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G 7433

(Pages : 2)

Reg. No.....,.,.,....-,------.-.


Third Semester
(NerF Scheme - 2007 Admission onwards)

Time: Tbree

P"+ A

Maxtnum:7b IIarLs
Answer enjt teo qu.estions. questions carry cqual marAs.


1. What are Direct Vie\r Storage tubes? Di6cuss. 2. Distinguish between Raster Scan anal Random Scan Systems. 3. \4hat is Run tength Enco<ting? 4. Whatis Clipping? cive exanple.

5. 6.
7. 8. 9.

What is Anrjaliaslagl Discuss.

Differentiate bet?reen Interpolation and ApproriimatioE Splines. What are Bezier Surfaces? Discuss.
How can you obtain a Pe?spective Projection of a Tluee Dimensional Object? Disc,,rss. What is Visible Sudace Detection?


10. List the two fields each position in the A-Bulfer has. 11. State the use of an Iltunination Model. 12. Wh"t is Specular Reflection? Discuss.

3 = J0

Part B Ansuet s,ll questions. All q

estions carry equal marhs.


13. (a) With aI

example discr:ss DDA algodthm for ge4erating a Line.


(b) 14. (a) (b)

With alr example discuss Midpoint Circle gene"ation algoritbm. With relevant examples discuss I\,so DimenBional Translation and Rotation. Give matrix

Or With relevant examples iliscuss a Line Clipping algorithm of],our choice.

Tirrn over

G 74a,8



List snd discuss the properties of Bezier Curv6s.


16. (a)

(b) . Wittr

an example discuss Vertex Table, Edge Table and Polygon Sur.face Table-

With relevant examples discuss Three Dinensional Translation and Scaling. Give matrix representations. Or

(b) 17. (a) (b)

Metlod for detcting Visible Surfaces. Discuss the different Dithering Techaiques. Or What is Polygon Rendering? List a-nd discuss any tv/o Polygon Rendering methodsDiscuss the Depth Buffer



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