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Mini torturi de ciocolata

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Soacra mea, Letitia, implineste astazi o f rumoasa varsta si pentru ca nu putem f i langa dumneai, i-am pregatit un mic cadou virtual, dulce si bun ca ea. La multi Ani, mama !! Sa fii sanatoasa, fericita si sa ai o zi minunata ca tine!!

Te iubim mult !! Ingrediente pt 6 mini torturide 10 cm diametru Blat 6 oua 180 gr zahar 150 gr f aina 30 gr cacao 2 plicuri zahar vanilat Crema ganache 200 gr f risca lichida 200 gr ciocolata amara 25 gr unt 2 linguri rom alb Sirop 200 gr apa 100 gr f ructoza/150 gr zahar 2 linguri esenta vanilie naturala 3-4 linguri brandy/marsala Glazura 100 gr unt 10 linguri rase zahar 10 linguri rase cacao 12 linguri lapte 1 f oaie gelatina (2 gr) In plus 250 gr martipan 100 gr ciocolata amara ( minim 60% continut cacao) inimioare de zahar pentru decor 150 gr f ulgi de ciocolata Preparare blat Mixam ouale intregi cu zaharul si zaharul vanilat pana cand se deschid la culoare iar volumul lor s-a triplicat. Amestecam f aina cu cacaoua si le dam prin sita. Adaugam treptat mixul de f aina si cacao peste mixul de oua si zahar si amestecam cu mare grija de jos in sus. Tapetam, cu unt si f aina, o f orma dreptunghiulara de 28X20 cm si adaugam aluatul. Coacem pandispanul la 170C, cuptor preincalzit, pentru 20-25 minute. Accesand urmatorul link, veti gasi cateva sfaturi importante despre un pandispan reusit.

Scoatem pandispanul din cuptor, il lasam putin sa se raceasca in tava, apoi il rasturnam pe un gratar si il lasam sa se raceasca complet. Preparare ganache Punem f risca lichida si untul intr-o craticioara pe f oc f oarte mic. Avem mare grija sa nu f iarba!! Cand este f oarte f ierbinte, stingem f ocul si adaugam ciocolata taiata in bucatele mici si romul. Amestecam bine pana cand ciocolata este complet dizolvata apoi lasam crema sa se racesaca pentru cca 10 minute. Dupa 10 minute, incepem sa o mixam pana cand se transf orma in crema si se deschide la culoare. O sa aveti nevoie de cca 10-15 minute pana cand crema se va intari. Dupa ce se raceste suf icient, o lasam pe masa din bucatarie pana cand ne apucam de asamblat tortuletele.

Preparare sirop Punem pe f oc mic, intr-o craticioara, apa amestecata cu f ructoza. Cand aceasta din urma s-a topit complet, stingem f ocul, adaugam brandy-ul si esenta de vanilie si acoperim craticioara cu un capac. Lasam siropul sa se raceasca. Preparare glazura Glazura se prepara dupa ce ati asamblat tortuletele. Punem intr-o craticioara pe f oc f oarte mic, untul taiat in bucatele, zaharul, laptele si cacaoua. Cand unntu si zahrul sunt complet topite, stingem f ocul si adaugam 1 f oaie de gelatina bine stoarsa pe care am tinut-o la inmuiat in apa rece cu 10 minute inainte. Aveti mare grija ca glazura sa nu fiarba in nici un caz!! Amestecam glazura cu un tel in f orma de para pentru 3-4 minute. Cu cat o amestecam mai repede si mai mult, cu atat va f i mai lucioasa. O lasam apoi sa se raceasca. Martipan De data aceasta am f olosit martipan cumparat pentru ca nu am avut deloc timp sa il f ac. Framantam putin martipanul ca sa se inmoaie, apoi il intindem intr-o f oaie de 1,5 cm pe planul de lucru usor pudrat cu zahar pudra. Decupam cu cercul, 6 cerculete. Semicercuri ciocolata

Imbracam un f acalet in hartie de copt. Topim ciocolata la bain marie sau microunde, o lasam sa se racesca putin ( cca 5 minute), apoi o punem intr-un sac poche si f ormam pe f acalet, dungulite de ciocolata. Bagam f acaletul la congelator pentru 10-15 minute, apoi desperindem cu grija semicercurile de ciocolata. Asamblare Taiem pandispanul f olosind o f orma circulara,

Taiem f iecare tortulet in 3 f oi. Fixam o f oaie in cerc, o insiropam cu 1-2 linguri de sirop rece, f ormam un strat de ganache, adaugam o a doua f oaie de blat pe care o insiropam, apoi adaugam cercul de martipan si inchidem tortuletele cu ultima f oaie pe care o insiropam putin.

Bagam torturile la f rigider si ne apucam de pregatit glazura asa cum am explicat mai sus. Cand glazura este rece, scoatem torturile din f orme, le asezam pe un gratar sub care asezam o tava mare, si turnam glazura cu ajutorul unui polonic peste torturi. Avem grija ca glazura sa imbrace perf ect si marginile torturilor.

Le lasam sa se scurga bine ( cca 30 minute) apoi le imbracam marginile in f ulgi de ciocolata si le decoram cu semicerculete de ciocolata si inimioare de zahar. Le putem servi imediat sau le bagam la f rigider. In cazul in care doriti sa le serviti mai tarziu, le scoateti cu 30 minute inainte din f rigider.

Mini chocolate cakes Print

Prep time 1 hour Cook time 1 hour Total time 2 hours

My mother in law, Letitia, celebrates her anniversary today and because we cant be with her, I have prepared a small virtual gif t, as sweet and good as her. Happy birthday, Mom! We wish you health, happiness and a day as lovely as you are! We love you very much! Author: Laura Adamache Recipe type: Dessert Serving: 6 Ingredients Ingredients f or 6 mini cakes with a diameter of 10 centimeters: Layers 6 eggs 180 grams of caster sugar 150 grams of plain f lour 30 grams of cocoa powder 2 bags of vanilla sugar Ganache f illing 200 ml double cream 200 grams dark chocolate 25 grams unsalted butter 2 tablespoons of white rum Syrup 200 ml water 100 grams f ructose/150 grams caster sugar 2 tablespoons natural vanilla extract 3-4 tablespoons of Brandy or Marsala liqueur Icing 100 grams unsalted butter 10 tablespoons sugar 10 tablespoons cocoa powder 12 tablespoons milk 1 gelatin sheet (2 grams)

Decoration 250 grams marzipan 100 grams dark chocolate (min 60% cocoa content) Sugar hearts f or decorating 150 grams chocolate f lakes Instructions How to make the layers 1. Whip the whole eggs with the sugar and the vanilla sugar until they change color and their volume triples. Sif t together the f lour and the cocoa powder. Gradually add the f lour and cocoa mix to the egg batter and gently f old them in, f rom bottom to top. 2. Butter and f lour a rectangular pan (28x20cm) and pour the batter in. Bake the sponge cake in the preheated oven at a temperature of 170C f or about 20-25 minutes. 3. Click on this link to get some usef ul tips f or a successf ul sponge cake. 4. Remove the sponge cake f rom the oven, let it cool f or a bit in the pan, then f lip it over on a rack and let it cool f or completely. How to make the ganache f illing 1. Pour the double cream in a saucepan and add the butter. Simmer on very low heat and make sure it doesnt get to a boil! When the mixture gets very hot, remove f rom heat and add the chocolate cut into very small pieces and the rum. Stir until the chocolate is completely melted then let the mixture cool down f or about 10 minutes. Af ter 10 minutes, start to whip it until it turns into a lightly colored f rosting. You will need approximately 10 to 15 minutes until it thickens. Af ter it is cool enough, leave it on the counter until you start putting the cakes together. How to make the syrup 1. In a small saucepan, mix the water and the f ructose and simmer on low heat. When the f ructose is completely dissolved, put out the heat, add the brandy and the vanilla extract and cover the saucepan with a lid. Let the syrup cool down. How to make the icing 1. Make sure to prepare the icing af ter you have assembled the cakes. In a small saucepan add the butter cut into pieces, the sugar, the milk and the cocoa powder. Simmer on very low heat. When the butter and the sugar are completely melted, put out the heat and add one sheet of gelatin which youve previously soaked in cold water f or about ten minutes. T he gelatin should be well drained bef ore added into the icing. 2. Please be caref ul not to let the icing reach to a boil! 3. Whisk the icing f or about 3 or 4 minutes. T he more you whisk it, the shinier it will be. Let it cool. T he marzipan 1. I used ready-made marzipan this time because I didnt have any time to prepare it myself . Knead the marzipan f or a bit to sof ten it, then roll it out in a sheet with a thickness of 1,5 cm on a surf ace lightly powdered with icing sugar. Cut out 6 circles with a large cookie cutter. Chocolate crescents 1. Wrap some baking paper around a rolling pin. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave, let it cool f or a bit (about 5 minutes), then pour it in a piping bag and pipe strands of

chocolate on the rolling pin. Put the rolling pin in the f reezer f or 10-15 minutes, then gently peel of f the chocolate crescents. How to assembly the cakes 1. Cut the sponge cake into circles using cake ring. Cut each cake into three layers. Place the f irst sponge cake layer in the cake ring, moisten it with 1 or 2 tablespoons of syrup, add some ganache f illing, place the second sponge cake layer, moisten it, add the marzipan sheet and then the last sponge cake layer which should be very lightly moistened. 2. Put the cakes in the oven and start making the icing as mentioned above. 3. When the icing is cold, remove the cakes f rom the rings and place them on a rack. Dont f orget to protect your working area by placing a tray underneath the rack. Ladle the icing onto the cakes and make sure it perf ectly covers the sides of the cakes. Let them set f or about 30 minutes then dress the sides in chocolate f lakes and decorate with chocolate crescents and sugar hearts. 4. You can serve them immediately or keep them in the f ridge. If you want to serve them later, make sure to take them out of the f ridge 30 minutes bef ore serving. 2.2.8

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