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Name: _________________________


Summary Paragraph
Youve had a few weeks now to start reading your novel, or in some cases, finish your novel. Taking what you already know about the main character and plot, you will write a summary paragraph where you cover the following pieces of information. All paragraphs will be posted in Room 9-5, so that your fellow classmates can refer to your summary (and see the book cover) when trying to find a new book to read. Since others may want to read the book, be sure not to give away the ending. Select the information that you include very, very carefully. You may fill out this outline in point form, but will need to turn these points into complete sentences when you draft your rough copy on the computer. In addition, your rough copy will NOT include any of the headings that have been provided in the outline. The finished product will be a proper paragraph summarizing the book, and will be accompanied by a picture.

Topic sentence: (Title and author of book and what its about) The novel ________________________________ by __________________________is about

Point 1 - Setting: (Include the country, city, location, time period etc..) Transition word: _____________________________________________ Point where and when it takes place:

Example How you know this (refer to a specific part of the book that indicates this):

Point 2 - Main Character: (Name, age, living arrangements, siblings, etc) Transition word: _____________________________________________ Point name of the main character and what he or she is like:

Example How you know this (refer to something he or she says or does that tells you what he or she is like):

Name: _________________________


Point 3 - Plot: (Include four points about important events in the novel. Dont give away the ending and try to build suspense!) Transition word: _____________________________________________ Point what the main conflict in the story is:

Example what are some key things that happen in the story: 1.




Concluding sentence: (Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?) Transition word:__________________________________ Explain why you would or would not recommend this book:

Book Cover: Find a picture of the book cover online, and include it with your paragraph.

Editing Checklist:
All ONE paragraph Used tab to indent your paragraph Clear topic sentence 3 transition words used Clearly explained setting, character, and plot Used specific examples from the book Concluding sentence explains whether or not you recommend the book Included a picture of the book Typed and double-spaced

Name: _________________________

4+ 4 3 2 1


Marking Scheme:
Topic Sentence Body Clear and concise sentence Includes title and author of the book Title of book is underlined Topic sentence is indented 4+ 4 3 2 1 IE IE

Describes the setting effectively (imagery) Main characters name, and relevant information is included Builds suspense without revealing the ending Summarizes four interesting and important details from the book 4+ 4 3 2 1 IE

Closing Sentence

Brings paragraph to an effective close with insightful recommendation 4+ 4 3 2 1 IE


Spelling is correct Grammar is correct Correct capitalization (proper nouns are capitalized names, places, and new sentences) Proper paragraph format is used Includes an image of the book cover


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