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Mutlub 1utorlul for 8eglnners

Quun vung, LCSL, RPl

lLA Cruduute 1A for Sectlon

* Locutlon: 'LC zcc
* Monduy: :cc - :cc
* 1uesduy: :cc - :cc
* lrlduy: :cc - :cc
My Cmce Eours
* lt ls u Progrummlng Lunguuge for Sclentlfc
* lt ls u Numerlcul Comutlng Lnvlronment where you
cun test or lmlement ulgorlthms
* lt ls u Softwure whlch runs on vlndowsjMuc CSjLlnux
vhut Mutlub ls?
* lt ls not used to develo hlgh emclency executuble
ullcutlons (comured wlth C, 'uvu, Python)
* Cenerully, lt cunnot be comlled (comured wlth C)
* Cenerully, we do not use lt for symbollc comututlon
(comured wlth Muthemutlcu und Mule)
vhut Mutlub ls not?
* Cet Mutlub
. Co to !"#$$"%&"' )"%* +"$,
z. Softwure > Softwure to lnstull > Mutlub
. Cet the llcense wlth your RPl uccount
. Lownloud und lnstull
8efore Uslng Mutlub
* vlth your RPl Mutlub llcense, you ure not ullowed to use
Mutlub o cumus, unless you use vPN

* Your cun ulso use:
lree, crosslutform, slmllur to Mutlub
lree, crosslutform, slmllur to Mutlub
lree, crosslutform, dlerent grummur, hlgh emclency,
vurlous llbrurles, oulur, cun be uckuged to .exe fles
Substltutes of Mutlub
* Sturt Mutlub, und you wlll see .
8eglnnlng wlth Mutlub
Menu bur
Commund wlndow
Current folder
Commund hlstory
* ln the commund wlndow, enter some communds or
exresslons, then ress -#."' key, see whut ls
dlsluyed ln commund wlndow, und whut huened
ln worksuce
* Semlcolon: do not dlsluy results lmmedlutely
Lxumle: Lnterlng communds und
>> 1+2^3-4.3/6
ans =

>> 1+2^3-4.3/6,
>> ans

ans =

* ln Mutlub, dutu cun be reresented by vurlubles
* Luch vurluble hus u cusesensltlve vurluble nume,
whlch ls u comblnutlon of letters, dlglts, und
underscore churucters, beglnnlng wlth u letter
* lt ls ulwuys good for you to use reuduble vurluble
>> a=3,
>> b=4,
>> bb=2,
>> bb2=a*b*bb

bb2 =

>> WldLh=3,
>> LengLh=4,
>> numberCf8ecLangles=2,
>> Area_All8ecLangles=WldLh*LengLh*numberCf8ecLangles

Area_All8ecLangles =

Anyone knows whut ls
he dolng here?
Nuturul lunguuge ullke
vurluble numes ure
much more reuduble!
Comure two leces of
Mutlub code, both of
whlch ure comutlng
t he t ot ul ur eu of
severul rectungles
* Understund the commund u=u
* Eow does the comuter execute thls commund
. Look ut the rlghthundslde "/*'"$$01#: u
z. Comute the exresslon: u
. Look ut the lefthundslde 2&'0&3%": u
. Asslgn the rlghthundslde exresslon to the
lefthundslde vurluble
* !"#"
. 8efore commund: u=
z. After commund: u=6

>> u=

u =

>> u=u

u =

* clc: cleur commund wlndow
* cleur: remove ull vurlubles from memory
* cleur vur vurz .: remove lndlcuted vurlubles
* who: llst ull vurlubles ln memory
* .
vorksuce Communds
* Comlex numbers
* lf l und j ure not defned by user, they
ure the lmuglnury unlts.
* Rutlo of clrcle's clrcumference to
* l
Predefned Symbols
>> l

uns =

.cccc .ccccl

>> *j

uns =

.cccc .ccccl

>> l

uns =

* Arruys cun be defned uslng squure bruckets
* Most functlons tuke urruysjmutrlces us lnut urguments
* !"#"

>> u=[c:c.:c.|

u =

c c.ccc c.zccc c.ccc

>> sln(u)

uns =

c c.c8 c.8, c.z
* ex(x)
* sqrt(x)
* log(x)
* logc(x)
* cos(x)
* sln(x)
* tun(x)
* ucos(x)
* .
8ulltln lunctlons
* lot commund ls for druwlng zL llnes:
* !"#"
* >> x=[c:c.c:6|,
* >> y=sln(x),
* >> lot(x,y)
* fgure: creute u new fgure wlndow
* hold on: enuble next lot to suerlmose on current
* hold o: enuble next lot to eruse current fgure
* grld: ut grld llnes on the lot
* tltle('text'): udd text ut the to on the lot
* xlubel('text'): udd text to xuxls
* ylubel('text'): udd text to yuxls
lot reluted communds
* Most of the tlme, you do not wunt to tye the
communds llne by llne, uguln und uguln
* lnsteud: wrlte ull communds ln one fle, und run lt ut
dlerent tlme
* Mfle: the scrlt of Mutlub code
* Menu bur > llle > New > Scrlt
* vrlte your code here
* Suve lt us u .m fle
Creute un Mfle
* Cne wuy:
* Rlght cllck your Mfle, choose Run
Run your Mfle
* Another wuy:
* Select the code you wunt to run, then rlght cllck, choose
Lvuluute Selectlon
Run your Mfle
* Comments ure llnes whlch ure not executed
* Comments begln wlth u ercent slgn
* Use two ercent slgns to hlghllght dlerent sectlons
of your code
* vhut lf you ure not sure where the roblem of the
code ls?
* Set u breukolnt, where your rogrum wlll sto for
you to check current vurlubles ln worksuce
* Settlng u breukolnt

* Run the rogrum, und lt wlll sto before your
breukolnt (the commund on the breukolnt llne wlll
not be executed)
* Contlnue runnlng
* Coogle lt wlth key words!
Need hel?
* Mutlub roduct hel!
Need hel?
* Come to usk your 1A!
Need hel?
* lnstull Mutlub on your luto
* Pluy wlth slmle exresslons und communds
* vrlte some Mfles
* Leslgn und lot some zL curves (!"#" try to druw u

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