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(A) I am Male 59 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, nausea, diaphoresis.

Height: 165 cm; BW 79 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg (C) I am Female, 27 yr. Substernal pressure pain, Short of breath, stomachache, hemoptisis and sweating. Height: 165 cm; BW 39kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

(B) I am Female 48 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, and nausea. Height: 165 cm; BW 59 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

(A) I am Male 59 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, nausea, diaphoresis. Height: 165 cm; BW 79 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

(A) I am Male 59 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, nausea, diaphoresis. Height: 165 cm; BW 79 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg (C) I am Female, 27 yr. Substernal pressure pain, Short of breath, stomachache, hemoptisis and sweating. Height: 165 cm; BW 39kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

(B) I am Female 48 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, and nausea. Height: 165 cm; BW 59 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

(B) I am Female 48 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, and nausea. Height: 165 cm; BW 59 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

(A) I am Male 59 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, nausea, diaphoresis. Height: 165 cm; BW 79 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg (C) I am Female, 27 yr. Substernal pressure pain, Short of breath, stomachache, hemoptisis and sweating. Height: 165 cm; BW 39kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

(B) I am Female 48 yr. Substernal pressure pain with radiation to jaw, shoulder, arm, and nausea. Height: 165 cm; BW 59 kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg (C) I am Female, 27 yr. Substernal pressure pain, Short of breath, stomachache, hemoptisis and sweating. Height: 165 cm; BW 39kg; BP: 100/70 mmHg

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