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To open a branch office in Bangladesh Representative by S & F CONSULTIN FIR! LI!


Papers & information are required to open a branch office in Dhaka

In order to establish yo$r branch office in Bangladesh% necessary application in prescribed for& has to be s$b&itted to the concerned a$thorities of the overn&ent for obtaining per&ission'approvals( The concerned a$thorities are listed belo)* +( 0( overn&ent of Bangladesh ,!inistry of Ind$stries-% #ha.a/ Bangladesh Ban.% #ha.a/

To obtain the per&issions'approvals of the above a$thorities% the follo)ing infor&ation and papers'doc$&ents )ill be re1$ired as sho)n against each a$thority( The infor&ation &entioned belo) re1$ires to be filed )ith the said application $nder the signat$re and seal of the !anaging #irector of the principal co&pany( The seal of the Co&pany also has to be affi2ed thereon( 1. Government of Bangladesh (Ministr of !ndustries" a( F$ll na&e% address% telephone% fa2 n$&bers of the principal co&pany% )ith co$ntry of origin/ b( Intended field of b$siness in Bangladesh thro$gh proposed Branch Office/ c( F$nction of the principal co&pany'fir& in brief/ d( #ate of operation of the proposed Branch Office/ e. Period for #hich permission is sought$ f( 3roposed organi4ational set $p of the co&pany5s Branch Office/ g. !nitial appro%imate e%penditure and operational e%penses of the compan &s Branch 'ffice and source and nature of inflo# of mone required for running the Branch 'ffice for the purpose$ h( Certificate of Incorporation of the principal co&pany and resol$tion of the Board of #irectors to establish a Branch Office in Bangladesh% d$ly notari4ed and a$thenticated by the 6igh Co&&ission'"&bassy of Bangladesh in the co$ntry of origin i( !e&orand$& and 7rticles of 7ssociation of the principal co&pany% d$ly e2ec$ted% notari4ed and a$thenticated by the 6igh Co&&ission'"&bassy of Bangladesh in the co$ntry of origin

To open a branch office in Bangladesh Representative by S & F CONSULTIN FIR! LI!IT"#

8( 3o)er of 7ttorney given in favo$r of The La) 7ssistant d$ly notari4ed and a$thenticated by the 6igh Co&&ission of Bangladesh in the co$ntry of origin(

(. Bangladesh Bank a( F$ll na&e% address% telephone% fa2 n$&bers of the principal co&pany% )ith co$ntry of origin/ b( 3lace of incorporation and registration of the principal co&pany in the co$ntry of origin/ c( 7$thori4ed and paid9$p share capital of the principal co&pany% both e1$ity and preferential ,if applicable-/ d( Na&e% address and nationality of the #irectors of the principal co&pany as )ell as their place of per&anent residence/ e( 7ny share held in the principal co&pany by Bangladeshi national or co&pany registered in Bangladesh )ith f$ll partic$lars ,na&e of the shareholder% nationality% n$&ber and val$e of shares held-/ f( 3artic$lars of the activity ,trading'co&&ercial'ind$strial'cons$ltancyof the 3rincipal Co&pany/ g( Na&e and address of the Bangladeshi agent'representative if any ,incl$ding nat$re of activities $nderta.en or the services rendered by Bangladeshi agent'representative and ter& incl$ding re&$neration payable to agent'representative-/ h( So$rce of finance to the Branch Office in Bangladesh/ i( 8( :hether s$rpl$s earning% if any in Bangladesh% to be re&itted abroad/ :hether any foreign personnel )ill be e&ployed/ if so% a list giving the na&es and nationalities of s$ch persons% their designation% period of e&ploy&ent% for ) in Bangladesh and partic$lars of govern&ent approval for their e&ploy&ent/

.( Certificate of Incorporation of the principal co&pany% d$ly notari4ed and a$thenticated by the 6igh Co&&ission'"&bassy of Bangladesh in the co$ntry of origin9t)o copies incl$ding one original/ l( !e&orand$& and 7rticles of 7ssociation of the principal co&pany% d$ly notari4ed and a$thenticated by the 6igh Co&&ission'"&bassy of Bangladesh in the co$ntry of origin 9 t)o copies incl$ding one original/

&( Resol$tion passed by the Board of #irectors for establish&ent of branch'liaison office in Bangladesh d$ly notari4ed and a$thenticated by the 6igh Co&&ission'"&bassy of Bangladesh in the co$ntry of origin9t)o copies incl$ding one original/

To open a branch office in Bangladesh Representative by S & F CONSULTIN FIR! LI!IT"#

n( 7ppoint&ent letter of the local !anager'Branch Representative% if any% in the line of a Board Resol$tion d$ly notari4ed and a$thenticated by the 6igh Co&&ission'"&bassy of Bangladesh in the co$ntry of origin/ o( List of local e&ployees if appointed/ p( 3o)er of 7ttorney favo$ring the legal representative d$ly e2ec$ted(

Board of !nvestment) Bangladesh

*o# can an investor open a ne# Branch 'ffice+,iaison 'ffice+-epresentative 'ffice in Bangladesh. !n order to open a ne# Branch 'ffice+ ,iaison 'ffice+-epresentative 'ffice in Bangladesh/ an investor #ill have to appl in a B'! prescribed form

#hich could be do#nloaded from B'! #ebsite. !n addition/ the investor has to submit ,a- The board resol$tion for opening s$ch office in Bangladesh ,b- Certified copy of !e&orand$& and 7rticles of 7ssociation and Certificate of Incorporation ,c- 3artic$lars of Board of #irectors ,d- 7$dit report ,e- 7ll the doc$&ents &$st be attested by Bangladesh "&bassy'6igh Co&&ission'Cons$late Office in the of the investor( 0hat are the relevant documents+papers required for registering #ith the Board of !nvestment/ Bangladesh. a- #oc$&ents re1$ired for local & foreign invest&ent are*

7pplication For& d$ly filled in Trade License Certificate of Incorporation !e&orand$& and 7rticles of 7ssociation Registered partnership deed

To open a branch office in Bangladesh Representative by S & F CONSULTIN FIR! LI!IT"#

Na&e and address of other shareholder'director,s- of the pro8ect 7dditional doc$&ents for pro8ects in controlled sectors Copy of rental agree&ent or lease deed for pre&ises or land p$rchase doc$&ent

TIN Certificate Registration Fee ,Ban. #raft-

0here does an investor appl

for registration of investments.

c- In order to establish branch or liaison or representative office of a foreign co&pany% yo$ &ay go online at ORS BOI to register yo$r pro8ect )ith re1$ired doc$&ents'papers( If yo$ )ant to register &an$ally% please contact #irector ,Registration & Incentives9+ Co&&ercial-% Board of Invest&ent( Contact N$&ber* ;<<9=09>?@0?A@(

*o# an investor can get a ne# #ork permit in Bangladesh. 7n investor has to apply in a BOI prescribed for& )hich co$ld be do)nloaded fro& BOI )ebsite ,)))(boi(gov(bd-( The holders of 3rivate Investor ,3I- Bisa or "&ploy&ent ,"- Bisa or "+ Bisa &ay get )or. per&it in Bangladesh( 'pening a bank account b a foreign investor 7 non9resident &ay open )ith any a$thori4ed dealer or branch thereof% a foreign c$rrency acco$nt & non9resident foreign c$rrency deposit acco$nt )ith foreign e2change bro$ght in fro& o$tside the co$ntry( 7 foreign investor &ay also open & operate a Ta.a acco$nt freely )ith any ban. )hile they are a resident( 7 non9 resident can open a no resident investorCs Ta.a acco$nt )ith any a$thori4ed dealer in Bangladesh )ith foreign e2change re&itted fro& abroad% or by portfolio invest&ent in Bangladesh( Bringing in cash from abroad b a foreign investor

7 foreigner &ay bring in foreign e2change in any for&% incl$ding cash% )itho$t li&it( 6o)ever% for a&o$nts in e2cess of D ?=== a declaration at ti&e of entity is re1$ired(

To open a branch office in Bangladesh Representative by S & F CONSULTIN FIR! LI!IT"#

1ote2 In order to establish branch or liaison or representative office of a foreign co&pany% yo$ &ay go online at ORS BOI to register yo$r pro8ect )ith re1$ired doc$&ents'papers( If yo$ )ant to register &an$ally% please contact #irector ,Registration & Incentives9+ Co&&ercial-% Board of Invest&ent( Contact N$&ber* ;<<9=09>?@0?A@(

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