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October 14, 2013

Week 8


7:30am-9:20am: Free play-I will help Jaden not get as upset when his parents leave by getting on his level and engaging him with the toys put on the table. 9:20am-9:35am: Job Group Time-I will be more consistent by telling the children whether or not to raise their hand or call out answers to questions because when I dont the children have to guess what I want and it is more confusing. 9:35am-9:50am: Snack-I will ask Andrew how he is feeling because he has been sick all of last week. I will understand if he isnt participating as much as usual if he is still not feeling 100%. 9:50-10:15am: Large Group Time-I will learn where all the cots go in the room to get them ready while Betty leads group time. Doing this will save time later during free choice time that could be spent talking with children. 10:15am-11:15am: Free Choice Time-I will help Sophia learn the names of lizards, iguanas, and bearded dragons when playing with them at the tables. I will point to each animal and name them and have her repeat the name a few times to get her familiar with them. 11:15am-12:00pm: Play Outside-I will encourage Rayan to interact with other children by having him walk up to children and ask to play with them or ask if they want to play because usually he sits or walks around by himself. I want him to work on his social skills, using English, and simply talking more. He is quiet in class and wont willingly say anything unless called upon.

October 15, 2013

Week 8


7:30am-9:20am: Free play-I will help Natalya read the fire truck book by sounding out words with her. We had a fireman come in last week as a guest speaker and she has been interested in the fire department since. 9:20am-9:35am: Job Group Time-I will work on reinforcing colors in Spanish so all the children know them by asking questions like Who can tell me how to say the color ___ in Spanish? I will call on different children and take note of who raises their hands and who doesnt. Betty taught a few words such as red, blue, green, and pink, but I want to make sure the children know those and start adding more. 9:35am-9:50am: Snack-I will learn how to give seconds for cereal because we havent had cereal for snack before and most children are hungry during snack time and want more. 9:50-10:15am: Large Group Time-I will make sure all the students are watching Jenna, Jadens sister, while she plays the violin for us by telling them the expectations before she plays. I will also watch and quietly remind any child who needs reminding during the performance. Many children havent seen someone play an instrument that has real experience, and I want them to pay attention so they could possibly start playing when they get older. 10:15am-11:15am: Free Choice Time-I will help Magdalena understand the difference between a long sleeve shirt and a sweater when playing dress up with the frogs by asking her to look at the differences between the fabric and having her guess which is warmer. She often confuses the two items of clothing. 11:15am-12:00pm: Play Outside-I will make rhythms with Sophie on the drums outside by the fence by doing a rhythm and having her repeat it. I will then have her do one for me to repeat and make a game out of it. Doing this will help Sophie recognize rhythms and beats in songs we listen to during rug time too.

October 16, 2013

Week 8


7:30am-9:20am: Free play-I will get Rayan to say Good Morning and look at me when he says it by getting on his level and telling him to look at me. Rayan doesnt like to make eye contact or respond when he is talked to, so by doing this, it will help him practice those skills. 9:20am-9:35am: Job Group Time-I will time the music better so Job Group Time doesnt go over into Snack time by choosing songs that dont go to long, or at least not having multiple long songs. I dont want the children to rush to eat. 9:35am-9:50am: Snack-I will have the children stay quiet while they are eating by telling them to remember their thoughts and tell me after they are done. I dont want t he other teachers to call over telling them to be quiet. This will also help the children gain all the nutrients they need during snack. 9:50-10:15am: Large Group Time-I will get the jobs or other sheets filled out so Betty has time to look them over and copy them. That way there will be no stress for time, and it will also help me plan ahead and stay on top of everything going on in the classroom. 10:15am-11:15am: Free Choice Time-I will have Jaden use his words when he gets mad or frustrated about something. I can do this by saying, Tell me how you are feeling, or Why are you feeling this way? I dont understand what happened when you just cross your arms. 11:15am-12:00pm: Play Outside-I will help John name all the planets listed on the climber by pointing to him and asking him to look at the picture and see which planet it is based on its characteristics.

October 17, 2013

Week 8


7:30am-9:20am: Free play-I will read with James to increase his vocabulary and practice reading with a strong, confident voice by asking him to sound out the words he doesnt know and explaining what those words mean so he can possibly use or recognize them in the future. 9:20am-9:35am: Job Group Time-I will encourage Rayan to dance with his classmates or me to get him moving and doing physical activity by holding his hands and including him in circles of children because usually he just stands on the edge of the carpet and watches. 9:35am-9:50am: Snack-I will have John drink all his milk without slurping by reminding him of the expectations before snack starts. 9:50-10:15am: Large Group Time-I will have John sit criss cross apple sauce at his place on the rug while Betty is talking to help him focus and learn better. This will also help him practice his listening skills. 10:15am-11:15am: Free Choice Time-I will get Jaden to button his own pants during bathroom time by holding his shirt so the button is more visible for him. This way he can be more independent and become less frustrated with going to the bathroom during play time. 11:15am-12:00pm: Play Outside-I will help Oscar climb the monkey bars by cheering for him and giving him a little boost so he can play with his friends who like to go up there and feel part of the group instead of left out on the ground.

October 18, 2013

Week 8


7:30am-9:20am: Free play-I will use the lego toolios screw driver and wrench to work on fine motor skills with Ayanna by holding the piece she is screwing the pieces into. Doing this will practice her coordination and help her grasp items correctly. 9:20am-9:35am: Job Group Time-I will get Mitchell to stay criss cross apple sauce on the rug during Job time by reminding him of the expectations and having him sit in front of me. This will also help him practice his listening and focusing skills. 9:35am-9:50am: Snack-I will encourage Jaden to eat quicker so he isnt the last one sitting at the table by himself by saying Focus on eating, or Look down at your plate and have another bite. 9:50-10:15am: Large Group Time-I will help Anthony spell the words Start and Finish by himself so he doesnt have to ask because he always draws racecar pictures and asks how to spell those words. I will do this by having him sound out the words so the letters he is writing fits the sounds he is hearing. That will help him remember more, and practice too. 10:15am-11:15am: Free Choice Time-I will learn more of the names of the toys so I can identify and choose them for the planning grids I make during take over. Knowing all the toys will help me choose ones that will encourage the children to work on different skills I want them to be practicing at the time. 11:15am-12:00pm: Play Outside-I will help Natalya play hopscotch by the drums because she doesnt understand yet that two boxes means two feet and one box means on e foot since she hasnt had much experience playing it yet. I will do this by modeling for her and giving her focal instructions while she does it so she gets the hang of it.

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