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How to Study the Endgame in Chess 10 steps Here are some tips to improve your endgame: 1.

. Read a good book on endgame theory. I can recommend Dvoretskys Endgame Manual 2. Read a good book on endgame technique. Here I recommend either some of Dvoretskys books, or Shereshevskys Endgame Strategy 3. Study your own games that included interesting endgames 4. Solve endgame puzzles and studies 5. Play practice games starting with endgame positions. Use time controls with increments. 6. Specialize in some material e.g. rooks + knights, or bishops of opposite colour. 7. Use a training endgame course with a software like Peshka 8. Do a deep analysis of some selected positions and games. Trying to establish exactly whether a given endgame position is winning or a draw can help you to appreciate the whole complexity of chess 9. Study the games of players, who are particularly famous for their endgame skills Karpov, Andersson, Rubinstein, Kramnik

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