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Jessie Zhao Period: 1 Chapter #9: The Confederation and the Constitution Big Picture Ideas 1.

. The Articles of Confederation, the first government set up after the American Revolution, was structured out of fear of a too-strong government. Therefore, the Articles were very weak on purpose. 2. Two things showed the Articles as being too weak to the point of being sterile: (a) it could not regulate commerce and the money situation was growing dim fast and (b) Shays Rebellion frightened many to the possibility that mobs might just take over and the government might be too weak to stop them. Due to these reasons, the Constitutional Convention was held. 3. The Constitution was written as something of a balancing act between strengthening the government, yet making sure it doesnt get too strong to take over. The resulting government was indeed stronger, but also a system of checks and balances were put into place to ensure no one branch becomes like the king had been. 4. After some negotiating, mostly with the promise of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution was ratified. IDENTIFICATIONS: John Lockes Second Treatise of Government Book that was very popular that help shape the government. Federalist #10 An essay written by Madison to help ratify the constitution. Republican Government A government that is by the people for the people. Land Ordinance of 1785 Land in the old northwest are sold to help pay off national debt and later turned into states. Land Ordinance of 1787 Law in which a colony must have at least 60,000 people to become a state. Necessary and Proper Clause A clause that states that anything that is not stated in the constitution but is necessary and proper can be formed.

Federalist Papers A paper written by Madison, Jay, and Hamilton that urged states to ratify the constitution. Shays Rebellion Debtors demanding that the state issue paper money, lighten taxes, and suspend property takeovers. Lead by Daniel Shay. Annapolis Convention Convention held in MD but only 9 out of 13 states showed up; Hamilton suggested meeting again in Philadelphia a year later. Philadelphia Convention A convention that was originally supposed to fix the Articles of Confederation but instead met in secret to write the constitution. Delegated Powers Powers specifically given to Congress in the Constitution; including the power to collect taxes, coin money, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, and declare war.

English Traditions

Limited Govt
Magna Carta 1215 Bill of Rights 1689 Balance of power b/t King and Parliment

Colonial Governments Right to vote Natural rights philosophy Separation of powers

Checks and balances

Influe nc e s on The U. S Cons titution

NY State Constitution
Included Bill of Rights First popularly elected executive Right to petition Right to vote
The Iroquois Confederacy Peace, justice, power of good minds

Indians can do it, so can we

Reserved Powers Powers not specifically granted to the federal government or denied to the states belong to the states and the people Concurrent Powers Power given to both the nation and state government. Supremacy Clause The constitutional provision that makes the Constitution and federal laws superior to all conflicting state and local laws. Anti-Federalists people who objected against a strong central government. GUIDED READING QUESTIONS:
The Pursuit of Equality

Know: Leveling, Society of the Cincinnati, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, Abigail Adams, Republican Motherhood, John Singleton Copley
1. What social changes resulted from the American Revolution?

A republic society and a democratic government was formed.

Constitution Making in the States Know: State Constitutions, Fundamental Law 2. What was the importance of the state constitutions?

The state constitution allowed states to make their own laws that werent part of the constitution. Economic Crosscurrents Know: Navigation Laws, Empress of China, Speculation 3. What were the positive and negative effects of the war on America?

Positive: America gained independence and has a republic society. Negative: Many people were hesitant on making a strong government because of the fear of monarchy.

A Shaky Start toward Union Know: Natural Rights 4. Why was the end of the war difficult on the national government?

The National government had a lot of debt and didnt have the money to pay it back. It was also not strong enough because of the peoples fear of monarchy. Creating a Confederation Know: Sovereignty, Articles of Confederation 5. What forces served to unify the separate states during the war?

The Articles of Confederation: America's First Constitution 6. What weaknesses plagued the Articles of Confederation? What was good about it?

The article of confederation formed a weak government that gave too much independence to the states. But the articles help set a guide line for what a government needs to be strong.

Landmarks in Land Laws


Old Northwest, Land Ordinance of 1785, Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Explain the importance of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance.

The Land Ordinances helped pay off some of the national debt and it created more states for the government.

The World's Ugly Duckling Know: Natchez, Dey of Algiers 8. Using examples, explain the title of this section.

The title of the section describes the world hating on the American Colonies. The Horrid Specter of Anarchy Know: Shay's Rebellion, Mobocracy 9. Were the United States of America in danger of falling apart under the Articles of Confederation? Explain.

Yes, because the articles of confederation was too weak and as a central government it should be strong. Too many states were too independent and it leads to many troubles when traveling between states. It would have eventually failed and the U.S. would become vulnerable to foreign countries. A Convention of "Demigods" Know: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry 10. What kind of men gathered in Philadelphia for the "sole and express purpose of revising" the old government?

The men were educated people and knew what was best for their country. They were considered demigods because of the fame and influence they had over the people. Patriots in Philadelphia 11. How does George Washington's quote, "We have, probably, had too good an opinion of human nature in forming our confederation." help to explain the purposes of our founding fathers.

The founding fathers were afraid of the people ruling the government; instead they wanted a stronger government to prevent things like Shays rebellion from happening.

Hammering out a Bundle of Compromises Know: Virginia (large state) Plan, Bicameral Legislature, New Jersey (small state) Plan, Great Compromise, Electoral College, Three-fifths Compromise 12. Describe the compromises that were achieved by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

The compromise was that anything that isnt directed stated in the constitution can be used for the state purposes and that there will be a Bill of Rights.

Safeguards for Conservatism Know: Checks and Balances, Separation of Powers 13. How democratic was the Constitution as originally written?

It was very democratic and it made the government stronger. The Clash of Federalists and Anti- federalists Know: Anti- federalists, Federalists 14. Who were the anti- federalists and why did they oppose the Constitution?

The anti-federalists were people who objected against the constitution and they opposed because they were afraid to have a strong central government that could later become a monarchy. The Great Debate in the States 15. Did most of the states approve of the Constitution? Why?

Yes, most states did approve because the states knew that they couldnt survive without the government. The Four Laggard States Know: Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, The Federalist 16. Explain some of the opposition to ratification of the Constitution?

Many states didnt approve of the constitution because it didnt have the Bill of Rights and were skeptical of stronger government. A Conservative Triumph 17. What does your text mean when it says that the Constitution, "...elevated the ideals of the Revolution even while setting boundaries to them."?

It means that the constitution made the government stronger while still being able to restrict itself from becoming too powerful.

Chapter #10: Launching the New Ship of State Big Picture Ideas 1. Alexander Hamilton, get the U.S. on a solid foothold. With the Bill of Rights quickly ratified, the top problem the new nation faced was financial in nature.
2. Secretary of State Alexander Hamilton developed a plan that included (a) starting a national tariff, (b) starting a tax on whiskey, (c) setting up a national bank, and (d) paying off the national debt.

3. Politics quickly fell into two camps: (a) those who followed Thomas Jefferson became the Democratic-Republicans and (b) those who followed Alexander Hamilton became the Federalists. 4. Turmoil broke out Europe with the French Revolution, mostly between England and France. The U.S. nearly got sucked into European issues, but both Washington and John Adams kept the America out of war. This was best for the U.S.

IDENTIFICATIONS: Washingtons Cabinet Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson Secretary of War: Henry Knox Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton Judiciary Act of 1789 Created a federal court system run by the first chief justice, John Jay. Federalists People who supported a strong central government and advocated for the constitution. Democratic-Republicans People who didnt support a strong central government. Hamiltons vision vs. Jeffersons vision Hamilton believed in a strong central government and trade with foreign countries but Jefferson believed the opposite. Report on Manufactures and Report on the Public Credit Jays Treaty Jays treaty was with the Britains and France did like it. It stated that America would pay off the pre-revolutionary debt and damages cost to the navy. Pinckneys Treaty Treaty with Spain that allowed the Americans to use the mouth of the Mississippi River. Washingtons Farewell Address In Washingtons farewell address he stated that we shouldnt form two political parties, which we did, and to not have permanent alliance with foreign countries.

Midnight appointments Congress reduced the number of Supreme Court justices, but greatly increased the number of federal judges. Revolution of 1800 Jefferson's view of his election to presidency. Judiciary Act of 1801 Established a federal court with Jay as the Chief Justice. XYZ Affair Frenchmen who demanded money just to talk with Talleyrand. Chisholm v Georgia granted federal courts the affirmative power to hear disputes between private citizens and States GUIDED READING QUESTIONS:
Washington for President Know: George Washington, Cabinet, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox 1. Was Washington an important president? Explain.

Yes, because he was the president that laid the outline for a government and country to the next president. The Bill of Rights Know: James Madison, Ninth Amendment, Tenth Amendment, Judiciary Act, John Jay 2. What important steps were taken by the first congress?

The first important step taken by Congress was having the Bill of Rights written because it protected the common peoples rights. Hamilton Revives the Corpse of Public Credit Know: Funding at Par, Assumption of State Debts 3. How did Alexander Hamilton's economic plans lead to the District of Columbia?

Virginia wanted a federal district there and Hamilton persuaded Jefferson to the Compromise of 1790.

Customs Duties and Excise Taxes Know: Revenue Tariffs, Protective Tariffs, Excise Taxes 4. Explain Hamilton's overall economic plan for America.

Hamilton wanted to first fund at par and pay at face value. Then he took all the state debt and turned it into a federal debt. Hamilton then out excise taxes on whiskey and low tariff on imported duties to help pay off the national debt.

Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank Know: Bank of the United States, Strict Construction, Loose Construction, Elastic Clause 5. How did the issue of the Bank of the United States reveal a difference in understanding about the Constitution between Jefferson and Hamilton?

Jefferson saw the Constitution as a strict construction where if it didnt state it, you couldnt do it. On the other hand, Hamilton thought of the Constitution as loose construction where you can do anything that is necessary and proper. Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania Know: Whiskey Rebellion 6. Was the Whiskey Rebellion a victory for freedom, order, or both? Explain.

It was a victory for order because it should that the federal government is a lot strong now than before. It showed that the government can take care of domestic issues. The Emergence of Political Parties Know: Factions, Parties 7. Why did political parties develop during George Washington's presidency? Were they good or bad?

The parties were the Democratic-republicans and the Federalists. They were bad because it violated what Washington warned the people against and it put a barrier between the people. The Impact of the French Revolution Know: Democratic-Republicans, Federalists, French Revolution, Reign of Terror 8. In what way did the French Revolution expose the differing views of Democratic-Republicans

and Federalists? The Democratic were pro-French because of the purpose of the French rev. and the Federalists were ProBritain because they knew that America needed foreign trade for the economy.

Washington's Neutrality Proclamation

Know: Franco-American Alliance, Neutrality Proclamation, Citizen Genet 9. Explain the reasoning for and against Washington's Neutrality Proclamation. Washington decided to stay out of the war in the world because he knew that the government wasnt strong enough to be able to support itself in a war.
Embroilments with Britain Know: Anthony Wayne, Battle of Fallen Timbers, Treaty of Greenville 10. How did British actions towards Native Americans and American merchant ships incite many Americans? The British still thought low of the Americans and gave the Indians guns to not let the Americans go further into Canada.

Jay's Treaty and Washington's Farewell Know: Jay's Treaty, Farewell Address 11. Did John Jay betray American interests in Jay's Treaty.

In a way yes he did because Jay made a treaty that favored the British and didnt help the Americans. John Adams Becomes President Know: John Adams, High Federalists 12. What handicaps did John Adams face as he became president?

Unofficial Fighting with France


John Marshall, XYZ Affair, "Millions for Defense, but Not One Cent for Tribute

What French actions brought America close to war in the closing years of the 18th century?

Adams Puts Patriotism above Party Know: Napoleon Bonaparte, Convention of 1800 14. How did avoiding war with France hurt John Adams' political career?

The Federalist Witch Hunt Know: Alien Laws, Sedition Act 15. Explain the reasons for the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions

Know: Compact Theory, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, Nullification

16. Which was more dangerous to the US Constitution: the Alien and Sedition Acts or the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions? Explain.

Federalists versus Democratic-Republicans 17. What were some key differences between Federalists and Democratic Republicans?

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