)
Instruction: BLACK to move and
For those who are erudite enough
to know that this endgame is being
published for the second time
already, let me say that it comes out
for the frst time in its ORIGINAL
for now! Peter Grifths included
it in his book 'The endings .. .' in
I976, but he switched colours!
However, even this did not spoil our
Let's see the solution:
I. f+
A) 2 hi? lh3 winning
152 BLACK to play and . . .
B) 2 gl vh3+ 3 fI vf4 4
gI (4 cI ?h3 5 vH vd3+and
BLACKwns) 4 . . . vc2+ 5 hI (5
fl ? h3+) 5 h3 6 vfI (thc
staIcmatc attcmpt 6 vxO s mct by
thc cIcgant rcmtaton vg3+l ) 6 . . .
3 7 bg3 D - zugzang - (B g4
So far so good. Now comcs thc
C) 2GfI vc4
Cl) 3 GcI h3 4 vfI g3 5 bg3
D+l (5. . . g2 s mct by 6 vc3+
gI 7 vg4l ) 6 c2 g2 7 vc3+
fl B g4 vc3+l and Whtc s
hcIpIcssaanstthcdoubIcthrcat of
vd5andvdI .
C2) 3 GgI vd2l (as thc knght
cxchangc s fataI for Whtc, thc
'rst pIaycr' s trappcd n a cagc.
Now BLACK saiIs homc wth
ByingcoIours, aII it takcs sa IttIc
morc cauton and ncssc) 4 hI
h(g)5 5gI g(h)5 6hI h4l
(BLACK dcIbcratcIy Iost a tcmpo,
and now thc momcnt has naIIy
comc) 7 gI h3 B hI g3(l ) 9
bg3 (9 vxO g2+l ) D I 0g4 vc4,
forcng I I vfI vg3+, wnnng as
l bcIcvc thc abovc cxampIc
contancd somc rcaIIy nstructvc
motfs, cspccaIIy n thc cId of
staIcmatc and panyng staIcmatc
thrcats. Thc rcason why l kccp
avodng thc word 'study' s that t
has anothcr soIuton. To makc
thngsworsc, t sshamcIcssIycasyl
ln Inc C2). 4 hI g5 5 gI
f4 6 hI vc4 7 gI , and now
Spcakng of staIcmatc, thosc n
doubt conccming thcjustcc ofthc
cxstng chcss mIcs wouId usuaIIy
aboIsh thc SAVlNG ccct of
staIcmatc. My frcnd Lajos Portsch
has bccn mumurng to cvcqonc's
cars for a Iong tmc that draw by
staIcmatc s unfar if onc of thc
pIaycrs has a (Iargc) matcraI
advantagc. A cIassc cxampIc s ' a'
or' h' pawn + thc wrong bishop vs
IoncIy kng n thc comcr. Somc of
youmghtrcmcmbcrhowl faIcdto
Canddatcs' match against Hbncr
n I 9B0- pIaying BLACK nthc9'h
ln ths poston BLACK is totaIIy
Ay 'patzcr' wouId takc on h3
wnnng wth hs 2 cxtra pawns. A
tmc anst, howcvcraIways wants to
wn n styIc. . . So l pIaycd I. . . Rc5??
carcIcss|y, and was vcq much
suqrscd whcn Robcrt contnucd
wth 2 Gxh4 drawngl But l had an
cxtra rook in thc naI position,
l prcsumc youarc suqrscd that l
do not havc antstaIcmatc
scntmcnts cvcn acr this fataI
accidcnt. (l can add that l aIso
staIcmatcd my Hungaran
coIIcagucs P. SzkcIy and ToInai n
compIctcIy winnng postons n
rapd gamcsl ) l stiII thnk that
staIcmatc sawondcrfuI momcnt of
thcroyaIgamc. lttcachcsusthat t's
ncvcrtoo Ietcto mekc e mstekc. At
thc semctmc, t cenbc e |est rcsort
(or e rcsort ecr thc Iest) whcn you
erc Iosng. Somc steIcmetc
combnetons erc brcethtekngIy
Chcss hes sccn pIcnty of
proposeIs for rcfom (cf.
Cepeb|ence's I 0xI 0 boerd wth
eddtoneI pcccs), butnoncofthcm
gencd ground. l rst mct Andor
LIcntheI ('Unc|c LI'), who s thc
oIdcst grendmestcr n thc worId,
whcn l wes I 6. Bobby Fschcr
vstcd hmqutc ohcnwhcnhc wes
steyng n Hungery, end trcd to
chcss, whch hc ceIIcd ' rcfom
chcss' beck thcn. UncIc LI'srcpIy
weses foIIows. ' Look, Bobby, l em
B3 ycerso|d, endhevcbccnpIeyng
chcssforncerIyscvcndccedcs. Ths
gemc stII ho|ds ncw mrecIcs for
mc, don't you tc|I mc t s dcedl '
Agrccd. lf somconc wshcs t op|ey
somc othcr (boerd)gemc, whetcvcr
t shouId bc, Ict hm do so. But to
crcetc e ncw gemc because thcwc|I
of OUR CHESS hes drcd out?
l don't know whcthcr you hevc
cvcr wrttcn e book, or e Icngthy
pepcretIcest. lt'se ncc thngtodo
- cspcceIIyonyourfevourtctopcs
- but notcesy. l em eIweys frcttng
ebout |cevng out somcthng
mponent, for onc. (Ths s not eII
l ntcndcd to corrcct n prnt. . . ) So
|ct mc tcII you hcrc thet l eskcd
UncIc Andor e fcw qucstons et
roughIy thc semc tmc es Fschcr
showcd hm hs ' rcform chcss' . lt
wesnotonIyeboutBLACKlSOKl ,
hc ddn't hevc much to sey ebout
BLACK to play and. . . /53
thetonc enywey. 'Butofcourscycu
erc rght, my dcer, BLACK hes no
probIcms et eII. lf, for cxempIc,
Whtc pIeys I c4, thc poston s
eIrcedy cqueI ecr c7c5. ' As e
mettcroffect,thc dgncd oIdman
provcd to bc morc redceI than
mysc|P Thc ebovcmcntoncd par
of movcs Iceds us to thc popuIer
ScIen Dcfcncc wth en cxtre
tcmpo for Whtc. CeIIcd thc
Eng|sh. StII, l ddn't gct enythng
egenst thosc who kcw thc Icsson,
e| thoughlpIeycd tnscvcreIWhtc
gemcs wth g3 (e tcmpo up
Dregon). Ths s, by thc wey, e
rccurrcnt bonc of contcnton n
chcss thcoq end toumemcnt
prectcc. Oncc l compIencd to
Hbncr ebout t n e post mortcm.
HsrcpIy wes. 'Don'tcvcn mcnton
t, l pIey thswthbothcoIours, and
thc morc gemcs l pIey, thc Icss l
undcrstend of tl ' ObvousIy, t's
somcthng psycho|ogceI egen: e
poston thet setscs us es BLACK
feIs to pIcesc us wth thc Whtc
pcccs, cvcn wth en cxtre tcmpo.
Gez Mercp, thcgrcetHungeren
grendmestcr of thc cerIy 20'h
ccntuq, cvcn sed. ' f wc pIey
somcthng wth rcvcrscd coIours,
wc kccp Iookng for thc movc wc
wes our tum, nstced of thnkng
nomeIIy'. Ths mey eIso bc truc,
end ths dIcmme rcmndsmcofthc
momcnts whcn wc tq to rcmcmbcr
whet - Ict mc quotc thc Ietc
grendmestcrBercze - 'Ohycsl Ths
show GMWhocvcrpIeycdegenst
Whetshsnemc. . . whcrc wes t
enywey end whcn??' (NccdIcss to
sey hc showcd mc thc thng n e
mnutcecrejontIeugh. . . )
The Proof of the Pudding
and the Practical Benefts
Thc proofofthcpuddng eswc
eI| know(oncmorcseyngl )- s n
thc cetng. Wc erc eII dffcrcnt.
somc of us erc rcedy for
cxpcrmcntng, cvcn for bIumng or
tekng chenccs, whcrces othcrs
prcfcr to evod rsk n e ceutous,
comfortIovng wey. ObvousIy,
thosc who don't stcp esdc whcn
cheI|cngcd by somcthng ncw
bcIong to thc formcr group. PcopIc
Ikc ths don't hcstetc to tekc thc
troubIc to tq es meny tmcs es
ncccsseq. Thcy erc Icd by hce|thy
curosty, es wcII es by thc hopc of
ndng thc rght peth, thc rght
movc, thc rghtpIen. Lkcenyothcr
cetcgorseton, t's somcwhet
erbtrery flseythet rcprcscntetvcs
ofthc ceutous etttudc tq to edept
to thc cxstng stetc of eers,
whcrces rcscerchcrs, nvcntors end
trevc||crs strvc for thc rcform of
whet wc hevc. Thcy erc not efred
of cxprcssng thcr doubts
conccmng tcechngs ecccptcd es
exoms or dogmes. Ths knd of
bchevour wes end st|I s
consdcrcd hcrctceI neII egcs, onIy
n dcrcnt forms. Nowedeys, en
nnovetor hes (hopcmIIy) no rceson
tobcefred ofphysce| demegc, but
hccen st|I ecqurccncmcs I|nge
whoIctown fhc essgnstoeccrten
nvcnton. Bcsdcs, t cen tekc e
whoIc Ifctmc to hevcen nvcnton,
dcvcIopcd through thousends of
cxpcrmcnts (Edson. 'My 1 000'
cxpcrmcnt wes succcssm| . . . '),
omceI|y rccognscd end ectueIIy
ut|scd. Lkcwsc, enyonc cen hevc
en dce thet ncvcr ' surfeccs' n e
toumemcnt gemc. I st|I hevc shots
hcrc end thcrc from thc tmc ofmy
ectvc cerccr mysc|f, e|though my
onctmc protg Pctcr Lk uscd
qutc e fcw ofthcm. ln e gemc you
cen nd c|scwhcrc n ths book
(Drccv Adorjn, I 994), I
unIceshcd e dccsvc mprovcmcnt
ecr I B( l l ) ycers. So why erc
pcop|cefred ofncw thngs? Lctmc
gnorc thc poItce|, rc|gous or
busncss rcesons for thc momcnt,
end quotc my own pcrsoneI
cxemp|c. As e humen bcng, l hevc
my own fcers end enxctcs n Ifc,
howcvcr erdcntIy l hevc eIweys
scerchcd for novcI end cxccptoneI
thngs n chcss. Tekc thc computcr,
for onc. ln my egc group (l wes
bom n I 950) thosc who hevc
mestcrcd t et morc then just thc
evcregc uscr |cvc| erc cxccptons to
thc ru|c. Now |ook et e|I thosc |tt|c
kds . . . l Myrstcomputcrsctwes n
boxcs for heIfe ycer. Whcn l wes
movng ebout n thc room, l wcnt
eround t n e bg scmcrc|c. Thcn
our rc|etonshp mprovcd somc
whet, but l' I | ncvcr bc e computcr
wz. You wI| qutc rghtIy Ieugh
your hced off f I confcss thet l
ectue|Iy sed 'Hc|Io, frcnd' to thc
thng bcforc swtchng t on for
qutc somc tmc. Ycs, l know, !'vc
eIweysknown thet tsnetone|, to
The Proof ofthe Pudding and the Practical Benefts 155
put t mIdIy, but. . . WcII, t s eIso
tructhetno dogcouId bc smeIIend
frcndIy cnough for mc not to bc
frghtcncd by t untI l rcechcd thc
egc of40 (e dog got et mc whcn l
wese chId). Andthcn mytwo IttIc
szcofe ceIl Shc(beptscdLedyby
IttIc Anne howcvcr controvcrseI
wes ths nemc of hcr orgn . . . )
bccemc thc pct of thc fem|y, end
curcdmcofmy phobe. lgotto |kc
dogs. AII of thcml Pcrheps thcsc
two cxempIcs wII sumcc. (Ohboy,
howIonglcouIdgoon. . . l )
Thosc who cIem not to hevc eny
ncxpIcebIc nhbtons, fcers or
enxctcs, or et Icest e whoIc Iot of
wcrd eutometc rcsponscs, erc
cthcr cxtrcmcIy Iucky or |yng
Whet docs t hevc to do wth
nnovetvc thnkng? Thc thng s
thet thcsc fcers end rc0cxcs mey
hevc e Iot to do wth cerIy
cxpcrcnccs. ln chcss, bcgnncrs -
typceIIy chIdrcn - erc teught by
pcopIc who don't know e whoIc |ot
morcthen thcr pupIs. My brothcr,
6 ycers my scnor, teught mc
how thcpcccs movc whcn l wes B.
Thcn hc bcet mc constentIy, end
l crcd e Iot. Butl Letcr l wes gvcn
e book for bcgnncrs, whch l
studcd cercmIIy (l don't rcmcmbcr
cxectIy, but t mey hevc bccn donc
n sccrctl ). Thngs chengcd
compIctcIy. lt mettcrcd thc wor|d
thet l Icemt somc cIcmcntery
prncpIcs of thc gemc (dcvcIop
NetureIIy, thcrc wes nothng
nnovetvc ebout t, es you hevc to
tcech e bcgnncr, cspcceIIy e chId,
' dogmetceIIy' etrst. Othcrsc hc
wII just gct conmscd. Whcn thc
tmc comcs, youcen- endyoumust
- show hm thc unusueIIy bceutfuI
UnfonunetcIy, dogmes for
bcgnncrs ncIudcthc thcssthetit is
better to play with White because
you can win more easily. Th
dogma is, however, never modied
later, and an incredible majorit of
players believe in White as a result.
Thcy buId up en embtous Whtc
rcpcrtorc, end prcsumc thet thcr
gcncreIIy trucl Whtc s condcnt,
bcceusc hc s Whtc. And BLACK,
who got thc semc cduceton, eIso
'knows' t s bcttcr to pIey wth
Whtc. But hc pIeys BLACK ths
schizoid. Supposc thc 'nght' rcsuIt
s bom. Thc guy wth Whtc s
heppy, hc won, mprovcd hs
chenccs forwhetcvcr, endofcoursc
ths pont conrms hs bcIcl Thc
vctm sneture|Iy sed. Onthc othcr
but thc 'wrong' coIour for thc
eccdcnt. And hc cen herdIy wet to
pIey wth thc Whtc chcssmcn ncxt
roundl A|I ths s funny, but rethcr
shemcfuIIy prmtvc. So much to
pent ths grotcsquc stueton.
Toumemcntstetstcserc n0ucnccd
by ths trcnd, gvng thc 'colour
superstition' mrthcr support. lt hes
bccn ccrten|y gong on for e fcw
ccnturcs, end t mey eIso ho|d for
thc mI|cnne whcn chcss wes
pIeycd wth thc orgneI enccnt
ruIcs. lt wII bc eII thc morc
shockngwhcnthcBLACK IS OK!
thcoqwI|bcomceIIy tcstcd somc
tmcnthcmturc.Thcrcw|I bctcns
of thousends of ' tcst' gemcs
fceturng thc countcqIeyccntrcd
opcnng wcepons of wcI|prcpercd,
unbescd sccond pIeycrs. Whet e
156 The Proof of the Pudding and the Practical Benefts
pty l wII bc by eII odds in e
puIvcriscdstetcbythettmc. . .
scck e penncr for e rethcr
morbd, but frutfuI busncss. Thc
thng s thet ehcr my dceth you cen
bum my body end put my nobIc
dust nto IittIcIittIc secks. Thcn scII
tl lf you run out of thc origineI
' rewmetcrieI ' ncvcr mndl Thcrc s
dust, send end eII thet s nccdcd
cvcqwhcrcbythctons. WceIIwcrc
medc of dust, so t's eII thc semc.
Bcsdcs thcy usueIIy mx up thc
'orgneI ' esh eIrcedy et thc
crcmetorum. Thc men thng. don't
Ict enybody downl Thcrc s e
dengcr thet thosc tcns of thousends
who bought ' from mc' orgenisc e
mcctng, ende I ittIc secks gongto
bc e kind of cntq cerd. Thcy mey
stert teIking ebout chceting end
thngs Iikc thet. Don't Iosc your
tcmpcrl !ust eskthcm. Soyou went
to sey hc wes not e Giant? lf
enybody's ntcrcstcd contect mc
pIcescl Don't forgct. dscrcton s
nccdcdl l 50-50%.
vs the ex-Champs
Defeating the 'invincible'
opponent ...
Ths gemc took pIecc e fcw
months ecr thc Wor|d !unor
Chemponshp n StockhoIm, n thc
rst round of thc fourround
ntcmetoneI metch bctwccn thc
USSR end Hungeq. My opponcnt
hed won thc Wor|d !unor
Chemponshpthrccponts ehcedof
mc. Somc pcop|c thought thet
Keqov wes smpIy en nvncbIc
pIeycr. Howcvcr, l ettcmptcd thc
mpossbIc. . .
A.Karpov - A.Adorjan
HungeqvUSSR,Budepcst l 969
1 d4 g6 2 c4 .g7 3 v cJ d6 4
lt lf6 5 g3 0-0 6 .g2 lbd7 7
0-0 a6! ?
AnorgneI end cxbIc movc of
8 e4
B e4 e5l s onc ofthc ponts. wth
thc ' Ioss' ofonctcmpoBLACK hes
e chencc to hevc en 'ctcme|' knght
post on c5. Anothcrp|en s c6Wb6
ActueIIy thc 'cxtre tcmpo' e2e4
rethcr rcduccs Whtc's optons end
crcetcs wcekncsscs. As wes
dcc|ercd eIrcedy by W. Stcntz,
squercs(but pcopIc wI| eIweys Ikc
quccnng. . . l )
A) 9c4c5I 03c3 ( I 0d5vc5 I I
Wc2vcBI 2 3g5 f6 I 3 3c3 f5),
B) 9 b3 c5 I0 c3l ?RcB I I 3b2
( I I 3e3 cxd4 I 2 cxd4 v b6=)
I I . . . c6,
C) 93c3 v g4 (9. . . c6) I 03f4c5
I I 3g53f6 I23xf6v gxf6=,
Bd5l ?c5(B. . . v g4l?)9dxc6(9c4
b5 I0 cxb5 exb5 I I b vb6 I 2
Wd3 WcB I 3 RdI 3d7 I 4 vd2
ve4 I 5vb3 vxc3 I6 Wxc3 c6)
9. . . bc6 I 0 v5 v c5 I I b3 RbB
( I I . . .h6l I2 h3 W cB I 3 3b2
2bB1) I 2f4 vt I3 vxt Zxt I 4
Wd3 3d7 I 5 3c3 Wc7?l
( I 5...WcBl T) I6 RecI b6 I7 RfdI
WcB 1 FIcschAdorjn Hunger
ench. I 969 (I 7. . . W cB I B b43c6 I 9
3xc6W xc6203d4Rbn),
B b3 BbB (B. . . c5l ?9 3b2 2bB) 9
e4(93b2?l b5)
A) 9. . . c5 l ? eIso

romscs nc
countcrchenccs. I0 b2 ( I 0e5 b6
I I exb6 Wxb6 I 2 2bI cxd4 I 3
Wxd4 3b7n) I 0 . . . b6 I I Wd2 ( I I
d5 vc4 I 2 W d3 vxc3 I 3 3xc3
158 My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs
&xc3 I 4 W xc3 vf6 I 5 vd2 b5)
I I ...vcB I 2e vc7=,
B) 9...e5 I0Wd2c5 I I &b2 cxd4
( I I. . . c6l ?) I 2 vxd4 vc5 I 3 vd5
8 .. c5
9 2el
A) 9. . . vcB? Thiswesthc orgneI
ntcnton, hevng thc verieton
bcgnnng wth I0 cxd6?l n mnd.
Al) I0 cxd6?l vxd6 I I dxc5
vxc5 I2 &c3 &xc3 I 3 bxc3 Wc7=
( I 3 . . . b6=),
A2) I0&f4l cxd4 I I W xd4
A2a) I I . . .dxc5 I 2&xc5l,
A2b) I I . . .b5 I2 cxb5 &b7 I3
bxe6 dxc5 ( I 3 . . . &xO? I4 &xO
vxc5 I5 &xc5 &xc5 I6W e4+) I 4
vxc5 ( I 4 exb7 cxd4 I 5 bxeB=W
W xeB I 6 vxd4 We6 I 7 vc6)
I4. . . &xg2 I 5W xd7 &xfI I 6W xdB
2xdB I7 vc6 2eB I B xfI Rxe6
I 9 vxc7+GhB20e4,
A2c) I I . . .2bB I2 RedI b5 I 3
cxb5&b7 I4W d2,
A2d) I I .. .vc7 I2 Wc4 dxc5 I 3
vxc5 vc6 I 42edI vxf4 I 5 gxf4
W cB ( I 5 . . . AbB I6 W d3 &xc5 I 7
bc5W e5 I B vd5) I 6 vxd7&xd7
I 7 Wxb7 &g4 I B W xeB ( I B Ad2
2dB I 9 &c6 2xd2 20 &xcB AxcB
2I W xe6 2xb2 22 2bI &xc3 23
2xb2 &xb2 24 W b5 AcB 25 Wxb2
Axc4=) I B . . . W xeB I9 &xeB &xdI
20 2xdI &xc3 (20...2xeB 2I ve4
2cB 22 c5+) 2I &b7 &xb2 22
B) 9 ...dxc5lN I0dxc5 vg4 I I c6
bc6 I 2i c2 vdc5
Bl) I 3 vxc5 vxc5 I4 &f4 (I 4
2dI W b6, I 4 &c3 Wd3 I 5 &xc5
W xc2T 1/- 1/ Ti|IcrMokry I 97B)
I4. . . W d3T,
B2) I3 vcI W d4 I4 h3 vf6 I 5
vc2 W d6 I 6 &f4 vh5 I 7 BedI
W c7 I B &xc5 &xc5 I 9W c3 vg7
202fcI &d6 2I W c4 vf5 22 2d2
RbB As forthis poston. Whtcmey
hevc somc compcnseton for thc
pewn, but it docs not sccm to bc
cnough- thc c6 pewn is dcfcnding
d5. And - es enothcr grcet chcss
ph|osophcrsed - t'snotncccsseq
to usc thc per ofbishops so soon,
buttoHAVEthcm. . .
Anothcr topceI cxempIc. 9 d5?l
b5 I0 vd2 vb6l I I cxb5 (I I Wb3
b4 I 2 ve4 e5 I 3 c5 vg4T)
I I . ..exb5 I 2vxb5 &e6 I 3vc3 (I 3
W c2? W d7+) I 3 . . . &xfI I 4 vxfI
W d7T.
9 ... cxd4 10 lxd4 lc5
Thc structurc rcminds mc of thc
Meroczy Bnd veneton of thc
ScIen Dregon. Now, howcvcr,
BLACK's quccn's knght hes
rcechcd c5 (nstced of c6) end s
' strongcst' whitc piccc, thc c3
knght. Acr this cxchengc thc
wcekncss of thc squerc d5 wou|d
dseppcer, endboththc doub|ngof
thc BLACKrookson thc cIc end
Ietcr thc powcrfuI menocuvrc
. . . vd7c5 wou|d bc fcesbIc.
MyBLACK Army vs the ex- Champs 159
NormeI. Thc morc ercssvc
I I b4! ?vc6
A) I 2 c5 dxc5! ( I 2 . . . vxd4 I 3
cxf6xf6 I 4vd5 c5 I 5 b2) I 3
vxc6 xc6 I 4xb7 2e7 I 5d5
2d7 I6 We4 xd5 I 7 vxd5 vxd5
I Bcxd5WcBT,
B) I 2 c3 v4 I 3 Wx4 ( I 3
vxc6 vxc3) I 3 . . . vxd4 I 4 W dI
vc6 (I 4 . . . vb5 I 5 vxb5 exb5 I 6
cxb5 xeI I 7WxeI) I 5 Wb3 e5
l l ...d7 2 .eJ
I 2 c5 dxc5 I 32xc5 2cB I4 2c2
2...2c8 J2c
I 3 b4?! vc6 I 4 W d3 W c7 I 5
vd5 vxd5 I 6cxd5 ( I 6cxd5 vxd4
I 7 xd4 f5 I B

d2 xd4 I 9
Wxd4 Wxc4 20 Wxc4 2xc4 2I
2xc72xb4222cI h5T) I 6 . . . vxd4
I7 xd4Wc4T,
I 3 Wd2! ? Iceds to e sheq end
c|osc ht. I3. . . 2cB ( I 3 . . . We5? I4
vd5) I 4 2ecI We5 I5 f4 vh5 I 6
4 vxf4 I 7 xf4 xd4+ ( I 7 . . . c5
I B b4! ) I B W xd4c5 I 9W xd6 cxf4
A) 20vd5 2c62I vf6+2xf622
Wxf6 vd3 232cdI (232cdI vxcI
24 2xd7 vO+! ! 25xO WcI +26
Gh2 W 3+ 27 h I W xO++)
23...vxc I 24 2xd7 Wc I + 25 h2
W 3+=,
B) 20b4! ?W xb42 I vd52c6! 22
W xc6 WxcI+ 23 2xcI xc6 24
vc7+ G 25 vxcB xcB - thc
J ... Wa5
Prcpern countcrpIey by . . . b5,
which wouId hevcbccn bed et oncc
invcw of I4cxb5 exb5 I5 b4! ve6
I 6 e3. Thc foI|own dcfcnsvc
movc by Whtc, howcvcr, e|Iows
thc cxchenc of knihts, wth thc
I 4 W d2 2fcB ! I 5 e3 vc6 I 6
vxc6 xc6 I 7 vd5 W xd2 I B
xd2 vxd5 I 9 cxd5 (No bcttcr s
I 9 cxd5 f5 20 4 d3 2I 2c3
xb2 22 2xd3 xcI 23 xcI
2xc4T) I9. . . d7T,
A drcct tq s I4 2bI!? ve4 I 5
vxe4 W xe4( I 5 . . . xe4? I 6b4) I 6
Wxe4 xe4 I 7 b3 d7 I B f4! ?
vh5 I 9 h2 c5 20 vc2 cxf4 2 I
vxf4 vxf4 22 xf4 (22 xf4 Sc5
23 2bdI c6=24 2xd6?! xd6 25
xd6 2fcB 26 c5 x2 27 Gx2
b6T)22. . . b5 232bdI bxc4 242xd6
4...va4| 5b4
A conscqucnt movc, but t
wcekcns thc pewn on c4 and
promotcs BLACK's p|ey on thc
quccnsidc, eIthouh it

by e
heir's brcedth thet Whttc fet|s to
crushBLACK's dcfcncconc5.
On thc othcr hend, ehcr thc
modcst I 5 vxe4 xe4 I6b3 cB !
I 7 Wd3 vd7! BLACK hes nc
countcq|ey ( I 7 ..e3? I B 2eI
W c5 I 9vc6).
160 My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs
1S .. lxc3 16 :xc3 Wa4! 17 .1
I7Wd3 Ac7 IB AccI AtcB I 9c5
dxc5 20Axc5 Axc5 2I Axc5 Axc5
, I 7 WcI | ? s vcq cncrgctc.
I 7 . . . Ac7 I B c5| ?dxc5 I 9 vb3 c4
20vc5Wc62I f4AccB22 vxc4
xh3| Rcmcmbcr. God crcetcd
countcrbIows es wcII, not onIy
dcfcnsvc movcs| 23 vxf6+ Wxf6
24 c5 Wxc5 25 Axc5 xg2 26
Axc7 xc3 27 Wxc3 d5 2B c5
wnnng| Ycs,somctmcs,butnotn
thsgemc| Thcrc s nowey hcrc for
BLACK to go down unIcss by e
17 ... :c7 18 lec1 :res 19 Wd3
19 ... e8! !
ProbebIy thc bcst movc of thc
gemc, end onc thet erscs from e
dmcuIt dccson. lt took mc I 0
mnutcs to gvc up my romentc
drcams of somchow combnng
ccrten pewn edvenccs. Whcn l
rceIscd thc bcst wouId hevc bccn
two ofthcm et thc semc tmc, end
rcmndcdmyscIfthettwes IIcgeI, l
found thc bshop rctrcet - whch
hcreIds thc menocuvrc vf6d7c5,
end Whtc hes no good wey to
20 O?
c20 c5 dxc5 2I 2xc5 2xc5 22
2xc5 2xc5 23 bxc5 vd7 24 vc2
c6=, 20 f4 vh5 2I 4 (2I h2 c5
22 bc5 xc5) 2 I . . .xf4 22 xf4
c5 23 c3 cxd4 24 xd4 c5
(24. . . xd4+ 25 Wxd4 b5 26
20 .. ld7! 21 dl?
2I WfI mght hevc bccn bcttcr,
eIthough ecrvc5 22c2Wd7 23
c5 vc6 24 2dI vxd4 25 xd4
We4 BLACK's prospccts erc
sI ight|yprcfcrebIc.
21. .. ve522 WH
22xe4vxd3 232xd3 9xe424
2dc3 (24 c5 b6) 24. . . f5| (24. . .
b5| ?25c5d7 26Gh2 f5 27O
OT) 25 cxf5 (25 O bc4 26 bc4
c6, 25 vc6 xc3 26vxc7 2xc7
27 Rxc3 bc4T) 25. . . gxf5 26 vc6
xc3 27 vxc7 2xc7 2B Rxc3 d5
29b6 2cB 30c5 c5 3 I 2d3 c6
32e4 d4 33 f4 c4 342d2cxf4 35
22 .. 1d7 23 c5
23 c2 b5| 24 c5 dxc5 25 Axc5
(25 bxc5vc6T) 25... Axc5 26bxc5
(26Axc5 Axc5 27bxc5vc42B c6
WcB 29 xc4 bxc4 30 Wxc4 c5 3 I
vc2 Wxc6T) 26. . . vc4 27 xc4
23 .. b5!
My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs 161
Now Whtc s ntroubIc. Onthc
24 .b3 dxeS 2S lxeS AxeS 26
26 Rxc5 2xc5 27 bxc5 WcBT 2B
f4 vd7T (2B. . . vc4 29 9xc4
W xc5T).
26 ... ve4!
AII ths s forccd endIceds to en
cndng thet s cIcerIy edventegcous
for BLACK - ths s how eny
humen. Frtz B medc up ' hs' mnd
mmcdetcIy, end kccps stubbomIy
seyng thc oppostc ecr 7 mII
26. . . vg4? 27 c6 W d6 2B vxb5
exb529hxg49b2 302c29xe33 I
W xb59xc632W e6.
27 .xe4 .xd4 28 ld1 eS 29
.xd4 exd4 30 .dS AxeS 31 lxd4
'e8+ 32 h4 lc2?
Stupd,butwnsonthcncxt. . .
32. . . BcI l 33 2dI Rc3 34 2d3
33 eS??E
An ewmI bIundcr foIIowng
BLACK's mstekc. ObjcctvcIy
spcekng, Whtc couId probebIy
sevc hs skn by 33 g2 Wc5 34
Bd3 2c3 352xc3 Wxc3 36e4 9c6
37exb5exb5 3BWdI=.
33 ... 'e3!-+ 34 ld3 xeS 3S
35 2c3 Wxd5 362xcB+wg7 37
WeI +h6+.
3S ... 'g7 J6WO?|
Thcworstof eII.
36 Wc4 Wxc4 37 9xc4 9c6 3B
9xc62xc6+, 362c3Wxc3+.
36 ... 'el+ 37 'g2 .el 38 g4
3B h2 WgI +39 h3 9d7+ 40
g4 9xg4+l 4I Wxg4 W fI ++, 3B
h3 WfI + 39 g4 2c2 40 BdI
38 ... 'ihl+ 39 g3 lgl+ 40 'f4
'h2+ 41 e4 'i xh4
In my ncxt gemc egenst thc
mturc worId chempon I 'onIy'
drcw (I hed to pIey wth Whtc...),
but thswesgoodcnoughtownour
'mnmetch' . SedIy, I hevc not hed
thc opportunty to pIey eny mrthcr
metchcs wth Keqov - whch wes
It'seIweysnccto pIeyonc'sown
vereton. EspcceIIy egenst vcq
strong opponcnts. If thc rcsuIt s
nc,cvcqthngsOKendthc gemc
cnrchcsthcoq. Thet'scxectIywhet
T.Petrosian - A.Adorjan
Soch, I 977
1 e4 g6 2 e4 eS 3 vO.g7 4 d4
exd4 S lxd4 lf6!
Ths s thc kcy movc bom n
I 970. Bcforc (end cvcn ecrl ) thet,
msgudcd copIc pIeycd vc7
foIIowcd bybc6 butthc rcsuItng
162 My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs
6 lc3 0-0 7 id3! ?
A Iogce| tq to spccd up
dcvcIopmcnt end improvng on 7
9c22cB B O c6l whcrc BLACK s
(ndccd) e tcmpo up compercd to
thcKng'sInden. hc'|I pIey. . . d5 n
7 . dS!
But stI I l Ths IogceI rcection
8 cxdS c6!?
B. . . vxd5 wes not bed cthcr. 9
cxd5 9xd4 I 09c2 9c5 I I 00 c6
I 29c3 2cB.
9 0-0
9 9g5 wouIdhevcbccn thc onIy
wey to kccp thc pewn, but Pctro
ceIIcd thc rcsu|tng position
' horrbIc' forWhtc. 9. . . h6 I 09xf6
(I 09h4 cxd5 I I c5 RcB I 2 f4 g5
I3 9g3 gxf4 I4 9xf4vfd7 I 5 00
vxc5 I 69b5 vcc6T) I0. . . Wxf6 I I
vdc2 cxd5 I 2 cxd5 vd7 Hc
mcentths oncl .
9 . . . cxdS 10 exdS
I 0c5?l scvcndengcrous- Whtc
s tekng chenccs for no good
rceson. I 0 . . . vg4 I I f4 ( I I c6
vxDlT) I I . . . f6 I 2 Wb3 ( I 2 f5
vxc5 I 3 9c3 vbc6T) I 2 . . . fxc5 I 3
vxd5 hB I4 vc2 9c6 I 5 9c4
vc6 I6 9d2 vf6l I 7vxf6 9xc4
I BWxc4Wxd2T.
lO ... lxdS 1 1 ie4 lxc3 12 bxc3
'aS 13 'b3 ld7 14 'a3 'xa3
IS ixa3 1e8 16 ..el
16 ... if!
Ncutre| isng cvcrythng Whtc
17 ixf xf 18 9O
I B vb52c7l .
18 ... lxel+ 19 lxel lcS 20
leS! ?
20vb3 vxb3 2I exb3 9c622c4
20 ... le6
Now t's cvcn. And hcrc you cen
obscrc thc typce| mstekc Whtc
ocn mekcs. ovcrdoing t. Not thet
hc wes bcttcr bcforc. But hc wes,
end stII s, WHITEl NetureIIy,
T.Pctrosien eIso hed enothcr rceson
to pIey for e wn egenst mc - hc
wes by fer thc bcttcr pIeycr, so hc
couId hopc formymstekc(s).
21 h4?!
2I 2b5 vxd4 22 cxd4 2bB 23
Rc5 9c6 24 d5 2cB 25 2xcB+
9xcB 26fI Gc7 27c2d62B
Gd3 b5 29 d4=, Conscqucnt wes
2I 2e5l ?vxd4 22 cxd4c7 23 e3
My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs 163
(23 8c5 d6 24 Rd5+ c7 25
Rc5+ d6=) 23. . . e624Rc5+ dB
25 fI but 25. . . Be7| =cesIy hoIds.
Thcrc erc too fcw pcccs on thc
boerdenywey. 2I vxc6+ 9xc6 22
Re5 RcB 23 9xb7 Rxc3 24 h3
2l. .. lb8 22 lb5?!
Ovcqrcssng. Thet's whet ohcn
heppcnsto 'BcIcvcrsnWhtc'
c22 fI .
22 ... a6 23 ld6 b6
Hcrc thc Grcet Men (l em NOT
bcng ronc, I truIy edmrcd Tgren
Vertenovch) o0crcd e drew
WlTHOUT mekng e movc. Wc
both kcw hc wes eIrcedy e IttIc
worsc. l poItcIy eskcd hm to mekc
e movc, but whcn hcproduccd thc
onc lcxpcctcdeII mycouregcwcnt
up nsmokc. . .
24 .el
24. . . e5| es enyonc cen scc| But
thc sIIy computcr stII kcpt seyng
'pIus cqueI', (now t's cvcn
eccordng to Frtz B) l wondcr f3
deys wouId bc cnough for t to
rceIscwhet srceIIygongon? lt s
vcq IkcIy thet t's bccn
progremmcd Ikc. I . Evcn poston
Whtc s bcttcr 2. BLACK lS
BETTER= cqueI |||. Meybc Whtc
gcts cxtre ponts? If t s so t
shouId bc ceIIcd HTcch
DILETTANTISM. . . ehcr eII, thc
progremmcrs rcccvcd thc semc
cducetoneswc dd. 24 vxcB RxcB
Thc ORNGUTAN s surcIy not
thc bcst wey to opcn e gemc. Whet
s eIrcedy BETTER. And not |ust
onc wey, es cen bc found n my
BLACK rcpcnorc book pubIshcd
smuItencousIy n EngIsh, Gcmen
end Frcnch, ceI|cd 'RARE
Opcnngs'(Evcqthngbut I c4, d4,
c4 end I vO). Thc Orenguten s
not THAT MUCH rdcuIous
nonscnsc es thc ' SucdeI Grob'
(whch Ioscs eImostby forcc), but l
stII Ikc to bcIcvc thet e cIessceI
Chemp Ikc V.SmysIov couId onIy
Ieshtoutductoe 'ngerfehler'. Hc
ntcndcdtopIey I c4| ?Ithnk. . .
V.Smyslov - A.Adorjan
Hoogovcns,WjkeenZcc I 972
l b4?!
I g4? s thc compIctc nghtmerc
thcyceII 'Thc kIIcrGrob'Ncxtyou
cen scc oncofthc rcmtetons. Vcq
smpIc. Thc thng s thc 'g' pewn
cthcr dseppcers (thcn t's bedIy
msscd) or rcmens es e chronc
wcekncss Apen from othcr
probIcms forWhtc ofcoursc. I cen
undcrstend pcopIc who wrtc books
ongerbegc Ikc ths. But thosc who
I . ..d5
164 My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs
A) 2 h3 c5 3 &g2 h5l ?(3. . . &c5T,
3. . . c5Tor enythng nomeI)4 g5 (4
gxh5 vf6) 4. . . vc65d3 vgc7T,
B) 2 &g2 &xg4l 3 c4 c6 4 Wb3
(4 cxd5 vf6)4. . . W d7 5 cxd5 vf6 6

c3 (6 dxc6 vxc6+) 6...c5

(6...cxd5 7 vxd5 vc6T) 7 h3 &h5
B d3 cxd5 9vxd5 vxd5 I0 Wxd5
Wxd5 I I &xd5 vc6T.
l .. eS 2 &b2
A) 2. . . c5 l ?3&b2f6 4bxc5&xc5
Al) 5d4?lWb6,
A2) 5 vc3 d5 (5. . . vc6 6 ve4
&c7 7 c4 d5 B cxd5 Wxd5 9 vc3
Wfl I 0 vb5 2bB=, 5. . . &xD+? 6
GxDW6+7c3 W xb2 Bve4+),
A) 5c3vc6,
B) 2. . . d5l T
A) 2. . . d5T
B) 2...e6l sebsoIutcIync,too. 3
&b2 (3 bxe6 vxe6T, 3 c4 exb5 4
cxb5 d5T) 3. . . exb5l (3. . . d6 4 e4
vf6 5 vO &c7 6 c3=) 4 &xc5 d5
5 c3 c6 6 vO vf6 7 &c2 &c7 B
00 00 wthetrcmcndous gemc for
BLACK. Look et thc 'oqhen' on
e2l .
2 .. .xb4! 3 .xeS lf6 4 vO0-0
5 e3 .e7!?
Thsmovc l thought tobc smpIc
end good. It s ndccd. But s t thc
bcst? Somc pcopIc wouId huq to
pIey d5, c5, vc6 end |cevc thc
bshop on b. Whcnthctmccomcs,
thcy wou|d rcgroup t to c7 ve e5.
Goodp|en.Othcrs wouIdp|eyvc6,
vxd5 thcy cen secrcc somcthng
on c3. Lkc ths. 5. . . d5 6 c4 vc6 7
&b2 2cB B cxd5 vxd5 9 &c2
2xc3l? I0 fxc3 vxc3 - vcq
romentc ndccd, meybc cvcn
sound. But to work out 3 entdotcs
egenst somcthng e scrous p|eycr
(|kc myscID feccs 5 tmcs n e
|fctmc mey sccm to bc rethcr
ovcrdongt. . .
6 c4
6 ... c5! ?
Idon'tknowwhyIdcvetcd from
thc movc l pIeycd on two cer|cr
occesons, whch brought mc thc
6. . . d5l
A) 7 &b2 c5 B &c2 vc6 9 cxd5
vxd5 I 000 &f6 I I WcI ( I I d4
UrzceAdorjn, WorId !unor
Chemponshp, StocHoIm I 969.
I I . . . &g4lT) I I . . .&f5 SzI|s
Adoqn, Hungeren Tcem Chemp
onshp I 97I ( I I . . .&c6l?) I 2 ve3
Wc7 I3 2dI 2ecB I4&xf6 vxf6T,
B) 7 vc3l ?N 7...vbd7 B 3g3
vb6l (B...dxc4 9 &xc4 vh5 I 0

xg3 I I vxc7+ Wxc7 I 2

My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs 165
hxg3=) 9 cxd5 (9 vb5 vcB) I 9W xc2 W c7 ( I 9WcBl ?) 202fdI
9. . . vbxd5T end BLACK s just b5 2I c5l 2xc5 22W xb5 2xc I 23
W xcB+h724Wc4+g625Wd5=.
7 vc3 vc6 8 9xf6
14 d3?!
Forccd. B 9g3 d5T 9 cxd5 vxd5
I 0 vxd5 Wxd5 I I Wb3 Wxb3 I 2
exb3 vb4 I 32cl 9f I 4d4 2ecB
8 ... .xf6 9 lcl d6
Petcnt. Morc embtous s
9. . . 9xc3l ? I0 xc3 ( I 0dxc3?l b6
I I 9d3 9b7T) I 0 . . . b6 ( I 0 . . . d6 I I
9c2 Wf6 I 200 2cB I 3 Wbl 2bB
I4 9d3 h6 I 5 9h7+ hB I6 9c4
9c6 I 7 8fcI ve5 I B d4 9g4 I 9
2e3 b6=) I I d4 Wf6 I 29c2 9b7
I 3002ecB I4 Wd2cxd4 I 5 vxd4
( I 5cxd4d5lT)
A) I5...d5 I6 vxc6 ( I 6 c5=)
I6. . . 2xc6 I7 9O 2c7 IB 2fcI
2fcB I 9W d4 W xd4 20 cxd4 dxc4
2I 9xb7 2xb7 22 2xc4 2xc4 23
B) I 5 . . . vxd4 I 6W xd4 W xd4 I 7
cxd42fcB I B 2cI
Bl) I B . . . 9e6 I 9 fI d5 20 c5
2xc2 2 I 2xc2 2cB (2I . ..bxc5 22
dxc5) 22 2cc3 2xc3 23 bc3
Gd727cxb6exb6 2B c4 Gc629e4
h5 30 h4f6 3 I c3 g632Gd3 Gd6
33 c3c6=,
B2) I B . . . 8c4 I 9 2e3 e5=
( I 9 ...2xc4?20O).
10 .e2
10 ... .e6 1 1 0-0 2c8 12 'c2 h6?!
I 2...g6l Iooks much bcttcr 8 I 3
13 a3
I 3 vd5wesceIIcdfor.
I3 ... :es
I 3 . . . 9xc3l ? I 4W xc3 2cB I 5 d4
&g4l I6Wb2l cxd4 I 7 vxd49xc2
I Bvxc6 ( I B vxc2 ve5) I B . . . 2xc6
Agen I4 vd5 l westhccque|scr.
14 ... .xc3! 15 WxcJ b6 16 lfdl
Drew egrccd- thc poston Iooks
bcttcr for BLACK. But t s
I 6 . . . d5
A) I 7 d4?l s surprsngIy wrong
I 7 . . . cxd4 I B vxd4 vxd4 I 92xd4
W g5 20 h4 W c5 2I W d2 (2 I 2d3
WbBT) 2I . . . dxc4 22 9xc4 W c5 23
2c39xc4242dxc4W xc4 252xc4
2xc4 26 W d7 2ccB 27W xe7 2xh4
2B f4 2h529Wxb62eBT,
B) I7 cxd5l &xd5 I BW b2 W d6
I9d4cxd420vxd4W f6 2I 8c3=.
The case is CLOSED ...
(BorsSpassky cnc|oscdl )
M.Todorcevic - A.Adorjan
Lugeno I 9B3
I e4 c5 2 lc3 lc6 3 g3
Evcqbody dcvetcs from thc
men Incs somctmcs. But l cou|d
1 66 My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs
CLOSED ScIen promscs (for
3 . g6 4 .g2 .g7 S d3 d6 6 f4 e6
7 vOlge7 8 0-0 0-0 9 .e3
9 .. vd4
Anothcr Icss cqucntIy pIeycd,
but dcccnt possbIty s 9. . . b6l ? I 0
A) I 0 . . . 3b7 I I dxc5 dxc5
( | | . . .bxc5 I 2 vb5l) I2Wc2WcB,
B) I 0 . . . 3e6 I I 2cI 2cB I2 e3
cxd4 I 3 vxd4 vxd4 I 4 3xd4 c5
I5 3c3 ( I 5bc5 vc6) I 5 ...cxf4 l 6
C) I 0 ...vxd4 I I vxd4 cxd4 I 2
3xd4 c5 I 3 bc5 (I 3 3c3 cxf4 l 4
3xf4 3c5=) I 3 . . . vc6 I 4 vd5
vxd4 I 5 W xd4 3xc5 I 6W 3c6
I 7 RedI= ( I 7 c3?l 3xd5 I B cxd5
W g5 I 92ecI fT).
10 3D
Ths hes bccn pIeycd e Iot. l
wondcr whet pcopIc cxpcct hom
such sctups?
I 0 g4 f5 I I gxf5 cxf5 I2 c5?l
I 0c5l ?wes nvcntcdby Spessky.
Atrst, nsomcgemcs thc rcecton
wes I 0 . . . . 6. l wrotce IongencIc
ttIcd ' BLACK Megc n thc
BundcsIge', sncc OIef MIIcr, my
tcemmetc n Krchhcm bcet
spcceIst Besten n e gemc thet
foIIowcd our eneIyss vnueIIy tII
I I Rbl lDE A PARTlTl l l On thc
othcr hend, thns erc not eII thet
smpIc ecr I I c4l . Myproposcd
movc s not enythng fency - t's
just hceIthyl I0...3d7l ?N A I I
vxd4cxd4 l 23xd43c6l
Ths s whcrc wc stert. Evcn
though you wII scc somc Iongsh
I ncs,thcyerc eII bescdonthcsemc
dce. BLACK hes nshcd hs
dcvcIopmcnt, hes e bcttcr stmcturc
end eII ths for e tcmporeq pawn
A) I 4c3 dxc5 l 53c5 ( I 53xc5?
f6) l 5 ...cxf4l I 63xc3 I 7 Wc2
(l 7 n W xT I B W xf4 vxg2
l 9 xg2 f5) I 7 . . . 3xl I B f6+
W xf6 I 9Wxc3 Wxc3l 20 bxc3 (20
W xf4 3c5+ 2I hI 3xg2+ 22
xg2 W xb2+ 23 hI R 24 RebI
W xe2 25 Rxb7 Wd5+ 26W c4 W d6
27g4 fT)20. . . bc3
AI) 2I 3xc6docsn'thcIp cthcr.
2l ...bxc622RO 3g7l 23 Rcl RbB
24 Rc2 (24 Rxc3? 3h6) 24. . . Rbl+
25g23xc3l 26Rxc33d4T,
A2) 2I RebI RdB 22 d4 c5l 23
3xc6 (23 d5 3c5l ) 23. . . bxc6 24
dxc53c5 25g2Rd2+26O (26
h3?c2)26. . . Rxe227RbB+(27h4
My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs 167
9b6) 27...Gg7 2B Rb7 Rxh2 29 c6
Gf6 30 cxO Gg7 3 I g4 8D+ 32
2xOcxD 33g2h5 34gxh5 gxh5
35 =W+ Gx 36 2h7 9b6 37
Rxh5 Gc7+ NetureIIy, it's e|I
forccd...a 3Bc4Gd639fI e5,
B) I49Ddxc5 I5 fxc5( I 59c5?
cxf4 I6 9x9d4+ I 7 &hI vc3T)
I 5 . . . 9xc5 I6c3l =.
lO . .. lec6
l l ld2
Nothng cemc out of I I vxd4
vxd4 I 22bI 9d7 I 3 vc2We5l
A) I 4vcI 9e4l I5 b3 ( I 5vb3
vxb3 I6 exb3 9c6=) I 5 . . . 9c6 I 6
9cl We3 I 7 c3 vb5 I B vc2 fl ?
(I B. . . Wxe2 I 9 2e I Wb2 202bI =)
AI) 20. . . 2O2 I c4 vd4 22 vxd4
9xd4+ 23 9D 9g7 (23. . . c5l ?)
24 d4l ? cxd4 25 9xd4 9xd4+ 26
2xd4 c5 27 bc5Wc5(27...dxc5 2B
RddI Wc5+ 29 hI f4) 2B WD
Rxc529cxf2cxf5 30Wd22xfI+
3 I 9xfI Wf5 322f4Wc5+=,
A2) 20. . . 2O=
B) Anothcrwey ofmud wrcst|ng
wes I4e3We4 I 5 vxd4 cxd4 I 6c3
dxc3 I 7Wxe4 9xe4 I B bxc3 b6 I 9
8fcI RecB 20c49c6 2 I 8cI c5l ?
(2I . . .2fcB 22g4 f5, 2 I . . . f5 22 cxf5
9xg2 23 Gxg2 cxf5 24 2c7 2O=)
22 f gxf23 cxf5 (23 9h3?l bc4l
24 9xcB RxcB 25 dxc4 T)
23...9xg2 24 xg2 d5l 25 cxd5
RfdB 26 2bcI (26 2b5 2c3)
26...2eB=, SpesskyAdorjn Ih-Ih
Gjovk' B3 - ThcthingisBorstook
ths toumemcnt e bt Iezy whIc l
wesdoingncwinnng tetthccnd
in e trpIc tic with Brownc end thc
good doctor Nunn. But e Ion is e
Ion, end ifyou dsturb his nep hc
meybitc. . .
I I c5l ? sntcrcstn. I I . . .dxc5 I 2
vxc5vxc5 I 3fxc5xc5 I 4 vc4
A) I4. . . b6l ?I 5c3 ( I 5 vxc52bB,
I5 vf6+ 9xf6 I6 9xeB 9d7 I 7
9c4 9e4l I Bb3 9c6) I 5 . . . vf5 I 6
vf6+ 9xf6 I 7 9xeB 9e6 I B 9c4
vd6 I9 9OWd7,
B) I 4 . . . f5 UgIy but itdocs thcjob.
I 5

xc5Wd6 I6 b4 vb5 I 7 vxb7

9xb7 I B9xb78ebB I9 9c5 9d4+
20 g2 9xc5 2I bxc5 Wxc5 22
l l ... lb8
I I . . . b6l ? I 2vcbI Ths is thcbig,
pont of rctum. . . Thc lDEA.. .
I 2 . . . vc7 I 3 c3 vdc6 I 4 vO c5
( I4. . . 9e6 I 5 RcI Wd7) I 5 vbd2
(I 5 d4? cxd4 I6 cxd4 9g4T)
I 5 . . . h6( I 5 . . . &e6) I6 9c3 9c6=.
12 lcbl b6! ?
Now it rceIIy gcts strengc.
lnstced, thc orthodox I2. . . vc7 I 3
c3 vdc6 I4 vO c5 I 5 bc5 vxc5
I6 vxc5 9xc5 I7 d4 cxd4 I B
9xd4 ( I B cxd4 9g7 I 9 vc3 b5)
I B . . . vc6Icdto sti|Iwetcrs.
13 c3 lb5 14 a4 lc7 15 laJ
'd7 16 lc2
I6 vO c5 I 7 f5l ? (Wrongl I 7
vc4 cxf4 I B gxf42cB I 99g3 9e6
20 f5 9xc4 2I dxc4vc5 22 vxc5
9xc5=) I7. . . gxf5 IB 9h3 vc7 I 9

c6 20 vxf5 vxf5 2I 9xf5

16 ... ia6 17 lf f5! 18 lel e5+
168 My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs
. . . end BLACK s gcttng bcttcr
justbypIeyngneture| movcs.
19 exfS
I 9 b4 cxb4 20 cxb4 9b7 2I b5
vc722fxc5 dxc5T.
19 ... 'xf 20 0e3 'd7
20. . . W xd3?2I vd2l .
2 1 gS
2 I fxc5 vxc5 22 vxc5 9xc5T-
21. .. exf4 22 gxf4
22 ... dS!?
Nobody s pcrfcct. It wes e bt
s|Iyofmcthet, nstced ofgongfor
etcreI (whch s no shemc
normeIIy), I eIweys prcfcncd to
secrcc pcccs 'wth both hends'
On thc othcr hend, ths etttudc
brought mc B(ll) brI|ency przcs,
too, bcsdcs peinm| dseppont
mcnts. Dd I went to 'k|I' or
' hum|etc' my opponcnts?
NEVERl I onIy trcd to crcetc e
Mestcqccc wth thc 'hc|p' of thc
herdcst opposton thet I cou|d st|I
ovcrcomc - YESl Thc wor|d nccds
humbIc prcsts es wc|I, not on|y
' Supcmcn'
22. . . Bxf4 23 93 Bm 24 vd5
vxd5 25 9xd5+ hB 26 BfI vc5
27xc59xc5 2BO+g7T.
23 .g3
23 W3 9xd3 (23. . . 2bdBT) 24
9xd5+ vxd5 25 Wxd5+ Wxd5 26
23 ... lbe8 24 fS d4 25 'i b3+ h8
26 fxg6 hxg6! ?
26 . . . dxc3l wesnotsobedcthcr.
A) 2B W xlT 2c7 29 W f4 vc5
(29. . . 9xd3 30Rxc3Bxc33 I W xc3
9xg6 32 BcI T) 30 Bxc3 d5 3 I
9xd5 Wxd5 32 BecI 9b7 33 Bc4
B) 2B gxOBc729 9h4BxO 30
Bxc3e53 I W c29h6T.
27 .h3
Whtc trcs to orgensc somc
COUNTERpIey but thcrc s no
279xc6Wxc62B O+ 2xO29
27 ... 'e7! 28 dS 'xgS 29 xc7
29 ... .e3! !-+
Thcwho|c combneton Iooks|kc
oncofthoscwhcherc 'too goodto
bc truc' Howcvcr, ths onc s truc,
too. . .
30 .g2
30 vxe6 Bxg3+ 3 I hxg3 W x3+
32 9g2 dxc3 33 bxc3 (33 Wd5
9d4++, 33 W c6 9d4+ 34 GhI
Bf5) 33. . . d4l l , 30vc6 2xg3+ 3 I
My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs 169
hxg3 Wxg3+ 32 &g2 2D 33 Wd5
2f5l +.
30 .. lxg3 31 hxg3 1xg3
Among othcr things. c7 s
32 'i e6
32 vxe6 &c5 33 8xc5 vxc5 34
8fI 2xfI+ 35 xfI vg4 36 WO
vc3+ 37 Gc2 Wxg2+ 3B WD
32 ... .eS 33 .xeS D lxeS 34
It'seI| thcsemc - WhtcisIost.
342fI 8xfI+35 xfI &xd3+36
gI vO+ 37 hI Wh2metc.
34 . . . 'ixh3 3S .xh3 .xd3-+ 36
cxd4 lO+ 37 g2 lxd4 38 .g4
:n 39 le8 le7 40 ld6 'g7 41
aS lc2
. . . wcII, ' t's eII ovcr now, Beby
BIuc. . . '
My ' highest peak' performance
Thcrc erc unforgctteb|y ncc
momcnts in cvcryonc's Iifc. It s eII
thcmorcmcmoreb|c fyou pcrform
bri|IentIyet e tmc whcn you ercn't
rce|Iy countng on t. At thc Rge
lntcrzoneI, I wessccdcd I I '" I 2'"by
ELO (out of I B). I stII wentcd to
nish e Itt|c morc 'upmerkct' , n
thctop heIfofthctoumemcntteb|c.
WclI, I medc tl To cvcryonc's
surprsc, I stertcd out wth 5'A/7
(my gemc egenst Ljubojcvc wes
eIso pubIshcd n thc ' orgneI'
BLACK lS OKl ). Howcvcr, ths
brevc stert couId onIy bc treckcd
down ecrerds, om thc
toumemcnt book, es edjoummcnt
deys medc thngs sIght|y cheotcl
Thcn Ghcorghu end Romenishn
'showcd mc whcrc my p|ecc wes',
end it Iookcd |ikc l wou|d hevc to
stck to thc orgne| pIen. WcII, t
tumcd out di0crcntIyl StiII, wth
thrcc rounds to go, my chenccs
for queIceton wcrc morc
methcmeticeI then rceIstic. But,
whcn thc dey of my gemc wth
MkheI Te| cemc, I ren nto Temez
Gcorgedzc on thc hotc| sters.
'Nothng s Iostl ' - hc sed. ' Two
end e he|fout ofthrcc, end you erc
n. ' (thc heppy que|ing tro, thet
s). 'And who em l supposcd to
bcet, my dcer, Te|, todey pcrheps?'
'No, you must drew wth TeI, end
bcet thc othcr two. ' And hc wes es
scrous es eppcndictsl (Thc ' othcr
two' wcrc Lerscn end MIcsl - thc
Iettcr gemc s nc|udcd in 'BLACK
IS st|I OKl ' with grcet bg
ene|yss). Now I know, of coursc,
thet T. Gcorgedzc hed supcmetureI
ebItcsl Hc probebIy hypnotscd
mc, end l obcycd hm. How hc
errengcd thc dcsrcd rcsuIt in thc
Iest round (Romenshn bcet RbI
wth whom I ceught up) I hevc no
dce. But I cen megnc hs
witchcre. hc sneppcd hs ngcrs
thrcc tmcs n thc derk forcst,
whistIcd I9 tmcsundcrthc big oek,
|ct out e hdcous scrcem nto ts
cevty, end etc two pounds of
|ttcrcd Icevcs. Hc e|sodrenke |itt|c
bet bIood - so thcrc wes rce||y
e|most nothng Ic for mc to do. I
onIyhedto stdownendp|ey. . . l
M.Tal - A.Adorjan
RigeIntcrzone| I 979
1 lO lf6 2 c4 cS 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 b6! ?
Gong for somcthng sheq. Thc
If thc wcepon works, you'rc e
gcnus. lfnot,en dot.
1 70 My BLACK Army vs the e-Champs
Morc frcucntIyp|eycd s4. . . c65
g3 (5vc3 b4 6g3 00 7 9g2 d5)
5. . . 9b4+ 6 9d2 W b6 7 9xb4
Wxb4+ B vc3 vc6 9 e3 (9 vdb5
00 I 0c3 d5 I I e3We5| I 2b4WdB
I 3cxd5 cxd5) 9. . . Wxc4 I0 vdb5
00 I I vd6 Wc5 I 2 RcI vcB I 3
vxcB 2xcB I 4Wxd7 2c7 I 5 WdI
vf6 I69g22dBT.
5 lc3 ib7 6 9g5 lc6 7 e4
7vf5W bB=,79xf6gxf6=.
7 ... e6!
Intcrcstn s 7. . . W bB| ? B 9c2
c6 9 Wd2 xd4 I 0Wxd4 9c5 I I
Wd3 9c6.
8 lxc6
Not vcq embtous. Thc 'Wzerd
ofRge' got e IttIc trcd by thc cnd
of hs countIcss vctorcs. It wes
Round I 5, end Mshe nshcd wth
I4!Z out of I 7| | ltmeysound sIIy,
but through e|I thc ycers wc kncw
cech othcr end wcrc on frcndIy
tcrms (mekng 6 drews n thc
proccss- eII scrous| )I ncvcrdercd
to ce|I hm Mshe. l wes not
prctcndng to bc modcst, I just fcIt
Ikc e humbIc pupI of hs. l stII
shcdsomctcers for hm from tmc
totmc. Don'tyou?
B vdb5 W bB| 9 9xf6 gxf6 I0
Wd2 e6 I I 2dI 9cB I2 vd6+
9xd6 I3 W xd6 Wxd6 I4 2xd6
8 ... dxc6!
B. . . 9xc6 9 c5 h6 I0 9h4 5 I I
9g3vc4 I 2vxc49xc4 I 3 Wd2
9 W Oid6 10 ld1 'e7 1 1 ie2
I I 9xf6gxf6 I2 2xd6?W xd6 I 3
W xf6 2gBT.
l l .. Jld8
I I . . .9c5 I 200( I 29f49xf4 I 3
Wxf4 c5 I 4W g5 00=) I 2. . . 00 I 3
12 0-0 h6
PIeyng for en edventegc, but
thcrc wes e bcttcr tq. I2. . . 00 I 3
2d3 9c5 I 4 2fdI ( I 4 9f4 W c7)
I4. . . c5T.
13 if4
I 39h4 00 I 42d3 9c5T.
13 ... e5 14 ie3 0-0 15 a3 ic5 16
.xc5 'ixc5 ?!
Ithnk tweshcrc thetI rcjcctcde
drew o0cr. On thc othcr hend, f
thcrc s enyjustceton for ths, t
cou|d onIy bc conncctcd wth
I6...bxc5| ?I 7 b32d4
ThcmorcIIookettthcmorc l' m
convnccd thet BLACK s bcttcr.
Ths s not onIy duc to thc
' unbcetebIc' rook on d4, but eIso
bcceusc t'squtc cesy to brng thc
MyBLACK Army vs the e-Champs 1 71
knght to c6. Thcn et somc
eppropretc momcnt you cxchengc
thc d4 rook end jump n wth thc
knght to ts pIecc. Lct mc drew
frcnd, e ccrten gcntIc Gcmen
progrem, stiII teIks ebout Whtc's
edventegc. I' m proud to ennouncc
thet I 'vc found out thc sccrct.
BLACK hes e doubIc pewnl l Do
you thnk thc guy wouId hevc
dcrvcd thc semc dcgrcc of
optmsm om ths fecttwo movcs
17 b4 'i e7 18 W eJ
Hcrc l o0crcd pcecc wthout
mekng my movc. Mshe eskcd mc
to pIeyt. 'But fImekc emovct's
not gong to bc e drewl ' I sed,
eImost Ikc e thrcet end l wes dced
scrous. Hc dd not Iook scercd. -
PIcccescl - hc cncouregcd mc wth
e smIc. Acrthnkng fore coupIc
of mnutcs, I produccd my ncxt
e drew end my epoIogics. . . Both
18 . &s6?|
Now I9 b5l ?cxb5 ( I 9 ... &b7 20
bxc6 &xc6 2 I vd5 W c6 22 8d3
8d623 8fdI 8fdB 24 h3)20vd5
(20 cxb5 &b7=) 20. . . vxd5 2I
cxd5 f5 l 22 e4 (22 O? W c5T)
22. . . bc423 exb5&b724 3c4W b4
(24. . . W d6=) 25 W xc4 8f4 26 d6+
W xc4 27 W xb7 2d4 2B 8cI W d5
29W xe7Bxd6iscqueI.
AIso nsumccnt. I B . . . c5?l I 9
bxc5 W xc5 20 W xc5 bxc5 2 I O
Bd4 22 vb5 BxdI 23 BxdI end
lB. . . Bd4?l I9 Bxd4 cxd4 20 W xd4
c5 2 I bxc5 bxc5 22 Wc3 vxc4 23
.o f5 24&xc4bc4252dI.
Howcvcr t wes not rceIIy
ncccsseq to compIcetc mettcrs.
Thc othcr modcst bshop movc
lB. . . &cB htthc tergct, c.g. I 9b5?l
cxb5 20vd5vxd5 2I cxd5e6T,
Arpad Foldeak
Statistics is said to be the most
reliable branch of science. Numbers
refect reality, they are infallible.
We must admit that this is
also true for chess, especially
tourament results. Statistics show
that White wins the majority of
games, and few touraments are
exceptions to this rule. It follows
clearly from this that we have a
better chance to win if we have the
White pieces.
So why do the odds favour
White? The strength and deploy
ment of the two camps is identical.
The only diference is that White
has the right to move frst. Is this
the reason for the frst player's
advantage? As there appears to be
no other explanation, we have to
make do with this.
White's superiority is indisput
able. Still, there are some stubbor
people who challenge this view, and
stick to the opposite. Their
standpoint could be accepted if they
prophesied only equal chances for
both sides. However, some of them
consider the staring position to be
advantageous for BLACK. (This is
a misunder- standing. "BLACK Is
OK" naturally means eactly that it
is good to play with the BLACK
pieces, no more, no less! I do prefer
playing with BLACK, that's what
Arpad Foldeak may have
misunderstood. A.A.) They are also
ready to defend their views.
One of them (or the only one?) is
the Hungarian grandmaster Andras
Adorjan. He chose the brief and
to-the-point slogan 'BLACK is OK'
as the motto of his books, articles
and other writings.
Let GM Adoran fnd his own
arguments to defend and justif his
views. I will mention only two
things that I would accept as an
explanation myself.
Both chess composers and
tourament players know the
concept of zugzang. This is a
position where the party to play has
no 'healthy' moves, and any
possible move makes his position
There may be players who feel
awkward if they have to play frst
because they fnd it difcult to
choose from numerous possibilities
and, so to speak, lay their cards on
the table. Perhaps they feel that they
make life easier for BLACK, as the
second player's choice is much
more limited.
When he has BLACK, the same
person may wait with malicious joy
to see how White solves this
unpleasant problem (or considered
unpleasant by him at least!).
In this case, it is for psychological
reasons that BLACK fnds his own
chances better than it would follow
fom the statistics. He feels
encouraged, and thinks that the
'BLACK is OK' slogan is justifed.
Thc sccond cxpIeneton s much
morc 'downtocenh'
Lct's stertwth e IttIc stoq om
WorId Wer l. Thc troops n thc
trcnchcs wcrc rcedy for thc
upcoming esseu|t. Thcn cemc thc
commend. 'Fix beyonctsl ' And so
dd eII thc soIdcrs, cxccpt for onc
|ed, who wes grpping it mIy in
hsrghthend. 'Arcyou crezy?' thc
commendcr ycIIcd. 'It's bcttcr ths
wey, Licutcnent' - thc soIdcr
enswcrcd. 'It ts n my hend morc
cesIy, just Ikc thcjeckknfc beck
n my vIIegc, et thc Sundey
ecmoon ghts n thc pub. Thc
onIydffcrcncc sthetbeck ethomc
I cnd up et thc po|cc steton, but
hcrcImghtcvcngctemcde| l '
Somc pcopIc scc it thc semc wey
n chcss. Thcy erc not eeid of
dubous veretions, pcrheps thcy
cvcn fccI bcttcr n doubIccdgcd
postions, or smp|y n thc roIc of
thc etteckcd. Thc wcepon thet s
objcctvcIy not thc most suitebIc
onc forsuchstuetonsmey tumout
to bc vcry edcquetc end succcssmI
In thc sccond cesc, BLACK's
optmsm cen on|y bc cxpIencd by
thc Iogc ofthc 'vIIegc buIIy' etthc
bettIccId. Thcrc erc numcrous
cxempIcs for ths mcnteIty inchcss
hstoq, Ict'sscconcfrom Hungeq.

qd Vejde, onc of thc

hcrocs of Hungeq's mo go|d
mcdeIsetthc cerIy Chcss OIympcs
( I 9272B). To hcIp thc tcem, hc
egrccd to hevcBLACK n most of
hs gemcs. Hc wes vcry succcssmI,
scorng B ponts out of I 0BLACK
gemcs n Thc Heguc (sx wns, four
drews. Fourofhswnswcrc Kng's
Indengemcs,end hc dcvetcd om
thc thcoq of thosc deys n two of
Is BLACK OK? / 73
thcsc (egenst Seccon end
SchcImout). Instced of thc wcI|
secrccs. Inothcrwords, hc fought
much IkcthcvI|egc |edin thcstoq
ebovc. His tectcs peid o0
bceutim|Iy, es thc opponcnts'
postons wcrc in ruins ecr
twcntysomcthing movcs n both
As l hevc e|rcedy mcntioncd,
stetstice| dete shows Whtc's
edventegc. Howcvcr, somc
toumemcnts whch erc stetstce|Iy
doub|c round robns) producc
surprisng rcsu|ts. For cxemp|c, thc
pIeycrs hed thc foI|owing scorcs et
thc I B95 Hestings toumemcnt,
whcrc thc pertcpents pIeycd 2 I
Name Wite BLACK
Chgorn 7 /I 0 9 /I I
Leskcr 6 / I 0 7!A/I I
Stcntz 6!A/I I 6'A/I 0
Tcchmenn 4!A/I 0 7/I I
Sch|cchtcr 5 /I I 6 /I 0
B|eckbumc 5 /I I 5!A/I 0
Brd 3/I 0 5!A/I l
No gcncreI conc|uson cen bc
drewnomthcscgurcs, ofcoursc,
but thcy dcntc|y provdc somc
food for thought. It comcs to onc's
mnd n eny cesc thet most of thc
|stcd pIeycrs prcfcrrcd soId
Thcrc erc morc cxempIcs, but Ict
mc nsh wth my bcst wishcs to
1 74 Is BLACK OK?
Kccp up thc good work, Andrs|
BLACK is OK ndccdl Rcmcmbcr
thc Gcrmen seyng. 'Sei deines
Strebens dir bewusst und du birgst
Gott in deiner Brust.' (whchmcens
roughIy. 'Bc ewerc of your
cndcevour I And God upon your
Published in the Hungarian chess
monthly 'Sakkelet' (1995/1-3).
Mr. F oldeak 's article struck me as
a pleasant surprise 'out ofthe blue ',
as I saw it in print for the frst time,
just like the other 'Sakkelet '
readers. It was like a precious
present to receive such a nice
gesture from a renowned chess
historian of my father 's age. I had
the chance to say 'thank you ' face
to face only years later. And let me
repeat it now!
rpad Foldeak (191 7-2004) has
died since I sent the manuscript. He
was a leading chess historian whose
work appeared not only in
Hungarian, but also in English and
German. (I have the feeling that he
has published more book in foreign
languages than in Hungarian, just
like me) He was born in an
aristocratic family, and had the title
'Knight ' Indeed he was a noble
person and a Knight by character as
well. Rest In Peace!
Beauties in BLACK
The wonder weapon backfres ...
Whcn e chcssp|eycr is ceught in
thc opponcnt's 'homc veretion', t
fccIsIkcbcing|ockcdup neroom
wth e tmc bomb. lt's e dcspcretc
recc egenst tmc(youmeynotcvcn
know whcn t s gong to
cxpIodc. . . ).Whoknows, meybcyou
wII menegctodcmscthcbombl ?
M.Diugy - A.Adorjan
NcwYorkOpcn I 9B7
1 d4 tf6 2 c4 e6 3 tf b6 4 g3
ia6 S 'ia4
DIugy kcpt pIeyng ths movc for
ycers on cnd wth en eImost
rcIgous zceI (endwthsuqrsngIy
good rcsuItsl ). It s not vcq
embtous, though, f you esk mc
(end cspcceIIy hemIcss wth thc
pIen 7dxc5).
S ... ib7 6 ig2 cS 7 dxcS ixcS 8
0-0 0-0 9 vc ie7 10 if4 ta6 1 1
Whcn wc mct for thc rst tmc
(Ncw York, I 9B4), hc pIeycd I I
RecI , eIthough wth no swccpng
succcss. Infect, hcwes KO'dn 2B
I I RecI ?l vc5 I 2W c2 WcB I 3
2fdI vcc4 I 4vxc49xc4 I 5 W b3
W b7T I69d69xd6 I 7 2xd62ecB
I B 2cdI h6 I9We4?2c5l 20R6d2
2e5l (20. . . 2fcB 2I b3 d5) 2I W b3
2cB 22e32ec5 23 W c3 (23 2d4b5
24 cxb5 9c2) 23. . . 8xc4 24 vc5
9xg225 vxc4Rxc4 26 O 9h3 27
W d3Wc72Bc4 d5.
l l ... tcs 12 Wc2
12 ... W c8
Forqutc e Iongtmc,lwesundcr
vcq scrousIy), thet I2. . . . vcc4 s
quitc p|eyebIc hcrc, es thc pn
ersng ecr I3 vc5 sccmcd to bc
cesy to ncutreIsc, thenks to thc
dI . I wes mistekcnl Lucki|y, I hed
dscovcrcd ths on thc cvcnng
bcforc, soIddnothevctorceIsc t
durng thc gemc, es heppcncd to
GyuIe Sex egenst Gymcs et Iest
ycer's 2002 invitetoneIKO
Hungeren Chempionshp. Thc
mcmoq of chcss pIeycrs hes e
wcI Idcscrcd rcputeton. Sex eIso
p|eycdnthstoumemcnt(N.Y. ' B7),
whch I commcmoretcd in en
cxheustvc ertc|c in two perts, with
edcteIcdeneIyssofeII mygemcs,
ONES. . . `. A fcw ycers Ietcr, my
book ceIIcd BLACK IS OKl (whet
1 76 Beauties in BLACK
cIsc?) wes pubIishcd ecr(l ) thc
EngIsh cdton. Thet book eIso
contens e shortcr, but concct,
eneIyscs ofthc bettIc wth DIugy. I
cou|d bIemc Gyu|e forths Iepsc of
mcmory, fI hedn' tforgottcn somc
ofmyown eneIyscs myscIl. .
I 2 . . . vcc4? I 3 vc5 vxc3 I 4
9xb7 vxdI I 5 RxdI l
I 5 . . . d5 ( I 5 . . . 2bB I 6 vc6, I 5 . . .
2cB I 6 9xcB WxcB I 7 W e4) I 6
cxd5 cxd5 ( I 6 . . . vxd5 I 7vc6W d7
I B 9xeB 2xeB I 9c4+)
A) I 7 9xeB WxeB I B W c7 9c5
I9 c3 h6 20 vd7 vxd7 2I W xd7

B 22 Wc7 d4= 23 b4 9xb4 24

cxd49c525 9c3 9d626W c2=,
B} I 7 c4l
BI} I 7... WbB I B W c6 vxc4 I 9
W xd5vf620W OW cB
BIs} 2 I vc6 BdB (2I . ..9c5 22
b4) 22 vxdB 9xdB 23We3W b5 24
2cI v425 9d62cB269c6W h5
27 h4 f5 2B n WxO 29 9xO
vc5 30 9d5 9f6 3 I Rc7 2dB 32
BIb}2 I 9c6W cB22g4h623h4
BbB 24 g5 hxg5 25 hxg5 vh7 26
B2} I 7 . . . 2cB I B vc6 W d7 I9
9xeB 2xeB 20 cxd5 vxd5 2I
BJ} I7...2bB I B vc6 W d7 I 9
3xbBW xb7209xe7
BJs}20. . . dxc4 2I 9xb6Wxb622
vxc7+hB 23 vd5 (23 vf5 We5)
23. . . vxd5 24 Bxd5 c3 25 Bc5
BJb} 20. . . vxc4 2I vxc7+ Wxc7
B4} I 7 . . . 9c5
B4s} I B vc6? W d7 I9 9xeB
2xeB 20 cxd5 vxd5 2I vbB| W c6
22 W c4 vxf4 23 2dB+ 9 24
W xf4Wc7l 25 BcB (25 Wd4? Wc7)
25. . .Wc6 26 W c I W d6 27 vd7
RxcB2BW xcBg6=,
B4b} I B cxd5 9d6 I 9vc6 W d7
20 9xd6 Wxd6 2 I 9xeB 2xeB 22
W e4+,
B4c} I B b4l 9xb4 I9 vc6 2cB
209xcBW xcB2 I vxb4+,
C) I 7 vc6l
Ths movc Iceds to vctoq ve e
Iongbutstreghtpeth. AII othcrtrcs
erc mistekcn, eIthough |Iustretvc
ofthc compIcetions nthcposton.
Evcn Inc B3), thc 'punchInc' of
whchsthcbceutmI 9xbB| , cenbc
pencd, eIthough I thought t wes e
festendnccwn. Ycs,mentcndsto
bc subjcctvc. I 7 . . .Wd7 I B 9xeB
2xeB I9vxc7+Wxc7209g5 AdB
2 I Ad4l h6 22 9xf6 Wxf6 23
Wd2W g6
C1) 24 e3 WI +25 g2 2cB 26
c3 Rc5 27 W c3 (27 h4 h5) 27. . . f6
2Bh4Gh729W d3+W xd3 30Rxd3
C1a) 3 I e4 f(3 I . ..2c4| )32 e5
(32 b4 Gc6, 32 2b3 2c4 33 e5
bxe5342b72b4 352xg72xb2 36
2xe72b537h5d43B cxd4c4 39
2Oxd440g4Gc54I g3e442
f4+ c6 43 Re7 Rb3+ 44 h4 e3)
32... bxe5 33 Re3 g5 34 hxg5 bg5
35 2xe5 d4 36 g4+ f6 37 Be6+
2c6 3B 2e3 dxc3 39 bc3 e5 40
C1b) 3 I 2c3 2c7 32 e4 f5 33
2b3 h534e5bxe5 35 2b5Gc5=,
C1c) 3 I f4 Rc7
C1c1) 32 g4 h5 33 Gg3 hxg4 34
xg4f5+35 O2d7 362d2
C1cll) 36...Gh5 37 Rg2 d4 3B
cxd4 (3B Rd2 d3) 3B . . . Rxd4 39
Rg5+xh4 40Rxf5 2d3+ 4I c4
2d7 42 b4 2c7 43 2g5 2c7+ 44
Gd5 2c7 45 RgI e5 46 Gd6 2c4
47 b5 2xf4 4B 2xg7 e4 49 Gc6
2f6+ 50 Gb7 2O 5 I Gxb6 2xe3
52 e5 2eI 53 b6 e3 54 2g2 2bI
552e2Rb3 56e6+,
C1c12) 36..h6| 37 b4 b5 3B
C1c2) 32GO2d733 g4
C1c21) 33. . . f5? 34 h5+| (34 g5
Gh5 35 Rd2 b5=) 34. . . Gf6 35 e4
fxg4+ 36 xg4 e5 37 c4 Gc6 3B
Rxd5 Rxd5 39 cxd5+ Gxd5 40
C1c22) 33. . . h5 34 f5+ h6 35
gxh5 Gxh5 36 Gf4 Gxh4 37 Rd4
2c7 3B Rxd5 Gh5 39Rd6| Gh6 40
c4Bc74I RdB,
C1c3) 32GD2d733c4d4
C1c31) 34GOh5
C1c31 1) 35e4 f5 362d2Gf6 37
b4 e6 3B e5 b5 39 RdI bc4+ 40
xc4 2c7+ 4I Gd5 f5 42 8xd4
Beauties in BLACK 1 77
g4 43 f5+ Gxg3 44 Gc6 RO 45
Rd6 2xf 46 Gb6 Rf4 47 Gxe6
8xb4 4B 8g6+Gxh4 49 Gb7 8c4
(49. . . 2g450e62xg65 I e7) 50e6
Rc7+ 5 I Gb6 b4 52 e7 2cB 53
2xg7 b3 54 2b7 b2 55 Ge6 2c6+
56e5 2c5+57e4BcB5B2xb2
2eB 59 Rb7 Gg3 60 2g7+ GD 6I
Gb5 h4 62b6h3=,
C1c312) 35 g4 hxg4+ 36 Gxg4
GO 37 f g6 3B Gf4 b5 39 b4 e6
40 bg6+ Gxg6 4I c5 Rh7 42 Rh3
bc5+ 43 xc5 d3 44 2xd3 Rh5+
45 d6Rxh446 Gc7 f5 47 Rd6
C1c32) 34 f5+| GO 35 g4 g5 36
bg6+ Gxg6 37 GO h5 3B Gf4
hxg4 39xg4e540 e4Rd6 4I h5+
Gh642Gf5 Gg743 h6+ Gxh6 44
c5 bc5 45 Gxc52c646 2xd4 g5
47d5Rc24Bb3 Gf5 498c4Rb2
502c32c25 I Gc6+,
C2) 24c4| RcB25cxd5 WbI +26
g2le I (26. . . Wxe2 27d6RdB 2B
d7 Wc629h4+)27Wd3 RgI +2B
Gh3 Wxb2 29 2c4 RcI 30 8xcI
(30 2c4| g6 3 I d6 WxD 32 d7+)
30. . . W xc I 3 I d6W g5 32 d7 W dB 33
Wd6+ h534g4| .
13 tbS tce4
I 3 . . . vfc4N
14 tfd4?!
I 4vc7=.
14 ... a6 15 tc7 la7 16 f
1 78 Beauties in BLACK
16 ... g5! ?
Ths swhet I cemc upwth, es
pIeycd n DIugyBrownc cerIcr n
I 9B4. Acr I 7 cI , BLACK hed
thc uppcr hend (scc thc movcs ecr
I 7 fxc4). Of coursc, l couId not
hopc thet hc hed feIcd to nd en
mprovcmcnt, but I thought I wouId
bc ebIc to ght beck. Durn thc
gemc, thc possbIty of I 6 . . . g5,
eneIyscd n dcteI bcIow, e|so
crosscd my mnd,but I dd notderc
to mprovsc. Losng s not vcq
ncc n eny cesc, but t s
pencuIer|y ennoyng whcn your
opponcnt pIeys hs musc ' from thc
I 6 . . . vg5| ?
A) I 7W3
AI) I 7 . . . vh5 I B Wxb6 vxf4
( I B . . . WbB) I 9 gxf4 WbB 20 bg5
dB2 I vdxc6dxc6222d7,
A2) I 7 . . . b5 I B cxb5 exb5,
A3) I 7 . . . 9c5 I B c4 vh5 I 9
B) I 7 h4?vh5,
C) I7 W e4 h6 I B vcb5 exb5 I 9
W xe7bxc4
Cl) 20c4?| c52I We4
Cia) 2 I . . .d5 22 b4 xd4+ 23
2xd4 dxc4 24 xg5 hxg5 25 Wb5
cxO 26 xO xO 27 2xO W eB
(27. . . c3 2B2c4W eB 292fxc3 vd5
302OWxe2T)2B2Dc3 29W xb6
2cB 30 2c2 vd5 3 I W e5 W b7 32
D 2bB,
Clb) 2 I . . .W eB| 22 W xc4 (22
W xeB 2xeB 23 h4 vgh7 24 e3 c3
25 bxc3 Bxe3T) 22. . . e6 23 Wb3
xH 24 xfI vbc4| 25 bc4
W xc4 26 g2 (26 W c3 xd4 27
2xd4 W xd4 2B xg5 Wxb2+)
26. . . xd4+ 27 hI Wc2 2B h4
c5| +,
C2) 20W xb6 c5 2I W e5 vd5
22 W d2 W eB 23 e3 (23 hI xd4
24 Wxd4 W xe2 25 xg5 hxg5 26
c4 vf6)
C2a) 23. . . c5 24 9xc5 2cB 25 h4
(25 f4 vxf4 26 9xf4 &xg2 27
9xg5 &xfIT, 25 &f4 vc6 26 c3
vcxf4 27 cxf4 vc3T) 25. . . 2xc5 26
hxg5 vc3 27 xh6 gxh6 2B 2fcI
W e7 29 h2 WbB| 30 &h3 vxdI
3 I W xdI W d632c3=,
C2b) 23...c3 24 bxc3 W xe3 25
I6...vc5| ? A ' Iest mnutc' dce.
I7 b vh5 I B vcb5exb5 I9 vxb5
2eB 20 d6 &xd6 2 I vxd6 Wc7
22bxc5W xc5+23hI c6T.
17 fxe4 N,
I 7 cI vxg3 ( I 7 . . . W xc7 I B fxc4
vg4T) I B vcxc6 fxc6 I 9 hxg3
17 ... gxf4 18 ld5 exdS
19 exdS! ?
Ahso| Ths swhet hc hed up hs
sIccvc| Thc pccc sec, forjust onc
pewn for thc tmc bcng, s
cxtrcmcIy dengcrous. My kngsdc
s tom up, my pcccs erc squeshcd
on thc quccnsdc, thc boerd s cut
nto two - oh, HoIy !csus| l hevc
ncvcr bccn conccmcd ebout
metcreI too much, butI nd tvcq
rrtetng whcn somconc s ddIng
ebouteround mykng. Iprcfcrrcdto
secrcc whetcvcr wes et hend for
thc ntetvc. No wondcrths shock
gevc wey to qutc somc broodng,
costngmcmorcthene m|I hourfor
thc ncxt 3 movcs. But t wes wonh
thc c0on, es I menegcd to comc up
wth e pIen sccurng thc BLACK
monerch end rcstorng thc
hermonous coopcreton of my
I 9 vf5 Wc5+( I 9 . . . 9c5+20hI
dxc4 2I Wc3 WdB 22 Bxd7l +) 20
A) 20. . . vxc4 2 I b4 vD+ 22
BxDWxD 23 2fI WxfI+ 24 &xfI
dxc4+ 25 9g2 &xg2+ 26Gxg2 d5
27Wc3 f6 2BWd4,
B) 20 . . . d4 2 I Rxf4 BcB 22 c3 d3
23 Wc3 &dB 24 vh6+ &g7
(24. . . 25 2xf6+) 25 vg4 Bc6
26 BdfI W c627 RI D(27 B4D h5l
2B vxf6 2xf6 29 c5 Wxg2++)
27 . . . GgB 2Bc5 (2B vxf6+ 9xf629
Bxf6 d2+, 2B Bxf6l +) 2B. . . vxg4
29Bxg4+ 2g6 309xc6 &xc6+ 3 I
gI 2xg4=,
C) 20. . . dxc4+.
19 ... vh5|T
20 vf5
20 Wf5 vg7 2 I Wxf4 Wxc4 22
20 ... h8| |
21 hI
2 I vxc7Wc5+,
2 I Wc3+f6 22b WcBT.
21...'e8 22 gxf4?
22 2d4 d6 (22 . . . 9f6l ? 23 Bc4
's 249O vg7T) 23 Bc4 9cB 24
A) 24. . . W dB 25 vxcB WxcB 26
xf4 (26 Wc3+ f6 27 WO vg7 2B
xf4Wc5T)26. . . Wf=,
Beauties in BLACK 1 79
B) 24. . . 9xd6l25W c3+vg7 26
2xcB 2xcB 27 Wf6 &c5 2B Wxf4
9f5l 29c4 &g630b3 2ec7 3 I 2cI
vh5l 32Wh4Bc5+.
22 ... d6 23 e4 f6|
23. . . 9cBl ? 24 c5 &xf 25 W xf
vg7 26 Wh3 f5l (26. . . W e4) 27 b3
(27 &OWe4l ) 27. . . Wh5T 2BW xh5
Gg2 e4T vg7 wouId bc
inconscqucnt, es Whitc's kngsidc
23. . . vg7?l 24 vxg7 Gxg7 25
2gI 1.
24WcJ &c8| 25 vd4
25&h32gB 26c5 9xf5279xf
vg3+ 2B hxg3 Wh5+ 29 g2
W xf5+.
25 ... .d8!
26 .del
Thc guy, who hed prcscntcd
himscIf cvcqhcrc n thc
toumemcntroomdurngmy Icngthy
mcdteton, brcekng thc ncws to
cvcqonc thet I 'fcI| for t', now
spcnt morc end morc tmc et thc
26 vc6 Bg7 27 vxdB WxdB
(27...Axg2l 2Bxg2Wxc4+)2B c5
bc5 29 bc5 dxc5 30 W xc5 (30
2x+W x 3I W xc5 9h3 l 329c4
9g4+)30. . . vf6T.
180 Beauties in BLACK
26 ... lg7+ 27 lf?
And hc hed thc ncrc to o0cr e
drew hcrcl Bcsdcs, othcrtrcs wcrc
e|so Iosng comp|ctcIy.
279h3 vg3+l +2Bhxg3 9xh3,
27 ... .xf5 28 exfS 't-+ 29 2D
lfg8 30 'e3 bS 31 cS .as 32 .c1
ib4! 33 c6 icS 34 AxeS dxcS 35
'e6 'a7!
35. . . Wxc6 36 bc6 vxf4 37 c7
vxg2 3B d6 vf4 39 h4 vxc6 40
2xf62g4 4I 2h6 vf4+.
36 d6 c4 37 'e2 'd4 38 'd2
'e4! 39 d7
39 ... 'b1+ 0-1
WcII, Ifc's grcet, sn't t? It fcIt
dcntcIy OK et ths momcnt,
eIthough ecrRound 5 I hed e hcII
of e t of dcprcsson. I survcd t
wth two quckdrews(SmysIovend
Sex - ncthcr of whch wes
prcenengcdl ), but on thc dey whcn
young DIugy got et mc Ikc ths, I
stII wokc up n thc smeII hours.
Howcvcr, whcn I menegcd to soIvc
thsferom cesy tesk succcssmI|y,
my Iust for |fc cemc beck
mcdetcIy, es upon thc wevc of
somc megc wend. Who wes thet
goddemncd foo| who sed thet
chcss s e sefc end cesy wey of
mekng e Ivng. . . ? And how cen
hundrcds of eppercntIy ntcIIgcnt
end Iovng percnts bcIcvc ths
Y.Murey - A.Adorjan
NcwYorkOpcn I 9B7
1 e4 cS 2 vO e6 3 d4 cxd4 4
lxd4 lf6 5 lc3 d6 6 igS
Not rceIIy dengcrous, cvcn es e
surprsc. Whtc o0crs e sh to thc
Nejdorf, but BLACK hes e morc
6 ... .e7 7 ldb5?! 0-0
8 ixf6
Conscqucnt but wrong. Onc s eI|
too rcedy to pert wth e pewn for
such e strong ntetvc. Thc morc
sobcrBWd2 et Icest wouId nothevc
B Wd2
A) B. . . e6l ? 9 9xf6 gxf6 I 0vd4
vc6 I I 000W6 I2 vb3 Wc7 I 3
Wh6hB I42d3 2gB I 5 Rh3 2g7
I 69d3( I 62g3Rg6) I 6 . . . b5,
B) B...d5 9 cxd5 (9 c5 vcB I 0
9xc7 Wxc7 I I f4 vc6 I 29c2 e6l
I 3 vd4 f6 I4 cxf6 Wxf6 I5 vxc6
bxc6 I 6 00 vd6T) 9. . . vxd5 I 0
9xc7 Wxc7 I I vxd5 cxd5+ I 2
9c2 9g4 ( | 2 . . . 2cB? I 3 000 vc6
I4 9O9f5 I5 9xd5vb4 I 6RhcI
Wc5 I 7 9xO+GxO I B vd6+gB
I 9vxf5 vxe2+ 20 bI Wxf5 2 I
Gxe2) I 3 O9c6 I 4 00vc6=.
8 .. .xf6! 9 'xd6
thc Icsscr cvI, eIthough thosc who
go for such e poston on purposc
dcscrc to bc punshcd (feI|ng nto
somc trepeccdcnteI|y s e d0crcnt
thng). Lct mc drew your ettcnton
to thc possbIty 9. . . Wb6 I0 vc4
Wxb2l l whch s not onIy bceutmI,
t mght brng thc mI| point es
AIso 9 vxd5 xc3+ (9..5l ?
I 0vc4W xb2l l I I vxb2xc3+ I 2
Gc2 xb2 I 3 BbI f5) I 0bxc3
W e51.
9 .. a6! 10 W xd8Bxd8 vsb5
12 ld1
I2 vebI b4 I3 ve4 ( I 3 vdI
2xdI ++) I3. . . d7 I4 vb5 xb2
I 5 vxeBxeI I 5 vb5b5l +.
12 .. b7 13 f ld7!
Evcn bcttcr then thc othcrknght
I 3 . . . vc5 I4 c3 Bd7.
14 c3 lc5 I5.el
I 5 c2 g5l I 5 00 ( I 5 vbI
cl T) I 5 . . . 2d21.
15 ... h4+! I6 vD
I 5g3 g5 I7Bc2f5T.
Beauties in BLACK 181
16 ... f5! t
Wnnng thc pewn beck wouId
hevcbccn edventegcouseswcII, but
I thoughttwouIdbceshemcnotto
pIey for chcckmetc n such e
postion. Ithnk I hevc eIweys bccn
qutcrceIstc esrcgerdsmy p|ecc n
thc chcss worId. I' vc ncvcr tekcn
mysc|ffor enyonc c|sc, but l must
rcmerk thet Keqov oncc seid in en
ntcrcw. 'IfI cen choosc bctwccn
e 0eshy combneton whch mustbc
good, but l cen't scc thc cnd qutc
cIcerIy, end squcczng out e win
from thcsIghtpostoneI edventegc
n thc semc poston, l choosc thc
Iettcr I 0tmcs out of I 0. ' Wth ths
mcnte|ty, hc won toumemcnt ecr
toumemcnt- end medc thc wor|d e
duII pIecc. So s t on|y ebout thc
rcsuIt, bc t n chcss, domnocs, or
I 5 . . . xD+ I 7 xD Bd2+ I B
c2 2xb2 I 92c2 Bxc2 20 vxc2
17 g3
I 7cxf5 cxf5 I Bc22cB I92dI
A) I9. . . ve4202d22edB 2 I Bc2
2c3 (2I . . .d522b3 vxc3 23Bxc3
b4 24 2c4 f5l 25 vbI xc4 25
bxc4 2d7+) 22 00 2dcB 23 3dI
c7 24 vbI c5 25 Rd2 2cI 25
B) I 9 . . . Rc720vc2RecB2I vd4
f5 222d2 xd4 23 cxd4 vc5 24
B1) 24. . . d5 25 b vf4 25 d3
2c3 (25 . . . g5l ) 27 xf5 vxg2 2B
vdI l ,
B2) 24. . . vxd4T25Bxd4Rxc2 25
vd3 Rd2 27 RD RcI + 2B vxcI
I7 ... e7!
182 Beauties in BLACK
Kccpng en cyc on e3 es wcII.
Thcrcforc thc cnsung cheos s
I 7 . . . 9g5 I B 2c2 fxc4 I 9 bc4
vxc4 209g2 vxD 2 I xD 2+
22cI =.
18 b4
I B 9g2fxc4 I 9fxc4ve4T.
18 ... fxe4! ! 19 bxc5
I 9 fxc4 vxc4 20 9g2 vxD 2I
9xb7 vd3++.
19 ... exf!
I 9 ...9xc5 Onccyouhevcsed'e',
you hevc to sey 'b' es wcIIl Whtc
couId stII 'kck ebout' by rctumng
thc pccc. 20vxc4l 9xe32 I 2c2T.
20 lc2
20 vd3? D+ 2I vxD 9xc5+,
20 c69xc62I vc2 c5 229d3 (22
20 ... ixc5 21 ih3
An obvous try. Othcr movcs dd
2 l vd4 9e3l 22 BdI (22 2bI
c5T) 22. . . c5+, 2I h4 2ecB 22 Bh2
9d6 23 vhI (23 9h3 2xc3)
23. . . D+l 24 vxD(24GxDBxc3T)
24. . . 9xg3 25 2h3 (25 9g2 2xc3
269xb79xh2+)25. . . 2xc3+.
2l ... ixf+!
I wes rcIuctent to ' secrcc' my
bshop, but I couId not scc thc
conscqucnccs of 2I . ...c5 22 9fI
qutc cIcerIy. Thc rcst s eImost
forccd, endbceutysnotcvcrythng
ecreI|.ThcrcsuIteIsomettcrs. . .
2I . . .c522:n .
22 'xf ld2+ 23 .n
23 Gc3 2c2+ 24 Gf4 (24 &d4
BcB+) 24. . . 2c4+l 25 g5 h6+ 26
h5 2cB 27 g4 2xc3 2B BhdI
23 Gcl 2c2+ 24 GfI c5+ 25
23 ... e5 24 le3 Aad8 25 c4
259f5 D26 vg2 9d5l+.
25 ... ie4! 26 if5 ixf5 27 lxf5
bxc4-+ 28 le7+ N29 lc6 l8d5
30 h4
302cI c3.
30 ... e4 31 lb4 ld6 32 lh3 e3
33 lel ldl
Thcrc wesencescrw nnow end
n thc ncxtnotc. LuckIy, thc gemc
33. . . 2D+ 34 gI 2g2+ 35 hI
34 lc2 f 35 g4 fxel='i + 36
lxel Af6+
36 . . . c3l .
37 'e2 ld2+ 38 'xe3 lxa2 39
<d4 le2 40 Ahl %f4+
It's vcq truc thet thc bcst
toumemcnt tectic is to wines meny
emcs es wc cen, no mettcr whet
our riveIs do. Wc nishcd, l |ookcd
eround end sew thet thc emcs of
my immcdietc riveIs brouht idce|
rcsuIts. Bcforc thc Iest round, l wes
soIc Icedcrby heIfe point! A drew
eenst Christienscn's Ienuid
BooIndien, end on|y Scirewen
NY Opcn 'B7. In e tic! ! And thc
emcwes not so bed, cithcr, wes it?
Ofcoursc itwesn't!
I.Csom - A.Adorjan
HunerienChempionship I 993
In chcss, thc rcsu|t cen eIso bc
inucnccdby |uck. Idon't mcen thc
Iuckouropponcntshevc! Accordin
to Lejos Ponisch, soce|Icd ' Iuck'
IcvcIs o0 in e ycer's timc. Oncc l
hcerd it, l immcdietcIy stencd to
chcck out thc toumemcnts from this
point of vicw. And l cen tc|I you,
my oodendbed |uck wcrc mostIy
beIenccd. It's on|y thet you must
kccp your scIfdiscipIinc end
objcctivity, for wc mey tekc ' |uck'
for rentcd, but reisc hcII if wc
b|undcr e mcrc pewn! Thc rceson
I'm tcIIinyou eI| this is thet inthc
prcvious round I su0crcd eeinst
Grszptcr, end my cscepc wes
mostIy thenks to his timc troubIc.
Csom, on thc othcr hend, wes
torturin IittIc Lk (whosc ELO
wes much 'teIIcr' then himscID,end
cou|d hevc nishcd him o0et Icest
thrcc timcs in e rookcndin. Buthc
didn't. Anothcr issuc, strict|y
profcssioneI this timc. whcn I wes
eIrcedy e feirIystronmestcr, end I
kncw (end shepcd. . . ) thcoq eII
riht, thc onIy thin l cou|dn't
Beauties in BLACK 183
LeszIo Liptey showcd mc thc sctup
you wiI| scc bc|ow. From thet
momcnton, thcEnIishwese piccc
ofcekc formc, fordccedcs. I' mnot
seyinthetIdidnotIoscwith it, but
thetwes eIweys my own feuIt. I cen
wemIy rccommcnd it to you! (No
moncybeckuerentcc, sorq.)
1 c4 c5 2 g3 g6 3 .g2 .g7 4
l:c3 l:c6 5 v e6 5. . . e6. 6 0-0
l:ge7 7 d3 0-0 8 lb1 b6 OK 9 .d2
.b7 10 a3 d5 11 cxd5 exd5 12 b4
cxb4 13 axb4 d4 14 l:a4 l: d5
Thisconstc|Ietion is rethcrtypceI
15 . b3! ? N
I 5 b5.
15 ... le8
I5...2cB! ?This is cooIcr then thc
tcxt. Wc won't forct ebout thc c2
pewn, but rst Ict's rcducc thc
potcntie| dencr of eny ercssivc
16 l:g5
I6 b5 vcc7?! ( I 6 . . . v bB ! ) I 7 c4
dxc3 I Bbc3 vf6 I9 v 5 &d5 20
9xd5 vcxd5 2 I c4 h6 22 vxO
&xO23 v c3B 24cxd5Gh7.
16 ... l:e5!
I 6 . . . v cc7 I7 c4! dxc3 I B fxc3
lf I9 c4 9d4+! ? (I 9 . . . vf6 20
184 Beauties in BLACK
3c3)20hl vf6 2 I 3c3 l ?(2I
vOvg4= ),
I6. . . vcxb4? I 7vxO( I 7c4 dxc3
I B vxO GxO I 9bc3+ gB 20c4
e5 2 I 3xb4 exb4 22 cxd5 W d7 23
vb2 2c2T) I 7 . . . xO I B 3xb4
2xc2 I 9 vc5l 3c6 ( I 9 . . . bxc5 20
17 bS 'd7 18 ve4
6 vec5.
1 8 ... 2ad8
I B . . . 2ecB.
19 3g5lc8 20 lfcl h8|
' Dongnothng' sherdl Thsking
movcIooksqutctypceI. EspccieI|y
whcn you scc trctum togBecr5
morc movcsl But Whtc hed
concrctc thrcetsto mcct. As forthc
'comcbeck' to gB. onc hes to bc
cercmI n pIennng end 0cxbIc n
20 . . . f? 2 I vcc5l bxc5 22 vxc5
2xc5 232xc5+,
20 . . . h6?2I 2xcB 2xcB 22 3xh6l
3xh6 23 W xd5 3xd5 24 vf6+
g7 25 vxd7 3xg2 26 vxc5 3d5
27 f4 2c2 2B D g5 29 vg4 gxf4
.30 vxh6 bg3+ 3 I hxg3 Gxh6 32
2 1 .d2
2 I vcc5 bxc5 22 vxc5 Bxc5 23
21 .. .a8!
2 I . . . fl ? 22 vcc5 bxc5 23 vxc5
2xc5 24 2xc5 vf6 (24...2dB? 25
3g5+) 25 3xb7 W xb7 26 8bcI
22 vg5 h6 23 it ixt+ 24
.xf .b7! 25 lc4
25 2xcB 2xcB 262cI 2xcI +27
3xcI vc3lT.
2S ... g8! 26 .bel$
26 g2 2xc2l l 27 2xcB+ WxcB
2B3xc2vc3+29gI W h3+.
26 ... vc3!
Vcq unp|cesentl Notthet such e
movc s unusue| n ths Inc, on thc
contreq. Teking edventegc of thc
wcekncssofc3 combncdwth othcr
c|cmcnts ofthc poston is ' hengng
27 txc3?
Wrongl Thc surprsc c0cct end
thc shonegc of timc pere|yscd
AIso bed wes 27 3xb7? vxc2+
2BGfIW xb7+,
Thc onIy wey to o0cr scrious
rcsstenccwesby273xc3 3xO
A) 2B cxO dxc3 29 vxc3 Bxc4l
(29. . . W xd3 30 Bc6l WxO 3 I
W d5) 30 dxc4 (30 Wxc4 BcB+)
30. . . Wd2l 3 I ve2(3 I Wc2BcI ++,
3I 2c2 BcI + 32 Gg2 Wd3+)
3 I . . .3d4+(3 I . . .Bc2+),
B) 2B 3xd4 3d5 293xg73xc4
30 W b2 (30 2xc4 xg7 3 I vc3
Wc6l T)
B1) 30. . . Wxb5?l 3 I Bxc4 (3 I
WeI l 3c6 32 2xcB 3xcB 33 3hB
f6 34 3xf6 Wc6 35 3hB Bc7+)
3 I . . . Wxb2 32 3xb2 Bxc4 33 dxc4
B2) 30 . . . 3xb5 3 I BxcB (3 I
3xh6? BxcI ++) 3 I . . . 2xcB 32
3xh6 (32 3hB f6) 32. . . f5 33 vc3
3c6 34 3c3 Strengc poston.
BLACK ssurc|ybcttcr, butetIcest
Whtc hes epewn for thc cxchengc,
t's not so cesy to mobIsc thc
pesscdpewns whIcWhtchessomc
- et thc momcnt e IttIc ebstrect -
etteckng drcems egenst thc rethcr
27 ... -xO 28 lxc8 lxc8 29 te4
29. . . xc2l ? 30 BxcB+ (309xh6
2xcI+ 3 I 9xcI W h3 32 vd2T)
30 . . . W xcB 3 I WxO+ xO 32
vd6+ c6 33 vxcB 9xd3 34
30 .xcl .xe2-+ 31 .xh6?
AbIundcrofcoursc, butthcgemc
wesovcrenyhow. Ths wey thccnd
comcse IttIcfestcr.
31 ... 'ih3 0-1
And you know whet heppcncd?
Poor Csom |ost no Icss then4 morc
gemcs ecrths, end droppcdto thc
bottomofthcteb|c. Mc? I won 3 of
thc ncxt 4 end dcfcndcd my
Hungeren Chempon tt|c. ButI tcII
you egen whIc thcrc s no such
thnges' unjust' Iuck, thngsdcpcnd
onnuenccs qutcocn.
I.Borocz - A.Adorjan
BeIetonbcrcny, I 996
You go through e Iotofthngs n
e gemc, Ict eIonc your cntrc Ifc. I
wes cvcn suspcndcd by thc
Beauties in BLACK 185
Hungeren Chcss Fcdcreton n
!enuery I 995forrdcuIousrcesons,
usng e wtncss who couId trevcI
to thc zoneI toumemcnt soon ecr
I sucd thcm Ietcr ofcoursc, end
rcccvcd moreI end nenceI
compcnseton es e rcsuIt. Onc of
thcr chergcs heppcncd to bc uuc. I
ddnemc my dogecr GyuIe Hom,
who wes Prmc Mnstcr et thet
tmc. Acr thc Hungeren uprsng
of I 956 wes supprcsscd by thc
Russens,Homwes ne Communst
dctechmcnthuntng forpcopIc who
wcrc stII ghtng for ccdom
egensteI|odds. Hc'sdcednow. My
dog, I mcen, not thc onctmc Prmc
Mnstcr. I wes forbddcn to pIey n
toumemcnts for e ycer end e heIf.
Thcrc s no rceson to compIen,
though,worscthngsheppcnet sce.
Myfethcr, foronc,cnjoycdRussen
hospteIty n Sbcre for 3 ycers
ecr thc worId wer.. . Thc gemc
bcIow wes pIeycd n my
'comcbeck' toumemcnt, thc
Hungeren IntcmetoneI Opcn
Chemponshp. My opponcnt s en
1 e4 c5 2 to d6 3 d4 cxd4 4
txd4 tf6 5 tc3 a6 6 .e2 e6 7
0-0 .e7 8 f4 0-0 9 'h1 'i c7 10
'ie1 b5 1 1 .o .b7 12 a3?!N
I 2 c5 vcB I3 f5 dxc5 I4 c6
9xO I 5 cxO+ RxO I 6 vxO
12 ... 1e8
I2. . . vc6 vbd7 I 3 g4 ( I 3 Wg3
vc5 I 4f5c5 I 5 9h6vcB I 6vdc2
hB I 73g59xg5 I Bxg5 vf6T)
I 3 . . . h6 I 4 h4 d5 I 5 cxd5 ( I 5 c5
vc4l ) I 5 . . . 9c5 I 6 3c3 cxd5 I 7
BdI RfcB I B g5 hxg5 I 9 g5
186 Beauties in BLACK
13 .e3
lnstced, hc couId hevc onc fore
d|rcct etteck, but et thc cnd of thc
whoIc mess of ver|et|ons thc
concIus|on |s oncc ee|n. BLACK
lS OKl
I3 c5l ? dxc5 ( I 3 ...vfd7?? I 4
cxd6 9xd6 I 5 vdxb5l +) I 4 fxc5
fd7 I 5 9xb7W xb7 I6 W 3 vc6
I 7 xc6W xc6 I B 9h69
A) I 9 RxO?l GxO 20 BfI + vf6
2I 95 (2I W d3 W c4l 22 Bxf6+
B 23 W 3 2e7T) 2 I . . .9c7 22
W h4GB23 cxf6 xf6 24 Zxf6l d
BOl+ 24. . . 9xf6 25 9xf6 c5 l
(25. . . 2e726W 5+27W h6+=)
26 W 4+ O 27 vc4 2c6 2B
W 7+ GcB 29 W B+ d7 30
W xh7+ cB 3 I W B+ 2cB 32
6+ W xd6 33 W xcB+ b7 34
W c7+W xc7359xc7 c4T,
B) I9 BecI l d 20 vc4, 20 2c4
I 9 . . . W c7l 20 vc4 Wxc5 2I vf6+
W xf6222xf6vxf623 95vd5T.
13 ... lc6 14 ldl lac8 15 W g3
led8! 16 W D
I 6c5 vxd4l I 79xd4 ( I 7 cxf6?
vf5) I 7 . . . vcB I B 9xb7 W xb7 I 9
f5 cxf5 ( I 9 . . . dxc5 20 W xc5 9f6 2I
W c3 cxf5 22 2xf5 Wc7 23 .m =)
20 2xf dxc5 2I 2xc5 9 d b4
(2 I .. .9f6? 22 2xcB++, 2I . . .9d6?
22 2xcB++)22 vc4W c6=.
16 ... 'i b8
17 lde2?!
Beck|n up w|th onc morc p|ccc
bcforc thc etteck, but |t w||I bc not
h|mwhodocsthc 'shev|n'ehcrthc
Icnthy 'Iethcr|n' l
I 7 4 vxd4
A) I B 2xd4
AI) I B . . . c5?l I 9 bc5 dxc5 20
2xdB+ ZxdB 2I 5 vcB 22 9h5
A2) I B. . . d5 I 9 c5 ( I 9 cxd5?
9xe3l 20dxc6vx4+)
A2a) I9. . . vc4 20vxc4dxc4
A2al) 2I 2xc4?l 9xc4 22 9xc4
Wc7 23 9b6 (23 9d4 Wc4 24 c3
9c5T)23. . . W c4 242c I 9c5T,
A2a2) 2I 92Wc722c3 9d523
2d2W c6249d4=,
A2b) I 9 . . . vd7 20 Bd3 9eB 2I
9d4e5 222d2b 23exb4 exb424
A) I B . . . vd7l ,
B) I B 9xd4
Bl) I B . . . 9eB?l I9 5 vd7 20
92e52 I f5l 1,
B2) I B. . . c5 I 9 9b6 2xc3l ? 20
bxc3 (20 9xdB? 2xO) 20. . . 2cB
(20. . . vxc4 2I W 2 2cB) 2I fxc5
vxc4 22 9xc4 (22 W 2 d5)
22...9xc4+ 23 I 96 24 cxd6
9xd6 25 9d4 (25 9e7 9xh2+ 26
G2 W c7 27 9b6 W c5 2B 9d4=)
25. . . 9xe3 26 h4 h5 (26. . . f6 27 h5
9t 2B h6 3c4 29 fcI 9d6 30
WO)27gxh5 9xh5 2BBeI Rxc3l
(2B. . . 9b2 29 W g2+) 29 9xc3
B3) I B . . . d5 I 9c5 vc4 ( I 9 . . . vd7)
20 vxc4 dxc4 2 I 9g2 Bd7 22 c3
W eB23Bd2BcdB24fdI e5=,
B4) I B ...WeBl I9 W g2 v d7l
(I9.. . d5 20 cxd5 vxd5 2I f5 l 9c6
22 v xd5 &xd5 23 fxc6 bc6 24
9xd5 Bxd5 25 c3=) 20 g5 c5 2I
9c3 cxf4 22 9xf4 vb6 23 vd5
3xd5 24cxd5v c4 25 BfcI & 26
c3 g627 Bc2 9g7T,
I 7 f5 vxd4 I B 9xd4 c5 I 99b6
xc3l 20bxc3 cBT.
17 .. .a8 18 g4
l couIdn't rcsst thc ncxt movc,
end thc foIIowng "fery teIc` Incs,
whch erc mpossbIctoceIcuIetc n
e prectceI gemc. Wnnng testcs
swcct, docsn't t? Now whet ebout
1 8 ... b4! ?
I B . . . e5
A) I 9 9b6 b4l ? (I 9. . . AcB 20g5
v d7 2 I 9c3 b+) 20 9xdB v xdB
2 I g5
Al) 2 I . . .vl ? Thc megceI
'g4' squercl 22 gI (223x4 bxc3
23 vxc3 Wxb2 24 vd5 9 25
2bl We2 26 c3 9xd5 27 cxd5
Wxd5+T)22. . . bxc323bxc3
Beauties in BLACK 187
Ala) 23. . . f5 24h3d5,
Alb) 23. . . v xh224Gxh2 W225

xe3 26 BeI Wc5 27 Wxc5

2xc5 2B 2d4 g6 29 8de4 vc6 30
c5 dxc5 3I 9xc6 9xc6 32 Bxe5
2xe5 (32. . . cxf4 33 2xc5 9xc5 34
vxf4 9c3 35 Gg3 c5 36 vd3
9x5 37 v xc5 9c4) 33 Bxe5 cxf4
34 v xf49d635 Gg3 h6l ?36gxh6
Gh7 37Be6 g5 3B2xc69xf4+39
Ale) 23. . . d5 24 Wxg4 dxc4 25
A2) 2I . . .v d7 22 exb4 exb4 23
ve4 9c6 (23...2xc2 24 Wc3 &c6
9xc4 2B 9xc4 Wxc4+ 29 WO+)
B) I 9g5vd7T.
19 axb4
19 . d5!1
Cerqng on n thc sumc vcn.
Lcss romentc spm|s pIey
d0crcnt|y. Lct thcm do No! AI|ow
mc to quotc thc grce| | | ungeren
wrtcr Zsgmond Morcl hcrc.
Whcnhcweseskcdwhat ho I|kcdto
rced,hcrcpIcd. 'Torced'/ WcII,fl
wentto rcedsomcthng ronl l y good,
I stdownendwrtcsomething! '
I9. . . vxb4 209e7 (20QJ d5 lT,
20 v d4 Bxc3l 2I bxc c4 22
WcI ve2 23 3 d2 vxd2 24 Wxd2
188 Beauties in BLACK
W cB 25 9xeB W xeB+ 26 gI
2cBT)20. . . W b72 I 3b6BcBTAd5.
20 exdS
20 c5? vx4! 2 I 9xg4 d4 22
9O dxc3 23Wxc3vxb4+ SmpIc
but ecsthctc twsts end tums Ikc
ths suppon yourstretcgy end mekc
20 ... vxb4
21 .a7
2 I dxc6 vxg4 Anothcr pont of
thc whoIc conccpt. WouIdyou hevc
bcIicvcd thet thc g4 squerc gcts es
A) 22. . . 23W gI
Al) 23. . . RxdI 24vxdI vxc3 25
Wxc3 (25 vxc3 vxc2 26 vxc2
Bxc2 27 vd4 9xO+ 2B 2xO
7T) 25. . . vxc2 26 W d3 9xO+
27 W xO xt 2B W d5+ 29
W f5+=,
A2) 23. . . vxc3 24W xc3vxc225
2xdB+ (25 W c6? 9xO+ 26 2xO
2xdl + 27 vxdI W eB A 2B. . . vcI ,
2B . . . vd4)25 . . . 2xdB26W c6 9xO+
27 2xO W xb2 2B vd5 Wb7
(2B...9c5? 29 2c3 ! vd4 30 vxd4
W D 3 I BcI W xd4 32 vc7) 29
W xc7+ W xc7 30 vxc7 xc7 3 I
Rc3! vb43 2 Rc7+G33 vg3T,
B) 22. . . GxO 23 W gI vxc3 24
W xc3 vxc2 25 Wc5 9xO+ 26
2xO 2xdI + 27 vxdI 7 2B
W h5+ B 29 vcc3 2dB 30 GgI
9c5+3 I Dg632Wg52d2+.
21. 'b7
22 .b6
22 dxc6 vxg4. Is thcrc enybody
A) 23. . . 24 W g3 (24 9xb7
vxD+ 25 9xD 9xb7+ 26 GgI
vxc2 27 vd4 vxd4 2B Rxd4T)
24. . . Wxe725Wxg4 vxc2
Al) 26 W f5? BxdI 27 vxdI
9xO+ 2B 2xO WeB 29 gI (29
vgI vcI ) 29. . . 2dB 302fl (302d3
2xd3 3 I Wxd3 vcI 32W h3 9c5+
33 vD Wd5T) 30 . . . 2xdI ! 3 I
Wxc2 T,
A2) 26 Wh5! vc3 27 2xdB+
2xdB2BW xh7Gxt29RD
A2a) 29...vc4? 30 2

2! (30
W h5+=)30...9f63 I 9xeBWxeB32
A2b) 29. . . vg4! You msscd ths!
302H vc3=,
B) 23. . . xO! 24 W g2 W xe7 25
RxdB 2xdB 26 Wxg4 9xO+
(26...vxc2?? 27 Wf+) 27 2xt3
W b7 2B Wf5+ 9f6 29 vc4 vxc2
30 vg5+ G 3 I vxh7+ Gc7 32
Wc5+ 2d6 33 vg5 9xg5 34
Wxg5+ G 35 vgI Rd5 ! 36 f5
vcI +.
22 .lhdS!?
22. . . 2d6l Thsfentestcmovcwes
Ietcrfound by IM Gyu|e Fchr, my
Iontmc trencr end sccond (end
st|I frcndl ).
A) 239c5 vx4l Soql
Al) 24 9x4?2xc5 25 9O (25
Wxc5 2xd5+) 25...2cB 26 dxc6
WxO+ 27 WxO 9xO+ 2B 2xO
2xdI + 29 vxdI Rxc2 30 cxO+
GxO3 I vcc39f6+,
A2) 24WI 2xc5 25 Wxc5 2xd5
262xd5cxd5 27WI vf6T,
B) 239d4vbxd5
Bl) 24 5 vxc3 25 vxc3 WxO+
26 WxO 9xO+ 27 RxO vh5 2B
Rdd3 2c4 29 9c5 Rxd3 30 cxd3
Rb4 (30. . . Rc6 3 I Rh3 6 32 vc4
&dB 3329c7 34ORc2=) 3 I
vc4 f6 32 9c3 Rb5 (32. . . f5? 33
9xb4bc4349xc7 cxO 359d6)
B2) 24h3
B2a) 24...Wb4l ? 25 5 (25 9c5
2ddBT 9c5) 25. . . vd7 26 f
vxc3 (26 . . . c5 27 f6 gf6 2B vxd5
9xd5 299xd5Rxd5 30W 2+) 27
9xc3 W c5 2B 2xd6 WxD 29 2xD
9xd6 30 9xeB RxeB 3 I bc6
B2b) 24. . . Wd7l 25 9c5 vxc3 26
vxc3 Rxc3l ? 27 9xc3 vc4
(27. . . RxdI 2B 9xeB 9c5 29 -n
2xfI+ 30 WxH vd5 3 I W dI 5
32 9xd5 cxd5 33 9d4=) 2B W I
v3+l (2B . . . RxdI 29 2xdI vD+
30 wh2 vxdI 3 I W xdI W xdI 32
9xdI 5 33 b5 9x5 34 3
9c4 35 9c2 9xc2 36 b4 f5=) 29
Wx3 2xdI 30 W 2 9xO
(30...RxfI + 3 I WxH 5 32 W 2
9xO 33 WxO=) 3 I WxO 2xfI+ 32
WxH W e433WDWc4+T.
23 lxd5
23 5? v4l T I don't eIweys
kccpmypromscs, butthssonc of
Beauties in BLACK 189
thccescs whcn I do. 24W h4 W xb6
25 vxd5 vxd5 26 Wx4 vc3 27
WI 9c5l+ (27. . . vxfI ? 2B Wxb6
9xO+ 29 I 9xc2 30 2d7 9
3I 2d8RxdB32WxdB633b3+).
23 ... lbxd5
24 g5?$
Dd you notcc thet tectcens erc
rethcr pronc to ovcrIook such
thrcetsthcmscIvcs? Ths rushcd (n
cvcq rcspcct) movc forccs my
kht to jump to e ccrten squerc
24 9d4 Rxc2l (24. . . vx4? 25
W3 vf6 26 vc3 6 27 f5l vh5
A) 25 9xf6? 9xf6 26 5 (26
9xd5?cxd5+)26 . . . 9xb2T,
B) 25W3Bxc2l 269xc2 vc3+
27 9O vc4l 2B WcI vxfI 29
GI l (29 WxfI vD+ 30 W xD
WxO++) 29...vxh2 30 xh2
Bl 3 I 9c5 Wb3 32 Bc I0 WxO
33 2cB+ 9 34 2x+ x 35
W+cB 36B+=,
C) 25Rc I
Cl) 25. . . vx4l ?26W 22xc I 27
2xcI vf6 2B R
I 6 29 f5 3
30b6 (30 bc6 f4l +) 30. . . hx6
3 I WD9b7T,
C2) 25. . . RxcI
C2a) 26 vxc I
/ 90 Beauties in BLACK
C2al) 26. . . W b5| ? 27 W c2| (27
c1 9b7),
C2a2) 26...vxf4| 27 9xb7
9xb7+ 2B W O 9xO+ 29 2xO
C2b) 26 2xc I 26. . . vxf4l 27
9xb7 9xb7+ 2B I vh3+ 29
fl vxD 30 9xD d5 3 I vc3
D) 25 h3 25. . . vxf4| 26 vxf4
xD 27 9xb7 Rxf!+ 2B 2xf!
9xb7+29gI vc4T302dI g5.
24 .. og4! 25 'gl
259xg4vc3+269OvxdI +.
25 ... ode3! !
BcIcvc t ornot, l 'onIy'sewths,
but msscd 25. . . W xb6 whch wouId
Icedtothcsemcposton . . .
25. . . Wxb6 26 W xg4 vc3+
(26. . . xc2T).
26 'ixg4 'ixb6 27 'i gl .cs 28
A) 2B. . . 9xO+ 29 2xO Wc6 30
W g3 vf5 3 I Wh3 2dBl (3 I . . .vh4T)
32 vgI d2 33 b (33 c3 9d6 34
Wg4 vd4l|+ 35 cxd4 W c2)
33. . . 9c3 l 34 Rc I 9xf4 35 2c2
B) 2B...\ b7l l +
Isn't t bceutmI? And e IttIc
shemc on mc who found t onIy
ecr qutc somc tmc, rst ddIng
eboutwth eII thc prosec veretons
ebovc. l wes thcn ebIc to Icevc out
thc whoIc Iot - onc wn s usueIIy
cnough. On thc othcr hend, e
numbcr of thc motfs erc qutc
cxtreordnery, so somc mey Ikc
28 ... 'xb4 29 c3 'ie4! 30 h4
.xfl 31 'ixcS 'i xt+
I hopc you Ikcd thc gemc. Now
do somc goodl Whcn wes thc Iest
The Giant Third
I borrowed the title fom a great
Hungarian writer, Geza Gardonyi
(who, in his tum, borowed it from
Schopenhauer) - but only the title
and nothing else! In his novel, the
'giant third' is the new life that
wants to come into this world, and
makes two people attracted to each
other in order to be bor by their
love. In a lengthy essay (with the
same title) I pondered why
innovators, explorers and inventors
are ready to face the hostility and
segregation imposed on them by the
outside world. They get this
'reward' for work done to the
beneft of others, and they might
even be burt as heretics just
because they are ahead of their own
time. Histor hasn't seen too many
scientists or artists who created
something new by daringly
throwing away (or improving on)
tradition and dogmas AND made
fortunes or were recognised
authorities in their own time.
Galileo, for example, just about
managed to avoid the 'sacred' fre
of Inquisition by withdrawing his
teachings, but now he is doing well,
thanks. Afer 400 years, the
Catholic Church resigned to the fact
that it's the Earth that revolves
around the Sun, and not vice versa.
Even the clergy admits now that he
was right.
Reproach, persecution, neglect
and exclusion fall to the share of
those who sere progress in its pure,
original sense. They are also 'free'
to starve to death sometimes. Jesus
said: 'Nobody can be a prophet in
his own land' I'm sure he was not
the frst one actually experencing it.
Well, why then? What motivates
these people? If they were clever
enough to make a great discover,
they are obviously also clever
enough not to cherish illusions of
celebration and fame.
Let me tell you: it is the Giant
Third that makes them do it. God
Himself He selects them, endows
them with extraordinar abilities,
sends them down to Earh, and
never lets them get rid of their
mission, whatever happens. As a
great Hungarian poet put it: 'It
bums like Nessus' blood'
When I meet my Lord, I will ask
Him why He chose me to discover
the theorem that is to renew the
whole science of chess: BLACK IS
OK!? And why did so many
wonderful chess thinkers simply
pass it by? Afer all, it could even
have been discovered fom sheer
practical need, asking an obvious
question: 'Is it OK that BLACK is
beaten so badly?' Shouldn't we do
something against it? Not just
sheepishly wait for tomorow's
White game?
Wite to move and BLACK to
sufer!? Only collective intellectual
laziness could raise an empty
dogma like this to the level of
axiom! People do sometimes get
knocked out by diseases, sorows,
all kinds of hardships. We must
simply endure it. But the fact that
tens of millions only want to
somehow 'surive' EVRY
1 92 Te Giant Third
SECOND DAY s - forgvc mc -
neI of 2004 sew Whtc bcet
BLACK40 n serious gemcs (wth
2 drews). IS ITNORMAL?? WcII,
ft s, thcnI em en dot. (Whch I
Thc CONSCIOUS rcscerch I 'vc
bccndongfor I 9ycers(bcforcthet,
I hed produccd e 'pIus' scorc wth
feIcd to rcvceI eny strctIy
chcssrcIetcd ergumcnts for ANY
nteI edventegc for Whtc. Thc
onIy cxccpton s thet thc 'rst'
pIeycr cen pIey for e drew more
cesIy then BLACK. AII thc othcr
obvous ergumcnts cen bc cesIy
ncutreIscd, cvcn rcmtcd. PcopIc
Ivc undcr thc ruIc of
NOTHINGNESS, thet s, mess
prcsuppostons! Thosc who hevc
Prcsumpton of Innoccncc n thc
Gemc of Chcss' (end thc
contnbutons of no Icss then 29
rcedcrs, pIus my rcpIcs to thcm),
pubIshcd n 2004 n my book
' BLACK IS StII OK! ' , erc not
IkcIy to nccd too much mrthcr
pcrsueson. I em not tqng to
pcrsuedc enyonc cIsc, cthcr! Thc
forccofsccntc TRUTHmekcs ts
mpect n tscIl An enccnt
phIosophcr hed bccn eskcd scvcreI
tmcs by hs pupIs to wrtc down
hs tcechngs, bcceusc hs Ienguegc
wes so spcceI thet nobody couId
rcctc t. Onc dey hc showcd up
smIng.Idd t! Sowhcrc st? I'vc
hddcn t! But whcrc? I won't tcII
you! ButthcnnobodywIIcvcrnd
t! No, t's not Ikc thet. Ifthcrc s
enythng worthy to bc found thcy
surcIy wII nd t! I rcgrct I don't
rcmcmbcr hs nemc, but ths stoq
by tscIf s e tcechng mII of
wsdom, hum|tyend feth. Or sn't
I em wcII ewerc thet I won't Ivc
to scc worIdwdc rccognton. It
feIIs to thc nnovetor's |ot to
dscovcr end mprovc thngs, end
do. By dcccntIy pessng ewey, hc
cnebIcs thc 'omceI' gcnuscs to
neIIypeyettcntontohs nvcnton
tscIP If thc orgne| nvcntor s
Iucky cnough, onc of thcsc
'gcnuscs'cvcnstce|sthc dce,butt
snot e bed thngeteI|. Ths wey t
s put nto prectcc et Icest ! ! (cf.
Perknson'sLew! )
Dcer Chcssfrcnds! I hed somc
succcsscs es e toumemcnt pIeycr
(ntcrchengcd wth escos, of
coursc). I wes OIympc Chempon
n I 97B, WorId Chemponshp
Cenddetc n '79B0, thrcctmc
Hungeren Chempon (es you must
know, t s fer om cesy n our
countq). I couId Ist somc morc
'hghIghts' . But thc whoIc pont I
went to mekc hcrc s thet f I em
eskcd to nemc thc sngIc most
veIuebIcpen ofmy Ifc'swork, t's
unqucstonebIy ' BLACK IS OK' !
Thems to ths thcoq, thc queIty of
thc royeI gemc end thc objcctvty
oftoumemcnt rcsuIts wII mprovc.
Thc cnomous psycho|ogceI
prcssurc thet pIeycrs cxpcrcncc
durng thcr prcperetons end
cspcceIIy durng toumemcnts wII
ccrten|y subsdc to e grcet cxtcnt!
Thc wzerds end fens ofthc GAME
wII ght EACH OTHER, not
phentoms. Thcr crcetvc megn
eton wI| not bc sheckIcd by
feIIeccs. Ths wII p|cesc eII chcss
Iovcrs,endmy Ifcofmenyupsend
downswIIbccomcmcenngmI. . .

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