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READING REPORT Students Name Teachers Name Course : Victor Eduardo Ochoa Cerron : Alix Silva Cayo : Advanced

IV Time : 9 11am

When the FBI Spent Decades Hunting for a Soviet Spy on Its Staff

Summary (150 to 300 words)

In all the histories of spies, the hunting of a soviet spy was the most difficult incident that reverberated the FBI history for decades.

It started when one spring night of 1962, Aleksei Kulak, an undercover science official at the United Nations with 39 years, mentioned in the FBI office in Midtown Manhattan about a mole with a phrase: All of our people are out covering a meeting with your guy, Dick. That notice was an earthquake in the FBI, and put Kulak in the FBIs Bureau with the code name FEDORA.

The first task, in the process of hunting, was made by Joseph Hengemuhle and Joseph Palguta. Everyone with the name Dick had to be investigated and all calls were heard. Finally, after that many spies were in the shadow of the research, in 1980 an analyst named Robert H. King concluded that he had identified UNSUB Dick. The real name of UNSUB Dick actually is a secret that FBI have, but its a secret that influenced in the strategies for the espionage in this time.

This format January 2012 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

Personal Opinion (Min. 50 words for 150-word summaries | Min. 100 words for 300-word summaries)

In my opinion the espionage have benefits and problems depend of what you want to do with the information obtained. Its a problem if the information is used to damage countries or people, one example was Sendero Luminoso that used the information of government to affect our country and promote the terrorism like a way to have authority. In other side, the espionage provides information to care the country of ill-disposed people like the information obtained for safe people of the Embassy of Japan in the government of Fujimori with the Chavin de Huantar operation. All depends in the use of information.

For Teachers Use

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