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coala cu clasele I-VIII Ambud Semestrul I : 17 sptmni Semestrul II: 17 sptmni

Nr. ore pe sptmn: 2 Firm steps, Editura Corint


Profesor: Mdlina Cherme

Obiective cadru: 1. Dezvoltarea capacitii de receptare a mesajului oral 2. Dezvoltarea capacitii de exprimare oral 3. Dezvoltarea capacitii de receptare a mesajului scris 4. Dezvoltarea capacitii de exprimare n scris 5. Dezvoltarea unor reprezentri culturale i a interesului pentru studiul limbii engleze i al civilizaiei spaiului cultural anglofon. OBIECTIVE DE REFERIN 1. Dezvoltarea capacitii de receptare a mesajului oral La sfritul clasei a III-a elevul va fi capabil: 1.1 s recunoasc sunetele specifice limbii engleze 1.2 s disting cuvinte i sintagme n fluxul verbal 1.3 s reacioneze verbal/nonverbal la un mesaj audiat care s ofere modele de limb autentice (produse de nativi) i variate

1.4 s desprind sensul unui enun simplu 2. Dezvoltarea capacitii de exprimare oral La sfritul clasei a III-a elevul va fi capabil: 2.1 s articuleze sunete, izolat i n cuvnt/grupuri de cuvinte, respectnd accentul i intonaia, specifice limbii engleze 2.2 s reproduc enunuri simple/pri ale unui enun 2.3 s produc enunuri simple, adecvate unor situaii de comunicare uzual 2.4 s participe la dialoguri simple n situaii de comunicare uzuale 3. Dezvoltarea capacitii de recepatre a mesajului scris La sfritul clasei a III-a elevul va fi capabil: 3.1 s recunoasc litere/grupuri de litere n cuvinte i cuvintele n spaiul grafic 3.2 s citeasc un scurt text cunoscut, cu voce tare, cu intonaie adecvat sensului textului 3.3 s deprind sensul global al unui text simplu, citit n gnd

*3.4 s sesizeze legtura dintre un text i imaginile care l nsoesc 4. Dezvoltarea capacitii de exprimare n scris La sfritul clasei a III-a elevul va fi capabil: 4.1s reproduc n scris litere, grupuri de litere, cuvinte, sintagme, enunuri 4.2 s realizeze legtura ntre scriere i pronunie la nivelul cuvntului i al grupului de cuvinte 4.3 s scrie cuvinte, sintagme, propoziii scurte *4.4 s produc n scris mesaje scurte pe baza unui suport verbal/imagine 5. Dezvoltarea unor reprezentri culturale i a interesului pentru studiul limbii engleze i al civilizaiei spaiului cultural anglofon. La sfritul clasei a III-a elevul va fi capabil: 5.1 s manifeste curiozitate pentru descoperirea unor aspecte legate de viata copiilor din spatiul cultural anglosaxon

1st Semester Nr. Crt.


Unitatea de nvare
Unit 1: Hello! Lesson 1. Hello! Nice to meet you! Lesson 2. Good morning! Lesson 3. Meet my family! Lesson 4. Enjoy English! Lesson 5. Have fun! Vocabulary:



Nr. ore


introducing and greeting people numbers 1-12 family members Grammar: questions and answers to be (affirmative) this is Vocabulary: colours students objects 1.3, 2.1 2.2, 2.3 3.2, 4.1 4.3 1.1, 1.3 3.1, 2.2 2.3, 3.1 3.2, 4.1 4.3

14 sept.- 9 oct.


Unit 2: At school Lesson 1. In the classroom Lesson 2. My favourite colour Lesson 3. This is Mikes table Lesson 4.Enjoy English! Lesson 5. Have fun!

Grammar: to be (interrogative, negative) there is/isnt there are/arent a/an plurals of nouns

12 oct.-30 oct. 9nov. -13 nov .

Revision 1 3. Unit 3: Were all friends Lesson 1. What have they got? Lesson 2. This is my friend Lesson 3. I like her red blouse Lesson 4. Enjoy English Lesson 5. Have fun! 4. Unit 5: Party time Lesson 1. A letter to Santa Claus Lesson 2. A Christmas party Lesson 3. Lets start the lesson Lesson 4. Enjoy English! Lesson 5. Have fun! Revision 2

Grammar and vocabulary review Vocabulary: body parts clothes food Grammar: to have (got) possessive adjectives Vocabulary: toys Christmas Carol Grammar: can/can.t who/what/where Imperative (affirmative+negative) Grammar and vocabulary review

1.1, 1.2 2.1, 2.2 3.1, 3.2

Test 16 nov.-20 nov. paper

1.1,1.2 2.1,2.2 3.1,3.2 3.3,4.1 4.3

23 nov. 11dec.

1.1,1.2 2.1,2.2 3.1,3.2 3.3,4.1 4.2,4.3 5.1

14 -18 dec. 4 ian -22 ian.

1.1,1.2, 2.1,2.2, 3.1,3.2

25-29 ian.

Test paper

2nd Semester Nr. Crt. Unitatea de nvare

Revision 5. Unit 4: Home, sweet home! Lesson 1.This is her house! Lesson 2. What are they doing? Lesson 3. At home Lesson 4. Enjoy English! Lesson 5. Have fun! 6. Unit 6: Animals Lesson 1. At the Zoo Lesson 2. On the farm Lesson 3. Places to live in Lesson 4. Enjoy English!/

Grammar and vocabulary review Vocabulary: rooms in the house furniture Grammar: present continuous where prepositions of place Vocabulary: wild and farm animals Grammar: review: plural nouns present simple

1.1, 1.2 2.1, 2.2 3.1, 3.2

Nr. ore

Sptmna 8 feb-12 feb

1.1, 1.2 2.1, 2.2 3.1, 3.2 3.3, 4.1 4.2, 4.3

15 feb.-5 mar.

1.1, 1.2 2.1, 2.2 3.1, 3.2 3.3, 4.1 4.2, 4.3

8 mar.- 2 apr.

Lesson 5. Have fun! Revision 3 7. Unit 7: My town Lesson 1. This is my town Lesson 2. Where are the buildings? Lesson 3. Where are they? Lesson 4. Enjoy English! Lesson 5. Have fun! 8. Unit 8: Seasons Lesson 1. My favourite season Lesson 2. What season is it? Lesson 3. What are the children doing? Lesson 4. Enjoy English! Lesson 5. Have fun! Final revision

review: a/an Grammar and vocabulary review 1.1,1.2, 2.1,2.2, 3.1,3.2 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, Grammar: prepositions Vocabulary: seasons weather Grammar: prepositions review: Present continuous spelling Grammar and vocabulary review 4.2, 4.3 5.1 2

12 apr. -16 apr.

Test paper

Vocabulary: buildings in a town

19 apr.-7 mai

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 5.1

10 mai-4 iun.

1.1,1.2,2.1 , 2.2,3.1,3.2

7 iun.-11 iun.

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