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Student Self-Assessment and Self-Improvement Reflection Survey

"he project I have completed !as the learnin# to Goo#le $o!er Search by leavin# out certain !ords% sortin# picture by color and si&e% and bein# able to minimi&e search results by havin# only results pertainin# to !hat !as searched.

Give a brief description of the project or activity you have completed.

I liked the !hole project in #eneral. 'ein# able to po!er search !ill help a lot no matter !hat I(m lookin# for. I !as really able to minimi&e search results to only #ood ones by filterin# !ords.

What did you like about this project or activity What !ere you able to do !ell

)ne thin# I did not like about the project !as some of the *uestions in the po!er search +test(. A lot of them had problems !ith !ordin# and you kind of had to #uess !hat to type in% especially for the filterin# !ords section% very minor but very frustratin#.

What did you not like about this project or activity What problems did you have Why

Student Self-Assessment and Self-Improvement Reflection Survey

I learned that I am a very #ood po!er searcher. -y main stren#th !as filterin# !ords% and I need to !ork on filterin# pictures a little bit. Sometimes its hard to make up your mind on !hat color or si&e you !ant !hen searchin# for a picture and you really don(t !ant to spend unnecessary time tryin# to fi#ure it out.

What did you learn about yourself Stren#ths% interests% preferences% and needs.

What do I need to improve upon in this class to be successful

I think I need to improve on narro!in# do!n topics for search. A lot of times% I !ill have multiple ideas come to me but only be able to search one at a time. "his makes it to !here all the information I learn #oes in one ear and out the other because of the massive amount of information I #ather. I need to be able to focus on just one topic% this topic bein# the more beneficial one.

What challen#es mi#ht I have to overcome to be successful in this class

I may have to overcome the ur#e to search !ith a !hole lon# *uestion. "his could be somethin# like% .What !as the name of the speech that -artin /uther 0in# 1r. #ave on 22222 day at 22222time3 "his is not by any means contradictin# !hat I put earlier% just simply sayin# that the ur#e is al!ays there to just spit out everythin# you(re thinkin# into the space provided.

Student Self-Assessment and Self-Improvement Reflection Survey

I could overcome this by remindin# myself everytime I #o onto Goo#le of the e6tensive process of po!er searchin# I !ent throu#h specifically for the !ebsite. "herefore% not havin# the ur#e to search everythin# I am thinkin#. 5o! mi#ht I overcome the challen#es that could prevent me from bein# successful

I !ill kno! I am successful in accomplishin# my #oals !hen I have #ood search results everytime I enter a *uery in Goo#le. 5o! !ill I kno! if I am successful in accomplishin# my #oals

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