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Sulak1 Nick Sulak Lynn M. Raymond English 1101 October 30, 013 !

igital "resentation Slide 1#

Rivalry Games
A-Rod hitting the ball out of glove
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$his %ideo is &rom the 00' (L)S *(merican League )ham+ionshi+ Series,. $he %ideo is s+eci&ically &rom game si- in the bottom o& the eighth inning at .ankee Stadium. $his s+eci&ic %ideo is sho/ing that (le- Rodrigue0 hit a slo/ ground ball u+ the &irst baseline and the +itcher 1ronson (rroyo &ielded the ball and goes to tag (le-. 2o/e%er, as (le- is running do/n the baseline he sla+s the ball out o& the glo%e o& 1ronson causing the ball to roll a/ay. 1y rule he /ould be sa&e, but because (le- hit the ball out on +ur+ose he /as called out. $hroughout this %ideo you can see ho/ heated this game is. $he manager &or the Red So- comes out o& the dugout to argue the call and the .ankee &ans start to thro/ trash onto the &ield. $here&ore, the Red So- +layers /ere &orced to go into the dugout &or sa&ety until the situation /as resol%ed. $his +lay that the

Sulak0 %ideo is de+icting changed the outcome o& the game and changed the /hole series. $he .ankees and Red So- are t/o o& the best teams in baseball and /hen they meet it is %ery im+ortant and %ery e%ent&ul. Not to mention this match u+ has been a ri%alry &or the one hundred years.

Slide #

Rivalry Games
A12S GA3E 4 0556

htt"#$$%%%&youtube&'om$%at'h( v)2171.%m8d9k

$his series is a year be&ore the +re%ious slides, but to sho/ you 3ust ho/ good the .ankees and Red So- are they met in back to back (L)S. 1oth teams in the early 0004s /ere %ery com+etiti%e and /anted to beat each other so bad. $his %ideo abo%e is &rom game se%en o& the 003 (L)S again taking +lace in Ne/ .ork. $his %ideo sho/s the .ankees /inning in the bottom o& the ninth inning on a homerun by (aron 1oone. $his homerun ad%anced the .ankees on to the 5orld Series. Not only again /as the series e%ent&ul, es+ecially /ith the bench clear bra/l in game three, but also the t/o teams /ere in a /inner ad%ance. $here&ore both teams ga%e it there all and /hen the best teams in the (merican league do that, it a great sight to see.

Sulak6 Slide 3# +resent Day Rivalry Ryan Dem"ster vs& A-Rod or A-Roid(


$his is &rom this +ast season, s+eci&ically august. $his /as the &irst game that the .ankees starting third baseman +layed &or the &irst time all season. (le- /as in3ured all season /ith a leg in3ury. $he Red So- +itcher hit (le- because he is against steroids and (le- /as in%ol%ed in the do+ing scandal o& the season. (le- did not &ight back but instead his manager did, 6oe 7irandi and as a result got e3ected. $his /hole situation /as huge because again it /as the Red So- and .ankees. Not to mention it /as the highest +aid +layer in the league getting hit right /hen he came back &rom an in3ury.

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