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I Am From I am from many small beds, Stacks of clothes Olive green uniforms

You Are Still Alive The incoherent conict between brothers made you ee from your menage You found a warm place

I am from a bumpy street, Tiny row houses, A sandy soccer eld

You conquered another city You reinvented your life Though the obstacles, though your illiteracy, You succeeded plans were made, but destiny took you to a better place, now you live our hearts -David Rivas

I am from a loving uncle Adolfo Tender abuelita Consuelo And hard worker tio Lorenzo

I am from azul se te ponga la nia del ojo go ask if the neighbor has it va para que dure y no que madure

I am from bread with turkey Pupusas stacked with beans and cheese And chocolate cake. This is where I am from. -David Rivas

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