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LAnse Creuse High School - North Espaol III Seora Mantinan

Bienvenidos a la clase de espaol tres!

Welcome to Espaol III! This class will continue your journey of learning the Spanish language and about Hispanic culture. We will continue working on the skills needed for communication: listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

Classroom Expectations
Perseverance Respect Integrity Dedication Excellence

Textbook: Avancemos 2 McDougall Littell, 2009 (We have a class set! You will not have to carry the book around. You will have access to the online version if you need the book at home, or you can check out a book as needed.) Pen or pencil Notebook

***If you have a problem getting any of these materials, please let me know immediately!

When you are absent, is your responsibility to obtain notes, class work, homework, etc. This information, along with extra copies, is found in the tarea (homework) binder found on the cabinet at the side of the room. This information is also found online on the class website: Unexcused absences result in a zero for the day in participation and no credit for homework. If you have an unexcused absence on the day of a quiz or test, you will not be able to retake the quiz or test later and will receive a zero.


Any student who is not in his or her seat ready to learn when the bell rings will be marked tardy.

I update student grades every Monday night on PowerTeacher. I enter grades on tests, quizzes, and projects as soon as possible, which is usually the next day. My grading scale is as follows: Participation: 20% Homework: 20% Quizzes: 20% Tests: 30% Libretas (daily warm-up): 10%

Participation is crucial to learning Spanish. Every student must participate at least one time every day. Excused absences will not count against your participation grade.

Homework is very important practice of skills we learn in class, and you should expect to receive a homework assignment every day. Homework is due the next day, and the entire assignment must be completed to receive full credit. I do not accept late work! If you are absent, you have one day for every day you are absent to make up the work.

At the start of almost every class, there will be a brief warm-up exercise. During this time, students will write in their libretas (notebooks). This time is only for libretas! Students who are absent are required to make up entries. All entries must be labeled and dated as instructed. I will collect libretas at random intervals, so be sure to keep up to date.

Each student will receive three passes to leave the class per card marking. Students who do not use all of these passes may turn them in for extra credit. Students will have opportunities to earn homework passes (Tarea gratis!) throughout the year. These passes excuse the student from turning in that days homework assignment. As with hall passes, students can submit unused Tarea gratis! passes for extra credit.

Extra Help

I encourage any students who would like extra help to use the wonderful website that accompanies our textbook: This site has a wealth of practice activities that are very useful for students. In addition, students are welcome to set up meeting times with me to get extra help.

Contact Information
The best way to contact me is by email at *I got married recently, and my email will be changing soon to reflect my new last name. I will send updated contact information home when the change occurs. You can also reach me by phone at (586) 493-5270. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Remind 101
Students and parents are able to sign up for text message or email reminders about important information for the class. This is recommended but not required. Please use the following directions to sign up:

*************************************************************************************** Please sign, cut and return this portion of page on or before Monday, September 9 th, for a Tarea gratis! pass. I have read and understood the information presented in the course syllabus. Student signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent/Guardian signature: _________________________________Date: ___________

Parent/Guardian email address: ______________________________________ Comments/Concerns:

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