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Manalili, Niko T. July 6, 2009

BSN004 Prof. Wilson Chua

National Consciousness

National Consciousness is a sense of being aware to it's own country. It is a sense of one's
personal or collective identity, including the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered
characteristic of an individual or group: Love of freedom runs deep in the national consciousness
(Wikipedia). It is not just being aware on a particular issue or situation but our consciousness is
equipped with concern righteous action.

Is national consciousness stack only on guns and bolos; sacrificing one's life for the liberty of
our nation? Gone were the days when people became too nationalistic. The heroes that fought for our
freedom are now dragged down to the memories of people in the midst of development and
urbanization. It is more than a hundred years since we were freed from the Spaniards; 64 years of
liberty from Japanese occupation and world war; 22 years freed from martial law that made people
gathered together in the streets, fighting for justice and democracy. Now that we are a democratic
country, can we absolutely say that we are free? Indeed, we thought we really are, but behind us are
shadows knuckled with chains, and tortured because of greed, ignorance and lack of nationalism. A war
between Filipinos emerges in politics, economy, environment and even in our homes. Politics in the
Philippines is really crucial. How can these leaders show their service, if they corrupt the money from
the people. The consciousness of many political leader's are so low that don't care for the progress of
their fellowmen; instead they value their own self-interest. Not just to blame the leaders but its citizens
has also their own faults. The people lacks interest on fighting of their rights maybe because of
insufficient trust to the judicial system of the country. With regards to our resources, we Filipinos lack
awareness and concern for our environment. Dead rivers and aquatic resources, air and land pollution
are some of the man made environmental problems due to lack of concern to our natural resources.

Filipinos today are really in need to wake up and catch up the real score of our country. Are we
going to be contended to be the most corrupt? The most dirtiest? Or maybe the most ununited and un
nationalistic country? Well, think again. We need to work now and show concern for our nation. Let us
do what is right and be free from the darkness of our shadows.

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