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Mobile nu ber1 34/5663378 E ail

Profile Objective

Achieving a position where my honesty, sincerity and hard work will have remarkable contribution towards the progress and development of the organization where I will be associated.

Education 2012-2014 MBA Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute Of Professional Studies 2008-2011 Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University B.Sc. Mathe atical Science PGDAV College University of Delhi Senior Secondar" E#a ination - $la%% &'' (ao Man Sin)h Sr. Sec. School CBS! *i)her Secondar" E#a ination - $la%% & +ri%hna Model Sr. Sec. School CBS!




er 'ntern%hi,- 'ndu%trial .rainin) 'nfo)ain Service% /td. 0uration1 2un-Au)32014 "DS under "he #ead Salary$"DS pro%ess flow involved in the %o&pany' Advan%e !(%el ) Basi% S*+


Acco ,li%h ent% Co&&on ,ealth Ga&es -./. as SP!C"A"O0 S!0VIC!S ASSIS"A1" $VO+U1"!!0' 2e&ber of Dra&ati%s so%iety of our %ollege and parti%ipated in various events

S5ill Set and 'ntere%t% #ard ,or9er) Self:Confident and *ui%9 +earner De%ision 2a9ing Ability) "ea&wor9 and ;le(ible

Per%onal 0etail% 0ate of birth 1 /<:./:/33/ /andline 6u ber1 .//-<./<8/3 Alternate 6u ber1 34/5663378 7ather8% 6a e1 0r. 9ive5anand Mi%hra 6ationalit" 1 Indian Per anent Addre%%1 0=:/.<) 1ehru Garden Colony)1ew 0oshanpura) 1a>afgarh) 1ew Delhi ://..67

0E$/A(A.'O61 ' hereb" declare that the detail% ,rovided b" e in thi% re%u e are correct and ' have 5no:in)l" not o ittedi%re,re%ented an" infor ation. ' a a:are that the co ,an" can u%e thi% data for verification ,ur,o%e% and an" aterial incon%i%tenc" identified bet:een the detail% %hared above ver%u% actual infor ation :ould have a bearin) on " e ,lo" ent3 ba%ed u,on co ,an" ,olicie%.





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