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Prima parte contine lectiile cu exercitiile corespondete, iar de la pagina-69- se afla rezolvarile la aceste exercitii LECTIA I TIMPURIL M!

"ULUI I#"I$%TI& Exista doua aspecte in limba engleza: simplu si continu. In general, timpurile simple se folosesc atunci cnd accentul se pune pe actiunea propriu-zisa, iar timpurile continue se folosesc atunci cnd accentul se pune pe durata actiunii, pe perioada de timp in care aceasta are loc. In explicarea intrebuintarii timpurilor continue se va intlni formularea actiune in plina desfasurare". Aceasta inseamna ca actiunea a inceput inainte de momentul la care se face referire si va continua dupa acel moment. Exista un numar de verbe in limba engleza care nu se folosesc la forma continua, deoarece ideea de durata e inclusa in continutul lor semantic. Ex. to want, to like, to dislike, to understand, to owe, to matter, to love, to hate, to belong, to believe, to remember, to know. %' Present Tense (imple %firmativ #egativ I wor I do not !don"t# wor $ou wor $ou do not !don"t# wor %e&s'e&it wor s %e&s'e&it does not !doesn"t# wor (e wor (e do not !don"t# wor $ou wor $ou do not !don"t# wor )'e* wor )'e* do not !don"t# wor Interogativ +o I wor , +o we wor , +o *ou wor , +o *ou wor , +oes 'e&s'e&it wor , +o t'e* wor , -resent )ense .imple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune regulata, obisnuita, in perioada prezenta. Ex. ('at do *ou do, !/u ce te ocupi,# I am a student. ('at time do *ou usuall* 'ave brea fast, Present Tense $ontinuous .e con0uga verbul to be" la timpul prezent si se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I am wor ing (e are wor ing. $ou are wor ing $ou are wor ing %e&s'e&it is wor ing )'e* are wor ing

#egativ I am not wor ing. $ou are not !aren"t# wor ing. %e&s'e&it is not !isn"t# wor ing. (e are not !aren"t# wor ing. $ou are not !aren"t# wor ing. )'e* are not !aren"t# wor ing. Interogativ Am I wor ing, Are we wor ing, Are *ou wor ing, Are *ou wor ing, Is 'e&s'e&it wor ing, Are t'e* wor ing, -resent )ense .imple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune in plina desfasurare in momentul prezent. Ex. ('ere are *ou going, I am going to sc'ool. +e asemenea poate arata o actiune care se desfasoara pe timp limitat in perioada prezenta. Ex.: I go to sc'ool b* bus t'is wee . 1* fat'er is ta ing me in 'is car. 2neori se poate folosi timpul -resent )ense /ontinuous cu adverbul always, pentru a arata o actiune repetata. In acest caz, exista o conotatie afectiva !nemultumire# sau actiunea respectiva este caracteristica pentru acea persoana. Ex. $ou are alwa*s losing *our t'ings. $ou are alwa*s grumbling w'en I as *ou to 'elp me in t'e itc'en. xercitii cu Present (imple si Present $ontinuous 3. -uneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii !-resent .imple# la interogativ si negativ: Nota: Verbul to have", atunci cnd nu inseamna a avea, a poseda", ci este parte dintr-o expresie (to have breakfast, to have a shower, to have a party , formea!a ne"ativul si intero"ativul cu a#utorul auxiliarului to do"$ 34. &he talks too much$ % understand you$ 'ou play the piano very well$ % always believe you$ (e remembers my phone number$ )hey live in *ucharest$ (e has a hot bath every day$ % love my brother$

% trust my friend$ % have lunch at one o+clock$ 2. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present Continuous) la negativ si interogativ: ,$ %t is rainin"$ -$ .$ /$ 0$ 1$ 3$ 4$ 7$ ,9$ % am havin" a walk$ (e is tellin" the truth$ 'ou are typin" a letter$ )hey are swimmin" in the river$ 2y friend is wearin" a new dress$ 2y mother is restin"$ 5e are studyin" 6n"lish$ 8nn is knittin"$ )he child is learnin" to play the piano$ 3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Present Simple sau la Present Continuous: ,$ % (not "o shoppin" because it (rain $ -$ .$ /$ 0$ 1$ 3$ 4$ 5hat you (do on &undays: (e usually (drink coffee but now he (drink tea$ %n 6n"land it often (rain $ % (not like that boy$ (e usually (speak so ;uickly that % (not understand him$ 'ou (like this book: 'ou (dream at ni"ht: 'es, % (dream every ni"ht$ 7$ % can+t answer the phone now because % (cook $ ,9$ (ow you usually ("et to work: % usually ("o by bus, but now % (take a taxi because % am late$ ,,$ )he mana"er can+t receive you now as he (have an interview$ ,-$ 'ou (write to <ohn now: 'es, % (be $ % always (write to him on his birthday$ ,.$ 5here you (hurry : )o the theatre, as % (not want to miss the first act$ ,/$ &he always (borrow books from me and never (remember to "ive them back$ ,0$ 'ou ("o to work every day:

$es, of course, except .aturda*s and .unda*s. ,1$ 5hy you (smoke so much: ,3$ 5ho you (wait for: I !wait# for 5o'n, but 'e is late, as usual. ,4$ % always (have a rest after lunch$ ,7$ 5hat you (think of: I !t'in # of m* mot'er 0ust now. -9$ 'ou (know what time is it: 6. )raduceti in limba engleza: ,$ %arna nin"e$ -$ .$ /$ 0$ 1$ 3$ 4$ 7$ ,9$ ,,$ ,-$ ,.$ ,/$ ,0$ ,1$ ,3$ ,4$ ,7$ =uminica el nu se scoala devreme$ 6u nu studie! seara$ >e faci: >itesti sau privesti la televi!or: &ecretara tocmai bate la masina un referat$ 6a mer"e la cumparaturi smbata$ 8cum imi fac temele la en"le!a$ ?u-mi place cafeaua$ >e carte citesti: @a ce ora se scoala <ohn dimineata: >e faci tu in !ilele libere: >ui ii telefone!i: 6l nu mer"e la scoala cu metroul, mer"e pe #os$ =e ce deschi!i fereastra: 8desea citesc carti en"le!esti$ 6a isi face ba"a#ul$ >t de des le scrii parintilor tai: >nd mer" la mare imi place sa inot mult$ >lientul tocmai isi ale"e o pereche de pantofi$ B. Past Tense Simple -ast )ense .imple se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei 7 ed in cazul verbelor regulate. Ex. to wor 7 wor ed +aca verbul este neregulat, -ast )ense trebuie invatat din tabelul de verbe neregulate care indica cele trei forme de baza ale verbului: forma I 7 infinitiv, forma II- -aste )ense, forma III 7 participiul trecut. Ex. to spea 7 spo e 7 spo en 8firmativ

worked %AyouAheAsheAitAweAthey spoke #egativ wor I&*ou&'e&s'e&it&we&t'e* did not spea Interogativ wor , +id I&*ou&'e&s'e&it&we&t'e* spea , 8orma prescurtata a lui did not este didnt !I didn"t wor #. -ast )ense .imple arata o actiune trecuta, terminata, efectuata intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, terminata. Este timpul de naratiune. .e traduce, de obicei, cu perfectul compus. Ex. $esterda* I went for a wal . !Ieri am mers al plimbare.# 9ast *ear I travelled to England. !Anul trecut am calatorit in Anglia.# Past Tense $ontinuous .e formeaza prin con0ugarea verbului to be" la trecut !-ast )ense# si adaugarea formei -ing a verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I was wor ing (e were wor ing $ou were wor ing $ou were wor ing %e&s'e&it was wor ing )'e* were wor ing #egativ I was not wor ing (e were not wor ing $ou were not wor ing $ou were not wor ing %e&s'e&it was not wor ing )'e* were not wor ing 8ormele prescurtate sunt: was not 7 wasn"t I wasn"t wor ing. were not 7 weren"t )'e* weren"t wor ing. Interogativ (as I wor ing, (ere we wor ing, (ere *ou wor ing, (ere *ou wor ing, (as 'e&s'e&it wor ing, (ere t'e* wor ing, Arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment din trecut. .e traduce, de obicei, cu imperfectul. Ex. )'is time *esterda*, I was watc'ing ):. !Ieri pe vremea asta priveam la televizor.# Adesea, in aceeasi fraza, este posibil sa apara un verb folosit la -ast /ontinuous si un verb folosit la -ast .imple.

In acest caz, verbul la -ast /ontinuous !tradus cu imperfectul#, reprezinta fundalul de timp pe care se petrece actiunea exprimata de -ast .imple !tradus cu perfectul compus#. Ex. ('ile I was crossing t'e street, I met 5o'n. Este, de asemenea, posibil sa apara intr-o fraza timpul -ast /ontinuous in mod repetat. In aceasta situatie, ambele verbe se traduc cu imperfectul, ele aratnd actiuni paralele, in plina desfasurare, intr-un moment trecut. Ex. ('ile 5o'n was reading, 'is sister was watc'ing ):. !In timp ce 5o'n citea, sora lui privea la televizor.# xercitii cu Past Tense (imple si $ontinuous 33. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la Past Tense Simple: 3;. % sleep until 7 o+clock every day$ (e meets <ohn on &undays$ 'ou speak 6n"lish well$ 'ou drink too much$ 'ou ask too many ;uestions$ % play football$ % own two umbrellas$ % like to have a coffee in the mornin"$ )hat sounds interestin"$ % always make cakes on &undays$ 3<. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la negativ si interogativ: 36. (e thou"ht about you$ )hey drank all the wine$ % hated him$ (e chan"ed his library book every day$ % sold my car$ 5e worked very hard$ (e came home late$ % en#oyed travellin"$ (e translated the text$ (e forbade her to do this$ 3=. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Tense Simple sau Continuous: 3>. 5hen you (come in , % talk on the phone$ 5hen % first (meet him, he (work in a bank$ 5hile he (learn to drive, he (have an accident$ 8s % (write , someone (rin" up $ 5here you ("o when % (meet you:

5hat you (do this time yesterday: 5hen % (enter the classroom, the teacher (write on the blackboard$ 5hen % (arrive , she (have dinner$ )his time last &unday, % (watch a film on )V$ (e suddenly (reali!e that he (not wear his "lasses$ 3?. 3@. Traduceti in limba engleza: &oarele nu a apus la ora 4 aseara$

8i dormit bine noaptea trecuta: %eri nu am mers la ba!inul de inot$ 2-am sculat tr!iu ieri dimineata$ =uminica trecuta prietenii mei au #ucat sah$ %eri pe vremea asta ploua$ >e faceai martea trecuta la ora 3 dimineata: 2a pre"ateam sa mer" la facultate$ %n timp ce imi cautam pasaportul am "asit aceasta foto"rafie veche$ *aietii #ucau carti cnd l-au au!it pe tatal lor intrnd in casa$ 6i au ascuns imediat cartile si si-au scos manualele de scoala$ >nd te-ai intors de la munte: >nd ai cumparat acest televi!or: %eri mi-am pierdut manusile$ *atea un vnt puternic cnd am iesit din casa$ Bnde ti-ai petrecut concediul vara trecuta: %eri m-am sculat devreme, mi-am luat micul de#un si apoi am plecat la scola$ 8cum doua !ile am ca!ut si mi-am rupt piciorul$ &aptamna trecuta am fost bolnav si nu am mers la scoala$ 6l a dat primul examen saptamna trecuta$ >ine a csti"at meciul alaltaieri: %n timp ce ploua, eu conduceam masina spre &inaia$ C. Present Perfect Simple )impul -resent -erfect .imple se formeaza prin con0ugarea verbului to 'ave" la prezent, la care se adauga forma a treia !participiul trecut# a verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I 'ave wor ed (e 'ave wor ed $ou 'ave wor ed $ou 'ave wor ed %e&s'e&it 'as wor ed )'e* 'ave wor ed #egativ I 'ave not !'aven"t# wor ed. %e&s'e&it 'as not !'asn"t# wor ed' Interogativ %ave I wor ed, %as 'e&s'e&it wor ed, )impul -resent -erfect este un timp de relatie. El arata o legatura intre trecut si momentul prezent.

)impul -resent -erfect .imple se foloseste in urmatoarele situatii: 3A. arata o actiune inceputa in trecut care continua pna in pre!ent$ >u acest sens se folosesc de obicei prepo!itiile since (din, incepnd din si for (de, timp de $ 6x$ % haven+t seen <ohn for two months$ (?u l-am va!ut pe <ohn de doua luni$ % haven+t seen <ohn since &eptember$ (?u l-am va!ut pe <ohn din septembrie$ % have known <ohn for two years$ (%l cunosc pe <ohn de doi ani$ % have known <ohn since ,779$ (%l cunosc pe <ohn din ,779$ ;4. arata o actiune trecuta, efectuata intr-o perioada de timp neterminata$ %n acest ca!, folosirea lui este insotita de adverbe precum: today, this week, this month, this year$ 6x$ % have seen two films this week$ (8m va!ut doua filme saptamna aceasta$ =aca adverbul de timp este this mornin"", folosirea timpului verbal este conditionata de momentul in care se face afirmatiaC daca aceasta este in cursul diminetii (pna la ora ,- sau dupa amia!a$ Ex. ora 34 a.m. % haven+t "ot up early this mornin"$ ora - p$m$ % didn+t "et up early this mornin"$ )raducerea celor doua propo!itii in limba romna este identica$ ?u m-am sculat devreme a!i dimineata$ ;3. arata o actiune trecuta, terminata, care are re!ultate in pre!ent sau care, dintr-un motiv sau altul, interesea!a in pre!ent$ 6x$ (ave you seen (amlet: !Ai vazut %amlet,# I 'ave lost m* umbrella . I must bu* a new one. !1i-am pierdut umbrela. )rebuie sa-mi cumpar una noua.# )rebuie precizat faptul ca, daca se mentioneaza momentul trecut in care a avut loc actiunea care intereseaza in prezent sau care are rezultate in prezent, nu mai poate fi folosit timpul -resent -erfect. In acest caz, se foloseste -ast .imple. Ex. I lost m* umbrella *esterda*. I must bu* a new one. +e asemenea, daca se pune o intrebate referitoare la trecut care incepe cu w'en", nu se poate folosi timpul -resent -erfect, intruct w'en" reprezinta un moment precizat in trecut.

Ex. ('en did *ou see %amlet, I saw it last wee . )impul -resent -erfect nu poate fi folosit cu un adverb de timp precizat in trecut. .e foloseste cu adverbe de timp neprecizat care leaga trecutul de prezent. Adverbe de timp neprecizat care se aseaza intre auxiliar si verb: often, never, seldom, alwa*s, ever, alread*, 0ust. Ex. %ave *ou ever been to England, !Ai fost vreodata in Anglia,# Bo, I 'ave never been to England. $es, I 'ave often been to England. Adverbe de timp neprecizat care stau la sfrsitul propozitiei: latel*, *et !in propozitii negative#. Ex. %e 'asn"t returned 'ome *et. !El nu s-a intors inca acasa.# I 'aven"t seen 'im latel*. !Bu l-am vazut in ultimul timp.# +upa cum se poate observa, timpul -resent -erfect .imple se traduce in romneste fie cu prezentul, fie cu perfectul compus, in functie de context. Present Perfect $ontinuous .e formeaza cu -resent -erfect .imple al verbului to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I 'ave been wor ing (e 'ave been wor ing $ou 'ave been wor ing $ou 'ave been wor ing %e&s'e&it 'as been wor ing )'e* 'ave been wor ing #egativ I 'ave not !'aven"t# been wor ing. %e 'as not !'asn"t# been wor ing. Interogativ %ave I been wor ing, %as 'e been wor ing, )impul -resent -erfect /ontinuous arata o actiune in plina desfasurare, cu accent pe durata, intre un moment trecut si prezent. Ex. I am tired because I 'ave been wor ing all da*. !.unt obosit pentru ca am muncit toata ziua.# +e asemene, poate arata probabilitatea ca actiunea inceputa in trecut, care continua in prezent, sa continue si in viitor. Ex. It 'as been raining for t'ree 'ours. If it doesn"t stop soon, we s'all 'ave floods. !-loua de trei ore. +aca nu se opreste in curnd, vom avea inundatii.#

/a si -resent -erfect .imple, se poate traduce cu prezentul sau cu perfectul compus din limba romna. xercitii cu Present Perfect (imple si $ontinuous ;;. Folositi Present Perfect Simple in locul infinitivelor din paranteze: ;<. 5here you (be : % (be to the market$ 'ou (water the flowers: (e #ust (leave home$ % (lend him some money today$ )here isn+t any train service because the en"ine D drivers ("o on strike$ 5ould you like a cake: ?o, thank you, % #ust (have one$ % already (see this film$ (e (not come home yet$ % (not be to the seaside this year$ % (buy a new house$ 'ou must come and see it$ 'ou (visit the Villa"e 2useum: 'ou ever (eat caviar: % (not write to my friend for three months$ %t (not rain since =ecember$ 'ou ever (drive a car: (e always (rely on his friend$ 'ou (read &orescu+s last book: 'ou (pay the telephone bill: (e (not "o to bed yet$ (ow lon" you (live here: % (live here for one year$ ;6. Folositi Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous in locul infinitivelor din paranteze: ;=. (e (fish for two hours but he (catch nothin" yet$ 5e (know each other for several years$ )he radio (play since 3 a$m$ %+m tired of it$ % (shop all day and % want to have a rest now$ (ow lon" you (wear "lasses: % (cook all the mornin"$ (ow many dishes you (cook : 5hy you (be in the "arden so lon": % (water the flowers$ (e (sleep for ,9 hours now$ %t+s time we woke him up$ % (ask you to clean your room for two days$ 5hen are you "oin" to do it: 6ver since that woman came to work here, she (try to make trouble$ ;>. Folositi Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous sau Past Tense Simple in locul infinitivelor:

;?. % (lose my pen$ 'ou (not see it anywhere: ?o, % haven+t$ 5hen you (use it last: 'our ever (try to "ive up smokin": 'es, % (try last year but % (not succeed $ 'ou (see your mother this week: ?o, she (leave for *rasov a week a"o$ 'ou (be out of work lon": % am not out of work now$ % ("et a #ob last month$ % (wear my hair lon" since % (be a little "irl$ &he (chan"e a lot since % (see her last$ % (do a lot of work since % ("et up in the mornin"$ )he child (play the piano since % (return from school$ %t (rain since we (leave *ucharest$ (e (be very ill since the holidays (be"in $ ;@. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind Past Tense Simple sau Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous: ;A. >ine te-a invatat sa vorbesti en"le!a att de bine: Bnde ti-ai petrecut vacanta anul acesta: 2-am "ndit adesea sa-mi iau carnet de conducere$ =e ct timp inveti en"le!a: Vremea s-a incal!it in ultimul timp$ 6l este ministru de doi ani$ )raduc un text de doua ore si nu l-am terminat inca$ 6l a scris numai doua scrisori de cnd a plecat in strainatate$ Bn copil a spart "eamul$ )rebuie sa-l inlocuim$ ?in"e de doua ore$ 8m mers pe #os ,9 km pna acum$ 2er"em pe #os de la ora .$ =e cnd mi-am cumparat masina, am mers arareori pe #os la slu#ba$ @a ce te-ai uitat: 8 fost un accident$ >u cine ai votat la ultimele ale"eri: ?u am mers la vot$ 8m stat acasa si nu am re"retat nici o clipa$ 8i va!ut !iarul de a!i: 8 plecat <ohn: =a, a plecat acum o ora$ )i-ai luat de#a micul de#un: =a, l-am luat la ora 4$ 8i mai fost in acest oras: =a, am petrecut o luna aici, acum doi ani$ 6i lucrea!a la aceasta casa de un an si nu au terminat-o inca$ D. Past Perfect Simple .e formeaza cu verbul to 'ave" la -ast )ense .imple, la care se adauga forma III !past participle# a verbului de con0ugat.

%firmativ I 'ad wor ed. #egativ I 'ad not !'adn"t# wor ed. Interogativ %ad I wor ed, Acest timp are aceeasi forma la toate persoanele. Este, ca si -resent -erfect, un verb de relatie, dar, in acest caz, este vorba de o relatie intre doua momente trecute. Arata o actiune trecuta care a avut loc inaintea unei alte actiuni sau a unui moment din trecut. Ex. $esterda* at A o"cloc I 'ad 'ad brea fast. !Ieri la ora A luasem micul de0un.# ('en *ou rang me up, I 'ad finis'ed writing m* 'omewor . !/nd mi-ai telefonat, terminasem de scris temele.# /a sens, ec'ivalentul in limba romna al acestui timp este mai mult ca perfectul. .e poate traduce cu mai mult ca perfectul sau perfectul compus.

Past Perfect $ontinuous .e formeaza cu -ast -erfect .imple al verbului to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I 'ad been wor ing. #egativ I 'ad not !'adn"t# been wor ing. Interogativ %ad I been wor ing, Aceste forme se pastreaza la toate persoanele. )impul -ast -erfect /ontinuous arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intre doua momente trecute. +e asemenea, cnd in aceeasi fraza in propozitia principala se afla un verb la -ast )ense, -ast -erfect /ontinuous poate prelua functiile lui -resent -erfect /otinuous in propozitia secundara. Ex. ('en 'e entered t'e room, s'e 'ad been t*ping for one 'our. !/nd el a intrat in camera, ea batea la masina de o ora.# After 5o'n 'ad been watc'ing ): for 34 minutes, 'e got bored. !+upa ce 5o'n privise !a privit# la televizor 34 minute, s-a plictisit.# %e said it 'ad been raining for t'ree da*s. !El a spus ca ploua de trei zile.#

+upa cum se observa, acest timp se poate traduce cu mai mult ca perfectul, perfectul compus sau imperfectul din limba romna. xercitii cu Past (imple si $ontinuous <4. <3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Perfect Simple: 8fter they (finish dinner, they drank some coffee$

&he said she already (be to 6n"land$ (e asked me whether % (meet <ohn before$ &he discovered her child (not tell the truth$ (e told me he (catch some fish on that day$ 8t . o+clock on Eriday, % (return from school$ )he house was much smaller then he (think at first$ )he fire (spread to the next buildin" when the firemen arrived$ 5e were shocked to hear she (not pass the exam$ )he child (eat all the cakes before his mother became aware of it$ <;. <<. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Perfect Continuous: 5hen % left home, it (rain for one hour$

5hen we met them, they (wait for the bus for half an hour$ 5hen % arrived home, mother (cook for two hours$ 5hen she sat for the exam, she (study the sub#ect for a week$ 5hen % ran" her up, she (write letters for one hour$ 5hen she decided to have a rest, she (clean and (dust for 0 hours$ 8fter <ane (swim for half an hour, she felt chilly$ 5hen % called on her unexpectedly, % reali!ed she (have a party$ 5hen we reached the top, we (climb for 3 hours$ 5hen we arrived at &inaia, somebody told us it (rain for hours$ <6. Puneti verbele din paranteza la Past Perfect Simple sau Continuous sau la Past Tense Simple: <=. hall$ )he professor (speak for ,9 minutes when % (enter the

8fter <ohn (listen to the news bulletin, he ("o downstairs to have dinner$ (e (tell me he (be to the theatre the day before$ 5e (ask him what countries he (visit $ (e (learn 6n"lish for two years before he ("o to 6n"land for the first time$ &he #ust ("o out when % (call at her house$ )he river became deeper after it (rain heavily for a few hours$ 8fter <ohn (leave , she (tell me they (be friends for five years$ 8fter we (walked for an hour, we (reali!e we (lose our way$ 5hen % (find out he ("et married , % (rin" up him and (con"ratulate him$ <>. Traduceti in limba engleza folosind Past Perfect Simple sau Continuous sau Past Tense Simple: <?. 2i-a parut rau ca il #i"nisem$

6l mi-a multumit pentru ceea ce facusem pentru el$ =e indata ce a terminat de scris lucrarea, a inmnat-o profesorului$ 6l nu facuse nimic inainte de a-mi cere mie sfatul$ =e indata ce au plecat musafirii, am mers la culcare$ >nd am a#uns la statia de autobu!, mi-am dat seama ca imi lasasem poseta acasa$ &ecretara mi-a spus ca directorul vorbea la telefon de o #umatate de ora$ 6i mi-au spus ca locuiau in Eranta din ,749$ ?u ti-am telefonat pentru ca am cre!ut ca plecasesi in strainatate$ 6i au calatorit in multe tari dupa ce s-au casatorit$ E. Future Tense Simple .e formeaza cu shall sau will la persoana I, will la persoana II si III, la care se adauga infinitivul verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I !s'all# will go (e !s'all# will go $ou will go $ou will go %e&s'e&it will go )'e* will go #egativ I !s'all# will not go (e !s'all# will not go $ou will not go $ou will not go %e&s'e&it will not go )'e* will not go 8orma scurta pentru s'all not" este shant, iar pentru will not" este wont. Interogativ .'all I go, .'all we go, (ill *ou go, (ill *ou go, (ill 'e&s'e&it& go, (ill t'e* go, )rebuie remarcat faptul ca la interogativ persoana I, se foloseste numai s'all". Acest timp arata o actiune viitoare obisnuita. .e traduce cu viitorul din limba romna. Ex. I !s'all# will meet 'im next wee . !Il voi intlni saptamna viitoare.# )uture $ontinuous .e formeaza cu viitorul simplu al verbului to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I !s'all# will be going. $ou will be going. %e&s'e&it will be going. (e !s'all# will be going. $ou will be going. )'e* will be going. #egativ I !s'all# will not be going. $ou will not be going.

%e&s'e&it will not be going. (e !s'all# will not be going. $ou will not be going. )'e* will not be going. Interogativ .'all I be going, .'all we be going, (ill *ou be going, (ill *ou be going, (ill 'e&s'e&it be going, (ill t'e* be going, Acest timp arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment viitor. Ex. At t'ree o"cloc , I will be travelling to England. !1ine la ora trei voi calatori spre Anglia.# .e traduce cu viitorul din limba romna. )uture Perfect (imple .e formeaza cu shall sau will, la care se adauga infinitivul trecut al verbului de con0ugat. !'ave C forma III#. %firmativ I !s'all# will 'ave gone. $ou will 'ave gone. %e&s'e&it will 'ave gone. (e !s'all# will 'ave gone. $ou will 'ave gone. )'e* will 'ave gone. #egativ I !s'all# will not 'ave gone. $ou will not 'ave gone. %e&s'e&it will not 'ave gone. (e !s'all# will not 'ave gone. $ou will not 'ave gone. )'e* will not 'ave gone. Interogativ .'all I 'ave gone, .'all we 'ave gone, (ill *ou 'ave gone, (ill *ou 'ave gone, (ill 'e&s'e&it 'ave gone, (ill t'e* 'ave gone, Acest timp arata o actiune anterioara unei alte actiuni sau unui moment viitor. .e traduce cu timpul viitor anterior din limba romna. Ex. D* t'ree o"cloc tomorrow, I will 'ave reac'ed -redeal. !1ine pna la ora trei voi fi a0uns la -redeal.# )uture Perfect $ontinuous .e formeaza cu 8uture -erfect al verbului to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat. Ex. I !s'all# will 'ave been going. ('en *ou come 'ome, I will 'ave been stud*ing for t'ree 'ours.

/nd vei veni tu acasa, voi studia !voi fi studiat# de trei ore. Arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intre doua momente viitoare. .e traduce cu viitorul simplu sau cu viitorul anterior din limba romna. Este un timp rar folosit. )uture-in-t*e-Past (imple .e formeaza cu should !persoana I# sau would !toate persoanele#, la care se adauga infinitivul verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I !s'ould# would go (e !s'ould# would go $ou would go $ou would go %e&s'e&it would go )'e* would go #egativ I !s'ould# would not go (e !s'ould# would not go $ou would not go $ou would not go %e&s'e&it would not go )'e* would not go 8orma scurta de la s'ould not" este shouldnt, iar cea de la would not" este wouldnt. Acest timp este folosit in concordanta timpurilor pentru a arata o actiune posterioara unui moment sau unei actiuni din trecut. Ex. %e said 'e would be late. !El a spus ca va intrzia.# Intruct nu poate fi intlnit dect in propozitii secundare !dupa un verb la timpul trecut in propozitia principala#, nu se pune problema folosirii lui a interogativ dect in intrebari dis0unctive. )uture-in-t*e-Past $ontinuous .e formeaza cu 8uture-in-t'e--ast .imple al verbului to be", la care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat. I s'ould !would# be going. Este un timp sestul de rar folosit. -reia functiile lui 8uture )ense /ontinuous intr-o propozitie secundara, atunci cnd in principala se afla un verb la trecut. Ex. %e said t'at at < o"cloc , t'e next da*, 'e would be travelling to England. !El a spus ca in ziua urmatoare, la ora <, va calatori spre Anglia.# %lte mi+loace de exprimare a viitorului <@. Fresent &imple G adverb de timp viitor$ %ntr-un astfel de context, arata un pro"ram precis, bine stabilit$

6x$ % leave for @ondon tomorrow$ (FlecAvoi pleca la @ondra mine$ <A. Fresent >ontinuous G adverb de timp viitor$ 8rata o intentie, un aran#ament prealabil pentru viitorul apropiat$ 6x$ % am meetin" <ohn this mornin"$ (%l intlnescAil voi intlni pe <ohn in dimineata aceasta$ 64. 6xpresia to be "oin" to" G infinitiv$ 8rata de asemenea o intentie sau o probabilitate$ 6x$ % am "oin" to read this book$ (Voi citiAam de "nd sa citesc aceasta carte$ %t is "oin" to rain$ xercitii cu timpurile ,)uture63. 6;. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Simple: % (know the results in three days+ time$

'ou (be in @ondon tomorrow$ 'ou (reco"ni!e him when you see him: % (remember this day all my life$ % am sure you (like this book$ (e (be pleased if you invite him$ % am sure % (succeed $ 'ou (remember to post my letter: % hope % (pass the exam$ 'ou (not find a solution if you don+t know the whole truth$ 6<. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Continuous: 66. )his time next month, % (swim in the sea$ 5hen you reach &inaia, it probably (rain $ =on+t rin" her up at 4 o+clock p$m$ &he (watch )V$ 'ou (need the vacuum cleaner tomorrow or may % borrow it: % am sure when % arrive home, the baby (cry $ @et+s hurry to the beach$ )he sun (rise in ,9 minutes$ (e (study all day tomorrow$ )his time next day, we (climb the mountain$ )omorrow mornin" at 4 o+clock, % (have breakfast$ =on+t expect me home for dinner, % (work at the office till late at ni"ht$ 3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Perfect Simple sau Continuous: 6=. %n a week+s time, we (take our exam$ % (finish readin" the newspapers by lunch time$ ?ext year, they (be married for -0 years$ %f we don+t hurry, the sun (rise before we reach the beach$

*y the end of the season, one hundred thousand people (spend their holidays at the seaside$ *y the time you come home, % (cook for two hours$ 5hen % take the exam, % (read all the books on the biblio"raphy list$ *y the be"innin" of next week, % (work on this paper for a month$ *y 0 o+clock, you (see all the exhibits in the museum$ *y the end of the month, % (pay off all my debts$ . Traduceti in limba engleza folosind unul din tipurile de viitor: 6>. Fna anul viitor pe vremea aceasta, vor fi economisit 0 milioane$ >e faci mine dimineata la ora ,,: Voi vi!ita tr"ul international$ 8m cumparat o masina de scris si voi invata sa bat$ Fna la sfrsitul lunii, voi fi va!ut acest film de 0 ori$ )renul va fi plecat inainte de a a#un"e noi la "ara$ Fna la ora ,, ea va fi terminat curatenia in casa$ Vineri, intre orele ,- si ,, ei vor avea ultima ora de en"le!a$ 6l va studia in biblioteca luni de la ora , la 0$ =in cau!a "revei soferilor de autobu!e multa lume va mer"e pe #os la slu#ba, mine$ Bite ce am cumparat la o licitatieH 6 un obiect frumos$ Bnde il vei pune: LECTIA II $!#$!R"%#T% TIMPURIL!R /oncordanta timpurilor se aplica, desigur, nu in propozitii, ci in fraze. Ea consta in aceea ca folosirea unui anumit timp in propozitia principala obliga la folosirea unui timp adecvat in propozitia secundara. /e inseamna un timp adecvat" se va vedea in continuare. Propozitia principala 6?. un timp present" Fresent )ense &imple, Fresent )ense >ontinuous, Fresent Ferfect &imple, Fresent Ferfect >ontinuous Propozitia secundara Irice timp cerut de sens Propozitia principala ;. un timp past" Fast )ense &imple, Fast )ense >ontinuous, Fast Ferfect &imple, Fast Ferfect >ontinuous Propozitia secundara Erice alt timp past" Ex. a) Past Tense actiune simultana Past Tense (e said he was ill$ (6l a spus ca este bolnav$

(e said he was "oin" to school$ (6l a spus ca mer"e la scola$ b) Past Tense actiune anterioara Past Perfect (e said he had returned home a week before$ (6l a spus ca se intorsese acasa cu o saptamna inainte$ % arrived home after it had stopped rainin"$ (8m a#uns acasa dupa ce incetase ploaia$ Nota 1: Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundara cu actiunea anterioara celei din principala, se poate folosi Past Perfect in mod repetat. Ex. .'e said s'e 'ad forgotten w'ere s'e 'ad put 'er glasses. !Ea a spus ca uitase unde si-a pus oc'elarii.# c) Past Tense actiunea posterioara Future-in-the-Past (e said he would leave the next day$ (6l a spus ca va pleca a doua !i$ &he promised her mother she would help her$ (6a i-a promis mamei sale ca o va a#uta$ Nota 2: Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundare cu actiune posterioara celei din principala, dintre care una este temporala sau conditionala. Future-in-thePast se poate folosi numai o sin ura data, dupa care !in temporala sau conditionala) se intrebuinteaza Past Tense !pentru simultaneitate) sau Past Perfect !pentru anterioritate). 6x$ (e said he would come to see me when he had time$ (6l a spus ca va veni sa ma vada cnd va avea timp$ (e said he would come to see me after he had finished work$ (6l a spus ca va veni sa ma vada dupa ce va termina lucrul$ (e said he would buy a car if he had money$ (6l a spus ca va cumpara o masina daca va avea bani$ 6@. un timp future" )eoretic se poate folosi orice timp cerut de sens, cu e ceptia propo!itii temporale sau conditionale, care nu pot include un verb la viitor$ &ituatiile cel mai des intlnite sunt urmatoarele: 6A. Future actiune simultana Present

I will read t'is boo w'en I 'ave time. !:oi citi aceasta carte cnd voi avea timp.#

I will 'ave finis'ed stud*ing w'en *ou come 'ome. !:oi fi terminat de studiat cnd vei veni tu acasa.# =4. Euture D actiune anterioara D Fresent Ferfect % will "o to 6n"land after % have received a visa$ (Voi mer"e in 8n"lia dupa ce voi obtine vi!a$ E ceptii !e la concor!anta timpurilor =3. cnd propo!itia secundara exprima un adevar "eneral valabil$ o 6x$ )he teacher told the pupils water boils at ,99 >$ o Frofesorul le-a spus elevilor ca apa fierbe la ,99 >$ =;. cnd propo!itia secundara este atributiva$ 6x$ )he book % am readin" now was "iven to me by my brother$ >artea pe care o citesc acum mi-a fost data de fratele meu$ >nd propo!itia secundara este comparativa$ 6x$ @ast year % worked more than % have done this year$ 8nul trecut am muncit mai mult dect anul acesta$ Nota: "n limba en leza contemporana, se poate obser#a uneori o oarecare tendinta de a nu se respecta concordanta timpurilor atunci c$nd #erbul din propozitia principala este la trecut. %e poate int$lni, de exemplu, o formulare de tipul& 'e said he lo#es me". (ste posibil ca ceea ce apare acum ca tendinta, cu timpul, sa a)un a re ula. Pentru moment insa, sfatuim pe #orbitorii rom$ni de limba en leza sa respecte re ulile de concordanta a timpurilor asa cum sunt prezentate mai sus. E ercitii cu concor!anta timpurilor =<. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect (Fast )ense &imple sau >ontinuous)! av"nd in vedere simultaneitatea actiunilor din propozitia principala si cea secundara: =6. %t was clear they (talk business a"ain$ % believed you (be at the seaside$ % understood you (be a painter$ )hey didn+t know that % (play football$ (e reali!ed he (not remember <ohn+s phone number$ % was not sure if you (speak 6n"lish$ @ookin" out of the window, she saw the sun (shine bri"htly$ (e asked me if % usually (read that newspaper$ 'ou didn+t tell me you (have to type this report$ (e was in a hurry because he (want to catch the train$ ==. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect (Fast Ferfect &imple sau >ontinuous)! tin"nd seama de relatia de anterioritate

e#primata de verbul din propozitia principala sau din cea secundara: =>. &he told me his name after he (leave $ &he didn+t even say thank you after all % (do for her$ 8fter % (hear the news, % con"ratulated him$ 5hen % arrived, the concert already (be"in $ 5hen it started to rain, we (di" in the "arden for an hour$ (e didn+t admit that he (steal the book$ (e #ust (leave home when he came across <ohn$ 'esterday % bou"ht a new umbrella because % (lose my old one$ 5hen he finally reached @ondon, he was tired because he (travel for three days$ % didn+t think that book to be a nice birthday present for you because % (read it and % (not en#oy it$ =?. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future$in$t%e$Past! av"nd in vedere faptul ca propozitia secundara e#prima o actiune posterioara celei din principala: =@. )hey said they (remain at the seaside for another week$ (e hoped he (finish readin" the book in two days$ % thou"ht you soon (have a holiday$ % was not sure % (remain at home that evenin"$ (e believed the strike (end very soon$ (e promised he (drive me home$ 5e all believed he (win the competition$ 8s wa"es had "one up, we supposed prices ("o up , too$ (e was sure he (pass the exam and he promised he ("ive a party afterwards$ 5hen % heard the main actor was ill, % was sue the performance (be cancelled $ =A. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Present Simple sau Present Perfect Simple: >4. % will pay my debts after % (receive my salary$ 5e shall start dinner as soon as the "uests (arrive $ *y the time you (finish translatin" the text, % shall have typed all the letters$ 8fter he (repair the car, he will drive to &inaia$ % will buy a car when % (have enou"h money$ 'ou will be surprised when you (see how well she (look $ 'ou will be surprised when you (see how much she (chan"e $ 8s soon as the holidays (be"in , this beach will become very crowded$ % will "o on playin" the piano till he (tell me to stop$ 8fter she (learn to type, she will take a #ob as a secretary$ (e will write to me after he (arrive in 6n"land$ )he train will have left before we (reach the station$ 5hen their first baby (be born , they will have been married for five years$ 5hen % (finish the book, % will lend it to you$ % will never for"et what you #ust (tell me$

'our mother will be upset when she (notice you (break the vase$ 'ou will "et a shock when you (see the mess in that room$ 'ou won+t be able to speak about this book till you (read it$ %t is said that one 6n"lishman will not speak to another before they (be introduced$ 8fter you (drink a coffee, you will feel better$ &. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect! tin"nd seama de e#ceptiile de la concordanta timpurilor: >3. % didn+t know at what temperature this metal (melt $ )he teacher told the pupils what the capital of 2exico (be $ % wasn+t aware Jerman (be such a difficult lan"ua"e$ %n ,774, the Komanians travelled less than they (do this year$ @ast year you spoke 6n"lish less fluently than you (do now$ @ast ni"ht % (read the book which you (read now$ @ast ni"ht % met the couple who soon (move next door to me$ @ast year % earned more money than % (earn in the next five years$ )he book % (read in the last few days was lent to me by <ohn$ % found out that yo"a (be a very useful practice$ '. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect! respect"nd toate regulile de concordanta a timpurilor! precum si e#ceptiile: >;. % will come as soon as % (finish my work$ (e told me he never (see the sea$ (e told me hibernatin" animal (not eat in winter$ )hey (know each other for a lon" time before they finally "ot married$ % hoped it (not rain when % (arrive at the beach$ 5hen we ("o to see them last ni"ht, they were listenin" to music, they said they (listen to music since 0 o+clock$ 5hen you asked me where % (spend my holidays, % (not decide yet$ % will do it when % (want to, not before$ (e was very upset because % (be late$ % did not know that you (wear "lasses since childhood$ % was surprised that his son (fail the exam, he (trust his son and he (not expect such a thin" to happen$ 5hen % finally arrived home, % (be very hun"ry because % (not eat anythin" all day$ (e said he (have to write down my address as he (not remember it otherwise$ 'ou will never know how much % (suffer $ 8 week a"o, he decided he (chan"e his #ob$ (e discovered to his horror that he (eat the worms in the cherries$ 8fter havin" visited %taly, my friends told me there (be many small houses and narrow streets in Fadua$ % hoped the company where % (work (not "o bankrupt$ 8fter we have finished dinner, we (drink coffee and brandy$ (e was very tired and he (hope he (have time to rest that afternoon$ (. Traduceti in limba engleza: ><. ?u mi-am amintit ca ne cunoscusem cu un an inainte$

?u am stat acasa sa te astept pentru ca nu stiam cnd vei veni$ &ecretara mi-a spus ca directorul este ocupat$ &tiam ca esti in *ucuresti$ 6ra foarte suparat ca isi pierduse dictionarul si nu era si"ur ca va "asi unul nou in librarii$ %-am promis ca ii voi scrie cnd voi a#un"e la @ondra$ (otul nu si-a dat seama ca politia il urmarea de o saptamna$ %ti voi spune adevarul dupa ce il voi afla eu insami$ )ata imi va da un cadou dupa ce voi lua examenul$ 2asina pe cae o voi cumpara va fi importata din Jermania$ 2-a intrebat cte litere sunt in alfabetul chine! si nu am putut sa-% raspund$ Folitistul ma va intreba ce am va!ut in timpul accidentul$ LECTIA III M!"UL $!#"ITI!#%L (I )R%. L $!#"ITI!#%L Present $onditional /conditional prezent0 .e formeaza cu should si would la persoana I si would la persoanele II si III, la care se adauga infinitivul prezent al verbului de con0ugat. %firmativ I s'ould&would go (e s'ould&would go $ou would go $ou would go %e&s'e&it would go )'e* would not go #egativ I s'ould&would not go (e s'ould&would not go $ou would not go $ou would not go %e&s'e&it would not go )'e* would not go 8orme prescurtate: s'ouldn"t, wouldn"t. Interogativ .'ould I go, .'ould we go, (ould *ou go, (ould *ou go, (ould 'e&s'e&it go, (ould t'e* go, .e traduce cu conditionalul prezent din limba romna !as merge, ai merge, ar merge etc.#. Past $onditional /conditional trecut0 .e traduce cu s'ould&would la care se adauga infinitivul trecut !'ave C forma III a verbului de con0ugat#. %firmativ I s'ould&would 'ave gone $ou would 'ave gone %e&s'e&it would 'ave gone (e s'ould&would 'ave gone

$ou would 'ave gone )'e* would 'ave gone #egativ I s'ould&would not 'ave gone $ou would not 'ave gone %e&s'e&it would not 'ave gone (e s'ould&would not 'ave gone $ou would not 'ave gone )'e* would not 'ave gone Interogativ .'ould I 'ave gone, .'ould we 'ave gone, (ould *ou 'ave gone, (ould *ou 'ave gone, (ould 'e&s'e&it 'ave gone, (ould t'e* 'ave gone, .e traduce cu conditionalul trecut din limba romna !as fi mers, ai fi mers, ar fi mers etc.#. 8razele conditionale !If-/lauses# Exista trei tipuri de fraze conditionale: Tipul 1 Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara Future Present I will go to t'e seaside if t'e weat'er is fine. !:oi merge la mare daca vremea va fi buna.# I will sta* at 'ome if it rains. !:oi sta acasa daca va ploua.# Tipul Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara Present !onditional "ub#onctiv cu $orma de Past Tense I would go to t'e seaside if t'e weat'er were fine. !As merge la mare daca vremea ar fi buna.# I would sta* at 'ome if it rained. !As sta acasa daca ar ploua.# Nota 1: Trebuie sa se tina seama ca sub)oncti#ul folosit in propozitia secundara are forma lui Past Tense %imple la toate #erbele, cu exceptia #erbului to be", unde se int$lneste forma *ere" la toate persoanele. )ipul < Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara Past +onditional %ub)oncti# cu forma de Past Perfect % would have "one to the seaside if the weather had been fine$

(8s fi mers la mare daca vremea ar fi fost buna$ % would have stayed at home if it had rained$ (8s fi stat acasa daca ar fi plouat$ Nota 2: D if poate fi inlocuit de pro#ided !that), pro#idin , supposin , suppose, in case. 5hat shall we do, supposin" he is late: (>e vom face presupunnd ca el intr!ie:

if not poate fi inlocuit cu unless

% won+t "o shoppin" unless you come with me$ % won+t "o shoppin" if you don+t come with me$ Nota ": should , infiniti# poate fi folosit la tipul -, in loc de Present %imple, atunci c$nd actiunea din secundara este posibila, dar improbabila. .cest tip de secundara este adesea combinat cu imperati#ul. "n acest caz, should se traduce cu& in caz ca, daca s-ar int$mpla ca. Ex. If s'e s'ould ring up, tell 'er I am out. In caz ca telefoneaza, spune-I ca nu sunt acasa. +e asemenea, should poate fi folosit in secundara la tipul - de fra!a conditionala$ 6x$ %f the police should find out the truth, we would be fined$ (%n ca! ca politia ar afla adevarulA =aca s-ar intmpla ca politia sa afle adevarul, noi am fi amendati$ Nota #: .tunci c$nd if este urmat de un #erb auxiliar !ex. *ere, had, should), este posibila omiterea lui if, si in acest caz se in#erseaza ordinea subiect auxiliar. 6x$ D if he were here D were he here D if it had rained D had it rained D if he should come D should he come xercitii cu fraze conditionale >6. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect! tin"nd seama de faptul ca fraza conditionala este de tipul ): >=. %f % see him, % ("reet him$ %f you don+t hurry, you (be late$ %f she finds out what has happened, she (be very an"ry$ % (lend you the book if you promise to return it in time$ %f % tell you somethin", you (promise to keep it a secret: Bnless you study more, you (not pass the exam$ %f it ("o on rainin", we shall have floods$ %f you (take a do", you will have to look after it$

%f % like the dress, % (buy it$ Bnless you come at 1, you (not find me at home$ >>. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect! tin"nd seama de faptul ca fraza conditionala este de tipul 2: >?. %f % (know his phone-number, % would rin" him up$ %f % (move to the country-side, would you visit me: 'ou (buy this house if you had money: %f he were more careful, he (not make so many mistakes$ 5hat would you do if you (be Frime 2inister: %f % ("ive up smokin", % would be nervous$ %f % won the lottery, % (buy a car$ &hould he have a headache, he (take a pill$ 5ere % in your place, % (not do this$ 5here you ("o if you had a holiday: >@. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect! tin"nd seama de faptul ca fraza conditionala este de tipul 3: >A. %f you had known 6n"lish, you (read &hakespeare in the ori"inal$ %f % (work harder, % would have succeeded$ %f you had taken my advice, you (not "et into trouble$ %f % (know you had no drivin" licence, % wouldn+t have come with you in your car$ (e would have been arrested if he (try to leave the country$ % wouldn+t have come unless you (invite me$ (ad % learned 6n"lish "rammar, % (not make so many mistakes in my translation$ %f he (reali!e it was so late, he would have "one home$ %f % (not tell him, he would never have known$ (ad % been at home, % (answer the phone$ ?4. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul corect! tin"nd seama ca se poate int"lni oricare dintre cele 3 tipuri de fraze conditionale: ?3. %t (be better if you had waited$ %f % (be you, % would "o home immediately$ % (answer your ;uestion if % can$ (e (tell you if you had asked him$ %f you (drive more carefully, you wouldn+t have an accident$ %f the child is "ood, he ("et a bar of chocolate$ (e will be at the airport in time if he (leave now$ %f % (see him, % would speak to him$ %f he had written a letter to me, % (answer it$ 'ou (be sick if you eat so much$ ?;. ?<. Traduceti in limba engleza: =aca va ploua, stra!ile vor fi ude$

=aca ar ploua, stra!ile ar fi ude$ =acaar fi plouat, stra!ile ar fi fost ude$ Vei prinde trenul daca vei lua un taxi$ 8i fi prins trenul daca ai fi luat un taxi$ 8i prinde trenul daca ai lua un taxi$ )e vei supara daca iti voi lua creionul: )e-ai supara daca ti-as lua creionul: )e-ai fi suparat daca ti-as fi luat creionul: >e vei face daca il vei intlni pe <ohn: >e-ai face daca l-ai intlni pe <ohn: >e-ai fi facut daca l-ai fi intlnit pe <ohn: ?6. ?=. Traduceti in limba engleza: %l vei vedea daca il vei astepta$

=aca un cersetor ti-ar cere bani, %-ai da: >e s-ar fi intmplat daca ai fi condus cu vite!a mare: ?u vom mer"e la plimbare daca nu va sta ploaia$ 2i-ar placea mai mult piesa daca ar fi mai scurta$ =aca cina nu va fi "ata la timp, voi mnca la un restaurant$ =aca n-ai fi inchis fereastra, mi-ar fi fost fri"$ 8s mai croseta un pulover daca as mai avea lna$ 2amaia ar fi un loc ideal pentru o vacanta daca n-ar fi att de multi oameni acolo$ Voi fi de!ama"it daca nu voi afla adevarul$ LECTIA I$ &!R1IR % "IR $T% (I I#"IR $T% :orbirea directa: 5o'n said: .'e is not at 'ome" %orbirea indirecta: 5o'n said s'e was not at 'ome. -entru a trece o propozitie de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta, trebuie respectate o serie de reguli. ?>. 8tunci cnd verbul din propo!itia principala este la trecut, ceea ce se intmpla in ma#oritatea ca!urilor, in propo!itia secundara se schimba timpurile dupa cum urmea!a: Fresent past Fresent perfect past perfect Fast past perfect Euture future-in-the-past Ex. 7 %e said I am ill". %e said 'e was ill.

(e said % have been workin" hard$ (e said he had been workin" hard$

o o

(e said % was ill"$ (e said he had been ill$ (e said % will do the exercise"$ (e said he would do the exercise$ ??. &e schimba pronumele, in functie de sens$

Ex. %e said: .'e gave me a boo ". %e said s'e 'ad given him a boo . ?@. &e schimba o serie de cuvinte in functie de sens$

6x$ today that day yesterday the day beforeAthe previous day the day before yesterday two days before tomorrow the next dayAthe followin" day the day after tomorrow in two days+ time next week the nextAthe followin" week two years a"o two years before now then this that these those here there Ex. %e said: I"ll be at 'ome toda*". F %e said 'e would be at 'ome on t'at da*. %e said: I am going to do t'is traslation tomorrow". F %e said 'e was going to do t'at translation t'e next da*. ?A. Era!ele conditionale sunt trecute la vorbirea indirecta in modul urmator:

tipul , devine tipul -: "%f it rains, % will stay at home$"

%e said if it rained 'e would sta* at 'ome.


tipurile - si . nu se schimba:

"%f it rained, % would stay at home$" %e said if itrained 'e would sta* at 'ome. "If it 'ad rained, I would 'ave sta*ed at 'ome." %e said if it 'ad rained 'e would 'ave sta*ed at 'ome. @4. Verbele modale would, should, ou"ht to, could, mi"ht ramn neschimbate la vorbirea indirecta$ 6x$ (e said: % mi"ht be late" (e said he mi"ht be late$ Modalitati de introducere a propozitiilor secundare in vor2irea indirecta @3. .firmatii: cu that (care se poate omite

Ex. %e said: I am ill". F %e said !t'at# 'e was ill. @;. +omenzi: cu infinitivul (afirmativ sau ne"ativ Ex. %e said Go out". F (e told me to "o out$ (e said =on+t "o out" F (e told me not to "o out$ <. &ntrebari Exista doua tipuri de intrebari: generale si speciale. Intrebarile generale sunt cele care incep cu un verb, iar raspunsul poate fi da sau nu. Ex. ('ere 'ave *ou been, I"ve been awa*, on 'olida*. Intrebarile generale se introduc cu i$ sau whether !daca#. Ex. %e as ed me if I li ed music. Intrebarile speciale se introduc cu cuvntul interogativ respectiv. Ex. %e as ed me w'ere I 'ad been. In cazul intrebarilor speciale trecute la vorbirea indirecta, trebuie acordata atentie ordinei cuvintelor din propozitia secundara. Intruct aceasta propozitie incepe cu un cuvnt interogativ, exista tentatia de a folosi ordinea cuvintelor din propozitiile interogative, ceea ce este o greseala. Ex. %e as ed me: ('at is t'e time," /orect: %e as ed me w'at t'e time was. Incorect: %e as ed me w'at was t'e time. xercitii cu vor2irea directa si vor2irea indirecta 3. )receti urmatoarele afirmatii de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta !verbul introductiv este la trecut#: 1odel: %e said I will leave for 9ondon tomorrow". %e said !t'at# 'e would leave for 9ondon t'e next da*. @<. )he weather was fine yesterday$

% saw this film a week a"o$ % will "o shoppin" ri"ht now$ @ast year % spent my holiday at the seaside$ % think it+s "oin" to rain tomorrow$ % don+t remember where % have bou"ht this dictionary$ % am very busy today$ <ohn left for &inaia two days a"o$ % went to 6n"land two years a"o$ % am "oin" to have a nap this afternoon$ %f % have enou"h money, % will buy a car next year$ %f % had been at home, % would have answered the phone$ 2. Treceti urmatoarele comenzi la vorbirea indirecta (verbul introductiv este la trecut) 1odel: (e said: >ome inH" (e told (asked, ordered me to come in$ @6. =on+t drive so fastH Ipen the door, pleaseH Kead the text, pleaseH 5rite me a letter when you "et to 6n"landH =on+t cross the street on a red li"htH *e careful with my booksH =on+t smoke so muchH )ake this pillH =on+t interrupt me when % am speakin"H Kin" me up when you arrive homeH 3. Treceti urmatoarele intrebari generale la vorbirea indirecta (verbul introductiv este la trecut): 1odel: (ill *ou be at 'ome tomorrow," %e as ed me if I would be at 'ome t'e next da*. @=. 5ill you help me, please: >an you come to tea this afternoon: (as the train left: =o you know what this word means: 5as your mother at home: =id you buy this book yesterday: =id you drink coffee every day: 5ere you at the library yesterday: =o you live in @ondon for a lon" time: >an you speak 6n"lish: 5ould you like a cake: >ould you lend me a book, please: . Treceti urmatoarele intrebari speciale la vorbirea indirecta (verbul introductiv este la trecut):

1odel: %e said: ('en did *ou come bac ," %e as ed me w'en I 'ad come bac . @>. (ow lon" have you been learnin" 6n"lish: 5hat are you "oin" to do tomorrow: (ow lon" does it take you to reach your office: 5hen will you be back: 5here will you spend your weekend: 5ho is this man: 5hy is it so dark in this room: 5hen did the rain stop: 5hich of these cakes do you prefer: (ow did you travel: LECTIA $ -asivul se formeaza con0ugnd verbul to be la timpul cerut de sens, la care se adauga forma III !participiul trecut# a verbului de con0ugat. Ex. I am as ed. I 'ave been as ed. I was as ed. I 'ad been as ed. I will be as ed. In limba romna, trecerea de la diateza activa la diateza pasiva se face prin transformarea complementului direct in subiect. Ex. Activ: +irectorul m-a c'emat pe mine. -asiv: Eu am fost c'emat de director. In limba engleza, exista trei tipuri de complemente care pot deveni subiect in transformarea de la activ la pasiv: complementul direct, complementul indirect si, in unele cazuri, complementul prepozitional. Ex. Activ: I gave 'im a boo . 2nde complementul direct este a book, iar complementul indirect este him. Ambele complemente pot deveni subiecte in cazul trecerii la pasiv. +esigur, subiectul va fi trecut la cazul nominativ. /omplement direct F .ubiect A boo was given to 'im. !b* me# /omplement indirect F .ubiect %e was given a boo . !b* me# In propozitia' &n this o$$ice they insist on punctuality, punctuality este un complement prepozitional, care, de asemenea, poate deveni subiect in cazul folosirii diatezei

pasive: &n this o$$ice punctuality is insisted on !b* t'em#. 2n alt exemplu de complement prepozitional care poate deveni subiect. Activ: .'e loo ed after t'e c'ild. -asiv: )'e c'ild was loo ed after !b* 'er#. In multe cazuri, pasivul se foloseste atunci cnd nu este important cine face actiunea. In aceste situatii, se omite formularea by, de la sfrsitul propozitiei. Ex. In t'is office punctualit* is insisted on. Nota: %e poate folosit aspectul continuu al diatezei pasi#e numai la Present Tense si Past Tense. Ex. ('ile I am in 'ospital, m* flat is bein painted. 5hile % was in hospital, my flat *as bein painted. ()ercitii cu diateza pasiva @?. @@. Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la diateza pasiva: )hey will finish the work today$

(e has found your ba"$ % will invite my friend to a party$ &omeone has found the missin" child$ 8 specialist will repair my )V set$ (is coworkers must do somethin" for him$ Feople play football all over the world$ )he noise fri"htened me$ )hey are buildin" a new house round the corner$ )hey were buildin" a new supermarket in that district last month, when % passed by$ 2. Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la diateza pasiva in doua feluri! transform"nd at"t complementul direct c"t si cel indirect in subiecte: @A. )he doctor prescribed some pills to the patient$ )hey have "iven me a nice present$ )he policeman will show us the way$ % teach them 6n"lish$ % have lent <ohn two of my books$ )he #ury awarded the Komanian film director the Jreat Fri!e$ )he "uide showed the museum to the tourists$ )hey will "ive me a reward$ 2y friend doesn+t always tell me the truth$ )he teacher asked me a difficult ;uestion$ 3. Treceti la pasiv urmatoarele propozitii care cuprind combinatii verb*prepozitie: A4. )hey didn+t look after the children properly$ 5e called for the doctor$ 5e couldn+t account for his odd behaviour$

*ur"lars broke into the house$ =on+t speak until someone speaks to you$ (e hasn+t slept in his bed$ 5e lau"hed at <ohn$ 5e ob#ected to his proposal$ )hey set fire to the shed$ 6. )receti urmatoarele propozitii la diateza pasiva: A3. (as someone repaired the )V set: 5ill you write the letter in ink: (aven+t they told you to be here at 1 o+clock: =id the tornado fri"hten you: 5ill someone tell him the details: (ave you fed the do": =id the si"ht of the accident shock him: =id they tell you about the meetin": =o you think they will turn down your re;uest: 5ould you have finished your work sooner if your collea"ues hadn+t interrupted you: &. Treceti urmatoarele propozitii de la diateza pasiva la diateza activa. +asiti subiecte acolo unde este necesar: A;. )his book will soon be for"otten$ )hese books mustn+t be taken away$ 6n"lish is spoken all over the world$ )his paintin" is admired by all the visitors of the museum$ )his house has been built out of stone and cement$ 8 reception was held in his honour$ )he pupils will be told where to sit$ % was recommended a very "ood doctor$ )he climber was finally discovered by the rescue party$ (e hates bein" made fun of$ >. )raduceti in limba engleza: A<. %n acest hotel se vorbesc limbi straine$ ?i s-a cerut sa aratam pasapoartele$ ?i s-au spus lucruri foarte interesante la conferinta$ 6venimentul a fost comentat de toate !iarele$ &crisoarea va fi pusa la posta ct mai curnd posibil$ ?u s-a au!it nimic despre el de cnd a plecat la >onstanta$ 8ceasta informatie treuie tratata confidential$ &ensurile cuvintelor noi trebuie cautate in dictionar$ >nd a a#uns acasa si-a dat seama ca % se furase portofelul$ >ursul profesorului a fost ascultat de toti studentii$ ?i se vor da instructiuni detaliate in privinta referatului$ &e construiesc multe blocuri noi in cartierul nostru$ 2u!eul a fost inchis pentru reparatii$ 8cest timbru nu a fost bine lipit pe plic$

8merica a fost descoperita la sfrsitul secolului al LV-lea$ LECTIA $I & R1 L M!"%L $an, could, ma3, mig*t, must, need, s*ould, oug*t to, s*all, 4ill, 4ould' $aracteristici generale A6. ?u primesc to inaintea lor si dupa ele: Ex. +an is a model verb$ % can do this$ (Fot sa fac aceasta$ &pre deosebire de: % want to do this$ (Vreau sa fac aceasta$ A=. A>. A?. ?u primesc s la persoana %%% sin"ular, pre!ent$ ?u formea!a ne"ativul si intero"ativul cu to do"$ ?u au toate timpurile$ &e folosesc inlocuitori$ /an A@. are sensul de a putea, a fi in stare 6x$ % can make this traslation$ >an M infiniti#, prezent /e ati#: cannot, can+t 6x$ % cannot (can+t make this translation$ "ntero ati#: >an %: >an you: etc$ 6x$ >an you make this translation: +ould0Past Tense, conditional prezent al verbului can /e ati#: could not (couldn+t "ntero ati#: >ould % : >ould you: etc$ 6x$ % couldn+t come to you yesterday$ ?-am putut sa vin la tine ieri$ >ould you help me: 8i putea sa ma a#uti: -entru conditionalul trecut se foloseste could C infinitivul trecut Ex. %e could 'ave been 'ere in time. Ar fi putut sa fie aici in timp. -entru celelalte timpuri se foloseste inlocuitorul to be able to. Ex. I will be able to come to *ou tomorrow. :oi putea veni la tine mine. I 'aven"t been able to ring *ou up t'is wee . 6x$ (e can speak 6n"lish$ 6x$ (e cannot (can+t speak 6n"lish$

B-am putut sa-ti telefonez saptamna aceasta. AA. 8rata o anumita abilitate fi!ica sau intelectuala$ &e traduce cu a sti sa. 6x$ % can swim$ (&tiu sa inot$ % can speak 6n"lish$ (&tiu sa vorbesc en"le!a$ >u acest sens, timpurile se folosesc ca la punctul , (could pentru Fast )ense si conditionalul pre!ent, inlocuitorul to be able to pentru celelalte timpuri$ $ 6x$ % will tbe able to drive a car after % have taken a few lessons$ Voi sti sa conduc masina dupa ce voi lua cteva lectii$ 344. %n vorbirea familiara, can poate fi folosit cu sensul lui may de a avea permisiunea"$ 6x$ Eather, can % take your car: )ata, potAam permisiunea sa iau masina ta: >an+tAcouldn+t D nu se poate sa, nu e posibil sa$ 6x$ %t can+tAcouldn+t be 7 o+clock$ )he sun hasn+t set yet$ ?u se poate sa fie ora 7$ &oarele nu a apus inca$ Fentru a reda ideea de trecut cu acest sens, se foloseste infinitivul trecut$ 6x$ 'ou can+tAcouldn+t have seen <ohn in the street$ (e is abroad$ ?u se poate sa-l fi va!ut pe <ohn pe strada$ 6l e in strainatate$ 1a* 343. are sensul de a putea, a avea permisiunea Ex. 1a* I smo e in t'is room, -ot&am permisiunea sa fumez in aceasta camera, $es, *ou ma*. !+a, poti.# Begativ: ma* not, ma*n"t Interogativ: 1a* I, 1a* *ou, 1a* H infinitiv, prezent /u acest sens exista timpul mi ht care reda ideea de trecut, dar se foloseste numai dupa un alt verb la trecut (vorbire indirecta $ 6x$ (e said % mi"ht smoke in that room$ Fentru celelalte timpuri se folosesc inlocuitorii: to be allo*ed to, to be permitted to. 6x$ % was allowedApermitted to smoke in that room$ 8m pututAmi s-a permis sa fume! in camera aceea$ % will be allowedApermitted to smoke in that room$ Voi puteaAmi se va permite sa fume! in camera aceea$ ;. 1a*&1ig't 7 s-ar putea sa Ex. )a e *our umbrella. It ma*&mig't rain. Ia-ti umbrela, s-ar putea sa ploua. Iing up 5o'n. %e ma*&mig't be at 'ome now.

)elefoneaza-I lui 5o'n. .-ar putea sa fie acasa acum. /u acest sens, ideea de trecut este redata prin adaugarea infinitivului trecut. Ex. ('* didn"t *ou ta e *our coat, $ou ma*&mig't 'ave caug't a cold. +e ce nu ti-ai luat 'aina, .-ar fi putut sa racesti. <. 1a*&mig't pot exprima un repros. Ex. $ou ma*&mig't 'elp me w'en I am in need. Ai putea sa ma a0uti cnd sunt la nevoie. -entru redarea ideii de trecut, se adauga infinitivul trecut. Ex. $ou mig't 'ave written me a letter w'en *ou were in England. Ai fi putut sa imi scrii o scrisoare cnd erai in Anglia. 1ust 34;. 8 trebui 6x$ %t+s "ot late$ % must "o home$ &-a facut tr!iu$ )rebuie sa plec acasa$ ?e"ativ: must not, mustn+t %ntero"ativ: 2ust %: 2ust you: 2ust M infinitiv, pre!ent ?u are alte timpuri$ &e foloseste inlocuitorul to ha#e to$ 6x$ % had to finish the traslation yesterday$ 8 trebuit sa termin traducerea ieri$ % will have to finish the translation tomorrow$ Va trebui sa termin traducerea mine$ )rebuie mentionat faptul ca inlocuitorul lui must, to ha#e to formea!a intero"ativul si ne"ativul cu a#utorul auxiliarului to do$ 6x$ % didn+t have to finish the translation yesterday$ =e asemenea, poate avea sensul probabil ca: 6x$ %t must be late$ @et+s "o home$ Frobabil ca e tr!iu$ (ai sa mer"em acasa$ <ohn must be at home now$ @et+s call on him$ Frobabil ca <ohn e acasa acum$ (ai sa-l vi!itam$ >u acest sens, ideea de trecut se reda prin adau"area infinitivului trecut$ 6x$ % was asleep when you arrived home last ni"ht$ %t must have been late$ 6u dormeam cnd ai venit tu aseara$ Frobabil ca era tr!iu$ Beed Exista doua verbe: 34<. To need: verb obisnuit, notional, cu sensul de a a#ea ne#oie

6x$ (e doesn+t need this book$ 6l nu are nevoie de aceasta carte$ 346. /eed& verb modal, cu sensul de a fi ne#oie /a verb modal, need se foloseste numai la intero"ativ si ne"ativ$ 6x$ ?eed % be here at one o+clock: 6 nevoie sa fiu aici la ora ,: ?o, you needn+t$ ?u, nu e nevoie$ Fentru a raspunde afirmativ la intrebarea de mai sus, se foloseste verbul must. 6x$ ?eed % be here at one o+clock: 'es, you mustH (=a, trebuieH Fentru exprimarea ideii de trecut a verbului need, exista - posibilitati: 34=. =aca actiunea nu era necesara, dar a fost facuta, se foloseste needn1t , infiniti#ul trecut. 6x$ 'ou needn+t have watered the flowers$ >ouldn+t you see it was "oin" to rain: ?u era nevoie sa u!i florile$ ?-ai va!ut ca urma sa ploua: 34>. =aca actiunea nu era necesara si nu a fost facuta, se foloseste didn+t need G infinitivul 6x$ 5e didn+t need to do this exercise$ )he teacher told us it was too easy for us$ ?u a fost nevoie sa facem acest exercitiu$ Frofesorul ne-a spus ca e prea usor pentru noi$ Nota: /u trebuie confundat need not cu must not. /eed not se traduce cu nu e ne#oie". 2ust not se traduce cu nu trebuie". 6x$ 'ou needn+t drive so fastC we have enou"h time$ ?u e nevoie sa conduci att de repedeC avem destul timp$ 'ou mustn+t drive so fastC there is a speed limit here$ ?u trebuie sa conduci att de repedeC aici e limita de vite!a$ .'ould, Eug't to Ambele verbe indica o actiune corecta, o obligatie morala, o recomandare. .e traduc cu: ar trebui sa, ar $i cazul sa, ar $i bine sa. Ex. $ou s'ould&oug't to 'elp *our mot'er wit' 'ousewor . Ar trebui sa o a0uti pe mama ta la treburile casei. -entru a reda ideea de trecut, se adauga infinitivul trecut. Ex. $ou s'ould not&oug't not to 'ave been so rude to 'im. Bu ar fi trebuit sa fii att de nepoliticos cu el. .'all 8olosit cu persoana I, s'all indica viitorul. 8olosit cu persoana I, interogativ, poate indica, de asemenea, solicitarea unui sfat, o oferta sau o sugestie. Ex. ('ic' dress s'all I bu*,

/e roc'ie sa cumpar, .'all I wait for *ou, .a te astept, .'all we meet at one o"cloc , .a ne intlnim la ora 3, 8olosit cu persoanele II si III, shall poate arata o promisiune, o obligatie sau o amenintare care provin de la cel care vorbeste. Ex. 1ot'er to c'ild: $ou s'all 'ave a bic*cle if *ou pass t'e exam. 1ama spune copilului: :ei avea o bicicleta daca vei lua examenul. 1ot'er to c'ild: $ou s'all not get an* poc et-mone* if *ou don"t pass t'e exam. 1ama spune copilului: Bu vei mai primi nici un ban de buzunar daca nu vei lua examenul. (ill, (ould 34?. Eormula de politete, cerere politicoasa: 5ill youAwould you sit down: 5ill youAwould you help me with my translation, please: 34@. 8 voi (cu sens extins la obiecte : )his child willAwould not do what % say$ 8cest copil nu vrea sa faca ce-% spun$ )his radio won+t work$ 34A. 8ctiune repetata: - in perioada prezenta 2y mother will sit for hours watchin" )V$ 2ama mea obisnuieste sa stea ore intre"i privind la televi!or$

in trecut 5hen % was a child, my mother would read me fairy tales$ >nd eram copil, mama obisnuia sa-mi citeasca povesti$


Fresupunere: se traduce in limba romna cu o fi$

)his "irl looks very much like <ane$ &he will be her sister$ 8ceasta fata seamana foarte bine cu <ane$ I fi sora ei$ &e poate folosi cu infinitivul trecut: (e will have reached Faris by now$ I fi a#uns la Faris pna acum$ Nota: "n afara de *ould", ideea de actiune repetata in trecut se poate exprima cu used to". Ex. ('en I was a c'ild, m* mot'er used to read me fair* tales. 3sed to eate un verb semi-modal, care are numai forma de trecut$ Bn alt verb semi-modal este dare (a indra!ni care se con#u"a la

afirmativ ca un verb obisnuit, in timp ce la intero"ativ si ne"ativ se poate con#u"a att ca un verb obisnuit ct si ca modal$ xercitii cu ver2e modale 333. Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la Past Tense Simple si Future Tense Simple! folosind inlocuitorii verbelor modale respective! acolo unde este necesar: 33;. (e can swim very well$ % must "o soon$ 'ou may leave earlier$ &he can lend you that book$ )his child may have another cake$ 'ou may not smoke in this room$ % cannot translate ten pa"es a day$ >an you help me: 'ou mustn+t do this $ 2ay % walk on the "rass: (e may not come in wearin" dirty boots$ % must learn 6n"lish$ 'ou may not speak to your mother like that$ % must look up the words in the dictionary$ &he can play the piano very well$ >an <ane type very ;uickly: >an you speak >hinese: 6verybody may borrow books from this library$ 2ust you be so rude: &he can read and write at the a"e of five$ 33<. ,edati ideea de trecut in urmatoarele propozitii folosind infinitivul trecut in loc de infinitivul prezent: 336. <ohn must be ill$ %t can+t be too late$ %t mi"ht rain$ (e must be delayed at the office$ 'ou mi"ht write to me more often$ 'ou should visit your sick friend in hospital$ (e ou"ht to tell me the truth$ 'ou mi"ht chan"e your mind about that$ (e may be at home$ %t can+t be easy to learn >hinese$ (e should "o to school everyday$ 'ou can+t be pleased with this piece of news$ 'ou mi"ht pay more attention to your work$ 'ou needn+t do this$ 'ou can+t see a bear in this part of the country$ (e needn+t buy milkC there is plenty in the frid"e$

(e must be in the "arden at this time of the day$ %t must be difficult to climb this mountain$ 'ou shouldn+t "o to bed so late$ <ohn could be a winner$ 33=. Completati spatiile goale cu can sau can-t: 33>. 2an Ntravel throu"h space now$ -$ (e Nreach the 2oon and walk there$ .$ (e Neven drive on its surface$ /$ *ut one still Nbreathe without extra oxy"en and one certainly Nstay there very lon"$ 0$ 5hen we N fly there as easily as we fly to other countries of the world, holidays will be very different$ 33?. ,eformulati urmatoarele propozitii folosind must * infinitivul prezent sau infinitivul trecut: 1odel: %e probabl* spea s Englis' well. %e must spea Englis' well. $ou probabl* forgot to loc t'e door. $ou must 'ave forgotten to loc t'e door. 33@. (e probably thinks % am wron"$ (e is probably older than he looks$ 'ou probably left your umbrella in the shop$ &he is probably a very "ood doctor$ %t probably took a lon" time to finish this translation$ (e probably came home very early$ )his is probably the best Komanian film of the year$ 'ou probably knew the lesson very well to "et a ,9$ (e was probably late$ 'ou have probably for"otten his address$ =. Ieformulati urmatoarele propozitii folosind ma* C infinitivul prezent sau infinitivul trecut: 1odel: -er'aps it snows in t'e mountains. It ma*&mig't snow in t'e mountains. -er'aps it snowed in t'e mountains It ma*&mig't 'ave snowed in t'e mountains. 33A. =on+t wait$ %t is possible for her to be very late$ % have bou"ht his latest bookC perhaps it is a "ood one$ )ake your umbrellaC perhaps it will rain$ %t is possible that % come home early$ % think she was an"ry with you$ 8 "ood knowled"e of 6n"lish is likely to help you a lot in your career$ %t is possible that he was ri"ht but % don+t think so$ Ferhaps he has done the exercise correctly, but % doubt it$ Ferhaps she has returned the book to you and you have lent it to someone else$

Ferhaps she was out when you ran" her up$ >. Ieformulati urmatoarele propozitii folosind can"t C infinitivul prezent sau infinitivul trecut: 1odel: I don"t believe *ou are rig't. $ou can"t be rig't. I don"t believe *ou were rig't. $ou can"t 'ave been rig't. 3;4. % don+t believe it is his fault$ % don+t believe it was his fault$ % don+t believe that he has passed the exam$ % don+t believe she has "ot so fat$ % don+t think the weather will chan"e$ % don+t think he is at the office so late at ni"ht$ % don+t believe she has learnt 6n"lish in two months$ % don+t believe she has married that awful man$ % don+t think this is a true story$ % don+t think you will miss the train if you hurry$ 3;3. 3;;. 3;<. 3;6. Completati spatiile goale cu mustn-t sau needn-t : 'ou N take an umbrella$ )he sky is clear$ st % N return the books before the , of &eptember$ 'ou Nmake a noise or the baby will wake up$

'ouNwater the flowers, it will soon start rainin"$ )he visitors N feed the animals in the Ooo$ Feople N speak durin" the concert$ Ine Nbuy a ticket for a slow train in advance$ Ine N travel by bus without payin" the fare$ 'ou N take sleepin" pills too oftenC they are addictive$ 'ou N worry about money$ %+ll "ive you as much as you want$ 3;=. 3;>. Completati spatiile goale cu s%ould sau .ould: 'ou Nnot "o to bed so late at ni"ht$

J you help me solve this problem: 5hen % was youn", % Nwear my hair lon"$ % Nhurry up in order not to miss the train$ 2y child Nplay with the cat for hours on end$ Jyou be so kind and pass me the salt, please: (e always made mistakes because he Nnever take any advice$ 'ou Nnot eat so many sweets if you don+t want to "et fat$ 'ou Nnot expect everybody to obey you$ 5hen % was a teena"er, % Nread one book a day$ A. /ompletati spatiile goale cu s%all sau .ill: 3;?. (e Nread for hours on end$

Jyou tell me the truth, for once: )his Nbe <ohn+s house$ Jo to sleep, % promise you not Nbe disturbed$ %f you win the contest, youN"et a nice present$ 'ou Ndo this whether you like it or not$ &he Nwrite an article for this ma"a!ine every week$ )his door N not unlock$ J you correct my exercise, please: )his letter is full of mistakesC you Nre-type it$ 34./ompletati spatiile goale cu didn-t need to sau needn-t %ave * forma /// a verbului: 3;@. % N(answer the ;uestions, which was very convenient$ % N(answer the ;uestions, which would have saved me a lot of work$ % N(buy a new map of @ondon as % already had one$ 'ou N(lend him so many booksC he will never read them all$ 5e N(wait too lon"C he was back soon$ % N(see him for that$ % wrote him a letter$ % N("et up so early today, but % for"ot it was &unday$ 'ou N(wait for me$ % am sorry you wasted your time$ )he student N(write such a lon" composition, because the teacher won+t have time to read it all$ 'ou N(buy so much bread$ %t+ll "et stale$ 3;A. Completati spatiile goale cu must! can-t sau needn-t * infinitivul trecut: 3<4. %t N(rain hereC the road is dry$ % haven+t "ot my ba" with meC % N(leave it on the bus$ )he child N (leave home$ % locked the door and took the key with me$ 'ou N(see 8nna yesterday$ &he is away$ <ohn N(do such a thin"C he is a nice boy$ (e N(swim across the =anubeC he is a very poor swimmer$ % didn+t hear the phone$ % N(be in the "arden$ 'ouN(lend him your text D book$ (e has one of his own$ (e N(be at home$ )he li"ht was on in his room$ %t N(take you a lon" time to knit this dress$ 3;. Incercati sa gasiti un sens urmatorului dialog: "+o *ou t'in 'e will," "I t'in 'e mig't." "%is famil* consider 'e s'ould." "$es, but 'e 'imself believes 'e needn"t." 3<3. Traduceti in limba engleza! folosind verbe modale sau inlocuitori ai acestora: 3<;. )oti studentii pot si trebuie sa scrie aceasta lucrare$ Va trebui sa ma a#uti mai mult asta!i$

&unt si"ur ca voi putea "asi timp sa te a#ut$ Frofesorul mi-a spus ca pot sa lipsesc de la ora urmatoare$ &tiam sa cnt la pian cnd eram copil$ ?u stiu sa crosete!$ 8i putea sa-mi telefone!i mai des cnd stii ca sunt bolnav$ 8r trebui ca toti copiii sa faca treburi in casa$ 8r fi trebuit sa citesc biblio"rafia pentru acest seminar$ )oata lumea sa fie pre!enta la sedinta$ Va trebui sa plec curnd$ ?u e nevoie sa-ti cari sin"ura ba"a#ul in "araC te-ar putea a#uta un hamal$ )rebuie sa-mi schimb pantofii cnd intru in casa pentru ca sunt plini de noroi$ 6 nevoie sa urcam la cabana pe #os: ?u, putem lua autobu!ul sau telefericul$ ?u a fost nevoie sa-% telefone! lui <ane ca sa vorbesc cu ea pentru ca urma sa vina la mine peste o #umatate de ora$ ?u era nevoie sa-mi faci cafea, am baut de#a doua asta!i$ ?u a fost nevoie sa spun multumesc" cnd am aflat ora exacta formnd 704 intruct stiam ca informatia e inre"istrata pe banda$ ?u se poate ca profesorul sa fi fost multumit de acest raspuns$ ?u se poate sa fi fost acasa aseara$ )i-am telefonat si nu a raspuns nimeni$ Frobabil ca eram inca la facultate$ 8m cerut sa vorbesc cu directorul, dar el nu a vrut sa vina la telefon$ 8r fi trebuit sa insisti$ =e ce ai vorbit att de tare: %ti promit ca vei avea cartea mine$ ?u se poate sa fi "asit usa deschisa, o incuiasem chiar eu$ Bnde mer"em acum: 2ine va trebui sa pun scrisoarea la posta$ Vreti, va ro", sa astepti cteva minute: ?u aveti voie sa vorbiti in timpul examenului$ LECTIA $II M!"UL (U15!#$TI& In engleza contemporana, sub0onctivul nu are formele lui proprii. El apare cu forme de infinitiv, de -ast )ense si de -ast -erfect. +e asemenea, exista ec'ivalenti de sub0onctiv care constau in verbele s'ould, ma*, mig't, would C infinitiv. 3<<. %ub)oncti# cu forma de infiniti# 3<6. 8pare in propo!itii exclamative, exprimnd o lo!inca, o urare, o dorinta sau un blestem$ 6x$ @on" live the kin"H )raiasca re"ele$ >ome what may$ Eie ce-o fi$

Jod for"ive youH Eie ca =omnul sa te ierteH >urse this fo"H *lestemata fie aceasta ceataH Foate fi intlnit in poe!ia clasica, in situatii in care, in en"le!a contemporana, ar fi inlocuit cu pre!entul$ 6x$ &hakespeare: %f this be error"N %f this is error *yron: )hou"h the hart be still as lovin"" Nthe heart is Foate fi folosit ca o modalitate de a da ordine$ 6x$ 6verybody leave the hall$ )oata lumea sa paraseasca sala$ &omebody brin" me a "lass of water$ >ineva sa-mi aduca un pahar cu apa$ =upa constructii de tipul: it is impossible that, it is desirable that, it is necessary that, it is likely that$ 6x$ %t is necessary that you be present$ 6 necesar ca tu sa fii pre!ent$ %t is desirable that we finish the translation first$ 6ste de dorit ca noi sa terminam inti traducerea$ %t is impossible that he do this$ 6ste imposibil ca el sa faca aceasta$ e# +upa verbe ca: to propose, to suggest, to insist, to demand, to urge, to recommend, to order Ex. I recommended t'at 'is proposal be accepted. Am recomandat ca propunerea lui sa fie acceptata. )'e doctor insisted t'at I eep indoors. +octorul a insistat ca eu sa stau acasa. 3<=. 3<>. %ub)oncti# cu forma de Past Tense sau Past Perfect& " *ish (mi-as dori, bine ar fi sa 8pare dupa urmatoarele expresii: 3<?. =aca dorinta se refera la momentul pre!ent, se foloseste sub#onctivul cu forma de Fast )ense$ 6x$ % wish % were in 6n"land now$ 2i-as dori sa fiu in 8n"lia acum$ Nota: 4erbul to be la sub)oncti#ul du forma de Past Tense, apare ca *ere la toate persoanele. 3<@. =aca dorinta se refera la un moment anterior, se foloseste sub#onctivul cu forma de Fast Ferfect$

6x$ % wish % had been born in 6n"land$ 2i-as dori sa ma fi nascut in 8n"lia$ 3<A. =aca dorinta se refera la un moment viitor, se foloseste *ould, ca echivalent de sub#onctiv$ 6x$ % wish it would stop rainin"$ 2i-as dori sa incete!e ploaia$ b# &$ only 7 are aproximativ acelasi sens cu & wish Ex. If onl* I lived to be a 'undredK Dine ar fi sa traiesc pna la o suta de aniK c# *s i$+though !ca si cum, de parca# even i$+even though !c'iar daca# Ex. $ou spea Englis' as if *ou were an Englis'man. :orbesti engleza de parca ai fi englez. $ou spea Englis' as if *ou 'ad lived in England. :orbesti engleza ca si cum ai fi trait in Anglia. d#It is time. !E timpul.# It is 'ig' time. !Era de mult timpul.# Ex. It is time t'e c'ild went to bed. E timpul sa mearga copilul la culcare. It is 'ig' time *ou began to stud* seriousl*. Era de mult timpul sa incepi sa studiezi serios. 364. " *ould sooner5rather (as prefera saN 6x$ % would sooner you stayed at home toni"ht$ 8s prefera sa stai acasa in seara asta$ %n exemplul de mai sus, persoana care isi exprima preferinta este diferita de cea care face actiunea$ %n ca!ul in care persoana care isi exprima preferinta este aceeasi cu cea care face actiunea, se poate folosi fie sub#onctivul cu forma de Fast )ense, fie cel cu forma de infinitiv$ 6x$ % would sooner % stayed at home toni"ht$ % would sooner stay at home toni"ht$ 363. (chi#alenti de sub)oncti# should D ca si sub#onctivul cu forma de infinitiv (,-d se poate folosi dupa constructii de tipul: %t is impossible that, it is necessary that$ Ex. It is necessar* t'at *ou s'ould be present. It is desirable t'at we s'ould finis' t'e translation first. It is impossible t'at 'e s'ould do t'is. Acest tip de constructii se traduc la fel !vezi 3-d#, fie ca se foloseste in limba engleza sub0onctivul cu forma de infinitiv, fie ca se foloseste should ca echivalent de sub#onctiv$ 6xista o situatie in care nu se poate folosi sub#onctivul cu forma de infinitiv,ci este necesara introducerea lui should. 6ste vorba de ca!ul cnd propo!itia secundara exprima o actiune anterioara celei din principala$ 6x$ %t is impossible that he should ha#e done this.

6ste imposibil ca el sa fi facut aceasta$ =upa cum se observa, in aceasta situatie should este urmat de infinitivul trecut$ 36;. =e asemenea, la fel ca si sub#onctivul cu forma de infinitiv (ve!i ,-e , should poate aparea dupa verbe ca: to propose, to su""est, to insist, to demand, to ur"e, to recommend$ 6x$ % recommend that his proposal should be accepted$ )he doctor insisted that % should stay indoors$ 36<. =upa con#unctia lest (ca nu cumva sa 6x$ (urry up lest you should miss the train$ Jrabeste-te ca nu cumva sa pier!i trenul$ % am afraid lest he should fail the exam$ 2i-e teama ca nu cumva sa piarda examenul$ Nota: "n en leza contemporana exista tendinta de a se omite should dupa lest si de a se folosi sub)oncti#ul cu forma de infiniti#. 6x$ (urry up lest you miss the train$ 366. %ntrebari introduse prin ho*, *h6, *here,*hen, fie in vorbirea direca, fie in vorbirea indirecta$ 6x$ (ow should % know where he is now: =e unde sa stiu unde este el acum: % don+t see why you should be so rude to him$ ?u vad de ce sa fii att de nepoliticos cu el$ 36=. ma6, mi ht >a si sub#onctivul cu forma de infinitiv, may poate aparea in lo!inci si urari: 6x$ 2ay success attend youH Eie ca succesul sa fie cu tineH 2ay you live lon" and be happyH Eie sa traiesti mult si sa fii fericit$ 36>. =upa to hope, to be afraid Ex. I 'ope t'at 'e ma* pass t'e exam. .per ca el sa treaca examenul. I was afraid t'at 'e mig't fail t'e exam. 1i-era teama sa nu cada la examen. +upa cum reiese din exemplele de mai sus, daca verbul din propozitia principala este la timpul prezent, in secundara se foloseste ma6, iar daca verbul din propo!itia principala este la timpul trecut, in secundara se foloseste mi ht$ 36?. =upa so that, in order that 6x$ &tudy hard so thatAin order that you may pass the exam$ %nvata serios ca sa treci examenul$

% studied hard so thatAin order that % mi"ht pass the exam$ 8m invatat serios ca sa trec examenul$ 36@. =upa *hoe#er, *hene#er, *here#er, ho*e#er, *hiche#er, *hate#er sau dupa formulele echivalente no matter *ho, no matter *hen, etc$ 6x$ 5hoever you mayAmi"ht be, you have no ri"ht to do this$ ?o matter who you mayAmi"ht be, you have no ri"ht to do this$ Iricine ai fi, nu ai dreptul sa faci asta$ 5herever % mayAmi"ht be, % will rin" you up$ Iriunde as fi, iti voi telefona$ 36A. =upa it is possible, it *as possible 6x$ %t is possible that he may be here in time$ 6ste posibil ca el sa a#un"a aici la timp$ %t was possible that he mi"ht be here in time$ 6ra posibil ca el sa fi a#uns aici la timp$ Nota: Dupa cum se poate obser#a, echi#alentii de sub)oncti# sunt la ori ine #erbe modale. (xisa situatii c$nd se pot folosi si alte #erbe modale dec$t cele expuse in acest capitol ca echi#alenti de sub)oncti#, iar in aceste cazuri, #erbele respecti#e aduc in propozitie si sensul lor initial. 6x$ % wish % could speak 6n"lish$ 2i-as dori sa pot vorbi en"le!aAsa fiu in stare sa vorbesc en"le!a$ % wish % mi"ht borrow your car$ 2i-as dori sa potAsa am permisiunea de a imprumuta masina ta$ xercitii cu modul su2+onctiv 3=4. Transformati urmatoarele propozitii! astfel inc"t sa inceapa cu / .is% * Past Tense (afirmativ sau negativ): 1odel: I am sorr*&I regret t'e weat'er isn"t fine. I wis' t'e weat'er were fine. 3=3. % am sorry my friend is ill$ % am sorry % don+t live in *ucharest$ % re"ret % am not a student$ % re"ret % can+t "o to the concert$ % am sorry % can+t play the piano$ % am sorry you live so far away$ % re"ret % have only one child$ % re"ret % have no children$ % am sorry books are so expensive$ % am sorry it rains so often$ 3=;. Transformati urmatoarele propozitii! astfel inc"t sa inceapa cu / .is% * Past Perfect (afirmativ sau negativ): 1odel:

I am sorr* I lost m* umbrella. I wis' I 'adn"t lost m* umbrella. 3=<. % am sorry you had an accident$ % was sorry you were out when % called$ % re"retted the weather was bad when % was on holiday$ % re"retted you couldn+t come to me yesterday$ % am sorry you were delayed at the office$ % am sorry % was late for the party$ % re"ret you didn+t win the competition$ % am sorry % had no money to buy that paintin"$ % was sorry you had "ot a fine$ % am sorry % didn+t win the Jreat Fri!e$ 3=6. Transformati urmatoarele propozitii! astfel inc"t sa inceapa cu / .is% * .ould * infinitiv scurt: 1odel: I am sorr* 'e will not ta e m* advice. I wis' 'e would ta e m* advice. 3==. % re"ret you won+t come on holiday with me$ % am sorry he won+t accept my proposal$ % re"ret % won+t spend my holiday in 6n"land$ % am sorry he will be away for such a lon" time$ % am sorry they will not si"n the contract$ % re"ret he will stay in hospital so lon"$ % am sorry you won+t take a drivin" licence$ % am sorry % will "et fat when "ivin" up smokin"$ % re"ret % won+t be able to read Joethe in the ori"inal$ % re"ret % won+t have a phone in my new flat$ 3=>. Puneti verbele din paranteze la forma corecta de sub0onctiv: 'ou behave as if you (own the place$ =on+t treat me as if % (be a child$ % *ould rather you (not waste your timeH % am cold, % *ould rather you (close that window$ "t is hi h time you (start studyin" for your exam$ "t1s time we ("o home$ "1d rather % (stay at home and (watch )V$ "f onl6 % (be in %taly nowH " *ish % (enter the faculty last year$ "f onl6 my telephone (work H " *ish % (not catch a cold on the trip yesterday$ 'e *ishes he (have a "ood 6n"lish teacher in the next academic year$ % would marry you e#en if you (be a pauper$ % *ould rather he (tell me the truth$

(e *ould rather his dau"hter (not "et married so youn"$ %t+s hi h time he (take a #ob and (stop livin" on his parents$ "f onl6 % (not for"et his phone numberH 'e *ishes his book (become a best-sellerH "f onl6 % (become a millionaire$ "t1s time % ("et a promotionH =. )raduceti in limba engleza folosind sub0onctivul cu forma de -ast )ense sau -ast -erfect: 3=?. *ine ar fi sa nu fi facut attea "reseli la lucrarea de control$ 2i-as dori sa incete!i cu !"omotul acela chiar in acest moment$ 2i-as dori sa incete!i sa te mai vaicaresti pentru ca am si eu neca!urile mele$ *ine ar fi sa fii mai ordonataH >e pacat ca plouaH =aca n-ar ploua, am putea mer"e la pla#aH )i-ai dori sa fi fost invitata la petrecerea lui <ohn: >e pacat ca nu mai sunt tnarH 8s prefera sa te scoli mai devreme$ 8s prefera sa ma scol mai devreme$ 8s prefera sa mer"i la teatru$ 8s prefera sa mer" la teatru$ 6 timpul sa-mi inapoie!i banii pe care ti %-am imprumutat$ 6ra demult timpul sa incepi sa citesti cartile cerute pentru examenul de literatura romna$ 6 ora ,9H ?u cre!i ca era demult timpul sa te scoli si sa te apuci de lucru: 6a arata de parca ar fi manechin$ Vorbesti ca si cum ai fi suparata pe mine$ 6a se poarta cu el de parca ar fi sotul ei$ 6l mi-a vorbit ca si cum nu se intmplase nimic intre noi$ <ane si-ar dori sa-mi petrec sfrsitul de saptamna cu ea$ &tiu ca tu ti-ai dori sa-ti petreci vacanta intr-o tabara, dar eu prefer sa mer"i la bunicul, la tara$ >. )raduceti in limba engleza folosind sub0onctivul cu forma de infinitiv sau ec'ivalentul de sob0onctiv s%ould * infinitivul prezent sau trecut: 3=@. 6ste imposibil ca el sa se intoarca att de devreme$ 6ste imposibil ca el sa se fi intors att de devreme$ 6ste important ca tu sa stii en"le!a bine$ 6ste necesar sa fii informat despre ce se intmpla in tara$ 6ra ciudat ca el sa nu fi citit aceasta carte$ 6ste enervant ca tu sa fi uitat sa-mi aduci cartea inapoi$ 6ste probabil ca fiul meu sa fi luat examenul$ 6ste foarte important ca acest contract sa fie semnat foarte curnd$ Vrei sa spui ca este probabil sa ne petrecem concediul in *ucuresti: 6ste necesar sa fiu pre!ent la aceasta sedinta: ?. )raduceti in limba engleza folosind sub0onctivul cu forma de infinitiv sau ec'ivalentul de sub0onctiv s'ould C infinitivul prezent:


2ama a hotart ca noi sa stam acasa$

Frofesorul su"erea!a ca noi sa citim aceasta carte$ =irectorul a cerut ca toata lumea sa fie pre!enta la ora 4$ Frietenul meu a insistat sa mer" cu el la concert$ =irectorul a propus ca eu sa lucre! in alt sector$ 6l a su"erat ca noi sa cumparam aceasta casa$ %nsist ca tu sa accepti aceasta slu#ba$ 8m su"erat sa-l ale"em presedinte$ @. )raduceti in limba engleza folosind sub0onctivul cu forma de infinitiv sau ec'ivalentul de sub0onctiv ma* sau mig't C infinitivul prezent: 3>4. 6l a intrat in casa fara !"omot, astfel inct sa nu-l aud eu$ =a-te la o parte ca sa vad (astfel inct sa pot vedea ecranul$ Vorbeste mai tare ca sa te aud (asfel inct sa te pot au!i $ Irice mi-ai spune, nu te pot crede$ Irict te-ai stradui, nu poti csti"a un astfel de concurs$ Iricnd te vei intoarce, eu voi fi acasa si te voi astepta$ Iricine ti-ar fi spus asta despre mine, nu ar fi trebuit sa cre!i$ 8m facut un imprumut ca sa (astfel inct sa pot sa-mi cumpar casa$ 6ste posibil ca ea sa fie plecata din oras$ Iricare ar fi motivul, nu ar trebui sa ma minti$ 3>3. /nlocuiti infinitivele din paranteze cu unul dintre tipurile de sub0onctiv sau cu un ec%ivalent de sub0onctiv: 3>;. % closed the window so that it (not "et too cold$ % closed the window lest ("et too cold$ %t is desirable that they (divorce immediately$ %t is impossible that my sister (tell this to you yesterday$ ?o matter howAhowever absent D minded you (be , you should remember your own phone number$ % propose that we (leave by the 7 o+clock train$ % wish my car (not break down last week$ (e throws money away as if he (be a rich man$ &he speaks about her son as if he (be a "enius$ %+d rather you (retire as soon as possible$ %t is stran"e that she (leave the li"hts on when she left the town$ % have to work hard so that my company (prosper $ )he road is wetC drive carefully lest you (have an accident$ %+ve told you everythin" so that you (understand my position$ % su""ested that we (take a taxi$ )he doctor recommended that the patient (have an operation$ 8ll success (attend youH % wish % (be there when it happened$ % have such a borin" #obC % wish % (find another$ %f only % (have a brother or a sisterH

LECTIA $III M!"URIL # P R(!#%L (I $!#(TRU$TIIL & R1%L In limba engleza, modurile nepersonale sunt urmatoarele: infinitivul, forma -ing !gerunziul si participiul prezent# si participiul trecut. Infinitivul poate avea aspect, diateza si timpuri. ,iateza activa
o o o o

infinitiv pre!ent simplu: to call

infinitiv pre!ent continuu: to be callin" infinitiv perfect simplu: to have called infinitiv perfect continuu: to have been callin" +iateza pasiva

infinitiv pre!ent simplu: to be called

infinitiv perfect: to have been called 8orma -ing. 8tt participiul pre!ent ct si "erun!iul se formea!a prin adau"area terminatiei -in" la infinitivul verbelor (to call D callin" $ Farticipiul pre!ent si "erun!iul pot avea timpuri si diate!a$ Diateza acti#a

nedefinit: callin"

perfect: havin" called +iateza pasiva


nedefinit: bein" called

perfect: havin" been called -articipiul trecut se formea!a prin adau"area terminatiei -ed la verbele re"ulateC in ca!ul verbelor nere"ulate, el repre!inta forma a %%%-a:

to call D called D called Constructii cu infiniti%ul

to "o D *ent D "one 3><. .cuzati# cu infiniti#

>onsta dintr-un verb urmat de un pronume sau substantiv in acu!ativ G un verb la infinitiv$ 6x$ % want you to "o now$ (Vreau ca tu sa pleci acum$ 6xista cteva tipuri de verbe care accepta acest tip de constructii: 3>6. 8dverbe exprimnd dorinta sau vointa: to want, to wish, to like, to dislike, to hate$ 6x$ %+d like him to come with me$ (8s vrea ca el sa vina cu mine$

% want <ohn to do this$ (Vreau ca <ohn sa faca aceasta$ verbe exprimnd perceptia sen!oriala: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch$ 8ceste verbe sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt (fara to $ 6x$ % saw him leave the room$ (@-am va!ut ca paraseste cameraAparasind camera$ 3>=. verbe exprimnd un ordin, o permisiune sau o cau!alitate: to make, to cause, to allow, to order$ Verbele to ma7e si to let sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt (fara to $ 6x$ % made him study 6n"lish$ (@-am facut sa invete en"le!a$ % let him "o out and play$ (@-am lasat sa iasa afara sa #oace fotbal$ (e ordered the door to be locked$ (6l a ordonat sa se incuie usa$ 3>>. verbe exprimnd perceptia mentala: to think, to suppose, to expect, to consider, to understand, to know, to believe$ 6x$ % consider him to be a "ood student$ (>onsider ca el este un bun student$ % expected him to come in time$ (2-am asteptat ca el sa vina la timp$ verbe declarative: to state, to declare, to admit$ 6x$ (e admitted the news to be false$ (6l a recunoscut ca stirile erau false$ )hey declared him to be the man of the year$ (6i l-au declarat a fi omul anului$ cu anumite verbe urmate de prepo!itii obli"atorii: to rely uponAon, to count uponAon $ 6x$ % rely on you to do this$ (2a ba!e! pe tine sa faci aceasta$ 3>?. /ominati# cu infiniti# >onsta dintr-un subiect in nominativ G un verb la diate!a pasiva sau activa G un verb la infinitiv$ 3>@. folosit cu verbe la diateza pasi#a: to see, to hear, to know, to say, to believe, to suppose, to expect, to make, to consider$ Ex. %e is said to be a good writer. !.e spune ca el este un bun scriitor.# .unt situatii in care Bominativul cu Infinitivut exprima o formulare pasiva a Acuzativului cu Infinitiv: Ex. I made 'im stud* Englis'. %e was made to stud* Englis'. I consider 'im to be a good student.

%e is considered to be a good student. %e considered t'e news to be false. )'e news was considered to be false. )'e* declared 'im to be t'e man of t'e *ear. %e was declared to be t'e man of t'e *ear. 3>A. cu verbele: to happen, to prove, to turn out, to seem, to appear

la diateza acti#a&

6x$ (e proved to be a "ood #ournalist$ (6l s-a dovedit a fi un bun #urnalist$ % happened to meet him in the street$ (&-a intmplat sa-l intlnesc pe strada$ %f % happen to meet him, % will tell him where you are$ (=aca se va intmpla sa-l intlnesc, ii voi spune unde esti$ Nota: Trebuie remarcat faptul ca expresia impersonala din limba rom$na se int$mpla sa este, de obicei, tradusa cu o expresie personala in limba en leza. 3?4. cu expresiile: to be sure A likely A unlikely A certain 6x$ &he is sure to come in time$ (6 si"ur ca ea va veni la timp$ Nota: Din nou a#em in limba en leza o expresie personala care se traduce in rom$neste cu o expresie impersonala. Daca #rem sa traducem expresia personala& (a e si ura ca #a #eni la timp" o redam in modul urmator& %he is sure the she *ill come in time". 3?3. For phrase >onsta din propo!itia for G un substantiv sau pronume in acu!ativ G un verb la infinitiv$ 6x$ %t is easy for me to do this$ (6 usor sa fac asta$ )his remains for him to decide$ (8ceasta ramne sa o decida el$ %t is impossible for him to come$ (6ste imposibil ca el sa vina$ %t is necessary for me to "o there$ (6ste necesar ca eu sa mer" acolo$ Nota: 3ltimele doua propozitii se se pot reda in limba en leza si cu a)utorul sub)oncti#ului. 6x$ %t is impossible that % (should come$ %t is necessary that % (should "o there$ $onstructii cu participiul prezent 3?;. .cuzati# cu participiu &e foloseste cu verbe exprimnd perceptie sen!orial: to see, to

hear, to watch, to smell, precum si cu verbele to find, to leave$ 6x$ % saw him leavin" (@-am va!ut plecnd$ % heard her sin"in"$ (8m au!it-o cntnd$ % left A found her cryin"$ (8m lasat-o A "asit-o pln"nd$ %n ca!ul verbelor de perceptie, aceasta constructie este asemanatoare cu 8cu!ativul cu %nfinitiv$ =iferenta de sens intre cele doua constructii este urmatoarea: folosirea acu!ativului cu infinitiv pune accentul pe actiunea propriu-!isa, in timp ce acu!ativul cu participiu arata actiunea in desfasurare$ 8stfel: " sa* her lea#e s-ar putea traduce .m #azut-o ca pleaca sau .m #azut-o plec$nd$ %n timp ce " sa* her lea#in se poate traduce numai .m #azut-o plec$nd$ /ominati# cu Participiu 6ste pasivul constructiei 8cu!ativ cu Farticipiu: 6x: (e was seen leavin"$ (6l a fost va!ut plecnd$ &he was heard sin"in"$ (6a a fost au!ita cntnd$ /ominati#ul absolut 6ste o constructie participiala care are un subiect al ei propriu$ 6x: )he classes bein" over, we went home$ (Irele fiind terminate, am mers acasa$ 5eather permittin", we shall "o to the beach$ (=aca vremea va permite, vom mer"e la pla#a$ $onstructie cu participiul trecut Este formata din verbul to have sau to get C un complement C participiul trecut. Ex: I must 'ave&get mz s'oes repaired. !)rebuie sa-mi dau pantofii la reparat.# I will 'ave m* 'air done. !:oi merge sa ma coafez.# Aceasta constructie arata ca actiunea este facuta de catre altcineva spre avanta#ul sau la ordinul persoanei reprezentate de subiect. Este de asemenea sa apara situatii in care actiunea exprimata de participiul trecut este facuta de altcineva in detrimentul persoanei exprimate de subiect. Ex. .'e 'ad two sons illed in t'e war. I-au fost ucisi doi fii in razboi. I 'ad m* bedroom window bro en. /ineva mi-a spart geamul din dormitor.

xercitii cu constructiile ver2ale 3. )raduceti in limba engleza folosind constructia Acuzativ cu Infinitiv sau Acuzativ cu -articipiu: 3?<. 2-am asteptat sa vii mai devreme$ 6l voia ca eu sa-l a#ut$ 6a m-a facut sa intele" ce se intmplase$ >red ca el e un sot bun$ 8m au!it-o certndu-si copilul$ <ohn a recunoscut ca vina era a lui$ 2a ba!e! pe tine sa-mi imprumuti niste bani$ %-am privit #ucnd fotbal$ @-am va!ut vorbind cu prietena lui$ 2ama ar vrea ca eu sa devin doctor$ %ntele" ca ea e o profesoara foarte buna$ &tiam ca el e un om foarte ocupat$ 8m va!ut ctiva copii #ucndu-se in parc$ Fresupuneam ca el stie sa conduca masina$ 6l m-a facut sa pierd trenul$ ;. Ieformulati urmatoarele propozitii folosind constructia for-p'rase": 1odel: )'is translation is eas*. I cam ma e it. )'is translation is eas* for me to ma e. 3?6. )his problem is too difficult$ % can+t solve it$ )his is a "ood book$ 'ou should read it$ )his fact is important$ 'ou should bear it in mind$ )his is a valuable piece of advice$ 'ou should take it$ )he time has come$ 5e should have a heart to heart talk$ )he people were impatient$ )he match was about to be"in$ % have closed the window$ % don+t want you to catch a cold$ )his is the main thin"$ 5e should do it now$ % ordered a taxi$ % didn+t want her to miss the train$ )his is a stran"e thin"$ % can+t believe she said that$ <. Ieformulati urmatoarele fraze cu modul sub0onctiv folosind constructia for-p'rase": 1odel: It is important t'at I s'ould now t'e trut'. It is important to now t'e trut'. 3?=. %t is necessary that he be present$ %t is recommendable that you should read this book$ %t+s time we met a"ain$ %t+s time you started learnin" forei"n lan"ua"es$ %t is possible that the plane mi"ht be delayed$ %t is impossible that he should have said that$

%t is possible that % mi"ht buy a car$ %t is advisable that you should resi"n$ %t is important that you should come to the office, at once$ %t is necessary that you should study the matter seriously$ 6. Ieformulati urmatoarele fraze cu modul sub0onctiv folosind constructia Bominativ cu Infinitiv. 8olositi drept subiect pronumele subliniate: 1odel: %er parents t'oug't she was a gifted c'ild. .'e was t'oug't to be a gifted c'ild. 3?>. %t is expected that he will arrive at - o+clock$ )hey heard him repeat it several times$ %t seemed that she was satisfied with me$ 6verybody$ 6xpected that he would resi"n$ %t was proved that she was a liar$ )hey said she was ill$ Feople believed he was a brilliant sur"eon$ % thou"ht she was unable to win the contest$ %t is sure the6 have had an ar"ument$ %t happened that she made three spellin" mistakes in her letter$ =. )receti la pasiv urmatoarele constructii Acuzativ cu -articipiu, transformLndu-le in Bominativ cu -articipiu: 1odel: I 'eard t'e dog bar ing. )'e dog was 'eard bar ing. l. I saw t'e plane landing. ;. .'e 'eard t'e bab* cr*ing. <. I found t'e bo* brea ing t'e window. 6. I could 'ear 'er t*ping. =. I saw 'er l*ing on t'e beac'. >. I saw 'er fainting. ?. I saw t'e peasants wor ing in t'e field. @. I 'eard t'e c'ild brea ing t'e vase. A. I found 'er digging in t'e garden. 34. .'e 'eard t'e 'unters s'ooting. >. )raduceti in limba romna urmatoarele propozitii cu constructia Bominativul absolut: 3. (eat'er permitting, we s'all climb to t'e top of t'e mountain. ;. )'e rain 'aving stopped, I went s'opping. <. )'e concert being over, t'e audience left t'e 'ali. 6. )'e plane 'aving ta en off, I stopped smo ing. =. )'e decision being ta en in m* favour, I went 'ome relaxed. >. )'e river 'aving risen in t'e nig't, we were seared

about 'aving floods. ?. Ever*bod* being at 'ome, we sat down to dinner. @. )'e mud 'aving ruined m* s'oes, I 'ad to c'ange t'em. A. )'e letter being written, I went to post it. 34. )'e sun 'aving risen, we 'urried to t'e beac'.

L $TI% I TIMPURIL M!"ULUI I#"I$%TI& Exercitii cu Present Simple si Continuous Exercitiul l: 3. I don"t love. +o I love, ;. .'e doesn"t tal . +oes s'e tal , <. I don"t understand. +o I understand, 6. $ou don"t pla*. +o *ou pla*, =. I don"t alwa*s believe. +o I alwa*s believe, >. %e doesn"t remember. +oes 'e remember, ?. )'e* don"t live. +o t'e* live, @. %e doesn"t 'ave. +oes 'e 'ave, A. I don"t trust. +o I trust, 34. I don"t 'ave. +o I 'ave, Exercitiul ;: l. It isn"t raining. Is it raining, ;. I am not 'aving. Am I 'aving, <. %e isn"t telling. Is 'e telling, 6. $ou aren"t t*ping. Are *ou t*ping, =. )'e* aren"t swimming. Are t'e* swimming, >. 1* friend isn"t wearing. Is m* friend wearing, ?. 1* mot'er isn"t resting. Is m* mot'er resting, @. (e aren"t stud*ing. Are we stud*ing, A. Ann isn"t nitting. Is Ann nitting, 34. )'e c'ild isn"t learning. Is t'e c'ild learning, Exercitiul <: l. I am not going, it is raining. ;. do *ou do, <. drin s, is drin ing. 6. it often rains. =. 3 don"t li e. >. spea s, don"t understand. ?. +o *ou li e, @. +o *ou dream, I dream A. 3 am coo ing. 34. +o *ou usuall* get, go, am ta ing. 33. 'e is 'aving. 3;. Are *ou writing, am, write. 3<. are *ou 'urr*ing, I don"t want. 36. alwa*s borrow&is alwa*s borrowing, remembers. 3=. +o *ou go, 3>. +o *ou smo e, 3?. are *ou waiting, I am waiting. 3@. I alwa*s 'ave. 3A. are *ou t'in ing, I am t'in ing. ;4. +o *ou now, Exercitiul 6: l. It snows in winter. ;. En .unda*s, 'e doesn"t get up earl*. <. I do not stud* in t'e evening. 6. ('at are *ou doing, Are *ou reading or watc'ing ):, =. )'e secretar* is 0ust t*ping a report. >. .'e goes s'opping on .aturda*s. ?.

Bow I am doing m* 'omewor in Englis'. @. I don"t li e coffee. A. ('at boo are *ou reading, 34. At w'at time does 5o'n get up in t'e morning, 33. ('at do *ou do on *our free da*s, 3;. ('om are *ou ringing up, 3<. %e doesn"t go to sc'ool b* underground, 'e wal s. 36. ('* are *ou opening t'e window, I=. I often read Englis' boo s. 3>. .'e is pac ing 'er luggage. 3?. %ow often do *ou write to *our parents, 3@. ('en I go to t'e seaside, I li e to swim a lot. 3A. )'e customer is 0ust c'oosing a pair of s'oes. ;4. ('at are *ou spea ing about, Exercitii cu Past Tense Simple si Continuous Exercitiul 3: 3. I slept. ;. %e met. <. $ou spo e. 6. $ou dran . =. $ou as ed. >. I pla*ed. ?. I owned. @. 3 li ed. A. )'at sounded. 34. I alwa*s made. Exercitiul ;: 3. %e didn"t t'in . +id 'e t'in , ;. )'e* didn"t drin . +id t'e* drin , <. I didn"t 'ate. +id I 'ate, 6. %e didn"t c'ange. +id 'e c'ange, =. I didn"t sell. +id I sell, >. (e didn"t wor . +id we wor , ?. %e didn"t come. +id 'e come, @. I didn"t en0o*. +id I en0o*, A. %e didn"t translate. +id 'e translate, 34. %e didn"t forbid. +id 'e forbid, Exercitiul <: 3. *ou came in, I was tal ing. ;. 3 first met, 'e was wor ing. <. 'e was-learning, 'e 'ad. 6. I was writing, someone rang up. =. were *ou going, I met. >. were *ou doing, ?. I entered, t'e teac'er was writing. @. I arrived, s'e was 'aving. A. I was watc'ing. 34. 'e realized, 'e wasn"t wearing. Exercitiul 6: 3. 9ast nig't, t'e sun didn"t set at @ o"cloc . ;. +id *ou sleep well last nig't, <. $esterda*, I didn"t go to t'e swimming pool. 6. I got up late *esterda* morning. =. 9ast .unda*, m* friends pla*ed c'ess. >. )'is time *esterda* it was raining. ?. ('at were *ou doing last )uesda*, at ? o"cloc in t'e morning, I was preparing to go to t'e facult*. @. ('ile I was loo ing for m* passport, I found t'is old p'oto. A. )'e bo*s were pla*ing cards w'en t'e* 'eard t'eir fat'er entering t'e 'ouse. )'e* 'id t'e cards awa* and too out t'eir sc'ool boo s. 34. ('en did *ou return from t'e mountains, 33. ('en did *ou bu* t'is ): set, 3;. $esterda* I lost m* gloves. 3<. A strong wind was blowing w'en I left t'e 'ouse. 36. ('ere did *ou spend *our

'olida* last summer, 3=. $esterda* I got up earl*, I 'ad brea fast and t'en I left for sc'ool. 3>. )wo da*s ago I fell and I bro e m* leg. 3?. 9ast wee I was ill and 3 didn"t go to sc'ool. 3@. %e sat for 'is first exam last wee . 3A. ('o won t'e matc' t'e da* before *esterda*, ;4. ('ile it was raining, I was driving to .inaia. Exercitii cu Present Perfect Simple si Continuous Exercitiul 3: l. %ave *ou been, I 'ave been. ;. %ave *ou watered, <. %e 'as 0ust left. 6. I 'ave lent. =. t'e engine 7 drivers 'ave gone. >. I 'ave 0ust 'ad. ?. I 'ave alread* seen. @. %e 'asn"t come. A. I 'aven"t been. 34. I 'ave boug't. 33 . %ave *ou visited, 3;. %ave *ou ever eaten, 3<. I 'aven"t written. 36. 3t 'asn"t rained. I=. %ave *ou ever driven, 3>. %e 'as alwa*s relied. 3?. %ave *ou read, 3@. %ave *ou paid, 3A. %e 'asn"t gone. ;4. %ave *ou lived, I 'ave lived. Exercitiul ;: l. %e 'as been fis'ing, 'e 'as caug't. ;. (e 'ave nown. <. )'e radio 'as been pla*ing. 6. I 'ave" been s'opping. =. 'ave *ou been wearing, >. I 'ave been coo ing, 'ave *ou coo ed, ?. 'ave *ou been, I 'ave been watering. @. %e 'as been sleeping. A. I 'ave been as ing. 34. s'e 'as been tr*ing. Exercitiul <: I. I 'ave lostM 'aven"t *ou seen, did *ou use, ;. %ave *ou ever tried, I tried, I didn"t succeed. <. %ave *ou seen, s'e left. 6. %ave *ou beenM I got. =. I 'ave been wearing, I was. >. .'e 'as c'anged, I saw. ?. I 'ave been doing, I got up. @. )'e c'ild 'as been pla*ing, I returned. A. It 'as been raining, we left. 34. %e 'as been, began. Exercitiul 6: 3. ('o 'as taug't *ou to spea Englis' so well, ;. ('ere 'ave *ou spent *our 'olida* t'is *ear, <. I 'ave often t'oug't of ta ing a driving licence. 6. %ow long 'ave *ou been learning Englis', =. )'e weat'er 'as got warmer latel*. >. %e 'as been a 1inister for two *ears. ?. I 'ave been translating a text for two 'ours and I 'aven"t finis'ed it *et. @. %e 'as written onl* two letters since 'e went abroad. A. A c'ild 'as bro en t'e window. (e must replace it. 34. It 'as been snowing for two 'ours. 33. (e 'ave wal ed 34 m so far. 3;. (e 'ave been wal ing since < o cloc . 3<. .ince I boug't a car, I 'ave seldom wal ed to m* office. 36. ('at did *ou loo at, It was an accident. 3=.

('o did *ou vote for at t'e last elections, I didn"t go to vote. I sta*ed at 'ome and I 'aven"t regretted it for a momentK 3>. %ave *ou seen toda*"s newspaper, 3?. %as 5o'n left, $es, 'e left an 'our ago. 3@. %ave *ou alread* 'ad brea fast, $es, I 'ad it at @ o"cloc . 3A. %ave *ou been to t'is town before, $es, I spent a mont' 'ere, two *ears ago. ;4. )'e* 'ave been wor ing on t'is 'ouse for a *ear and t'e* 'aven"t finis'ed it *et. Exercitii cu Past Perfect Simple si Continuous Exercitiul 3: 3. t'e* 'ad finis'ed. ;. s'e 'ad alread* been. <. I 'ad met. 6. 'ad not told. =. 'e 'ad caug't. >. I 'ad returned. ?. 'e 'ad t'oug't. @. 'ad spread. A. s'e 'ad not passed. 34. 'ad eaten. Exercitiul ;: 3. it 'ad been raining. ;. t'e* 'ad been waiting. <. 'ad been coo ing. 6. s'e 'ad been stud*ing. =. s'e 'ad been writing. >. s'e 'ad been cleaning and dusting. ?. 'ad been swimming. @. 'ad been 'aving. A. 'ad been climbing. 34. it 'ad been raining. Exercitiul <: 3. 'ad been spea ing, I entered. ;. 'ad listened, 'e went. <. 'e told, 'e 'ad been. 6. we as ed, 'e 'ad visited. =. 'e 'ad learned&'e 'ad been learning, 'e went. >. .'e 'ad 0ust gone out, I called. ?. it 'ad been raining. @. 'ad left, s'e told, t'e* 'ad been. A. we 'ad been wal ing, we realized, we 'ad lost. 34. I found out, 'e 'ad got married, I rang 'im up, congratulated. Exercitiul 6: 3. I was sorr* I 'ad 'urt 'im. ;. %e t'an ed me for w'at I 'ad done for 'im. <. As soon as 'e 'ad finis'ed writing t'e paper, 'e 'anded it to t'e teac'er. 6. %e 'adn"t done an*t'ing before 'e as ed for m* advice. =. As soon as t'e guests 'ad left, I went to bed. >. ('en I arrived at t'e bus stop, I realized I 'ad left m* bag at 'ome. ?. )'e secretar* told me t'e manager 'ad been spea ing on t'e p'one for 'alf an 'our. @. )'e* told me t'e* 'ad been living in 8rance since 3A@4. A. I didn"t p'one *ou because I t'oug't *ou 'ad gone abroad. 34. )'e* travelled to man* countries after t'e* 'ad got married. Exercitii cu timpurile Future" Exercitiul 3:

3. I s'all&will now. ;. $ou will be. <. (ill *ou recognize, 6. I s'all&will remember. =. $ou will li e. >. %e will be. ?. I s'all&will succeed. @. (il3 *ou remember, A. I s'all&will pass. 34. $ou will not&won"t find. Exercitiut ;: 3. I s'all&will be swimming. ;. it will probabl* be raining. <. .'e will be watc'ing. 6. (ill *ou be needing, =. will be cr*ing. >. wilt be rising. ?. %e will be stud*ing. @. will&s'all will be climbing. A. I s'all&will be 'aving. 34. I s'all&will be wor ing. Exercitiul <: 3. (e s'all&will 'ave ta en. ;. I s'all&will 'ave finis'ed. <. t'e* will 'ave been married. 6. will 'ave risen. =. will 'ave spent. >. I s'all&will 'ave been coo ing. ?. I s'all&will 'ave read @. I s'all&will 'ave been wor ing. A. $ou will 'ave seen. 34. I s'all&will 'ave paid off. Exercitiul 6: 3. D* t'is time next *ear, I s'all&will 'ave saved five million lei. ;. ('at will *ou be doing tomorrow morning at 33 o"cloc , I s'all&will be visiting t'e international fair. <. I 'ave boug't a t*pewriter and I s'all learn to t*pe. 6. D* t'e end of t'e mont' I s'all&will 'ave seen t'is film = times. =. )'e train will 'ave left before we arrive at t'e station. >. D* 34 o"cloc s'e will 'ave finis'ed cleaning t'e 'ouse. ?. En 8rida*, between twelve and one o"cloc , t'e* will be 'aving t'eir last Englis' class. @. Decause of t'e stri e of t'e bus 7 drivers, man* people will be going to wor on foot tomorrow. A. %e will be stud*ing in t'e librar* on 1onda* from one to five o"cloc . 34. 9oo w'at I 'ave boug't at an auctionK It"s a ver* beautiful ob0ect. ('ere will *ou put it, LECTIA II Exercitii cu concordanta timpurilor Exercitiul 3: 3. t'e* were tal ing. ;. *ou were. <. *ou were. 6. I pla*ed&I was pla*ing. =. did not remember. >. *ou spo e. ?. was s'ining. @. I usuall* read. A. $ou 'ad to t*pe. 34. 'e wanted. Exercitiul ;:

3. 'e 'ad left. ;. I 'ad done. <. I 'ad 'eard. 6. 'ad alread* begun. =. we 'ad been digging. >. 'e 'ad stolen. ?. 'e 'ad 0ust left. @. I 'ad lost. A. 'e 'ad been travelling. 34. I 'ad read, I 'ad not en0o*ed. Exercitiul <: 3. t'e* would remain. ;. 'e would finis'. <. *ou would soon 'ave. 6. I would remain. =. would end. >. 'e would drive. ?. 'e would win. @. prices would go up. A. 'e would pass, 'e would give. 34. would be cancelled. Exercitiul 6: 3. I 'ave received. ;. arrive. <. *ou finis'. 6. 'e 'as repaired. =. I 'ave. >. *ou see, s'e loo s. ?. *ou see, s'e 'as c'anged. @. begin. A. 'e tells. 34. s'e 'as learnt. 33. 'e 'as arrived. 3;. we reac'. 3<. is born. 36. I finis'. 3=. *ou 'ave 0ust told. 3>. s'e notices *ou 'ave bro en. 3?. *ou see. 3@. *ou 'ave read. 3A. t'e* 'ave been. ;4. *ou 'ave drun . Exercitiul =: 3. melts. ;. is. <. is. 6. t'e* 'ave done. =. *ou do. >. I read, *ou are reading. ?. will soon move. @. I will earn&will be earning. A. I 'ave been reading. 34. is. Exercitiul >: 3. I finis'. ;. 'e 'ad never seen. <. do not eat. 6. t'e* 'ad nown. =. it would not be raining w'en I arrived. >. we went, t'e* 'ad been listening. ?. I would spend, I 'ad not decided. @. I want. A. I was. 34. *ou 'ad been wearing. 33. 'ad failed, 'e trusted, 'e 'ad not expected. 3;. I was, I 'ad not eaten. 3<. 'e 'ad to write, 'e would not remember. 36. I 'ave suffered. 3=. 'e would c'ange. 3>. 'e 'ad eaten. 3?. t'ere are. 3@. I wor &I wor ed, would not go. 3A. we will drin . ;4. 'e 'oped, 'e would 'ave. Exercitiul ?: l. I didn"t remember t'at we 'ad met a *ear before. ;. I didn"t sta* at 'ome to wait for *ou because I didn"t now w'en *ou would come. <. )'e secretar* told me t'e manager was bus*. 6. I new *ou were in Duc'arest. =. %e was ver* upset because 'e 'ad lost 'is dictionar* and 'e was not sure 'e would find a new one in t'e boo s'ops. >. I promised 'im I would write to 'im w'en I arrived in 9ondon. ?. )'e t'ief did not realize t'at t'e police 'ad been following 'im for a wee . @. I will tell *ou t'e trut' after I 'ave found it m*self. A. 8at'er will give me a present

after I 'ave passed t'e exam. 34. )'e car I will bu* will be imported from German*. 33. %e as ed me 'ow man* letters t'ere are in t'e /'inese alp'abet and I couldn"t answer 'im. 3;. )'e policeman will as me w'at I 'ave seen during t'e accident. LECTIA III Exercitii cu fraze conditionale Exercitiul 3: l. I will greet ;. *ou will be. <. s'e will be. 6. I will lend. =. will *ou promise, >. *ou will not pass. ?. it goes on. @. *ou ta e. A. I will bu*. 34. *ou will not find. Exercitiul ;: 3. I new. ;. I moved. <. (ould *ou bu*, 6. 'e would not ma e. =. *ou were. >. I gave up. ?. I would bu*. @. 'e would ta e. A. I wouldn"t do. 34. would *ou go, Exercitiul <: l. *ou would 'ave read. ;. I 'ad wor ed. <. *ou wouldn"t 'ave got. 6. I 'ad nown. =. 'e 'ad tried. >. *ou 'ad invited. ?. I would not 'ave made. @. 'e 'ad realized. A. I 'ad not told. 34. I would 'ave answered. Exercitiul 6: l. It would 'ave been. ;. I were. <. I will answer. 6. 'e would 'ave told. =. *ou 'ad driven. >. 'e will get. ?. 'e leaves. @. I saw. A. I would 'ave answered. 34. *ou will be. Exercitiul =: 3. If it rains, t'e streets will be wet. ;. If it rained, t'e streets would be wet. <. If it 'ad rained, t'e streets would 'ave been wet. 6. $ou will catc' t'e train if *ou ta e a taxi. =. $ou would catc' t'e train if *ou too a taxi. >. $ou would 'ave caug't t'e train if *ou 'ad ta en a taxi. ?. (ill *ou be angr* if I ta e *our pencil, @. (ould *ou be angr* if I too *our pencil, A. (ould *ou 'ave been angr* if I 'ad ta en *our pencil, 34. ('at will *ou do if *ou meet 5o'n, 33. ('at would *ou do if *ou meet 5o'n, 3;. ('at would *ou 'ave done if *ou 'ad met 5o'n, xercitiul 66 l. $ou will see 'im if *ou wait. ;. If a beggar as ed *ou for mone*, would *ou give 'im some, <. ('at would 'ave 'appened if *ou 'ad driven at a 'ig' speed, 6. (e won"t go for a wal if t'e rain doesn"t stop&unless t'e rain stops. =. I would li e t'e pla* more if it were s'orter. >. If dinner is not read* in time, I will eat at a restaurant. ?. If *ou 'adn"t

s'ut t'e window I would 'ave been cold. @. I would nit anot'er sweater if I 'ad more wool. A. 1amaia would be an ideal place for a 'olida* if t'ere weren"t so man* people t'ere. 34. I will be disappointed if I don"t find out t'e trut'. LECTIA I$ Exercitii cu vorbirea directa si indirecta Exercitiul 3: 3. %e said t'e weat'er 'ad been fine t'e da* before. ;. %e said 'e 'ad seen t'at film a wee before. <. %e said s'e would go s'opping rig't t'en. 6. %e said 'e 'ad spent 'is 'olida* at t'e seaside t'e *ear before. =. %e said 'e t'oug't it was going to rain t'e next da*. >. %e said 'e didn"t remember w'ere 'e 'ad boug't t'at dictionar*. ?. %e said 'e was ver* bus* on t'at da*. @. %e said 5o'n 'ad left for .inaia two da*s before. A. %e said 'e 'ad gone to England two *ears before. 34. %e said 'e was going to 'ave a nap t'at afternoon. 33. %e said if 'e 'ad enoug' mone* 'e would bu* a car t'e next *ear. 3;. %e said if 'e 'ad been at 'ome 'e would 'ave answered t'e p'one. Exercitiul ;: 3. %e told&as ed&ordered me not to drive so fast. ;. %e told me to open t'e door. <. %e told me to read t'at text. 6. %e told me to write 'im a letter w'en I got to England. =. %e told me not to cross t'e street on a red lig't. >. %e told me to be careful wit' 'is boo s. ?. %e told me not to smo e so muc'. @. %e told me to ta e t'at pill. A. %e told me not to interrupt 'im w'en 'e was spea ing. 34. %e told me to ring 'im up w'en I arrived 'ome. Exercitiul <: 3. %e as ed me if I would 'elp 'im. ;. %e as ed me if I could come to tea t'at afternoon. <. %e as ed me if t'e train 'ad left. 6. %e as ed me if I new w'at t'at word meant&means. =. %e as ed me if m* mot'er 'ad been at 'ome. >. %e as ed me if I 'ad boug't t'at boo t'e da* before. ?. %e as ed me if I dran coffee ever* da*. @. %e as ed me if 3 'ad been at t'e librar* t'e da* before. A. %e as ed me if I 'ad lived in 9ondon for a long time. 34 %e as ed me if I could spea Englis'. 33. %e as ed me if I would li e a ca e. 3;. %e as ed me if I could lend 'im a boo . Exercitiul 6:

3. %e as ed me 'ow long I 'ad been learning .Englis'. ;. %e as ed me w'at I was going to do t'e next da*. <. %e as ed me 'ow long it too me to reac' m* office. 6. %e as ed me w'en I would be bac . =. %e as ed me w'ere I would spend m* wee end. >. %e as ed me w'o t'at man was. ?. %e as ed me w'* it was so dar in t'at room. @. %e as ed me w'en t'e rain 'ad stopped. A. %e as ed me w'ic' of t'ose ca es I preferred. 34. %e as ed me 'ow I 'ad travelled. LECTIA $ Exercitii cu diateza pasiva Exercitiul 3: 3. )'e wor will be finis'ed toda* !b* t'em#. ;. $our bag 'as been found !b* 'im#. <. 1* friend will be invited to a part* !b* me#. 6. )'e missing c'ild 'as been found !b* someone#. =. 1* ): set will be repaired b* a specialist. >. .omet'ing must be done for 'im b* 'is cowor ers. ?. 8ootball is pla*ed all over t'e world. @. I was frig'tened b* t'e noise. A. A new 'ouse is being built round t'e corner !b* t'em#. 34. A new supermar et was being built in t'at district last mont', w'en I passed b*. Exercitiul ;: 3. )'e patient was prescribed some pills !b* t'e doctor#. .ome pills were prescribed to t'e patient !b* t'e doctor#. ;. I 'ave been given a nice present !b* t'em#. A nice present 'as been given to me !b* t'em#. <. (e will be s'own t'e wa* b* t'e policeman. )'e wa* will be s'own to us b* t'e policeman. 6. Englis' is taug't to t'em !b* me#. )'e* are taug't Englis' !b* me#. =. 5o'n 'as been lent two of m* boo s !b* me#. )wo of m* boo s 'ave been lent to 5o'n !b* me#. >. )'e Iomanian film director was awarded t'e Great -rize !b* t'e 0ur*#. )'e Great -rize was awarded to t'e Iomanian film director !b* t'e 0ur*#. ?. )'e tourists were s'own t'e museum !b* t'e guide#. )'e museum was s'own to t'e tourists !b* t'e guide#. @. I will be given a reward !b* t'em#. A reward will be given to me !b* t'em#. A. I"m not alwa*s told t'e trut' b* m* friend. )'e trut' is not alwa*s told to me b* m* friend. 34. I was as ed a difficult Nuestion b* t'e teac'er. A difficult Nuestion was as ed of me b* t'e teac'er. Exercitiul <:

3. )'e c'ildren weren"t loo ed after properl* !b* t'em#. ;. )'e doctor was called for !b* us#.: <. %is odd be'aviour couldn"t be accounted for !b* us#. 6. )'e 'ouse was bro en into !b* burglars#. =. +on"t spea until *ou are spo en to !b* someone#. >. %is bed 'asn"t been slept in !b* 'im#. ?. 5o'n was laug'ed at !b* us#. @. %is proposal was ob0ected to !b* us#. A. 8ire was set to t'e s'ed !b* t'em#. Exercitiul 6: 3. %as t'e ): set been repaired, ;. (ill t'e letter be written in in , <. %aven"t *ou been told to be 'ere at > o"cloc , 6. (ere *ou frig'tened b* t'e tornado, =. (ill t'e details be told to 'im, (ill 'e be told t'e details, >. %as t'e dog been fed, ?. (as 'e s'oc ed b* t'e sig't of t'e accident, @. (ere *ou told about t'e meeting, A. +o *ou t'in *our reNuest will be turned down, 34. (ould *our wor 'ave been finis'ed sooner if *ou 'adn"t been interrupted b* *our colleagues, Exercitiul =: 3. -eople will soon forget t'is boo . ;. -eople mustn"t ta e awa* t'ese boo s. <. -eople spea Englis' all over t'e world. 6. All t'e visitors of t'e museum admire t'is painting. =. )'e* 'ave built t'is 'ouse out of stone and cement. >. )'e* 'eld a reception in 'is 'onour. ?. )'e teac'er will tell t'e pupils w'ere to sit. @. 1* friend recommended me a ver* good doctor. A. )'e rescue part* finall* discovered t'e climber. 34. %e 'ates people ma ing fun of 'im. Exercitiul >: l. 8oreign languages are spo en in t'is 'otel. ;. (e were as ed to s'ow our passports. <. (e were told ver* interesting t'ings at t'e conference. ver* interesting t'ings were told to us at t'e conference. 6. )'e event was commented on b* all t'e newspapers. =. )'e letter will be mailed as soon as possible. >. Bot'ing 'as been 'eard about 'im since 'e left for /onstanta. ?. )'is piece of information must be treated confidentiall*. @. )'e meanings of t'e new words must be loo ed up in t'e dictionar*. A. ('en 'e arrived 'ome 'e realized 'is wallet 'ad been stolen. 34. )'e professor"s lecture was listened to b* all t'e students. 33. (e will be given detailed instructions about t'e paper. +etailed instructions will be given to us about t'e paper. 3;. 1an* new bloc s are being built in our district. 3<. )'e museum was closed for repairs. 36. )'is stamp 'asn"t been well stuc on t'e t' envelope. 3=. America was discovered at t'e end of t'e 3= centur*.

LECTIA $I Exercitii cu verbe modale Exercitiul 3: 3. %e could swim. %e will be able to swim. ;. I 'ad to go. I will 'ave to go. <. $ou were allowed&permitted to leave. $ou will be allowed&permitted to leave. 6. .'e could lend. .'e will be able to lend. =. )'e c'ild was allowed&permitted to 'ave. )'e c'ild will be allowed&permitted to 'ave. >. $ou were not allowed&permitted to smo e. $ou will not be allowed&permitted to smo e. ?. I couldn"t translate. I won t be able to translate. @. /ould *ou 'elp, (ill *ou be able to 'elp, A. $ou didn"t 'ave to do. $ou won"t 'ave to do. 34. (as I not allowed&permitted to wal , .'all I be not allowed&permitted to wal , 33. %e was not allowed&permitted to come. %e won"t be allowed&permitted to come. 3;. I 'ad to learn. I will 'ave to learn. 3<. $ou were not allowed&permitted to spea . $ou won"t be allowed&permitted to spea . 36. I 'ad to loo up. I will 'ave to loo up. 3=. .'e could pla*. .'e will be able to pla*. 3>. /ould 5ane t*pe, (ill 5ane be able to t*pe, 3?. /ould 'e spea , (ill 'e be able to spea , 3@. Ever*bod* was allowed&permitted to borrow. Ever*bod* will be allowed&permitted to borrow. 3A. +id *ou 'ave to be, (ill *ou 'ave to be, ;4. %e could read and write. .'e will be able to read and write. Exercitiul ;: 3. 5o'n must 'ave been. ;. It can t 'ave been. < It mig't 'ave rained. 6. %e must 'ave been dela*ed. =. $ou mig't 'ave written. >. $ou s'ould 'ave visited. ?. %e oug't to 'ave told. @. $ou mig't 'ave c'anged. A. %e ma* 'ave been. 34. It can"t 'ave been. 33. %e s'ould 'ave gone. 3;. $ou can"t 'ave been. 3<. $ou mig't 'ave paid. 36. $ou needn"t 'ave done. 3=. $ou can"t 'ave seen. 3>. %e needn"t 'ave boug't. 3?. %e must 'ave been. 3@. It must 'ave been. 3A. $ou s'ouldn"t 'ave gone. ;4. 5o'n could 'ave been. Exercitiul <: 3. can. ;. can. <. can. 6. can"t. =. can"t. >. can. Exercitiul 6: l. %e must t'in . ;. %e must be older. <. $ou must 'ave left *our umbrella. 6: .'e must be a ver* good doctor. =. It must 'ave ta en a long time. >. %e must 'ave come 'ome. ?. )'is must be t'e best. @. $ou must 'ave nown t'e lesson. A. %e must 'ave been late. 34. $ou

must 'ave forgotten. xercitiul 76 3. .'e ma*&mig't be ver* late. ;. It ma*&mig't be a good one. <. It ma*&mig't rain. 6. I ma*&mig't come 'ome. =. .'e ma*&mig't 'ave been angr*. >. A good nowledge of Englis' ma*&mig't 'elp *ou. ?. %e ma*&mig't 'ave been rig't. @. %e ma*&mig't 'ave done. A. .'e ma*&mig't 'ave returned. 34. .'e ma*&mig't 'ave been out. Exercitiul >: 3. It can"t be 'is fault. ;. It can"t 'ave been 'is fault. <. %e can"t 'ave passed. 6. .'e can"t 'ave got. =. )'e weat'er can"t c'ange. >. %e can"t be at t'e office. ?. .'e can"t 'ave learned Englis'. @. .'e can"t 'ave married. A. )'is can"t be a true stor*. 34. $ou can"t miss t'e train. Exercitiul ?: 3. needn"t. ;. needn"t. <. mustn"t. 6. needn"t. =. mustn"t. >. mustn"t. ?. needn"t. .. mustn"t. A. mustn"t. 34. needn"t. Exercitiul @: l. s'ould. ;. would. <. would. 6. s'ould. =. would. >. would. ?. would. @. s'ould. A. s'ould. 34. would. Exercitiul A: 3. will. ;. will. <. will. 6. s'all. =. s'all. >. s'all. ?. will. @. will. A. will. 34. s'all. Exercitiul 34: 3. didn"t need to answer. ;. needn"t 'ave answered. <. didn"t need to bu*. 6. needn"t 'ave lent. =. didn"t need to wait. >. didn"t need to see. ?. needn"t 'ave got up. @. needn"t 'ave waited. A. needn"t 'ave written. 34. needn"t 'ave boug't. Exercitiul 33: 3. can"t 'ave rained. ;. must 'ave left. <. can"t 'ave left. 6. can"t 'ave seen. =. can"t 'ave done. >. can"t 'ave swum. ?. must 'ave been. @. needn"t 'ave lent. A. must 'ave been. 34. must 'ave ta en. Exercitiul 3;: 3. .ensuri posibile: +o *ou t'in 'e will tr* to enter t'e facult*,", +o *ou t'in 'e will marr* t'at girl," etc. Exercitiul 3<:

3. All t'e students can and must write t'is paper. ;. $ou will 'ave to 'elp me more toda*. <. 3 am sure I will be able to find time to 'elp *ou. 6. )'e teac'er told me I mig't s ip t'e next class. =. I could pla* t'e piano w'en I was a c'ild. >. I can"t nit. ?. $ou ma* ring me up more often w'en *ou now I am ill. @. All t'e c'ildren oug't to&s'ould do some 'ousewor . A. I oug't to&s'ould 'ave read t'e bibliograp'* for t'e seminar. 34. Ever*bod* s'all be present at t'e meeting. 33. I will 'ave to leave soon. 3;. $ou needn"t carr* *our luggage in t'e station *ourselfM a porter could 'elp *ou. 3<. I must c'ange m* s'oes w'en I enter t'e 'ouse because t'e* are full of mud. 36. Beed we wal up to t'e c'alet, 3=. Bo, we ma*&mig't ta e t'e bus or t'e s i-lift. 3>. I didn"t need to ring up 5ane in order to spea to 'er, because s'e was to come to m* place in 'alf 'our"s time. 3?. $ou needn"t 'ave made coffee for me. I 'ave alread* drun two, toda*. 3@. I didn"t need to sa* t'an *ou" w'en I found out t'e exact time b* dialing number A=@, as I new t'e information was recorded on tape. 3A. )'e teac'er can"t&couldn"t 'ave been satisfied wit' t'is answer. ;4. $ou can"t&couldn"t 'ave been at 'ome last nig't, I rang *ou up and nobod* answered. ;3. I must 'ave been still at t'e facult*. ;;. I as ed to spea to t'e manager but 'e wouldn"t come to t'e p'one. ;<. $ou oug't to&s'ould 'ave insisted. ;6. ('* did *ou spea so loud, .omebod* mig't 'ave 'eard *ou. ;=. I promise *ou, *ou s'all 'ave t'e boo tomorrow. ;>. $ou can"t 'ave found t'e door open. I 'ad loc ed it m*self ;?. ('ere s'all we go now, ;@. )omorrow I will 'ave to mail t'e letter. ;A. (ill *ou, please, wait for a few minutes, <4. $ou ma* not spea during t'e exam. LECTIA $II Exercitii cu modul subjonctiv Exercitiul 3: 3. I wis' m* friend weren"t ill. ;. I wis' I lived in Duc'arest. <. I wis' I were a student. 6. I wis' I could go to t'e concert. =. I wis' I could pa* t'e piano. >. I wis' *ou didn"t live so far awa*. ?. I wis' I didn"t 'ave onl* one c'ild. @. 3 wis' I 'ad c'ildren. A. I wis' boo s weren"t so expensive. 34. I wis' it didn"t rain so often. Exercitiul ;:

l. I wis' *ou 'adn"t 'ad an accident. ;. I wis'ed *ou 'adn"t been out w'en I called. <. I wis'ed t'e weat'er 'adn"t been bad w'en I was on 'olida*. 6. I wis'ed *ou 'ad been able to come to me *esterda*. =. I wis' *ou 'adn"t been dela*ed at t'e office. >. I wis' I 'adn"t been late for t'e part*. ?. I wis' *ou 'ad won t'e competition. @. I wis' I 'ad mone* to bu* t'at painting. A. I wis'ed *ou 'adn"t got a fine. 34. I wis' I 'ad won t'e Great -rize. Exercitiul <: 3. I wis' *ou would come on 'olida* wit' me. ;. I wis' 'e would accept m* proposal. <. I wis' I would spend m* 'olida* in England. 6. I wis' 'e wouldn"t be awa* for suc' a long time. .. I wis' t'e* would sign t'e contract. >. I wis' 'e wouldn"t sta* in 'ospital so long. ?. I wis' *ou would ta e a driving licence. @. I wis' I wouldn"t get fat w'en giving up smo ing. A. I wis' I would able to read Goet'e in t'e original. 34. I wis' I would 'ave a p'one in m* new flat. Exercitiul 6: 3. *ou owned. ;. I were. <. *ou didn"t waste. 6. *ou closed. .. *ou started. >. we went. ?. I sta*ed, watc'ed. @. I were. A. I 'ad entered. 34. m* telep'one wor ed. 33. 'adn"t caug't a cold. 3;. 'e would 'ave. 3<. *ou were. 36. 'e told. 3=. 'is daug'ter didn"t get married. 3>. 'e too , stopped. 3?. I 'adn"t forgotten. 3@. 'is boo would become. 3A. I would become. ;4. I got. Exercitiul =: l. I wis'&If onl* I 'adn"t made so man* mista es in t'e test-paperK ;. I wis' *ou stopped t'at noise rig't awa*K <. I wis' *ou stopped complaining because I 'ave m* own troubles, too. 6. I wis'&If onl* *ou were tidierK =. I wis'&If onl* it didn"t rainK If it didn"t rain, we could go to t'e beac'. >. +o *ou wis' *ou 'ad been invited to 5o'n"s part*, ?. I wis'&If onl* I were *oung againK @. I would rat'er *ou got up earlier. A. I would rat'er I got up&I would rat'er get up earlier. 34. I would rat'er *ou went to t'e t'eatre. 33. I would rat'er I went&I would rat'er go to t'e t'eatre. 3;. It"s time *ou paid me bac t'e mone* I lent *ou. 3<. It"s 'ig' time *ou started reading t'e boo s reNuired for t'e exam in Iomanian literature. 36. It"s 34 o"cloc K +on"t *ou t'in it"s 'ig' time *ou got up and started wor ing, 3=. .'e loo s as if s'e were a model. 3>. $ou spea as if *ou were angr* wit' me. 3?. .'e be'aves to 'im as if 'e were 'is 'usband. 3@. %e spo e to me as if not'ing 'ad 'appened between us. 3A. 5ane wis'es I would spend m*

wee end wit' 'er. ;4. I now *ou wis' *ou would spend *our 'olida* in a camp, but I would rat'er *ou went to *our grandparents in t'e countr*side. Exercitiul >: 3. It is impossible t'at 'e !s'ould# return so earl*. ;. It is impossible t'at 'e s'ould 'ave returned so earl*. <. It is important t'at *ou !s'ould# now Englis' well. 6. It is necessar* t'at *ou !s'ould# be informed about w'at is 'appening in t'e countr*. =. It was strange t'at s'e s'ouldn"t 'ave read t'is boo . >. It is anno*ing t'at *ou s'ould 'ave forgotten to bring me bac t'e boo . ?. It is li el* t'at m* son s'ould 'ave passed t'e exam. @. It is ver* important t'at t'is contract !s'ould# be signed ver* soon. A. +o *ou mean it is li el* t'at we !s'ould# spend our 'olida* in Drasov, 34. It is necessar* t'at I !s'ould# be present at t'e meeting, Exercitiul ?: 3. 1ot'er decided t'at we !s'ould# sta* at 'ome. ;. )'e teac'er suggests t'at we !s'ould# read t'is boo . <. )'e manager reNuested t'at ever*bod* !s'ould# be present at @ o"cloc . 6. 1* friend insisted t'at I !s'ould# go to t'e concert wit' 'im. =. )'e manager proposed t'at 3 !s'ould# wor in anot'er department. >. %e suggested t'at we !s'ould# bu* t'is 'ouse. ?. I insist t'at *ou !s'ould# accept t'is 0ob. @. I suggested t'at we !s'ould# elect 'im president. Exercitiul @: 3. %e entered t'e 'ouse noiselessl* so t'at I mig't not 'ear 'im. ;. 1ove aside so t'at I ma*&mig't see t'e screen. <. .pea louder so t'at I ma*&mig't 'ear *ou. 6. ('atever *ou ma*&mig't tell me, I can"t believe *ou. =. Bo matter 'ow 'ard *ou ma*&mig't tr*, *ou can"t win suc' a competition. >. ('enever *ou ma*&mig't return, I will be at 'ome waiting for *ou. ?. ('oever ma*&mig't 'ave told *ou t'is about me, *ou s'ouldn"t 'ave believed it. @. I made a loan so t'at I mig't bu* t'e 'ouse. A. It is possible t'at s'e mig't be awa*. 34. ('atever t'e reason ma*&mig't be, *ou s'ouldn"t lie to me. Exercitiul A: 3. it mig't not get. ;. it s'ould get. <. t'e* !s'ould# divorce. 6. s'ould 'ave told. =. *ou ma*&mig't be. >. we !s'ould# leave. ?. 'adn"t bro en down. @. 'e were. A. 'e were. 34. *ou retired. 33. s'e s'ould 'ave left. 3;. mig't

prosper. 3<. *ou s'ould 'ave. 36. *ou ma*&mig't understand. 3=. we s'ould ta e. 3>. !s'ould# 'ave. 3?. ma* attend. 3@. I 'ad been. 3A. I would find. ;4. I 'ad. LECTIA $III Exercitii cu constructiile verbale Exercitiul 3: 3. I expected *ou to come earlier. ;. %e wanted me to 'elp 'im. <. .'e made me understand w'at 'ad 'appened. 6. I t'in 'im to be a good 'usband. =. I 'eard 'er scold&scolding 'er c'ild. >. 5o'n admitted t'e fault to be 'is. ?. I rel* on *ou to lend me some mone*. @. I watc'ed t'em pla*ing football. A. I saw 'im spea ing to 'is friend. 34. 1ot'er would li e me to become a doctor. 33. I understand 'er to be a ver* good teac'er. 3;. 3 new 'im to be a ver* bus* man. 3<. I saw some c'ildren pla*ing in t'e par . 36. I supposed 'im to be able to drive a car. 3=. %e made me miss t'e train. Exercitiul ;: 3. )'is problem is too difficult for me to solve. ;. )'is is a good boo for *ou to read. <. )'is fact is important for *ou to bear in mind. 6. )'is is a valuable piece of advice for *ou to ta e. =. )'e time 'as come for us to 'ave a 'eart to 'eart tal . >. )'e people were impatient for t'e matc' to begin. ?. I 'ave closed t'e window for *ou not to catc' a cold. @. )'is is t'e main t'ing for us to do. A. I ordered a taxi for 'er not to miss t'e train. 34. )'is is a strange t'ing for 'er to 'ave said. Exercitiul <: 3. It is necessar* for 'im to be present. ;. It is recommendable for *ou to read t'is boo . <. It"s time for us to meet again. 6. It"s time for *ou to start learning foreign languages. =. It is possible for t'e plane to be dela*ed. >. It is impossible for 'im to 'ave said t'at. ?. It is possible for me to bu* a car. @. It is advisable for *ou to resign. A. It is important for *ou to come to t'e office at once. 34. It is necessar* for *ou to stud* t'e matter seriousl*. Exercitiul 6: 3. %e is expected to arrive at ; o"cloc . ;. %e was 'eard to repeat it several times. <. .'e seemed to be satisfied wit' me. 6. %e was expected to resign. =. .'e !was# proved to be a liar. >. .'e was said to be ill. ?. %e was believed to

be a brilliant surgeon. @. .'e was t'oug't to be unable to win t'e contest. A. )'e* are sure to 'ave 'ad an argument. 34. .'e 'appened to ma e t'ree spelling mista es in 'er letter. Exercitiul =: 3. )'e plane was seen landing. ;. )'e bab* was 'eard cr*ing. <. )'e bo* was found brea ing t'e window. 6. .'e could be 'eard t*ping. =. .'e was seen l*ing on t'e beac'. >. .'e was seen fainting. ?. )'e peasants were seen wor ing in t'e field. @. )'e c'ild was 'eard brea ing t'e vase. A. .'e was found digging in t'e garden. 34. )'e 'unters were 'eard s'ooting. Exercitiul >: 3. +aca vremea va permite, vom urca pna la vrful muntelui. ;. Intruct ploaia incetase, am plecat la cumparaturi. <. /oncertul fiind terminat, publicul a parasit sala. 6. +upa ce avionul a decolat am incetat sa fumez. =. +ecizia fiind luata in favoarea mea, am plecat acasa linistit. >. Intruct rul crescuse in timpul noptii, ne era teama sa nu avem inundatii. ?. )oata lumea fiind acasa, ne-am asezat la cina. @. Intruct noroiul imi stricase pantofii, a trebuit sa-i sc'imb. A. .crisoarea fiind scrisa, am mers sa o pun la posta. 34. Intruct soarele rasarise, ne-am grabit spre pla0a. LI(T% & R1 L!R # R 8UL%T to be to bear to beat to become to begin to bend to bite to blow to brea to bring to build was, were bore beat became began bent bit blew bro e broug't built been borne, born beaten become begun bent bitten blown bro en broug't built

to burn to burst to bu* to catc' to c'oose to come to cost to creep to cut to deal to dig to do to draw to dream to drin to drive to eat to fall to feed to feel to fig't to find to fl* to forbid to forget to forgive

burnt burst boug't caug't c'ose came cost crept cut dealt dug did drew dreamt dran drove ate fell fed felt foug't found flew forbade forgot forgave

burnt burst boug't caug't c'osen come cost crept cut dealt dug done drawn dreamt drun driven eaten fallen fed felt foug't found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven

to freeze to give to go to grow to 'ang to 'ave to 'ear to 'ide to 'it to 'old to 'urt to eep to neel to now to la* to lead to lean to learn to leave to lend to let to lie to lose to ma e to mean to mow

froze gave went grew 'ung 'ad 'eard 'id 'it 'eld 'urt ept nelt new laid led leant learnt, learned left lent let la* lost made meant mowed

frozen given gone grown 'ung 'ad 'eard 'idden 'it 'eld 'urt ept nelt nown laid led leant learnt, learned left lent let lain lost made meant mown

to meet to pa* to put to read to ride to ring to rise to run to sa* to see to see to sell to set to sew to s'a e to s'ine to s'oot to s'ow to s'rin to s'ut to sing to sin to sleep to slide to smell to sow

met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw soug't sold set sewed s'oo s'one s'ot s'owed s'ran s'ut sang san slept slid smelt sowed

met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen soug't sold set sewn s'a en s'one s'ot s'own s'run s'ut sung sun slept slid smelt sown

to spea to spell to spend to spill to spread to stand to stea3 to stic to stride to stri e to strive to swear to sweep to swim to ta e to teac' to tell to t'in to t'row to understand ,

spo e spelt spent spilt spread stood stole stuc strode struc strove swore swept swam too taug't told t'oug't t'rew understood

spo en spelt spent split spread stood stolen stuc stridden struc striven sworn swept swum ta en taug't told t'oug't t'rown understood

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