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Saint Thomas the Apostle School

2632 W. 15th Street Los Angeles CA 90006 Tel (323) 737-4730 Fax (323) 737-6348

Fr. Arturo Corral-Pastor/Parroco Mr. Michael Santa Maria-Principal/Director

Mrs. Lois Perez-Kindergarten/Jardin De Nios Ms. Margarita Ruiz-Kindergarten Teacher Assistant/Daycare Ms. Melissa Marez-1st grade Mr. Gustavo Beltran-1st grade teacher Assistant and P.E Ms. Kena Jimenez-2nd grade Mrs. Virna Reyes-Computer Lab/2nd grade teacher Assistant Mr. Jorge Beltran-3rd grade/Vice Principal Mr. Jose Lopez-4th grade Mrs. Maria Avila- 5th Grade Long Term Sub Mrs. Gina Wright-5th grade Mr. Ronald Ortiz-6th grade homeroom Ms. Tanya Rivas-7th grade homeroom Mrs. Elsa Rodriguez-8th grade homeroom Mr. Enrique Hernandez Junior High Science and Math Junior High Vocabulary/ History Junior High English and Language Arts Junior High Advanced Math

Ms. Heidi Velasquez- Librarian/Gigi Math/Computer Lab Mr. Danny Mosqueda-Music Mrs. Yolanda Corral-Student Store Ms. Sagrario Estrella-Office Manager Ms. Julie Sandoval-Bookkeeper

Ms. Vanessa Rivera-Development Director/Director de Desarollo

Mr. Ciro Hernandez-Maintenance Mrs. Rosa Beltran-Daycare Ms. Maria Alberto-Daycare Mrs. Josefina Colin-Food Service Ms. Valerie Storosh - Reading Specialist Title 1

It is love that makes St. Thomas SchoolSomeplace Special. Love of God, love of people, and a love of learning are our foundation. We are inspired by our faith in God to accept a multitude of challenge the environment sets before us. Together, teachers, students, and parents work as a faith community to rise to meet those challenges and to support one another in our failures as well as in our successes. We aim to touch the hearts, along with the minds of our students by nurturing an atmosphere that will allow them to realize their talents and to discover their dreams. St. Thomas teachers accept the duty to teach beyond the academics, to teach about life and living. We conscientiously strive to show genuine care for our pupils as well as our subject matter, endeavoring to treat each student with respect and dignity to thereby earn the same in return. The facultys zeal for teaching, for making a meaningful difference, demonstrates to the children that Knowledge = Power. It is our goal for students, once empowered, to combine their faith with classroom education. Our St. Thomas staff assuredly tries to learn by examples, coupled with daily classes in religion, hoping to instill the values of our faith into the thoughts and actions of our students. We believe it is necessary for them to learn how to treat others, as it is to learn addition and subtraction. Our students learn what discrimination and sexism are and that prejudicial thinking should never be tolerated. They learn that drug use and gang affiliation are escapes and that there are more positive ways to experience a sense of belonging. They learn that working hard has its rewards and job well done is a source of pride. Realizing parents crucial roles as their childrens teachers for a lifetime, we work at enabling them to be more effective in this role. Parents are encouraged to support their childrens education, to learn effective ways to discipline their children and to understand that violence against a child teaches the child to be violent. At St. Thomas, parents are encouraged to be active participants in all aspects of learning, a role most have whole-heartedly assumed. St. Thomas has learned community support. We take pride in being a totally gang-free and drug-free school. We have created an institution that serves as refuge. To defend against the unlawful gangs who threaten our neighborhood and students, we have formed a gang of our own; a gang built on love, not fear. We consider ourselves a family, with meaningful responsibilities for parents, students and teachers alike. We have an undeniable sense of belonging to something special; we all feel it. Its neither the money nor the resources, its neither the building nor the neighborhood its the love and the people that give St. Thomas its incomparable spirit.

Saint Thomas the Apostle School

2632 W. 15th Street Los Angeles CA 90006 Tel (323) 737-4730 Fax (323) 737-6348

Mission Statement
At Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic School, we are creating a blessed community in the heart of Los Angeles, one child at a time.

is the school community where ALL members share equal responsibility in modeling Christs love, for theirs is a place where the dignity of all is valued and respected. -Blessed is the school that seeks Gods will, for they will grow to be followers of Jesus. -Blessed is the school that values Fine Arts, for the children will experience the value of individuality, creativity, and self-sufficiency. -Blessed is the community that values Catholic Education, for their gift is the gift of faith. -Blessed are those that support athletics, for they will build up our students to persevere in a difficult world. -Blessed are those who follow the 6 Pillars of Character, for they are building the Kingdom of God. -Blessed are those who love children unconditionally, for those children will grow to love unconditionally. -Blessed is the school community that appreciates diversity, for they will witness the strength of individuals to be leaders of a community. -Blessed is the school community that teaches children how they are smart, for theirs is a community with limitless possibilities. -Blessed is the community that prays together, for their song of praise will hold the school together. Blessed are the alumni of Saint Thomas, for their gifts continually nourish the hungry.

Saint Thomas the Apostle School

2632 W. 15th Street Los Angeles CA 90006 Tel (323) 737-4730 Fax (323) 737-6348

Declaracin de Nuestra Misin

En La Escuela Catlica Santo Tomas estamos creando una comunidad bendecida en el corazn de Los ngeles, un nio a la vez.

es la comunidad escolar donde TODOS los miembros comparten la misma responsabilidad de modelar el amor de Cristo, porque ellos tienen el lugar donde la dignidad de todos es valorada y respetada -Bendita es la escuela que busca la voluntad de Dios, ellos crecern a ser seguidores de Jess. -Bendita es la escuela que valora las Artes, la cual los nios tendrn la experiencia del valor de la individualidad, creatividad, y auto suficiencia. -Bendita es la comunidad que valora la Educacin Catlica, por que su regalo es el regalo de la fe. -Benditos sean los que apoyan el atletismo, por que ellos animaran a nuestros alumnos a perseverar en un mundo difcil. -Benditas sean las personas quienes siguen los 6 Seis Pilares del Carcter, porque estn creando el reino de Dios. -Benditas sean las personas quienes aman a los nios incondicionalmente, porque ellos crecern amando incondicionalmente. -Bendita es la comunidad escolar que aprecia la diversidad, porque ellos sern testigos del esfuerzo de individuales siendo lderes de una comunidad. -Bendita es la comunidad escolar que ensea a los nios como son inteligentes, porque ellos es la comunidad con posibilidades sin lmites. -Bendita es la comunidad que ora juntos, porque su cancin de alabanza mantendr la de escuela unida. -Benditos sean los ex alumnos de Santo Tomas, sus regalos continuamente nutren al hambriento.

Student Learning Expectations

Graduates of St. Thomas the Apostle school are capable of being:
1. People of faith who: Pray Everyday Are loving, serve and follow the footsteps of Jesus Are proud of their faith and share with others Understand and participate in the teaching and traditions of the Catholic Church Respect all of Gods creation 2. Effective communicators who: Speak well Listen to others Write ideas clearly Read with understanding and enjoyment Used learned vocabulary 3. Responsible Citizens who Make good choices Are humble and modest Accept accountability for their actions Do their best Are peacemakers 4. Lifelong learners who: Are aware of their place in the world Cooperate with others Make healthy choices for their mind and body Responsibly use technology to learn Recognize that everyone equal in Gods eyes 5. Critical thinkers who: Are problem solvers Develop independence in learning Are able to apply knowledge, skills, and resources Think for themselves Think about the consequences of their actions

Dear Parent,

St. Thomas The Apostle School has actively pursued making advanced technology and increased access to learning opportunities available to our students and staff. We are pleased to announce the establishment of Internet services for our students. The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers that will provide your child with access to a wide range of information from throughout the world. Your child will also be able to communicate with people from throughout the world. Use of the Internet for educational projects will assist in preparing your child for success in life and work in the 21st Century. We believe this computer technology will help propel todays schools into the information age by providing life-long learning tools, by allowing global communications and information sharing, by providing access to unique resources, and by opening opportunities for collaborative work. To become eligible as a user, the use of your childs account must be in support of and consistent with the educational objectives of the school. While we endeavor to provide effective supervision and monitoring of computer use, please be aware that it is possible that your child may find material on the Internet that you would consider objectionable. The school restricts access to material that is inappropriate in the school environment. We have installed The Net Nanny Internet Filtering Program to limit access to inappropriate material. However, the software is not entirely effective in blocking access, and we cannot guarantee that your child will not gain access to inappropriate material and sites. We would like to encourage you to use this as an opportunity to have a discussion with your child about your family values and your expectations about how these values should guide your childs activities while they are on the Internet. Despite this possibility of negative content access, we still believe that the tremendous educational benefits of the Internet exceed any disadvantages, especially when the school and home work in supportive partnership. But ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are the ones responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. We are confident that you will support our policies and will extend these in your homes. Please complete the attached forms and return them to the school as soon as possible. Thank you for supporting our efforts to promote a safe, responsible, and educationally relevant computer use in our school. Should you have any questions or concern, do not hesitate to contact the office.


______________________________________________ Mr. Michael Santa Maria, Principal

Septiembre 1, 2014 Version en Espaol

Estimados Padres de Familia, La Escuela de Santo Tomas se ha dedicado a hacer cambios avanzados en la tecnologa y aumentar el acceso y las oportunidades de aprendizaje para sus alumnos y su personal. Nos complace anunciar el establecimiento de los servicios de Internet para nuestros alumnos. La Internet es una red global de computadores interconectadas que le proveern a su hijo el acceso a una amplia variedad de informacin de todo el mundo. Su hijo/a tambin podr comunicarse con gente de todo el mundo. El uso de la Internet para proyectos educacionales asistir en la preparacin de su hijo/a para el xito en la vida y trabajo del Siglo 21. Creemos que esta tecnologa de computadoras proporcionara a las escuelas de hoy hacia la era de la informacin al proveer herramientas de aprendizaje tiles para toda la vida al permitir comunicacin global y el compartimiento de informacin proveyendo acceso a recursos nicos, y abriendo oportunidades de trabajo colaborativo. Para ser un usuario elegible, el uso de la cuenta de su hijo/a debe estar en apoyo y consistencia con los objetivos educacionales de la escuela. Aunque procuramos proveer supervisin efectiva y monitorizar el uso de las computadoras, por favor estn concientes de que es posible que su hijo/a encuentre en la Internet materiales que ustedes encontraran reprobables. La escuela restringe acceso a materiales que son inapropiados en el ambiente escolar. El Programa que filtra la Internet Net Nanny ha sido instalado para limitar el acceso a materiales inadecuados. Sin embargo, el programa no es completamente efectivo en bloquear el acceso, y no podemos garantizar que su hijo/a no obtendr acceso a materiales inapropiados. nos gustara animarles a usar esto como una oportunidad para hablar con su hijo/a acerca de sus valores familiares y sus esperanzas en como estos valores deben guiar las actividades de su hijo/a mientras usan la Internet. A pesar de la posibilidad de acceso a contenidos negativos, aun creemos que el tremendo beneficio educacional de la Internet excede cualquier desventaja, especialmente cuando la escuela y el hogar trabajan en una asociacin de apoyo. Pero a la larga, los padres de familia de alumnos menores de edad son los responsables de establecer y transmitir las normas que sus hijos deben seguir cuando usan las fuente de informacin. Confiamos que ustedes apoyaran nuestras normas y las extendern en sus hogares. Por favor completen las formas adjuntas y regreselas a la escuela lo mas pronto posible. Gracias por apoyar nuestro esfuerzo en promover el uso seguro, responsable y educacionalmente relevante de computadoras en nuestra escuela. Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones, no dude en contactar la oficina.


______________________________________________ Sr. Michael Santa Maria, Director

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Family Agreement For Use of Electronic Communication And Equipment

The following guidelines apply to all electronic communication devices of any kind (for example: phones, computers, video equipment, and wireless devices and networks). Parents are required to explain these policies to their child/ren, including primary grade students. By signing this document, parents and students are agreeing to abide by the guidelines and policies listed below. Guidelines for Use of School Computers and Other Technology: All school technology systems, all information stored on them, and all work performed on them, are governed by these school policies and are subject to school supervision and inspection.

The school reserves the right to monitor, access, retrieve, read, and disclose all messages created, sent, received, or stored on its systems (including connections made and sites visited) to law enforcement officials or others, without prior notice.

Students may only use the system under direct supervision of a staff member.

Where permitted and approved, students should use care in creating e-mail messages. The contents or e-mail cannot be considered private or confidential. Even when a message has been deleted, it may still exist on a back-up system, be restored, be printed out, or may have been forwarded to someone else without its creators knowledge.

Any files downloaded from the Internet and any computer disks received from non-school sources must be scanned with virus detection software. Immediately report any viruses, tampering, or other system breaches to the principal.

If approved by the principal, students may create personal Web p ages on the schools computer system. All materials placed on the web page must be pre-approved in a manner specified by the school. Materials placed on the web page must relate to school.

Students will promptly inform their teacher or other school employee of any message received that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable.

The school will not be responsible for supervising or continually monitoring every communication and Internet session for every student.

Students using our computers and/or related systems MAY NOT: Violate any school conduct or educational rules.

Post personal contact information about self or others without specific teacher oversight. Personal contact information includes name, screen name, address, telephone, school address, parent/s name/s, work address, etc.

Agree to meet with someone they have met online without their parents approval and the presence of a parent at any meeting.

Use obscene, defamatory, disruptive or threatening language.

Harass, insult or attack others.

Send comments or images that would offend someone or an organization on the basis of race, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, political beliefs, or physical handicap.

Upload or otherwise transmit copyrighted, trademarked, patented, or indecent material, trade secrets, or other confidential, private, or proprietary information. Regarding copyright materials, certain exceptions are given for educational purposes and if there is any doubt, students must consult with their teachers.

Engage in any other illegal act, such as the pirating or unauthorized distribution (such as pod casting) of copyrighted materials, music or film, or arranging for the purchase or sale of any drugs, alcohol, or regulated goods.

Employ the network for commercial and/or political lobbying purposes.

Access material that is profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination toward others.

Damage, alter, disrupt or gain unauthorized access to computer or other systems, e.g. use others passwords, trespass on others folders, work or files.

Enable unauthorized persons to access or use the schools computer systems or jeopardize the security of the schools electronic communications systems.

Alter, without authorization, the start up screen or the desktop, or download applications that will subvert these functions.

Introduce a virus, attempt to breach system security or tamper with the schools computer system.

Re-post a message that was sent privately without permission of the person who sent the message.

Download large files unless absolutely necessary. If n necessary, students will download the file at a time when the system is not being heavily used.

Post chain letters or engage in spamming (sending an annoying or unnecessary message to a large number of people).

Students may not use school facilities or equipment to transmit any radio frequency signal that is not permitted and/or licensed by the Federal Communication commission or that would violate FCC rules or policies. Use computer systems for the design, development, distribution or storage of any works of programming or software unless explicitly permitted by the school staff. Copyright 2005 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole

Arquidiocesis de Los Angeles

Acuerdo Familiar Para El Uso De Comunicaciones Electrnicas y Equipos

Las siguientes directrices aplican para todos los equipos de comunicacin electrnica de cualquier clase (por ejemplo: telefonos, computadoras, equipos de video, aparatos inalmbricos y redes). Los padres de familia deben explicar estas directrices a sus hijos, incluyendo estudiantes de primaria. Al firmar este documento, los padres de familia y los estudiantes acuerdan someterse a las directrices y polticas que se indican a continuacin. Directrices para el Uso de las Computadoras de la Escuela y Otras Tecnologas: Todos los sistemas tecnolgicos de la escuela, la informacin en ellos almacenada y los trabajos que en ellos se realicen se rigen por estas polticas de la escuela y estn sujetos a supervisin e inspeccin por parte de la escuela.

La escuela se reserva el derecho a monitorear, acceder, recobrar, leer y revelar todos los mensajes, informacin y archivos creados, enviados o almacenados en sus sistemas (incluyendo conexiones y visitas a sitios de la red) a los oficiales de polica o similares, sin previa notificacin.

Los estudiantes podrn usar el sistema de la escuela nicamente basto la directa supervisin de un miembro directivo.

Cuando sea pertinente y se apruebe, los estudiantes podrn crear mensajes por correo electrnico en las computadoras de la escuela. Sin embargo, se debe ejercer gran cuidado al hacerlo porque el contenido de dichos mensajes no puede considerarse privado o confidencial. Aun cuando los mensajes se borren, puede quedar una copia de respaldo en el sistema, que puede restaurarse, imprimirse o reenviarse a alguien ms sin el conocimiento de su autor.

Cualquier archivo que se baje del Internet y cualquier disco recibido de fuentes externas a la escuela, deber ser examinado con programas anti-virus. Cualquier virus u otra clase de invasin al sistema debe reportarse inmediatamente al director de la escuela.

Con la aprobacin del director, los estudiantes pueden crear paginas personales en al red usando el sistema de computadoras de la escuela. Todo material que se ponga en la red debe ser aprobado de manera especfica por la escuela. Los materiales puestos en la red deben relacionarse con las actividades de la escuela.

Los estudiantes y padres de familia deben informar inmediatamente al profesor u otro funcionario de la escuela de todo mensaje recibido que sea inapropiado o que les haga sentir incmodos.

La escuela no ser responsable por la supervisin continua o el monitoreo de toda comunicacin y sesin en el Internet de cada uno de los estudiantes.

Copyright 2005 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole

Los alumnos que usen nuestras computadoras y/o sistemas relacionados NO PUEDEN:
Violar ninguna regla de conducta o educacional de la escuela. Anunciar informacin personal o de otros para ser contactados sin la supervisin especifica del profesor. Informacin personal incluye nombre, nombre ficticio, direccin, telfono, direccin de la escuela, nombre de los padres, direccin del trabajo, etc.

Aceptar encuentros con alguien que hayan conocido en lnea, sin la aprobacin de los padres y la presencia de uno de ellos en cualquier encuentro.

Usar lenguaje obsceno, difamatorio, subversivo o amenazante.

Acosar, insultar o atacar a otros.

Enviar comentarios o imgenes que puedan ofender a persona (s) u organizaciones con base en la raza, credo, gnero, nacionalidad de origen, orientacin sexual, credos polticos o defectos fsicos.

Enviar o de cualquier manera transmitir materiales amparados por derecho de autor, patente, secretos de marca, indecentes u otros que contengan informacin confidencial, privada o de propiedad. Con relacin a materiales amparados por derechos de autor, hay ciertas excepciones creando es con propsitos educativos, pero si existe duda, los estudiantes deben consultar con sus profesores.

Comprometerse con cualquier acto ilegal, tales como piratear o distribuir sin autorizacin (caso de podcasting) material con derechos de autor, msica o pelculas, o involucrarse en la compra o venta de drogas, alcohol o mercancas reguladas por la ley.

Emplear la red para propsitos comerciales y/o proselitismo poltico.

Acceder a material que sea profano u obsceno (pornografa), que defienda actos ilegales, o que defienda la violencia u otras formas de discriminacin hacia otros.

Daar, alterar, interrumpir o ganar acceso no autorizado a las computadoras u otros sistemas; por ejemplo, usar claves ajenas, invadir archivos o trabajos ajenos.

Permitir que persona no autorizadas tengan acceso o usen el sistema de computadores de la escuela o pongan en peligro la seguridad de los sistemas de comunicaciones electrnicas de la escuela.

Alterar, sin autorizacin, la pantalla de comienzo o el escritorio de pantalla, o instalar aplicaciones que afecten estas funciones.

Introducir en virus, intentar violar el sistema de seguridad o estropear el sistema de computadoras de la escuela.

Reenviar o publicar un mensaje enviado privadamente, sin la autorizacin de la persona que lo envio.

Instalar archivos extensos a menos que sea absolutamente necesario. Si es necesario, los estudiantes instalaran el archivo a una hora en que el sistema tenga baja ocupacin.

Enviar cartas de cadena o involucrarse en envi de correos basura (se entiende por esto, el envi de mensajes molestos o innecesarios a un gran numero de personas).

Los estudiantes no pueden usar las instalaciones de la escuela o sus equipos para transmitir seales de radio frecuencias que no sean permitidas y/o autorizadas por la Comisin Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC por sus siglas in Ingles) o que violen sus reglas y polticas.

Usar el sistema de computadores para el diseo, desarrollo, distribucin o almacenamiento de cualquier sistema de programas de computadoras a menos que sea explcitamente autorizado por las directivas de la escuela.

Guidelines for Use of Computers or Personal Electronic Communication Devices:

We expect our parents to be equal stakeholders in the implementation of our computer and technology system policies by monitoring their childs Internet access and electronic use outside of school in a manner supportive of the schools policies. Inappropriate electronic communications among students outside of school or in school using personal electronic devices, may subject the student to disciplinary action.

Students MAY NOT: Threaten the safety or reputation of the school, its staff or students. Post personal contact information about other school personnel, teachers, or students. Personal contact information includes name, screen name, address, telephone, school address, parent/s name/s, work address, photos, e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers, etc. Use obscene, defamatory, disruptive language toward or about any school personnel, teachers or students. Harass, insult, defame, bully, attack or invade the privacy of any school personnel, teachers, or students. Send comments, text or images to school personnel, teachers, or students that would be considered offensive on the basis of race, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, political beliefs, or physical handicap. Damage, alter, disrupt or gain unauthorized access to school computers or sc hool systems; e.g. use others passwords, trespass on others folders, work or files. Enable unauthorized persons to access or use the schools computer systems or jeopardize the security of the schools electronic communications systems.

Consequences for violating any of the above policies: Suspension or permanent loss of access. Disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension and even expulsion, depending on the gravity of the offense, at the principals discretion. Involvement of law enforcement agencies.

Parent Conduct: Parents and students are expected to follow the appropriate chain of communication (contact school personnel first; if issue is not resolved, then contact the principal, pastor, and the Archdiocese) in communicating problems or issues with the school. Posting inappropriate comments about the school, its personnel or students, on the web and via e -mails does not constitute following the appropriate chain of communication. The school reserves the right to ask parents to withdraw their children in such cases where parents fail to abide by these policies Copyright 2005 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole

As the parent or legal guardian of the student signing above, I grant permission for this child to access the Internet and the schools networked computer services. I understand that individuals and families may be held liable for violations. I accept responsibility for guidance of Internet setting and use. I will convey to my child and comply with school standards regarding selecting sharing or exploring information and media on the Internet.

I hereby release the school, its personnel, and any institutions with which it is affiliated, from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my childs use of, or inability to use, the school system. Including but not limited to claims that may arise from the unauthorized use of the system to purchase products or services. Name of Student: _______________________________________________ Grade: _________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________


I understand that from time-to-time the school may wish to publish examples of students projects, photographs of students, and other work on an Internet accessible World Wide Web server or in other media. Student projects, photographs, and other work posted on the Internet will include only the students first name and the first letter of the last name.
WEB SITE I acknowledge that our schools web site content is not private and can be reviewed, copied, downloaded and transmitted by anyone with access to the Internet and that the school has no control over this. I hereby waive, release and forever discharge any and all claims, demands or causes of action against the school and its faculty, staff, employees, agents, contractors and any other person, organization or entity assisting them in connection with the posting of information on the web site for damages or injuries in any way related to, connected to or arising from the publishing or posting of information on the schools Internet web site or the use of that information and expressly assume the risk of any injury or damage resulting from said posting of information on the web site. OTHER MEDIA I hereby waive, release, and forever discharge any and all claims, demands, or causes of action against the school and its faculty, staff, employees, agents, contractors and any other person, organization, or entity assisting them in connection with publishing in other media, for damages or injuries in any way related to, connected to or arising from the publishing or the use of that information, and expressly assume the risk of any injury or damage resulting from said publishing. I hereby give permission to the school to include photos of my child and/or examples of my childs work or projects on the schools web site and in other media related to the school. Name of Student: ______________________________________________ Grade: ____________

Parent/Guardian Name (print): __________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________

Copyright 2005 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole

Directrices para el Uso de Computadores o Aparatos Personales de Comunicacin Electrnica:

Esperamos que los padres de familia participen de igual forma en la implementacin de nuestras polticas para el uso de las computadoras y sistemas tecnolgicos, mediante el monitoreo del acceso a Internet y el Uso de comunicaciones electrnicas de sus hijos por fuera de la escuela, de forma que se apoyen las polticas de la

escuela. Comunicaciones inapropiadas por medios electrnicos entre los estudiantes por fuera de la escuela o dentro de ella, usando aparatos electrnicos personales, pueden someter el estudiante a acciones disciplinarias. Los Estudiantes NO PUEDEN: Amenazar la seguridad o reputacin de la escuela, sus funcionarios u otros estudiantes. Publicar informacin personal para contactar otros miembros de la escuela, profesores o estudiantes. La informacin personal para contactar incluye nombre, nombre ficticio, direccin, telfono, direccin de la escuela, nombres de los padres, direccin del trabajo, fotos, direcciones de correo electrnico, numero de telfonos celulares, etc. Usar lenguaje obsceno, difamatorio o perjudicial hacia o refirindose a personal de la escuela, profesores o estudiantes. Acosar, insultar, difamar, intimidar, atacar o invadir la privacidad de cualquiera de los funcionarios de la escuela, profesores o estudiantes. Enviar comentarios, textos o imagenes a personal de la escuela, profesores o estudiantes que pudiera ser considerado ofensivo por motivos de raza, credo, gnero, nacionalidad de origen, orientacin sexual, credo poltico o defecto fsico. Daar, alterar, interrumpir o ganar acceso no autorizado a las computadoras de la escuela o sus sistemas; tales como usar las claves ajenas, o acceder a archivos o trabajos de otros. Permitir que personas no autorizadas tengan acceso o usen los sistemas de computadoras de la escuela o pongan en peligro la seguridad de sus sistemas de comunicacin electrnica.

Consecuencias por la violacin de cualquiera de las directrices arriba establecidas: Suspensin o prdida permanente de entrada. Accin disciplinaria, incluyendo, pero sin limitarse a, suspensin y aun expulsin, dependiendo de la gravedad de la ofensa, a discrecin del director. Participacin de las autoridades judiciales y/o de polica.

Conducta de los Padres: Se espera que los padres de familia y estudiantes sigan el conducto regular de comunicacin (contactar primero al personal de la escuela; si el asunto no se resuelve, contactar el director, prroco y la Arquidicesis) al poner en conocimiento problemas o asuntos relacionados con la escuela. El publicar comentarios inapropiados acerca de la escuela, su personal o estudiantes en la red y va correo electrnico non es la forma de seguir el conducto regular de comunicacin. La escuela se reserva el derecho de pedir a los padres que retiren a sus hijos en los casos en que ellos los padres- no se rijan por estas directrices. Copyright 2005 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole

En mi capacidad de padre o tutor legal del estudiante abajo firmante, concedo autorizacin para que este nio(a) tenga acceso al Internet y a los servicios de la red de computadoras de la escuela. Entiendo que tanto los individuos como las familias pueden ser responsables por violaciones. Acepto m i responsabilidad den la orientacin del uso y

ajuste del Internet. Cumplir con los criterios de la escuela en cuanto a seleccionar, compartir o explorar informacin y medios de comunicacin en el Internet y esto se lo transmitir a mi hijo. Por medio de este documento, libero a la escuela, su personal y cualquier institucin a la que este afiliada, de cualquier reclamo por perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que se produzcan por el uso que mi hijo(a) haga del sistema de la escuela o de su inhabilidad para usarlo, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a reclamos que puedan originarse del uso no autorizado del sistema para la compra de productos o servicios. Nombre del estudiante: _________________________________________ Firma del estudiante: ___________________________________________ Firma del Padre/Tutor: _________________________________________ Grado: __________ Fecha: ___________ Fecha: ___________


Entiendo que de vez en cuando la escuela deseara publicar ejemplos de proyectos de los alumnos, fotografas de los alumnos, y otros trabajos en un servidor de World Wide Web (Red mundial de computadoras) accesible a la Internet. Los proyectos de los alumnos/as fotografas, y otro trabajo publicado en la Internet contendrn nicamente la inicial de su apellido y sus primer nombre.

Sitio de Internet Yo reconozco que el contenido del sitio de Internet de nuestra escuela no es privado y puede ser revisado, copiado, recibido y transmitido por cualquier persona que tenga acceso a la Internet y que la escuela no tiene ningn control sobre esto. Yo renuncio, libero y por siempre desecho cualquier y todo cargo, demandas o causas de accin en contra de la escuela y su facultad, personal, empleados, agentes, contratistas y cualquier otra persona, organizacin o entidad ayudando en conexin a la publicacin de informacin y asumo el riesgo de daos y perjuicios como resultado de la publicacin en el sitio de Internet. Otra Forma de Comunicacin Por medio de este documento renuncio, libero, y por siempre desencarnarme de cualquier demanda o causad de accin en contra de la escuela y su facultad, empleados, agentes, y cualquier otra persona, organizacin o identidad que los ayude in conectarlos con otra forma de comunicacin, por daos en cualquier manera relacionados con, conectar o que vengan de la publicacin de este medio o el uso de esta informacin, y expresivamente asumo el riesgo de cualquier dao que pueda pasar a causa de dicha publicacin. Por este medio le doy permiso a la escuela de incluir fotos de mi hijo(a) y/o ejemplos del trabajo de mi hijo(a) en el sitio de Internet de la escuela y en otro medio de comunicacin referido a la escuela.

Nombre del estudiante: ____________________________________________ Grado: __________ Nombre del Padre o tutor: ____________________________________________________ Firma del Padre o tutor: __________________________________________________ Fecha:_________

Copyright 2005 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole


Spiritual formation is an integral part of the schools program. It is why we are here; it is what St. Thomas School is all about; it is why the school exists.

We are a family, a school family. As is the case in any family, there will be tough times-times when all our family members dont always agree. It is during these times of disagreement that we are truly tested in our religion and our Christian values. It is the goal of our teachers to teach with the same passion and compassion that Jesus did. It is our goal for our students and their families to interact in a family-like atmosphere as Jesus intended for us. Let us all work together to foster this feeling of family and fellowship so that we can offer to our children a sound education in the most loving and Christian environment possible. Religion is taught daily, and motivation toward true Christian living is incorporated into all activities. Parents can help their children with their spiritual formation by encouraging them to attend mass regularly, and by providing them with frequent opportunities to receive the sacraments with the family. A. Family Life Program, including HIV and AIDS education, is an integral part of the religion curriculum. Parent participation is essential to the success of this program. The family life program is approved and encouraged by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. In brief, it is a spiritually guided and inspired program which covers the gift of Gods human sexuality. B. Family Groups (Character Education Program) To help the students strengthen their moral values and relationship with GOD, others and themselves; the students will actively participate in the school wide character formation program. Monthly, students will gather in their family groups and actively take part in character education.

Students who receive a grade of D, NI or lower will not be able to participate in or try out for student activity until their grade(s) have been raised. Assessment periods are at progress reports, report cards, and at the principals (& A.D.) discretion. If these requirements are not met during the assessment period, the student will be placed on sports/activity suspension. It is the discretion of the principal and the A.D. to determine the length of the sports/activity suspension. It is the responsibility of the student to check with their principal/A.D. after the suspension period to see if they are eligible to participate in the student activity. A. CYO Sports CYO sports are available for students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th . If resources allow, students in grades 4th and 5th may participate. The sports include: A. Flag Football (Co-ed) B. Boys and Girls Volleyball C. Boys and Girls Basketball D. Girls Softball B. Activities A. Student Council (4th to 8th grade) B. Spring Musical (open to directors discretion) C. Dance (open to instructors discretion) D. Choir *Students are eligible depending on their effort in academics and behavior for sports and all activities.

Parents of children who are set to have their First Communion in May 2012 must attend informational meetings as well as a series of spiritual formation and growth meetings that will incorporate First Communion themes, concepts, and ideals that will aid in the preparation for First Communion. The meetings will be announced at a later date.

A (93-100) B+ (90-92) C+ (80-84) D (65-69) F (64 & below) B (89-87) C (75-79) B- (85-86) C- (70-74)

It is required that an 8th grade student maintain a passing grade in all subject areas, including behavior and effort. A certificate of attendance rather than a diploma will be issued to the student who fails to meet all academic and behavioral requirements. In cases involving offenses prior to graduation, the student is immediately suspended and is not allowed to participate in graduation activities. Tuition and all fees must be paid in order for a student to graduate.

Each student must complete 20 hours of community service in order to graduate.

Each student will be required to write a paper based on his/her spiritual/moral experiences at St. Thomas in conjunction with the SLEs.

Teachers in all grades give homework; it is a necessary part of school learning. We ask that each family provide a quiet, supervised environment for each child to study and do homework assignments. The following are suggested times that your child should be sp ending to study and to do homework assignments each evening ( 5 times a week). Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 not to exceed one-half hour approximately one hour approximately two hours

Although parents are encouraged to assist, when possible, with homework assignments, it is detrimental to the child and the educational process when parents actually complete the assignment for the child.

If a student requires private tutoring or parents wish to have a student tutored in school subjects, the parents are responsible for engaging the tutor and paying all tutoring costs. The school may assist the parents in identifying tutoring resources.

Teachers may not be paid for tutoring students assigned to t heir classes. With prior permission from the principal, teachers may tutor others students who attend the school and be paid for such tutoring by the parents. A school may arrange with independent contractors or entities, who are not teachers or staff at the school to provide tutoring on a fee basis. Independent entities must have appropriate licenses, agreements for use of the premises and insurance. All tutors and entities must comply with the procedures and policies of the extended school day program and the Archdiocesan Guidelines for Adults Interacting with Minors and Parish or Parish School Activities or Events.

Preferences shall be given to active members of the parish. Under Archdiocesan guidelines for financial considerations, the optimum number of students per classroom is thirty-five (35). The recommended age for kindergarten students is five (5) year of age on or before September 1 st , but required by December 1st. The recommended age for first grade students is six (6) years of age on or before September 1 st , but required by December 1st, unless waived by the principal. All students must comply with current California immunization and health requirements prior to enrollment. The parish school will strive to have Catholic education accessible to as many students as possible, both with its educational programs and financial consideration however, it may have insufficient resources to serve the educational needs of all students. The pastor and principal will review a students continued eligibility for enrollment in the parish school.

Admissions Requirements
For all new students the following documents are required: 1. Birth Certificate 2. Baptismal certificate/First Communion certificate 3. Current record of immunization and health 4. Report card demonstrating student is on a grade level and consistently shows good conduct and effort. 5. Registration fee If the child passes the test and the report card is satisfactory, an interview is required for the child and parents with our pastor. Priority is given in the following order. 1. Families who are registered and contributing members of St. Thomas Parish. 2. Catholic Families outside of parish. 3. Non Catholic families.


The school, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students regardless of race, color, or national and/or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, or national and/or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies and practices, scholarship programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs, although certain athletic leagues and other programs may limit participation. While the school does not discriminate against students with special needs, a full range of services may not always be available to them. Decisions concerning the admission and continued enrollment of a student in the school are based upon the students emotional, academic and physical abilities and the resources available to the school in meeting the students needs.

Through the mission of the Archdiocese, our schools strive to serve children with varied learning needs. All educators in Archdiocesan schools follow Directions for the Inclusion Process in Catholic Schools: Support Team Education Plan Process (STEP) and Minor Adjustment Plan Process (MAP). Parents or guardians who feel that their student may need a minor adjustment to enable him/her to participate in the general education curriculum or the school should consult the students teacher and principal to determine how best to meet the students needs. Parents or guardians may request the Disability Discrimination Complaint Review Process from the principal to address unresolved issues.


After School care is available following every school day until 6:00 p.m. You can inquire about the cost of the program each day after school by visiting our school auditorium where the program takes place. There is a separate fee for occasional visits to the program. Children must be picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal or they will be sent to the After School Program. There will be a fee charged to any parent whose child is sent to the program. This is done to the protection of each child. The neighborhood that surrounds the school is dangerous to have your child wandering unsupervised. Every child must be supervised while on school grounds. Every family is asked to cooperate in this matter, for your childs safety. As a regular participant in daycare; there will be $35 mandatory registration fee for the year. The $35mandatory registration fee will be applied to the non-regular attendee student on h is/her visit to daycare. There are no exceptions. On the 5th visit, that student will be considered a regular.

All After School Care parents are required to attend three meetings per year to get program updates and organize fundraising activities to purchase additional resources for the program. Meetings will be held in the school auditorium on Wednesdays from 6:00 pm 7:00 pm. Meetings dates will be assigned at a later time. Service hours will be awarded for meeting attendance and donations.


All students attending After School Care are required to follow school rules. Disciplinary action will be taken if rules are not followed according to the programs guidelines. If a student receives three pink slips in Day Care, he/she might be withdrawn from the program. Please see After School Care Parent Handbook for further information.


We have students who are not being picked up by the assigned time of 3:15 pm on Monday through Thursday and 12:30 pm on Friday. We have a very affordable daycare program, as does Normandie Park. If you allow an older student to go home by himself or herself, please remind them that they are not to hang out on the school campus. If your child is in tutoring or on an after school activity, please be sure to pi ck up your child immediately after the activity. This is for the safety of all our students. All students who are not picked up by 3:15 on Monday through Thursday and 12:30 pm on Fridays will be sent to daycare and the families of these students will be charged a $7.00 fee.


Under the Zero Tolerance Policy of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, any person guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor under the age of 18: May not have any paid or volunteer assignment in any ministry in the Archdiocese, and May not volunteer in any non-ministerial activity or event where he/she has any possibility of more than incidental contact or supervisory or disciplinary power over minors.

Any parent or guardian who is a registered sex offender must contact the principal to discuss the requirements in order to assure compliance with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Zero Tolerance Policy. As members of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles community, we want to assure that we are in compliance with both Megans Law and our Zero Tolerance Policy.


Concern for the dignity and rights of each person are intrinsic to the Churchs mission as a true witness to the spirit of the Gospel. Circumstances may give rise to conflicts among students, parents and school staff. All parties are encouraged to use every available means to resolve these conflicts when they occur. However, if the involved parties are unable to resolve their conflicts, families may use the Parent/Student Complaint Review Process for additional assistance. All those participating in the Complain Review Process are responsible to strive toward reconciliation and act in good faith. Legal representation is not permitted during the Complaint Review Process. Any person filing a complaint is to be free from restraint, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in any form.

School Level
The person bringing the complaint is encouraged to try to resolve the complaint by discussing it with the persons directly involved. If resolution is not achieved, the complaint should be discussed with the principal (or the pastor, if the principal is the subject of the complaint). For elementary schools, if the principal is unable to resolve the conflict, the principal will bring the pastor into the process as appropriate. After reviewing the facts and facilitating discussion of the problem the principal will respond to the person bringing the complaint.

Department of Catholic Schools Level

If the complaint is not resolved at the school or parish level, the complaint may be submitted in writing to the supervisor at the Department of Catholic Schools, outlining the concerns and reviewing the local process. The supervisor will review the complaint (with such consultation as may be appropriate) in a timely fashion and will endeavor to mediate and resolve the matter. However, if no agreement can be reached, the supervisor will make a final determination concerning the resolution of the complaint, based on the application of Archdiocesan and school policies and/or regulations, and communicate that determination, which will be final and binding, in writing to all parties.


It is expected that each Catholic elementary school will establish a Parent Teacher Organization and a Consultative School Board. Both groups exist to support the school and are critical to the schools viability, but they have very different functions.

Parent Organizations
The main functions of the Parent Teacher Organization are to raise funds for the schools current operational expenses, to promote parental support for the school program, and to increase mutual understanding between school and parents. The membership of the parent teacher organization shall include the pastor, the principal, the parents or legal guardians, and the faculty of the school. Financial operation of a parent teacher organization shall be governed by the regulations for financial operations as found in the Parent Teacher Organization Bylaws (see Administrative Handbook).

Consultative School Boards

The general responsibilities of the Consultative School Board are in the following areas: strategic planning; policy development; resource development; institutional advancement; advice and counsel with regard to financial planning, management and reporting; marketing of the school and evaluation of the boards goals and activities. The membership of the Consultative School Board should include the pastor, principal, parents (no more than one-third of the total membership), alumni parents, parishioners, members of the civic and local business community, and area educators. Under Canon Law and Archdiocesan guidelines (see Administrative Handbook for Bylaws), the members advise the administrative team (pastor and principal) and cannot make decisions binding for the parish education program without the approval of the administrative team (A Primer on educational Governance in the Catholic Church, the CACE/NABE Governance Task Force, NCEA, 1998). The regional supervisor at the Department of Catholic Schools is available to assist and guide schools in the implementation of the Consultative School Board.

St. Thomas PTO

The Parent-Teacher Organization is in existence to promote the ideas of Catholic Education by fostering a better understanding of parental responsibilities in the spiritual and educational development of our children. The membership of the P.T.A. is comprised of parents, guardians, and all staff members of St. Thomas School. Following are the primary goals of the St. Thomas P.T.O.: A. To support the school and its policies. When school policies are formulated, the good of all the students and teachers is considered. Therefore, it is expected that the P.T.O. will strive to do all it can to support and uphold the policies set in place by the administration.

It is NOT the role of the P.T.O. to formulate school policy. P.T.O. meetings are never to be a forum for discussion regarding individual concerns about school matters. B. To help support the school financially, anticipated profits from fundraising play an important role when formulating the school budget for the year. Therefore we anticipate a certain amount of money will be brought in through the fundraising efforts of the P.T.O. It is NOT the role of the P.T.O. to determine how those profits will be spent. We have many needs for St. Thomas School; often there will be urgent needs that are not possible to anticipate. Therefore, it is necessary that the administration reserves the right to determine how the monies will be spent. We will always take all opinions into consideration, but the decision is made by the schools administration. C. To be a source of education to the associations members. Our goal is to bring in sp eakers and presenters who will help us all to become better educators of our children. Please offer your suggestions or assistance in planning appropriate programs. D. All parents are mandated to attend three PTO meetings within the school year that includes Back-To-School Night, or that family will be assessed $25.00 penalty for non-attendance. E. A classroom representative will be assigned each year to help coordinate classroom and school wide events. F. The school will also have a teacher representative at all scheduled PTO meetings who will report to the other teachers and staff members absent from the meeting.

Each family signs a parent agreement annually. A family can be asked to withdraw from the school for violations of the parent agreement.

The mission and purpose of the school is education. Schools do not assume the responsibilities proper to the family and to society. Schools may not assume the responsibility for psychological counseling or therapy because they are not qualified or licensed to provide such counseling or therapy. Schools may engage in the following activities in addition to providing classroom instruction: Provide advice regarding academic subjects and student progress in school; Give limited guidance to students who present with non-academic personal issues or situations Provide referrals to marriage and family counselor, child psychologists, licensed academic psychologist, psychiatrists and similar professional for diagnosis and treatment. If the school provides referrals to parents the list must include at least three names of qualified persons or entities; Retain, where necessary, appropriate professionals to provide educational testing that is needed for assessment of a students academic ability, learning patterns, achievement motivation, and personality factors directly related to academic learning problems, or psychological counseling services for the school. Prior to entering into such a contractual relationship, the principal will ensure that the person is credentialed, licensed or otherwise properly qualified. The school may refer a student for specific or additional testing, as appropriate, generally at the parent/guardians expense.

In cases of actual or suspected child abuse or abuse of vul nerable adults, the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Ministry is available as a resource. The Victims Assistance Ministry provides outreach and guidance to those suffering from abuse; sponsors a faith-based trauma recovery program; and assists in informing parish, school, archdiocesan and

governmental authorities of the allegations of abuse. Referral to the Victims Assistance Ministry is not a substitute for mandated reporting of suspected abuse. Such a report must be made in accordance with Archdiocesan policy.

Discipline is an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment. The purpose of discipline is to provide a school climate conducive to learning and one that promotes character development. Discipline is maintained in a classroom or school when students work cooperatively with the principal, the teachers, and their classmates toward the attainment of the class and school objectives. However, it should be noted that the legitimate interest of the school extends beyond the school day and beyond the school hours.

Teachers are not expected to tolerate any form of disrespect of bad behavior. Neither should any class have to tolerate a lesson being interrupted by a disruptive classmate. If a teacher deems it necessary, a student might receive a Disciplinary Referral Form (pink slip) this form will indicate the behavior or infraction; the child will then be referred to the principal or vice principal. There, the student will be counseled, and then the form will be s ent home to be signed by the childs parent(s). The form MUST BE SIGNED and returned the next school day. If parents wish, a conference can be arranged, but the form must be returned signed. If a child receives three of these forms, he or she will be automatically suspended from school for a least one day. (There are circumstances that are grounds for immediate Suspension, even if no prior pink slips have been issued, for instance, cheating or harassment.) Before the child can return to school, a conference must take place with the principal and the parent(s). At the conference the child will be placed on probation for the remainder of the school year. Manual labor may be used as a form of discipline. Teachers have the right to send children home when they are not prepared for school academically or behaviorally.

Any of the reasons listed for expulsion where mitigating circumstances exist may be adequate cause for suspension of a student: No student shall be suspended from an elementary school for more than two consecutive weeks. Notice of suspension must be given to the parents/guardians by telephone or in a conference. The principal shall schedule a conference with the suspended students parents/guardians to discuss matter s pertinent to the suspension especially the means by which the parents/guardians and the school can cooperatively encourage the student to improve behavior. The suspended student may be present at the conference. In no case will a teacher on his/her own authority suspend a student.

Reason for expulsion are, but are not limited to, the following offenses committed by students: Actions gravely detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare of other students. Habitual profanity or vulgarity. Assault, battery or any threat of force or violence directed toward any school personnel or student. Bullying or harassing school personnel or other students.

Open, persistent defiance of the authority of the teacher. Continued willful disobedience. Use, sale or possession of narcotics, drugs or any other controlled substance. Use, sale, distribution, or possession of any alcoholic beverages on or near school premises. Smoking or having tobacco. Stealing Forging signatures Cheating or plagiarism Willful cutting, defacing or otherwise injuring in any way property, real or personal belonging to the school Habitual truancy Possession of harmful weapons (e.g., knives, guns, etc.) or materials that can be used as weapons. Membership in, active involvement in, or affiliation with a gang or group responsible for coercive or violent activity. Actions in or out of school which are detrimental to the schools reputation. Violation of the Electronic Communications Policy policies and guidelines. Inappropriate conduct or behavior unbecoming a student in a Catholic school.

Procedure for Expulsion

When the reasons for expulsion are purely disciplinary, i.e., when serious moral reasons are not involved, the following steps must be taken: A conference must be held with the parents/guardian, student, teacher, and principal present to advise the family that serious action is contemplated unless there is immediate improvement in behavior. In parish schools, the pastor should be notified of the conference, given an opportunity to attend and proved a report of the discussion. If there is no improvement in behavior, the final decision will be announced at a second conference attended by the principal, teacher, and parents/guardians. If the parents fail without cause, to attend the conference, the pastor, principal, and teacher will reach a final decision. The final decision rests with the pastor in consultation with the principal. In no case will a teacher on h is/her own authority expel a student. Full credit will be given for all work accomplished by the student up to the moment of expulsion.

Cases Involving Grave Offenses

In cases involving grave offenses, which may include a violation of criminal law or actions so outrageous as to shock the conscience or behavior of the community, the student is immediately suspended and the initial parent-principal conference is dispensed with. The procedure involving cases of grave offenses should be followed when the continued presence of the student at school (even for a short period of time) will, in the reasonable judgment of the principal, pose a serious threat to the health and welfare of another student or students, or faculty m embers. When immediate suspension is imposed, with probably expulsion, while the case is being investigated, the rules and the consequences of the violation should be clearly explained to the student and parents/guardians.

Time of Expulsion
An expulsion may be made immediately if the reasons are urgent. Only in exceptional cases shall expulsion of an eighth grade student who has been in the school one or more years be allowed.

If an expulsion is to take place during the last quarter of the school year or during the last semester in the case of an eighth grade student, prior approval of the Department of Catholic Schools is required before the expulsion can take effect. If such action is contemplated, approval shall be obtained before the announcement of the final decision to the parents at the meeting described below.

Reporting of Expulsions
All expulsions even if they occur at the end of the year, are to be reported by telephone to the elementary supervisor at the Department of Catholic Schools within twenty-four hours. The written report, Notice of Dismissal, should be mailed promptly to the elementary supervisor. The attendance office of the local public school district shall be notified immediately of expulsions. A copy of the Cumulative Student Record should be held until requested.

Right to Make Exceptions

The principal, in consultation with the pastor, retains the right to make exceptions in cases where mitigating circumstances call for a different response than policy suggests.


St. Thomas School is committed to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment that respects Christian values and is free from harassment, bullying or hazing in any form. Harassment, bullying or hazing of any student by any other student, lay employee, religious, clergy, or school volunteer is prohibited. The school will treat allegations of any such conduct seriously and will review and investigate such allegations in a prompt, confidential and through manner. This policy shall be communicated clearly to faculty, staff, volunteers, parents/guardians, and students. Substantiated acts of harassment, bullying or hazing by a student will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of the student. Students found to have filed false or frivolous charges will also be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. For students in grades K-3, this disciplinary action shall depend on the maturity of the students and the circumstances involved. For students in grades 4 through 8, the disciplinary action may include suspension or dismissal. Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to treatment or a school environment that is hostile or intimidating based upon a legally protected class, such as race, sex, ethnic origin or religion. It includes, but is not limited to, any of all of the following: Verbal harassment: Derogatory comments and jokes; threatening words spoken to another person. Physical harassment: Unwanted physical touching, contact, assault, deliberate impending or blocking movements, or any intimidating interference with normal work or movement. Visual harassment: Derogatory, demeaning or inflammatory posters, cartoons, written words, drawings, and gestures. Sexual harassment: Unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Bullying is the habitual harassing, intimidating, tormenting, browbeating, humiliating, terrorizing, oppressing and/or threatening or another person. Bullying typically consists of direct behaviors, such as teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, shoving, and stealing that are initiated by one or more students against a victim or victims. In addition to direct attacks, bullying may also be indirect, such as spreading rumors that cause victims to be socially isolated through intentional exclusion. Whether the bullying is direct or indirect, the key component of bullying is physical or psychological intimidation that occurs repeatedly over time to create an ongoing pattern of harassment and abuse. Hazing is any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to these organizations which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm, to any student or other person. Students also may be involved in cyber bullying, which occurs when they bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. This can include, but is not limited to:

Sending inappropriate text, e-mail, or instant messages. Posting inappropriate pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web Sites. Using someone elses user name to spread rumors or lies about someone.

It is the responsibility of the school to: Establish practices and provide staff development training and age-appropriate information for students, designed to create a school environment free from discrimination, intimidation or harassment. Make all faculty, staff, students, parents/guardians, and volunteers aware of this policy and the commitment of the school toward its strict enforcement. Remain watchful for conditions that create or may lead to a hostile offensive school environment.

It is the students responsibility to: Conduct himself or herself in a manner that contributes to a positive school environment. Avoid any activity that may be considered discriminatory, intimidating, harassing, bullying or hazing. If possible, inform the other person(s) that the behavior is offensive and unwelcome. Report all incidents of discrimination, harassment, bullying or hazing to the principal or teacher. As appropriate, the students involved may be asked to complete a formal, written complaint which will be investigated thoroughly and will involve only the necessary parties. Confidentiality will be maintained as much as possible.

All threats by students to inflict serious harm to self or others, or to destroy property, will be taken seriously. Whoever hears or becomes aware of any threat made by a student should immediately report it to the pastor, principal or a teacher. The principal will notify the police and the Department of Catholic School immediately. The student who has made the threat will be kept in the school office under supervision until the police arrive. The parents/guardians of the student who has made the threat will be notified. Any adult or student who has been identified as the potential victim, or mentioned in writing as a potential victim, will be notified immediately. The student who has made the threat will be suspended until the investigation by the police and school has been completed. The decision to re-admit a student who has made a threat will be made by the principal and pastor on a case-by-case basis. Practical jokes or offhand comments of a threatening nature will be taken seriously and will be investigated. The police may be notified and these actions may result in suspension or removal of a student from school.

A students legitimate expectation of privacy in their person and in the personal effects they bring to school must be balanced against the obligation of the school to maintain discipline and to provide a safe environment for the school community. Accordingly, school officials may conduct a search of the students person and personal effects based on a reasonable suspicion that the search will disclose evidence that the student is violating or has violated the laws or a school rule. School officials do not need a warrant or a parents permission to conduct a search of the student and/or the schools or a students personal property, as long as they have reasonable suspicion that a law or school rule is being or has been violated. Whenever a school principal conducts a search of a students person or per sonal effects, and adult witness should be present.

Students do not own their lockers or other school property. Lockers are made available to the student by the school. The student does have some expectation of privacy in his/her locker from other students. However, a student may not exclude school officials if the school official has a reasonable suspicion that a law or school rule has been violated. A student has a greater expectation of privacy concerning his/her backpack, purse, clothing and other personal effects. A school official who finds it necessary to conduct a search of a students backpack, purse , clothing or personal effects, must have a reasonable suspicion that the student is violating or has violated a law or school rule. The students pa rents should be notified of any such search. An alert from trained and certified detector dog is sufficient to allow the school official to have a reasonable suspicion and to conduct a warrantless search of the students locker, car or his/her personal property and effects. In addition to this policy on searches by the school, every student is subject to the Archdiocesan and school use and privacy policies concerning cell phones and other electronic devices, whether the devices belong to the school or to the student. If a student refuses to cooperate in a reasonable search of the school or student property (including electronic devices), the students parents and/or the police may be called to assistance or referral. In the event that any items belonging to a student are confiscated, the principal should document that fact and, when possible, take a photograph of the place where the confiscated object was found and of the object itself. It is also recommended that the school obtain a signature from the student acknowledging that the item was in his or her possession at the time it was found.

Academic/Behavior Probation
Any student with a GPA below 2.0 at the end of a trimester and/or any student receiving two or more Fs within a trimester will be placed on academic probation. Any student who is placed on probation for two trimesters may be asked to leave St. Thomas School. Any student receiving any D/NI or F/P, in behavior, at the end of the trimester will be placed on behavioral probation. Any student, who receives two trimester grades of D/NI or F/P, in behavior, will be asked to withdraw from St. Thomas School. Academic and Behavioral Probation may, at the discretion of the principal and teacher, be extended into the upcoming school year. Any student who is placed on probation may not participate in any school activities and/or functions. For example: sports, choir, student council, spirit day, etc.

A child may be placed on probation at any time at the discretion of the teacher, principal or pastor. Once a child is placed on probation it is possible that they might not participate in extracurricular activities and field trips. This will be left up to the discretion of the teachers, based on the childs class performance and behavior as well as previous record. When a child is placed on probation, he or she agrees to make the necessary changes in behavior, grades, effort and attitude to be a successful student at St. Thomas. The parents and student agree, in writing, to withdraw the child from the school if the terms of probation are not met according to the standards set by the teacher and administration. If the child receives three or more disciplinary referral forms after being placed on probation, it will be cause for withdrawal or dismissal from St. Thomas.


There is no warning signal for an earthquake or a surprise attack. The drill involves a school-wide signal that is given over the public address system. The signal is the announcement of EARTHQUAKE which is repeated several times. While the announcement is made students are to imagine the earthquake is happening. As long as the announcement continues, students are to imagine that the building is shaking. When the announcement stops, students are to imagine that the shaking has stopped. An emergency drop drill is conducted once each semester. In case of an earthquake and during the drills, the children have been instructed to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Get under a desk or table, if possible. Drop to their knees with their backs toward the windows. Hold on to a piece of furniture (desk, table, etc.) Bury face in arms, protecting the head; close eyes tightly. Stay in place until instructed to leave. Stay calm

The instructions will depend upon the circumstances and extent of damage to the building. After evacuation, the children have been assigned to specific areas of the playground where they, together with their teachers, will await the arrival of their parents. Parents, or guardians, should never take the children from their designated areas without first consulting the teacher. The procedure can avoid much confusion and chaos.


First Day: On the first day of an emergency, St. Thomas School will follow the action of local public schools. Parents are advised to listen to directives on the radio. If danger is imminent, St. Thomas School will be evacuated even though the public schools may not.

The student interests in receiving a quality, morally-based education can be served if students, parents, and school officials work together. Normally, differences between these individuals can be resolved. In some rare instances, however, the school may find it necessary, in its discretion, to require parents/guardians to withdraw their child. It shall be an express condition of enrollment that the parents/guardians of a student shall also conform themselves to standards of conduct that are consistent with the Catholic Christian principles of this school, as determined by the school in its discretion. These principles include, but are not limited to, any policies or procedures set forth in the Parent/ Student Handbook of this school. These Catholic Christian principles further include, but are not limited to, the following: Parent/guardians are expected to work courteously and cooperatively with the school to assist the student in meeting the academic, moral, and behavioral expectations of the school. Students and parents/guardians may respectfully express their concerns about the school operation and its personnel. However, they may not do so in a manner that is discourteous, scandalous, rumor-driven, disruptive, threatening, hostile, or divisive. These expectations for students and parent/guardians include, but are not limited to; all school-sponsored programs and events (e.g., extended care, athletics, field trips, etc.) The school reserves the right to determine, in its discretion, which actions fall short of meeting the Catholic Christian principles of the school. Failure to follow these principles will normally result in a verbal or written warning to the student and/or parent/guardian and normally will first result in disciplinary action short of a requirement to withdraw from the school (e.g. suspension of a student or suspension of parent/guardians privilege to come on the campus grounds and/or participate in parish/school activities, volunteer work, etc.)

The school reserves the right to determine, in its discretion, when conduct is of such a severe nature as to warrant immediate action without a warning and/or without an intermediate step short of withdrawal.

Association with or membership in any group(s) whose values and behaviors are contrary to Christian principles is grounds for expulsion. Gangs, tagging crews, party crews, etc. and their behaviors are contrary to the teachings, philosophy and mission of St. Thomas School. Gangs do not contribute positively to the health and safety of our community. They may be involved in drug use/abuse, assault, battery, threats or force or violence, and destruction of property. Any clothing, jewelry, buttons, pins, pictures, internet photos, etc. which are in any way gang related or connected to gang association are not allowed and are grounds for expulsion.


Families not supporting the school program may be dismissed from the school at the discretion of the Administration. Students are not allowed to participate in finals, graduation, awards ceremony, etc. unless tuition payments, fundraising, service hours and all fees are met. A student will not be allowed to return to school in the fall if there is an outstanding balance of any amount from the previous year(s).

There is a yearly fee for books, registration and student supplies. There are additional fees for sports, graduation, and communion and for occasional special programs. Late fees will be added to your bill if a fee is not submitted by the announced deadline. Please review the calendar for important deadlines . The annual registration fee is non-refundable. The student book fee is non-refundable.

Since we are a Catholic school and receive very little government assistance, it is absolutely necessary for us to have ongoing fundraisers if we are to keep our tuition at an affordable rate. When you become a part of the St. Thomas School Family it is understood that part of your responsibilities will include participating in our fundraising campaigns. This includes all families regardless of what tuition rate you pay. All families attending St. Thomas School are required to participate in all fundraisers. If your family would rather not participate there is a $250 fee that will be attached to your current tuition. All fundraisers are also an opportunity to fulfill service hrs. when selling more than the required amount.


There will be a charge for lost items. Books: Report Cards: Family Envelopes: The current cost of the book. $5.00 $5.00


This year St. Thomas School Scholarships were made available. In order to receive a reduction in the standard tuition, a family must be eligible according to the requirements for either one of the scholarships. Families who are new to St. Thomas School are only eligible for Scholarship A. Once a family has been in the school for one year they are eligible to apply for Scholarship B. Scholarship B required that a family be active in parish life at St. Thomas. The minimum donation that can be made to the church through the church envelopes is $150.00 for the year and is due no later than December 31st to qualify for the upcoming school year during the registration process. If the donation falls short of that, a family is not eligible for Scholarship B. Please refer to the Scholarship application for other eligibility requirements.

Those families who pay the standard rate must complete a total of 10 hours. Families with any type of scholarship are required to contribute 40 hours of service to the school. In order to keep the tuition at a reasonable amount, the support of the families is vital. It is also important for families to be involved with their childrens school. Some of the ways that only family member might contribute service includes: Yard duty, supervising of the hallways, cafeteria aide, volunteering at dances, office work, parish fiesta, classroom aide library aide, coaching, monthly breakfast, chaperones. Field Trips-Service hours will be given for only one field trip per child. (Only one parent in attendance will be given credit) Only family members are to fulfill service hours at the school. It is not permitted to hire others to complete service hours. Children presently enrolled at St. Thomas may NOT complete the service hours. If you have older children or other relatives who are willing to assist in needed capacities, please let us know. Make sure that the person recording the hours knows which family to credit with the time put in. It is the responsibility of each family to make certain that their hours have been recorded. The hours are recorded in your childs name. Each family is responsible for delivering their service hour records to the school office so that they can be recorded. NOTE: EACH FAMILY WILL BE CHARGED $15.00 FOR EVERY HOUR NOT SERVED.


Scholarship Rate Families: families under scholarship rate tuition are required to complete a total of 40 service hours per school year. Families are mandated to complete 10 hours out of those 40 hours assisting in the classrooms. Standard Rate families: Parents who have standard rate tuition are required to complete a total of 10 service hours per year. Families are mandated to complete 3 hours out of these 10 hours assisting in the classrooms. Parents who have not completed their service hours by mid May of the school year will be billed $15.00 per hour for each non-served hour. A $15.00 service charge will be added each month that the bill is outstanding.

We use FACTS TUITION MANAGEMENT for our Tuition Collection. All payments for tuition will be deducted automatically FROM YOUR CHECKING OR SAVING ACCOUNT through FACTS. Those families not participating THROUGH FACTS must have their payment paid in full by SEPTEMBER 1ST, 2014 Tuition is due on the 5th or 20th of each month. PLEASE REFER TO THE FACTS BROCHURE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. For information or questions please call 1-800-624-7092 OR VISIT WWW.FACTSMGT.COM *If you are having difficulty fulfilling your tuition payments, you must make an appointment with the principal to discuss payment arrangements.

Tuition Payments for 2013-2014 school year

Next year St. Thomas will be offering an 11 month tuition payment plan through FACTS. The payment cycle begins in August and ends in June. The 10 month cycle is also available: it begins in August and ends in May.

These must be purchased from Kids Unlimited Uniform Company. Their number is (310) 675-6060. Nonuniform pants, shorts, skirts, sweaters and sweatshirts are not acceptable. All students must wear the new uniform and be IN COMPLIANCE. Mandatory Plaid Skirt Navy Blue Shorts (with school initials on pocket) Navy Blue Pants (with school initials on pocket) Light Blue shirts w/ Emblem (short and long sleeved) available All grades All grades All grades All grades Girls Only Boys and Girls Boys and Girls Boys and Girls Boys and Girls

Navy Blue Cardigan/Vest or Pullover with Emblem Only All gradees (to be used for special events and masses) Navy Blue St. Thomas P.E. T-shirt/Sweatshirt/Shorts (available in student store only) All grades All grades

Boys and Girls Boys and Girls Boys and Girls Boys and Girls Boys and Girls Boys and Girls Boys and Girls

White,Navy blue or black knee highs/ mid length visible socks only Ties (to be used for special events and masses) Black tennis or dress shoes (no color of any kind with the exception of white is acceptable) Black and white saddle shoe White and blue saddle shoe Shoes with Velcro

All grades All grades All grades All grades All grades

Turtlenecks or any long sleeved shirts under uniform are not allowed. No boots of any kind are allowed at any time (UGGS or similar, etc) No pant like leggings are to be worn.

All grades Boys and Girls

Optional: Only tights in solid blue or solid black color can be worn but not to be worn to liturgies No lace tights or tights with designs are allowed.


On Free Dress Days, students are expected to dress appropriately and modestly for school. Unacceptable dress includes: 1. Extraordinarily baggy clothing especially pants, visible undergarments especially boxers. 2. Short shorts or Daisy Dukes. 3. Miniskirts or mini dresses. 4. Any blouse or dress with less than 1 straps. No spaghetti straps and no strapless tops. 5. Tops not long enough to be tucked in the front and back; no navel or mid drift showing. 6. No flip-flops. 7. No bandanas or any type or color. 8. No over-size clothing is permitted. 9. No clothing full of holes or fringed. 10. No clothing with images that are sexual in nature, related to alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, derogatory images or words towards a particular race, ethnicity, religion or gender. The school will be the final judge of appropriate dress.

On days that are declared Dress Up, students are to wear those clothes reserved for special occasions. No jeans, shorts, tights, or tee shirts are permitted. Shirts must have collars; they are not to have any printing.

Religious jewelry may be worn in moderation. Students are permitted to wear: two necklaces, two pairs of earrings. Hoop or dangling earrings are NOT permitted for safety reasons. NO bracelets and NO rings.

Make-up is forbidden for all grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Clear nail polish ONLY and lip gloss will be permitted. If it is noticeable, it is too much. Fake fingernails are forbidden. Fake eyelashes are forbidden.

Hair should be its natural color, neat, and clean. It should not be streaked with color. Hair accessories should be modest. No hats or head coverings may be worn inside the school building.

White or black shoelaces may only be worn.

If a sweater, jacket, or sweatshirt is worn it must be the school uniform sweater, jacket, or sweatshirt.

Students are to come dressed in their official P.E. uniform on their assigned days unless its a mass day.

Students must be in proper P.E. uniforms or they may not participate in the class. Non-participation will affect the grade for the class. UNIFORMS ARE TO BE KEPT CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. **Parents are responsible to ensure that their child is properly attired for school. If a child does not meet the uniform requirements, they will not be admitted to class and parents will be asked to bring the proper uniform.


1ST time: Students will be sent to office and wait for parents to bring a change of clothes 2nd time: Note Home 3rd time: Meeting with Principal 4th time: Discplinary Referral Form with be issued (pink slip)

Students are asked not to arrive to school prior to 7:00 am. Please understand that students arriving before 7:00 am are not supervised and are in violation of the school policy. All students that arrive after 7:00 am must go and stay on the basketball court/upper deck. Students may not hang out inside in the morning. This policy is for the safety of our students.

Regularity and punctuality are necessary for success in school. Every absence, or late arrival, is a definite loss to the student. It hinders and delays the progress of the class, and imposes extra burdens on the teacher. Upon returning to the school after an absence, a written excuse starting the reason for the childs absence MUST be presented to the teacher. If the child has been diagnosed as having a contagious disease, kindly notify the office. Students are responsible for work missed because of absenteeism or tardiness. During a trimester, if a child is late on the: 5th time: a note will go home alerting the parents. 10th time: Meeting with Parents 15th time: $25.00 fine 20th time: LAUSD & LAUSD school police will be notified that your child is truant. 25th time: An additional $20 fine, plus your child will not receive credit for the current trimester, thus he or she will have to repeat the current grade Please be aware that punctuality to school is imperative. Tardy reports carry over. Therefore, we reserve the right to count late arrivals in a cumulative format. Your childs official Cumulative Record shows a cumulative cou nt of absences and late arrivals per school year. Missing 10 or more days in one trimester is cause for the child to possibly be retained, or asked to withdraw from school. Children should arrive at school no later than 8:00 a.m. If a child walks onto campus after 8:00 a.m., they are

considered late.

Parents are asked to schedule any doctor or dentist appointments for Friday afternoon to cut down on the amount of time a child will miss from classes. Early Dismisssal of a Student A designated adult must always report to the school office and sign a release form before a child may leave the school.

The use of cell phones/pagers is not permitted on school grounds. All cell phones/pagers must be in the off position during regular school hours. Cell phones are a distraction and are disruptive to the learning process. In case of an emergency parents are not to call child on cell phone during these school hours rather must call the office first. If a student is caught using a cell phone/pager, or if it rings (causing a distraction) during school (class) hours on school grounds the following action will take place: 1st: Verbal Warning 2nd: Parent must pick up phone from the office and meet with school official. 3rd $10 fine and Pink Slip 4th Time: Student may not bring cell phone to school for the remainder of the school year. Saint Thomas the Apostle School is not responsible for the loss or damage of any cell phone.

St. Thomas the Apostle School abides by the Child Abuse Prevention, Adoption and Family Services Act. This laws mandates that all cases of suspected abuse and/or neglect to report to child protective services.

A $5.00 fine will be assessed to any child chewing gum at school or at any school activity. A continued defiance of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

No students are permitted to leave the school grounds without written permission from a parent or guardian. Students are not permitted to be in the classroom or school halls (auditorium) without supervision. Any visitor to the school must first check in at the main office. Parents are NEVER to visit the classroom during the school day without first checking in at the main office. Please wait outside for your child to be dismissed. The principals permission is required for a child to leave school at any time. Once a child is at school, even in the morning before classes start he/she may not leave the grounds. Students are not allowed to leave school to go home before dismissal, to a friends house, or to a restaurant for lunch. Once a student leaves school grounds after school, that student may not return to school.


1st time: Verbal Warning 2nd time: Parent notified and parent must pick up device.

3rd time: $5 fine and parent pick up device. 4th time: $10 fine, pink slip and device may no longer be brought to school for remainder of the school year. Saint Thomas the Apostle School is not responsible for the loss or damage of any personal valuables.

Please be sure to encourage your child to use the crosswalk and abide by the instructions of the cross guard in front of the school when crossing the street. Many students cross the street without using the crosswalk or following the cross guards instructions. This is an unsafe practice.


7:55 am first bell 8:00 am late bell 10:10-10:30 am 10:40-11:00 am 12:05 12:35 pm 12:25 12:50 pm 2:40 pm 2:45 pm Students prepare to enter classrooms Late bell Morning announcements begin First Recess (K-4) Second Recess (5-8) First Lunch (K-4) Second Lunch (5-8) Preparation Bell/After School Announcements Dismissal Bell

Each Friday dismissal will be at 12:15 pm. unless otherwise noted on the calendar. Each family is responsible for all information sent home regarding dismissal times, event times, schedule times, etc. Stain Thomas School reserves the right to make schedule changes as well as calendar changes as needed.

Students are to be picked up promptly after school. Teachers are asked to escort students who have not been picked up to the After Care Program. It is not the responsibility of the teacher or the school, to provide after school supervision. Therefore, students will not be permitted to remain on school grounds longer than 15 minutes after dismissal without a guardian present. The parents of any child sent to DAYCARE will be charged a $1.00 fee for every 15 minutes the child is in AFTER SCHOOL DAYCARE after time dismissal; there will be a $5.00 maximum charge for the afternoon. This is to ensure the safety of our students.

Students who damage or deface school property, books, school sports equipment, articles or clothing belonging to other students will be asked to pay for repairs of damaged property etc. Lost books will not be replaced by the school until the school is reimbursed in full for the repairs or loss. Damaging school property is also cause for suspension and/or expulsion.


Driving onto the school grounds during hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm is forbidden. Every driver is asked to cooperate. When cars are driven onto the school grounds, student safety is at risk. Students are to be dropped off and picked up on the upper yard using the driveway. A single lane will be used for drop off and pick up. Please follow the cones and directions of personnel during drop off and pick up. The police department has warned us that they will be giving fines to those that are blocking traffic parked illegally.

Formal faculty meetings are held on a weekly basis. Dismissal each Friday, unless otherwise stated, will be at 12:15 pm. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up at this time. The after school program is available on those days under the occasional visit program.

Parents are required to sign special permission slips given by the school before a child may attend activities away from the school grounds. This also includes any school or sports activity. Verbal permission may not be given over the telephone.


Students will not be allowed to eat or drink in the classroom Water is the only liquid that will be permitted to students to drink in the classroom.

St. Thomas the Apostle School complies with the Archdiocesan policy.

If your child shows symptoms of illness or is running a temperature, please keep him/her at home. If your child becomes ill or is injured during school hours, the school office will notify you. Students must present, on their first day back, a written excuse stating the reason for the absence; it must be signed by a parent/legal guardian/family physician. It is encouraged that all medical and dental appointment for students be scheduled after school hours and during weekend. It is for the benefit of each child that he/she is present during operating hours. When a child must be released early from school, please notify the school in advance. The person requesting release of the child must come to the school office to sign a release form.

Classes are NOT to be interrupted at any time. In case of an emergency, call the school office. A message will be given to your child. Visitors are ALWAYS to check in at the office upon arrival at the school. Parents are asked not to detain the teachers during the hours that school is in session. Every teachers primary responsibility is to su pervise his or her class. When visitors are approaching the teachers once the school day is underway, the teacher is not able to give full attention to the class. When the 8:00 am bell rings, school is in session. At that point all parents and visitors should be standing behind the children. Children are required to listen to morning announcements and participate in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. Teachers are also not to be distracted once school is underway. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Also, parents who are present during morning assembly are asked to remain quiet and to participate in the prayer and pledge of allegiance.


Personal letters from the school for INS, Outside Activities and sports, or correspondence with other schools excluding High School recommendations letters will require a $10.00 processing fee.

Students have access to a printer in the library. This is to assist students who are doing projects in the library. There is a minimal fee for the use of the copier/printer (50 cents for black and white copies, 75 cents for color copies). Students

have one week to pay any fees they may owe. If fees are past one week, the fine will double every week until the fee is paid. If a library book is lost, the child is expected to pay for the cost of replacing the book. For everyday a library book is late, a fee of 25 cents will be added until the book is returned.


Every parent is asked to make certain that items that children are bringing home belong to the child. We often receive complaints that children lose certain supplies or articles of clothing that are never found. If your child comes home with an article that does not belong to them, please return them to the school so that the owner can be located. In order for the school to be effective in its role of teaching Christian values, we must have the support and cooperation from home. Teaching those values must begin in the home, and can most effectively be taught by parents when it comes to every day questions of justice and honesty. All lost uniform items will be held in the office for one week. After the grace period expires, all items left behind will be resold and used pieces or will be donated to the St. Thomas the Apostle church Center. Therefore, we encourage you to engrave your childs name in their uniform attires and recommend your child to take care of their uniform while in school.

St. Thomas the Apostle School complies with the Archdiocesan policy.

To protect all children and to conform with the State Education code, no student may bring any medication (prescription or non-prescription) to school. Only medication prescribed by a health care provider may be taken during school hours. If a student needs medication either for a few days or over an extended period of time, and it must be given during school hours, an Administration of Medication During School Hours form must be requested from the school office. Physician/health care provider will write directions on the form. It must be signed and dated. Medications must be delivered by the parents or guardian to the school office coordinator in the original labeled prescription bottle, together with the Medication Form signed by the health care provider and parent/guardian. Students carrying inhalers must have a Physician/health care providers release on file stating that he/she may have it with him/her at school or at a school activity. Only under these conditions may any medicine be given at school.

Our morning assembly is held outside so we can have the full community participate in the announcements and prayer. We are asking for some help in making morning announcements a positive experience for all. 1. We ask that everyone participate in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. In the very least, we ask that conversations are not taking place during the morning announcements. Parents are not to stand in lines with students during morning announcements. 2. Please be respectful of the teachers time as they are coming to morning announcements. There have been times when teachers are beings topped when heading out to morning announcements by parents. Teachers need to be outside to be with their class and to hear the announcements.

Divorced or separated parents must file a court certified copy of the custody section of the divorce or separation decree with the principals office. The school will not be held responsible for failing to hon or arrangements that have not been made known in writing. St. Thomas the Apostle school hold the rights to deny re-registration if any parts of court rulings on custody section do not comply with our current service availability. If the school is unable to service the family because of personal differences between either party, or court rulings request special modifications that cannot be fulfilled at our institution, the family might be asked to withdraw from the school at any time during the school year.

A parent-teacher conference is mandatory for all parents to attend at the end of the first and second trimester. If you wish to meet with your childs teacher it is necessary that you make an appointment. You can do this by c alling the school office and requesting an appointment. Teachers are never to meet with parents during a scheduled class. During the school day the teachers have assigned responsibilities and will not be available to parents unless an appointment has been made. Note: Teachers may only meet with a parent and or legal guardian of students, unless agreed upon in advance by the teacher. In cases of divorced or separated parents, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent, not the school, to inform the other parent on matters of discipline, progress and times of conferences. Teachers are not required to schedule separate conference with divorced or separated parents.

Each familys contact with the school requires cooperation with the school and its staff. Families may be asked to withdraw if exhibiting uncooperative attitude including rudeness, inappropriate language, and tone of voice and behavior. School staff includes all paid and volunteer personnel. Families who engage in gossip in school grounds will be asked to leave premises. Please refrain from sharing confidential information about teacher-school personnel meetings. Instead, please contact the main office to make an appointment to voice your concerns to school administration or your childs classroom teacher.

The strongest way to help your child put forth effort, concern and show care is to model this behavior for your child. Some parent responsibilities include: 1. To set rules, times and limit so that your child Gets to bed early on school nights Arrives to school on time and is picked up on time at the end of the day Is dressed in the school uniform Completes homework assignments 2. To actively participate in school activities and fund raising projects 3. To notify the school with a written note when a student is absent 4. To notify the school office of any changes of address or important phone numbers 5. To meet all financial obligations to the school in a timely m manner 6. To inform the school of any special situation regarding the students well begin, safety and health. 7. To complete and return any requested information promptly. 8. To read school bulletins and newsletters. 9. To support the religious and educational goals of the school. 10. To support and cooperate with the discipline policy of the school.

11. 12. 13. 14.

To remember that parents are the primary teachers of their child. To actively participate with Parish-School activities. To actively participate with religious activities scheduled for parents and/or students. When applicable, to comply with student and/or family probation conditions in a timely manner.

St. Thomas School operates on a trimester schedule instead of the traditional quarter schedule. Instead of receiving report cards four times a year, the year will be divided into three grading periods with report card following each. Our goals are to provide more accurate reporting of each childs progress. Parents are asked to place emphasis on effort, conduct and home study. It is important to show an interest in your childs progress and assignments. Avoiding comparison of his or her work with other students or children in the family is important to your childs success. Consulting y our childs teachers whenever you are concerned about your child s progress is an effective way to gain an understanding of how you may help your childs successful school experience. Parents have access to Gradelink to check on a childs grade. Remember that it is necessary to make an appointment with the teacher firs t. Please do not be offended when a teacher or administrator asks you to make an appointment, it simply is not possible to make time for every parent and guardian at the precise moment a situation or concern arises. The promotion and retention of your child is under the discretion of the teacher and the administration in accords with archdiocesan policy. If there is a possibility of a child being retained a meeting will take place between the parent and the school. Report cards will be held if there are any outstanding payments to the school until payments have been met. There is a $10.00 charge for replacing lost report cards.

The school office hours are from 7:45 am 3:30 pm Monday thru Thursday and 7:45 am 12:15 pm on Fridays. Since the principal is frequently out of the office for various meetings and duties, it is wise to call for an appointment if you wish to meet. Parents are asked to realize that our staff is limited. Parents cooperation is needed in order to maintain an effici ent operation. -Please make necessary phone calls to the office during the above hours. -Read memos and bulletins so unnecessary phone calls can be avoided. -If making payments to the office return tuition in the envelope provided for that purpose. -Return necessary forms and information with your child, so interruptions to the school office will be kept to a minimum. -When requesting information from students files or other materials from the office, please make your request in writing one week prior to the date it is needed.


The school reserves the right to amend the handbook for just cause. Parents will be given the prompt written notification of changes that are made. St. Thomas the Apostle School also adheres to all the policies of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We have a copy of archdiocesan policy available in the office for review.


Skateboards, bikes, scooters and roller blades are not to be used on school grounds. The school reserves the right to not allow skateboards, bikes, scooters and roller blades in front of the school during normal hours of operation: 7:00 am 4:00 pm.

The student insurance program is provided for all full time students in Archdiocesan schools. This program assist only with medical expenses incurred because of accidental bodily injury sustained by students while attending school, while traveling to or from school or while participating in a school sponsored and supervised activity, including school sponsored sport and extended day programs.


We are asking that students not to be outside the building before school. This is for the safety of all students. Students are not to hang out on the side of the building and also on the front sidewalk. We appreciate your help in this matter.

In the case of student services, St. Thomas School makes every attempt when possible to provide health screening through nursing services available to us. When possible, counseling services are made available for students. It is the parents responsibility to notify the principal in writing if the child does not have the permission of parents for any additional school services such as, but not limited to, health screening and counseling.

Every teacher and yard supervisor in the school shall hold pupils to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, on the playground, or during recess. Tackle football or any other type of games or activities that could cause severe injury is not permitted on school grounds at any time. Students must be picked up within 15 minutes of the dismissal bell. Those students not picked up on time may be admitted to the after school care program and a fee will be charged. Only those children who are involved in after-school sports and school designated programs may be on the grounds after school hours on days when there are supervised practices or games.

Student Transfers and Graduation Whenever a pupil transfers from one school to another, a copy of the Cumulative Student Report and the original Health Record shall be transferred by the former school upon a request from the school where the pupil intends to enroll. The original Cumulative Student Report will remain at the school. A record of the transfer, the reason for the transfer, and the name of the school to which the student is transferring or entering after graduation should be entered on the original copy of the Cumulative Student Report and in the Student Attendance Register. Official transcripts are not given to students or parents. Damaged or Loaned Property Under California law, a private school cannot refuse to provide student records to a requesting school because of any charges, including tuition or fees that are owed by student or parent. However, the school may withhold from parents/guardians the grades, diploma, or transcripts of a pupil pending payment of certain amounts for damaged property, or the return of loaned property, in accordance with school policy.

The calendar for the school year was planned to allow families adequate time to plan and take vacations other than during the summer. Vacations taken from school other than those on the calendar are not excused absences. Teachers are under no obligation to send work with the child or to allow them to make up the missed work.

Students are not to have personal CD players, IPods, radios, or electronic games at school. Parents are asked to ensure that students are not bringing large sums of money to school or items of value. There is no way that the school can guarantee the safety of valuable items such as, Ipods, radios, electronic games, etc. Please be advised that school is not a place for valuable items.

STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PURCHASE ITEMS FROM OUTSIDE VENDORS unless accompanied by a parent on the way home.

Under California law and other relevant laws, a minor student may not work without a work permit issued by the appropriate authority. To obtain a work permit, certain information is required from the students school. Information regarding work permits and how to apply is available from the California Department of Education website: The minor/student, after obtaining a promise of employment, must obtain a Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit. The minor, the employer and the parent/guardian must each complete their sections and submit the completed application to the school. The school will verify the information entered on the application by the minor and parent/guardian and will also examine the students records and consult the teacher to confirm the students satisfactory academic achievement to date. The student must then submit the form to the work permit issuing authority. If all requirements are met, the work permit issuing authority may issue the Permit to Employ and Work. The Work permit issuing authority is the Superintendent of the local public school or those persons authorized in writing by the Superintendent to issue the permit. A copy of the signed work permit must be kept in the students file.

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