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Are We Free?

Our own Dept. of Justice is spying on reporters, violating the precise principle freedom of speech of the nation The IRS is targeting conservative groups, then conservative donors The head in Human Services Dept. strongly arms companies in establishing healthcare laws. The NSA ordering Verizon to surrender millions of accounts of American phone service members, then going after Google, Apple, and E-bay for other records, other emailsour personal emails!

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With the future of our own country on the horizon and excitement of a newfound victory from the coercion of the English, politicians centuries ago gathered to write the document which would promise any American citizen rights, liberty, opportunity; this very document serving as a beacon of hope, lying on principles of: freedom- 1. state of being released from control or power of another; having liberty; independent; 2. having civil and political liberty without abridgment (Websters New World Dictionary) and independence- 1. freedom from influence and control of others (Websters New World Dictionary) Bring the clock to the 21st century, where corruption and duress are encompassed in the government, where leaders are treading on the very principles

that have molded us into a moral, free country. Now, those ethics are long gone, buried deep in the mud underneath the shoes of political figures, deluding the American people into believing they are free. However, when looked at in perspective, these have managed to clothe citizens with an extremely false, utterly dangerous, sense of security. In essence, the all-praised Bill of Rights is now but a symbol to the people. Though, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, (Bill of Rights Transcript Text) our dear government has clearly marched all across this defining amendment. Government covers each and every law and action against the Constitution with one simple statement: that our forefathers were not aware of the impending technology that would come and the extent of which it would pose a threat on society. Such a plea is absolutely preposterous as this starting government was completely aware that new technology would arise as it had been doing since the beginning of time! Of course, new methods of communication would be developed, but even when telephones were a new craze, government had made absolutely new effort to use such appliances as political spies. What frightening scrutinizing of thoughts is frequently mocked in George Orwells 1984, is now quite a reality. The embodiment of our country has made it quite clear that it is watching us at all times; each word we type in our texts, each email, each phone call, each update on a social network. Everything is monitored. Everything is censored. Any privacy one has ever obtained is eradicated with one move on the governments part. This body has tactfully gained so much power that any of their choices may be justified, however immoral. So much has been done in reverse of

freedom that government has managed to repeat its show of intentions in a disturbing pattern: Our own Dept. of Justice is spying on reporters, violating the precise principle freedom of speech of the nation The IRS is targeting conservative groups, then conservative donors The head in Human Services Dept. strongly arms companies in establishing healthcare laws. The NSA ordering Verizon to surrender millions of accounts of American phone service members, then going after Google, Apple, and E-bay for other records, other emailsour personal emails! Government is influencing society to develop distaste towards a variety of religions, contrasting with the Establishment Clause. Subsequently, this body of government has a rather strong connotation with the misuse of tax dollars for quite controversial investments. Criminals decades prior lived in conditions with merely basic needs; now, money of hard-working citizens is vacuumed out of paychecks into the making of prison facilities with televisions, outdoor courts, gymsa situation far better than the majority of citizens attempting to earn an honest living. Furthermore, tax money has recently gone wasted in giving birth control to be administered in some middle schools and several more high schools! How is it that we can allow such dissipated caused be funded by our tax dollars which have been honestly earned by assiduous individuals?! With such cases in abundance, can it be seen that this furtive government of our home is pumping corruption into their fenced land as one would pump gas

into a forest, then ignite it, clearing any pure living form ever existing in the area!? Can we, in actuality, look at other countries and deem ours more civilized?

Are we truly free as we claim to be?

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