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Since I woke up I've changed two faces, The first was kind,the other angry, And still I wait

this day to end, This soul I have,to understand.

If only I could have a mirror, To show me how I've changed in time, For whom I smiled this very morning, And how my life became a lie.

'Cause now it's dark and cold outside. And I can't lay myself to rest, When deadly thoughts embrace my mind, I feel this cicle never ends.

Day after day,it stays the same, Hope born a sunrise,dies at sunset, I have no strength to cope with pain, 'Cause what i give,it's never what i get. _____________________________________--"Tu eti ntreaga lume redus la cuvnt, i "blnd" i-e privirea de clu, Iar dac iei istoria,i o ntorci pe dos, Nu face ct un simplu gnd de-al tu. i de la porile lui Hades pari venit, Fetia cu chibrituri, ce-a crescut, De la atta foc nu numai sufletul se-agit, Ci chiar i prul i-e mai rou i nebun. O succesoare a Evei disperate, S tot cunoasc,s fie tot mai mult, Eti tu ,dar mrul tu nu i-a dat lumea, Ci-n bezn - de la lume,te-a trt. Puteai s ai aceleai aripi albe, De nu i-ai fi dorit s tot iubeti..." Aa mi spun,privindu-m-n oglind, "Puteai s ai mai mult dect doreti."

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