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Shelby Nickel

Nailowe: 42611
Bates of obseivation: 0ctobei 1 anu S, 2u1S
EnglishLanguage Aits

!"#$ &'()*(#* +: Woiu Recognition, Fluency anu vocabulaiy Bevelopment (uemonstiates awaieness of sounus)

,('-).: Spiouuces anu blenus the sounus of lettei patteins into iecognizable woius
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei S
, Nailowe anu I lookeu at the classioom book about the chiluien's auventuies with the
cateipillai last yeai. While we ieau the book, she iepeateu the woius aftei me. When I ieau the title of hei section
of the book, she iepeateu back to me, "Nailowe anu the Cateipillai."
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on matching the beginning sounu of hei name to othei woius that have the
same sounu anu iuentifying woius that sounu the same.

!"#$ &'()*(#* +: Woiu Recognition, Fluency anu vocabulaiy Bevelopment (uemonstiates awaieness of symbols)

,('-).: 2labels familiai pictuies
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei S
, while looking at the classioom cateipillai book, Nailowe ietuineu to the pages with hei
pictuies on it multiple times. Each time she saw pictuies of hei family, she let out a high-pitcheu squeal, pointeu to
them, anu saiu, "That's mommy anu uauuy!"
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on iuentifying letteis in hei name anu then naming auuitional letteis.

!"#$ &'()*(#* 6 7 8: Reauing Infoimational anu Liteiaiy Text (uses piint foi pleasuie anu infoimation)

,('-).: 2imitates piopei hanuling of books
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei S
, Nailowe openeu the classioom cateipillai book anu lookeu at each page fiom the fiont
covei to the back covei. She tuineu one page at a time until she ieacheu the enu of the book. While looking at the
book, she pietenueu to ieau it, saying chiluien's names fiom the classioom anu, "Theie's the cateipillai."
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on pointing to letteis anu woius in books while telling stoiies about them.

!"#$ &'()*(#* 6 7 8: Reauing Infoimational anu Liteiaiy Text (compiehenus uetails, events anu main iueas)

,('-).: 2iuentifies uetails fiom a stoiy oi pictuie
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei S
, Nailowe lookeu at the classioom cateipillai book with Nis. Liggett. 0ne of the pictuies
in Nailowe's section was taken at the iestauiant, The Empty Cup (now The Cup). While looking at this pictuie,
Nailowe iecalleu the location of the pictuie anu saiu, "That's The Empty Cup!"
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on uesciibing uetails fiom books anu talking about what might happen on
subsequent pages of books.

!"#$ &'()*(#* 9 7 :: Wiiting Infoimational anu Liteiaiy Text (wiiting foi a specific puipose anu auuience)

,('-).: Sassociates wiiting with puipose
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 1
, Nailowe lookeu at the book !""#$%&'() +""$. While I was filling out the uaily sheets foi
the classioom I askeu hei to sit with me anu tell me what she uiu uuiing the uay; she tolu me that she ieau
!""#$%&'() +""$. Aftei she saiu this, she uiew a pictuie of the book on the back of hei uaily sheet so hei paients
coulu see what she uiu.
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on telling a stoiy with uetails so someone else can uiaw it anu uiawing with
specific intentions all of the time.

!"#$ &'()*(#* ;: English Language Conventions (uses wiiting implements)

,('-).: 2imitates specific wiiting stiokes to make a pictuie
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 1
, Nailowe uiew a pictuie of !""#$%&'() +""$ on hei uaily sheet foi hei paients. She
giaspeu the pen in hei iight fist anu maue ciicles anu sciibbles on the papei. She uiew hei pictuie at the bottom of
the page because that was what I iequesteu of hei.
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on imitating uiawing lines anu shapes anu copying lines anu shapes.

!"#$ &'()*(#* <: Listening anu Speaking (uemonstiates ieceptive language)

,('-).: Sfollows a familiai veibal oi signeu uiiection
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei 1
, I hau a conveisation with Nailowe about who was picking hei up fiom school that uay. I
askeu hei, "Who is picking you up fiom school touay." anu she iesponueu, "Nommy anu Bauuy come."
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on following uiiections about out of sight objects anu following uiiections in
unfamiliai places.

!"#$ &'()*(#* <: Listening anu Speaking (uemonstiates expiessive language)

,('-).: 4uses simple phiases anu sentences with simple giammatical iules
/0-*$)1$: 0n 0ctobei S
, Nailowe talkeu about what was happening in each pictuie of the classioom cateipillai
book. She gave at least uetail about each pictuie anu use foui-woiu sentences on a iegulai basis. Eveiything she
saiu was easily unueistanuable.
2$(#)-). 3"(45: Woik with Nailowe on speaking in longei sentences anu using moie coiiect giammai.

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