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By following brain research, teachers can use learner-centered teaching to optimize learning.

The brain learns by growing new neurons and making neural connections through synapses.

If students can recall information and skills after periods of disuse, they have learned the material.

To recall, the information has to be encoded into the long term memory through repetition.

Learner-centered teaching creates environments where student learning is optimized.

Retention rates of information increases when students are actively engaged in the learning.

Learner-centered teaching requires greater responsibility and more effort for students to learn.

Being a facilitator requires teachers to fulfill a new role in the classroom in support of the students.

Effective facilitation can be accomplished by implementing several simple strategies and tools.

Planning is a crucial step in successfully implementing learner-centered teaching.

Scaffolding is a technique that can support students as they learn how to develop new skills.

Discussions increase student engagement and retention, as well as developing important skills.

Authentic learning experiences are more meaningful, relevant, and engaging for students.

Part of the planning process requires selecting an effective assessment for each learning activity.

Building positive relationships is necessary to create the right learning environment.

There are several memory enhancers that play a role in optimizing learning.

Gaining the students attention is the first step in successful encoding new information.

Creating multisensory experiences builds a neural network connected to the information.

Organizing information into patterns can enhance recall of information and promote understanding.

Emotional memories attached to information increases the ability to recall.

Exercise and movement play a vital role in the brains key functions and synaptic plasticity.

Learning is optimized when students are getting a reasonable amount of sleep.

Reducing stress in the classroom can increase a students ability to learn new information.

The best way to promote long term recall is the repetitive use of new information and skills.

Facilitate learning in an environment that focuses on engaging the student and their brain.

Lecturing = Less Learning

Doyle, Terry (2011). Learner-Centered Teaching: Putting the research on learning into practice. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.

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