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resenLers: Cen Campbell, Cenesls Pansen, LllzabeLh Cray
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D$E '",'$*+4 ulglLal medla ls one Lool for lnLroduclng, aLLalnlng, and en[oylng llLeracy
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know Lhe where Lhe chlldren's page ls on Lhe Llbrary webslLe and caLalog.
know LhaL Lhe Llbrary offers free e-book, e-audlo and oLher dlglLal medla for download.
know where Lo flnd Lhe ulglLal Medla CollecLlon page.
know where Lo flnd Lhe llbrary's dlglLal medla offerlngs: 8ookfllx/1umblebooks, apps, webslLes,
dlglLal medla advlsory llsLs, eLc.
know LhaL Lhe dedlcaLed chlldren's compuLers help chlldren wlLh Larly LlLeracy skllls
know how Lo LroubleshooL on Lhe chlldren's compuLers - headphones, resLarL, eLc.
SupporL each oLher by sharlng Lechnology baslcs wlLh new sLaff, subsLlLuLes, and new paLrons.

5$3$/ 9 F ?// 2$#3-'$ G$.H .+?@@
All of level 1 compeLency plus Lhe followlng:
know how Lo navlgaLe Lhe ulglLal Medla CollecLlon page - how Lo search for chlldren's books.
know where Lo flnd needed sofLware and apps Lo download.
know Lhe dlfference beLween LableLs and e-readers.
know baslc lACs and baslc feaLures of moblle devlces
know how Lo access dlglLal medla (e-books) and Lhlrd parLy Lools (8ooklllx) from home.
ComforL ln asklng quesLlons Lo explore dlglLal medla posslblllLles wlLh llbrary colleagues and
know whaL Lhe added value of dlglLal medla appllcaLlons such as readlng asslsLance (hlghllghLed
words, speak-alouds, early llLeracy games/exerclses, sLory exLenslon pro[ecLs, eLc.)
AblllLy Lo communlcaLe Lhe value of dlglLal medla (you promoLe whaL you know)
SupporL each oLher by belng wllllng Lo Lraln each oLher on lACs and dlglLal medla access

5$3$/ < F 5-8#?#-?, ?,0 I#?,'( J?,?>$#
All of level 2 compeLency plus Lhe followlng:
know Lhe dlfferenL flle Lypes and formaLs: M3, WMA, Lu8, ul and klndle.
know devlces musL have wl-fl Lurned on Lo work wlLh Cverurlve. know Lhe dlfference beLween
wl-fl and 3C.
AblllLy Lo apply evaluaLlon skllls Lo dlglLal medla
AblllLy Lo develop and evaluaLe programs LhaL lnclude dlglLal medla
SLrlve Lo be an experL on one moblle devlce or ln one aspecL of dlglLal medla.
SupporL each oLher by sharlng experLlse.
Cffer sLaff Lech Llme" Lo pracLlce Lhese skllls

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