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Prepared by : Cikgu Ananth


Kertas 1 40 Objektif F1-F3 > 12-15 Soalan F4 > 15-17 Soalan F5 > 10-12 Soalan Kertas 2 Bahagian A 11 Soalan F1-F3 > 3 Soalan F4 > 4-5 Soalan F5 > 3-4 Soalan Bahagian B 5 Soalan F4 > 1 Soalan i) Statistics F5 > 4 Soalan i) Graphs of Functions II ii) Transformations III iii) Earth as a sphere iv) Plan and Elavations

Week 1 > PMR (Algebraic Expressions, Algebraic Formulae, Linear Equations, Linear Inequalities, Solid Geometry) Week 2 > PMR (Polygons, Transformations, Circles, Indices) Week 3 > F4 (Trigomometry, Quadratic, The straight line, Statistic) Week 4 > F5 (Matrices, Variations, Graph of Functions, Gradient & area under a graph, Plans & elavations) Week 5 > ALL Fast revision (Other chapters & 1 Set SPM Paper)

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