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*Use the elimination method to solve a system of

linear equations in two variables.

To eliminate means to get rid of or

You solve equations by eliminating one
of the variables (x or y) using addition
and or subtraction.

1. Place both equations in standard form, Ax + By = C.

2. Determine which variable to eliminate with addition or
3. Solve for the variable left.

4. Go back and use the found variable in step 3 to find
second variable.

5. Check the solution in both equations of the system.
Solve using elimination.

2x + y = 6
3x y = 4

5x =10

5 5

x = 2

2x +y =6

2 2 ( )+ y= 6

4 +y =6

4 4

y= 2

Solution is (2,2)
-y and y are opposites. Use addition to eliminate y.
Both equations are in Ax + By = C form.
x + y =10
-x + y = 4 (Use addition to eliminate x)
2y = 14
y = 7
Use one of the equation, substitute y = 7 to solve for x.
x + y = 10
x + 7 = 10
x = 10 7
x = 3 One solution: (3, 7)
Solve the systems of linear equations by elimination.
x + y = 10
-x + y = 4
Check: x + y = 10
3 + 7 = 10

-x + y = 4
-3 + 7 = 4
x and -x are opposites
Both equations are in Ax + By = C form.
3x + 2y =1
-3x - 2y = -1 (Use addition to eliminate x)
0 = 0
Find the x and y the intercepts for both equations
(0, ), (1/3,0)
(0, ), (1/3, 0)

Infinite solutions, dependent systems.
The two lines coincide or
the lines are the same
Solve the systems of linear equations by elimination.
3x + 2y = 1
-3x - 2y = -1
Check: 3x + 2y = 1
3(0) + 2(1/2) = 1
3(1/3) + 2(0) = 1

-3x - 2y = -1
-3(0) 2(1/2) = -1
-3(1/3) 2(0) = -1
3x and -3x are opposites
Solve using elimination..
There are no opposites!
Multiply 2
equation by -2 to create opposites. Then add.

2( )

2x + 3y = 4
x 4y = 9

2x +3y =4

2x +8y= 18

11y =22

y= 2

x4y= 9

x4(2) = 9

x + 8 = 9

x = 1

Solution is (1,2)

11 11
Eliminate y, rewrite the first equation by multiplying by 2.
2(3x + 2y =-1)
6x + 4y = 0
0 = -2 (False!)

No solution, inconsistent system.
The two lines are parallel.
Solve the systems of linear equations by elimination method.
3x + 2y = -1
6x + 4y = 0
Check: 3x + 2y = -1
2y = -3x -1
y = -3/2 x 1/2
m = -3/2
6x + 4y = 0
4y = -6x
y = -6/4 or -3/2
m = -3/2
6x + 4y = -2
6x + 4y = 0 (Use subtraction to eliminate x
Both equations are in Ax + By = C form,
but no similar coefficients.

2 1x + 1y = 1
2 6 3
-x 1 y = -1
3 6
Solve the systems of linear equations by elimination method.
1x + 1y = 1
2 6 3
-x 1 y = -1
3 6
Eliminate x by multiplying eq. 1 by 2.
Change the fractions to the same denominator.
Both equations are in Ax + By = C form,
but no similar coefficients.

x + 2y = 2
6 3
-x 1 y = -1
3 6
0 = 5/6
x + 2y = 4
6 6
-x 2 y = -1
6 6
No solution, inconsistent system.
The two lines are parallel.
There is more than one way to create additive
inverses (opposites).
It doesnt matter if set your equations up to
eliminate the xs or the ys as long as something
drops out.
You can check your answers by substituting them
into both of the equations and checking for

Individual Practice: Homework
Even numbers
Nos. 2, 4, 6,50

Problem Set 3.7 (TB pp. 206-207)

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