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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Imperial Conversions Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to convert between imperial lengths. Most students should be able to convert between imperial dimensions of length and weight. Some students should be able to order units that are imperial dimensions of length, capacity and weight. Keywords: Imperial, Unit, Gallon, Pound, Stone, Yard, Mile, Stone, ratio Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students categorise imperial measurements according to their dimension of length, weight or mass. To extend this, students could categorise and order them from smallest to biggest. This could be completed on mini-whiteboards for assessment and feedback. Development The standard conversions imperial units are provided in the top right corner of the slide. However, the students could research them using their smart phones immediately after the starter activity. Equivalent ratios could be used to convert between imperial units of length. For example, see the diagram. The unitary method maybe needed for more complex conversions. Work through the first four questions and have the class attempt the remainder on mini-whiteboards to assess progress and feedback. Students should be able to work through the problems on the third slide independently. Feedback solutions throughout to maintain pace. Plenary Students apply their learning to order a set of imperial lengths and weights. All students should be able to order the lengths and most should be able to order the lengths and weights. The most able could create a similar problem using capacities. Differentiation More able: Students could convert imperial units from metric. Less Able May need to review using equivalent ratios. Resources: Mini-whiteboards Calculators

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