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Nature of Science:

Scientific Inquiry
Student Concept Map

Instructional Tools:
Graphic rgani!ers Cooperative Learning "e#t $oo% Science &oteboo%

Unit Essential Question(s):

solve scientific problems?

How do scientists conduct investigations to

Unit Concepts: Lab Safety, Controlled scientific investigation, Valid Investigations

Lab Safety and Tools

Controlled scientific in esti!ation Lesson Essential Questions:

'( +escribe the steps in designing a controlled scientific investigation(

"alid In esti!ations Lesson Essential Question

'( )hy should there be repeated trials in a scientific investigation? *( How can graphs, tables, and charts show the relationship between variables in a scientific investigation?

Lesson Essential Questions:

'( )hat can I do to ma%e sure everyone is safe during science labs? ? *( How do I use safety in a lab?


+ata bservation ,uantitative ,ualitative Inference "estable -uestions Independent variable +ependent variable Hypothesis .ositive statement &egative statement Cause and /ffect statement

Validity "rial Sample Valid conclusion $ar graphs Line graphs +0123I4

Standards: 52'6 Student will demonstrate an understanding of technological design and scientific in-uiry, including
the process s%ills, mathematical thin%ing, controlled investigative design and analysis, and problem solving(

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