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n limba englez, substantivele primesc terminaia s la plural. e.g. book books map maps (hri) month months (luni) Substantivele n limba englez se mpart n: o Numrabile (count nouns): a boy two boys Substantivele terminate n y precedat de o vocal, pstreaz acest y la plural: day days; toy toys. Substantivele terminate n y precedat de o consoan, schimb acest y n ie la plural: fly flies (mute), hobby hobbies, city cities (orae). Substantivele terminate n s, ss, x, ch, sh i zz formeaz pluralul n es: bus buses, class classes, box boxes, bench benches (bnci), brush brushes, buzz buzzes. Substantivele terminate n f i fe au pluralul n ves: knife knives (cuite), half halves, leaf leaves (frunze), life lives (viei), wife wives(soii), wolf wolves(lupi). Excepie: belief beliefs (credine), chief chiefs (efi), proof proofs (dovezi), roof roofs (acoperiuri). Substantivele terminate n o au pluralul n (e)s: potato potatoes (cartofi), tomato tomatoes (roii), piano pianos, photo photoes (fotografii). Unele substantive au aceleai forme la singular i la plural: series series (serii), species species (specii), means means (mijloace), sheep sheep (oi), dear dear (cprioare), trout trout (pstrv). Unele substantive au plural neregulat: man men,woman women, foot feet, goose geese (gte), tooth teeth, mouse mice, child children. o Nenumrabile (mass nouns): Concrete: bread (pine), butter(unt), chalk (cret), food, fruit (fructe), gold (aur), jam (gem), sugar (zahr), silver (argint), news (tiri), furniture (mobil), luggadge (bagaje), money (bani) Abstracte: advice (sfat), homework, information, knowledge (cunotine), work (munc), progress (progres), business (afaceri), strength (putere), research (cercetri), luck (noroc), evidence (dovezi) Adjective abstracte devenite substantive: the good, the beautiful, the evil. Pentru majoritatea dintre aceste substantive, plurarul se realizeaz cu ajutorul cuvntului piece(pieces): I have got a new piece of furniture in my living-room - I have got some new pieces of furniture in my living room. Substantive colective: people (oameni), police (poliie), youth (tineri), catle (vite).



n limba englez, numele date brbailor sunt considerate de genul masculin, cele date femeilor de genul feminin i toate celelalte, denumind fiine, lucruri i noiuni abstracte, de genul neutru. Substantivele care denumesc att brbai ct i femei, cum sunt numele profesiunilor i ocupaiilor, sunt de gen comun: teacher, engineer (inginer), friend, child, artist, musician, guest (musafir), relative (rud), writer (scriitor). Majoritatea substantivelor au forme diferite pentru masculin i feminin. Acestea se realizeaz prin: Adugarea unei terminaii: Masculin actor duke emperor prince god master tiger hero Feminin actress duchess empress princess goddess mistress tigress heroine Traducere actor actri duce duces mprat - mprteas prin prines zeu zei stpn stpn tigru tigroaic erou eroin


II. Folosirea unui cuvnt ajuttor: Masculin boy-friend shopboy doctor III. Folosirea unor cuvinte diferite: Masculin man father husband boy brother son uncle nephew king Sir gentleman Mister (Mr.) Feminin woman mother wife girl sister daughter aunt niece queen Madam lady Miss, Mrs. Traducere brbat - femeie tat - mam so - soie biat - fat frate - sor fiu - fiic unchi - mtu nepot - nepoat rege - regin domnule - doamn domn - doamn domn - doamn Feminin girl-friend shopgirl lady-doctor Traducere prieten prieten vnztor vnztoare doctor - doctori



Cazul genitiv exprim ideea de posesiune. Numele posesorului primete s la singular i numai la plural. Dac substantivul are plural neregulat, i se adaug s. e.g. The girls book. Cartea fetei. The girls books. Crile fetelor. The childs book. Cartea copilului. The childrens books. Crile copiilor. Genitivul se ntrebuineaz pentru: o Persoane: Anas flowers florile Anei o Vieuitoare (animale, psri): the cats paws labele pisicii o Noiuni temporale: todays paper ziarul de astzi o Distane: at a miles distance la distan de o mil o ri, orae, continente: Italys monuments monumentele Italiei o Noiuni abstracte: lifes joys bucuriile vieii o Corpuri cereti: the suns light lumina soarelui o Substantivul ship: the ships captain cpitanul vaporului o Personificri: the dolls house casa ppuii Dou substantive legate prin and i care arat o singur posesiune primesc s dup cel deal doilea substantiv. e.g. Mary and Davids friends prietenii Mariei i ai lui David Dac sunt dou posesiuni diferite s apare de dou ori. e.g. Marys and Davids friends prietenii Mariei i prietenii lui David. Numele unei cldiri este adesea omis. e.g. at the florists (shop) la florrie

Genitivul prepoziional este construit cu prepoziia of. Se folosete pentru lucruri dar i pentru fiine. e.g. the colour of the grass culoarea ierbii the room of my grandmother camera bunicii

Pentru sublinieri: the city of New York (oraul New York); Pentru a desemna unul sau mai muli din grup: one of my friends (unul dintre prietenii mei) Pentru a indica vrsta: a man of thirty-four (un om de 34 de ani) Pentru a indica o calitate: a man of great value (un om de mare valoare) Pentru a indica materialul: a statue of marble (o statuie de marmur)
Grupuri de cuvinte n care apare s

For Gods sake (pentru numele lui Dumnezeu) For your mothers sake (de dragul mamei tale) With your minds eye (cu ochiul minii)

UNIT 2 Exercises


Explicai de ce s-a transformat sau nu s-a transformat y la urmtoarele substantive plurale: baby babies, key keys, butterfly butterflies Traducei n limba romn: The sheep is a mild animal. Our sheep ar in the mountains now. Where are your children? The child begins to speak. The geese are near the lake. Our kids like the mice in the cartoons. Punei substantivele din parantez la numrul plural: There are hundreds of (book) .................. on the (shelf) .................. All his (toy) ............... are in his room. Those (man)................. are (tourist)....................... (Child) ........................... like (story) ......................... (Leaf) .................... fall in autumn. There are lots of (goose) ....................... on that farm. Did you buy any (potato) ..................... yesterday? Those (woman) .................... are (housewife) ......................... There are some (mouse) ................... in the barn. Trecei la plural urmtoarele substantive: class, month, piano, deer, advice, information, hobby, money, map, furniture, box. Care sunt corespondentele feminine ale urmtoarelor substantive masculine? son, nephew, uncle, father, friend, brother, boy, student, husband, man, king. Vorbii despre familia dumneavoastr n cel puin zece propoziii. Includei i cuvintele: uncle, aunt, cousin, sister, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. Formulai propoziii cu substantive la genitiv, conform modelului: John has got a book. This is Johns book. My neighbour has got a car. Lily has got a doll. Dick has got a new bicycle. My cousin has got a new toy. Mister White has got an umbrella. Lawrence and Paul have got an electric train. Peter has got a bicycle and Mary has got a bicycle too. Trecei urmtoarele substantive n cazul genitiv la numrul plural: My cousins house is large. The girls room is very pretty. The pupils uniform is blue. The womans work is very appreciated. The workers life is much better today. Where are the childs clothes? The babys food is in the fridge.








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