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9 Trusses and Lattice


9.1 Introduction
Latticed trusses and girders are extremely efficient in material usage for spanning long
distances, provided a suitable configuration and depth-to-span ratio is chosen. However,
because of their more complex construction, their fabrication requires a high labour input
and the cost per ton for such trusses and girders is thus very much higher than that of
plain I-beams or welded plate girders.

It is therefore important to design trusses and lattice girders efficiently. Not only must the
material content be kept to a minimum, but, above all, their construction must be kept
simple and straightforward.

9.2 Configuration
Various truss and lattice girder layouts were discussed in Chapter 5 in the context of their
application to different building types. The more common layouts were shown in Figs 5.1,
5.4 and 5.5. In this chapter the advantages of particular configurations and construction
details will be considered in greater detail. Most of the comments will apply equally to
parallel-chord girders and to trusses with low-pitched rafters.

The most commonly used shapes are illustrated in Fig 9.1. The triangular trusses shown
in details (a) and (b) have been used for many years and because of their steep pitch,
were especially suited to roof sheeting having end laps within the slope length. With the
advent of deeper profile sheeting, supplied in single lengths from eaves to ridge, much
flatter slopes are possible and the low-pitch trusses shown in details (c) and (d) have
become popular as a result. As explained in Section 5.2, the low-pitch truss is structurally
more efficient than the triangular one because of its shape (see Fig 5.2), but it does
require a greater height of column.

The Warren truss or girder in details (d) and (f) has a more attractive appearance than the
Pratt or N-braced truss in details (c) and (e) because of the uniform, rhythmic flow of the
diagonals. It also has a slightly lesser total length of web members. However, where the
maximum gravity loading (dead plus live loads) exceeds the net uplift loading (dead plus
wind loads), as is usual in roofs of buildings, the web compression members under gravity
loading attract higher forces because of their slope. The combination of



(a) Fink truss - small (b) Fink truss - large

(c) Pratt truss (d) Warren truss

(e) Pratt girder ( f ) Warren girder

(g) Sub-divided Pratt girder (h) Sub-divided Warren

( j ) Pratt truss - alternative layout

Fig 9.1: Truss and girder configurations

his higher compressive force with greater buckling length generally requires the trusses or
girders to be of larger section than the vertical compression members of a Pratt truss or
girder. On the other hand, under reversal (net uplift) loading the diagonals in the N-braced
configuration are in compression and the larger member sizes required to meet this
condition would make this layout less efficient. It is often necessary to do a quick
preliminary analysis to determine which is the better configuration for any particular case.
In general it will be found that for smaller spans, or where there is net uplift loading, a
Warren truss will be lighter than a Pratt truss.

It should also be noted that the diagonals at the centre of the Warren truss in detail (d)
are in tension under gravity loading, whereas they are in compression in the Pratt truss in
detail (c) (as shown in solid lines). The combination of tensile force and short length in the
Warren truss would be much more favourable than the compressive force and long length
in the Pratt truss. In the alternative Pratt truss web member layout shown dotted the
centre diagonals are in tension and are thus more efficient.

Where the lower chord of a truss is stabilised by kneebraces from the purlins the
alternative Pratt layout shown in detail (j) can be used. Here the 'verticals' have been
placed at 90º to the rafters and are thus in the same plane as the kneebraces, making the
connection of the latter more simple.

For all roof trusses the panel lengths of the rafter should be equal to the purlin spacing,
i.e. the purlins should be located on the panel points. In this way local bending of the
rafter, which would be caused by random location of the purlins, is avoided and the rafter
is designed for axial force only.

9.3 Bolted or welded construction

The decision on whether to use bolted or welded construction for a truss or girder will be
governed mainly by the preference of the client or the fabricator. Welding produces a
simpler truss of attractive appearance, slightly lower in mass than a bolted truss and
easier to paint. A fabricator may, however, prefer to use bolting if his workshop is suitably
equipped with automatic punching or drilling equipment. Bolted trusses are much easier
and quicker to assemble because they are self-jigging and do not require the assembly
beds that are needed for welded trusses. They also do not have to be turned over for
access to far side welds.

A disadvantage of a tensile member with bolted end connections is that the effective
sectional area is reduced by the extent of the bolt holes.

9.4 Chords and web members

The choice of sections for the chords and web members will depend on the force to be
transmitted and whether construction is by bolting or welding. Typical sections used are
shown in Fig 9.2, where they are arranged approximately in ascending order of cost.

All these sections may be used as both chord and web members, except (b), which is
normally used only as a chord. Chord members (a), (b), (k), (l) and (m) would normally be
used for welded construction and (a) and (c) to (j) for bolted construction. The sections in
(e) to (j) require double gussets and are used for larger girders. The double-angle section
(c), when used as a web member in a heavily loaded bolted girder, has the advantage of
requiring only about half the usual number of bolts since the bolts at the member ends are
in double shear. It is a very efficient member, especially in compression, but is not
suitable in corrosive environments because of the difficulty in painting the surfaces
between the angles.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

(h) (j)

(k) (l) (m)

Fig 9.2: Member sections

Welded girders with single rather than double angle chords and web members are much
easier to assemble since they do not require turning over for welding. The combination of
T-chords and single-angle web members is particularly efficient, especially when gussets
are not required.

Where double members require battens, these are indicated by dotted lines. The (j)
section requires battens to both flanges and is thus expensive to fabricate. It is only used
in heavily loaded girders with long member lengths.

The use of battened starred angles (not shown in Fig 9.2) is uneconomical. Although the
section might appear efficient on a resistance unit mass rating, it is subject to the rather
onerous requirements of clauses 19.1.4 and 19.1.5 of SABS 0162-1, which state that an
increased equivalent effective length must be used unless the battens are welded or
friction-grip bolted. Furthermore, because the end connection bolts are in single shear
only and because of the width of the section, larger gussets are required.

Bolted and
welded -

(a) (b)

Bolted and
welded -

(c) (d)


(e) (f)


(g) (h)

Fig 9.3: Connections at nodes

9.5 Connections at nodes
The selection of the type of connection used at nodes or panel points has a significant
bearing on the economy of a girder. On smaller girders where eccentricity of member
axes at a panel point is acceptable, the omission of gussets is especially cost-effective.
This requires lapping of the web member and welding or bolting it directly onto the chord,
as shown in details (c) and (d) of Fig 9.3. Where eccentricity is to be avoided the details
shown in (a) and (b) can be applied, but these require alternate web members to be on
the far side of the chord. The single bolt, as shown in detail (a), is obviously an
economical connection.

Gussets are required for larger members and forces. In welded construction the node
layout may be as indicated in details (e) or (f) of the figure, with eccentricity avoided in (e)
but present in (f). In bolted construction the detail shown in (g) or (h) could be applied,
where (g) avoids eccentricity but requires a larger gusset than (h), and in this example,
requires one extra bolt in the chord member.

In all cases where eccentricities in connections are involved they should be according to
the designer's specifications or, if incorporated by the detailer, should be with the
designer's approval.

In simple node connections where single-angle diagonal web members are directly
welded to the chords, the details shown in Fig 9.4 may be applied with good effect. In (a)
the web angle is turned toe-up to get a better balance of welding on the heel and toe and
takes account of the greater depth of the compression chord as compared with the
tension chord. Alternatively, the web angle toe can be sniped at the tension chord, as
shown in detail (b). This permits longer welds than are possible in the connection shown
in detail a), at very little increase in cost.



(a) (b)

Fig 9.4: Welded angle web members

If it is decided to use the (a) connection detail, a set-out should be done to ensure that
there is in fact sufficient overlap of the diagonal onto the chords to accommodate the heel
weld at the compression chord and the toe weld at the tension chord.

The transfer of shear from a diagonal web member to an adjacent vertical member must
be properly catered for. This is especially important at the end of a girder where the shear
is high. In Fig 9.5 the vertical shear at position X should be checked, since without
gussets the vertical element(s) of the chord may be overstressed. Gussets, as shown
dotted, may have to be added to increase the shear resistance.


Fig 9.5: End nodes in welded girders

Where the web members do not overlap the chords but connect to their horizontal faces,
as shown in Fig 9.6, it is preferable to separate the web members, as in examples (b) and
(d), rather than to maintain common intersection points as in details (a) and (c) where
much more work is obviously required to cut and fit the members. It is essential, however,
to check the vertical element(s) of the chord sections to ensure adequate shear
resistance. The design of node connections for girders made of welded structural hollow
sections is given in Chapter 5 and Appendix 2 of the Structural Hollow Sections
Handbook (Ref. 8).

(a) (b)
CHS members

(c) (d)
H - Section members

Fig 9.6: Node connections for girders with SHS and H-section members

9.6 Gussets
Economy in gusset fabrication can be obtained by following a few simple rules as
illustrated in Fig 9.7 and set out below, viz.:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

Fig 9.7: Gusset shapes

• Opposite edges should be parallel where possible.

• Adjacent edges should be at right angles where possible.
• Corners should not be sniped unless the included angle is less than 90º.
• The number of edges should be kept to a minimum.

In Fig 9.7 gussets (a) to (d) are arranged in descending order of simplicity. They can all
be cut economically, either by shearing or by machine-gas cutting, from a large plate
because the shapes can be 'nested' when being marked off.

In following the above rules it is sometimes necessary to depart from the standard bolt
pitch, as for example in gusset (c) where the bolt pitch in the vertical line has been
increased for the sake of having parallel edges to the plate. Using a uniform pitch would
result in a shape as in gusset (e).

In gusset shape (f) standard bolt pitches are employed for all members, but this is an
expensive gusset to make. In detail (g) the large number of bolts along the left edge
implies a heavy load in the vertical member and consequently the gusset should be
widened as shown dotted to spread the load over a greater width of plate.

9.7 Girders with double-plane webs

In the case of girders with wide top chords, as in details (e) to (j) of Fig 9.2, it is also
necessary for the web diagonals to be wide, or else to be in two planes, as shown by
details (a) and (b) respectively of Fig 9.8. The battening of double compression members,

where the battens have to be welded or FG bolted, is very expensive and the use of a
single member should be considered in this instance, provided the extra mass is not

(a) (b)

Fig 9.8: Single and double web members

On the other hand, where the force is not high, the battens could possibly be dispensed
with and the two elements of the member be designed as separate struts. For double
tension members the battens could in any case be omitted provided the slenderness ratio
of the individual members is not excessive.

9.8 Summary
• An efficient layout of truss or girder should be selected, taking account of the overall
size and the presence of uplift loading. The lengths of compression members
should be limited. In general, the Warren configuration represents an economical
shape for many applications.

• In roof trusses the node points should correspond with the purlin locations.

• Welded trusses are lighter, easier to paint and more attractive in appearance than
bolted ones, but the latter might be preferred by fabricators suitably equipped to
handle bolted assembly.

• Where possible, welded girders should be designed for welding from one side only.

• The shape of chord members is dependent mainly on the magnitude of the load, but
is also influenced by whether bolted or welded construction is used. The section

should be kept simple and be suitable for the easy connection of the web members,
either directly or with gussets.

• Double-section web members require smaller gussets and less bolting or welding
because of the reduced load per section.

• Web members comprising two separated sections connected by battens are

expensive. The battens should be kept compact (but be checked for shear loading),
or the sections may be designed to act separately without battens.

• Starred-angle members need non-slip connectors in the battens unless an

increased effective length is used and require extra gusset width at the end
connections. Their use should thus be avoided.

• At web member to chord connections in smaller trusses and girders, gussets may
be dispensed with, provided the chord is checked for the eccentric application of
force and also for the shear effect in the vertical element(s) of the chord.

• In larger welded girders the web members may overlap the chord member, with a
small gusset added to cater for the higher loads or to eliminate eccentricity.

• Economy in gusset fabrication can be achieved by following the simple rules given.


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